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Oracle Application Server InterConnect Adapter for Siebel 2000 Installation and User's Guide
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Business Component Relationships

Under the hood, all Siebel applications use Business Components and Business Services, which are the basic building blocks for Siebel. Custom methods (function calls) can be defined using the Siebel Tools, including defining a list of arguments and data types.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Most Commonly Used Siebel Components

Various components are accessed by other components across the Siebel solution. Most of the major components interact with other components to provide a logical view of information. The following lists most of the licensed components which are available with any Siebel solution:

Component Relationships

Siebel has approximately 1650 business components that correspond to various different projects. These, in turn, comprise the Siebel Application and its many modules. Each major component interacts with one or many component(s). Each component that it interacts with can be classified into parent-child relationship. The parent-child relationship among the components is usually a one-to-many relationship. For example:

The Campaign component has a one-to-many relationship with the Account 
component. The Account component has a one-to-many child relationship with 
Business Address.


The following is list of components in the Account project.

The following is a list of components in the Account project that are component-specific:

All the components listed in the Account project have an Account ID field and an Account ID value that is used as the primary ID. An Account ID can be used to retrieve related information.

Table 4-1 lists components with which Account interacts.

Table 4-1 Other Components with which Account Interacts
Component How Account ID is used

Account Category

Account ID is one of the component fields.

Account Synonym

Account ID is one of the component fields.

Business Address

Account ID value is used for Business Address ID.


Account ID is one of the component fields.


Account Pulls information based on language code for display purposes.

Organization Unit Type

Account ID value is used as primary ID.


Account Name is one of the component fields.

Service Agreement

Account ID is one of the component fields.


Account Name value is used for Named Account.

Account Parent Components

The following lists important components that have a one-to-many relationship with Account and are component-specific:

Account Child Components

The following lists components with which Account has a one-to-many relationship and are component-specific:

Business Address

The Account ID field value is used for the ID field in Business Address. The Account object needs to be created before the Address record entry is created. Business Address has no child relationships. The only relationship it has to others is that of parent.

Business Address Parent Components

Listed below are some important components that have a one-to-many relationship with Business Address and are component-specific:


The following is a list of components in the Contact project that are component-specific:

All the components other than Business Address, Personal Address, Personal Payment Profile, and Contact User have the Contact ID as one of the fields, which can be used to retrieve related information. Contact Relationship maintains the relationship table between Account and Contact. It has both Contact and Account ID fields.

Table 4-2 lists the field mappings for Business Address.

Table 4-2 Business Address Field Mapping
Business Address Components Mapping

Address Name

Primary Address Name in Contact.


Primary City in Contact.


Primary State in Contact.

Postal Code

Primary Postal code in Contact.

Table 4-3 lists other major components with which Contact interacts.

Table 4-3 Contact Components and Interactions
Component Interaction


Active First Name maps to Employee First Name in Contact.

Active Last Name maps to Employee Last Name in Contact.

Active Login Name maps to Sales Rep in Contact.

Contact Row Status maps to Row Status in Contact.

Name maps to Position in Contact.

Contact Category

Category maps to Category Value in Contacts.

Category Value maps to Category Value in Contacts.


Opportunity Id is one of the component fields.

Name maps to Opportunity in Contact.

Personal Address

Street Address maps to Personal Street Address in Contact.

City maps to Personal City in Contact.

Country maps to Personal Country in Contact.

Postal Code maps to Personal postal Code in Contact.

State maps to Personal State in Contact.


Relationship is through Contact Relationship.


Employee Login Name maps to Login in Employee.

Contact Parent Components

The following lists some important components that have a one-to-many relationship with Contact that are component-specific:

Contact Child Components

The following lists some important components that Contact has a one-to-many relationship with and are component-specific:

Internal Product

Internal Product Component has the following ID fields which can be used to query related information:

Table 4-4 lists the field mappings of Internal Product and other components with which it interacts:

Table 4-4 Internal Products and Other Components with which it Interacts
Internal Products/Components Maps to

Admin Product Line

Name maps to Product Line in Internal Product.

Position maps to Position in Internal Product.

Position ID to Position ID in Internal Product.

ID maps to Product Line ID in Internal Product.


Login Name maps Employee in Internal Product.

Product Relation Type maps to Relation type in Internal Product.

Product Skill Level maps to Expertise Level in Internal Product.

Equivalent Product

Name maps to Equivalent Product in Internal Product.

Internal Division

Back Office Distribution Channel maps Back Office Distribution Channel in Internal Product.

