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Oracle Application Server InterConnect Adapter for SAP R/3 Installation and User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10408-01
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Application Link Enabling

Application Link Enabling (ALE) handles the exchange of messages across independent R/3 systems or between external systems and R/3. Application Link Enabling uses intermediate documents (IDOC) as a universal container for the information. Intermediate documents are used to upload to, or download data from, other systems.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Frequently Used Application Link Enabling Transactions

Table 4-1 displays a list of frequently used Application Link Enabling transactions.

Table 4-1 Frequently Used Application Link Enabling Transactions

Transaction Description


Application Link Enabling Customizing


Analyze change pointers - create intermediate documents from change pointer


Send customer master


Activate change pointer generally


Maintain logical systems


Maintain distribution model


Distribute customer model


Cross-system intermediate documents reporting


Intermediate document Display


Intermediate document List


Maintain partner profile


Maintain port definition


Develop intermediate document types


Maintain intermediate document segment


Intermediate Documents Documentation - Intermediate document types


Application Link Enabling Audit - statistical analyses


Process (dispatch) intermediate documents through port - RSEOUT00


Inbound file


Process code inbound


Central intermediate documents archive


Status code maintenance


Assign intermediate documents to message type


Maintain Remote Function Call destinations


Display batch jobs - job overview


Process overview


Evaluate application log


System log


Transactional Remote Function Call monitoring


Remote Function Call Server Group maintenance

Application Line Enabling Terminology

The following terms are described:

Logical System

A logical system is your R/3 representation. This is your R/3 address where you can distribute data to and from an R/3 system. Logical systems start with a base logical system.

See Also:

"Define a Base Logical System"

The base contains your main address. From the base logical system, an SAP administrator creates partner logical systems.

See Also:

"Define a Partner Logical System"

A base system uses the case sensitive Remote Function Call (RFC). To browse the Remote Function Call destinations from the SAP interface:

  1. Click Tools >Administration.

  2. Select Network.

  3. Select RFC destination.

  4. Select TCP/IP Connections.

  5. Select the Remote Function Call destination to use.

Make sure the Remote Function Call points to the correct computer using the System Information > Target System. You can also verify your connection using Test Connection.

Ask the administrator of the logical system which RFC Destination to use.

Intermediate Documents Type

An intermediate document type represents the structure of the data associated with a message type. An intermediate document is a component with the data of a particular message type in it. Intermediate documents are data containers with intelligence built in. Each intermediate document contains only one business type.

Before a the development machine can send or receive intermediate documents of a certain type, it needs to know the intermediate document structure. An intermediate document consists of the following types:

Intermediate documents are identified by a unique intermediate document number (IDOCNUM) assigned by SAP. However, it is possible to manually assign a number range of intermediate documents.

Message Type

The message type represents the data exchanged between R/3 and an external system. A message type characterizes the data being sent across systems and relates to the structure of the data: an intermediate document type. For example, MATMAS is a message type for Material Master, and IVOIC is a message type for an Invoice. There are over 200 message types supported by Application Link Enabling in an R/3 system.

Access logical message types using the /nwedi transaction or by completing the following steps:

  1. Select Development.

  2. Select IDOC types.

    Using Environment > Message types retrieves a list of available message types.

To access an assignment of logical message types to intermediate document types, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Environment.

  2. Select IDOC types/message.

The main transaction in the R/3 system for intermediate documents handling is /nwedi. SAP documentation is available for intermediate document types and intermediate document segment types. The IDOC>IDOC lists menu accesses the list of intermediate documents created and received in an R/3 system.

OracleAS InterConnect Application Acting as a Client

If you want to make your OracleAS InterConnect application acts as a client sending intermediate documents, create a subscribed event or an implemented procedure. It is preferable to create a subscribed event because intermediate documents are more similar to events than request/reply pairs. When this event/procedure is triggered, an intermediate document is sent to the SAP system.

You must set up the Application Link Enabling general settings using the R/3 configuration editor to send an intermediate document to R/3.

