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Oracle Application Server InterConnect Adapter for J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE Installation and User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10418-01
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The Oracle Application Server InterConnect Adapter for J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE (J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE adapter) enables you to use J.D. Edwards business functions with your system. This book discusses procedures for setting up the J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE adapter and some J.D. Edwards specific information.

This chapter discusses the following:

J.D. Edwards Communication Architecture

The J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE adapter provides access to J.D. Edwards business functions. J.D. Edwards communicates between client and server machines using a proprietary messaging architecture called JDENet. This is implemented using TCP/IP as a transport, with a default port of 6009.

Calls to J.D. Edwards business functions require two messages. For an Oracle Application Server InterConnect (OracleAS InterConnect) user, these two messages are wrapped in a single call to the business function. The first message responds with the location of the server that processes the business function. This is accomplished by performing a lookup in a set of tables called Object Configuration Mapping.

The second message sends a formatted message buffer containing the arguments to pass to or from J.D. Edwards to the appropriate server, and waits for a reply. The buffers are formatted according to the type definitions of the underlying C++ structures.

Software Requirements

Table 1-1 lists the systems to which the adapter connects:

Table 1-1 Supported Systems
Component Support Required Components

J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE adapter

XE (B73.3.3)

Note: To avoid the issues with Windows servers and remote control, you need service pack 16 or higher on XE.

J.D. Edwards Enterprise server

Windows 2000, Windows NT, UNIX



The J.D. Edwards ACBREL1 custom package is required to use the J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE adapter.

See Also:


The J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE adapter supports the following platforms:

Required Files

J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE adapter uses the following .jar files at both runtime and design time:

Kernel.jar and Connector.jar must be copied from the machine where J.D. Edwards OneWorld is installed to the machine where J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE adapter is installed.

The files must be copied to the following directories:


Customizing the jdeinterop.ini File

The Connect.jar and Kernel.jar files use the jdeinterop.ini file to configure connections parameters to the J.D. Edwards OneWorld machine. You must edit ...\oai\9.0.4\config\JDE\jdeinterop.ini to include some settings the server may need. The default drive for the file is c:, however, you can change this location. Information is organized by section, for example, [JDENET]. Sections are listed in the order they are found in the software.


Make sure you include the following path to the jdeinterop.ini file in the J.D. Edwards Configuration Editor:


See Also:

"Configuration Editor"

Setting Typical Value Purpose

EnterpriseServerTimeout = 90000 - The timeout value for a request to the enterprise server.

maxPoolSize = 30 - The JDENET socket connection pool size.

Setting Typical Value Purpose

glossaryTextServer = JDED:6010 - The enterprise server and port that provide glossary text information. This is the server that returns text descriptions for errors. This is often the same host and port as the JDEdwards OneWorld application server. There may be more than one glossary server for different supported language encodings.

codePage = 1252 - The encoding scheme.

Setting Typical Value Purpose

log = c:\jas.log - This is the file used by interoperability components to log significant information.

debuglog = c:\jasdebug.log--Location of debug log file.

Debug = FALSE

Setting Typical Value Purpose

JobFile = c:\Interop.log--Location of error file.

DebugFile = c:\InteropDebug.log--Location of debug file.

log = c:\net.log--Location of log file.

debugLevel = 0 - 12--Debug levels.

The following table describes debug levels:

Debug Level Description


None. Logging is turned off and only errors are written to the JobFile.


Errors (error messages).


System Errors (exception messages).


Warning Information.


Minimum Trace (Key operations. For example, Login, Logoff, Business Function calls).


Trouble Shooting Information (Help).


Complete Debug Information (Logs everything).

The odd values are reserved for future levels to be added. By default, you typically do not need to trace. However, tracing is useful for debugging:

NetTraceLevel= 0

The following table describes trace levels:

Trace Level Description


No trace.


Refers to the Record process ID, thread ID, and the available socket status when a new connection is added and the socket pool is searched.


Includes all the information in Trace Level 1, and also traces every call made in the connection manager class.


Includes all information in Trace Level 2, and also traces getPort() calls and getHost() calls.

By default, you do not need to trace. However, tracing is useful for debugging.


Setting Typical Value Purpose

enterpriseServer = JDED - This value is the name of the host server. Make sure this value is the same value you enter in the Host Name field in the JDE Credentials and Default Credentials panels in the Configuration Editor.

port = 6010 - This value is the port number that is used to exchange data. Make sure this value is the same value you enter in the Port Number field in the JDE Credentials and Default Credentials panels in the Configuration Editor.

inactive_timeout = 1200000 - The timeout value for a transaction in auto commit mode. If the user is inactive for this amount of time (in milliseconds), the interop server logs off the user. You can change this value to a shorter period of time.

manual_timout = 300000 - The timeout value for a transaction in manual commit mode.

Repository c:\Oracle\Ora904\oai\9.0.4\lib - Points to the location of the repository directory. This must point to the directory containing the JDEActionalInterop.jar file. This repository directory is %OAI_INSTALL_DIR%\lib where %OAI_INSTALL-DIR% is the OracleAS InterConnect installer directory, ...\oai\9.0.4.

Setting Typical Value Purpose

Multithread = 1 - Set to 1 for multithread support for CORBA.

Objects = CORBA::Connector;CORBA::OneWorldVersion - The objects for the CORBA server to create at startup. Also replaces the -DIORFILENAME = command line option, for example: CORBA::Connector=connector.ior.

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