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Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10376-01
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printlogs Tool Syntax and Usage

This appendix describes the printlogs command-line tool. You can use printlogs to print the contents of Oracle Application Server diagnostic log files to standard output.

It contains the following topics:

E.1 Introduction

The printlogs command-line tool reads logs generated by Oracle Application Server components and prints the content of the logs to standard output in a common format. printlogs supports many options for reading and filtering log files, and formatting the output.

See Also:

Chapter 4, "Managing Log Files" for more information on Oracle Application Server logging


The printlogs command is located in:


E.2 Basic Syntax

printlogs [input options] [filter options] [output options] [general options]
Input Options
[-home oracle_home_path] [-repository]

[-home oracle_home_path] [-registration registration_directory_path]
[filter options] [output options] [general options]
[-logs log_path [log_path ...]]
Filter Options
[-tail n] [-last n[s|m|h|d]] [-query expression]

-not simple_expression
simple_expression -and simple_expression
simple_expression -or simple_expression

field_name op value
( expression )


An ODL log record field name. See Section E.4, "Log Record Fields" for a list of field names.

-eq | -eq_case | -contains | -contains_case |
-startswith | -startswith_case | -from | -to

A string or timestamp, depending on the operation (op)

Ouput Options
[-odl | -odl_complete | -text | -text_short | -text_full] [-orderBy 

[-count [groupByFieldList]]
General Options
[-help] [-f] [-sleep n] [-notailopt]

E.3 Detailed Option Descriptions

This section provides detailed descriptions of printlogs options. It contains the following sections:

E.3.1 Input Options

You can use input options to specify the location of logs and log definitions. The default is the local Oracle home. Table E-1 describes the input options in detail.

Table E-1   Input Options
Input Option Description
-home oracle_home_path

Specify an alternate Oracle home directory from where to read logs and log definitions


Specify that log records should be read from the common repository instead of directly from each log. The common repository is updated by the Log Loader. The Log Loader must be running in order for the repository to contain the contents of Oracle Application Server component logs.


Same as -repository


Specify an alternate registration directory that contains definitions of log files to be read by printlogs. The default registration directory is ORACLE_HOME/diagnostics/config/registration.

-logs log_path [log_path ...]

Specify one or more logs to be read by printlogs. log_path is the full path to the log file, or the path relative to the current directory.

The registration directory is used to find the definition of each log. If one of the specified logs is not defined in the registration directory, it is read by the default "UnformattedTextLogReader".

Note: The -logs option must be at the end of the printlogs argument list, after the query options, output options, and general options.

E.3.2 Filter Options

You can use filter options to define which log records printlogs should print. The default is to print all records generated in the last 10 minutes. Table E-2 describes the filter options in detail.

Table E-2   Filter Options
Filter Option Description
-tail n

Perform an operation similar to the UNIX "tail" command before reading a log. The n argument must be a positive number. The meaning of the n argument depends on the log type. For ODL logs, printlogs searches backwards from the end of the log for n occurrences of the pattern "<MESSAGE>" and starts reading the log from that point. For other log types, it reads the last n lines of the log.

-last n[s|m|h|d]

Print only logs generated in a specified period of time. The default is 10 minutes.

You can use the n argument to specify a different period of time. The n argument must be a positive number. You can use a suffix to specify a unit of time: "s" for seconds, "m" for minutes, "h" for hours, and "d" for days. The default unit of time is minutes.

If you would like to search through the logs generated over a large period of time, you can use a large value such as 100d.

The value of the -last option is used by printlogs to perform a "tail optimization" before it starts reading the logs. It performs an operation similar to the UNIX "tail" command to each log until it finds a timestamp that is within the desired range. This speeds up most inquiries significantly, but, if the log contains records out of timestamp order, it can cause printlogs to miss some records. It can also make queries slower in a few cases, for example, when you search the entire log. You can disable "tail optimization" with the -notailopt option.

-query expression

Apply expression to each log record to filter out undesirable records. See Table E-3 for a description of expression.

Table E-3 describes the query expressions you can use with the -query filter option in the printlogs command.

Table E-3   Query Expression Options
Query Expression Option Description

You can use parenthesis as delimiters for complex sub-expressions. Parenthesis have special meaning to most UNIX command shells and you must use an escape character with them. This is not necessary on Windows.


Logical negation


Logical and


Logical or


An ODL log record field name. See Section E.4, "Log Record Fields" for a list of available field names.


Equality operation (case-insensitive). You can use this operation with all log record fields.


Same as -eq, except case-sensitive


Contains operation (case-insensitive). The result is true only if the log record field value contains the value operand string. You can use this operation only with "string" log record fields (all fields except TSTZ_ORIGINATING and TSTZ_NORMALIZED).


Same as -contains, except case-sensitive


Starts with operation (case-insensitive). The result is true only if the log record field value starts with the value operand string. You can use this operation only with "string" log record fields (all fields except TSTZ_ORIGINATING and TSTZ_NORMALIZED).


