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Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10376-01
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Changing Network Configurations

This chapter provides procedures for changing the network configuration of an Oracle Application Server host.

It contains the following topics:

9.1 Which Networking Features are Supported on Your Platform?

Oracle Application Server supports a variety of options for configuring and changing networking features. Depending on your operating system platform, you can install Oracle Application Server on:

After installation, you may want to change the networking configuration. This chapter provides procedures for changing the networking configuration of an Oracle Application Server host.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server 10g Release Notes to determine which networking features are supported for your operating system platform

9.2 Overview of Procedures for Changing Network Configurations

9.3 Changing the Hostname and IP Address (Middle Tier)

This section describes how to change the hostname and IP address of a host that contains one or more Oracle Application Server middle-tier installations. You can use this procedure to change:

You can use this procedure on J2EE and Web Cache, Portal and Wireless, and Business Intelligence and Forms installations. This procedure is not supported for OracleAS Developer Kits 10g installations.


If any installations contain Oracle Content Management SDK, you must perform additional steps. Refer to Oracle Content Management SDK Administrator's Guide before starting this procedure.

The procedure includes:

Step 1: Prepare Your Host

In this step, you prepare your host for the change by removing instances from clusters and stopping all processes.

  1. If the host contains a middle-tier instance that is part of an OracleAS Cluster, remove the instance from the cluster. You can add the instance back into the cluster at the end of the procedure.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server 10g High Availability Guide for instructions on removing instances from a cluster

  2. If the host contains a middle-tier instance that is part of an OracleAS Web Cache cluster, remove the instance from the cache cluster. You can add the instance back into the cluster at the end of the procedure.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Web Cache Administrator's Guide for instructions on removing caches from a cluster

  3. Shut down each middle-tier instance on the host by running the following commands in each Oracle home:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
  4. Verify that all Oracle Application Server processes have stopped.

  5. Make sure Oracle Application Server processes will not start automatically after a reboot by disabling any automated startup scripts you may have set up, such as /etc/init.d scripts.

  6. Make sure the Oracle Internet Directory that the middle-tier is using is running.

Step 2: Change the Hostname and IP Address on Your Operating System

In this step, you update your operating system with the new hostname, IP address, or both, reboot, and verify that the host is functioning properly on your network. Consult your operating system documentation, system administrator, and network administrator for more information on how to do this.

  1. Make the updates to your operating system to properly change the hostname, IP address, or both.

  2. Reboot the host.

  3. Verify that you can ping the host from another host in your network. Be sure to ping using the new hostname to make sure everything is resolving properly.

Step 3: Update the Middle-Tier Instances on Your Host

In this step, you update the Oracle Application Server middle-tier instances on your host with the new hostname and IP address. Follow these steps for each middle-tier instance on your host. Be sure to complete the steps entirely for one middle-tier instance before you move on to the next.

  1. Log in to the host as the user that installed the middle-tier instance.

  2. Make sure your ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the middle-tier Oracle home.

  3. Run the following commands in the middle-tier Oracle home:

    cd ORACLE_HOME/chgip/scripts
    ./ -mid

    The command prompts for information, as shown in Table 9-1. You may not receive all of the prompts, depending on your middle-tier installation type.

    Note that the prompts may provide values in parenthesis. These are not default values--they are just reminders. You must enter a value for each prompt.

    Table 9-1   Prompts and Actions for
    Prompt Action
    Enter the fully qualified host 
    name (hostname.domainname) of the 
    new system

    If you are changing the hostname of the system, enter the new fully-qualified hostname

    Otherwise, enter the current fully-qualified hostname

    Enter the IP Address of the new 

    If you are changing the IP address of the system, enter the new IP address

    Otherwise, enter the current IP address

    Enter the fully qualified host 
    name (hostname.domainname) of the 
    old system

    If you are changing the hostname of the system, enter the old fully-qualified hostname

    Otherwise, enter the current fully-qualified hostname

    Enter the IP Address of the old 

    If you are changing the IP address of the system, enter the old IP address

    Otherwise, enter the current IP address

    Enter the password for the Mid 
    Tier IAS instance (ias_admin)

    Enter the ias_admin password for the middle-tier instance

    Confirm the password for the Mid 
    Tier IAS instance (ias_admin)

    Enter the ias_admin password again

    Note: Depending on your configuration, you may not receive the rest of the prompts in this table.


    Enter the password for the OID 

    Enter the cn=orcladmin password for the Oracle Internet Directory in which this instance is registered

    Confirm the password for the OID 

    Enter the cn=orcladmin password again

    Enter the password for the SYS 
    user, of the infra database

    Enter the SYS schema password for the Metadata Repository used by this middle-tier instance.

