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Oracle® Application Server ProcessConnect User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12121-01
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See application-to-application.

acknowledgment mode

The mode in which recipients receive messages (for example, asynchronous).


See supported actor.


See application adapter.

adapter exchange protocol

An adapter's logical grouping of interactions (which identifies its capabilities) for a specific protocol. For example, an Oracle database adapter may have three adapter exchange protocols. The adapter exchange protocol determines the questions you are prompted to answer when adding an adapter interaction.

adapter framework

Communicates between the runtime system and various adapters to send and receive data in the form of native events. The adapter framework picks up outbound native events processed by the runtime system and delivers them to appropriate adapters. In addition, the adapter framework raises inbound native events initiated by adapters.

adapter interactions

Define the communication between the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect runtime system and various adapters to send and receive data. Interactions represent unique actions that can be performed with a specific adapter (such as requesting a purchase order, confirming a purchase order, and so on). For example, an adapter can invoke an inbound interaction named Purchase Order Request(Request Purchase Order)to request a purchase order. This creates an Oracle record, RequestPurchaseOrder native event, RequestPurchaseOrder application event, and event body elements for the various sections of the wire message, such as header details, attachments, and payload.

Add End-To-End Basic Event Flow wizard

Adds an additional event flow to two spokes extending from the native role in the initiating spoke to the native role in the invoked spoke. There are no options for selecting existing business events or transformation maps. All modeling metadata is newly created.

Add Event Flow wizard

Adds an additional event flow to a single spoke extending from the native role to the business process.

Administration tab

A main tab of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool that enables you to manage and administer Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect, including exporting and importing integrations to and from an XML file, adding adapters, viewing supported business protocols, and managing system types (application, collaborations, contact types, digital envelopes, native formats, translators, and trading partner identification types).


See business administrator and systems administrator.

agreement type

See application agreement or trading partner agreement.


Specific collaborations, roles, and other communication options that describe how parties interact. You create an agreement type. Two types are supported: application agreement and trading partner agreement.

all group

A group type that lets you define the behavior of member datatypes in a runtime instance. All group requires that all complex datatype members appear zero or one times.


Uses the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool to create and analyze integration reports.

And step

This step waits for all incoming control flows, and executes after all incoming control flows have executed. This step is not typically required since all steps (except an Or step), implicitly provide AND step behavior for the incoming control flows.


A type of party that participates in an integration within an enterprise. You create an application and assign it to an application agreement. You also assign an adapter and a delivery channel to use with an application.

application adapter

Provides the connectivity that enables applications and their different interfaces to be included in an integration. Application adapters are written in Java code based on J2EE Connector Architecture that creates the Oracle record enclosing data from a specific application. The application adapter passes the Oracle record to the adapter framework, which communicates with the runtime system.

application agreement

Defines the application and native role to participate in an integration within an enterprise. You create an application agreement for each application (the party) participating in an integration.

application agreement native role

A native role assigned to an application agreement. This is the native role of the party assigned to the application agreement. You assign one native role to each application agreement.

application datatypes

Datatypes whose syntax has been translated into a format recognized by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

application event

Automatically created when you create a native event. For Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect to process the contents of native event body elements, the contents must be re-represented (translated) in an interpretable syntactic format. This interpretable format is the application event. After the native event is represented as the corresponding application event, Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect can extract values from it and can make decisions based on it, or transform it.

application level

Includes the application event and application role.

application role

Hides behavior unique to a party that is not required by a business process. For example, a B2B protocol standard can be required to send acknowledgments. However, a business process may not require receipt of these acknowledgments. The application role can hide these acknowledgments, so that the business process does not receive them.

application type

A method of grouping applications into an entity that can be used for reporting purposes.


A type of integration technology that enables companies to integrate their applications with other applications within the same company boundaries (known as an enterprise). This integration type is also known as enterprise application integration (EAI).


See business-to-business.

