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Part I Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Introduction and Concepts

1 A Road Map to Using this Guide

A Road Map to Using this Guide
Chapters For All Users to Read
Chapters For Modelers to Read
Chapters for Connection Managers to Read
Chapters for Event Managers to Read
Chapters for Business Process Managers to Read
Chapters For Administrators to Read
Chapters for Business Administrators to Read
Chapters for Systems Administrators to Read
Chapters For Analysts to Read
Additional Chapters
Chapter Summary

2 Introduction to Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect

What Are E-business and Integration?
E-business and Integration Importance
What Are the Challenges of Integration?
How Does Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Answer Integration Challenges?
Integration Challenges and Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Solutions: Examples
Challenge of Integrations Within an Enterprise: Example
Solution for Integrations Within an Enterprise: Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect
Challenge of Integrations Between Enterprises: Example
Solution for Integrations Between Enterprises: Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect
Chapter Summary

3 Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Concepts

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Users
Integration Design Concepts
Concept: Integrated View of Data
Concept: Correlation
Concept: Data Flows and Control Flows
Concept: Translation
Concept: Transformation
Concept: Validation
Concept: Adapters
Concept: Agreements
Concept: Auditing and Business Process Activity Intelligence
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Support for Integration Design Concepts
Support for an Integrated View of Data
Support for Correlation with Native Event Correlation and Native Roles
Support for Data Flow and Control Flow
Support for Translation
Support for Transformation
Support for Validation with Native Event Validation
Support for Adapters
Support for Agreements
Support for Business Intelligence
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Concepts in Detail
Modeling Metadata and Profile Data Overview
Modeling Metadata Design
Native-Level Concepts
Event Types and Event Instances
Wire Messages and Oracle Records
Adapter Interactions
Native Events
Native Event Validation
Native Datatypes
Native Roles
Native Event Correlation
Event Maps
Internal Processing Elements for Native, Application, and Business Levels
Role Ports
Step Ports
Data Flow
Control Flow
Application-Level Concepts
Application Events and Translation
Application Datatypes
Application Roles
Translation Binding Role
Acknowledgment Consumption and Generation
Business-Level Concepts
Business Events
Business Datatypes
Business Roles
Transformation Binding Role
Business Process
Event Addressing with the SetParty Step
Runtime Instance Behavior
Event Instances
Role Instances
Step Instances
Profile Data Design
Applications and Adapters
Technology Adapters
Application Adapters
B2B Protocol Adapters
Trading Partners
Trading Partner Agreements
Application Agreements
Create and Deploy a Configuration
Manage the Modeling Metadata and Profile Data Lifecycle
Lifecycle States for an Agreement
Modeling Metadata Lifecycle States
Profile Data Lifecycle States
Deployment Lifecycle States
Integration Management
Integration Reports
Chapter Summary

4 Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Architecture

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Architecture Overview
Designing the Integration: Overview
Storing the Integration in the Design-Time Repository: Overview
Deploying the Integration to the Runtime Repository: Overview
Storing the Integration in the Runtime Repository: Overview
Executing Runtime System Components: Overview
Executing the Adapter Framework: Overview
Managing the Integration: Overview
Oracle Enterprise Manager System Administration
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect User Interface Tool Administration
Create Integration Reports: Overview
Chapter Summary

Part II Introduction to the User Interface Tool

5 Getting Started with the User Interface Tool

Accessing the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect User Interface Tool
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect User Interface Tool Page Layouts
Main List Pages
Details Pages
Business Process and Role Diagrams
Transformation Map Details Page
Creating Incomplete Modeling Metadata and Profile Data
Creating, Adding, Deleting, and Removing Data
Modeling Metadata and Profile Data Naming Conventions
Using the Browser Back and Forward Buttons
Searching for Data on the Main List Page
Exporting Profile Data to an XML File
Viewing the State of Modeling Metadata and Profile Data on the Details Page
Draft State for Modeling Metadata and Profile Data
Validated State for Modeling Metadata and Profile Data
Pending Approval State for Profile Data
Update the Approver
Delete the Approver
Approval State for Profile Data
Deployed State for Modeling Metadata and Profile Data
Modeling Tab Overview
Business Processes List Page
Business Process Tasks
Roles List Page
Role Tasks
Event Types List Page
Event Type Tasks
Datatypes List Page
Datatype Tasks
Transformations List Page
Transformation Tasks
Interactions List Page
Interaction Tasks
Condition Expressions List Page
Condition Expression Tasks
Profiles Tab Overview
Host List Page
Host Tasks
Trading Partners List Page
Trading Partner Tasks
Applications List Page
Applications Tasks
Agreements List Page
Agreement Tasks
Deployment Tab Overview
Deployment Tasks
Reports Tab Overview
Administration Tab Overview
Configuration List Page
Configuration Tasks
Management List Page
Management Tasks
Chapter Summary

6 Methodologies for Using Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect

Methodologies for Using Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect
Adapter-Centric Methodology
What is an Adapter-Centric Methodology?
When Do I Want to Use an Adapter-Centric Methodology?
Adapter-Centric Methodology Steps
Create Applications and Add Adapters
Create Native and Application Events and Select Translators
Create Roles, Transformation Maps, a Business Event, and a Business Process
Create Business Event Datatypes
Create Business Event Body Element
Create Transformation Rules
Update the SetParty Step in the Business Process
Create Agreements
Create and Deploy a Configuration
Business Process-Centric Methodology
What is a Business Process-Centric Methodology?
When Do I Want to Use Business Process-Centric Methodology?
Business Process-Centric Methodology Creation Procedures
Chapter Summary

