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Oracle9i Application Server Client CD-ROM Release Notes
Release 2 (9.0.2) for Windows

Part Number A97356-01
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Oracle9i Application Server

Client CD-ROM Release Notes

Release 2 (9.0.2) for Windows

April 2002

Part No. A97356-01

These Release Notes contain important last minute information not included in the online documentation library.

This document summarizes the differences between Oracle9iAS Database Client and its documented functionality.

See Also:

Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes

1 Certification and System Requirements

This section describes Oracle9iAS Database Client system and accessibility requirements.

1.1 Windows 95 Support

Oracle9i Server and Oracle9i Client software is not supported on Windows 95. However, you can continue to use an Oracle8i Client or Oracle8 Client on Windows 95 to connect to an Oracle9i Database.

1.2 Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible to the disabled community. Oracle9i Application Server release 9.0.2 supports accessibility features. To make best use of these accessibility features, Oracle Corporation recommends the following software configuration:

Additional accessibility information for Oracle products can be found at:

For the latest configuration information, and for information on addressing accessibility and assistive technology issues, see the Oracle Accessibility FAQ at:

2 Documentation

This section describes Oracle9iAS Database Client documentation requirements.

2.1 Corrections to the Oracle9iAS Client CD (9.0.2) documentation

Oracle9i is not supported on Windows 95. Ignore occurrences of support for Windows 95 in the Oracle9i documentation library.

2.2 Accessing Documentation on the CD-ROM

Some manuals referenced in this document are not on the Oracle9iAS Documentation CD-ROM. You can view them at:

3 Installation Issues

This section describes Oracle9iAS Database Client installation issues.

4 Product Related Issues

This section describes Oracle9iAS Database Client product related issues.

4.1 Character Sets

This section contains these topics:

4.1.1 AL24UTFFSS Character Set

Oracle9i Database Client does not support the Unicode character set AL24UTFFSS introduced in Oracle7. This character set was based on the Unicode standard 1.1, which is now obsolete.

Oracle9i Database Client supports the Unicode database character sets AL32UTF8 and UTF8. These database character sets include the Unicode enhancements based on the Unicode standard 3.0.

To migrate the existing AL24UTFFSS database, upgrade your database character set to UTF8 before upgrading to Oracle9i. Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the Character Set Scanner for data analysis before attempting to migrate your existing database character set.

4.1.2 Accessing Object Types and Collections through JDBC

The Oracle JDBC class files, and, provide character set support for the thin and Oracle Call Interface (OCI) drivers. The files contain all the necessary classes to provide complete character set support for all Oracle character sets for CHAR and NCHAR datatypes not retrieved or inserted as part of an Oracle object or collection type. See "Oracle Character Datatypes Support" of Oracle9i JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference for a description of CHAR and NCHAR datatypes.

However, in the case of the CHAR and VARCHAR data portion of Oracle objects and collections, the thin and OCI drivers require for JDK 1.2.x and 1.3.x or for JDK 1.1.x for most Oracle character sets (except US7ASCII, WE8DEC, WE8ISO8859P1, and UTF8). These two nls_charset*.zip files are included in the Oracle JDBC driver installation. To obtain this support, you must add the appropriate nls_charset*.zip file to your CLASSPATH or the logical equivalent, depending on the application.


For most languages (including English and other Western European languages), the default character set on Windows is not US7ASCII, WE8DEC, WE8ISO8859P1, or UTF8. Therefore, nls_charset*.zip file is necessary on Windows for most languages.

See Also:

Oracle9i JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference for more information on this topic

4.2 Oracle C++ Call Interface Methods Specific to Windows NT

The global methods for getting collections of Refs or setting collections of Refs from classes Statement and ResultSet have changed for Windows NT as follows:

The method names have been changed but the number of parameters and the types of the parameters remain the same as the original getVector and setVector methods for Refs on these classes.