B2B protocol standard

Provides guidelines for trading partners to follow when conducting business between enterprises (across company boundaries). A B2B protocol standard is the common language of data that triggers communication between parties in different enterprises.

body element

See event body element.

business administrator

Defines the profile data of an integration, including applications, adapters, trading partners, agreements, and trading partner organization, cooperation, security, delivery, and endpoint capabilities.

business collaboration

Consists of a set of roles (buyer and seller) collaborating through a set of agreed-on business transactions by exchanging business documents. Trading partners participate in a business collaboration through roles. This business collaboration must achieve a specified outcome.

business datatypes

The datatypes provided with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. The different datatypes of applications and trading partners must all be represented as business datatypes to communicate with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect and participate in integrations.

business dictionary

A RosettaNet dictionary that designates the properties used in basic business transactions between trading partners. The business dictionary defines the business properties and fundamental business data entities in PIP messages.

business document

The name for messages exchanged between trading partners in integrations between enterprises.

business event

Establishes a common event structure and vocabulary across all parties. Business events are created when the transformation binding role semantically transforms the application event into a business event, including recoding of values, renaming of attributes, restructuring of data, derived values, and so on. For example, transformation standardizes the terminology used by an application. One application may use the term item on its purchase order. Another application may instead use the term component. The business event enables you to standardize on a common term to use (for example, item, component, or a third term decided by you).

business level

Includes the business event and business role.

business operational view

A RosettaNet partner interface process view that describes the information flow between roles as they perform business activities.

business process

Spans all parties in an integration to coordinate the sending and receiving of data in the form of events. This management ensures that the correct parties send and receive data. Business processes also hide the unique characteristics of each party in an integration.

business protocol

Identifies the implementation guidelines to use for the reliable transport of business document messages between trading partners (such as RosettaNet Implementation Framework, version 1.1). You assign a business protocol to a party in a trading partner agreement. Examples of business protocols available for selection are RosettaNet-RNIF1.1-PIP and RosettaNet-RNIF2.0-PIP.

business protocol adapters

Adapters that enable trading partners to use a business protocol for integrations between enterprises. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect supports a business protocol adapter known as the B2B adapter that enables trading partners to use the RosettaNet business protocol.

business role

Defines the business behavior of the business event.

business transaction

A unit of business conducted by two or more trading partners that generates a definite state of success or failure. A business transaction is conducted between two parties playing opposite roles in a transaction. The roles are always a requesting role and a responding role.


A type of integration technology that enables companies to extend application-to-application integration between enterprises to integrate trading partners with other trading partners.


See remote trading partner certificate.

choice group

A group type that lets you define the behavior of member datatypes in a runtime instance. A choice group allows only one complex datatype member to appear. You cannot specify the one to appear; it is randomly selected.


Collaborations identify the actors (roles played in a business collaboration, such as buyer or seller) and business transactions available with each partner interface process (PIP).

company boundaries

See enterprise.

complex datatype members

Complex datatype members are defined inside a complex datatype. Datatype members consist of three types: scalar, wildcard, and compound.

complex datatypes

Datatypes that include other datatypes known as complex datatype members. An address is an example of a complex datatype.

compound member

Compound members are very flexible. You can assign complex and scalar datatypes to a compound member. You can assign cardinality to a compound member. For example, you can have a compound section in an expense report called line_item. Within this compound section, you can define specific details about the expense report with scalar types specifying the date, the amount, the currency used, and the justification for the expenses incurred.

concurrent conversations

Defines the maximum number of concurrent collaboration instances that can be in progress at any time.

condition statement

A transformation statement type that determines whether the statements associated with the transformation condition execute if the condition evaluates successfully.

Conditions can also be marked to execute only in the event of the condition not evaluating successfully (through an ELSE block). A condition is defined in terms of the operands and evaluated with standard logical operators. Condition expressions can be further combined by a logical AND operator or OR operator to obtain condition expressions of arbitrary complexity.

condition step

This step evaluates a specific condition on an event type or datatype. This step is associated with a condition expression.


A collection of modeling and profile metadata that is consistent, complete, and deployable. Creating a configuration enforces the validation rules so that only valid, complete, and consistent data is available in the runtime repository.

consume step

This step consumes and prevents further processing of an event or datatype. The IN port must be associated with the event or datatype to be consumed. This step is typically used to consume acknowledgments.

contact types

The method for contacting persons (such as a phone number or e-mail address) when specific activity within Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect occurs.

control flow

Control flows between steps indicate the execution order of steps. Control flow determines which data goes first, and in which sequential order, instead of sending all data in parallel.


The result of a correct setup of collaborations.


Coordination captures the semantics of a business transaction at runtime. When an event is received from an application or a trading partner, Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect determines if the event instantiates a business transaction (that is, if it instantiates a business process with all its role processing). If this is the case, then it creates a coordination. A coordination has states associated with it. When a coordination is created, its state is set to open.

core datatypes

Prepackaged primitive datatypes provided by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

correlated native event type

The target native event that you select when creating a native event correlation (for example, PurchaseOrderConfirmation).

correlating native event type

The initiating native event that you select when creating a native event correlation (for example, RequestPurchaseOrder).