7 Tutorial of an Integration within an Enterprise

Tutorial Overview
Example Scenario
Human Resources Application Details
Global Newspaper Application Details
Human Resources Person Application Details
Overview of Phases
Phase A
Phase B1 through B4
Preparations before Starting
Methods to Designing the Tutorial
Phase A: Creating and Deploying the Initial Configuration
Task 1: Creating Application Details
Creating the Human Resources Application
Adding an Adapter to the Human Resources Application
Creating the Delivery Channel for the Human Resources Application Adapter
Validating the Human Resources Application
Sending the Application for Approval
Approving the Application
Creating the Global Newspaper Application
Adding an Adapter to the Global Newspaper Application
Creating the Delivery Channel for the Global Newspaper Application Adapter
Validating the Global Newspaper Application
Sending the Application for Approval
Approving the Application
Task 2: Creating the Modeling Metadata
Creating the Inbound Interaction for the Human Resources Application Adapter
Creating the Native Event, Translation, and Application Event for the Human Resources Application
Creating an Event Map for the HR New Ad Native Event
Creating the Outbound Interaction for the Global Newspaper Application Adapter
Creating the Native Event, Translation, and Application Event for the Global Newspaper Application
Creating an Event Map for the Global NP Ad Native Event
Creating the Modeling Metadata with the Modeling Wizards
Creating the Business Event Datatypes
Creating the Business Event Body Element
Creating the Rules for the Inbound Event Transformation Map
Creating the Rules for the Outbound Event Transformation Map
Selecting the Destination Party in the SetParty Step
Task 3: Creating the Agreements
Creating the Human Resources Application Agreement
Adding the Delivery Channel for the Human Resources Application Adapter
Adding the Human Resources Application Native Role to the Agreement
Validating the Human Resources Application Agreement
Sending the Agreement for Approval
Creating the Global Newspaper Application Agreement
Adding the Delivery Channel for the Global Newspaper Application Adapter
Adding the Global Newspaper Application Native Role to the Agreement
Validating the Global Newspaper Application Agreement
Sending the Agreement for Approval
Task 4: Creating and Deploying a Configuration
Task 5: Testing the Results
Task 6: Troubleshooting Any Errors with Log Files and Reports
Creating Reports
Checking the Log Files
More Troubleshooting Tips
Phase B1: Manually Design Some Modeling Metadata in an Integration
Task 1: Creating the Business Event Types and Body Elements
Importing the Business Event Datatypes from an XSD File
Creating the Ad Confirmation Business Event
Creating a Body Element for the Ad Confirmation Business Event
Importing the Business Event Datatypes from an XSD File
Creating the Business Event Ad Problem
Creating a Body Element for the Ad Problem Business Event
Task 2: Creating a Conditional Step
Creating a Condition Expression
Creating the Condition Step Using the Condition Expression
Task 3: Creating a Transformation Step to Notify Human Resources
Creating an Event Transformation Map
Copying the Ad_ID Integer
Copying the Problem_Details String
Creating a Transformation Step Using the Transformation Map
Task 4: Creating an Or Step
Task 5: Creating a Role Port and Data Flow to Deliver the Ad Problem Event to Human Resources
Task 6: Creating a Split Step
Task 7: Creating a Role Port and Data Flow to Splitting the Ad Confirmation Event
Task 8: Removing Unnecessary Control Flow (Optional)
Phase B2: Using the Add Event Flow Wizard
Task 1: Creating a Native Event for an Existing Interaction
Task 2: Creating an Event Map for the Global NP Confirmation Native Event
Task 3: Creating an Event Correlation
Task 4: Adding an Event Flow to a Spoke with the Add Event Flow Wizard
Task 5: Creating Transformation Statements
Copying the Ad_ID Integer
Copying the Confirmed String
Copying the Problem_Details String
Phase B3: Using the Add Spoke Wizard
Task 1: Creating a Native Event, Translation, and Application Event
Creating an Event Map for the HR Problem Native Event
Task 2: Adding a Spoke
Task 3: Creating Transformation Statements
Copying the Ad_ID Integer
Setting a Default for the Action String
Copying the Problem_Description String
Setting the Party to HR Person in an Event Header Rule
Phase B4: Creating the HR Person Application and Agreement
Task 1: Creating a Third Application
Creating the Application
Adding an Adapter Type
Creating a Delivery Channel
Validating the Application
Sending the Application for Approval
Approving the Application
Task 2: Creating a Third Application Agreement
Creating the Application Agreement
Adding the Delivery Channel
Adding the Native Role
Validating the Application Agreement
Sending the Agreement for Approval
Approving the Agreement
Task 3: Creating and Deploying a New Configuration
Task 4: Testing the Results
Manually Creating the Business Datatypes
Task 1: Creating the AdType Complex Datatype and its Datatype Members
Creating the Complex Datatype Members of AdType
Task 2: Creating the Ad_Request Complex Datatype
Creating the Complex Datatype Members of Ad_Request
Updating the Interaction, Native Event, and Application Event
Task 1: Deleting a Spoke
Task 2: Deleting a Transformation Map
Task 3: Deleting a Native Event
Task 4: Creating a Native Event
Task 5: Creating a Spoke
Task 6: Creating Event Transformation Map Statements
Task 7: Updating the Agreement to Use a New Native Role
.xsd and .xml Files Used in This Tutorial
HR_Ad.xsd File
Global_Newspaper_Ad.xsd File
Ad_CommonView.xsd File
Global_NP_AdConfirmation.xsd File
HR_AdProblem.xsd File
HR_Ad.xml File
Global_NP_AdConfirmation.xml File
Chapter Summary

