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Oracle® Application Server ProcessConnect User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12121-01
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Administering Integrations with the User Interface Tool

This chapter describes how to administer Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool.

This chapter contains these topics:

Administering Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect with the User Interface Tools

Within Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect, there are two types of administration tasks that you perform:

There are broadly five classes of tasks to perform when defining an integration from within the administration facilities of Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. These tasks are classified as follows:

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the administration tasks shown in Figure 17-1 and Figure 17-2. References to instructions for performing these tasks are listed in Table 17-1 and Table 17-2:

Figure 17-1 User Interface Tool Modeling Configuration Administration Tasks

Text description of admin_model.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration admin_model.gif

Table 17-1  User Interface Tool Modeling Configuration Administration Tasks
Modeling Configuration Page Section See Section...


"Administering Adapters"

Adapter Framework Instances

"Managing the Adapter Framework Instance"

Native Formats

"Administering Native Formats"


"Administering Translators"

Figure 17-2 User Interface Tool Profiles Configuration and Management Administration Tasks

Text description of admin_profs.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration admin_profs.gif

Table 17-2  User Interface Tool Profiles Configuration and Management Administration Tasks
Profiles Configuration Page Section See Section...

Application Types

"Administering Application Types"

Business Protocols

"Viewing Business Protocols"


"Viewing Collaborations"

Contact Types

"Administering Contact Types"

Digital Envelopes

"Viewing Digital Envelopes"

Digital Signatures

"Viewing Digital Signatures"

Trading Partner Identification Types

"Administering Trading Partner Identification Types"

Management tab

"Exporting and Importing Integrations"


Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect includes a prepackaged set of adapters, contact types, native formats, translators, application types, and trading partner identification types that cannot be updated or deleted. You can also create your own contact types, application types, adapters, native formats, translators, and trading partner identification types.

Administering Adapters

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the adapter administration tasks shown in Figure 17-3. These tasks are described in detail in this section. Adapters provide the connectivity that enables applications and their different interfaces to be included in an integration. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect includes a prepackaged set of adapters that cannot be updated or deleted. You can also create and delete your own custom adapters.

Figure 17-3 Adapter Administration Tasks

Text description of manage6.gif follows

Text description of the illustration manage6.gif

Table 17-3 identifies the adapter administration tasks shown in Figure 17-3 and provides references to procedures for performing these tasks.

Table 17-3  Adapter Administration Tasks
Page Elements Administration Task First See Section... Then See Section...

Shortcuts section of Adapters section of Figure 17-3

Take shortcuts to add an interaction to an adapter, create a native event, or view application events


"Managing Adapter Interactions"

"Managing Native Event Types"

"Viewing Application Event Types"

Add button of Adapters section of Figure 17-3

Add an adapter

"Accessing Adapter Administration Tasks"

"Adding an Adapter"

Delete column of Adapters section of Figure 17-3

Delete an adapter


"Deleting an Adapter"

Adapter Type column of Adapters section of Figure 17-3

(To access the Adapter Type Details page shown in the middle page of Figure 17-3)

View details about an adapter


"Viewing an Adapter"

Adapter Provider column of Adapters section of Figure 17-3

(To access the Adapter Provider Details page shown in the lower page of Figure 17-3)

View details about an adapter provider


"Viewing an Adapter Provider"

Create button of Adapter Error Codes section of Figure 17-3

Create an adapter error message code


"Creating an Adapter Error Message Code"

Accessing Adapter Administration Tasks

Follow these instructions to access the adapter administration tasks shown in Figure 17-3:

To access adapter administration tasks:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

    The Adapters section appears at the top of the page. (See the upper page of Figure 17-3.) The adapters that appear include the following:

    • Adapters automatically installed with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect (such as the Advanced Queuing adapter or E-Mail adapter)

    • Adapters you selectively installed during installation (such as the SAP adapter or PeopleSoft adapter)

    • Custom adapters that you manually added

  3. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Add an adapter

    Click Add.

    "Adding an Adapter"

    Delete an adapter

    Select a specific adapter in the Delete column.

    "Deleting an Adapter"

    View details about an adapter

    Select a specific adapter in the Adapter Type column.

    "Viewing an Adapter"

    View details about an adapter provider

    Select a specific adapter provider in the Adapter Provider column.

    "Viewing an Adapter Provider"

    Create an adapter error message code

    Select a specific adapter in the Adapter Type column for which to create an error message code

    "Creating an Adapter Error Message Code"

Adding an Adapter

You can also add an adapter to Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. If this is a custom adapter that you manually built, you must add the adapter to the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect instance. Follow these instructions to add an adapter:

To add an adapter:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Adapter Administration Tasks" to access the page for adding an adapter.

    The Add Adapter page appears.

  2. Enter a class name of the adapter in the Class Name field (for example, oracle.tip.adapter.file.myadapter). You must include the package to which the class belongs. Ensure also that the adapter class file is included in the system CLASSPATH.

  3. Click Apply.

    The adapter is added. The adapter can now be selected in the following locations in the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool:

Deleting an Adapter

Follow these instructions to delete an adapter:

To delete an adapter:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Adapter Administration Tasks" to access the page for deleting an adapter.

