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Oracle® Application Server ProcessConnect User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12121-01
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Getting Started with the User Interface Tool

This chapter describes how to get started with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool. This chapter also briefly describes the tasks you can perform and the features available from each user interface tool tab.

This chapter contains these topics:

Accessing the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect User Interface Tool

Follow these instructions to access the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool.

To access the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool:

  1. Open a Web browser.

  2. Go to the following URL:



    • hostname is the name of the host on which Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect is installed

    • port is the port number that the Oracle HTTP Server uses (7777 or 4443 can be used). Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect also uses one of these ports. See the Oracle Application Server 10g Installation Guide for more information. The SSOport parameter in the file also identifies the port number used.

    A page for logging in to the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool appears.

  3. Enter the following information:

    For This Field... Enter This...





    where ias_admin_password is the Oracle Application Server administrator password you entered during J2EE and Web Cache installation. You also entered this password when prompted during Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect installation.

    See Also: "Updating a Person" for instructions on changing the password



    organization is the host trading partner default value created during Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect installation. This name displays in the title on pages under the Host tab.

    See Also: "Updating the Trading Partner Name and Description" to update the host trading partner name to one that uniquely reflects your organization

    This username enables you to create, update, and delete modeling metadata and profile data with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool.

  4. Click Login.

    The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect home page appears with the five main tabs: Modeling, Profiles, Deployment, Reports, and Administration.

    Text description of homepage.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration homepage.gif

  5. See "Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect User Interface Tool Page Layouts" for a description of the general layout of Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool pages.

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect User Interface Tool Page Layouts

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool is divided into a series of tabs that enable you to create modeling metadata (under the Modeling tab) and profile data (under the Profiles tab) and include it in a deployed configuration (under the Deployment tab) that you monitor by creating reports that describe various aspects of an integration (under the Reports tab). You can also administer various portions of the deployed configuration from the Administration tab and from Oracle Enterprise Manager.

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool presents modeling metadata and profile data tasks in a series of HTML pages. These pages follow a standard layout. This section describes the general layout of pages in the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool. This section contains these topics:

Main List Pages

When you click a subtab of a main tab (for example, the subtab Applications of main tab Profiles), a main list page displays information such as that shown in Figure 5-1. Main list pages have general names such as Application Agreements, and are not named after specific modeling metadata or profile data that you create. These main list pages enable you to perform a series of tasks.

Figure 5-1 Main List Page Layout

Text description of intro_ui2.gif follows

Text description of the illustration intro_ui2.gif

Table 5-1 describes the contents of the page shown in Figure 5-1.

Table 5-1  Main List Page Contents
Page Element Description

Search section

Enables you to search for a specific element by selecting a criteria from the Search list. This list only displays if the quantity for this element exceeds ten. (for example, more than ten applications).

See Also: "Searching for Data on the Main List Page" for details about the search facility

Subtab section (Application Agreements)

Identifies the section of the subtab in which you are located (in this example, the Application Agreements section of the Agreements subtab of the Profiles main tab). Not all subtabs have this additional level.

Subtab (Agreements)

Identifies the subtab of the main tab in which you are located (in this example, the Agreements subtab of the Profiles main tab). The subtabs that appear are based on the main tab you selected.

Main tab (Profiles)

Identifies the main tab in which you are located. (in this example, the Profiles tab) There are five main tabs (Modeling, Profiles, Deployment, Reports, and Administration).

Home link

Returns you to the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool home page. (See Step 4.)

Help link

Enables you to access online help for the page.

Logout link

Logs you out of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool and returns you to the login page.

Logged in as admin message

Displays the user currently logged into the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool (in this example, the default username admin).

Shortcut section

Provides shortcuts for performing related tasks specific to this modeling metadata or profile data (in this example, a shortcut for creating an application is provided, since an application must be assigned to an application agreement).

Create button

Enables you to create modeling metadata or profile data (for this example, application profile data).

Delete column

Enables you to delete the selected modeling metadata or profile data (for this example, an application agreement).

Update column

Enables you to update the selected modeling metadata or profile data (for this example, an application agreement).

