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Oracle Application Server InterConnect Adapter for SAP R/3 Installation and User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10408-01
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Supported SAP Adapter Interfaces

This chapter provides an overview about SAP Adapter-specific information to assist you in working with the SAP Adapter adapter. The following topics are discussed:

Exception Fields

An exception field is added by the SAP adapter when a function is imported into iStudio.

If an error happens during a call, the exception field generally contains a detailed description of the error that occurred. You can then propagate this error string to the calling application.

For example, setup an SAP R/3 system on one side, an OracleAS InterConnect hub in the middle, and a Web front end the other side. If the Web front-end tries to add a record to the SAP R/3 side and a record with the same primary key already exists in SAP R/3, a non-retryable error occurs. The exception field contains the exception data. This data may be propagated back to the Web front-end. The following is an example of an exception message:

exception: E-OAI0003: Exception occurred during call to 
User defined exception
Exception occurred:

Source: WidgetStore::AddWidget
Cause: OAI://Messages/exception=MsgAgentException (Unique ID none)
Exception occurred:
Source: WidgetStore::AddWidget
Cause: OAI://Messages/exception=MsgAgentException (Unique ID none)
Exception data:
struct MsgAgentExceptionData = 
String Source = OAIsgProcessMessage(WidgetStore::AddWidget)
String ErrorText = Row exists in ADD or DATAENTRY mode (81,10)
String Explanation = The specified search keys resulted in an existing
level 0 row found when in ADD or DATAENTRY mode.

Inbound to SAP

Sending messages inbound means the SAP adapter is the client and SAP is the server. To send messages to the SAP adapter, ensure that the host definition and login information is set for connecting to the SAP system using the Configuration Editor.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server InterConnect Configuration Editor User's Guide

Creating an Application Link Enabling Implemented Procedure

  1. Start iStudio and open your project.

  2. Expand the Applications folder.

  3. Expand your Application.

  4. Right-click Implemented Procedures and select New.

    Figure 3-1 Creating an Implemented Procedure

    Text description of newimplementedprocedure.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration newimplementedprocedure.gif

    The Implement Wizard--Select a Procedure dialog displays.

    Figure 3-2 Implement Wizard --Selecting a Procedure

    Text description of selectaprocedure.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration selectaprocedure.gif

  5. Select the Application and Message Type from the dropdown menus.

  6. Select a procedure and click Next.

    The Implement Wizard--Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-3 Implement Wizard - Define Application View - Importing SAP

    Text description of impleventimport.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration impleventimport.gif

  7. Click Import and select SAP from the dropdown menu.

    The SAP Login dialog displays.

    If this is the initial login for this machine, enter the correct information.

    See Also:

    "Importing Attributes from SAP"

    If this machine has been logged in to SAP before, enter the password on the SAP Login dialog and click OK.

    Once logged in to SAP, the Component Selector dialog displays.

    Figure 3-4 Component Selector for Application Link Enabling

    Text description of aleidoc.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration aleidoc.gif

  8. Expand the ALE tree until the correct component displays for selection.

  9. Select AdvancedSend or Send and click OK.

    The Send method populates the control record of the intermediate document from the parameters set up in the SAP R/3 configuration editor. The AdvancedSend method allows more flexibility. When you use this method, you must pass the control data to the method.

    The Define Application View dialog displays with the selected component and its attributes.

    Figure 3-5 Populated Implement Wizard - Define Application View dialog

    Text description of implaledefineapp.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration implaledefineapp.gif

  10. Click Next.

    The Define Mappings dialog displays.

  11. Define the mappings and click Finish.

    The new populated procedure displays in the right panel.

Importing Attributes from SAP

When you use iStudio to import attributes from SAP, you must first log in to SAP. When logging into SAP from iStudio, the login fields automatically populate, leaving the Password field the only field that requires input.

To import attributes from SAP:

  1. Click Import and select SAP on the Define Applications View dialog.

    The SAP Login dialog displays.

    The first time you log in from a new workstation, you are required to enter information in every field that is required for your setup. Every subsequent login from that workstation only requires a password to log in. For every iStudio session, only one login is required.