See native event correlation.

Create End-To-End Basic Integration wizard

Creates two spokes (with a new business process as the hub) and a single event flow that extends from the initiating spoke's native role to the invoked spoke's native role. Additional (end-to-end) event flows can be added with the Add End-to-End Basic Event Flow wizard. There are no options for selecting existing business events or transformation maps. All metadata is newly created.

Create Spoke wizard

Creates a single spoke (extending from the native role to the business process) and a single event flow.


See customer relationship management.

customer relationship management

The methodologies, software, and usually Internet capabilities that help an enterprise manage customer relationships in an organized way. For example, an enterprise can build a database about its customers that describes relationships in detail so that management, salespeople, people providing service, and the customer can directly access information, match customer needs with product plans and offerings, remind customers of service requirements, and know what other products a customer has purchased.


See data definition description language.

data definition description language

An XML-based message description language that describes the structure that a party's native, non-XML formats must follow to communicate with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. These non-XML formats are best described as structured records of bytes, characters, or both. D3L provides both a predefined, structured set of rules and translation capabilities for native, non-XML formats.

data flow

Data flow enables data in the form of native events, application events, and business events to be passed:

data universal numbering system

A unique, sequentially-generated, nine-digit number that you can assign as the trading partner identification type. You obtain this number from Dun and Bradstreet.

datatype length facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that indicates the number of units of length, where units of length varies depending on the type from which it is being derived. The value of length must be a nonnegative integer.

datatype members

The contents of a complex datatype. There are three datatype members: wildcard, compound, and scalar.

datatype namespace

A mechanism for grouping datatypes. Datatypes can be assigned to namespaces.

datatype transformation map

Define mappings across datatypes. These maps are typically invoked from other maps though they can also be directly associated with transformation steps. Datatype transformation maps can either be:

delivery channel

Describes the communication capabilities for applications and trading partners (such as message exchange and security details). For trading partners, it can describe characteristics such as nonrepudiation, response modes, and encryption are required. The delivery channel also identifies one transport (with its trading partner endpoint address and transport protocol) and one document exchange (with its exchange protocol (such as RosettaNet 1.1), certificate encryption and signing details, digital envelop and signature details, and RosettaNet validation support details.


The process of activating a configuration from the design-time repository to the runtime repository.

Deployment tab

A main tab of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool that enables you to create, validate, and deploy a configuration.

design-time repository

Stores the modeling metadata and profile data that comprise an integration. The metadata and data represent a design of a specific integration before deployment and execution.

digital envelope

The packaging method for a digital signature.

digital signature

Created when a public key algorithm signs the sender's message with the sender's private key. The digital signature ensures that the document is authentic, has not been forged by another party, has not been altered, and cannot be repudiated by the sender.

document exchange

Describes details such as the supported exchange protocol (such as RosettaNet 1.1), certificate encryption and signing details, digital envelop and signature details, and RosettaNet validation support. The document exchange layer receives a business document, encrypts it (if specified), adds a digital signature for nonrepudiation (if specified), and sends it to the transport layer for transmission to the other trading partner.

domain column

Defines the column name and its namespace and datatype (such as an integer or string). Domain columns are part of the domain value map section. You assign domain parties (such as an organization name) to domain columns.

domain party

The parties in a mapping. You assign domain parties to domain columns. You then assign specific domain columns to the domain value map columns of a specific domain value map (agreement).

domain value map columns

The specific domain columns (and their domain parties) of a specific domain value map. Domain value map columns identify the domain columns (and their domain parties) of a specific domain value map.

domain value map rows

Identifies the terminology that you assign to domain value map columns. For example, domain party ipdev may use the string true when acknowledging receipt of a purchase order. Domain party APPS may use the string yes. Domain value map rows link this terminology together.

domain value map rule statement

A transformation statement type that enables you to map domain columns and parties to sources and targets.

domain value maps

Enable you to map one party's terminology standards (for example, car) to another party's terminology standards (for example, vehicle). This enables parties to successfully send and receive messages while continuing to use their regional terminologies, such as differing currency standards.


See data universal numbering system.


See application-to-application.


The conduct of business over the Internet, such as buying and selling products, servicing customers, and collaborating with other companies, known as trading partners.


See enterprise information system.

encoding facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that indicates the encoding type of a binary string. This is used in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect core datatypes to differentiate between the binary types hexBinary and base64Binary.

encryption credential

The certificate to use for encryption of the document to exchange.