If you browse the SAP system in iStudio, a pair of methods associated with each intermediate document displays. These methods are called Send and AdvancedSend. Events/procedures can be built around either of these. If you call the Send method it populates the control record of the intermediate document from the parameters set in the R/3 configuration editor. AdvancedSend allows more flexibility; if you use this method you must pass the control data to the method.

Application Acting as a Server

You can have your OracleAS InterConnect application act as a server receiving R/3 intermediate documents. R/3 sends an intermediate document to the development machine's Program ID. In order to receive an Application Link Enabling intermediate document, you must first register the RFC program ID. This is done by setting the RFC program ID in the R/3 configuration editor.

You can create a published event or an invoked procedure (events are preferred) to be triggered when an intermediate document is sent to your OracleAS InterConnect application. You must use the AdvancedSend method associated with that Application Link Enabling intermediate document to define your event/procedure. When an intermediate document is sent to your application, an appropriate OracleAS InterConnect message will be constructed and sent to the OracleAS InterConnect hub.

Application Link Enabling Subdirectories--Queue and Cache

The Application Link Enabling Cache and Queue directories, located under <install_path>\...\config\ALE\<profileName>, are created after Application Link Enabling parameters are set in the Configuration Editor. The Cache and Queue directories are required when manually downloading intermediate document structures (the .mtd file) from the SAP system to the local machine.

The Queue directory contains the queue of requests that were not sent. The requests are re-sent every [RetryInterval] minutes.

The Cache directory contains local descriptions of Application Link Enabling messages.

Intermediate documents can be accessed at runtime by setting the Application Link Enabling Enable Remote Browsing parameter in the development machine's Configuration Editor only if the Enhanced Browsing Function Modules have been uploaded.

This parameter is used mostly for casual browsing as the .ido files are not saved locally and it can be slow. The preferred method is to use the SAP Parser method and download the .mtd files locally to generate the .ido file.

If, at runtime, an intermediate document definition is needed but no .ido file exists, then the development machine downloads the .ido file from an available R/3 system. However, if the R/3 system is down, nothing will work. In this case, for reliability, pre-download the intermediate document definitions to an .mtd file.

The.mtd files create the .ido files. The .ido files are compiled versions of the .mtd file. Delete the .mtd file after creating the .ido file. Calling the intermediate document, either by viewing them in the development machine's Browser or being called by the development machine, creates the .ido file from the .mtd only on the initial call.

If an .ido file exists in your CACHE directory for a specific intermediate document, the development machine uses the existing .ido file. If the .mtd file is then updated, the .ido file does not automatically update. To manually update the .ido file, delete the old .ido file. Calling the intermediate document causes the updated .mtd file to generate a new .ido file. If you customize an intermediate document definition locally, do not forget to update the intermediate document definition in R/3 and inform users of this change in the definition structure. Otherwise, the next time an intermediate document is sent, it uses the old definitions and conversion errors will occur. Users of the intermediate document definition must delete the .mtd and the .ido files for that intermediate document and download the IDOC.mtd to compile a new .ido file.

See Also:

Queuing Inbound Intermediate Documents

If R/3 is down, the development machine cannot send inbound intermediate documents. It saves the intermediate documents for later transmission.

If you have not downloaded an .ido definition into an .mtd file, the development machine cannot transmit or queue your intermediate document.

See Also:

"Manually Downloading an IDOC"

When sending Application Link Enabling intermediate documents to R/3, the runtime code retrieves, and uses, a connection from its connection pool. If R/3 cannot be contacted, for example, no connection is available, the intermediate document is queued to re-send later. If a copy of the development machine is running with the same profile used by the sending client, the agent scans the Queue directory. The SAP Agent sends the queued intermediate documents according to the user-specified retry interval.

Application Link Enabling General Settings

The General Settings panel of the Configuration Editor defines the general Application Link Enabling settings. It is available from either the Global Settings or a user-defined profile. Table 4-2 provides a description of the fields in the Configuration Editor.