    Figure 3-6 Initial SAP Login dialog

    Text description of istudiosaplogin.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration istudiosaplogin.gif

  2. Enter information in the following fields:

    • User--The user ID for the SAP R/3 system.

    • Password--The user password for the SAP R/3 system.

    • Client--The client number for the SAP R/3 system.

    • Router--A destination router used to connect to the Application Server or Message Server. For example: /H/UNICENTER/H/

    • Language--The language required by SAP R/3 system. By default the Language parameter retrieves the language information from the users operating system.

    • Application Server--Select if using the Application Server and enter information the following fields:

      • Server Host--The identification of your SAP R/3 system. This value defines a connection to an Application Server representing a single SAP R/3 system.

      • System Number--The SAP System number identifying the system on the host. This number specifies the TCP/IP service of the Remote Function Call Gateway containing the registered Agent.

        System Number further identifies the Host to a specified Service level. The service is the TCP/IP service name (a port number through \winnt\system32\drivers\etc\services). For example, using ss1:00 as the connecting host in the browser, the 00 is what SAP calls the system number. When specifying a service name, sapgw00, the 00 also represents the system number. That is, if an SAP R/3 system uses system number 23, then ss1:23 is in the login dialog and uses sapgw23 as the service number for the SAP Agent. sapgw is a name assigned on installation to identify the gateway machine.

    • Message Server--Select if using the Message Server and enter information in the following fields:

      • Server Host--The Server type which identifies the Message and provides the Server host name. This value defines a connection to a message server acting as a load-balancing server redirecting the login to an application server. The message server option is only valid for inbound calls. For example, hs0016.WDF.SAP-AG-DE.

      • SAP R/3 Name--The System ID identifying the SAP System. For example, D15.

      • Message Server Group--If your message servers belong to a group, enter the message server group. For example, PUBLIC.

    • Parameters--The host identification parameter.

      A route string that contains a substring for each SAP router and for the target server. The route string syntax is: /H/host/S/service/W/pass that is, it comprises any number of substrings of the form /H/host/S/service/W/pass. For example, a connection from hostA to hostB, port 3333 via the saprouter host hostR with SAProuter password summer has the route string /H/hostR/S/3299/W/summer/H/hostB/S/3333.

    Table 3-1 lists the possible host identification keys and definitions extracted from Remote Function Call 4.0 documentation.

    See Also:

    SAP Remote Function Call documentation for more information about establishing Remote Function Call connections

    Table 3-1 Identification of Keys 
    Key Definition


    Specifies whether to run the function modules within the ABAP debugger. Can be either zero (0) for no debugger, or 1 for running within the debugger. Default is zero (0). In the context of the product, ABAP_DEBUG may be useful for debug or diagnostic purposes. However, it is of limited use in a production environment since the ABAP debugger would be invoked on the server's machine, not the client machine.


    Host name of a specific application server, if not using session management.


    Login client. Although this key is automatically appended by the product, it can be specified in the host identification, thus forcing a specified use instead of the one provided by the user or client. This is most useful at run time if it is desired to force all client applications to login with a specific client.


    Destination in saprfc.ini.


    Name of the group of application servers, if using session management.


    Login language (1-character SAP language or 2-character ISO 639 language).


    Host name of the Message Server, if using Remote Function Call session management.


    Login password. Similar comment as Client.


    Name of the SAP R/3 system, if using Remote Function Call session management.


    Specifies whether Remote Function Call tracing should be enabled. Can be either zero (0) for disabling tracing or 1 for enabling it. Default is zero (0). When enabled, the Remote Function Call library writes trace entries in a trace file--rfc id.trc--in the current directory, or in the directory identified by the RFC_TRACE_DIR environment variable. id represents the Remote Function Call connection, meaning that there is one Remote Function Call trace file created per connection. Note that errors are always written to trace files. The RFC_TRACE keyword only affects the logging of other general trace messages.


    Path and name of the Secure Network Communication library.


    Specifies whether to work with Secure Network Communication. Can be either zero (0) for not working with Secure Network Communication, or 1 for working with Secure Network Communication. Default is zero (0).