End step

This step indicates completion of role processing.


The physical endpoint address of a trading partner, such as a company Web site. The trading partner uses this address to send or receive data. Endpoints are global to all trading partners.


The boundaries of a company.

enterprise application integration

See application-to-application.

enterprise information system

Any enterprise-based data storage, retrieval, and (usually) analysis system. Examples include customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, mainframe transaction processing, databases, and in-house legacy applications.

enterprise resource planning

The broad set of activities supported by multimodule application software that help a manufacturer or other business to manage the important parts of its business, including product planning, parts purchasing, maintaining inventories, interacting with suppliers, providing customer service, and tracking orders. Enterprise resource planning can also include application modules for the finance and human resources aspects of a business. Typically, an enterprise resource planning system uses or is integrated with a relational database system. The deployment of an enterprise resource planning system can involve considerable business process analysis, employee retraining, and new work procedures.

enumeration facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that sets constraints on the value space to a specified set of values.


See enterprise resource planning.

event abstraction

The process of removing specific party characteristics of an event (such as encryption, encoding, datatypes, purchase order vocabulary, and so on) until none remain and an event is completely in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect format.

event addressing

Enables you to select the target party with whom to integrate in the SetParty step of the business process.

event body element

Carries a complete set of business data. For example, an airplane purchase order is represented as a body element. A design drawing accompanying the purchase order is placed in another body element. This enables any incoming set of data to be represented appropriately in structured form. This makes it accessible later for content processing.

event flow

The complete path a single event takes through a spoke. An inbound event flow begins with an inbound interaction that produces an inbound native event. As the event flows from the native role to the business process, the native event is translated to an application event and the application event is transformed to a business event. An outbound event flow takes an event in the reverse direction, from a business event in a business process to an outbound interaction bound to the native role.

event flow diagram

Displays a graphical view of a role or business process, its two immediate role or business process neighbors, and the event types flowing between all three.

event header rule statement

A transformation statement type that enables you to:

event instance

An occurrence of an event type. An event instance holds actual business data. For example, a particular purchase order for an airplane or a car is represented as an instance of the event type purchase order.

event map

Defines an expression for each record and determines the specific native event type to use with a given record instance. After the record is available, the event map applies the expression. The expression results in one native event type. An instance of this native event type is then created and populated.

event transformation map

Enables you to define maps that semantically convert an application datatype to a business datatype (and vice versa). You define application datatype and business datatype as sources and targets (depending on the transformation direction) and assign each to a datatype transformation map.

event types

See events.


An internal definition of business-relevant data that either arrived from a party or is to be sent to a party.

Event types appear in different formats as they move through Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. There are three types: native event, application event, and business event. The native event and application event are unique to an individual party. The business event is the common language of data (such as updating a purchase order) that triggers communication with other parties. By this point, all party-unique characteristics are removed.

exchange protocol

A protocol by which data is exchanged, such as RosettaNet - 01.00 or RosettaNet - 02.00.


Determines which type of native event to create and which type of translator to use.


Enables you to define the constraints (or limitations) of datatypes. You define facets in scalar datatypes.

fraction digits facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that identifies the maximum number of digits in the fractional part of values of datatypes derived from a decimal. The value must be a nonnegative integer.

functional service view

A RosettaNet partner interface process view that describes the design of and interactions between network components as they execute a PIP. Network components are also known as services, and include buyers and sellers.

host trading partner

The organization in which Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect is installed. The host trading partner conducts business with the remote trading partner (the organization outside your enterprise). The remote trading partner does not require access to the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool. The host trading partner must define the capabilities for both host and remote trading partners with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool.


The native format of SAP application messages.

implementation framework view

A RosettaNet partner interface process view that describes the message structures of actions performed by roles (for example, the XML DTDs and message guidelines) and communication requirements for network components (for example, for the use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and digital signatures)


The direction of wire messages received by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect from outside parties.

initiating native event instance

The initial native event that starts a message exchange.

initiating spoke

A spoke that begins the business transaction and contains the first inbound event and the native role bound to the first inbound interaction.


See integration technology.

integration architect

Plans the design of an integration before the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool is used.

integration diagram

Displays a graphical view of all roles and the business process in an end-to-end integration.

integration import and export

You can export and import the entire contents of an integration to and from an XML file. This enables you to export an integration from one repository and import it into another repository.

integration manager

A runtime system component that coordinates the various subcomponents that execute an integration.

integration participant

See party.

integration point

A business event that triggers communications between parties. For example, the business event to create a purchase order between two trading partners is an integration point.

integration technology

A key requirement for successfully automating e-business activities. Integration technology includes the process of enabling:

integration types

Integration technologies include several types, such as: application-to-application integration and business-to-business integration.

integrations between enterprises

See business-to-business.

integrations within an enterprise

See application-to-application.


