Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 2.2

Part Number A85247-01





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Setting Up DBA Studio

The DBA Management Pack features DBA Studio and SQL*Plus Worksheet.

DBA Studio combines the functionality of multiple database tools and master view detail so that you can access database administration features and manage multiple databases from one tool. DBA Studio consists of:

In previous releases of Enterprise Manager, there were individual database tools (Instance Manager, Schema Manager, Storage Manager, Security Manager, and Replication Manager). With the exception of Replication Manager and Cache Manager, should you want to continue using separate independent tools rather than the well-integrated DBA Studio, you must install them through a custom install option.

DBA Studio can be used to perform your database administration tasks and supports versions of Oracle databases back to 7.3.4.

Analyze, Backup Management, Data Management, Dimension Creation, Summary Advisor, Create Table, and Create View wizards are also available.


To use any DBA Studio and DBA Management Pack applications other than SQL*Plus Worksheet as a non-DBA user, you must have been granted the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE. The SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE is only available for Oracle8 and above databases. For information about creating the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, refer to "Giving Non-DBA Users Access to DBA Studio Against a 7.3.4 Database" on page 8-20

Figure 8-1 DBA StudioText description of dba_salo.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration dba_salo.gif


If any two objects are edited at the same time, the last edit committed will overwrite the previously committed changes without warning.  

This chapter discusses the topics listed below:

DBA Studio in Standalone or Oracle Management Server (OMS) Mode

When you start DBA Studio, you can connect either directly to the databases (in standalone mode) or through an Oracle Management Server (in OMS mode).

Direct Connection to Databases

Run DBA Studio in standalone mode if you want to perform basic administrative tasks that do not require the job, event, or group system. If you connect in standalone mode, DBA Studio has access to the databases you have set up in a local record of databases.


A Management Server and repository are not required if you only plan to run DBA Studio connected directly to the databases (in standalone mode). 

Connection through the Oracle Management Server

Run DBA Studio in OMS mode if you want to:

If you connect to an Oracle Management Server, DBA Studio has access to all databases on the discovered nodes. The Oracle Management Server must be running for DBA Studio to connect to it.

Setting Up DBA Studio in Standalone Mode

To run DBA Studio in standalone mode, you do not have to have an Oracle Enterprise Management Server or repository set up.

To set up DBA Studio in standalone mode, you must perform the following tasks:

Starting DBA Studio in Standalone Mode

  1. Start the DBA Studio.

    • On Windows NT:

      You can start the DBA Studio from the Windows Start Menu->Programs->Oracle-<Oracle_Home_Name>-> Database Administration->DBA Studio.

      You can also start the DBA Studio from the command line using the command:

      oemapp dbastudio

    • On UNIX:

      You can start the DBA Studio from the command line using the command:

      oemapp dbastudio
  2. When the login dialog appears, choose Connect directly to databases and press OK.

If you are starting DBA Studio for the first time, the left panel of DBA Studio is empty because you have not yet added the databases you want to manage. The Add Database To Tree dialog appears automatically so that you can add them to the navigator tree.

Adding Databases to the Tree in DBA Studio Standalone Mode

The Add Database To Tree dialog appears automatically when you start DBA Studio for the first time; it is also available from the File menu.

Figure 8-2 Add Database to Tree

Text description of add_db_t.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration add_db_t.gif

The Add Database To Tree dialog allows you to manually enter the Net service names or add them from the local tnsnames.ora file.

Add a database manually

You can add databases to the DBA Studio navigator tree by manually filling in the following fields:



Adding a database manually automatically updates the local tnsnames.ora file located in your <Oracle_Enterprise_Manager_Home>/network/admin directory. 

Add selected databases from your local tnsnames.ora file

You can populate the DBA Studio navigator tree by reading the database service names from the local tnsnames.ora file located in your Oracle Enterprise Manager home. The Add Database To Tree dialog displays a list of databases identified in you tnsnames.ora file from which you can select or deselect. Click the column header to the left of Service Name to either select or deselect all the databases. If you have deselected all the databases, you can choose specific databases by selecting their checkboxes.


Currently only TCP/IP service names can be added manually for DBA Studio. If the network protocols are required, add them by entering them in the tnsnames.ora file using the Net8 Configuration Assistant. All protocols are supported when you import selected services from your tnsnames.ora file. 