Back Office Sales Organization maps Back Office Sales Organization in Internal Product.

Min Order Units maps Back Office Min Order Units in Internal Product.

Name maps Organization in Internal Product.

Organization ID maps Organization ID in Internal Product.

Unit of Measure maps Back Office Unit of Measure in Internal Product.

Price List

The following is a list of components in the Price List project that are component-specific:

Table 4-5 lists major components with which Price List interacts.

Table 4-5 Components with which Price List Interacts
Components Description


Login maps to Login name in Price List.

Internal Product

ID maps to Price List Item Product ID in Price List.

Internal Division

Organization ID maps to Organization ID in Price List.

Payment Terms

Name maps to Payment term in Price List.

Price List Parent Components

An important component that has a one-to-many relationship with Price List is Internal Product. Internal Product is component-specific.

Price List Child Components

The following lists some important components that Price List may have a one-to-many relationship and are component-specific:

Price List Item

Price list Item contains Product ID and Price List ID fields, which can be used to associate it with a Price list or Product. Table 4-6 lists the components and their interactions:

Table 4-6 Components with which Price List Interacts
Component Interacts with

Price List

Price List ID field does exist in Price List Item.

Volume Discount Item

Volume Discount ID Method maps to Volume Discount ID in Price List Item.

Volume Discount Method maps to Volume Discount Method in Price List Item.

Volume Discount End Date maps to Volume Discount Method in Price List Item.

Price list Item component has no parent or child relationships with other components.


The following is a list of components, other than Quote, in the Quote project that are component-specific:

All the components in the project have a Quote ID field, which can be used to associate them and to query associated values.

Table 4-7 lists quote components with which Quote interacts.

Table 4-7 Other components with which Quote Interacts
Quote Components Description

Business Address

City field maps to Bill to City field in Quote.

Country field maps to Bill to Country field in Quote.

Postal Code maps to Bill to Postal Code field in Quote.

State maps to Bill to State field in Quote.

Street Address maps to Bill to Street Address field in Quote.


ID maps to Contact ID field in Quote.

First Name maps to Ship To First Name field in Quote.

Last Name maps to Ship To Last Name field in Quote.

First name maps to Bill To First Name field in Quote.

Last Name maps to Bill To Last Name field in Quote.


Account ID maps to Account ID in Quote.

Opportunity Product

Product maps to Opportunity Product field in Quote.

Product ID to maps to Opportunity Product ID field in Quote.

Quote Number maps to Opportunity Quote Number in Quote.

Quote Parent Components

The following lists some important components that have a one-to-many relationship with Quote and are component-specific:

Quote Child Components

The following lists some important component-specific components with which Quote has a one-to-many relationship:

Quote Item

Quote Item defines a line item in a Quote. For example, a quote item needs to be defined for each product in a quote. It contains many ID fields such as Price List ID, Quote ID, Promotion ID, Product Integration ID, Solution ID, Solution Product ID, and Class Reg Num of which can be used to associate and query. It interacts with the following components:

Quote Item Parent Components

The following lists component-specific components that have a one-to-many relationship with Quote item:

Quote Item component does not have child relationships with other components.


The following is a list of component-specific components in the Opportunity project other than Opportunity:

The Opportunity ID field is in all Opportunity project Components other than Opportunity Orders and TAS Opportunity Competitor.

In case of Opportunity Orders, the common field is Parent Opportunity ID field that is common.

TAS Account Opportunity has Account ID, Organization ID, and Position ID, which exists in Opportunity. These can be used to obtain any cross-reference data that is needed.

Table 4-8 lists other components with which TAS Account Opportunity interacts.

Table 4-8 Other components with which TAS Account Opportunity Interacts
Component Description

Assignment Group

Name maps to Territory field in Opportunity.

Business Address

City maps to City Field in Opportunity.

CityStateZipCountry maps to CityStateZipCountry Field in Opportunity.

Country field maps to Country field in Opportunity.

Postal Code maps to Postal Code field in Opportunity.

State maps to State field in Opportunity.

Street Address maps to Street Address field in Opportunity.


Vendor maps to Competitor field in Opportunity.


Name maps to Industry field in Opportunity.


Active First Name maps to First Name field in Opportunity.

Active Last Name maps to Last Name field in Opportunity.

Sales Rep maps to Login Name field in Opportunity.

Name maps to Position field in Opportunity.

ID maps to Position ID field in Opportunity.


End Date maps to Program End Date field in Opportunity.

Start Date maps to Program Start Date field in Opportunity.