See adapter interactions.

invoked spoke

A spoke that contains the first outbound event and the native role bound to the first outbound interaction.


A transformation statement type that enables you to specify looping conditions in statements. For example, you can loop through an array and perform a specific action on the line items in this array.


See Java 2 Environment, Enterprise Edition.

J2EE Connector Architecture

A standard architecture for connecting the Java 2 Environment, Enterprise Edition platform to an enterprise information system not written in the Java programming language.

Java 2 Environment, Enterprise Edition

The Java platform for multi-tier, server-oriented, enterprise applications. The basis of J2EE is Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB).


See J2EE Connector Architecture.

lifecycle management

Enables you to manage the various states in the design and deployment of modeling metadata and profile data (such as draft, validated, pending approval, approval, and deployed).

lifecycle state

The state a business object is in at any given point in time. The set of lifecycle states is based on state changes that must be captured from a business (that is, integration) standpoint.

map variable statement

A transformation statement type that enables you to define a variable to use in multiple statement types.

max exclusive facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that identifies the exclusive upper bound of the value space for a datatype with the ordered property. The value must be in the value space of the base type.

max inclusive facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that identifies the inclusive upper bound of the value space for a datatype with the ordered property. The value must be in the value space of the base type.

max length facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that identifies the maximum number of units of length, where units of length varies depending on the type from which it is being derived. The value must be a nonnegative integer.


See modeling metadata.


A set of rules or procedures employed by a discipline. Several methodologies are provided for using the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool to design an integration: adapter-centric and business process-centric.


See multipurpose internet mail extensions.

min exclusive facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that identifies the exclusive lower bound of the value space for a datatype with the ordered property. The value must be in the value space of the base type.

min inclusive facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that identifies the inclusive lower bound of the value space for a datatype with the ordered property. The value must be in the value space of the base type.

min length facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that identifies the minimum number of units of length, where units of length varies depending on the type from which it is being derived. The value must be a nonnegative integer.

min pattern facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that identifies a constraint on the value space of a datatype that is achieved by constraining the lexical space to literals that match a specific pattern. The value of pattern must be a regular expression.

model group

Defines the behavior of member datatypes in a runtime instance.


Defines the modeling metadata of an integration, including business process, role types, events types, datatypes, translations, transformations, correlations, and condition expressions. There are three types of modelers: event manager, business process manager, and connection manager.

modeling metadata

The metadata design by a modeler for an integration. Modeling metadata includes business processes, role types, datatypes, event types, translations, transformations, interactions, and condition expressions. In the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool, modeling metadata design capabilities are accessible through the Modeling tab.

Modeling tab

A main tab of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool that enables you to define the metadata that describes how data flows through Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect, including business process, roles, translations, transformations, event types, datatypes, interactions, and condition expressions.

multipurpose internet mail extensions

An extension of the original Internet e-mail protocol that lets users use the protocol to exchange different kinds of datafiles on the Internet: audio, video, images, application programs, and other kinds, as well as the ASCII handled in the original protocol, the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP).


See datatype namespace.

native datatypes

Datatypes not entirely in the native wire messages format of their sending parties, but instead represented in an Oracle record instance. Native datatypes are automatically created by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

native event

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect internal implementation of the business data contained in an Oracle record. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect receives data in its wire message format from a party and creates a native event. A native event may or may not vary slightly from the wire message received from a party. For example, an SAP IDoc purchase order may or may not have slight variations made to its data such as purchase order packaging, security, datatypes, and so on. The event body elements of the native event contain the various sections of the wire message, such as payloads or attachments.

native event correlation

Ensures that the correct native event instances are matched and provided to the corresponding native role instances. A native event correlation includes an expression that defines when two native event instances are related.

native event instance

After the wire message of a party is represented as an Oracle record instance, the different sections are placed into the different body elements of a native event instance.

native event validation

Validation rules that guarantee the data consistency of wire messages being sent or received. Each native event can be supplemented with native event validation rules that are invoked at native event instance creation time. If the validation rules are satisfied, then the native event instance is considered consistent and made available for further processing. If at least one validation rule fails, the native event instance is considered inconsistent.

native format

The format in which a datatype appears in the wire message of a party. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect provides prepackaged support for several native formats (XSD, D3L, and token substituted text).

native level

Includes the native event and native role.

native role

Handles behavior unique to a party. For example, a native role can process error handling information in a method specific to the party.