    Own Secure Network Communication name if the default one is not appropriate.


    Secure Network Communication name of the Secure Network Communication partner (Remote Function Call server) or Secure Network Communication name of the message server (session management).


    Secure Network Communication quality of service. Default: 8 (RFC_SNC_QOP_DEFAULT).


    SAP R/3 system number, if not using session management.


    Specifies whether a SAPGUI is allowed to be invoked in the context of the Remote Function Call connection. Can be either zero (0), 1, or 2.

    Zero (0), the Default setting, specifies that no SAPGUI should be invoked.

    1 specifies that a SAPGUI should be invoked.

    2 is similar to 1, except that the SAPGUI is hidden between two Remote Function Call functions.


    Login user. Similar comment as Client.

  3. Click OK to accept your selections and continue to the Component Selector.

Creating an Application Link Enabling Subscribed Event

To create an Application Link Enabling subscribed event using iStudio:

  1. Start iStudio

  2. Open your project.

  3. Expand the Applications folder.

  4. Expand your application.

  5. Right-click Subscribed Events and select New.

    Figure 3-7 Creating a Subscribed Event

    Text description of newsubevent.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration newsubevent.gif

    The Subscribe Wizard--Select an Event dialog displays.

    Figure 3-8 Subscribe Wizard - Selecting an Event

    Text description of selectevent.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration selectevent.gif

  6. Select the Application and Message Type from the dropdown menus.

  7. Select an event and click Next.

    The Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-9 Subscribe Wizard - Define Application View

    Text description of import.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration import.gif

  8. Click Import and select SAP.

    The SAP Login dialog displays.

    If this is the initial login for this machine, enter the correct information.

    See Also:

    "Importing Attributes from SAP"

    If this machine has been logged in to SAP before, enter the password on the SAP Login dialog and click OK.

    The Component Selector dialog displays.

    Figure 3-10 Component Selector

    Text description of aleidoc.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration aleidoc.gif

  9. Expand the ALE tree until the correct component displays for selection.

  10. Select AdvancedSend or Send and click OK.

    The Send method populates the control record of the intermediate document from the parameters set up in the SAP R/3 configuration editor. The AdvancedSend method allows more flexibility. When you use this method, you must pass the control data to the method.

    The populated Define Applications View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-11 Subscribed Wizard - Define Application View

    Text description of subarfcefineapp.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration subarfcefineapp.gif

  11. Click Next.

    The Define Mappings dialog displays.

  12. Click New to define the mappings, then click Finish.

    The created event displays in the right panel of iStudio.

Creating a Remote Function Call Implemented Procedure

To create a Remote Function Call implemented procedure:

  1. Start iStudio.

  2. Open your project.

  3. Expand the Applications folder.

  4. Expand your application.

  5. Right-click Implemented Procedures and select New.

    Figure 3-12 Creating an Implemented Procedure

    Text description of newimplementedprocedure.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration newimplementedprocedure.gif

    The Implement Wizard--Select a Procedure dialog displays.

    Figure 3-13 Implement Wizard - Selecting a Procedure

    Text description of selectaprocedure.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration selectaprocedure.gif

  6. Select the Application and Message Type from the dropdown menus.

  7. Select a procedure and click Next.

    The Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-14 Implement Wizard - Define Application View

    Text description of impleventimport.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration impleventimport.gif

  8. Click Import and select SAP.

    The SAP Login dialog displays.

    If this is the initial login for this machine, enter the correct information.

    See Also:

    "Importing Attributes from SAP"

    If this machine has been logged in to SAP before, enter the password on the SAP Login dialog and click OK.

    The Component Selector dialog displays.

    Figure 3-15 Component Selector with RFC - RFC Function Module sub-folders

    Text description of rfccompsel.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration rfccompsel.gif

  9. Expand the RFC - RFC Function Modules tree until the correct component displays for selection.

  10. Select a component and click OK.

    The populated Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-16 Implement Wizard - Define Application View

    Text description of implrfcdefapp.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration implrfcdefapp.gif

  11. Click Next.

    The Define Mappings dialog displays.