Figure 4-1 Configuration Settings Editor - Application Link Enabling General Settings

Text description of alegeneralsettings.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration alegeneralsettings.gif

Table 4-2 Configuration Settings Editor - Application Link Enabling General Settings fields
Field Description

Enable ALE Runtime

Activates the Application Link Enabling connections. Enables or disables the ability of the SAP adapter to be sent intermediate documents via the Remote Function Call destination defined by the Host.

Enable Remote Browsing

When unchecked, the Application Link Enabling adapter will not go to the R/3 system to retrieve the definition of Application Link Enabling messages. The SAP adapter only browses intermediate document definitions that were manually downloaded from the R/3 system. For more information, refer to the Manually Downloading an IDOC.

Pre-Requisite: Upload the intermediate document browsing function modules provided into the SAP system. Application Link Enabling checks a setting before attempting to retrieve an intermediate document definition from R/3.

DOC Definitions will use Host R/3 version

A three letter, uppercase string used to specify that the intermediate document definitions should be those of the specified release of R/3. If the setting is blank (internally) this indicates that the latest R/3 version must use.

IDOC Definitions will use Version

A three letter, uppercase string used to specify that the intermediate document definitions should be those of the specified release of R/3.

The first time the R/3 system version is required at runtime, the R/3 system is queried and the result is stored back into this key. The setting changes from Use Latest Available to the R/3 version.

Inbound - Retry Interval

This is a 32-bit integer with valid values ranging from 1 to 2*24*60 to two days.

It represents the number of minutes between retry attempts when re-sending a message to R/3.

Receiving Client Logical System ID

A 10-character string representing the SAP System Base logical system ID for the recipient of your intermediate document (created in the SAP System by a System Administrator). You are sending an intermediate document. This is the logical system ID associated with the SAP client to whom you are sending the intermediate document.

If you use AdvancedSend in your code, you can set the parameters in control structure passed to the AdvancedSend method. If you use the Send method in your code, the development machine uses the values set in the ALE General Settings.

Agent Logical System ID

A 10-character string representing the development machine. This identification is created in the SAP System for the development machines by the System Administrator. You are sending an intermediate document. This is the logical system ID associated with the intermediate document source (the development machine) in R/3.

If you use AdvancedSend in your code, you can set the parameters in the AdvancedSend method. If you use the Send method in your code, the development machine uses the values set in the ALE General Settings.

Inbound Intermediate Documents

If sending an inbound intermediate document from an OracleAS InterConnect application to R/3, set the following using the Configuration Editor:

Outbound Intermediate Documents

If sending an outbound intermediate document from R/3 to OracleAS InterConnect application, set the following using the Configuration Editor:

R/3 Application Link Enabling Configuration

Complete the following steps to configure the R/3 system to use Application Link Enabling functionality.

Step 1 Define a Base Logical System

To use Application Link Enabling functionality you must configure both SAP and the development machine. The first step is to identify a base logical system in your R/3 system. Using the SAPGUI ALE customizing menu, set up your client's base logical system.

To access the ALE customizing menu, either use the /nSALE transaction or the Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) > Cross-Applications Components > Distribution (ALE) menu selection and expand Basic Configuration. The logical system you create is the sender in outbound interfaces and the receiver in inbound interfaces. An SAP system administrator creates the base logical system as follows:

  1. Expand the Set up Logical System.

  2. Execute Maintain Logical System.

  3. Click New Entries.

  4. Enter the name and description of the logical system and save your data in the Change Request Query Data dialog. The table is client independent.

    For example, SAP recommends the naming standard for the base logical system as XXXCLNTyyy.


    • xxx is the instance.

    • CLNT is an identification name, for example, a client name.

    • yyy furthers the client identification. For example, if the same client handles different IDOC structures you can differentiate them using numbers (CLNT01, CLNT02).

  5. In the dialog box requesting a change, select an existing request if you have one open, or create a new one by clicking Create Request and entering a short description.