Part III Modeler Management Tasks

8 Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Technology Adapters

Layout of Adapter Details in this Chapter
Adapter-Related Tasks in User Interface Tool
Create a Delivery Channel
Add an Interaction
Create and View the Native and Application Events and Body Elements
View the Interaction
Native Formats and Value Types
Advanced Queuing Adapter
Benefits of Using the Advanced Queuing Adapter
Reliable, Scalable Asynchronous Communication
Application Location Transparency
Support for both XML and Non-XML Message Payloads
Advanced Queuing Adapter Supported Versions
Advanced Queuing Adapter Application Delivery Channel Description
Advanced Queuing Adapter Exchange Protocols
Advanced Queuing Adapter Design-Time Tasks
Advanced Queuing Adapter Interaction and Record Naming Restrictions
Advanced Queuing Adapter Errors
Native Event Validation Failure
Advanced Queuing Adapter Validation Prerequisites
Advanced Queuing Adapter Additional Setup Tasks
Queue Runtime State
Queue Privileges
Advanced Queuing Adapter Application Integration and Runtime Behavior
Advanced Queuing Adapter Limitations
Advanced Queuing Adapter Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Errors in the Log File and Their Solutions
Advanced Queuing Adapter Use Case
Delivery Channel Questions
Interaction Questions
E-Mail Adapter
Benefits of Using the E-Mail Adapter
E-Mail Adapter Supported Versions
E-Mail Adapter Application Delivery Channel Description
E-Mail Adapter Exchange Protocols
E-Mail Adapter Design-Time Tasks
E-Mail Adapter Outbound Interaction and Record Element Naming Conventions
E-Mail Adapter Inbound Interaction and Record Element Naming Conventions
E-Mail Adapter Interaction and Record Naming Restrictions
E-Mail Adapter Errors
E-Mail Adapter Validation Prerequisites
E-Mail Adapter Additional Setup Tasks
E-Mail Adapter Application Integration and Runtime Behavior
E-Mail Adapter Limitations
E-Mail Adapter Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
E-Mail Adapter Use Case
File/FTP Adapter
Benefits of Using the File/FTP Adapter
File/FTP Adapter Application Delivery Channel Description
File/FTP Adapter Exchange Protocols
File Adapter Exchange Protocols - Inbound and Outbound Directions
FTP Adapter Exchange Protocols - Inbound and Outbound Directions
File/FTP Adapter Design-Time Tasks
File/FTP Adapter Interaction and Record Naming Restrictions
File/FTP Adapter Errors
File/FTP Adapter Validation Prerequisites
File/FTP Adapter Additional Setup Tasks
File/FTP Adapter Application Integration and Runtime Behavior
File/FTP Adapter Limitations
File/FTP Adapter Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
File/FTP Adapter Use Case
HTTP Adapter
Benefits of Using the HTTP Adapter
HTTP Adapter Supported Versions
HTTP Adapter Application Delivery Channel Description
HTTP Adapter Exchange Protocols
HTTP Adapter Design-Time Tasks
HTTP Adapter Inbound Interaction and Record Element Naming Conventions
HTTP Adapter Outbound Interaction and Record Element Naming Conventions
HTTP Adapter Interaction and Record Naming Restrictions
HTTP Adapter Errors
HTTP Adapter Validation Prerequisites
HTTP Adapter Additional Setup Tasks
HTTP Adapter Post-Installation Tasks
HTTP Adapter Testing
HTTP Adapter Application Integration and Runtime Behavior
HTTP Adapter Limitations
HTTP Adapter Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
HTTP Adapter Use Case
Delivery Channel Questions
Interaction Questions - Inbound and Outbound Directions
JMS Adapter
Benefits of Using the JMS Adapter
JMS Adapter Supported Versions
JMS Adapter Application Delivery Channel Description
JMS Adapter Exchange Protocols
JMS Adapter Exchange Protocols - Inbound Direction
JMS Adapter Exchange Protocols - Outbound Direction
JMS Adapter Design-Time Tasks
JMS Adapter Interaction and Record Naming Restrictions
JMS Adapter Errors
JMS Adapter Validation Prerequisites
JMS Adapter Additional Setup Tasks
Instructions for Oracle JMS
Instructions for MQSeries JMS
JMS Adapter Application Integration and Runtime Behavior
JMS Adapter Limitations
JMS Adapter Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
JMS Adapter Use Case
Delivery Channel Questions
Interaction Questions - Inbound and Outbound Directions
Oracle Database Adapter
Benefits of Using the Oracle Database Adapter
Oracle Database Adapter Supported Versions
Oracle Database Adapter Application Delivery Channel Description
Oracle Database Adapter Exchange Protocols
Oracle Database Adapter Exchange Protocols - Inbound Direction
Oracle Database Adapter Exchange Protocols - Outbound Direction
Oracle Database Adapter Design-Time Tasks
Adapter Exchange Protocol User Interface Naming Conventions
Oracle Database Adapter Interaction and Record Naming Restrictions
Oracle Database Adapter Errors
Oracle Database Adapter Validation Prerequisites
Oracle Database Adapter Additional Setup Tasks
Oracle Database Adapter Application Integration and Runtime Behavior
Oracle Database Adapter Features and Limitations
Adapter Exchange Protocols
Oracle Database Adapter Restrictions
Oracle Database Adapter Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Oracle Database Adapter Use Case
Web Service Adapter
Benefits of Using the Web Service Adapter
Web Service Adapter Supported Versions
Web Service Adapter Application Delivery Channel Description
Web Service Adapter Exchange Protocols
Interaction Name Example
Web Service Adapter Design-Time Tasks
Web Service Adapter Interaction and Record Naming Restrictions
Web Service Adapter Errors
WSDL Definition Processing Errors:
Execution Errors:
Web Service Adapter Validation Prerequisites
Web Service Adapter Additional Setup Tasks
Web Service Adapter Limitations
Web Service Adapter Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Web Service Adapter Use Case
Delivery Channel Questions
Interaction Questions
Chapter Summary

9 Creating Metadata with the Modeling Wizards

Modeling Wizards Concepts Overview
Single Spoke
Multiple Spokes with a Business Process
Event Flow in a Spoke
Modeling Wizards Overview
Create End-To-End Basic Integration Wizard
Add End-To-End Basic Event Flow Wizard
Create Spoke Wizard
Add Event Flow Wizard
Features Common to All Wizards
Disabling a Native Event
Modeling Metadata Name Creation
Prerequisites to Using the Modeling Wizards
Starting the Modeling Wizards
Starting From the Modeling Tab
Starting From the Business Processes Tab or Roles Tab
Starting From the Event Flow Diagram
Starting From the Integration Diagram
Creating Two Spokes
Adding Event Flow to Two Spokes
Creating a Single Spoke
Adding Event Flow to a Single Spoke
Reviewing Modeling Metadata Before Creation
Reviewing Modeling Metadata After Creation
Tasks to Perform after Modeling Metadata Creation
Create Event Body Elements for Business Events
Access the Business Event from the Event Flow Diagram
Access the Business Event from the Main Menu
Define Transformation Rules for Event Transformation Maps
Access the Event Transformation Map from the Event Flow Diagram
Access the Event Transformation Map from the Main Menu
Create Additional Steps, Ports, Data Flows, and Control Flows
Update the Target Party of the SetParty Step
Access the SetParty Step from the Event Flow Diagram
Access the SetParty Step from the Main Menu
Deleting a Spoke
Common Modeling Wizard Errors
Using the Wrong Wizard
Specifying a Previously-Used Role
Chapter Summary

