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Oracle Files Administration Guide

Part Number A97358-01
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Administration Tools Overview

A full range of administration tools are provided with Oracle Files to configure Oracle Files, start and stop domains and nodes, configure nodes, manage service and server objects, provide security for documents, work from the command line, migrate data and users to Oracle Files, import/export data and users from one Oracle Files schema to another, and monitor domain, service, and node performance. These include:

Configuration Wizards

Configuration wizards are used during installation to initially set up the Oracle Files domain and specify a default credential manager to associate with the domain. As you work with Oracle Files, you may wish to change these default settings. You can do this by running the various configuration wizards.

Oracle Files Configuration Assistant

The Oracle Files Configuration Assistant is an installation and configuration wizard that lets you create an Oracle Files domain.

The Configuration Assistant is specific for the release of Oracle Files. The tool performs these important functions:

You launch the Configuration Assistant from the command line by executing the ifsca script, located in the following directory:



You can also prepare or modify a response file and pass the filename to the Configuration Assistant as a parameter, for a non-interactive, or "silent," configuration. See the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation Guide for details.

Oracle Files Credential Manager Configuration Assistant

The Oracle Files Credential Manager Configuration Assistant lets you create, edit, and configure Ifs credential managers and Oracle Internet Directory (OID) credential managers. This wizard launches automatically during configuration and enables you to accept the default Ifs credential manager or create an OID credential manager.

After initial installation and configuration of the domain, you can use this wizard to reconfigure credential managers. For example, if the Oracle Internet Directory associated with a particular credential manager you've created migrates to a different host on the network, you will need to reconfigure the OID credential manager accordingly. See Chapter 6, "Oracle Internet Directory and Credential Management" for more information.

Management Tools

Which management tool you use will depend on the function to be performed and whether you want to work with the Oracle Files domain as one of several middle-tier applications integrated with the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Website

Oracle Enterprise Manager Website provides Web-based management tools designed specifically for Oracle9i Application Server. You can monitor and configure the components of your Oracle9i Application Server installations as well as access basic Oracle Files domain and node functions. It also allows administrators to monitor and dynamically tune the domain's nodes, services, and servers. Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Website, you can:

Accessing the Oracle Enterprise Manager Website

From your web browser, access the Oracle Enterprise Manager Website by pointing your browser to:



The page you see depends on the components you configured and the choices you made during Oracle9iAS installation and whether or not you installed an Oracle9iAS Infrastructure. For example, you might see the Oracle9iAS Farm Home page listing all of the application server instances associated with a particular Oracle9iAS instance or the Application Servers Home page listing all of the application server instances installed on the current host.

Command-line Utilities, Scripts, and Other Tools

Command-line utilities and scripts are interfaces for administrators familiar with Oracle products who want to work directly from the command line.


ifsctl is a tool for starting, stopping, and monitoring Oracle Files domains and nodes from the command line. Details are provided in "Starting Oracle Files from the Command Line" in Chapter 4.


The following scripts may be used:

Script Description


Run the Oracle Files Configuration Assistant


Start the Oracle Credential Manager Configuration Assistant.


Manage domains and nodes.

Bulk Administration Tools for Oracle Files

A Subscriber Administrator can use the Bulk Creation and Update tools to administer users and workspaces in Oracle Files.

Each tool works in a similar manner: it reads an XML file containing a list of "actions" (for instance, create a workspace or update users), processes the list, and executes the actions.

The Bulk Creation and Update tools include:

User Administration Tool

The User Administration tool updates the profile of each user listed in an XML file, unless the user does not exist in the Subscriber. Some exceptions exist, however:


User passwords cannot be changed using the User Administration tool.

Besides user profiles, the XML file also contains an "action" which, in the case of the User Administration tool, is an "update action":

<action label="update">

  <publicfolder enabled="yes" /> 

The XML file must conform to the User Administration tool Document Type Definition (DTD).

