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Oracle9iAS TopLink CMP for Users of IBM WebSphere Guide
Release 2 (9.0.3)

Part Number B10067-01
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EJB Entity Bean Deployment

TopLink Container-Managed Persistence provides container-managed persistence (CMP) for 1.1 Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs). The deployment process generates CMP code that allows TopLink to handle persistence aspects of EJBs. To install entity beans within the IBM WebSphere ApplicationServer and make them available for client applications, entity beans must be deployed within the server.

Overview of deployment

The goal of deployment is to make entity beans available to client applications. The early stages of the process involves writing entity beans, and mapping the beans to create a TopLink project. The deployment process involves several stages that start with configuring the deployment descriptor and generating deployed code in TopLink. The final stages of deployment process include deploying beans to the server and starting the beans. For much of the deployment process, WebSphere tools for Java, and TopLink Deployment Tool programs are used.

Understanding Deployment

The term "deployment" can sometimes cause confusion since there are actually a number of stages that occur between creating the bean classes and installing them in a running server.

Generally speaking the deployment process is three distinct steps:

  1. Configuration - A number of properties are specified for the bean, including what persistence mechanism is being used and additional information required by the persistence mechanism.

  2. Code generation - The information provided in the configuration stage is used by both IBM WebSphere and TopLink tools to generate the classes required for the bean. This includes helper classes related to transactions, persistence, and security, the EJBHome and EJBObject implementations, and the stubs and skeletons required for RMI-IIOP.

  3. Installation - The server is started and instructed to make the bean available to clients.

Requirements before deployment

The following tasks must be completed prior to the deployment of TopLink persisted entity beans:

Assemble the entity beans into a .jar or .ear file

To create the EAR or JAR file
  1. Create a toplink-ejb-jar.xml file to associate the TopLink project with the JAR and put it in the same directory as ejb-jar.xml.

  2. Add the Toplink project. If the project is a Java class then it must be added to the same directory location as bean classes. If the project it is an XML file then it must be added to the same directory as ejb-jar.xml file (i.e META-INF/).

Configuring entity bean deployment descriptors

The deployment descriptor and other WebSphere configuration settings can be edited by opening the EJB Jar or EAR file in the WebSphere Application Assembly Tool (WAAT; see the documentation accompanying WAAT for more information). The deployment descriptor can also be edited manually by opening it in a text editor.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "US-ASCII"?>
<!DOCTYPE toplink-ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Oracle Corp.
//DTD TopLink 4.5 CMP for WebSphere//EN"

Preparing for deployment

After the bean has been mapped to the appropriate tables using the TopLink Mapping Workbench, some additional configuration is required. This includes creating and editing the deployment descriptor information, and generating the classes that the WebSphere server will use at runtime.

This section describes the steps involved in preparing for deployment. Consult WebSphere Application Server documentation for the most up-to-date information on the reference tools.

The steps are:

Running the Deployment Tool

The Deployment Tool is used to create the Deployed JAR from the EJB JAR or the VisualAge Deployed JAR. There are two ways to run the deployment tool: as a command line tool, or as a graphic interface.

Running the command line Deployment Tool

The command line deploy tool requires that the CLASSPATH is setup correctly. The Installation section in Oracle9iAS TopLink Getting Started contains a list of CLASSPATH items that the Deploy Tool requires. In addition, the dependent classes referred to by your entity beans must be in the CLASSPATH. The command-line deploy tool can be invoked using the following command:

java oracle.toplink.ejb.cmp.was.deploy.Deploy

Running the graphic Deployment tool

To run the graphic user interface deployment tool from Windows, click Start > Programs > Oracle9iAS TopLink > Tools > Deploy Tool for WebSphere Server.

You can also manually start the script files that preconfigure the CLASSPATH to start this graphic interface deploy tool. The files are

<INSTALL_DIR>\was_cmp\deployTool.cmd (for Windows)

<INSTALL_DIR>/was_cmp/ (for Unix)

The Deployment Tool is used to create the Deployed JAR from the EJB JAR. Fill in the necessary fields in the Deploy Tool. The File menu allows settings of fields to be saved to a file and the settings are retrieved when the file is loaded.

Figure 4-1 The TopLink Deploy Tool

Text description of deploy.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration deploy.gif

Set the Source EJB JAR File

The EJB JAR created in WebSphere AAT or WSAD.

Deploy EJB JAR File

The path and name of the JAR file which will be generated by the tool.

Working Directory

The temporary directory in which generating classes will be stored. The directory will not be deleted if the "Preserve the working directory and generated classes" option is selected.

WebSphere Home

The directory where WebSphere Application Server is installed, e.g. C:\WebSphere\AppServer.

WebSphere JDK Home

The directory where the Java VM of WebSphere Application Server is installed, e.g. C:\WebSphere\AppServer\java


Set the Classpath field to include the toplink.jar and the tl_wasx.jar files and other required resources such as the dependent Java classes.

To deploy a JAR
  1. If the Copy generated source to directory option is selected, a copy of the generated code is placed in the specified directory. This is a quick and efficient way to copy the files into a WSAD project working directory.

  2. Select the Turn on tracing options if you want to see the details of the process.

  3. Click the Deploy EJB Jar button.

Using Deploy Tool with WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD)

The Deploy tool is completely compatible with the WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD).

To deploy from the Deploy Tool to WSAD
  1. Select the EJB Project in WSAD and choose to generate Deploy and RMIC Code.

  2. Export the EJB Project to an EJB JAR, make sure that TopLink project, toplink-ejb-jar.xml file are included in the EJB JAR.

  3. Start the TopLink Deploy Tool.

  4. Choose the EJB project working directory to allow TopLink to override WSAD deploy code with TopLink deploy code.

  5. If the source is copied to a directory other than the WSAD EJB Project folder, manually copy the source files to the WSAD EJB Project under the ejbModule directory of the project.

  6. Enter appropriate directories in the fields of the Deploy Tool.

Figure 4-2 The Deploy Tool set up for use with WSAD

Text description of deploy2.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration deploy2.gif

  • Select Deploy EJB JAR to create the deployed EJB JAR.

  • Choose Rebuild all from the Project menu to compile the TopLink deploy code to incorporate TopLink CMP.


    The most common error is NoClassDefFoundError exception which can be corrected by adding the required resources to the "Classpath" input field. Also "Turn on tracing" option helps to debug error during the generation of deployment code. When an obscure error is shown during the generating stub phase, copy the Java command and run it at the command prompt. This gives a more detailed error message.

    Deploying a TopLink-Deployed EJB JAR

    To deploy to WebSphere Application Server
    1. Start the Administration Server if it is not already started.

    2. Start the Administrator's Console and deploy the JAR. For information on deploying the JAR, consult your WebSphere documentation.


      When deploying an application containing an entity bean, a data source must be set up and associated with the bean. For information on creating and associating data sources, consult your WebSphere documentation.

    It is not necessary to deploy the EJB JAR in WSAD, because deployment is carried using the Deploy Tool (see "Using Deploy Tool with WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD)").

    Starting the entity bean

    You can start the bean in either the WebSphere Application Server or in WSAD.

    To start the bean in IBM WebSphere Application Server
    1. Select the application containing the entity beans.

    2. Right click and choose Start.

    A message dialog will be displayed if the bean started successfully. If an error occurs, consult the Troubleshooting section.

    To start the bean in WSAD
    1. With WSAD running, right click the EJB project and choose Run on Server.

    2. Optionally, open the Console tab of the Server view to view the status of the process.

    Running an EJB Client

    After the beans have been deployed, an EJB client can be run to access them. The client can either be a SessionBean or a Java program running outside the server.

    The EJB client requires the following bean classes in its CLASSPATH: remote interface, home interface, and primary key classes for all the beans accessed. In addition, if the client is a session bean running on the same server as the entity beans and you want to access the local interfaces of the entity beans, you must also include their local and home interfaces on the CLASSPATH.

    To lookup a bean's home interface a JNDI InitialContext must be setup. Setting up the initial context requires that the server's URL be supplied.

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