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Oracle9iAS TopLink CMP for Users of IBM WebSphere Guide
Release 2 (9.0.3)

Part Number B10067-01
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Configuring TopLink Container-Managed Persistence

This chapter describes the configuration and testing of TopLink Container-Managed Persistence. Please refer to Oracle9iAS TopLink Getting Started for installation information.

Software requirements

TopLink Container-Managed Persistence requires:

A note about the WebSphere Module Visibility setting

TopLink only supports the WebSphere APPLICATION mode and MODULE mode for module visibility. This is because of the way WebSphere Application Server defines its class loader isolation mode for each setting.

A J2EE application (EAR file) can have multiple EJB modules (EJB JAR files). TopLink Container-Managed Persistence is designed to load one toplink-ejb-jar.xml per EJB module (EJB JAR). If the module visibility mode is not set to MODULE, an EJB module could load the wrong toplink-ejb-jar.xml from the other EJB module. TopLink CMP also supports the application with the restriction that each application can only have one EJB JAR file. Again, this is due to how class loader is designed for this mode. For more information about module visibility in WebSphere, consult the WebSphere documentation.

WebSphere 4.0 document from the link above indicates, "Portable J2EE applications should be written with Module-level visibility." Developer should keep this in mind when developing application.

Table 3-1 TopLink support of server-installable applications on server vs. module visibility mode
Installable Applications on Server Module Visibility Mode
Application Module Compatibility Server

Multiple applications in which each application can have multiple TopLink EJB modules





Multiple applications in which each application has single TopLink EJB module





Single application has multiple TopLink EJB modules





Single application has Single TopLink EJB module





Configuring TopLink CMP

The following procedures configure TopLink Container-Managed Persistence Foundation Library. This procedure assumes you have already installed TopLink Container-Managed Persistence.


  • If you are running under Windows NT, make sure you have administrator privileges. Also, make sure you modify the System Variables, not the User Variables.

  • Java package names are case-sensitive. If you are installing under a 32-bit Windows environment, ensure the case sensitivity is enabled.

The steps required for preparing a system for TopLink depends on the type of system you are running:

Installing TopLink JARs to a WebSphere Server
  1. Create a directory structure in the WebSphere installation directory as follows:


    If you are using WebSphere, (the default installation directory is C:\WebSphere\AppServer) ; if you are using WSAD, the default directory is C:\Program Files\ibm\Application Developer\plugins\

  2. Copy the following JAR files to the directory you created:

    • <INSTALL_DIR>\core\lib\toplink.jar

    • <INSTALL_DIR>\core\lib\xerces.jar

    • <INSTALL_DIR>\core\lib\tl_wasx.jar

    • <INSTALL_DIR>\hsql\lib\hsql_ds.jar

    • <INSTALL_DIR>\hsql\lib\hsqldb.jar

    where <INSTALL_DIR> is the directory into which you installed TopLink (C:\{ORACLE_HOME}\toplink if you installed to the default directory).

  3. Check the PATH and, if necessary, modify it to include <JAVADIR>\bin where <JAVADIR> is the installation drive and directory for your Java Virtual Machine (VM) executable. This path must be the first one listed in the PATH environment variable, before any other paths.

  4. Check and if necessary, modify the CLASSPATH environment variable.


    The CLASS and CLASSPATH commands must appear in your autoexec.bat file. If either of them is missing, you must add them manually.

To Modify the PATH and CLASSPATH for running the Deploy tool
  1. If you have not already done so, edit your PATH to include <JAVADIR>\bin\; as the first entry in the PATH list.

  2. Edit the CLASSPATH to include all of the following:


    where <INSTALL_DIR> is the directory into which you installed TopLink (C:\{ORACLE_HOME}\toplink if you installed to the default directory).

Testing your TopLink installation

Compile and execute the JDBCConnectTest class in the oracle.toplink.tutorials.gettingstarted package.

To test the installation, do one of the following:

If the code does not run successfully, check the error message and ensure that all of your settings are correct. You may also need to consult Oracle9iAS TopLink Troubleshooting.

Testing TopLink deployment tool

With the Java VM PATH and CLASSPATH properly configured, run the following classes to test the deployment tool:

java oracle.toplink.ejb.cmp.was.deploy.Deploy

java oracle.toplink.ejb.cmp.was.deploy.EJBDeployFrame(GUI tool)

Other ways to test the installation:

Testing TopLink Container-Managed Persistence with entity beans

To test TopLink Container-Managed Persistence with entity beans, run the Single Bean example documented in Chapter 8, "The Single Bean Example Application". .

When the TopLinkConnectTest, the TopLink Mapping Workbench, and the Single Bean example all run successfully, your TopLink installation is complete.

Running the Server with TopLink

Start the server as described in the WebSphere documentation. Refer to the WebSphere documentation for more information on class loader and classpath issues. Once the server is running, start the TopLink CMP application.


If you encounter problems running WebSphere, contact IBM support.

See Oracle9iAS TopLink Troubleshooting for more information.

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