10 Managing Datatypes

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Datatype Support Overview
Core Datatypes
Datatype Classifications
Native Datatypes
Application Datatypes
Business Datatypes
Datatype Namespaces
Examples of Datatype Formats in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect
Wire Message Native Datatype Format in XSD File
Native and Application Datatype Formats
Business Datatype Creation Methods
Business Datatype Format
Viewing Core Datatypes
Managing Business Datatypes
Managing Complex Datatypes
Scalar Member
Compound Member
Wildcard Member
Accessing Complex Datatype Management Tasks
Creating a Complex Datatype
Deleting a Complex Datatype
Updating a Complex Datatype
Viewing a Complex Datatype
Managing Complex Datatype Members
Accessing Complex Datatype Member Management Tasks
Creating a Complex Datatype Member
Deleting a Complex Datatype Member
Updating a Complex Datatype Member
Viewing a Complex Datatype Member
Managing Scalar Datatypes
Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks
Creating a Scalar Datatype
Deleting a Scalar Datatype
Updating a Scalar Datatype
Viewing a Scalar Datatype
Creating a Scalar Datatype Facet
Deleting a Scalar Datatype Facet
Updating a Scalar Datatype Facet
Viewing a Scalar Datatype Facet
Creating a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet
Deleting a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet
Updating a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet
Importing XSD Datatypes
Managing Application Datatypes
Viewing Native Datatypes
Managing Datatype Namespaces
Accessing Datatype Namespace Management Tasks
Creating a Datatype Namespace
Deleting a Datatype Namespace
Updating a Datatype Namespace
Viewing a Datatype Namespace
Common User Errors
Chapter Summary

11 Managing Adapter Interactions and Event Types

Adapter Interaction and Event Type Management Tasks Overview
Managing Adapter Interactions
Accessing Adapter Interaction Management Tasks
Adding an Adapter Interaction
Adding an Advanced Queuing Adapter Interaction
Adding an E-Mail Adapter Interaction
Adding a File/FTP Adapter Interaction
Adding an HTTP Adapter Interaction
Adding a JMS (Java Message Service) Adapter Interaction
Adding an Oracle Database Adapter Interaction
Adding a Web Service Adapter Interaction
Review the Adapter Interaction Details
Creating Native and Application Event Types and Body Elements
Review the Create Native Event Type Details
Deleting an Adapter Interaction
Viewing an Adapter Interaction
Managing Native Event Types
Accessing Native Event Type Management Tasks
Creating a Native Event Type
Deleting a Native Event Type
Viewing a Native Event Type
Viewing a Record Type Element
Viewing an Event Body Element
Adding Native Event Body Element Validation
Managing Native Event Correlations
Accessing Native Event Correlation Management Tasks
Creating a Native Event Correlation
Deleting a Native Event Correlation
Updating a Native Event Correlation
Viewing a Native Event Correlation
Managing Event Maps
Accessing Event Map Management Tasks
Creating an Event Map
Deleting an Event Map
Updating an Event Map
Viewing an Event Map
Viewing Application Event Types
Managing Business Event Types
Accessing Business Event Type Management Tasks
Creating a Business Event Type
Deleting a Business Event Type
Updating a Business Event Type
Viewing a Business Event Type
Creating an Event Body Element
Deleting an Event Body Element
Updating an Event Body Element
Viewing an Event Body Element
Common User Errors
Chapter Summary

12 Managing Business Processes and Roles

Business Process and Role Management Tasks Overview
Business Process and Role Management Tasks Graphical View
Business Process and Role Creation Methods
Viewing the Metadata Modeling Diagrams
Accessing the Metadata Modeling Diagrams
Accessing the Diagrams from the Business Processes or Roles Pages
Accessing the Diagrams from the Business Process Details : Name and Role Name Pages
Accessing the Diagrams from the Data Port Details : Name Page (For Role Ports)
Accessing the Diagrams from the Data Flow Group Details : Name Page
Accessing the Diagrams from the Step Details : Name Page
Accessing the Diagrams from the Data Port Details : Name Page (For Step Ports)
Accessing Diagram Details
Viewing an Integration Diagram
Viewing an Event Flow Diagram
Viewing a Process Diagram
Viewing a Step Binding Diagram
Managing Business Processes
Accessing Business Process Management Tasks
Creating a Business Process
Deleting a Business Process
Updating a Business Process
Viewing a Business Process
Managing Role Types
Native Role
Translation Binding Role
Application Role
Transformation Binding Role
Business Role
Accessing Role Management Tasks
Creating a Role
Deleting a Role
Updating a Role
Viewing a Role
Managing Role Ports
Accessing Role Port Management Tasks
Creating a Role Port
Deleting a Role Port
Updating a Role Port
Viewing a Role Port
Creating a Data Flow Between a Role Port and a Step Port
Deleting a Data Flow Between a Role Port and a Step Port
Managing Role Data Flow
Accessing Role Data Flow Management Tasks
Creating a Role Data Flow Group
Deleting a Role Data Flow
Updating a Role Data Flow
Viewing the Other Role Connected to the Role Data Flow
Viewing a Role Data Flow
Managing Steps
Types of Steps
Start Step
End Step
Pass-through Step
Transformation Step
Translation Step
Condition Step
SetParty Step
Consume Step
Split Step
Or Step
And Step
Accessing Step Management Tasks
Creating a Step
Deleting a Step
Updating a Step
Viewing a Step
Managing Step Ports
Accessing Step Port Management Tasks
Creating a Step Port
Deleting a Step Port
Updating a Step Port
Viewing a Step Port
Managing Step Data Flow
Accessing Step Data Flow Management Tasks
Creating a Step Data Flow
Deleting a Step Data Flow
Viewing the Target Port of a Step Data Flow
Managing Step Control Flow
Accessing Step Control Flow Management Tasks
Creating a Step Control Flow
Deleting a Step Control Flow
Updating a Step Control Flow
Managing Condition Expressions in Steps
Accessing Condition Expression Management Tasks
Creating a Condition Expression
Deleting a Condition Expression
Updating a Condition Expression
Viewing a Condition Expression
Creating a Condition Parameter
Deleting a Condition Parameter
Updating a Condition Parameter
Building a Condition Expression
Viewing a Condition Parameter
Designing Roles to Ensure Proper Validation
Invalid Or Steps
Invalid And Steps
Invalid Merging of Data Flows from Step Ports to Role Port
Invalid Merging of Data Flows Between Role Ports
Current Modeling Restrictions
Role Runtime Behavior
Error Handling
Common User Errors
Chapter Summary