After setting your base logical system, assign the logical system to the client of the base logical system, thus creating partner logical systems. Access the panel using the /nSCC4 transaction.

See Also:

"Creating a Partner Profile"

To assign the logical system to the client of the base logical system:

  1. Execute Allocate Logical System to the Client.

  2. Find the entry of your client, yyy.

  3. Double-click the row to select it and click the entry name for details.

  4. Enter xxxCLNTyyy in the field for logical system and save your entry.

    See Also:

    SAP Implementation Guide for ALE contains specific R/3 customization instructions on how to create, or find, an existing logical system

You can use either the /nSALE transaction or the menu:

  1. Select Tools.

  2. Select Accelerated SAP > Customizing.

  3. Go to Edit Project.

  4. Select SAP Reference IMG.

  5. Open the Cross-Application Components.

  6. Find Distribution (ALE) and expand the subsequent branches.

    Figure 4-2 Display Structure: Distributed (ALE)

    Text description of sapwe20.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration sapwe20.gif

To use an existing logical system, you can access the current logical system list using the following:

Step 2 Sending a Material Master Intermediate Document

To send a material master intermediate document, use the /nBD10 transaction or select from the menu:

Step 3 Creating a Transactional Port

To communicate outside of the R/3 system, you need a transactional Remote Function Call port and a communication level through a Remote Function Call destination. A port is an SAP logical representation of a communication channel for intermediate documents. There are four types of ports that Application Link Enabling can use to distribute intermediate documents:

To create a transactional port:

  1. Highlight the branch for the type of port you wish to define.

  2. Click Create or F7.

  3. Click the popup dialog or press Enter.

    The List of Port dialog displays.

  4. Click New Entries.

  5. Enter a description in the Description field, for example, Task Port.

  6. Press F4 in Logical destination to access the popup RFC Destination dialog.

    You are linking this port to a logical Remote Function Call destination to invoke certain processing on a server. Use the /nsm59 transaction to create a Remote Function Call destination of type TCP/IP connection.

  7. Double-click an existing Remote Function Call to display in the Logical destination field.

  8. Click OK to accept your selection.

Step 4 Define a Partner Logical System

Based on an existing logical system, a partner profile is an identifier for a system used for communicating messages. There are four types of partner profiles of which LS (logical system) is used for Application Link Enabling communications.

A partner profile defines parameters of communication between two or more systems. Other than general information, you must maintain inbound parameters and message control. The main parameters are:

There are parameters that also determine the mode of processing and error handling.

Partner profiles are the gateway for Application Link Enabling communications. They route specified messages through defined intermediate document types to a given port. This is after invoking the appropriate function modules for outbound processing. During this time, it receives intermediate documents of a specific type and identifies modules to post data to the application databases for inbound messages.

To maintain partner profiles use the following transactions:

To define a partner logical system:

  1. Select the /sale transaction.

  2. Select Modeling and Implementing Business Process > Partner Profiles and Time of Processing > Maintain Partner Profiles Manually.

  3. Highlight the LS branch and press F7, or click Create.

    All Application Link Enabling partner profiles use LS as the partner type. LS is used for Application Link Enabling communications.

  4. Enter a part number.

  5. Select a Base Logical System and LS for Partner Type in the Partner Type and Number fields.

    Each client has its own base that represents it to the outside world. To send Application Link Enabling messages you need to start with a base.

Step 5 Creating a Partner Profile

Complete the following steps to create a partner profile:

  1. Enter xxxCLNTyyy in the Partn. number field using the/nsale transaction.

    This is either the base logical system you created, or an existing logical system. Every partner profile used for Application Link Enabling must be based on an existing logical system.

    See Also:

    "Define a Base Logical System"

    For example, SAP recommends the naming standard for the base logical system as XXXCLNTyyy.


    • xxx is the instance.

    • CLNT is an identification name, for example, a client name.

    • yyy furthers the client identification, for example, if the same client handles different intermediate document structures you can differentiate them using numbers (CLNT01, CLNT02).