A RosettaNet standard that provides absolute evidence that a specific action occurred. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect supports two types:


See Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE.


See Oracle Process Management Notification.

Or step

This step waits for at least one incoming control flow. The step is executed as soon as one of the incoming control flows is executed.

Oracle event instance

Represents the occurrence of data coming from a party or being sent to a party.

Oracle Process Management Notification

Enables you to monitor Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository processes based on settings in the opmn.xml file.

Oracle record

Establishes the conceptual boundary between Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect and a party with an Oracle record. Data in the form of wire messages received from a party is represented as an Oracle record on the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect system boundary. An Oracle record to be sent to a party is represented as a wire message and sent out. After the wire message is represented as an Oracle record instance, the different sections are placed into the different body elements of a native event instance.

Oracle record instance

When data is received from a party, it is represented in an Oracle record instance. An Oracle record instance represents the occurrence of data received from or sent to a party.

Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE

A complete set of J2EE containers written entirely in Java that execute on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) of the standard Java Development Kit (JDK).

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect

Enables you to successfully design, deploy, monitor, and maintain integrations within an enterprise and integrations between enterprises.

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect middle-tier instance

A single installation of Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

Oracle Wallet

A Java-based application that security administrators use to manage public-key security credentials on clients and servers.


The direction of messages sent from Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect to outside parties.


Encapsulates all components of a message into a packaging format (for example, Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect supports the multipurpose internet mail extensions (MIME) format).


See party.

partner interface process

XML-based dialogs that define the specific sequence of steps required to execute a business process (and thus, exchange data) between trading partners. PIPs are XML-based dialogs that define the structure, allowable data elements, values, and value types for each business document message exchanged. Trading partners agree on the set of PIPs to support to conduct business.


An application in an application agreement or a trading partner in a trading partner agreement that participates in an integration. A party plays a role in an integration, such as buyer or seller.

party ID

See trading partner identification type.

pass-through step

This step passes through the event or datatype on its IN port to its OUT port. The event contents are not altered.


The data contents of a message (for example, a payload of a purchase order can identify the quantity ordered, the total cost, the product being ordered, and so on).


See partner interface process.


There are two types of ports:

primitive datatype

A series of basic datatypes, such as strings, integers, floats, and doubles. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect provides primitive datatype support through the Core Datatypes section of the Datatypes tab.

process diagram

Displays a graphical view of the steps, data flows, and control flows in a role or business process.

profile data

Includes application, adapter, trading partners, and agreements data, and, for integrations between enterprises, host and remote trading partner organization, cooperation, security, delivery, and endpoint data.

profile management

Ensures that the attributes of the trading agreement are captured for use during a PIP handshake.

Profiles tab

A main tab of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool that enables you to define the data that describes trading partners, applications, agreements, adapters, and host and remote trading partner organization, cooperation, delivery, security, and endpoints capabilities.

protocol endpoint

Consists of a transport protocol (such as HTTP 1.1) and trading partner endpoint address (such as URI


The process of gracefully shutting down a deployed integration.


See Oracle record.

remote trading partner

The organization outside your enterprise with whom to conduct business. The host trading partner must define the capabilities for both host and remote trading partners with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool.

remote trading partner certificate

A method by which to secure the given exchange of data. A certificate securely binds an identity such as a trading partner to a public key. A certificate is created when a trading partner's public key is signed by a trusted identity known as a certificate authority (CA). This certificate ensures that the trading partner's data is correct and that the public key actually belongs to that trading partner. You select the location of a certificate. This is typically the location for the Oracle Wallet Resource Locator.

Reports tab

A main tab of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool that enables you to create reports that describe Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect behavior.


See design-time repository or runtime repository.


See RosettaNet Implementation Framework.

role data flow

Connects the role ports of roles together, which enable events to move from role to role.

role port

Represents an input or output parameter of a role containing events. Role ports of roles are connected together by role data flow. This enables events to move from role to role.

role set

See spoke.


Define how events are executed and implement the behavior of parties and the entire integration. The native role, translation binding role, application role, and transformation binding role manage issues unique to parties and manage translation and transformation of event types. The business role implements the behavior of the entire integration.


