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Collaboration Suite Home Page Access

Hannah accesses the Collaboration Suite Home Page to begin her day. She can perform all her daily activities through this interface.

Collaboration Suite Home Page iconWhen Hannah gets into the office in the morning, first thing she accesses the Collaboration Suite Home Page. From here, she can read her e-mail, access her files, search for any file and view her calendar. Because Oracle Collaboration Suite supports Single Sign-On, Hannah only needs to log in once to see everything.

Hannah notices that an URGENT e-mail notification from John has come in for a meeting tomorrow, Thursday at 2:00PM. John wants Hannah to update the Planning Document before the meeting. Hannah opens her calendar to see when she can work on it. She sees an open hour later in the afternoon, so she assigns herself a task and sets a deadline for just before the meeting.Select to Show Me How

Later that day, Hannah locates and opens the document in Oracle Files using Web Folders. Once opened, the Planning Document is automatically locked to prevent the other workspace members from making changes simultaneously.

Hannah locates the area in the document that needs updating and realizes that she doesn't have all the necessary information to complete her section.

To find the information Hannah is looking for, she performs a search on e-mail, files and web sources using Oracle Ultra Search.

Now that Hannah has located the appropriate information, she copies and pastes the information into the Planning Document and saves it back to the Planning Workspace. Once Hannah closes the document, the automatic editing lock releases, making the document available for editing by other workspace members.

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