  2. Click Yes when prompted to delete an adapter.

    The adapter is deleted and the Modeling Configuration page appears. This deletes the adapter from Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

Viewing an Adapter

Follow these instructions to view an adapter:

To view an adapter:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Adapter Administration Tasks" to access the page for viewing an adapter.

    The Adapter Type Details page for the selected adapter appears (for example, the Advanced Queuing adapter).

    Text description of admin_adapter_types.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_adapter_types.gif

  2. View specific details.

    This page, as with the Adapters section shown in the upper page of Figure 17-3, enables you to delete the selected adapter.

  3. Click Return to List to return to the Modeling Configuration page.

Viewing an Adapter Provider

Each adapter belongs to a specific adapter provider. For example, the Advanced Queuing adapter belongs to Oracle. Follow these instructions to view an adapter provider:

To view an adapter provider:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Adapter Administration Tasks" to access the page for viewing an adapter provider.

    The Adapter Provider Details page for the selected adapter provider appears (for example, for Oracle). All the adapters associated with this provider appear.

    Text description of admin_adapter_providers.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_adapter_providers.gif

  2. View specific details.

    This page, as with the Adapters section shown in the upper page of Figure 17-3, enables you to delete the adapter (if you created it).

  3. Click Return to List to return to the Adapters page.

Creating an Adapter Error Message Code

Follow these instructions to create an adapter error message code for an adapter:

To create an adapter error message code:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Adapter Administration Tasks" to access the page for creating an adapter error message code.

    The Adapter Type Details page appears.

  2. Click Create.

    The Create Adapter Error Code page appears.

  3. Enter the following details to create an adapter error message code. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Field Description

    Error String *

    Enter an adapter error message code.

    Error Domain *

    Select an error type:

    • Domain

      These are errors that impact an event in a specific Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect middle-tier instance. An example of a domain error occurrence is when the runtime system uses an incorrectly created event transformation map.

    • System

      These are errors that impact the entire system, and not just Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. Examples of system error occurrences include a database being down, a disk being full, or network connectivity problems.

  4. Click Apply.

    The adapter error message code is created and the Adapter Type Details page with the new adapter error message code appears.

Managing the Adapter Framework Instance

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to either specify that all applications or a specific group of applications use the adapter framework instance. The adapter framework communicates between the runtime system and various adapters to send and receive data in the form of native events. This feature is useful for load balancing. For example, single integration manager and adapter framework instances can be used to communicate with multiple Oracle Database adapters. Each adapter also communicates with a specific database. By separating the adapter framework from the integration manager and the adapters, Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect enables you to load balance requests across the different adapter instances and integration manager instances for scalability.

To update the adapter framework instance:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select Adapter Framework Instances.

    The Adapter Framework Instances section appears.

    Text description of view_af_instance.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration view_af_instance.gif

  4. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Update an adapter framework instance

    Select a specific adapter framework instance in the Update column.

    "Updating an Adapter Framework Instance"

    View details about an adapter framework instance

    Select a specific adapter framework instance in the Name column.

    "Viewing an Adapter Framework Instance"

Updating an Adapter Framework Instance

Follow these instructions to update an adapter framework instance:

To update an adapter framework instance:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Managing the Adapter Framework Instance" to access the page for updating an adapter framework instance.

    The Adapter Framework Instance Update page appears.

  2. Enter the following details to update the adapter framework instance.

  3. If you want to use the adapter framework instance with only specific applications, deselect the Application Override box. This action overrides the choice of using this adapter framework instance with all applications.

    If you deselected Application Override, the page refreshes to display a list of available applications. If Application Override is already deselected, the lists described in the following steps already appear.

  4. Select the specific applications to use with this adapter framework instance from the Available Applications list. These applications are the same ones that appear under Profiles > Applications.

  5. Click Move to move a single application or Move All to move all applications to the Selected Applications list.

  6. Click Apply.

    The adapter framework instance is updated and the Adapter Framework Instances Details page appears.

  7. Click Return to List to return to the Modeling Configuration page.

Viewing an Adapter Framework Instance

Follow these instructions to view an adapter framework instance:

To view an adapter framework instance:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Managing the Adapter Framework Instance" to access the page for viewing an adapter framework instance.

    The Adapter Framework Instance Details page for the selected adapter framework instance appears.

    Text description of view_afi.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration view_afi.gif

  2. View specific details, including whether this adapter framework instance has been set to true, which means this adapter framework works with all applications. If false displays, this adapter framework instance has been configured to work with only specific applications that you selected.

  3. Click Return to List to return to the Modeling Configuration page.

Administering Native Formats

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the native format administration tasks shown in Figure 17-4. These tasks are described in detail in this section. The native format messages must be converted to or translated into a format understood by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. Translation involves a syntactic conversion of the message from the native format into an XML format understood by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. A native format is therefore associated with a translator that translates the native event to an application event, and vice versa. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect includes a prepackaged set of native formats that cannot be updated or deleted:

You can also create your own custom native formats. Associated with the custom native format, you also must create a custom translator or select an existing translator. These tasks are described in this section.

