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Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10376-01
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Managing an OracleAS Metadata Repository

This chapter provides information on managing an OracleAS Metadata Repository.

It contains the following topics:

6.1 Frequently Asked Questions About the Metadata Repository

The OracleAS Metadata Repository is an Oracle9i database and can be managed using standard database procedures and tools. However, there are some considerations for managing the Metadata Repository within the Oracle Application Server environment. This section answers frequently asked questions about managing the Metadata Repository.

6.2 Changing Schema Passwords

The method for changing schemas passwords in the Metadata Repository varies by schema. Some schemas store their passwords in Oracle Internet Directory; you must change their passwords using Application Server Control so that both Oracle Internet Directory and the database are updated. Other schemas do not store their passwords in Oracle Internet Directory; you can change their passwords in the database using SQL*Plus. A few schemas require special steps for changing their passwords.

Table 6-1 lists the appropriate method for change each Metadata Repository schema.

Table 6-1   Methods for Changing Metadata Repository Schema Passwords
Schema Method for Changing Password


If the Metadata Repository is registered with Oracle Internet Directory, you must change the password in two places:

If the Metadata Repository is not registered with Oracle Internet Directory, you only need to change the password directly in the database using SQL*Plus.


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the middle-tier instance that uses this schema and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the middle-tier instance that uses this schema and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


You must change the password in two places:


This schema requires special steps. Refer to Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority Administrator's Guide for advanced topics in administration.


This schema requires special steps. Refer to Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide for information on resetting the default password for the database.


This schema requires special steps. Refer to Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority Administrator's Guide for advanced topics in administration.


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the Infrastructure (Identity Management) installation and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".

After you change the password, restart Oracle HTTP Server:

opmnctl stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the Infrastructure (Identity Management) installation and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the Infrastructure (Identity Management) installation and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the Infrastructure (Identity Management) installation and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".

Changing the ORASSO_PS password requires that the database link from all Portal schemas to the ORASSO_PS schema be recreated. To do this, run the following command for each affected Portal instance:

ORACLE_HOME/portal/conf/ptlconfig -dad dad_name -site

Refer to Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide.


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the Infrastructure (Identity Management) installation and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


You must change the password in two places:


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the middle-tier instance that uses this schema and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".

After you change the password, restart Oracle HTTP Server:

opmnctl stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the middle-tier instance that uses this schema and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the middle-tier instance that uses this schema and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the middle-tier instance that uses this schema and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


Use SQL*Plus to change the password directly in the database. Refer to Section 6.2.2, "Changing Schema Passwords Using SQL*Plus".


Use SQL*Plus to change the password directly in the database. Refer to Section 6.2.2, "Changing Schema Passwords Using SQL*Plus".


Use SQL*Plus to change the password directly in the database. Refer to Section 6.2.2, "Changing Schema Passwords Using SQL*Plus".


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the middle-tier instance that uses this schema and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the middle-tier instance that uses this schema and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the middle-tier instance that uses this schema and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


Use SQL*Plus to change the password directly in the database. Refer to Section 6.2.2, "Changing Schema Passwords Using SQL*Plus".


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the middle-tier instance that uses this schema and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".


Use Application Server Control. Navigate to the Home Page for the middle-tier instance that uses this schema and follow the instructions in Section 6.2.1, "Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control".

6.2.1 Changing Schema Passwords Using Application Server Control

Some schemas store their passwords in Oracle Internet Directory. You must change their passwords using Application Server Control so the password is updated in both the database and Oracle Internet Directory.

To change a schema password using Application Server Control:

  1. Depending on the schema, navigate to the home page for the middle-tier instance or the Infrastructure. Refer to Table 6-1 to determine which home page to use.

  2. On the home page, click Infrastructure.

  3. On the Infrastructure page, click Change Schema Password.

  4. On the Change Schema Password page, select the radio button for the schema. Enter the new password in the Password and Confirm Password fields. Click OK.

6.2.2 Changing Schema Passwords Using SQL*Plus

You can change some schema passwords directly in the database using SQL*Plus. To do so, connect to the database as a user with SYSDBA privileges and issue the following command:

SQL> ALTER USER schema identified by new_password;

For example, to change the SCOTT schema password to "abc123":


6.2.3 Viewing and Changing Schema Passwords in Oracle Internet Directory

A few schemas (DCM, IP, OWF_MGR) require you to manually update the password in the Metadata Repository and in Oracle Internet Directory. You can use this procedure to change these passwords and to view any schema password in Oracle Internet Directory.

  1. Start Oracle Directory Manager with the following command:

  2. Log in to Oracle Directory Manager as the orcladmin user.

  3. In the System Objects frame, expand Entry Management, expand cn=OracleContext, expand cn=Products, expand cn=IAS, expand cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases, and expand the orclReferenceName for the Metadata Repository.

  4. Select the OrclResourceName entry for the schema whose password you want to change.

  5. In the Properties tab, you can view and update the password in the orclpasswordattribute field.

  6. Click Apply.

6.3 Changing the Character Set of the Metadata Repository

To configure the middle-tier and infrastructure to work with the metadata repository after its character set has been changed:

  1. Modify the character set of all Database Access Descriptors (DADs) accessing the metadata repository to the new database character set.

