Oracle WebDB Installation Guide
Release 2.2




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This chapter provides solutions to help you resolve errors or problems encountered while using Oracle WebDB 2.2.

9.1 Troubleshooting List

Scan the following list of troubleshooting tips that may assist you while resolving a problem in Oracle WebDB 2.2.

9.1.1 Browser fails to retrieve information

If the browser fails to retrieve any information or appears to hang when connecting to WebDB, you can isolate the problem by testing these three points of failure:

WebDB Listener

Verify that the WebDB Listener is up and running and serving requests by issuing the following command:

Windows NT

netstat -a|grep <port>

where <port> is the WebDB Listener port number.

Look for a LISTEN state for the port which means the WebDB Listener is running. For example:

*.80   *.*   0   0   0   0   LISTEN


netstat -a|findstr <port>

where <port> is the WebDB Listener port number.

Look for a LISTENING state for the port which means the WebDB Listener is running. For example:

TCP hostname ... LISTENING

If you do not see LISTEN OR LISTENING, this indicates that the WebDB Listener is down or not running on this port and may be running on another port.

PL/SQL Toolkit (in database)

To verify that the PL/SQL toolkit is properly installed and working:

This should display the resulting WebDB Home page, generated by the procedure webdb.home. If the webdb.home procedure does not execute successfully, or you don't see any output, then there is a problem with either the PL/SQL toolkit or the webdb.home procedure.

If HTML is generated, then the problem is not with the PL/SQL Toolkit. If you do not see the correct results, execute the following commands at the SQL prompt:


You should see PL/SQL successfully completed. If you do not, this indicates that PL/SQL is not installed correctly in your database. Ask your database administrator to re-run the catproc.sql script as the SYS user:

Platform  Path 



Windows NT 


Connection between WebDB and the database

To determine if there is a connection problem between WebDB and the database, verify the following:

9.1.2 WebDB Listener doesn't start with new hostname

If you reinstalled WebDB Listener with a new hostname, the Listener may not start. The reason is because the installation does not modify the hostname in the Windows NT registry.

To manually modify the Windows NT registry for the new hostname, edit the registry with regedit as follows:

  + CurrentControlSet
   + Services
    + OracleWebDbListener
     - Parameters

In the right frame, right-click the HostName entry, and choose Modify. Enter the fully-qualified hostname in the text field, and click OK. You should now be able to restart the Listener successfully.

9.1.3 Error log

The WebDB packages installation error log file is contained in the following location:


where ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle Home where you installed WebDB.

9.1.4 Uploading documents to a Web site

If you upload documents to a WebDB site using the Item Wizard and the following error messages are displayed:

ORA-20000: ConText error: DRG-50704: Net8 listener is not running or cannot start external procedures.

ORA-28575: unable to open RPC connection to external procedure agent.

You have either not configured your database Listener for external procedures or your database Listener is not running. See "Configuring Variables and General Configuration" for more information.

9.1.5 Setting the MAX_ENABLED_ROLES parameter

Ensure that the MAX_ENABLED_ROLES parameter is in your INIT.ORA file and set to at least 25. Shut down your database, and restart it after changing INIT.ORA.

9.1.6 Setting the MAX_OPEN_CURSORS parameter

If this error occurs while WebDB is running:

ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

Ensure that the MAX_OPEN_CURSORS parameter is in your INIT.ORA file and set to at least 100. Shut down your database, and restart it after changing INIT.ORA.

9.1.7 Tablespace sizes

You should have tablespaces available with sizes of at least 25-30 MB each. These tablespaces will be used as Temporary and Default tablespaces by the schema in which you install WebDB.

For each Web site you create with WebDB, you should have a tablespace of at least 10 MB.

9.1.8 Shared pool size

When installing WebDB with Release 7.3.4 of the Oracle server, ensure that you use a value for the SHARED_POOL_SIZE environment variable that is larger than the default value. The default value is too small and causes the installation of WebDB to fail. With Release 8.0.5, the default value of SHARED_POOL_SIZE is sufficient.

9.1.9 Creating interMedia Text Indexes

If you are unable to create an interMedia Text index, make sure that the "Keep Database Connection Open between Requests" is set to "No" for both the DADs on your WebDB site.

This field is located on the Oracle WebDB PL/SQL Gateway Settings page by clicking Listener Settings from the Administer page.

After the index is created, reset this parameter to "Yes" for optimal performance.

Additional Information:

Chapter 7, "Integrating interMedia Text in WebDB Site Builder"

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