Connecting to a Database in DBA Studio Standalone Mode

There are four ways to connect to a database for DBA Studio:

If no preferred credentials are set in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console, the Database Connection Information dialog box appears. If preferred credentials are already set, you will connect to the database using this login information.

In the Database Connect Information dialog, enter the following information to connect to the database.


Your Oracle username for the database to which you are connecting.

For example: system


Your Oracle password for the database to which you are connecting.

For example: manager

Connect As

You can select from a pull-down list whether you want to connect to the database with NORMAL, SYSOPER, or SYSDBA privileges. Select NORMAL to connect to the database as an ordinary user. Select SYSOPER to connect to the database with special operator privileges, such as capabilities to shut down and start up the database. Select SYSDBA to connect to the database as a user with full database privileges such as the capability to grant any privileges to any user.

To use SYSOPER and SYSDBA privileges, a password file or OS group authentication must be created and set up for your database.

Save As Local Preferred Credentials

Saving preferred credentials is an option which enables you to store login information in a local file, such as username, password, and role (NORMAL, SYSOPER, or SYSDBA). Passwords are always stored in encrypted format.

This login information is used when a connection is established for the database instead of having to type a username and password each time.

You can set preferred credentials by selecting the Save As Local Preferred Credentials checkbox or you can use the Edit Local Preferred Credentials dialog available from the File menu.

The checkbox is not selected by default.

Editing Local Preferred Credentials in DBA Studio Standalone Mode

Saving or editing preferred credentials is an option which enables you to store login information, such as username, password, and role (NORMAL, SYSOPER, or SYSDBA). Passwords are always stored in encrypted format.


The passwords are encrypted in the local file so that they cannot be copied to another machine and used by a different user. 

This login information is used when a connection is established to the database instead of having to type a username and password each time.

DBA Studio stores a list of databases that are displayed in the DBA Studio navigator tree. If preferred credentials are specified for any of these databases, the username, encrypted password, and role are added to a local file.

DBA Studio maintains a local record of login credentials separately from the Oracle Management Server.


If you cannot edit the local preferred credentials, check if you are in DBA Studio standalone mode. 

To save or edit the local preferred credentials of a service, you can perform the following steps:

  1. From the File menu, select the Edit Local Preferred Credentials item. The Edit Local Preferred Credentials dialog displays a list of services.

Figure 8-3 Edit Local Preferred Credentials

Text description of edit_pc.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration edit_pc.gif
  • In the Edit Local Preferred Credentials dialog, select the service name of the database and enter or update the preferences for connection to that database.

  • Click the OK button at the bottom of the Edit Local Preferred Credentials dialog to save your updates.


    You can save or overwrite the preferred credentials by selecting the "Save As Local Preferred Credentials" checkbox in the Database Connection dialog. 

    Setting Up DBA Studio in OMS Mode

    To run DBA Studio in OMS mode, you must already have the following:

    Setting Up DBA Studio to Connect to a Management Server

    To set up DBA Studio to connect to an Oracle Management Server, follow the instructions below:

    1. Ensure that the Oracle Intelligent Agents are started on the nodes you want to manage. Refer to Chapter 5, "Starting and Stopping the Intelligent Agent" for information on starting your Intelligent Agents.

    2. Ensure that the Oracle Management Server is started. Refer to Chapter 2, "Creating a Release 2.2 Repository" for detailed information on setting up a repository and Management Server and Chapter 3, "Controlling the Management Server" for detailed information about starting the Management Server.

    3. Start the Console. Refer to Chapter 6, "Setting Up the Console" for information on starting the Console.

      Use the Discovery Wizard to discover the nodes where the desired databases reside. Refer to Chapter 6, "Setting Up the Console" for information on discovering nodes. DBA Studio will then have access to these discovered databases.


    If you want to add databases to the navigator tree for DBA Studio connected to an Oracle Management Server, you must use the Discovery Wizard from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console. The navigator tree is populated from the repository and cannot be modified using DBA Studio. 

    1. Exit the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

    Starting DBA Studio in OMS Mode

    1. Start DBA Studio.

      • On Windows NT:

        You can start DBA Studio from the Windows Start Menu->Programs->Oracle-<Oracle_Home_Name>-> Database Administration->DBA Studio.

        You can also start DBA Studio from the command line using the command:

        oemapp dbastudio
      • On UNIX:

        You can start DBA Studio from the command line using the command:

        oemapp dbastudio
    2. When the login dialog appears, choose Login to the Oracle Management Server.