    Note: You can determine which Metadata Repository is used by an instance by looking in the following file:


    The Metadata Repository is the value of the InfrastructureDBCommonName parameter.

    Confirm the password for the SYS 
    user, of the infra database

    Enter the SYS schema password that you entered in the previous step again.

    Enter the password for the 
    dsGateway user, of the infra 

    If you are using OracleAS Syndication Services, enter the DSGATEWAY schema password for the Metadata Repository used by this middle-tier instance. Refer to Section 9.3.1, "Obtaining the DSGATEWAY Schema Password" for instructions on obtaining this password.

    If you are not using OracleAS Syndication Services, you can enter any dummy password such as "welcome".

    Confirm the password for the 
    dsGateway user, of the infra 

    Enter the DSGATEWAY schema password that you entered in the previous step again.

  4. Verify that the tool ran successfully by checking for errors in the files in the following directory:

Step 4: Restart Oracle Application Server

In this step, you restart the middle-tier instances and restore your configuration back to the way it was before you started the procedure.

  1. Start each middle-tier instance on your host by running the following commands in each Oracle home:

    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole
  2. If you removed any instances from an OracleAS Cluster at the beginning of this procedure, add them back to the cluster.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server 10g High Availability Guide for instructions on adding instances to a cluster

  3. If you removed any instances from an OracleAS Web Cache cluster at the beginning of this procedure, add them back to the cache cluster.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Web Cache Administrator's Guide for instructions on adding caches to a cluster

  4. If you disabled any processes for automatically starting Oracle Application Server at the beginning of this procedure, enable them.

Step 5: Update OracleAS Portal and OracleAS Wireless

This is a special step required for updating OracleAS Portal and OracleAS Wireless when you change the hostname.

Step 6: Manually Update the Hostname in Files

If you edited a file and entered the hostname as part of a user-defined parameter such as the Oracle Home path, the hostname is not automatically updated by running the script. To update the hostname in such cases, you need to edit the files manually. For example, the plsql.conf file may contain an NFS path including the hostname, such as: /net/dsun1/private/....

The script also does not edit the hostname references in the documentation files. You will need to manually edit these files to update the hostname. Examples of such files are the following files in the ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/htdocs directory.

9.3.1 Obtaining the DSGATEWAY Schema Password

The password for the DSGATEWAY schema in the Metadata Repository is stored in Oracle Internet Directory. It is usually a randomly-generated password. If you do not know the DSGATEWAY password, you can obtain it using the ldapsearch command.


You only need to know the DSGATEWAY schema password if you are using OracleAS Syndication Services. If you are not using OracleAS Syndication Services, you can enter any dummy password, such as "welcome", when prompts for the DSGATEWAY password

Run the following command in the middle-tier Oracle home:

ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapsearch -h oid_host -p oid_port -D cn=orcladmin -w 
orcladmin_password -b "orclresourcename=dsgateway, 
orclreferencename=metadata_repository, cn=ias infrastructure databases, cn=ias, 
cn=products, cn=oraclecontext" -s base "objectclass=*" orclpasswordattribute


For example:

ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapsearch -h myhost -p 3060 -D cn=orcladmin -w welcome1 -b 
"orclresourcename=dsgateway, cn=ias 
infrastructure databases, cn=ias, cn=products, cn=oraclecontext" -s base
"objectclass=*" orclpasswordattribute

The ldapsearch command prints several lines of output. The DSGATEWAY password is listed as the orclpasswordattribute, for example:


9.4 Changing the IP Address (Infrastructure)

This section describes how to change the IP address of a host that contains an Oracle Application Server Infrastructure.

The procedure includes:

Step 1: Prepare Your Host

In this step, you prepare your host for the change by stopping all processes.

  1. Shut down all middle-tier instances that use the Infrastructure, even if they are on other hosts.

  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables.

  3. Shut down the Infrastructure:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
    ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop
    ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect SYS as SYSDBA
    SQL> shutdown
    SQL> quit
  4. Verify that all Oracle Application Server processes have stopped.

  5. Make sure Oracle Application Server processes will not start automatically after a reboot by disabling any automated startup scripts you may have set up, such as /etc/init.d scripts.

Step 2: Change the IP Address on Your Operating System

In this step, you update your operating system with the new IP address, reboot, and verify that the host is functioning properly on your network. Consult your operating system documentation, system administrator, and network administrator for more information on how to do this.