Figure 17-4 Native Format Administration Tasks

Text description of manage5.gif follows

Text description of the illustration manage5.gif

Table 17-4 identifies the native format administration tasks shown in Figure 17-4 and provides references to procedures for performing these tasks.

Table 17-4  Native Format Administration Tasks
Page Elements Administration Task First See Section... Then See Section...

Create button of Native Formats section of Figure 17-4

Create a native format

"Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks"

"Creating a Native Format"

Name column of Native Formats section of Figure 17-4

(To access the Native Format Details page shown in the lower page of Figure 17-4)

View details about a native format


"Viewing a Native Format"

Add button of Adapter Exchange Protocols section of Figure 17-4

Add an adapter exchange protocol to a native format


"Adding an Adapter Exchange Protocol to a Native Format"

Remove column of Adapter Exchange Protocols section of Figure 17-4

Remove an adapter exchange protocol from a native format


"Removing an Adapter Exchange Protocol from a Native Format"

Add button of Translators section of Figure 17-4

Add a translator to a native format


"Adding a Translator to a Native Format"

Remove column of Translators section of Figure 17-4

Remove a translator from a native format


"Removing a Translator from a Native Format"

Create button of Validations section of Figure 17-4

Create validation for a native format


"Creating Validation for a Native Format"

Delete column of Validations section of Figure 17-4

Delete validation from a native format


"Deleting Validation from a Native Format"

Update column of Validations section of Figure 17-4

Update validation of a native format


"Updating Validation of a Native Format"

Name column of Validations section of Figure 17-4

View details about validation of a native format


"Viewing Validation of a Native Format"

Name column of Translators section of Figure 17-4

View details about a translator of a native format


"Viewing a Translator of a Native Format"


You can update native format validations, but you cannot update adapter exchange protocols and translators.

See Also:

Appendix A, "Native Formats and Translators" for descriptions of the XSD, D3L, and token substituted text native formats included with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect

Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks

Follow these instructions to access the native format administration tasks shown in Figure 17-4:

To access native format administration tasks:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select Native Formats.

    The Native Formats section appears. (See the upper page of Figure 17-4.)

  4. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Create a native format

    Click Create.

    "Creating a Native Format"

    View details about a native format

    Select a specific native format in the Name column.

    "Viewing a Native Format"

    Add an adapter exchange protocol to a native format

    Select a specific native format in the Name column to which to add an adapter exchange protocol.

    "Adding an Adapter Exchange Protocol to a Native Format"

    Remove an adapter exchange protocol from a native format

    Select a specific native format in the Name column from which to remove an adapter exchange protocol.

    "Removing an Adapter Exchange Protocol from a Native Format"

    Add a translator to a native format

    Select a specific native format in the Name column to which to add a translator.

    "Adding a Translator to a Native Format"

    Remove a translator from a native format

    Select a specific native format in the Name column from which to remove a translator.

    "Removing a Translator from a Native Format"

    Create validation for a native format

    Select a specific native format in the Name column for which to create validation.

    "Creating Validation for a Native Format"

    Delete validation from a native format

    Select a specific native format in the Name column from which to delete validation.

    "Deleting Validation from a Native Format"

    Update validation of a native format

    Select a specific native format in the Name column to which to update validation.

    "Updating Validation of a Native Format"

    View details about validation of a native format

    Select a specific native format in the Name column for which to view validation.

    "Viewing Validation of a Native Format"

    View details about a translator of a native format

    Select a specific native format in the Name column for which to view a translator.

    "Viewing a Translator of a Native Format"

Creating a Native Format

Follow these instructions to create a native format:

To create a native format:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks" to access the page for creating a native format.

    The Create Native Format page appears.

  2. Enter the following details to create a native format. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Field Description

    Name *

    Enter a unique and recognizable native format name.

    Revision *

    Enter a revision number for the native format.

    Note: You can have two native formats of the same name, but they must be of a different revision.


    Enter a description.

  3. Click Apply.

    The native format is created and the Native Format Details page for the new native format appears. The native format now appears as a selectable native format when you create a native event type.

    See Also:

Viewing a Native Format

Follow these instructions to view details about a native format:

To view a native format:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks" to access the page for viewing a native format.

    The Native Format Details page for the selected native format appears (for example, a custom native format called AppFormat).

    Text description of admin_native_format.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_native_format.gif

  2. View specific details and perform specific tasks from this page.

  3. Click Return to List to return to the Modeling Configuration page.

Adding an Adapter Exchange Protocol to a Native Format

The adapter exchange protocol is the logical grouping of interactions (its capabilities) for an adapter. For example, an Oracle Database adapter may have three adapter exchange protocols. The adapter exchange protocol determines the questions you are prompted to answer. You select an adapter exchange protocol when adding an interaction. Follow these instructions to add an adapter exchange protocol to a native format:

To add an adapter exchange protocol to a native format:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks" to access the page for adding an adapter exchange protocol to a native format.

    The Native Format Details page for the selected native format appears.

  2. Go to the Adapter Exchange Protocols section. (See the lower page of Figure 17-4.)

  3. Click Add.

    The Add Adapter Exchange Protocol to Native Format page appears.