    Figure 8-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Login

    Text description of dba_oem_.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration dba_oem_.gif
    1. Enter the credentials for the Enterprise Manager user account:

      Administrator: sysman or the Enterprise Manager user that the super administrator has created for you

      Password: oem_temp or the new password if you have changed it

      Management Server: the name of the node where the Oracle Management Server is running

    2. Press the OK button. DBA Studio appears. The navigator tree is populated with the databases discovered through the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

    Connecting to a Database in DBA Studio OMS Mode

    There are four ways to connect to a database for DBA Studio:

    If no preferred credentials are set in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console, the Database Connection Information dialog box appears. If preferred credentials are already set, you will connect to the database using this login information.

    If the Database Connect Information dialog appears, enter the following information to connect to the database.


    Your Oracle username for the database to which you are connecting.

    For example: system


    Your Oracle password for the database to which you are connecting.

    For example: manager

    Connect As

    You can select from a pull-down list whether you want to connect to the database with NORMAL, SYSOPER, or SYSDBA privileges. Select NORMAL to connect to the database as an ordinary user. Select SYSOPER to connect to the database with special operator privileges, such as capabilities to shut down and start up the database. Select SYSDBA to connect to the database as a user with full database privileges such as the capability to grant any privileges to any user.

    To use SYSOPER and SYSDBA privileges, a password file or OS group authentication must be created and set up for your database.

    Save As Preferred Credentials

    Saving preferred credentials is an option which enables you to store login information in the repository, such as username, password, and role (NORMAL, SYSOPER, or SYSDBA). Passwords are always stored in encrypted format.

    This login information is used when a connection is established for the database instead of having to type a username and password each time.

    The checkbox is not selected by default.

    Other DBA Studio Procedures

    This section discusses the topics listed below:

    Accessing the Quick Tour in DBA Studio

    To access the Quick Tour in DBA Studio, you must first highlight a database or any of the nodes and click the Quick Tour button in the right-hand window.

    Connecting to the Database As a Different User

    In DBA Studio you do not have to disconnect in order to reconnect as a different user.

    If you are already connected to a database and you want to reconnect as a different user

    When the Database Connect Information dialog appears, enter a different username and press OK.

    You will automatically be disconnected and reconnected.

    Viewing Which Role You Are Connected As In DBA Studio

    When a connection is made to a database, a connection icon is displayed on top of the database icon in the DBA Studio tree.

    Next to the database name, you can see the username and role you are connected as if you have connected with the SYSDBA role. For example, sys AS SYSDBA.

    Removing a Database from Tree in DBA Studio Standalone Mode

    To remove a database from the DBA Studio navigator tree, follow the steps below:

    1. Highlight the database you want to remove.

    2. From the File menu, choose Remove Database from Tree item.

    3. A message appears, saying, "Remove the <name> database from tree. Are you sure?" Click the Yes button.


    Removing the database removes the entry from the DBA Studio Navigator tree. It does not remove the entry from the tnsnames.ora file or physically remove the database. If required, you have the option of adding the database to the navigator tree again. 


    You can only remove databases from the navigator tree if you are connected to DBA Studio in standalone mode. 

    Removing a Database from the Navigator in OMS Mode

    To remove a database from the navigator tree for DBA Studio connected to an Oracle Management Server, you must remove the database from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

    1. Start the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

    2. Highlight the node where the database you want to remove resides.

    3. Select the Remove Database item from the Navigator menu.

    4. Exit the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

    5. In DBA Studio, choose the Refresh item from the View menu. The node where the desired databases reside should disappear in the navigator tree.

    Adding Databases to the Navigator Tree For DBA Studio OMS Mode

    If you want to add databases to the navigator tree for DBA Studio connected to an Oracle Management Server, you must use the Discovery Wizard from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.


    Do not stop the Oracle Management Server or the Oracle Intelligent Agent. 

    1. Start the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

    2. Choose the Discover Nodes item from the Navigator menu to launch the Discovery Wizard. For more information about service discovery, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide.

    3. Specify the nodes where the desired databases reside and discover them. DBA Studio will have access to these databases.

    4. Exit the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

    5. In DBA Studio, choose the Refresh item from the View menu. The nodes where the desired databases reside should appear in the navigator tree.