ResultSet Class: Fetching collection of Refs
void getVectorOfRefs(ResultSet  *rs, unsigned int index, 
 OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::vector<Ref<T> > &vect);

This method fetches a column value specified by the column index that is a collection of Refs from a result set.

The parameters are:

Statement Class: Fetching collection of Refs
void getVectorOfRefs(Statement *stmt, unsigned int index, 
 OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::vector<Ref<T> > &vect);

This method fetches a column value specified by the column index that is a collection of Refs from a statement. This is used in case of OUT binds and data manipulation language (DML) returning clauses. The parameters are:

Statement Class: Inserting a collection of Refs
template  <class T>
void setVectorOfRefs(Statement *stmt, unsigned int paramIndex,
  const OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::vector<Ref<T> > &vect, 
  const OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::string &sqltype);

This method inserts a collection of Refs into a column specified by the index. The parameters are:

The global methods for the fetching or inserting of collections of objects have been changed for Windows NT. The interface remains the same with respect to the method names and the number of parameters and the datatypes, but differs in the template parameter definition for Windows NT. Specifically, the template parameter for the template methods of getVector and setVector of objects (object pointers) on Windows NT have a T instead of a T * as shown in the following APIs.

Note that the usage of the methods does not differ across the platforms (users need not modify the call to these methods at all). On Windows NT, the template arguments passed as object pointers in the method call are specialized for the parameter T instead of T * on other platforms.

class ResultSet: fetching a collection of objects
#ifdef WIN32COMMON
   template <class T>
   void getVector( ResultSet *rs, unsigned int index, 
     OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::vector< T > &vect) ;
  template <class T>
    void getVector( ResultSet *rs, unsigned int index,
      OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::vector< T* > &vect) ;

This method fetches a collection of objects from a ResultSet for the column specified by the index.

The parameters are:

class Statement: fetching a collection of objects
#ifdef WIN32COMMON
   template <class T>
   void getVector( Statement *stmt, unsigned int index,  
     OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::vector< T > &vect) ;
   template <class T>
   void getVector( Statement *stmt, unsigned int index,
     OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::vector< T* > &vect) ;

This method fetches a collection of objects from a statement for the column specified by the index. This method is used in case of OUT binds and DML returning clauses. The parameters are:

class Statement: inserting a vector of objects
#ifdef WIN32COMMON
  template <class T>
  void setVector( Statement *stmt, unsigned int paramIndex, 
    const OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::vector< T > &vect, 
    const  OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::string &sqltype) ;
  template <class T>
  void setVector( Statement *stmt, unsigned int paramIndex,
    const OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::vector<T* > &vect, 
    const OCCI_STD_NAMESPACE::string &sqltype) ;

This method inserts a collection of objects into a statement for the column specified by the index. The parameters are:

4.3 Oracle Call Interface (OCI)

Oracle Corporation only ships an import library, oci.lib, for use with the Microsoft Compiler. Other compilers, for example, Borland, though likely compatible with the Oracle DLLs, are not tested and supported by Oracle for use with OCI.

4.4 Object Type Translator

4.5 Oracle9i Network, Directory, and Security Issues

This section contains these topics:

4.5.1 Windows Native Authentication

Currently user database links are not supported with Windows Native Authentication.

4.5.2 Active Directory

4.6 SQL*Plus

SQL*Plus does not run and you cannot install the database successfully without the DLLs wininet.dll and shlwapi.dll.

If these DLLs are not present on the computer, you can get them from another computer, the MSDN Web site, or the Windows NT 4.0 installation CD-ROM. Copy the DLLs to C:\WINNT\system32\ before installing Oracle9i.

See Also:

These Microsoft Knowledge Base articles at the Microsoft Support Web site:

  • Q196917

  • Q174180

  • Q184349

4.7 Enterprise JavaBeans

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) are not supported with JDK release 1.1. EJB can only be used with JDK release 1.2.2.

Oracle is a registered trademark, and SQL*Plus, Oracle9i, Oracle8i, and Oracle8 is a trademark or registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright © 2002 Oracle Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 2002 Oracle Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.
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