  4. Select an adapter exchange protocol from the Adapter Exchange Protocol list.

  5. Click Apply.

    The adapter exchange protocol is added and the Native Format Details page appears.

Removing an Adapter Exchange Protocol from a Native Format

Follow these instructions to remove an adapter exchange protocol from a native format:

To remove an adapter exchange protocol from a native format:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks" to access the page for removing an adapter exchange protocol from a native format.

    The Native Format Details page for the selected native format appears.

  2. Go to the Adapter Exchange Protocols section. (See the lower page of Figure 17-4.)

  3. Select a specific adapter exchange protocol in the Remove column.

  4. Click Yes when prompted to remove the adapter exchange protocol.

    The adapter exchange protocol is removed and the Native Format Details page appears. Removed adapter exchange protocols can be added again at a later time.

Adding a Translator to a Native Format

A native format is associated with a translator. A translator translates a native event into an application event, and vice versa. The translator that you use is based on the native format of your message (known as the wire message). Follow these instructions to add a translator to a native format:

To add a translator to a native format:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks" to access the page for adding a translator to a native format.

    The Native Format Details page for the selected native format appears.

  2. Go to the Translators section. (See the lower page of Figure 17-4.)

  3. Click Add.

    The Add Translator to Native Format page appears.

  4. Select a translator from the Translator list.

  5. Click Apply.

    The translator is added and the Native Format Details page appears.

Removing a Translator from a Native Format

Follow these instructions to remove a translator from a native format:

To remove a translator from a native format:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks" to access the page for removing a translator from a native format.

    The Native Format Details page for the selected native format appears.

  2. Go to the Translators section. (See the lower page of Figure 17-4.)

  3. Select a specific translator to remove in the Remove column.

  4. Click Yes when prompted to remove the translator.

    The translator is removed and the Native Format Details page appears. Removed translators can be added again at a later time.

Creating Validation for a Native Format

Follow these instructions to create native event validation for a native format:

To create validation for a native format:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks" to access the page for creating validation for a native format.

    The Native Format Details page for the selected native format appears.

  2. Go to the Validations section. (See the lower page of Figure 17-4.)

  3. Click Create.

    The Create Validation For Native Format page appears.

  4. Enter the following details to create native format validation. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Field Description

    Name *

    Enter a unique and recognizable native format validation name.

    Validation Class Name

    Enter the validation class name.

    Revision *

    Enter a revision number for the native format validation.

  5. Click Apply.

    The validation is added to the native format and the Native Format Details page appears.

    See Also:

    "Native Event Validation"

Deleting Validation from a Native Format

Follow these instructions to delete validation from a native format:

To delete validation of a native format:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks" to access the page for deleting validation from a native format.

    The Native Format Details page for the selected native format appears.

  2. Go to the Validations section. (See the lower page of Figure 17-4.)

  3. Select a specific validation to delete in the Delete column.

  4. Click Yes when prompted to delete the validation from the native format.

    The validation is deleted and the Native Format Details page appears.

Updating Validation of a Native Format

To update validation of a native format:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks" to access the page for updating validation of a native format.

    The Native Format Details page for the selected native format appears.

  2. Go to the Validations section. (See the lower page of Figure 17-4.)

  3. Select a specific validation to update in the Update column.

    The Update Validation page appears.

  4. Make appropriate changes. (See Step 4 of "Creating Validation for a Native Format" for a list of fields that you can update.)

  5. Click Apply.

    The validation is updated and the Native Format Details page for the updated native format appears.

Viewing Validation of a Native Format

To view validation of a native format:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks" to access the page for viewing validation of a native format.

    The Native Format Details page for the selected native format appears.

  2. Go to the Validations section. (See the lower page of Figure 17-4.)

  3. Select a specific validation to view in the Name column.

    The Validation Details page appears.

    Text description of details_nf_valid.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration details_nf_valid.gif

  4. View specific details.

    This page, as with the Native Format Details page shown in the lower page of Figure 17-4, enables you to delete or update the selected validation of the native format.

  5. Click Return to List to return to the Native Format Details page.

Viewing a Translator of a Native Format

To view a translator of a native format:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Native Format Administration Tasks" to access the page for viewing a translator of a native format.

    The Native Format Details page for the selected native format appears.

  2. Go to the Translators section. (See the lower page of Figure 17-4.)

  3. Select a specific native format translator to view in the Name column (for example, XSD).

    The Translator Details page appears.

    Text description of details_translators.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration details_translators.gif

  4. View specific details.

    This page, as with the Native Format Details page shown in the lower page of Figure 17-4, enables you to delete the selected native format translator.

  5. Click Return to List to return to the Native Format Details page.

Administering Translators

A translator translates a native event into an application event, and vice versa. The translator that you select to use is based on the native format of your message (known as the wire message). The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the translator administration tasks shown in Figure 17-5. These tasks are described in detail in this section. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect includes a prepackaged set of translators that cannot be deleted. However, you can create and delete your own custom translators.