Previous and Next pages

Enables you to access additional pages of modeling metadata or profile data. This list displays only if the quantity for this element exceeds ten. (for example, more than ten application agreements).

Links at bottom of page

Enables you to:

  • Access the five main tabs (Modeling, Profiles, Deployment, Reports, and Administration)

  • Return to the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool home page (Home)

  • Access online help for the page (Help)

  • Log out of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool (Logout)

Name column

Enables you to access specific details about the selected modeling metadata or profile data (known as the details page). For example, if you select an application agreement, you can see which application participants are assigned to it. Some main list pages also display a Details column with a Details icon when modeling metadata or profile data cannot be uniquely identified by values in a single column.

Details Pages

Modeling metadata and profile data that you create have their own details pages typically accessed through the Name column shown in Figure 5-1. Details pages are named after specific elements. For example, Figure 5-2 shows the details page for an agreement named AppAgreement1:

Figure 5-2 Details Page

Text description of intro_ui3.gif follows

Text description of the illustration intro_ui3.gif

Table 5-2 describes the contents of the page shown in Figure 5-2.

Table 5-2  Details Page Contents
Page Elements Description

Details section

Enables you to view specific details, including the current state of modeling metadata or profile data.

See Also: "Viewing the State of Modeling Metadata and Profile Data on the Details Page"

Subtab section (Application Agreements)

Identifies the section of the subtab in which you are located (in this example, the Application Agreements section of the Agreements subtab of the Profiles main tab). Not all subtabs have this additional level.

Subtab (Agreements)

Identifies the subtab of the main tab in which you are located (in this example, the Agreements subtab of the Profiles main tab). The subtabs that appear are based on the main tab you selected.

Main tab (Profiles)

Identifies the main tab in which you are located. (in this example, the Profiles tab) There are five main tabs (Modeling, Profiles, Deployment, Reports, and Administration).

Home link

Returns you to the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool home page.

Help link

Enables you to access online help for the page.

Logout link

Logs you out of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool and returns you to the login page.

Logged in as admin message

Displays the user currently logged into the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool (in this example, the default username admin).

Update button

Enables you to update the selected modeling metadata or profile data (for this example, the AppAgreement1 agreement).

Delete button

Enables you to delete the selected modeling metadata or profile data (for this example, the AppAgreement1 agreement).

Export button

Enables you to export the contents of this profile data to an XML file.

See Also: "Exporting Profile Data to an XML File" for details about export

Validate button

Enables you to validate this profile data.

See Also: "Viewing the State of Modeling Metadata and Profile Data on the Details Page" for details about validation

Add button, Remove column, Update column, Delete column

Enables you to manage (add, update, remove, or delete) subelements associated with the main modeling metadata or profile data (for this example, you can manage application participants, delivery channels, native roles, and approvers from this main Agreement Details page. Some details pages contain these subelements.

Links at bottom of page

Enables you to:

  • Access the five main tabs (Modeling, Profiles, Deployments, Reports, and Administration)

  • Return to the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool home page (Home)

  • Access online help for the page (Help)

  • Log out of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool (Logout)

Return To List link

Enables you to return to the main list page. For example, clicking Return To List on this page returns you to the Application Agreements page shown in Figure 5-1.

Business Process and Role Diagrams

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool includes several modeling metadata diagrams that provide a graphical view of your integration. As you create or change modeling metadata, these diagrams are updated to reflect your changes.

Table 5-3 briefly describes these diagrams and provides references for additional details.

Table 5-3  Business Process and Role Diagrams
Diagram Description See...


Displays the roles and business process in an integration

"Viewing an Integration Diagram"

Event Flow

Displays events moving through the selected business process or role

"Viewing an Event Flow Diagram"


Displays events, steps, ports, data flows, and control flows for the selected business process or role

"Viewing a Process Diagram"

Step Binding

Displays the current state of a step, including its step ports, role ports, and data flows.