  12. Click New to define mappings and click Finish.

    The new populated procedure display in the right panel of iStudio.

Creating a Remote Function Call Subscribed Event

To create a Remote Function Call subscribed event:

  1. Start iStudio.

  2. Open your project.

  3. Expand the Applications folder.

  4. Expand your application.

  5. Right-click Subscribed Events and select New.

    Figure 3-17 Creating a Subscribed Event

    Text description of newsubevent.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration newsubevent.gif

    The Subscribe Wizard--Select an Event dialog displays.

    Figure 3-18 Subscribe Wizard - Selecting an Event

    Text description of selectevent.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration selectevent.gif

  6. Select the Application and Message Type from the dropdown menus.

  7. Select an event and click Next.

    The Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-19 Subscribe Wizard - Define Application View

    Text description of import.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration import.gif

  8. Click Import and select SAP.

    The SAP Login dialog displays.

    If this is the initial login for this machine, enter the correct information.

    See Also:

    "Importing Attributes from SAP"

    If this machine has been logged in to SAP before, enter the password on the SAP Login dialog and click OK.

    The Component Selector dialog displays.

    Figure 3-20 Component Selector - RFC - RFC Function Modules

    Text description of rfccompsel.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration rfccompsel.gif

  9. Expand the RFC - RFC Function Modules tree until the correct component displays for selection.

  10. Select a component and click OK.

    The populated Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-21 Subscribe Wizard - Populated Define Application View

    Text description of subrfcdefineapp.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration subrfcdefineapp.gif

  11. Click Next.

    The Define Mappings dialog displays.

  12. Click New to define mappings and click Finish.

    The new populated event displays in the right panel of iStudio.

Outbound From SAP

Outbound from R/3 is used when the SAP R/3 system is sending messages to your application. The Remote Function Call Program ID must be set. The Remote Function Call Program ID is used to register with the SAP R/3 system.

Creating an Outbound Application Link Enabling Invoked Procedure

  1. Start iStudio.

  2. Open your project.

  3. Expand the Applications folder.

  4. Expand your application.

  5. Right-click Invoked Procedures and select New.

    Figure 3-22 Creating an Implemented Procedure

    Text description of newinvokedproc.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration newinvokedproc.gif

    The Invoke Wizard--Select a Procedure dialog displays.

    Figure 3-23 Invoke Wizard - Selecting a Procedure

    Text description of invselectaprocedure.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration invselectaprocedure.gif

  6. Select the Application and Message type from the dropdown menus.

  7. Select a procedure, and click Next.

    The Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-24 Invoked Wizard - Define Application View

    Text description of invistudioimport.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration invistudioimport.gif

  8. Click Import and select SAP.

    The SAP Login dialog displays.

    If this is the initial login for this machine, enter the correct information.

    See Also:

    "Importing Attributes from SAP"

    If this machine has been logged in to SAP before, enter the password on the SAP Login dialog and click OK.

    The Component Selector displays.

    Figure 3-25 Component Selector - Application Link Enabling

    Text description of aleadvancedsend.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration aleadvancedsend.gif

  9. Expand the ALE tree until the correct component displays for selection.

  10. Select a component and click OK.

    The populated Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-26 Invoke Wizard - Populated Define Applications View

    Text description of invaledefineapp.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration invaledefineapp.gif

  11. Click Next.

    The Define Mappings dialog displays.

  12. Click New to define mappings and click Finish.

    The new populated event displays in the right panel of iStudio.

Creating an Application Link Enabling Published Event

  1. Start iStudio.

  2. Open your project.

  3. Expand the Applications folder.

  4. Expand your application.

  5. Right-click Published Events and select New.

    Figure 3-27 Creating a Published Event

    Text description of newpubevent.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration newpubevent.gif

    The Publish Wizard--Select an Procedure dialog displays.

    Figure 3-28 Publish Wizard - Selecting a Procedure

    Text description of pubselectaprocedure.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration pubselectaprocedure.gif

  6. Select the Application and Message Type from the dropdown menus.

  7. Select an event and click Next.

    The Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-29 Publish Wizard - Define Application View

    Text description of pubaledefineapp.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration pubaledefineapp.gif

  8. Click Import and select SAP.

    The SAP Login dialog displays.