    1. Using Application Server Control, navigate to the middle-tier instance home page.

    2. In the System Components section, click HTTP_Server.

    3. On the HTTP_Server home page, click Administration.

    4. On the HTTP_Server Administration page, select "PL/SQL Properties". This opens the mod_plsql Services page.

    5. Scroll to the DADs section and click the name of the DAD that you want to configure. This opens the Edit DAD page.

    6. In the NLS Language field, type in a NLS_LANG value whose character set is the same as the new character set for the metadata repository.

    7. Click OK.

    8. Repeat steps e to g for all DADs accessing the Metadata Repository.

  2. Reconfigure the Ultra Search index, using the two SQL scripts provided for this purpose: wk0prefcheck.sql and wk0idxcheck.sql under $ORACLE_HOME/ultrasearch/admin.

    • wk0prefcheck.sql is invoked under wksys to reconfigure default cache character set and index preference.

    • wk0idxcheck.sql is needed for reconfiguring instance(s) created before database character set change, e.g., the default instance. This script must be invoked by the instance owner and wk0prefcheck.sql must be run first as it depends on reconfigured default settings generated by wk0prefcheck.sql.

    • Running wk0idxcheck.sql will also drop and recreate the Oracle Text index used by Ultra Search. So if there are already data source indexed then user must force recrawl all of the data sources.

    • Note that wk0idxcheck.sql must be run once for each instance. So if there are two instances "inst1" and "inst2" owned by "owner1" and "owner2" respectively then wk0idxcheck.sql should be run twice; once by "owner1" and once by "owner2".

6.4 Renaming and Relocating Datafiles

When you install a Metadata Repository, you can choose the location for its datafiles. The default location is ORACLE_HOME/oradata/SID. After installation, you may want to relocate datafiles to a different directory. For example, you may want to move them to a directory on a filesystem with more space. Or, you may want to move them to a directory on a different disk for performance reasons. Another thing you may want to do is keep the datafiles in the same directory, but rename them.

This section provides a procedure for renaming or relocating datafiles. You can use this procedure on one or more datafiles, and the datafiles may be in multiple tablespaces.

This procedure applies to:

The following example shows how to relocate two datafiles in two different tablespaces, as follows:

Before you start the procedure:

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Verify the location of your datafiles.

    You can verify the location of datafiles in a particular tablespace by querying the data dictionary view DBA_DATA_FILES.

    For example, to query the location of datafiles in the OCATS and DCM tablespaces:

    ----------------------------------------------	------------
    /infra_home/oradata/asdb/oca.dbf	78643200
    /infra_home/oradata/asdb/dcm.dbf	96993280
  2. Shut down all middle-tier instances that use the Metadata Repository.

  3. Stop the Infrastructure that contains the Metadata Repository, then start a Metadata Repository instance and mount the database without opening it, as follows:

    1. Stop Application Server Control and OPMN-managed processes:

      ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
      ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
    2. Leave the Metadata Repository listener running.

    3. Stop the Metadata Repository instance:

      ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog
      SQL> connect SYS as SYSDBA
    4. Start a Metadata Repository instance and mount the database without opening it:

  4. Move the datafiles to their new location using the operating system. For example:

    mv /infra_home/oradata/asdb/oca.dbf /new_directory/oca.dbf
    mv /infra_home/oradata/asdb/dcm.dbf /new_directory/dcm.dbf
    rename C:\infra_home\oradata\asdb\oca.dbf D:\new_directory\oca.dbf
    rename C:\infra_home\oradata\asdb\dcm.dbf D:\new_directory\dcm.dbf


    You can execute an operating system command to copy a file by using the SQL*Plus HOST command.

  5. Use ALTER DATABASE to rename the file pointers in the database's control file.

    RENAME FILE	'/infra_home/oradata/asdb/oca.dbf',
    TO	'/new_directory/oca.dbf',

    The new files must already exist; this statement does not create the files. Also, always provide complete filenames (including their full paths) to properly identify the old and new datafiles. In particular, specify the old datafile name exactly as it appears in the DBA_DATA_FILES view of the data dictionary.

  6. Shut down the Metadata Repository, then perform a normal startup of the Infrastructure:

    1. Leave the Metadata Repository listener running.

    2. Shut down the Metadata Repository

    3. Start the Metadata Repository:

    4. Start OPMN-managed processes and Application Server Control:

      ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
      ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole
  7. Start the middle-tier instances that use the Infrastructure.

  8. Verify the new location of your datafiles.

    ----------------------------------------------	------------
    /new_directory/oca.dbf	78643200
    /new_directory/dcm.dbf	96993280
  9. Perform a complete cold backup of the Metadata Repository. After making any structural changes to a database, always perform an immediate and complete backup.

6.5 Specifying Segment Space Management When Creating Tablespaces

When you create a locally managed tablespace using the CREATE TABLESPACE statement, the SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT clause allows you to specify how free and used space within a segment is to be managed. Your choices are:

Most tablespaces in the Metadata Repository are created using MANUAL mode, with the following exceptions, which use AUTO mode:

Therefore, it is important to follow these rules if you create a tablespace in preparation for importing a tablespace from a Metadata Repository:

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