Figure 17-5 Translator Administration Tasks

Text description of manage26.gif follows

Text description of the illustration manage26.gif

Table 17-5 identifies the translator administration tasks shown in Figure 17-5 and provides references to procedures for performing these tasks.

Table 17-5  Translator Administration Tasks
Page Elements Administration Task First See Section... Then See Section...

Create button of Translators section of Figure 17-5

Create a translator

"Accessing Translator Administration Tasks"

"Creating a Translator"

Delete column of Translators section of Figure 17-5

Delete a translator


"Deleting a Translator"

Name column of Translators section of Figure 17-5

(To access the Translator Details page shown in the lower page of Figure 17-5)

View details about a translator


"Viewing a Translator"

Add button of Native Formats section of Figure 17-5

Add a native format to a translator


"Adding a Native Format to a Translator"

Remove column of Native Formats section of Figure 17-5

Remove a native format from a translator


"Removing a Native Format from a Translator"

See Also:

"Administering Native Formats" for instructions on performing the administration tasks available under the Name column of the Native Formats section of the Translation Details page shown in the lower page of Figure 17-5

Accessing Translator Administration Tasks

Follow these instructions to access the translator administration tasks shown in Figure 17-5:

To access translator administration tasks:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select Translators.

    The Translators section appears. (See the upper page of Figure 17-5.)

  4. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Create a translator

    Click Create.

    "Creating a Translator"

    Delete a translator

    Select a specific translator in the Delete column.

    "Deleting a Translator"

    View details about a translator

    Select a specific translator in the Name column.

    "Viewing a Translator"

    Add a native format to a translator

    Select a specific translator in the Name column to which to add a native format

    "Adding a Native Format to a Translator"

    Remove a native format from a translator

    Select a specific translator in the Name column from which to remove a native format

    "Removing a Native Format from a Translator"

Creating a Translator

A translator is associated with a converter, an inbound translator, and an outbound translator. Follow these instructions to add a translator and its associated converter, inbound translator, and outbound translator:

To create a translator:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Translator Administration Tasks" to access the page for creating a translator.

    The Create Translator page appears.

  2. Enter the following details to create a translator. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Field Description

    Name *

    Enter a unique and recognizable translator name.


    Enter a version number for the translator (if any).

    Converter Class Name

    Enter a converter class name. The converter creates the application body element types from the native body element types at design time. It is also used for creating business datatypes given the filename that has the definition for the datatypes.

    In Translator Class Name

    Enter a class name for inbound translations. The inbound translator translates native events to application events.

    Out Translator Class Name

    Enter a class name for outbound translations. The outbound translator translates application events to native events.


    Enter a description.


    The In Translator Class Name and Out Translator Class Name fields are not designated as required fields. However, if you do not provide details for these fields, your translator does not work.

  3. Click Apply.

    The translator is created and the Translator Details page for the new translator appears. The translator now appears as a selectable type when you create a native event type.

    See Also:

Deleting a Translator

Follow these instructions to delete a translator:

To delete a translator:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Translator Administration Tasks" to access the page for deleting a translator.

  2. Click Yes when prompted to delete the translator.

    The translator is deleted and the Modeling Configuration page appears.

Viewing a Translator

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Translator Administration Tasks" to access the page for viewing a translator.

    The Translator Details page appears.

    Text description of details_translators.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration details_translators.gif

  2. View specific details.

    This page, as with the Translators section of the Modeling Configuration page shown in the upper page of Figure 17-5, enables you to delete the selected translator.

    The Name column of the Native Formats section of the Translator Details page provides you with an additional access method for performing native format administration tasks.

    See Also:

    "Administering Native Formats" for instructions on performing native format administration tasks

Adding a Native Format to a Translator

A translator is associated with a native format. Native format support enables you to import messages in their native (wire message) format into Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect event body elements. Follow these instructions to add a native format to a translator:

To add a native format to a translator:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Translator Administration Tasks" to access the page for adding a native format to a translator.

    The Translator Details page for the selected translator appears.

  2. Go to the Native Formats section. (See the lower page of Figure 17-5.)

  3. Click Add.

    The Add Native Format to Translator page appears.

  4. Select a native format from the Native Format list.

  5. Click Apply.

    The native format is added and the Translator Details page appears.

Removing a Native Format from a Translator

Follow these instructions to remove a native format from a translator:

To remove a native format from a translator:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Translator Administration Tasks" to access the page for removing a native format from a translator.

    The Translator Details page for the selected translator appears.

  2. Go to the Native Formats section. (See the lower page of Figure 17-5.)

  3. Select a specific native format to remove in the Remove column.

  4. Click Yes when prompted to remove the native format.

    The native format is removed and the Translator Details page appears. Removed native formats can be added again at a later time.

Administering Application Types

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the application type administration tasks shown in Figure 17-6. These tasks are described in detail in this section. An application type is a method of grouping applications into an entity that can be used for reporting purposes. When you create an application, you select an application type in which to group the application. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect includes a prepackaged set of application types that cannot be updated or deleted. However, you can create your own custom application types.