"Viewing a Step Binding Diagram"

Transformation Map Details Page

The Transformation Map Details page shown in Figure 5-3 differs slightly in layout from most details pages. This page enables you to create transformation rules that typically map source application event datatypes to target business event datatypes, and vice versa. You perform this task by expanding the tree in both the Sources and Targets sections to display the datatypes. You then map datatypes in each column and create transformation map statements from these mappings, as shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-3 Transformation Map Details Page

Text description of details_tm.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration details_tm.gif

Figure 5-4 Expanded Sources and Targets

Text description of details_tm2.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration details_tm2.gif

See Also:

"Managing Transformation Statements" for instructions on creating transformation map statements

Creating Incomplete Modeling Metadata and Profile Data

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool provides a flexibility that does not require you to complete all modeling metadata and profile data tasks at the same time or in a completely sequential order.

For example, you can complete all modeling metadata tasks and store the metadata for later use. Or, you can complete a portion of your modeling metadata tasks and complete the remaining tasks later. The same approach can be used when performing profile data tasks.

When you initially creating a specific element, only fields clearly marked with an asterisk must be completed. You can ignore other fields or select the Unspecified option from lists that are not mandatory. You can modify these details at a later time when the correct details are known.

The approach to follow depends on what is best for your integration environment.

Creating, Adding, Deleting, and Removing Data

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool provides Create, Add, Delete, and Remove buttons. The Add and Remove buttons enable you to add or remove an association between elements. For example, when you remove a native role or a delivery channel from an agreement, the native role and delivery channel are still available in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect for reuse at a later time.

The Create and Delete buttons enable you to create and delete modeling metadata or profile data. For example, if you delete a native role, it is deleted from Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect and must be re-created if you want to use it again.

Modeling Metadata and Profile Data Naming Conventions

You are frequently prompted to provide names when creating modeling metadata and profile data. Oracle recommends that you provide modeling metadata and profile data with unique and meaningful names to make it easy to identify their content.

For example, if you are creating an application agreement using the PeopleSoft adapter, use that name in the agreement (for example, PeopleSoft_agreement). Or, if you are creating an event transformation map between an outbound purchase order business event and an outbound purchase order application event, name it PurchaseOrder_BEtoAE.

Using the Browser Back and Forward Buttons

Do not use the Back or Forward buttons of your Web browser when creating modeling metadata or profile data. For example, if you are creating modeling metadata with the modeling wizards, creating reports, creating transformations maps, or creating native and application events, use the Back and Next buttons specifically provided by the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool.

Searching for Data on the Main List Page

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool includes a search feature available from all main list pages. Figure 5-5 provides an example of the search feature that appears on the Business Datatypes page that you access by clicking Modeling > Datatypes.

Figure 5-5 Search Feature

Text description of tab_modeling_bdt.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_modeling_bdt.gif

The search feature is available only if the number of items on a page exceeds ten. For example, the number of datatypes available in Figure 5-5 is 46. Instead of browsing from page to page, select a specific search criteria in the Search list to find the appropriate datatype.

The Search list contains attributes of the element. For example, if a Boolean attribute is chosen, a true and false list appears to the right of the Search list. If a domain value attribute is chosen, a list of domain values appears. If a text attribute is selected (such as name), the text field enables you to enter a specific name for which to search.

Exporting Profile Data to an XML File

Some high-level profile data elements include an Export button on their details pages. This button enables you to export your profile data to an XML file. You can then submit this file for approval to applicable parties. Figure 5-6 shows the location of the Export button in the upper-right section of the details page of an application named Application1.

Figure 5-6 Profile Data Export

Text description of exp.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration exp.gif

You cannot export modeling metadata to an XML file.

Only the details pages of certain high-level profile data elements include the export feature. High-level profile data elements include low-level profile data elements on their details pages that must also be defined.

For example, the Agreement Details page in Figure 5-6 enables you to add such low-level profile data elements as delivery channels, native roles, and approvers. When you click Export on the Agreement Details page, the profile data that you defined for the agreement (see the Details section in Figure 5-6), delivery channel, native role, and approver is all included in the XML file.

Table 5-4 identifies the high-level profile data elements that have an Export button, and the profile data that is included in the XML file when you click each Export button. References are provided for more specific details.

Table 5-4  Profile Data Export
Profile Data Details Pages with an Export Button Profile Data Exported to an XML File From this Details Page See...