Name maps to Source field in Opportunity.

Created maps to Source Created Date field in Opportunity.

Type maps to Source Type field in Opportunity.

Opportunity Parent Components

The following lists some important component-specific components that have a one-to-many relationship with Opportunity:

Opportunity Child Components

The following lists some important component-specific components that Opportunity maintains a one-to-many relationship:

Opportunity Orders

Opportunity Orders has the following ID fields that can be used to reference, query, and associated values:

Table 4-9 lists other components with which Opportunity Orders interacts.

Table 4-9 Other components with which Opportunity Orders Interacts
Opportunity Orders Components Components


Active First Name maps to First Name field in Opportunity Orders.

Active Last Name maps to Last Name field in Opportunity Orders.

Sales Rep maps to Login Name field in Opportunity Orders.

Name maps to Position field in Opportunity Orders.

ID maps to Position ID field in Opportunity Orders.

Business Address

City maps to City Field in Opportunity Orders.

CityStateZipCountry maps to CityStateZipCountry Field in Opportunity Orders.

Country field maps to Country field in Opportunity Orders.

Postal Code maps to Postal Code field in Opportunity Orders.

State maps to State field in Opportunity Orders.

Street Address maps to Street Address field in Opportunity Orders.


Vendor maps to Competitor field in Opportunity Order.

Opportunity Product

Product maps to Product field in Opportunity Order.

End Date maps to Program End Date field in Opportunity Order.

Start Date maps to Program Start Date field in Opportunity Order.

Name maps to Source field in Opportunity Order.

Created maps to Source Created Date field in Opportunity Order.

Type maps to Source Type field in Opportunity Order.



Name maps to Territory field in Opportunity Order.

Opportunity Orders does not have parent or child relationships with other components.

Opportunity Product

Opportunity product has the following components through which all the data related to the product and data associated with other components can be retrieved:

Table 4-10 lists other components with which Opportunity Product interacts.

Table 4-10 Other Components with which Opportunity Product Interacts
Opportunity Product Components Components


Sales Rep maps to Login Name field in Opportunity Product.

Closed Date maps to Opportunity Closed Date field in Opportunity Product.

Revenue maps to Opportunity Revenue field in Opportunity Product.

Revenue Currency Code maps to Opportunity Revenue Currency Code field in Opportunity Product.

Revenue Exchange Date maps to Opportunity Revenue Exchange Date field in Opportunity Product.


Name maps to Territory field in Opportunity Product.

Opportunity Product Parent Components

The following lists some component-specific components that have a one-to-many relationship with Opportunity Product:

Opportunity Product Child Components

The following lists some important component-specific components that Opportunity Product maintains a one-to-many relationship:

Order Entry Orders

The Orders component is an important component in Orders project. The other component-specific components in the Orders other than Order Entry include:

All the project components have Order ID, Order Header ID, or Order Number through which other components can co-relate and relate data.

Other Components With Which Order Entry Interacts

Table 4-11 lists other components with which Orders interacts.

Table 4-11 Components with which Orders Interacts
Component Description


Account ID maps to Account ID field in Order Entry Orders.

Name maps to Account field in Order Entry Orders.

Business Address

City maps to Bill To--City Field in Order Entry Orders.

Country field maps to Bill To--Country field in Order Entry Orders.

Postal Code maps to Bill To--Zip field in Order Entry Orders.

State maps to Bill To--State field in Order Entry Orders.

Street Address maps to Bill To--Address field in Order Entry Orders.

City maps to Ship To--City Field in Order Entry Orders.

Country field maps to Ship To--Country field in Order Entry Orders.

Postal Code maps to Ship To--Zip field in Order Entry Orders.

State maps to Ship To - State field in Order Entry Orders.

Street Address maps to Ship To--Address field in Order Entry Orders.

Country Code maps to Account Address--Country field in Order Entry Orders.

State maps to Account Address.

State field in Order Entry Orders.

Street Address maps to Account Address field in Order Entry Orders.


First Name maps to Bill To First Name field in Order Entry Orders.

Last Name maps to Bill To Last Name field in Order Entry Orders.

First Name maps to Ship To First Name field in Order Entry Orders.

Last Name maps to Ship To Last Name field in Order Entry Orders.

Invoice Payments

Payment Import Flg maps to Payment Import Flg field in Order Entry Orders.


Login maps to Approved By Emp Login field in Order Entry Orders.

ID maps to Approved By--Employee ID field in Order Entry Orders.

Order Entry - Line Items

Order Header ID maps to Order ID field in Order Entry Orders.