Figure 17-6 Application Type Administration Tasks

Text description of manage13.gif follows

Text description of the illustration manage13.gif

Table 17-6 identifies the application type administration tasks shown in Figure 17-6 and provides references to procedures for performing these tasks.

Table 17-6  Application Type Administration Tasks
Page Elements Administration Task First See Section... Then See Section...

Shortcuts section of Figure 17-6

Take shortcuts to manage applications, host trading partners, and remote trading partners


"Managing Applications"

"Managing Trading Partner Identifications"

"Managing Remote Trading Partners"

Create button of Application Types section of Figure 17-6

Create an application type

"Accessing Application Type Administration Tasks"

"Creating an Application Type"

Name column of Application Types section of Figure 17-6

View details about an application type


"Viewing an Application Type"

Accessing Application Type Administration Tasks

Follow these instructions to access the application type administration tasks shown in Figure 17-6:

To access application type administration tasks:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select Profiles.

    The Application Types section displays at the top of the page. (See Figure 17-6.)

  4. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Create an application type

    Click Create.

    "Creating an Application Type"

    View details about an application type

    Select a specific application type in the Name column.

    "Viewing an Application Type"

Creating an Application Type

Follow these instructions to create an application type:

To create an application type:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Application Type Administration Tasks" to access the page for creating an application type.

    The Create Application Type page appears.

  2. Enter a unique and recognizable application type name in the Name field.

  3. Click Apply.

    The application type is created and the Profiles Configuration page appears. The application type now appears as a selectable application type in the Create Application page.

    See Also:

    "Creating an Application" for instructions on selecting an application type when creating an application

Viewing an Application Type

Follow these instructions to view details about an application type:

To view an application type:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Application Type Administration Tasks" to access the page for viewing an application type.

    The Application Type Details page for the selected application type appears.

    Text description of details_application_types.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration details_application_types.gif

  2. View specific details, including any applications to which the application type is assigned in the Name column. A shortcut to the page for creating an application, during which you assign an application type to an application, is also provided.

  3. Click Return to List to return to the Profiles Configuration page.

Viewing Business Protocols

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to view details about the available business protocols. The business protocol identifies the implementation guidelines to use for the reliable transport of business document messages between trading partners (essentially the capabilities of the trading partner). One such example is RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF), version 1.1 using the RosettaNet Document Protocol. You select a business protocol to use in the Add Business Protocol page (accessible by clicking Profiles > Host > Cooperations > Business Protocols for the host trading partner and Profiles > Trading Partners > trading_partner_name > Cooperations > Business Protocols for remote trading partners). Follow these instructions to view business protocols.

To view business protocols:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select Profiles.

  4. Select Business Protocols.

    The Business Protocols section appears.

    Text description of admin_bp.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_bp.gif

  5. Select a specific business protocol to view from the Name column (for example, RosettaNet-RNIF2.0-PIP).

    The Business Protocol Details page for the selected business protocol appears.

    Text description of details_bus_proto.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration details_bus_proto.gif

  6. View specific details, including the document, exchange, and process protocols that comprise the business protocol.

  7. Click the link to the right of Document Protocol.

    The Document Protocol Details page for the selected document protocol appears (for example, RosettaNet).

  8. See "Viewing a Document Protocol" for specific details about the document protocol.

  9. Click Return to List to return to the Business Protocol Details page.

  10. Click the link to the right of Exchange Protocol.

    The Exchange Protocol Details page for the selected exchange protocol appears.

  11. See "Viewing an Exchange Protocol" for specific details about the exchange protocol.

  12. Click Return to List to return to the Business Protocol Details page.

  13. Click the link to the right of Process Protocol.

    The Process Protocol Details page appears.

  14. See "Viewing a Process Protocol" for specific details about the process protocol.

  15. Click Return to List to return to the Business Protocol Details page.

    See Also:

    • "Adding a Business Protocol" for instructions on adding a business protocol to a trading partner and definitions of the document, exchange, and process protocols that comprise a business protocol

    • The RosettaNet home page for more details on RosettaNet concepts discussed in this section:

Viewing Collaborations

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to view available collaborations. Follow these instructions to view collaborations. Collaborations identify the actors (roles played in a business collaborations, such as buyer or seller) and business transactions available with each partner interface process (PIP).

To view collaborations:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select Profiles.

  4. Select Collaborations.

    The Collaborations section appears.

    Text description of admin_collabs.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_collabs.gif

  5. Select a specific collaboration to view from the Name column (for example, 3A4 for PIP3A4).

    The Collaboration Details page for the selected business collaboration appears.

    Text description of admin_collabs_details.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_collabs_details.gif

  6. View specific details.

  7. Go to the Actors section.

  8. Select a specific actor to view from the Name column (for example, buyer).

    Text description of admin_actor_details.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_actor_details.gif

  9. View specific details. The actor identifies the role played by a trading partner in a business collaboration (such as buyer or seller).

  10. Click Return to List to return to the Collaboration Details page.

  11. Go to the Business Transactions section.

  12. Select a specific business transaction to view from the Name column.

    Text description of admin_bus_trans.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_bus_trans.gif

  13. View specific details. The business transactions define the rules that actors (such as buyer and seller) agree to follow when exchanging business documents.