Agreement Details page

(for both trading partners or applications)

The details of the agreement, plus this low-level profile data:

  • Application participants

  • Native roles

  • Approvers

  • Delivery channels

"Managing Application Agreements"

"Managing Trading Partner Agreements"

Application Details page

The details of the application, plus this low-level profile data:

  • Adapter types

  • Approvers

  • Associated agreements

"Managing Applications"

  • Host - name page

    (for the host trading partner)

  • Trading Partner Details page

    (for remote trading partners)

The identification details of the trading partner, plus this low-level profile data:

  • Organization

  • Cooperations

  • Delivery and security

  • Endpoints

The following sections for all trading partners:

Viewing the State of Modeling Metadata and Profile Data on the Details Page

Modeling metadata or profile data goes through several lifecycle states from the time of creation through its role in a deployed configuration. The current state of higher-level profile data and modeling metadata (such as trading partners, agreements, applications, and the Host page) always displays in the Details section on its details page. The lifecycle states available for modeling metadata and profile data items vary slightly. Table 5-5 shows the states available with each element.

Table 5-5  Modeling Metadata and Profile Data Item States
Lifecycle State Description Available For Modeling Metadata? Available For Profile Data?


The state when modeling metadata or profile data is created




The state when modeling metadata or profile data is determined to be valid



Pending Approval

The state when the profile data is exported to an XML file and submitted to parties for approval




The state when all parties approve the profile data




The state when the modeling metadata or profile data is deployed in a validated configuration



The following sections describe the support for these lifecycle states provided by the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool:

Draft State for Modeling Metadata and Profile Data

When you create modeling metadata or profile data, its initial state is Draft, which is displayed in the Details section of the details page. Figure 5-7 shows the Draft state.

Figure 5-7 Draft State

Text description of state_draft2.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration state_draft2.gif

Validated State for Modeling Metadata and Profile Data

You can validate your profile data after creation by clicking the Validate button. If no validation errors occur, the details page refreshes and the state changes from Draft to Validated. For profile data, the Validate button is replaced with a Send For Approval button, as shown in Figure 5-8.

Figure 5-8 Validated State for Profile Data

Text description of state_valid.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration state_valid.gif

For modeling metadata, there is no Validate button, as shown with the business event BEvent1 in Figure 5-9. The state of modeling metadata displays as Validated on a details page when it is included in a validated configuration.

Figure 5-9 Validated State for Modeling Metadata

Text description of state_valid_model.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration state_valid_model.gif

If validation errors occur, they appear on the screen. For example, the ExpenseApp application in Figure 5-7 fails validation because the Application Type field in the Details section is empty. In Figure 5-8, this field is filled in, and the State field displays as Validated.

Pending Approval State for Profile Data

When the state of profile data is Validated, the Send for Approval button appears, as shown in Figure 5-8.

  1. Click the Send for Approval button to change the state from Validated to Pending Approval.

    The following page appears, and enables you to select approvers for the profile data that you export to an XML file. The approvers that appear are individuals that agreed to be approvers and were added in "Creating a Person".

    Text description of state_approvers.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration state_approvers.gif


    This page is also accessible from the Approvers section of the details pages listed in Table 5-4. Figure 5-6 shows this section.

  2. Select from the list of available approvers in the Available Approvers list.

  3. Use the > arrow to add the approvers to the Selected Approvers list. You are not required to add approvers. Additionally, approvers can be added later from the details pages in Table 5-4.

  4. Click Send for Approval.

    The Application Details page for ExpenseApp now displays the selected approvers in the Approvers section. The Send For Approval Date column displays the date when the approvers were added.

    Text description of approvers_column.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration approvers_column.gif

    The Approval Date column of the Approvers section is empty. You update the Approval Date column when all approvers approve the profile data.

    The State changes from Validated to Pending Approval, and the Send For Approval button is replaced with the Approve button:

    Text description of state_pending_approval.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration state_pending_approval.gif

  5. Follow the instructions in "Exporting Profile Data to an XML File" to export the profile data requiring approval to XML files.