Order Entry Orders Parent Components

The following lists some important component-specific components that have a one-to-many relationship with Order Entry Orders:

Order Entry Orders Child Components

Table 4-12 lists some important components with which Order Entry Orders maintains a one-to-many relationship.

Table 4-12 Components with which Order Entry Orders Maintains a One-to-Many Relationship
Component Description

Comm Contact


FS Invoice Payments


Order Entry--Create SAP Order Output


Order Entry--Create SAP Order Status Header


Order Entry--Get SAP Order Status Item Delivery Item


Order Entry--Get SAP Order Status Output


Order Entry--Line Item


Order Entry--Line Items.Line Number (Sequence)


Order Entry--Order Sales Team


Order Entry AttachmentPosition


Order Entry Line Items

The Order Entry Line Item component describes a line item in an Order. It has various Ids, such as Order Header ID, Order Acct ID, Contact ID, Asset ID, Covered Product ID, Volume Discount ID, and Price List ID through which other components can be accessed and obtain and update related data.

Table 4-13 lists other components with which Order Entry Line Items interacts.

Table 4-13 Other components with which Order Entry Line Items Interacts
Component Description

Price List

ID maps to Price List ID field in Order Entry line Item.

Product Line

Name maps to Product Line field in Order Entry line Item.

Business Address

City maps to Ship To--City Field in Order Entry line Item.

Country field maps to Ship To--Country field in Order Entry line Item.

Postal Code maps to Ship To--Zip field in Order Entry line Item.

State maps to Ship To--State field in Order Entry line Item.

Street Address maps to Ship To--Address field in Order Entry line Item.


First Name maps to Ship To First Name field in Order Entry line Item.

Last Name maps to Ship To Last Name field in Order Entry line Item.

Order Entry Line Items Parent Components

The following lists some important component-specific components that have a one-to-many relationship with Order Entry Line Items:

Order Entry Line Items Child Components

The following lists some important component-specific components that have a one-to-many relationship with Order Entry Line Items:


The following lists component-specific components in the RMA project other than RMA:

All the components in the project have RMA ID, which can be used to query and associate related data.

Table 4-14 lists other components with which RMA interacts.

Table 4-14 Other components with which RMA Interacts
Component Description

Business Address

City maps to City Field in RMA.

Country field maps to Country field in RMA.

Postal Code maps to Postal Code field in RMA.

State maps to State field in RMA.

Street Address maps to Address field in RMA.


ID maps to Account ID field in RMA.

Name Code maps to Account field in RMA.


ID maps to Contact ID field in RMA.

First Name maps to Contact First Name field in RMA.

Last Name maps to Contact Last Name field in RMA.

RMA Parent Components

The Service Request component has a one-to-many relationship with RMA.

RMA Child Components

The following lists some important components that RMA maintains a one-to-many relationship:

Service Request

The following lists component-specific components in the Service project other than Service Request:

All components have SR ID or SREP SR ID or SR Number which can be used to query and insert associated information.

Table 4-15 lists other components with which RMA interacts.

Table 4-15 Components with which RMA Interacts
Component Description


Owned by maps to Activity Assigned To field in Service Request.

Status maps to Activity Status field in Service Request.

Business Address

ID maps to Address ID Field in Service Request.

City maps to City Field in Service Request.

Country field maps to Country field in Service Request.

Postal Code maps to Postal Code field in Service Request.

State maps to State field in Service Request.

Street Address maps to Address field in Service Request.

Service Agreement

Agreement End Date maps to Agreement End Date Field in Service Request.

Agreement Start Date maps to Agreement Start Date Field in Service Request.

Agreement Status maps to Agreement Status Field in Service Request.

Name maps to Agreement Name Field in Service Request.

Revision Number maps to Revision number Field in Service Request.

Service Type maps to Service Type Field in Service Request.

SR External Product

Comment maps to Profile Comment Field in Service Request.

Description maps to Profile Description Field in Service Request.

Name maps to Profile Product Name Field in Service Request.

SREP Account ID maps to Profile SREP Account ID Field in Service Request.

SREP Product ID maps to Profile SREP Product ID Field in Service Request.

Version maps to Profile Version Field in Service Request.


Read Flag maps to SR Read Flag Field in Service Request.

Red Flag maps to SR Red Flag Field in Service Request.

Account Synonym

Name maps to Synonym field in Service Request.