  14. Click Return to List to return to the Profiles Configuration page.

    See Also:

    "Creating a Supported Actor" for instructions on assigning an actor (role) to a trading partner

Administering Contact Types

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the contact type administration tasks shown in Figure 17-7. These tasks are described in detail in this section. The contact type is the method for contacting persons (such as a phone number or e-mail address) when specific activity within Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect occurs, such as a person needs to approve an agreement. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect includes a prepackaged set of contact types that cannot be updated or deleted. You can also create and update your own custom contact types.

Figure 17-7 Contact Type Administration Tasks

Text description of manage22.gif follows

Text description of the illustration manage22.gif

Table 17-7 identifies the contact type administration tasks shown in Figure 17-7 and provides references to procedures for performing these tasks.

Table 17-7  Contact Type Administration Tasks
Page Elements Administration Task First See Section... Then See Section...

Create button of Contact Types section of Figure 17-7

Create a contact type

"Accessing Contact Type Administration Tasks"

"Creating a Contact Type"

Update column of Contact Types section of Figure 17-7

Update a contact type


"Updating a Contact Type"

Name column of Contact Types section of Figure 17-7

View details about a contact type


"Viewing a Contact Type"

Accessing Contact Type Administration Tasks

Follow these instructions to access the contact type administration tasks shown in Figure 17-7:

To access contact type administration tasks:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select Profiles

  4. Select Contact Types.

    The Contact Types section appears. (See Figure 17-7.)

  5. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Create a contact type

    Click Create.

    "Creating a Contact Type"

    Update a contact type

    Select a specific contact type in the Update column.

    "Updating a Contact Type"

    View details about a contact type

    Select a specific contact type in the Name column.

    "Viewing a Contact Type"

Creating a Contact Type

Follow these instructions to create a contact type:

To create a contact type:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Contact Type Administration Tasks" to access the page for creating a contact type.

    The Create Contact Type page appears.

  2. Enter the following details to create a contact type. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Field Description

    Name *

    Enter a unique and recognizable contact type name.


    Enter a description.

  3. Click Apply.

    The contact type is created and the Contact Type Details page for the new contact type appears. The contact type now appears as a selectable contact type in the Create Contact Information page (accessible through Profiles > Host > Organization > Contact Information for the host trading partner and Profiles > Trading Partners > trading_partner_name > Organization > Contact Information for remote trading partners).

    See Also:

Updating a Contact Type

Follow these instructions to update a contact type:

To update a contact type:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Contact Type Administration Tasks" to access the page for updating a contact type.

    The Update Contact Type page appears.

  2. Make appropriate changes. (See Step 2 of "Creating a Contact Type" for a list of fields that you can update.)

  3. Click Apply.

    The contact type is updated and the Contact Type Details page for the updated contact type appears.

Viewing a Contact Type

Follow these instructions to view details about a contact type:

To view a contact type:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Contact Type Administration Tasks" to access the page for viewing a contact type.

    The Contact Type Details page for the selected contact type appears (for example, for e-mail):

    Text description of admin_contacts.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_contacts.gif

  2. View specific details. This contact type is now selectable under Profiles > Host > Organization for the host trading partner or Profiles > Trading Partners > trading_partner_name > Organization for remote trading partners. If you select this type, you are prompted to enter a value, such as an e-mail address, to assign to this type.

    This page, as with the Contact Types section of the Profiles Configuration page shown in Figure 17-7, enables you to delete or update the selected contact type.

  3. Click Return to List to return to the Profiles Configuration page.

    See Also:

    "Creating Person Contact Details" to assign a value, such as an e-mail address or phone number, to this contact type

Viewing Digital Envelopes

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to view digital envelopes. Digital envelopes are the packaging method for a digital signature. Follow these instructions to view digital envelopes.

To view digital envelopes:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select Profiles.

  4. Select Digital Envelopes.

    The Digital Envelopes section appears.

    Text description of admin_de.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_de.gif

  5. Select a specific digital envelope to view from the Name column.

    The Digital Envelope Details page for the selected digital envelope appears (for example, for SMIME 3.0 with DES):

    Text description of admin_dig_envelopes.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_dig_envelopes.gif

  6. View specific details.

  7. Click Return to List to return to the Profiles Configuration page.

    See Also:

    "Creating a Document Exchange" for instructions on selecting a digital envelope to use in a document exchange of a trading partner

Viewing Digital Signatures

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to view digital signatures. Follow these instructions to view digital signatures. A digital signature is created when a public key algorithm signs the sender's message with the sender's private key. The digital signature ensures that the document is authentic, has not been forged by another party, has not been altered, and cannot be repudiated by the sender.

To view digital signatures:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select Profiles.

  4. Select Digital Signatures.

    The Digital Signatures section appears.