13 Managing Transformations

Transformation Overview
Transformation Maps Overview
Event Type Transformation Maps
Datatype Transformation Maps
Managing Event Type Transformation Maps
Accessing Event Type Transformation Map Management Tasks
Creating an Event Type Transformation Map
Deleting an Event Type Transformation Map
Updating an Event Type Transformation Map
Viewing an Event Type Transformation Map
Creating Additional Sources or Targets
Deleting Sources and Targets
Updating Sources and Targets
Viewing an Event Type Transformation Map Parameter
Managing Datatype Transformation Maps
Accessing Datatype Transformation Map Management Tasks
Creating a Datatype Transformation Map
Deleting a Datatype Transformation Map
Updating a Datatype Transformation Map
Viewing a Datatype Transformation Map
Transformation Statements Overview
Managing Transformation Statements
Transformation Rules
Accessing Transformation Rule Management Tasks
Creating a Transformation Rule
Mapping a Single Source and a Single Target
Mapping Multiple Sources and Targets
Explicitly Mapping Sources and Targets
Deleting a Transformation Rule
Updating a Transformation Rule
Transformation Rules Case Study: Basic Transformations Using Rules
Extending the First Transformation (HR Ad to Common View)
Extending the Second Transformation (Common View to Global NP Ad)
Transformation Conditions
Accessing Transformation Condition Management Tasks
Creating an IF Condition
Creating an Initial IF Condition
Inserting an AND Condition
Creating an ELSE Statement
Associating a Statement with an IF Condition or ELSE Condition
Removing a Statement from an IF Condition or ELSE Condition
Deleting an IF or ELSE Condition
Updating an IF Condition
Transformation Condition Case Study: Converting Importance to Featured/Ordinary Ad
Creating an IF-ELSE Condition
Associating Statements with IF-ELSE Blocks
Transformation Iterators
Accessing Iterator Management Tasks
Creating an Iterator
Deleting an Iterator
Updating an Iterator
Iterator Case Study: Transforming Ad Request with an Unbounded Number of Ads
Creating an Iterator for the Inbound Direction
Creating an Iterator for the Outbound Direction
Transformation Map Variables
Accessing Map Variable Management Tasks
Creating a Map Variable
Using a Map Variable in a Rule
Deleting a Map Variable
Updating a Map Variable
Map Variable Case Study: Using Map Variables to Create a Formatted Name
Event Header Rules
Accessing Event Header Rule Management Tasks
Creating an Event Header Rule
Deleting an Event Header Rule
Updating an Event Header Rule
Event Header Rules Case Study: Sending to the Correct Target Newspaper
Domain Value Maps
Domain Value Maps Overview
Managing Domain Value Maps
Accessing Domain Value Map Management Tasks
Creating a Domain Value Map
Deleting a Domain Value Map
Updating a Domain Value Map
Viewing a Domain Value Map
Managing Domain Columns and Parties
Accessing Domain Column and Party Management Tasks
Creating a Domain Column
Deleting a Domain Column
Updating a Domain Column
Viewing a Domain Column
Adding a Domain Party
Removing a Domain Party
Managing Domain Value Map Columns and Rows
Accessing Domain Value Map Column and Row Management Tasks
Adding a Domain Value Map Column
Removing a Domain Value Map Column
Creating a Domain Value Map Row
Deleting a Domain Value Map Row
Updating a Domain Value Map Row
Domain Value Map Rules
Accessing Domain Value Map Rule Management Tasks
Creating a Domain Value Map Rule
Deleting a Domain Value Map Rule
Updating a Domain Value Map Rule
Domain Value Map Case Study: Changing Ad Vocabulary
Creating Domain Columns
Creating a Domain Value Map
Creating an Incoming Domain Value Map Rule
Creating an Outgoing Domain Value Map Rule
Common User Errors
Chapter Summary

14 Advanced Transformations Design

Implicit Conversion Support
Example 1: Implicit Conversion for Source and Target Parameters
Mapping Logic
Example 2: Implicit Conversion of Source and Target Parameters in the Same Datatype Transformation Map
Mapping Logic
Invalid Case
Invalid Mapping Logic
Valid Mapping Logic
Common User Errors in Transformation Design
Not Checking for the Existence of an Optional Datatype Member
Incorrect Design
Correct Design
Not Checking for the Existence of a Datatype Member of the Model Group Choice
Incorrect Design
Correct Design
Mapping Logic
Not Defining an Iterator to Access a Datatype Member with Multiple Occurrences
Incorrect Design
Correct Design
Not Creating a Submap to Populate a Multiple Occurrence Target Member
Incorrect Design
Correct Design
Incrementally Populating a Complex Datatype Using Submaps
Incorrect Design
Correct Design
Not Populating Mandatory Target Members
Incorrect Design
Correct Design
Transformation Design Limitations
Only Global Map Variables are Supported
Transformation Statements Cannot be Moved in the User Interface Tool
No Overwrite Ability for Target Members
NOT Operator is Unsupported
Transformation Iterator Design
Multiple Occurrence Target Members from Multiple Occurrence Source Members
Target Member of Scalar Datatype
Target Member of Complex Datatype
Different Target Members Mapped from the Same Source Member
Nested Multiple Occurrence Members in the Target Datatype
Single Occurrence Target Members from Multiple Occurrence Source Members
Data-Based Condition
Position-Based Condition
User Discretion - Direct Mapping without an Iteration
Cumulative Computation
Structure Flattening Iterations (Nested Iterators)
Nesting Design
Iteration within a Condition
Mapping Logic
Condition within a Condition
Mapping Logic
Transformation Map Variable Design
Reuse (Preservation of State)
Mapping Logic
Event Header Rule Design
Retrieving Contact/Identifier Information after Getting the Party
Domain Value Map Design
Multiple Party to Single Domain Relationship
Miscellaneous Designs
Constructs with Anonymous Members
Constructs with Anonymous Members Example
Mapping Logic
Referring to the Entire Map Parameter
Mapping Logic
Multiple Datatype Members with the Same Name
Multiple Members with the Same Name Example
Mapping Logic
Chapter Summary