A nonprofit organization of leading technology companies that have created and implemented a common set of nonproprietary, XML-based, e-business standards. These standards define how trading partners conduct business through the exchange of business documents over the Internet. Guidelines are provided for transport, routing, packaging, security, signals, and trading partner agreements.

RosettaNet dictionaries

Define and describe a common set of properties for use in PIP messages. These properties define a common vocabulary for conducting business. This ensures that the information exchanged between trading partners is consistent, overlapping efforts of trading partners are eliminated, and confusion caused by the uniquely defined terminology of each trading partner is reduced. Two dictionary types are provided: business dictionary and technical dictionary.

RosettaNet Implementation Framework

Defines the implementation guidelines for the reliable exchange of business data messages (in XML business documents) between trading partners over the Internet.

RosettaNet validation

Compares the elements in RosettaNet XML-format business documents to the requirements specified in the RosettaNet Message Guideline specification to determine their validity. This specification defines requirements for information such as element datatypes, element lengths, element value lists, and element cardinality.

rule statement

A transformation statement type that enables you to perform mapping commands between sources and targets. For example, you can copy a source string named PartnerName to a target string named BuyerName.

runtime repository

Stores the integration modeling metadata and profile data required to execute an integration.

runtime system

Retrieves the configuration from the runtime repository to create and execute the integration. The runtime system is comprised of several components, including the integration manager, which coordinates integration execution.


See secure multipurpose internet mail extensions.

scalar datatypes

Scalar datatypes can refer to many types, including an integer, a float, a string, an object, and binary information. You can also define facets in scalar datatypes. Facets enable you to define the constraints (or limitations) of datatypes. You cannot assign cardinality to a scalar member. You can only assign scalar datatypes to scalar members.

scalar member

A member of a complex datatype. A scalar can refer to many types, including an integer, a float, a string, an object, and binary information. An address in a message is an example of a complex datatype, with a scalar member that defines address details (such as a zip code, street address, city, and state).

secure multipurpose internet mail extensions

A secure method of sending e-mail. MIME indicates how to organize an electronic message. S/MIME describes how encryption data and a digital certificate can be included as part of the message body.

sequence group

A group that lets you define the behavior of member datatypes in a runtime instance. A sequence group requires that complex datatype members be used in the order in which they are specified. For this release, the order in which they are created is the order in which they are used.

service content

The payload of a message (for example, a payload of a purchase order can identify the quantity ordered, the total cost, the product being ordered, and so on).

SetParty step

This step sets a specific destination party (application or trading partner) for an event type or datatype.

signing credential

Enables you to assign the certificate to use to sign the given document exchange.

split step

This step makes multiple copies of an event.


Consists of a role set extending from the native role to the business process. Role ports and data flow connect the spoke together. A native role can belong to only a single spoke. This means that a spoke is uniquely identified by its native role.

Multiple spokes connected by a single business process comprise an integration. A business process uniquely identifies an integration.

start step

This step is a pseudo-step that indicates the start of a role.


The logical operations to use when mapping source and target items.


The sequence of activities inside a role type. Steps define the execution logic in a role. Different types of logic can be applied to a role, ranging from pass-through step logic where no processing other than sending events is required, to more detailed logic processing, such as conditional branching logic, where you can specify that a specific condition be performed, if the amount field of a purchase order is over a specific number (such as notifying a second approver).

step binding diagram

A diagram that displays the steps inside a role or business process.

step data flow

Connect the ports of steps together, which enable events to move through steps.

step port

Works with data flows and control flows to connect steps in roles together. Step ports also work with data flows to connect incoming role ports to incoming step ports and outgoing step ports to outgoing role ports.

supported actor

Identifies the role played by a trading partner in a business collaboration (such as buyer or seller). You select the trading partner's supported actor role. For example, buyer - 3A4 - V02.00 if the trading partner is acting as a buyer using PIP3A4 and RNIF 2.0. The supported actor is associated with the native role you assign to a trading partner agreement (for example, supported actor Buyer - 3A4 - V02.00 of a trading partner is associated with native role PIP3A4Buyer that you assign to a trading partner agreement.

systems administrator

Monitors and administers an integration, such as deploying an integration (known as a configuration), starting and stopping processes, and monitoring integration performance.

systems integration consultant

Evaluates if Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect provides a solution for their integration requirements.

technical dictionary

A RosettaNet dictionary that provides properties for defining products and services. The technical dictionary eliminates the need for trading partners to use separate dictionaries when implementing PIPs.

technology stack services

A set of technology stack services automatically invoked by the runtime system during execution of an integration. The technology stack provides the infrastructure services required by the runtime system for integration. The integration manager coordinates integration execution.