    Text description of admin_ds.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_ds.gif

  5. Select a specific digital signature to view from the Name column.

    The Digital Signature Details page for the selected digital signature appears (for example, for SMIME 3.0 with SHA - RSA):

    Text description of admin_dig_sigs.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_dig_sigs.gif

  6. View specific details.

  7. Click Return to List to return to the Profiles Configuration page.

    See Also:

    "Creating a Document Exchange" for instructions on selecting a digital signature to use in a document exchange of a trading partner

Administering Trading Partner Identification Types

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the trading partner identification type administration tasks shown in Figure 17-8. These tasks are described in detail in this section. The trading partner identification type is a value that uniquely identifies a trading partner, such as a data universal numbering system (DUNS) number. You can define other types of trading partner identification types. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect includes a prepackaged set of trading partner identification types that cannot be updated or deleted. You can also create your own custom trading partner identification types.

Figure 17-8 Trading Partner Identification Type Administration Tasks

Text description of manage28.gif follows

Text description of the illustration manage28.gif

Table 17-8 identifies the trading partner identification type administration tasks shown in Figure 17-8 and provides references to procedures for performing these tasks.

Table 17-8  Trading Partner Identification Type Administration Tasks
Page Elements Administration Task First See Section... Then See Section...

Create button of Trading Partner Identification Types section of Figure 17-8

Create a trading partner identification type

"Accessing Trading Partner Identification Type Administration Tasks"

"Creating a Trading Partner Identification Type"

Name column of Trading Partner Identification Types section of Figure 17-8

View details about a trading partner identification type


"Viewing a Trading Partner Identification Type"

Accessing Trading Partner Identification Type Administration Tasks

Follow these instructions to access the trading partner identification type administration tasks shown in Figure 17-8:

To access trading partner identification type administration tasks:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Select Profiles.

  4. Select Trading Partner Identification Types.

    The Trading Partner Identification Types section appears. (See Figure 17-8.)

  5. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Create a trading partner identification type

    Click Create.

    "Creating a Trading Partner Identification Type"

    View details about a trading partner identification type

    Select a specific trading partner identification type in the Name column.

    "Viewing a Trading Partner Identification Type"

Creating a Trading Partner Identification Type

Follow these instructions to create a trading partner identification type:

To create a trading partner identification type:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Trading Partner Identification Type Administration Tasks" to access the page for creating a trading partner identification type.

    The Create Trading Partner Identification Type page appears.

    Enter the following details to create a trading partner identification type. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Field Description

    Name *

    Enter a unique and recognizable trading partner identification type name.


    Enter a description.

    System Identifier

    Select Unspecified, True, or False.

    Select True for the system identifier to identify the given trading partner.

  2. Click Apply.

    The trading partner identification type is created and the Trading Partner Identification Type Details page appears. The trading partner identification type appears as a selection on the Create Trading Partner Identification page (accessible through Profiles > Host > Create for the host trading partner and Profiles > Trading Partners > trading_partner_name > Create for remote trading partners).

    See Also:

    "Creating Trading Partner Identification" for instructions on selecting a trading partner identification type

Viewing a Trading Partner Identification Type

Follow these instructions to view details about a trading partner identification type:

To view a trading partner identification type:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Trading Partner Identification Type Administration Tasks" to access the page for viewing a trading partner identification type.

    The Trading Partner Identification Type Details page for the selected trading partner identification type appears.

  2. View specific details.

    Text description of admin_tpid_type.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration admin_tpid_type.gif

  3. Click Return to List to return to the Profiles Configuration page.

Exporting and Importing Integrations

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to create integrations that consist of modeling metadata and profile data. An integration created with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool is stored in the design-time repository. You can export and import the contents of an integration to and from a file. This enables you to export an integration from one repository and import it into another repository.

There are several methods for using export and import:

Follow these instructions to export and import integrations:

To export and import integrations:

  1. Select the Administration tab.

  2. Select the Management tab.

  3. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Export integrations to a file

    Click Export.

    "Exporting an Integration"

    Import integrations from a file

    Click Browse.

    "Importing an Integration"

Exporting an Integration

The entire and most recent contents of the integration are copied to a file named export.xml that you are prompted to open or download to a directory location.


Depending on the size of the integration, this process can take time.

See Also:

  • "Exporting Profile Data to an XML File" for details about additional Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect export functionality that enables you to export profile data (such as applications and agreements) to an XML file for submittal to persons for approval

  • "Exporting a Configuration" for instructions on exporting the contents of a configuration to a file

Importing an Integration


An integration exported to a file represents a copy of the current modeling metadata and profile data. This file is no longer accessible for changes with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool until it is imported back into Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

If you continue to make changes to the integration with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool, then import the exported file (the contents of which are now older), the following occurs:

  • New data created with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool after the file was exported is left untouched after the file is imported.

  • Data updated or deleted after the file was exported is overwritten with the older contents of the imported file.

The File Upload page appears.

  1. Select a file to upload and click Open.

    Your selection appears in the Input File field.

  2. Click Import.

    The Import Status page appears. A clock displays onscreen saying that the import is being processed.

    The entire contents of the file are loaded into their previous locations in the design-time repository and display in the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool. You cannot import parts of the file. A message appears indicating that the import completed successfully.

    If an import fails, then the changes are rolled back and the design-time repository remains unchanged. A message appears indicating that the import was unsuccessful.

Chapter Summary

This chapter describes how to use the user interface tool for the following tasks:

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