  2. Enter the code or use the dropdown menu to select from the existing Partner's listing to set your partner number, Partn. number.

    Figure 4-3 Partner Profiles: Initial Screen

    Text description of alepartner.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration alepartner.gif

  3. Enter LS in the Partn. type field.

    All Application Link Enabling partner profiles use LS as the partner type. LS is used for Application Link Enabling communications.

  4. Click the Classification tab.

  5. Click Create or F7.

  6. Enter ALE in the Partner class field.

  7. Enter A in the Partn. status field.

  8. Click Save to create the partner.

Step 6 Maintaining Outbound Parameters

To maintain the outbound parameters:

  1. Click Outbound Parameters.

    Figure 4-4 CreateOutbound Parameters Button

    Text description of createoutparam.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration createoutparam.gif

  2. Enter your message type in the relevant input fiends, for example, Message type > MATMAS.

    Figure 4-5 Enter the Information

    Text description of inputfield.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration inputfield.gif

  3. Enter the transactional port previously created in the Receiver Port field.

  4. Set the pack size.

    The pack size is the number of intermediate documents sent in a single dispatch.

  5. Check Transfer IDOC immed. in Output Mode.

    You can also select Collect IDocs or Do not start subsystem. The first parameter instructs Application Link Enabling communication layer to collect all intermediate documents until further processing is requested. The second parameter is used to invoke third-party translation software.

  6. Access the popup screen using the down arrow in the IDoc Basic Type field.

    Intermediate Document Basic type browsing displays available intermediate documents for that message type. Enter a basic type, for example, MATMAS02.

    Using this dialog, you can specify multiple message types.

  7. Save your selections.

  8. Press F3 to return to the previous screen and view your settings.

Step 7 Customer Distribution Model

The Customer Distribution Model stores information about the flow of messages across various systems. It stores data that dictates which messages (messages types) flow to which logical system. Many messages can flow to one logical system, and one message can flow to several systems.

To create a Customer Distribution Model in the R/3 system with the client's base logical system as the sender logical system, either use the /nBD64 transaction or complete the following to use the menu:

  1. Select Tools > Accelerated SAP > Customizing > Edit Project.

  2. Press F6 for the Enterprise IMG.

  3. Expand Basic > Distribution (ALE) > Modeling and Implementing Business Processes > Cross-Application Settings.

  4. Open Maintain Distribution Model and Distribute Views.

  5. Select Transaction and double-click Maintain Customer distribution model directly.

  6. Click Outbound parameters.

  7. Continue with the SAP dialogs to define your parameters.

Application Link Enabling--Exploring Intermediate Document Types

There are two ways to use the development machine and R/3 to explore intermediate documents. You can manually download the intermediate documents to your local machine, or you can use the development machine's Enhance Browsing steps.

If you only work with a few intermediate documents, it is recommended that you manually download the intermediate documents.

See Also:

"Manually Downloading an IDOC"

If you use multiple intermediate document structures, you can enhance Application Link Enabling browsing by adding a few items provided with the development machine in your SAP system. By uploading the development machine source code into your SAP system, you can download all of the intermediate document definitions from your SAP system to your local machine for automatic browsing.

Uploading the development machine source code into the function modules may have been done. Perform a simple check by completing the following:

  1. Navigate through Tools > ABAP/4 Workbench > Development Function Builder.

  2. Set Function module to Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_READ_DEFN3.

  3. Click Global data.

  4. Click Display.

  5. Verify that the screen displays the following:

    function-pool zmas. MESSAGE-ID ..
    include ledidtyp.

    See Also:

    "How to Install the Remote Browsing Function Modules" if include ledidtyp does not display

    The development machine includes the text files for Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_LIST (idoclist.asc) and Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_READ_DEFN3 (idocread.asc) in the install_directory\SAP\ALE_Files directory. Use these files to upload the source code into the function modules.

Manually Downloading an IDOC

To download intermediate documents, you must have the Cache and Queue directories under \install_directory\config\ALE\profileName.