token substituted text

Specifies the subject and body of alert e-mail messages. The native format is free-form text interspersed with tokens representing values that must be filled in at runtime.

total digits facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that identifies the total number of digits for a numeric datatype. This is the maximum number of digits in values of datatypes derived from a decimal. The value must be a positive integer.

trading partner

A party that engages in business transactions with another party in an integration between enterprises. You assign a trading partner to a trading partner agreement.

trading partner agreement

An electronic agreement that defines the way in which two trading partners agree to interact when performing an agreed-on business collaboration. An example of a business collaboration is RosettaNet PIP3A4 (purchase order request), where one trading partner acts as the role of buyer to request a purchase order and another trading partner acts as the role of seller to send a purchase order. Trading partner agreements essentially define the terms and agreements that enable business documents to be exchanged between trading partners.

You define the remote trading partner and native role of the host trading partner to participate in an integration between enterprises.

trading partner agreement native role

The native role of the host trading partner in a trading partner agreement. You also assign the remote trading partner to this trading partner agreement.

trading partner identification type

A value that uniquely identifies a trading partner, such as a data universal numbering system (DUNS) number. You can define other types of trading partner identification types.


The process of transforming the application event to the business event, and vice versa, including recoding of values, renaming of attributes, restructuring of data, derived values, and so on. For example, transformation standardizes on the terminology used by parties. One application may use the term item on its purchase order. Another application may instead use the term component.

transformation binding role

Transforms an application event to the common language represented by the business event, and vice versa.

transformation map

The set of all transformation rules necessary to transform a business event from an application event, or vice versa. Transformation maps have any number of sources and targets. Sources and targets can be application events, business events, or datatypes.

transformation rule

Describes how to transform one data item from an application event to a business event, and vice versa.

transformation step

This step transforms a set of events or datatypes into another set of events or datatypes. This step is associated with a transformation map.


The process of translating the native event into an application event, and vice versa. For the data in the native event to be successfully translated, the datatypes being used must match the datatypes that you define.

translation binding role

Translates a native event to an application event, and vice versa.

translation step

This step translates a native event type or datatype to an application event type or datatype, and vice versa.


Translates native datatypes into a format recognized by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. The translator that you select to use is based on the native format of your message (known as the wire message). A translator is associated with a converter, an inbound translator, and an outbound translator.

transport endpoint

See endpoint.

transport layer

Responsible for message delivery using the selected transport communication protocol (for example, HTTP). The transport layer defines the trading partner's capabilities with regards to the communication protocol that enables trading partners to interact and enables transport security for inbound and outbound message transport over the communication protocol used.

transport mode

A means by which data is sent or received, such as asynchronous mode.

transport parameter

Responsible for message delivery using the selected transport protocol (such as HTTP 1.1) and protocol endpoint address (such as the Web site of a trading partner).

transport protocol

A protocol that describes how to transport data. Transport protocols include FTP, SMTP, and HTTP.

use cases

The privileges that you assign to a user of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool.

user interface tool

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect tool that enables you to design, deploy, monitor, and manage integrations within an enterprise and integrations between enterprises.

user roles

The group of related use cases (privileges) that permit a user to perform tasks with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool.

valid value

Facet of a scalar datatype that can contain a range of values. Only the enumeration facet and pattern facet permit a range of values to be assigned.


Ensures that modeling metadata and profile data in an integration is correct and complete before deployment. If the validation rules are satisfied, then the integration is considered consistent. If at least one of the validation rules fails, integration is considered inconsistent. Specific validation levels are provided with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect, including:

white space facet

A facet in a scalar datatype that sets constraints on the value space of types derived from to ensure that the various behaviors specified in the Attribute Value Normalization in XML 1.0 (Second Edition) are realized.

wildcard member

Wildcard members provide for generic functionality. You can use wildcard members during the development phase as placeholder datatypes when you are unsure of the exact datatypes you want to use. Wildcard datatypes can then be replaced at a later time. You can also assign cardinality to a wildcard member. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect uses XMLOpaque as a datatype of wildcard members.

wire message

The native format of data sent from parties (such as trading partners or applications). Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect does not know this data format. The direction of wire messages coming from parties is called inbound. The direction of wire messages sent to parties is called outbound. Wire messages can contain a number of sections, such as payloads, attachments, or trailers.


The XMLSchema Definition (XSD) specifies how to formally describe the elements in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect provides prepackaged support for XSD.

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