Same as -startswith, except case-sensitive


This operation can only be used with timestamped log record fields (TSTZ_ORIGINATING and TSTZ_NORMALIZED). The result is true only if the log record timestamp is equal to or greater than the operand value. The operand value must be either in the ISO 8601 time format (for example: 2003-06-30T12:00:00.000-08:00), or in the date/time format of the default Java locale.

By default, printlogs searches for timestamped records generated in the last 10 minutes. You can use the -last n[s|m|h|d] option in conjunction with the -from option to ensure the search period includes the specified timestamped records.


This operation can only be used with timestamped log record fields (TSTZ_ORIGINATING and TSTZ_NORMALIZED). The result is true only if the log record timestamp is less than or equal to the operand value. The operand value must be either in the ISO 8601 time format (for example: 2003-06-30T12:00:00.000-08:00), or in the date/time format of the default Java locale.

By default, printlogs searches for timestamped records generated in the last 10 minutes. You can use the -last n[s|m|h|d] option in conjunction with the -to option to ensure the search period includes the specified timestamped records.

E.3.3 Ouput Options

You can use output options to specify an output format. The default is format is -text_short. Table E-4 describes the output options in detail.

Table E-4   Output Options
Output Option Description

Specify that the output should be in ODL format. This option outputs an ODL document without the enclosing LOG tags. The generated output is not a complete XML document.


Specify that the output should be in ODL format and that a complete XML document should be generated


Specify that the output should be in a short text format including only the following fields: TSTZ_ORIGINATING, COMPONENT_ID, MSG_TYPE, MODULE_ID, EXEC_CONTEXT_ID, MSG_TEXT, and SUPPL_DETAIL. This is the default output format.


Same as -text_short


Specify that the output should be in full text format, including all message fields

-orderBy orderByFieldList

Sort the result in the specified order. The orderByFieldList argument is a list of log record field names separated by spaces. The field names can have an optional suffix of :asc or :desc to specify ascending or descending order. The default sort order is ascending.

printlogs sorts the result in memory. If the result is large, it could run out of memory. In this case, you must provide additional filtering options to reduce the number of records in the result.

-count [groupByFieldList]

Report only the record count. The groupByFieldList argument is an optional list of log record field names separated by spaces. If you supply this argument, printlogs reports the record count for each supplied field.

E.3.4 General Options

You can use general options to obtain help, cause printlogs to loop, and disable optimization. Table E-5 describes the general options on detail.

Table E-5   General Options
General Option Description

Print detailed help.


Follow. When you use this option, printlogs will not return after printing the result. Instead, it will go on an infinite loop where it sleeps for a number of seconds (specified with the -sleep n option), and then checks each log again and prints any new records that satisfy the query predicate.

-sleep n

Set the sleep time, in seconds, for the -f option. The default value is 20 seconds.


Disable the "tail optimization" that is usually performed with the -last option.

E.4 Log Record Fields

The printlogs command automatically translates the contents of any log file that it reads to the Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) format. The ODL log record fields can be used to create a query expression, or to specify a group-by or order-by field list. Each field must be referred to by its names as described in Table E-6. Some of these fields are designated for future use, and currently are not used in any diagnostic messages generated by an Oracle Application Server

Table E-6   Log Record Fields
Log Record Field Name Description

The component that originated the message


A URL for additional information about the message


The component that the originating component is working with on the downstream (server) side


The sequence number that is associated with the error instance


A global unique identifier of an error instance associated with the message. This identifier can be used to correlate error messages from different components.


The sequence number that is associated with the execution context


A global unique identifier of the thread of execution in which the originating component participates. This identifier can be used to correlate messages from several components that may be involved in the same thread of execution.


The host name where the message originates


The network address of the host where the message originates


An identifier for the client or security group to which the message relates


An identifier of the module that originated the message


A list of arguments to be bound with the message text. The argument is a list of an optional name and value.

Note: This field is not currently supported.


The name of the group to which the message belongs


A message number, or some other value, that uniquely identifies the message within the component


The level qualifies the message type, indicating the degree of severity of the message. The value is an integer from 1 (highest severity) to 32 (lowest severity).


A descriptive text for the message


The type of the message. The defined message types are: INTERNAL_ERROR, ERROR, WARNING, NOTIFICATION, and TRACE. The value UNKNOWN may be used when the type is not known.


The organization that wrote the component that originated the message


An identifier of the process or execution unit that generated the message. For Java processes, the value can also include a thread identifier.


Supplemental information about the message


Date and time when the message was generated, adjusted for time difference between the host on which the message was generated and the host of the common repository. This field is only used if the log record is being read from a database repository.


Date and time when the message was generated


The component that the originating component is working with on the upstream (client) side


The user whose execution context originated the message

E.5 Environment Variable

You can use an environment variable to pass information to printlogs. Table E-7 describes the environment variable in detail.

Table E-7   Environment Variable
Environment Variable Description

Provide additional arguments to the JVM that runs printlogs. Is is usually not necessary to provide additional JVM arguments, but this environment variable can be used in some situations, such as to set memory size, or provide additional properties to printlogs.

E.6 Examples

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