If you do not have these directories, use the Configuration Editor-> R/3-> ALE-> General Settings menu and check Enable ALE Runtime. Re-starting the OracleAS InterConnect application creates the Cache and Queue directories.

To manually download intermediate document definitions from an R/3 system to your the development machine server, complete the following steps:

  1. Select R/3 Settings > ALE General Settings in the development machine Configuration Editor.

  2. Verify that Enable ALE Runtime is selected and that Enable Remote Browsing is not checked.

  3. Save the settings and exit the Configuration Editor.


    Delete any existing .ido files for that intermediate document from your cache directory

  4. Log into an R/3 System.

    The SAPGUI Easy Access dialog displays.

  5. From the main R/3 menu, expand Tools > Business Communications > IDOC.

    The Process technology tree displays.

  6. Expand IDOC > IDOC Basis.

  7. Expand Documentation > IDOC type (parser).

    Figure 4-6 Documentation IDoc Record Types and IDoc Types (Parser)

    Text description of aleidocdownload1.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration aleidocdownload1.gif

  8. Select MATMAS01 from the Sel. of IDOC types popup dialog in Idoc Basic types.

  9. Click the check mark to accept and load your selection.

  10. Press F8 or Execute to run.

  11. Select List > Download in the Documentation IDoc Record types and IDOC Types (parser).

  12. Select unconverted in the Save list in file popup menu.

  13. Enter the following in the Transfer List to a Local File type matmas02_31H.mtd:

  14. Click OK.

  15. Exit the R/3 session.

    In the iStudio browser, when you browse Application Link Enabling intermediate documents, the downloaded information, retrieved from your machine, displays without logging into an R/3 session.

Enhance Application Link Enabling Remote Browsing

To enhance your Application Link Enabling remote browsing, the development machine includes the text files for Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_LIST (idoclist.asc) and Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_READ_DEFN3 (idocread.asc) in the install_directory\SAP\ALE_Files directory.

This procedure is optional. If you only work with a few intermediate documents, it is recommended that you manually download the definitions (.mtd files) for use with the development machine.

See Also:

"Manually Downloading an IDOC"

If you use multiple intermediate document structures, you can use the following to enhance Application Link Enabling remote browsing. IDOCName_SAPVersionNumber.ido files download automatically at runtime if you have selected Enable Remote Browsing and you are using the development machine's enhanced browsing function modules. Downloading IDOCName_SAPVersionNumber.ido files at runtime is time-consuming. For example, running the Application Link Enabling sample generates the matmas_31H.ido automatically (unless it was already manually downloaded because .ido files are over-written and the original file remains). Also, if you send or receive intermediate documents and the R/3 system goes down, you do not receive an error message; the message is queued and the message is sent the next time the system is functional.


Remove any existing .ido and .mtd files from your local system as the structure is changed and any existing .ido will not be updated with the new structure.

How to Install the Remote Browsing Function Modules

The following steps create:

Why a Function Group?

The function modules must be in the same function group (usually custom built) and the global data (shared by the entire function group) must contain the include ledidtype statement.

To begin, create the following four Data dictionary structures:

Create Four Structures

To create a structure, use the following pattern for each structure, for example using ZRPYIDCTXT in the SAPGUI, execute the /nse11 transaction, or complete the following steps:

  1. Select Tools > ABAP/4 Workbench > Development > ABAP/4 Dictionary.

  2. Click Data Type.

  3. Enter a table name in the Object name field, for example, ZRPYIDCTXT.

  4. Click Create or F5.

  5. Select Structure.

  6. Enter a description in the Short text field, for example, IDOC Text Description.

  7. Click Client Type Entry to ensure the transaction is in direct type entry mode. (Data Element input fields are disabled.)