  6. Submit the XML files to the selected approvers for their approval.

    Inform each approver as to when you need a decision. The approval process can take several iterations. When all approvers agree to and sign off on the profile data (for example, through notification by an e-mail), you can update the status with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool. The approvers have no access to this tool.


    The procedure to submit an XML file to an approver is optional. If you do not want to submit an XML file for approval, skip "Update the Approver" and go to section "Approval State for Profile Data".

Update the Approver

  1. Click the name in the Update column of the Approvers section when the approver approves the profile data.

  2. Use the calendar icon to set the approval date in the Approval Date field.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for additional approvers.

Delete the Approver

You can also delete persons assigned as approvers.

  1. Click the name in the Delete column of the Approvers section.

  2. Click Yes when prompted to delete the approver.

Approval State for Profile Data

  1. Click the Approve button to change the state from Pending Approval to Approved.

  2. Click Yes when prompted to confirm your decision. If you did not select any approvers in Step 3 of "Pending Approval State for Profile Data", you are reminded of your decision.

    The State changes from Pending Approval to Approved, and the Approve button disappears.

    Text description of state_approved.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration state_approved.gif

Deployed State for Modeling Metadata and Profile Data

Modeling Tab Overview

When you select the Modeling tab to manage modeling metadata, the page shown in Figure 5-10 appears:

Figure 5-10 Modeling Tab

Text description of tab_modeling.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_modeling.gif

This page enables you to perform the following modeling metadata tasks:

The Modeling tab contains several subtabs and additional subsections that enable you to manage modeling metadata. Figure 5-11 shows the subtabs that are accessible from the Modeling tab. The tasks available with each subtab are briefly described in this chapter. References are provided to the chapters that provide detailed instructions for performing these tasks.

Figure 5-11 Modeling Tabs and Subtabs

Text description of ipusr044.gif follows

Text description of the illustration ipusr044.gif

See Also:

Chapter 9, "Creating Metadata with the Modeling Wizards" through Chapter 14, "Advanced Transformations Design" for instructions on managing modeling metadata

Business Processes List Page

When you select the Business Processes tab, the list page shown in Figure 5-12 appears:

Figure 5-12 Business Processes Tab

Text description of tab_modeling_bp.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_modeling_bp.gif

Business Process Tasks

This page enables you to perform the following tasks to manage a business process:

Roles List Page

When you select the Roles tab, the default Business Roles list page shown in Figure 5-13 appears:

Figure 5-13 Roles Tab

Text description of tab_modeling_roles.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_modeling_roles.gif

Role Tasks

This page enables you to perform the following role tasks that manage the movement of event types through Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect:

Event Types List Page

When you select the Event Types tab, the default Business Event Types list page shown in Figure 5-14 appears:

Figure 5-14 Event Types Tab

Text description of tab_modeling_et.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_modeling_et.gif

Event Type Tasks

This page enables you to perform the following tasks that define the formats in which data moving through Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect appears:

Datatypes List Page

When you select the Datatypes tab, the default Business Datatypes list page shown in Figure 5-15 appears:

Figure 5-15 Datatypes Tab

Text description of tab_modeling_bdt.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_modeling_bdt.gif

Datatype Tasks

This page enables you to perform the following tasks that define the datatypes to use to communicate with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect:

Transformations List Page

When you select the Transformations tab, the default Event Transformation Maps list page shown in Figure 5-16 appears:

Figure 5-16 Transformations Tab

Text description of tab_transf.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_transf.gif

Transformation Tasks

This page enables you to perform the following tasks to manage the transformation of application event datatypes to business event datatypes, and vice versa:

Interactions List Page

When you select the Interactions tab, the list page shown in Figure 5-17 appears:

Figure 5-17 Interactions Tab

Text description of tab_modeling_int.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_modeling_int.gif

Interaction Tasks

This page enables you to perform the following tasks that define the communication between the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect runtime system and various adapters to send and receive data in the form of native events:

Condition Expressions List Page

When you select the Condition Expressions tab, the list page shown in Figure 5-18 appears:

Figure 5-18 Condition Expressions Tab

Text description of tab_model_ce.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_model_ce.gif

Condition Expression Tasks

This page enables you to manage (create, view, update, and delete) condition expressions in condition steps.