Part IV Administrator Management Tasks

15 Managing Applications and Application Agreements

Application and Application Agreement Overview
Managing Applications
Accessing Application Management Tasks
Creating an Application
Deleting an Application
Updating an Application
Viewing an Application
Managing Adapters and Delivery Channels
Accessing Adapter and Delivery Channel Management Tasks
Adding an Adapter to an Application
Removing an Adapter from an Application
Viewing an Adapter
Creating an Application Delivery Channel
Creating an Advanced Queuing Adapter Delivery Channel
Creating an E-Mail adapter Delivery Channel
Creating a File/FTP Adapter Delivery Channel
Creating an HTTP Adapter Delivery Channel
Creating a JMS Adapter Delivery Channel
Creating an Oracle Database Delivery Channel
Creating a Web Service Delivery Channel
Deleting an Application Delivery Channel
Updating an Application Delivery Channel
Viewing an Application Delivery Channel
Managing Application Agreements
Accessing Application Agreement Management Tasks
Creating an Application Agreement
Deleting an Application Agreement
Updating an Application Agreement
Viewing an Application Agreement
Viewing an Application Agreement Participant
Adding an Application Delivery Channel to an Application Agreement
Removing an Application Delivery Channel from an Application Agreement
Updating an Application Delivery Channel in an Application Agreement
Viewing an Application Delivery Channel in an Application Agreement
Managing Native Roles in Application Agreements
Accessing Application Agreement Native Role Management Tasks
Adding an Application Agreement Native Role
Removing an Application Agreement Native Role
Managing Application and Agreement Validation and Approval
Common User Errors
Chapter Summary

16 Creating and Deploying a Configuration

Configuration Overview
What is a Configuration?
Configuration Creation Overview
Creating a Configuration
Successful Configuration Creation and Validation
Unsuccessful Configuration Creation and Validation
Deploying a Configuration
Configuration Deployment Overview
Deploying a Validated Configuration
Discarding a Configuration
Exporting a Configuration
Common User Errors
Chapter Summary

17 Administering Integrations with the User Interface Tool

Administering Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect with the User Interface Tools
Administering Adapters
Accessing Adapter Administration Tasks
Adding an Adapter
Deleting an Adapter
Viewing an Adapter
Viewing an Adapter Provider
Creating an Adapter Error Message Code
Managing the Adapter Framework Instance
Updating an Adapter Framework Instance
Viewing an Adapter Framework Instance
Administering Native Formats
Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks
Creating a Native Format
Viewing a Native Format
Adding an Adapter Exchange Protocol to a Native Format
Removing an Adapter Exchange Protocol from a Native Format
Adding a Translator to a Native Format
Removing a Translator from a Native Format
Creating Validation for a Native Format
Deleting Validation from a Native Format
Updating Validation of a Native Format
Viewing Validation of a Native Format
Viewing a Translator of a Native Format
Administering Translators
Accessing Translator Administration Tasks
Creating a Translator
Deleting a Translator
Viewing a Translator
Adding a Native Format to a Translator
Removing a Native Format from a Translator
Administering Application Types
Accessing Application Type Administration Tasks
Creating an Application Type
Viewing an Application Type
Viewing Business Protocols
Viewing Collaborations
Administering Contact Types
Accessing Contact Type Administration Tasks
Creating a Contact Type
Updating a Contact Type
Viewing a Contact Type
Viewing Digital Envelopes
Viewing Digital Signatures
Administering Trading Partner Identification Types
Accessing Trading Partner Identification Type Administration Tasks
Creating a Trading Partner Identification Type
Viewing a Trading Partner Identification Type
Exporting and Importing Integrations
Exporting an Integration
Importing an Integration
Chapter Summary

18 System Management with Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager Monitoring and Administration Overview
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Management Concepts and Components
Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Instance
Integration Manager
Adapter Framework
OC4J Instance for Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect
Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control Tasks
Managing and Monitoring a Middle-Tier Instance from Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Monitoring and Administration Tasks
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Log Files
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Middle-Tier Instance Configuration Parameters
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Middle-Tier Instance Performance
Oracle Process Management Notification Management
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Port Management
Oracle Application Server and Enterprise Relationship Management
Starting and Stopping Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Components with OPMN
Additional Oracle Application Server and Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Management Tasks
Changing Port Numbers
Port Changing Error Message
Modifying Ports
Chapter Summary

19 Performance Tuning

Performance Factors in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect
Components of an Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Instance
Diagnosing Performance Issues in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect
Adapter Framework Performance
Tuning the Adapter Framework
Increasing JVM Memory for the Adapter Framework
Increasing the Outbound Processor Threads
Tuning Technology Adapters
Advanced Queuing Adapter
Oracle Database Adapter
File/FTP Adapter
Integration Manager Performance
Using Enterprise Manager to Configure the Number of Threads
Using Enterprise Manager to View Transformation and Translation Performance
Tuning the Integration Manager
Increasing JVM Memory for the Integration Manager
Increasing the Binding Role Threads
Setting the Appropriate BI Reporting Level
Design Tool Performance
Increasing JVM Memory for the OC4J Instance
Metadata Repository Tuning
Memory Configuration
I/O Contention
Undo and Temporary Tablespaces

20 Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Security

About Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Security
Classes of Users and Their Privileges
Resources Protected
Authorization and Access Enforcement
Use of Oracle Application Server Security Services
Use of Oracle Identity Management Infrastructure
Security for Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Extensibility
Configuring Oracle Application Server Security Framework for Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Security Framework Configuration Issues
Identity Management Configuration Issues Specific to Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect
Configuring Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Security
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Installation
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Security Configuration
Application Delivery Channels
Digital Envelopes
Digital Signatures for Host and Remote Trading Partners
Secure HTTP and Client Authentication
Encrypted Wallet Passwords for Host Trading Partners
Host Trading Partner Password Encryption in High Availability Environments
Configuration Issues and Options to Use for Oracle Application Server Security Framework
Chapter Summary