    If this is the initial login for this machine, enter the correct information.

    See Also:

    "Importing Attributes from SAP"

    If this machine has been logged in to SAP before, enter the password on the SAP Login dialog and click OK.

    The Component Selector displays.

    Figure 3-30 Component Selector - Application Link Enabling AdvancedSend

    Text description of aleadvancedsend.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration aleadvancedsend.gif

  9. Expand the ALE tree until the correct component displays for selection.

  10. Select a component and click OK.

    The populated Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-31 Publish Wizard - Populated Define Application View

    Text description of pubaledefineapp.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration pubaledefineapp.gif

  11. Click Next.

    The Define Mappings dialog displays.

  12. Click New to define mappings and click Finish.

    The new populated event will display in the right panel in iStudio.

Creating a Remote Function Call Invoked Procedure

To create a Remote Function Call invoked procedure in iStudio:

  1. Start iStudio.

  2. Open your project.

  3. Expand the Applications folder.

  4. Expand your application.

  5. Right-click Invoked Procedures and select New.

    Figure 3-32 Creating an Invoked Procedure

    Text description of newinvokedproc.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration newinvokedproc.gif

    The Invoke Wizard--Select a Procedure dialog displays.

    Figure 3-33 Invoke Wizard - Selecting a Procedure

    Text description of invselectaprocedure.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration invselectaprocedure.gif

  6. Select the Application and Message Type from the dropdown menus.

  7. Select a procedure and click Next.

    The Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-34 Invoke Wizard - Define Application View

    Text description of invistudioimport.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration invistudioimport.gif

  8. Click Import and select SAP.

    The SAP Login dialog displays.

    If this is the initial login for this machine, enter the correct information.

    See Also:

    "Importing Attributes from SAP"

    If this machine has been logged in to SAP before, enter the password on the SAP Login dialog and click OK.

    The Component Selector displays.

    Figure 3-35 Component Selector - Remote Function Call

    Text description of rfccompsel.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration rfccompsel.gif

  9. Expand the RFC - RFC Function Modules tree until the correct component displays for selection.

  10. Select a component and click OK.

    The populated Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-36 Invoke Wizard - Define Application View

    Text description of invrfcdefineapp.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration invrfcdefineapp.gif

  11. Click Next.

  12. Click New to define mappings and click Finish.

    The new populated event displays in the right panel of iStudio.

Creating a Remote Function Call Published Event

To create a Remote Function Call published event in iStudio:

  1. Start iStudio

  2. Open your project.

  3. Expand the Applications folder.

  4. Expand your application.

  5. Right-click Published Events and select New.

    Figure 3-37 Creating a Published Event

    Text description of newpubevent.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration newpubevent.gif

    The Publish Wizard--Select a Procedure dialog displays.

    Figure 3-38 Publish Wizard - Selecting a Procedure

    Text description of pubselectaprocedure.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration pubselectaprocedure.gif

  6. Select the Application and Message Type from the dropdown menus.

  7. Select an event and click Next.

    The Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-39 Publish Wizard - Define Application View

    Text description of pubistudioimport.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration pubistudioimport.gif

  8. Click Import and select SAP.

    The SAP Login dialog displays.

    If this is the initial login for this machine, enter the correct information.

    See Also:

    "Importing Attributes from SAP"

    If this machine has been logged in to SAP before, enter the password on the SAP Login dialog and click OK.

    The Component Selector displays.

    Figure 3-40 Component Selector - Remote Function Call

    Text description of rfccompsel.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration rfccompsel.gif

  9. Expand the RFC - RFC Function Modules tree until the correct component displays for selection.

  10. Select a component and click OK.

    The populated Define Application View dialog displays.

    Figure 3-41 Publish Wizard - Define Application View

    Text description of pubrfcappview.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration pubrfcappview.gif

  11. Click Next.

  12. Click New to define mappings and click Finish.

    The new populated event displays in the right panel of iStudio.

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