DTD for the User Administration Tool

<!DOCTYPE users [
  <!ELEMENT users (defaults?, (action|condition)+)>
  <!ELEMENT defaults (property+)>

  <!ELEMENT condition (condition|action)+>         
  <!ATTLIST condition type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>     
  <!ATTLIST condition op NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>       
  <!ATTLIST condition left CDATA #REQUIRED>       
  <!ATTLIST condition right CDATA #REQUIRED>      

  <!ELEMENT action (class, property*, user+)>
  <!ATTLIST action label ID #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST action description CDATA #IMPLIED>

  <!ELEMENT class (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT property EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST property name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST property value CDATA #REQUIRED>

  <!ELEMENT user (userid, password?, email?, firstname?, lastname?, quota?, 
locale?, publicfolder?)>

  <!ELEMENT userid (#PCDATA)>
  <!ATTLIST userid enabled (yes|no) #IMPLIED>

  <!ELEMENT password (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT quota (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT locale (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT publicfolder EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST publicfolder enabled (yes|no) "yes">

Running the User Administration Tool

To run the User Administration tool, the Subscriber Administrator must run:


Before running the User Administration tool, the following parameters must be specified in the following order:

  1. Oracle Files Domain; for example, ifs://
  2. Service Configuration Name; for example, MediumServiceConfiguration
  3. Oracle Files Password
  4. Oracle Files User Password
  5. sba=<Subscriber Administrator username>; for example, sba=subscriber_admin
  6. pwd=<Subscriber Administrator password>
  7. file=<XML file containing the list of actions to perform>

For example, to invoke the User Administration tool, enter the following:

JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xmx512m -DIFS.DOMAIN.NODE.OracleHome=$ORACLE_HOME 
oracle.ifs.files.admin.bulk.user.UsersAdministrationTool $IFSDOMAIN 
USER_PASSWORD sba=$1 pwd=$2 file=$3

Workspace Administration Tool

Running the Workspace Administration tool will "determine" whether the Workspace Creation tool or the Workspace Update tool will be invoked. If the Workspace Creation tool is invoked, one or more workspaces are created. If the Workspace Update tool is invoked, one or more workspaces are updated. The Workspace Update tool will use the workspace information contained in the XML file to update or create workspaces in Oracle Files.

Running the Workspace Administration Tool

The Subscriber Administrator invokes the Workspace Administration tool by running:


To run the Workspace Administration tool, the following parameters must be specified in the following order:

  1. Oracle Files Domain; for example, ifs://
  2. Service Configuration Name; for example, MediumServiceConfiguration
  3. Oracle Files Password
  4. Oracle Files User Password
  5. sba=<Subscriber Administrator username>; for example, sba=subscriber_admin
  6. pwd=<Subscriber Administrator password>
  7. file=<XML file containing the list of actions to perform>

Sample XML File

This XML file contains one "action" for updating workspaces and another "action" for creating workspaces:

<action label="create">
<workspace name="test_workspace" type="public">
  <description>Test Workspace for the administration tool</description> 
  <member name="test.user" access="admin" /> 

<action label="update">
<workspace name="test_workspace">
  <publicfolder enabled="no" /> 

DTD for the Workspace Administration Tool

The XML file must conform to a Workspace Administration tool DTD. The following is a DTD file for the Workspace Administration tool:

<!DOCTYPE workspaces [

  <!ELEMENT workspaces (defaults?, (action|condition)+)>

  <!ELEMENT defaults (property+)>

  <!ELEMENT condition (condition|action)+>         
  <!ATTLIST condition type NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>     
  <!ATTLIST condition op NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>       
  <!ATTLIST condition left CDATA #REQUIRED>       
  <!ATTLIST condition right CDATA #REQUIRED>

  <!ELEMENT action (class, property*, workspace+)>
  <!ATTLIST action label ID #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST action description CDATA #IMPLIED>

  <!ELEMENT class (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT property EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST property name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST property value CDATA #REQUIRED>

  <!ELEMENT workspace (description?, quota?, publicfolder?, member*)>
  <!ATTLIST workspace name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST workspace type (public|private) #IMPLIED>

  <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>

  <!ELEMENT quota (#PCDATA)> 

  <!ELEMENT publicfolder EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST publicfolder enabled (yes|no) "no">

  <!ELEMENT member EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST member access (admin|RW|RO|delete) #REQUIRED>

Workspace Creation Tool

The Workspace Creation tool is invoked by the Workspace Administration tool to create new workspaces in Oracle Files. The Workspace Creation tool creates each workspace that is listed in the XML file unless it encounters errors. Such errors include:


The delete value for the member access property is valid only for the Bulk Workspace Update tool.

Workspace Update Tool

The Workspace Update tool updates each workspace listed in the XML file if the workspace does not exist in the Subscriber. Some exceptions exist, however: