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Table of Contents Image Oracle9iAS TopLink CMP for Users of IBM WebSphere Guide
Release 2 (9.0.3)

Part Number B10067-01
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1 Introduction

TopLink Container-Managed Persistence
TopLink for Java
TopLink Mapping Workbench
Understanding container-managed persistence
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)
Terminology and definitions
Java objects and Entity Beans

2 Mapping Entity Beans

Using TopLink Mapping Workbench
Creating mappings
Direct mappings
Relationship mappings
Mappings between entity beans
Mappings between entity beans and Java objects
One-to-one mappings
One-to-many mappings
Many-to-many mappings
Aggregate object mappings
Aggregate collection mappings
Sequencing with Entity Beans
Adding sequencing outside of the TopLink Mapping Workbench

3 Configuring TopLink Container-Managed Persistence

Software requirements
A note about the WebSphere Module Visibility setting
Configuring TopLink CMP
Testing your TopLink installation
Testing TopLink deployment tool
Testing TopLink Container-Managed Persistence with entity beans
Running the Server with TopLink

4 EJB Entity Bean Deployment

Overview of deployment
Understanding Deployment
Requirements before deployment
Assemble the entity beans into a .jar or .ear file
Configuring entity bean deployment descriptors
Preparing for deployment
Running the Deployment Tool
Running the command line Deployment Tool
Running the graphic Deployment tool
Using Deploy Tool with WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD)
Deploying a TopLink-Deployed EJB JAR
Starting the entity bean
Running an EJB Client

5 Defining and Executing Queries

Using Finder Libraries
NAMED finders
Creating NAMED finders
Defining "named" TopLink queries
Using the TopLink expression framework
Using the generic NAMED finder
CALL finders
Creating CALL finders
Executing a CALL finder
Creating EXPRESSION finders
Executing an EXPRESSION finder
EJBQL finders
Creating an EJBQL finder
READALL finders
Creating READALL finders
Executing a READALL finder
Advanced finder options
Caching options
Disabling caching of returned finder results
Refreshing finder results

6 Run time considerations

Transaction support
TopLink within the IBM WebSphere Server
When updates occur
Valid transactional states
Maintaining bidirectional relationships
One-to-Many relationship
Managing dependent objects
Serializing Java objects between client and server
Managing collections of EJBObjects

7 Customization

Customizing TopLink descriptors and mappings
Creating projects and TopLink descriptors in Java
Customizing TopLink descriptors with amendment methods
Working with TopLink ServerSession and Login
Understanding ServerSession
Understanding DatabaseLogin
Customizing ServerSession and DatabaseLogin
Additional configuration changes

8 The Single Bean Example Application

Understanding the Single Bean example
The Object model
The interface
The class
The home interface
Database schema
Entity Development
Create the interfaces
Create and implement the bean classes
Create the deployment descriptors
The TopLink deployment descriptor: toplink-ejb-jar.xml
Map the entities to the database
Creating a TopLink project
Generate code for deployment
Deploy the EAR file
Run the client

A EJB Architectures Summary

Introduction to EJB architectures
Remote Entities
Remote Session beans
Session Façade - Combining Session and Entity beans
Dependent Java Objects

B The toplink-ejb-jar DTD

DTD listing


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