Service Request Parent Components

The following lists some important component-specific components that have a one-to-many relationship with Service Request:

Service Request Child Components

The following lists some important component-specific components that Service Request maintains a one-to-many relationship:

Handling Multi-Valued Fields

A Multi-Valued Field (MVF) is a field that is declared in a primary component but is also available in other Components. The concept is similar to a foreign key in database tables. In the case of Siebel, if you need to update a multi-value field in any component, you need to get the primary component in order to update that value. The Siebel Adapter exposes the Multi Valued Field only in the primary component and not in any other components. This makes the update easier and eases the complexity of updating the MVF Values.

For example, the Account component has the multi valued field Street Address whose primary component is Business Address. The following sample code adds a new address to the Hong Kong Flower Shop account record.

In Siebel this is how you update multi valued fields. The following example is displayed in Siebel VB script:

Dim AccntBO as BusObject
Dim AccntBC as BusComp
Dim AddrBC as BusComp
Set AccntBO = theApplication.GetBusObject("Account")
Set AccntBC = AccntBO.GetBusComp("Account")
With AccntBC

.SetViewMode SalesRepView
.ActivateField "Name"
.SetSearchSpec "Name", "Hong Kong Flower Shop"
Set AddrBC = .GetMVGBusComp("Street Address") End With With AddrBC
.NewRecord NewAfter
.SetFieldValue "Street Address", "100 main st."
.SetFieldValue "City", "Denver"
End With Set AccntBO = Nothing Set AccntBC = Nothing Set AddrBC = Nothing

Using Siebel, Street Address only appears as a field in Business Address component. You may need to call insert or update for the Business Address component.

Dim accRecord(0)        As Business_Objects_AccountRecord
Dim queryAccRec()       As Business_Objects_AccountRecord
Dim accBusAddrRec(0)    As Business_Objects_Business_AddressRecord
Dim queryAccBusAdr()    As Business_Objects_Business_AddressRecord
Dim toDay               As Variant
Dim expAcct             As ExptdAcctVal
Dim expBusAddr          As ExptdBusAddrsVal
Dim queryExpr           As String

Set accRecord(0) = New Business_Objects_AccountRecord
Set accBusAddrRec(0) = New Business_Objects_Business_AddressRecord

'Set the query expression based on fields Account Name
'lets assume the account name is ACBFirst 
'in case we know the Account ID we directly use the 
'Business Address Component to call update or insert value 
queryExpr = "[Name] = " + Chr$(34) + " Hong Kong Flower Shop" + Chr$(34)
'Queries the insert record based on  Value
accountComponent.Query queryExpr, "", queryAccRec
'Sets values to the fields of
'Business_AddressRecord in case record needs to be inserted 
'else just set the changed value in case of update
accBusAddrRec(0).theAccount_Id = queryAccRec (0).theId accBusAddrRec(0).theStreet_Address = "100 main st." accBusAddrRec(0).theCity = " Denver "
' Inserts a Business Address Record. 
acctBusAddress.Insert accBusAddrRec accRecord(0) = nothing accBusAddrRec(0) = nothing queryAccRec() = nothing queryAccBusAdr() = nothing

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) For an account, what is the exact procedure to fetch an account, and then fetch all of the addresses for that account or some other associated child component?

A) Query on Account Component based on the interested Account details. Account and Business Address component are related through ID field. Query on Business Address based on the Account ID value. This should return data about all Business Addresses associated with that Account.

Q) Does a relation exist between an account and its Orders?

A) Account ID is one of the component fields in Order Entry Orders. You can retrieve all Order details with regard to the Account using the Account ID Field.

Q) Does a relation exist between Orders and Prices?

A) The relationship is through the ID field, Order entry has Price List ID field. Order Entry - Orders also has other IDs such as Organization ID, Quote ID, Promotion ID, and Ship To Contact ID. through which you can find other associated details by querying on particular IDs or group of IDs on Order Entry Orders component.

Q) How do I create an account with multiple addresses?

A) Business Address is a child component to Account. Relationship between Account and Business Address is of type, one-to-many. Business Address and Account are related through ID field. Multiple Business Address records with the same Account ID value will be associated with a single Account.

Q) How do I create an order with multiple Line items?

A) Order Entry Line Item component is a child component to Order Entry Orders. Relationship between Order Entry Orders and Order Entry Line Item is of type, one-to-many. Order Entry Line Item and Order Entry Orders are related through Order Header ID field, which is the Order ID. Multiple Order Entry Line Item records with the same Order Header ID value will be associated with a single Order Entry Order. There are also IDs common, such as Order Acct ID, and Contact ID. that can be used to get associated data.

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