21 Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Error Handling

Domain and System Error Handling
Administrator Types
System Administrator
Business Administrator
Types of Errors
Error Handling with Step Return Code Ports
Creating a Step Return Code Port
Additional Domain Error Modeling Examples
Implications of Role Instances and Event Instances Being in an Error State
Where Do I Find Runtime Error Details?
Typical Adapter Framework and Integration Manager Errors
Alert E-Mail Message Format
Creating an Alert E-Mail Message Native Format
Chapter Summary

22 Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Troubleshooting

Runtime Troubleshooting Methods
Log Files
Business Intelligence Logging Levels
Performing Runtime Troubleshooting
Creating an Error Status Report
Creating a Coordination Status Report
Creating an Event Status Report
Using the IP.tip_rtlog table
Troubleshooting Use Case
Design-Time Troubleshooting of Modeling Metadata Dependencies
Modeling Metadata Dependency Graphical View
Application Event Dependency Example
Modeling Metadata Dependency Cases
Native Event Type
Common Modeling Metadata Dependency Error Examples
Additional Troubleshooting Documentation
Troubleshooting Details in the User Guide
Troubleshooting Details in the Application Adapter Guides
Chapter Summary

Part V Analyst Management Tasks

23 Creating Reports

Reports Overview
Configuration Support in Reports
Values Available when the Default Configuration is Selected
Values Available when Unspecified is Selected
Values Available when a Different Configuration is Selected
Process Monitoring Reports
Activity Monitoring
Process Optimization
Creating Process Monitoring Reports
Event Status Report
Specify Event Status Report Parameters
Specify Advanced Event Status Report Parameters
Specify Event Contents
Coordination Status Report
Specify Coordination Status Report Parameters
Specify Advanced Coordination Status Report Parameters
Error Status Report
Specify Error Status Report Parameters
Specify Advanced Error Status Report Parameters
Specify Event Contents
Collaboration Status Report
Specify Report Parameters
Business Message Status Report
Specify Report Parameters
Creating Activity Monitoring Reports
Specify Activity Monitoring Report Parameters
Specify Advanced Activity Monitoring Report Parameters
Specify Event Contents
Creating Process Optimization Reports
Specify Process Optimization Report Parameters
Specify the First Port
Specify a Second Port
Specifying the Layout of Your Report
Reviewing Your Selections Before Creation
Reviewing Your Output
Reviewing Business Message and Collaboration Status Report Output
Reviewing the Report Output for All Others
Report Creation Examples
Monitoring iProcurement Process Status
Monitoring Coordination Details
Monitoring Current Errors in an Integration
Monitoring the Total and Average Amount of Desktop Personal Computers for this Month
Monitoring Business Process Efficiency
Common User Errors
Chapter Summary

Part VI RosettaNet Solutions

24 RosettaNet B2B Protocol Standard

What is a B2B Protocol Standard?
What Is RosettaNet?
RosettaNet Implementation Framework
RNIF Version 1.1
RNIF Version 2.0
Partner Interface Processes
What Is a Partner Interface Process?
PIP Components
PIP Classifications
PIP Message Flow Example
RosettaNet Dictionaries
RosettaNet Validation
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Support for RosettaNet
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Support for the RosettaNet Implementation Framework
RNIF Version 1.1
RNIF Version 2.0
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Support for Partner Interface Processes
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Support for RosettaNet Dictionaries
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Support for RosettaNet Validation
What Is a Trading Partner Agreement?
What Are Trading Partners?
Party ID
Delivery Channel
What Are Collaborations?
Business Transaction
Business Collaboration
Business Actions
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Support for Trading Partner Agreements
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Support for Trading Partners
Party ID
Delivery Channel
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Support for Collaborations
Business Transaction
Business Collaboration
Business Actions
RosettaNet and Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Terminology Differences
Chapter Summary

25 Managing Host and Remote Trading Partner Capabilities

Host and Remote Trading Partner Management Tasks Overview
Defining Host and Remote Trading Partner Capabilities
Managing Trading Partner Identifications
Accessing Trading Partner Identification Management Tasks
Updating the Trading Partner Name and Description
Creating Trading Partner Identification
Deleting Trading Partner Identification
Updating Trading Partner Identification
Viewing Trading Partner Identification
Managing Organizations
Managing Persons
Accessing Person Management Tasks
Creating a Person
Deleting a Person
Updating a Person
Viewing a Person and Updating the Password
Creating Person Contact Details
Deleting Person Contact Details
Updating Person Contact Details
Viewing Person Contact Details
Adding a User Role to a Host Trading Partner Person
Removing a User Role from a Host Trading Partner Person
Viewing User Role and Use Case Group Details
Managing Organization Contact Details
Accessing Organization Contact Management Tasks
Creating Organization Contact Details
Deleting Organization Contact Details
Updating Organization Contact Details
Viewing Organization Contact Details
Managing Cooperations
Managing Supported Actors
Accessing Supported Actor Management Tasks
Creating a Supported Actor
Deleting a Supported Actor
Updating a Supported Actor
Viewing a Supported Actor for a Host Trading Partner
Viewing a Supported Actor for a Remote Trading Partner
Updating Validation Rules States for a Host Trading Partner
Updating Validation Rules States for a Remote Trading Partner
Managing Business Protocols
Accessing Business Protocol Management Tasks
Adding a Business Protocol
Removing a Business Protocol
Viewing a Document Protocol
Viewing an Exchange Protocol
Viewing a Business Protocol
Viewing a Process Protocol
Managing Delivery and Security
Managing Remote Trading Partner Certificates
Accessing Remote Trading Partner Certificate Management Tasks
Creating a Remote Trading Partner Certificate
Deleting a Remote Trading Partner Certificate
Updating a Remote Trading Partner Certificate
Viewing a Remote Trading Partner Certificate
Managing Transports
Accessing Transport Management Tasks
Creating a Transport
Deleting a Transport
Updating a Transport
Viewing a Transport
Deleting a Transport Endpoint
Updating a Transport Endpoint
Viewing a Transport Endpoint
Managing Document Exchanges
Accessing Document Exchange Management Tasks
Creating a Document Exchange
Deleting a Document Exchange
Updating a Document Exchange
Viewing a Document Exchange
Updating Exchange Protocol Override Elements
Updating Exchange Protocol Parameters
Managing Delivery Channels
Accessing Delivery Channel Management Tasks
Creating a Delivery Channel
Deleting a Delivery Channel
Updating a Delivery Channel
Viewing a Delivery Channel
Managing Endpoints
Managing Endpoints
Accessing Endpoint Management Tasks
Creating an Endpoint
Deleting an Endpoint
Updating an Endpoint
Viewing an Endpoint
Managing Protocol Endpoints
Accessing Protocol Endpoint Management Tasks
Creating a Protocol Endpoint
Deleting a Protocol Endpoint
Updating a Protocol Endpoint
Viewing a Protocol Endpoint
Managing the Host Trading Partner Wallet Password
Creating a Host Trading Partner Wallet Password
Updating a Host Trading Partner Wallet Password
Managing Host and Remote Trading Partner Profile Data Validation and Approval
Chapter Summary

26 Managing Trading Partners and Trading Partners Agreements

Trading Partner Agreement Overview
Trading Partner Agreement
Application Agreement
Managing Remote Trading Partners
Accessing Remote Trading Partner Management Tasks
Creating a Remote Trading Partner
Deleting a Remote Trading Partner
Updating a Remote Trading Partner
Viewing a Remote Trading Partner
Creating Remote Trading Partner Identification
Managing Trading Partner Agreements
Accessing Trading Partner Agreement Management Tasks
Creating a Trading Partner Agreement
Deleting a Trading Partner Agreement
Updating a Trading Partner Agreement
Viewing a Trading Partner Agreement
Managing Trading Partner Agreement Participants
Accessing Trading Partner Agreement Participant Management Tasks
Adding Trading Partner Agreement Participants
Removing a Trading Partner Agreement Participant
Updating a Trading Partner Agreement Participant
Viewing a Trading Partner Agreement Participant
Adding a Delivery Channel to a Trading Partner Agreement Participant
Removing a Delivery Channel from a Trading Partner Agreement Participant
Updating a Delivery Channel of a Trading Partner Agreement Participant
Viewing a Delivery Channel of a Trading Partner Agreement Participant
Managing Native Roles in Trading Partner Agreements
Accessing Trading Partner Agreement Native Role Management Tasks
Adding a Trading Partner Agreement Native Role
Removing a Trading Partner Agreement Native Role
Managing Trading Partner and Agreement Validation and Approval
Common User Errors
Chapter Summary

Part VII Reference

A Native Formats and Translators

Native Format and Translation Overview
Native Event Type and Native Event Body Element Creation
Datatype Creation
Ignored XSD Tags and Attributes
Unsupported Tags
all with minOccurs="0"
choice or sequence with minOccurs="0", maxOccurs Greater than 1 Except If parent is choice or sequence, or Both
complexContent or complexType with mixed="true"
restriction (simpleContent) if the base attribute refers to a simpleType or if it has a locally defined base simpleType
restriction (simpleContent) that restricts any facets of its base complexType
Reference to an Empty Group
Unsupported Structure
Invalid XSDs
Nondeterministic choice Block
Nondeterministic sequence Block
Deterministic XSD Constructs with lookahead
Attributes with Unsupported Values
Unsupported XML Instance Constructs
Naming Restrictions
simpleType and complexType
element, attribute, group, and attributeGroup
XSD Support Unavailable through Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect User Interface Tool
Derived Datatypes
Datatype Members
Data Definition Description Language
About D3L
What Is D3L?
When Is D3L Used?
Wire Message Format and D3L File Example
Wire Message Contents Description in a D3L File
D3L File Structure
D3L File Structure Example
Supported D3L Datatypes
Signed and Unsigned Integers
Floating Point Numbers
Strings and Dates
Sequences and Arrays
Data Padding Usage
Comma-Separated Values File Parsing with D3L
CSVs Assigned to Named Fields
All CSVs Are Read into an Array
Delimiter Encoding Styles
Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Enhancements to D3L
New D3L Document Type
Import Function
Field Separators
Field Terminators
Delimited Array Cardinality
Field Optionality
Escape Character and Sequences
Variables in D3L
Assignment Blocks
Strict vs. Lenient (Relaxed) Translation Modes
Type Aliasing
Conditional Parsing (One Token Look Ahead)
Validation - D3L Valid Values
Character Set Encoding
Importing D3L Datatypes
Additional D3L Sample Files and DTD
Additional D3L Sample Files
Token Substituted Text
Definition File
Subject Body of a Definition File
Message Body of a Definition File
Token Substituted Text in a Definition File
Token Substituted Text Datatypes and Event Body Elements
Inbound E-Mail Responses to an Alert E-Mail
Appendix Summary

B Transformation Rules

Transformation Rules
add:first=integer,second=integer->result= integer
Date and Time Patterns
Special Pattern Characters
Scientific Notation
startsWith:sourceString=string,sourcePrefix=string->resultFoundPrefix boolean
startsWith:sourceString=string,sourcePrefix=string,sourceBeginOffset=integer->resultFoundPrefix boolean
Event Header Rules
Domain Value Map Rules
Appendix Summary

C Error Codes

AIP-10000 to AIP-10438 Runtime Error Codes
AIP-11000 to AIP-11999 Repository Error Codes
AIP-12000 to AIP 12600 Adapter Error Codes
AIP-13000 to AIP-16014 Business Logic Layer Error Codes
AIP-14000 to AIP-14018 Transformation Error Codes
AIP-14100 to AIP-14114 Translation Error Codes
AIP-14115 to AIP-14119 XSD Translation Error Codes
AIP-14321 to AIP-14325 Event Validation Error Codes
AIP-14401 to AIP-14406 Correlation Error Codes
AIP-14451 to AIP-14455 Domain Value Map Error Codes
AIP-16020 to AIP-17997 Metadata Validation Rules Error Codes
AIP-18000 to AIP-18999 Deployment Error Codes
AIP-19000 to AIP-19999 UI Modeling Error Codes
AIP-50000 to AIP-51999 Transport Error Codes
AIP-51801 to AIP-51928 RosettaNet Validation Error Codes

D Jacada Integrator Adapter for Legacy Systems

Jacada Integrator as a JCA Resource Adapter
Mapping Application Screens Using MapMaker
Trails and Trail Recording
Screens and Screen Mapping
Data Field Mapping
Definition of Methods
Definition of Services
Jacada Integrator and Java Connector Architecture
Service Provider Interface
Common Client Interface
More Information About Jacada Integrator



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