See Also:

"Managing Condition Expressions in Steps" for instructions on managing condition expressions

Profiles Tab Overview

When you select the Profiles tab to manage profile data, the page shown in Figure 5-19 appears:

Figure 5-19 Profiles Tab

Text description of tab_prof.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_prof.gif

This page enables you to perform the following tasks:

The Profiles tab contains several subtabs and additional subsections that enable you to manage profile data. Figure 5-20 shows the subtabs that are accessible from the Profiles tab. The tasks available with each subtab are briefly described in this chapter. References are provided to the chapters that provide detailed instructions for performing these tasks.

Figure 5-20 Profiles Tabs and Subtabs

Text description of intro_ui25.gif follows

Text description of the illustration intro_ui25.gif

See Also:

"Exporting Profile Data to an XML File" for instructions on exporting profile data to a file for submittal to an approver for approval

Host List Page

When you select the Host tab, the list page shown in Figure 5-21 appears:

Figure 5-21 Host Tab

Text description of tab_modeling_host.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_modeling_host.gif

Host Tasks

The host trading partner is the organization in which Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect is installed. The remote trading partner is the organization outside your enterprise with whom to conduct business. The host trading partner uses the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool to define the capabilities for all trading partners (both host and remote). The host trading partner consults with the remote trading partner to obtain the necessary details.

This page enables you to perform the following host trading partner tasks to manage integrations between enterprises:

Trading Partners List Page

When you select the Trading Partners tab, the list page shown in Figure 5-22 appears:

Figure 5-22 Trading Partners Tab

Text description of tab_prof_tp.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_prof_tp.gif

Trading Partner Tasks

This page enables you to perform the following tasks to manage remote trading partners participating in an integration:

Applications List Page

When you select the Applications tab, the list page shown in Figure 5-23 appears:

Figure 5-23 Applications Tab

Text description of tab_prof_appl.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_prof_appl.gif

Applications Tasks

This page enables you to perform the following tasks to manage applications participating in an integration:

Agreements List Page

When you select the Agreements tab, the default Application Agreements list page shown in Figure 5-24 appears:

Figure 5-24 Agreements Tab

Text description of list_overview.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration list_overview.gif

Agreement Tasks

This page enables you to perform the following tasks to manage agreements between parties (applications or trading partners):

Deployment Tab Overview

When you select the Deployment tab with no deployed configurations, the list page shown in Figure 5-25 appears:

Figure 5-25 Deployment Tab

Text description of deploy_initial.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration deploy_initial.gif

Deployment Tasks

This page enables you to perform the following tasks to deploy integrations:

Reports Tab Overview

When you select the Reports tab, the Reports list page shown in Figure 5-26 appears:

Figure 5-26 Reports Tab

Text description of tab_report.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_report.gif

This page enables you to perform the following tasks:

Administration Tab Overview

When you select the Administration tab, the list page shown in Figure 5-27 appears:

Figure 5-27 Administration Tab

Text description of tab_admin.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_admin.gif

This page enables you to perform the following administration tasks:

Configuration List Page

When you select the Configuration tab, the list page shown in Figure 5-28 appears:

Figure 5-28 Configuration Tab

Text description of intro_ui33.gif follows

Text description of the illustration intro_ui33.gif

Configuration Tasks

This page enables you to perform the following configuration tasks:

Management List Page

When you select the Management tab, the list page shown in Figure 5-29 appears:

Figure 5-29 Management Tab

Text description of tab_admin_manage.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration tab_admin_manage.gif

Management Tasks

This page enables you to export and import modeling metadata and profile data to and from a file.

See Also:

"Exporting and Importing Integrations" for instructions on exporting and importing modeling metadata and profile data

Chapter Summary

This chapter shows the higher-level Web pages of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool that you use, starting with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect home page. This chapter describes in detail the layout, links, and tabs on Main List pages and Details pages. The main tabs (Modeling, Profiles, Deployment, Reports, and Administration) are described so that you understand the tasks you can perform on each page. Subtab pages are also described, including Business Processes, Roles, Event Types, Datatypes, Transformations, Interactions, Condition Expressions, Host, Trading Partners, Applications, and Agreements.

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