    Changing from OMS Mode to Standalone Mode

    When DBA Studio is connected to an Oracle Management Server, the DBA Studio navigator tree is populated with the discovered databases from the Enterprise Manager Console.

    The following steps describe how to copy these databases so they can be used in standalone mode.

    The databases displayed in the navigator tree can be added to the tnsnames.ora file and their associated preferred credentials saved to a local file:

    1. Use the Update tnsnames.ora File dialog from the File menu to select which services to copy to the local tnsnames.ora file.

    2. If you want to save the preferred credentials to a local file, select the "Save Preferred Credentials Locally" checkbox in the Update tnsnames.ora File dialog.


    The passwords are encrypted in the local file to prevent the file from being used on other machines. 

    To make these databases available in standalone mode, you can perform the following steps:

    1. Start DBA Studio connected directly to databases.

    2. From the File menu, select the Add Database To Tree item.

    3. In the Add Databases to Tree dialog, select the Net service names to add from the local tnsnames.ora file.

    Changing from Standalone Mode to OMS Mode

    If you have been using DBA Studio in standalone mode, the list of databases displayed in the navigator tree is retrieved from a local file.

    At some stage in the future, you may decide to administer jobs, events, and groups; run DBA Studio through a web browser; or perform backup and data management tasks. These tasks require you to run DBA Studio connected to an Oracle Management Server.

    If you now decide to run DBA Studio connected to an Oracle Management Server, the databases displayed in the navigator tree may be different than those in standalone mode, because the list of databases is retrieved from the repository and not from a local file.

    To add the databases that were available from DBA Studio in standalone mode, you will need to discover the services from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console if the databases are not already available from DBA Studio connected to the Oracle Management Server. For more information about service discovery, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide.


    To switch modes from DBA Studio in standalone mode to OMS mode, you need to close and restart DBA Studio. 

    Connecting to JServer

    If your JServer is configured for a port other than 2481, the JServer container will not expand until you have changed the port number in the JServer URL Configuration dialog.

    To access the dialog, right click the container and select the "Connect JServer" menu item. Then select the connection button. When the JServer URL Configuration dialog appears, fill in the correct GIOP Port Number.

    Giving Non-DBA Users Access to DBA Studio Against a 7.3.4 Database

    To use any DBA Studio and DBA Management Pack applications other than SQL*Plus Worksheet as a non-DBA user, you must have been granted the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE. The SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE is only available for Oracle8 and above databases.

    To create the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE on Oracle databases prior to Oracle8, run the script documented below.


    This script will have to be run as SYS in order to grant privileges to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE. 

    To create the script easily, you can cut and paste the script text from the online help.