    Figure 4-7 Dictionary:Table/Structure Change Fields

    Text description of structurechangefields.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration structurechangefields.gif

  8. Click Built-in Type to switch to Direct Type Entry.

  9. Enter the Component, for example, DESCRIP.

  10. Enter DTyp, for example, CHAR.

  11. Enter Length, for example 200.

  12. Enter Short Text, for example, Description.

  13. Click Enter to finish creating the field after entering the information from the table.

    Figure 4-8 Dictionary:Table/Structure:Display Fields

    Text description of alestruct3.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration alestruct3.gif

  14. Press F11 to save the table.

    The Create object catalog entry dialog displays.

  15. Complete the necessary fields.

  16. Verify how to store the component with your system administrator. Select one of the following:

    • Local object--A non-transportable temporary component.

    • Development classes--Allow entities to take part in the R/3 transport mechanism. Changes to components in these classes are recorded and can be transported to other systems.

  17. Press Ctrl+F2 to check the consistency of the structure.

  18. Press Ctrl+F3 to activate the structure.

  19. Press F3 to return to the previous screen.

    Repeat these steps for the other three structures, ZRPYIDCTYP, ZRPYIDCSG3, and ZRPYIDCFD3. Use the following information for all Filed name and Data elem fields.

    Figure 4-9 Dictionary:Table/Structure:Display Fields

    Text description of alestruct4.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration alestruct4.gif

Create the ZRPYIDCTYP Structure

Figure 4-10 and Table 4-3 describe creating the ZRPYIDCTYP structure.

Figure 4-10 Dictionary: Display Structure

Text description of alestruct2_upgrade.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration alestruct2_upgrade.gif

Table 4-3 Dictionary:Table/Structure:Display Fields
Field name Type Length Short Text




Name of Basic intermediate document type




Intermediate Document Type




Flag: Basis intermediate document type

Create the ZRPYIDCFD3 Structure

Figure 4-11 and Table 4-4describe creating the ZRPYIDCFD3 structure.

Figure 4-11 Dictonary:Table/Structure:Display Fields

Text description of alestruct1.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration alestruct1.gif

Table 4-4 Dictionary:Table/Structure:Display Fields
Field name Type Length Short Text




Segment type




Segment name




Flag: Mandatory entry




Minimum occurrence




Maximum occurrence




Hierarchy level




Parent segment type




Flag for parent segment

Create a Function Group

To create a function group using the SAPGUI:

  1. Enter the /nse37 transaction.

  2. Select Goto > Function groups > Create Group.

  3. Enter the function group name in the Function group field. For example, ZMAS.

  4. Enter the group description in the Short text field.

  5. Click Save.

    The Create object catalog entry dialog displays.

  6. Complete the necessary fields for this dialog.

  7. Verify how to store the component with your system administrator. Select Local Object or select a Development Class.

Create Two Function Modules

To create the Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_LIST and Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_READ_DEFN3 function modules in the SAPGUI:

  1. Enter the /nse37 transaction.

  2. Select Function Library.

    The Function Library: Initial Screen dialog displays.

  3. Enter the function module name in the Function module field, for example, Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_LIST.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Enter the following values for each of the Object components selections: Attributes, Import, Export, Changing, Tables, Exceptions, and Source Code.

    Figure 4-12 Object Components

    Text description of r3createobjectcomponents.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration r3createobjectcomponents.gif

Create a Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_LIST Function Module

The following section describes creating the Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_LIST function module.

Create a Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_READ_DEFN3 Function Module

This section describes creating a Z_RPY_IDOCTYPE_READ_DEFN3 function module.

Upload the Source Code

To upload the source code:

  1. Click the Source Code tab.

  2. Upload the Source Code provided with the development machine using SAP's command, Utilities > More Utilities > UpLoad/DownLoad > UpLoad.

  3. Enter the path and file name, install_directory\SAP\ALE_Files\idocread.asc.

  4. Press Ctrl+F3 to activate the function module.

  5. Select Global Data and click Change.

  6. Locate the following line:

    function-pool zmas.MESSAGE-ID .., 
  7. Insert the following:

    include ledidtyp.

To verify you have access to this global data, perform a simple check:

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