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Table of Contents Image Oracle Application Server InterConnect Adapter for SAP R/3 Installation and User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10408-01
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1 Introduction

What is SAP?
Required Software
Supported Platforms

2 Installation and Configuration

Installing the SAP Adapter Adapter
Preinstallation Tasks
Installation Tasks
Post Installation Tasks
Enabling iStudio
Registering the License for the SAP Adapter (Windows only)
SAP Adapter Configuration
Using the Application Parameter
Adapter.ini Initialization Parameter File
Hub.ini Parameters
Real Application Clusters-specific Hub.ini Parameters
Agent Connection Parameters
SAP Adapter Adapter-Specific Parameters
Starting the SAP Adapter
Stopping the SAP Adapter

3 Supported SAP Adapter Interfaces

Exception Fields
Inbound to SAP
Creating an Application Link Enabling Implemented Procedure
Importing Attributes from SAP
Creating an Application Link Enabling Subscribed Event
Creating a Remote Function Call Implemented Procedure
Creating a Remote Function Call Subscribed Event
Outbound From SAP
Creating an Outbound Application Link Enabling Invoked Procedure
Creating an Application Link Enabling Published Event
Creating a Remote Function Call Invoked Procedure
Creating a Remote Function Call Published Event

4 Application Link Enabling

Frequently Used Application Link Enabling Transactions
Application Line Enabling Terminology
Logical System
Intermediate Documents Type
Message Type
OracleAS InterConnect Application Acting as a Client
Application Acting as a Server
Application Link Enabling Subdirectories--Queue and Cache
Queuing Inbound Intermediate Documents
Application Link Enabling General Settings
Inbound Intermediate Documents
Outbound Intermediate Documents
R/3 Application Link Enabling Configuration
Application Link Enabling--Exploring Intermediate Document Types
Manually Downloading an IDOC
Enhance Application Link Enabling Remote Browsing
How to Install the Remote Browsing Function Modules
Why a Function Group?
Create Four Structures
Create a Function Group
Create Two Function Modules

5 Remote Function Call

Introduction to Remote Function Call
SAP Adapter Interaction with R/3
SAP Adapter Application Acting as a Client
SAP Adapter Application Acting as a Server
Remote Function Call Configuration
Calling From SAP Adapter to R/3
Default Login to R/3
Calling from R/3 to the SAP Adapter Adapter
Optimize Remote Function Call Function Modules
Enhance Remote Function Call Function Module Remote Browsing
Why a Function Group?
Creating a Function Group
Creating the Z_RFC_GET_AREAS Function Module
Table Parameters/Exceptions Interface
Uploading the Function Module Source Code
Creating the Z_RFC_GET_GROUPS Function Module
Import/Export Parameter Interface
Table Parameters/Exceptions Interface
Uploading the Function Module Source Code
Set Global Data
Clean Your R/3 System
Erasing Function Groups and Function Modules
Erasing a Table

6 Runtime

Configuration Editor
Creating SAP Host Definitions in Global Settings
Default Login to R/3
Reference Login to R/3
Inbound to R/3
Outbound from R/3
Common Settings
Exiting Configuration Editor


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