    grant select on SYS.V_$LOG to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$THREAD to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$PROCESS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$BGPROCESS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$SESSION to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$LICENSE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$LATCH to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$LATCHNAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$RESOURCE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$_LOCK to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$LOCK to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$SESSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$MYSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$SYSSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$STATNAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$ACCESS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$DBFILE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$FILESTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$LOGFILE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$ROLLNAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$ROLLSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$SGA to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$PARAMETER to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$ROWCACHE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$TYPE_SIZE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$ARCHIVE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.V_$CIRCUIT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.V_$DATABASE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.V_$INSTANCE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.V_$DISPATCHER to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.V_$LOGHIST to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.V_$SQLAREA to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.V_$SQLTEXT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.V_$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;            
    grant select on SYS.V_$SQL to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                              
    grant select on SYS.V_$DB_PIPES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.V_$DB_OBJECT_CACHE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                  
    grant select on SYS.V_$OPEN_CURSOR to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                      
    grant select on SYS.V_$PQ_SYSSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.V_$PQ_SLAVE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.V_$QUEUE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                            
    grant select on SYS.V_$MTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                              
    grant select on SYS.V_$DBLINK to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                           
    grant select on SYS.V_$PWFILE_USERS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.V_$REQDIST to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.V_$SGASTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.V_$WAITSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.V_$SHARED_SERVER to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.V_$TIMER to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                            
    grant select on SYS.V_$RECOVER_FILE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.V_$LOG_HISTORY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                      
    grant select on SYS.V_$RECOVERY_LOG to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.V_$DATAFILE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.V_$FIXED_TABLE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                      
    grant select on SYS.V_$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;            
    grant select on SYS.V_$INDEXED_FIXED_COLUMN to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;             
    grant select on SYS.V_$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;             
    grant select on SYS.V_$SESSION_WAIT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.V_$SESSION_EVENT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.V_$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;             
    grant select on SYS.V_$SYSTEM_EVENT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.V_$EVENT_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.V_$EXECUTION to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                        
    grant select on SYS.V_$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;              
    grant select on SYS.V_$SESS_IO to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.V_$COMPATIBILITY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.V_$COMPATSEG to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;
    grant select on SYS.V_$RECOVERY_STATUS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                  
    grant select on SYS.V_$RECOVERY_FILE_STATUS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;             
    grant select on SYS.V_$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;             
    grant select on SYS.V_$SORT_SEGMENT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.V_$SQL_CURSOR to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.V_$SQL_BIND_METADATA to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                
    grant select on SYS.V_$SQL_BIND_DATA to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.V_$SQL_SHARED_MEMORY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                
    grant select on SYS.DBA_ROLES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                           
    grant select on SYS.DBA_PROFILES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                        
    grant select on SYS.DBA_CATALOG to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.DBA_CLUSTERS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                        
    grant select on SYS.DBA_CLU_COLUMNS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.DBA_COL_COMMENTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.DBA_COL_PRIVS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.DBA_DB_LINKS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                        
    grant select on SYS.DBA_EXP_OBJECTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.DBA_EXP_VERSION to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.DBA_EXP_FILES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.DBA_INDEXES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.DBA_IND_COLUMNS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.DBA_OBJECTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                   
    grant select on SYS.DBA_ROLE_PRIVS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                      
    grant select on SYS.DBA_SYS_PRIVS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.DBA_SEQUENCES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.DBA_SYNONYMS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                        
    grant select on SYS.DBA_TABLES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.DBA_TAB_COLUMNS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.DBA_TAB_COMMENTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.DBA_TAB_PRIVS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.DBA_TS_QUOTAS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.DBA_USERS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                           
    grant select on SYS.DBA_VIEWS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                           
    grant select on SYS.DBA_CONSTRAINTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.DBA_CONS_COLUMNS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.SYSCATALOG_ to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.PSS1$ to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                               
    grant select on SYS.PS1$ to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                                
    grant select on SYS.DBA_2PC_PENDING to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                   
    grant select on SYS.DBA_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;               
    grant select on SYS.DBA_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                  
    grant select on SYS.DBA_STMT_AUDIT_OPTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                 
    grant select on SYS.DBA_PRIV_AUDIT_OPTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                 
    grant select on SYS.DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.DBA_AUDIT_SESSION to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                   
    grant select on SYS.DBA_AUDIT_STATEMENT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                 
    grant select on SYS.DBA_AUDIT_OBJECT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.DBA_AUDIT_EXISTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.DBA_ERRORS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.DBA_SOURCE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.DBA_TRIGGERS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                        
    grant select on SYS.DBA_TRIGGER_COLS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.DBA_DEPENDENCIES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.CODE_PIECES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.CODE_SIZE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                           
    grant select on SYS.PARSED_PIECES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.PARSED_SIZE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.SOURCE_SIZE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.ERROR_SIZE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.DBA_OBJECT_SIZE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.DBA_JOBS_RUNNING to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                    
    grant select on SYS.DBA_JOBS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                            
    grant select on SYS.ORA_KGLR7_OBJECTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                   
    grant select on SYS.SYS_OBJECTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.DBA_SEGMENTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                        
    grant select on SYS.DBA_EXTENTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.DBA_FREE_SPACE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                      
    grant select on SYS.DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;            
    grant select on SYS.DBA_DATA_FILES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                      
    grant select on SYS.FILEXT$ to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                             
    grant select on SYS.DBA_TABLESPACES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.SM$TS_AVAIL to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.SM$TS_USED to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.SM$TS_FREE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.SM$AUDIT_CONFIG to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                     
    grant select on SYS.SM$INTEGRITY_CONS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                   
    grant select on SYS.DEFSCHEDULE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.DEFERROR to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                            
    grant select on SYS.DEFERRCOUNT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.DEFTRAN to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                             
    grant select on SYS.DEFTRANDEST to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         
    grant select on SYS.DEFDEFAULTDEST to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                      
    grant select on SYS.DBA_SNAPSHOTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                       
    grant select on SYS.DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                   
    grant select on SYS.DBA_RCHILD to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.DBA_RGROUP to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                          
    grant select on SYS.DBA_REFRESH to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;                         

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