  1. Make the updates to your operating system to properly change the IP address.

  2. Reboot the host.

  3. Verify that you can ping the host from another host in your network. Be sure to ping using the new IP address to make sure everything is resolving properly.

Step 3: Update the Infrastructure

In this step, you update the Infrastructure on your host with the new IP address.

  1. Log in to the host as the user that installed the Infrastructure.

  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables.

  3. Start the database:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect / as SYSDBA
    SQL> startup
    SQL> quit
  4. Start OPMN:

    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl start
  5. Start Oracle Internet Directory:

    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=OID process-type=OID
  6. Run the following commands in the Infrastructure Oracle home:

    cd ORACLE_HOME/chgip/scripts
    ./ -infra

    The command prompts for the old and new IP address.

  7. Verify that the tool ran successfully by checking for errors in the files in the following directory:

Step 4: Restart the Infrastructure

In this step, you restart the Infrastructure and any middle-tier instances that use it.

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables.

  2. Start the Infrastructure:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect SYS as SYSDBA
    SQL> startup
    SQL> quit
    ORACLE_HOME/lsnrctl start
    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole
  3. If a middle-tier instance is on the same host as the infrastructure, then you need to run the script on the middle-tier instance before restarting the middle-tier processes.

  4. If you disabled any processes for automatically starting Oracle Application Server at the beginning of this procedure, enable them.

9.5 Moving Between Off-network and On-network

This section describes how to move an Oracle Application Server host on and off the network. The following assumptions and restrictions apply:

9.5.1 Moving from Off-network to On-network (Static IP Address)

This procedure assumes you have installed Oracle Application Server on a host that is off the network, using a standard hostname (not localhost), and would like to move on the network and use a static IP address. The IP address may be the default loopback IP, or any standard IP address.

To move onto the network, you can simply plug the host into the network. If you would like to change the static IP address at that time, follow the appropriate procedure:

9.5.2 Moving from Off-network to On-network (DHCP)

This procedure assumes you have installed on a host that is off the network, using a standard hostname (not localhost), and would like to move on the network and use DHCP. The IP address of the host can be any static IP address or loopback IP address, and should be configured to the hostname.

  1. Connect the host to the network using DHCP and configure the hostname to the loopback IP address only.

  2. If the original installation was performed using a static IP address and the new IP address is the DHCP loopback IP address, follow the appropriate procedure to change to the loopback IP address:

    If the original installation was performed using the loopback IP, you do not need to change the IP address.

9.5.3 Moving from On-network to Off-network (Static IP Address)

Follow this procedure if your host is on the network, using a static IP address, and you would like to move it off the network.

  1. Configure the /etc/hosts file so the IP address and hostname can be resolved locally.

  2. Take the host off the network.

  3. There is no need to perform any steps to change the hostname or IP address.

9.5.4 Moving from On-network to Off-network (DHCP)

Follow this procedure if your host is on the network, using DHCP in loopback mode, and you would like to move it off the network.

  1. Configure the /etc/hosts file so the IP address and hostname can be resolved locally.

  2. Take the host off the network.

  3. There is no need to perform any steps to change the hostname or IP address.

9.6 Changing Between a Static IP Address and DHCP

This section describes how to change between a static IP address and DHCP. The following assumptions and restrictions apply:

9.6.1 Changing from a Static IP Address to DHCP

To change a host from a static IP address to DHCP:

  1. Configure the host to have a hostname associated with the loopback IP address before you convert the host to DHCP.

  2. Convert the host to DHCP and follow the appropriate procedure to change to the loopback IP address:

9.6.2 Changing from DHCP to a Static IP Address

To change a host from DHCP to a static IP address:

  1. Configure the host to use a static IP address.

  2. Follow the appropriate procedure to change to the new static IP address:

9.7 Recovering from Errors when Using

This section describes how to recover from typical errors you might encounter when using the script. It contains the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: You Specified the Wrong Destination Name

Suppose you ran the script but specified the wrong destination name. In this case, you can remedy the error by running again. Here are the details.

Suppose the current source hostname is loire985, the incorrect destination hostname you specified is mqa985, and the correct destination hostname is sqb985. Initially, you ran with source = loire985 and destination = mqa985.

To recover from this error:

  1. Run with source = mqa985 and destination = sqb985.

  2. Run again with source = loire985 and destination = sqb985.

Scenario 2: You Encountered an Error when Running

If you encounter an error when running, you should fix the error and run again.

For example, you will get an error message if you enter the wrong password for Oracle Internet Directory or OracleAS Syndication Services. In this case, you should run again, with the same source and destination hostnames as before, and make sure to supply the correct password when prompted.

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