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Oracle® Application Server Integration Adapter for SAP R/3 User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10299-01
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Retrying Inbound Calls

You can configure your R/3 system to retry inbound calls to Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. When an inbound call fails, it goes in a list of incorrect calls. Within an R/3 system, you can delete the incorrect call, retry the incorrect call manually, or schedule a background job to retry incorrect calls automatically. When the retry fails again, the incorrect call stays in the list. When a call is successful, it disappears from the list.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Using a Transactional RFC

For the R/3 system to identify incorrect calls, it must receive a proper error status for each Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect inbound call. The protocol for all ALE interactions automatically handles the error status; whereas the protocol for RFC will not unless you explicitly select the transactional RFC (tRFC) protocol. This is the same protocol used by ALE. In ABAP, if the keywords "in background task" are appended to the call statement, then the function module is called asynchronously. This has the side effect of selecting the tRFC protocol. The tRFC protocol automatically reports errors. For example, the call to the function module Z_MY_FUNC_MODULE would look like call function 'Z_MY_FUNC_MODULE' in a background task.

Managing Incorrect Calls

To list incorrect calls, log on to SAPGUI. Using the R/3 system standard menu, select Tools > Administration > Monitor > SM58 Transactional RFC. Enter your search criteria and click Execute. The list of incorrect tRFC calls appears. On this page, you can delete an incorrect call by selecting a row and clicking Delete Entry. You can also reexecute a call by selecting a row and clicking Edit > Execute LUW. The list contains both invalid ALE calls and invalid asynchronous RFC calls.

To reexecute incorrect calls in batch, log on to SAPGUI. Using the R/3 system standard menu, select Tools > ALE > ALE Administration > Services > Communication > Transactional RFC > BDA1 Invoke Calls Again. Enter your selection criteria. It is recommended that you unselect the option Currently being processed. As soon as you click Execute, the calls immediately reexecute. For automatic retry, save your selection criteria as a variant. Select Goto > Variants > Save As Variant and give your variant a name.

Scheduling an Automatic Retry

To retry incorrect calls automatically, you must schedule a background job. This uses the built-in ABAP program, RSARFCEX. Log on to SAPGUI. Within the SAP standard menu select: Tools > CCMS > Jobs > SM36 Definition. The screen to define a background job appears.

  1. Enter a new job name, for example, TRFC_RETRY.

  2. Enter job class C.

  3. Click Start Condition.

  4. Click Immediate.

  5. Select Periodic job.

  6. Click Periodic values and enter the period.

    Make sure the period is long enough to allow completion of each iteration.

  7. Click the diskette icon to save the period values.

  8. Click the diskette icon to save the start time.

  9. Click Step.

  10. For the ABAP program name, enter RSARFCEX.

  11. For the Variant, enter the name of the variant you created on the BDA1 screen.

  12. Click the diskette icon to save the step.

  13. Click the diskette to save the background job.

    As soon as you save, the ABAP program runs the job.

If a call is retried and fails again, it stays in the queue and it is retried at the next iteration.

Deleting a Background Job

The periodic job schedules a new one-time job for each iteration. If you delete the periodic job, the R/3 system stops running more iterations. To delete a background job, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the screen SM36 Define background job.

  2. Click Own jobs.

  3. Select the job marked Released.

  4. Click the Delete icon.

  5. Click the Refresh icon to make sure the jobs are finished.

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