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Oracle® Application Server ProcessConnect User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12121-01
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Managing Datatypes

This chapter describes the datatype management tasks required to design an integration.

This chapter contains these topics:

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Datatype Support Overview

This section provides a high-level overview of Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect support for datatypes. References are provided to sections that describe additional conceptual details and datatype management tasks.

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect provides support for the wire messages of parties (applications and trading partners) that use the following native formats:

Core Datatypes

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect provides datatype support with a set of prepackaged, primitive datatypes (such as string, binary, and integer) with which to become familiar before creating event transformation map rules. All datatypes in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect are based on these core datatypes.

See Also:

Datatype Classifications

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect provides three classifications of datatype support:

Native Datatypes

Native datatypes are in the native formats of applications or trading partners. These formats are not understood by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. You cannot view native datatypes, but you can view details about native formats such as the translator and native event validator to be used.

See Also:

Application Datatypes

When you add an adapter interaction, you also specify a translator (XML, D3L, or token substituted text). When you then create the native event for this interaction, the native event datatypes are automatically translated into application event datatypes. The translator creates the application datatypes based on the native datatype format file that you provided when prompted during native event creation. Translation is the only method by which to create application datatypes. Application datatypes cannot be created manually. An application datatype's syntax is in an interpretable syntactic format understood by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. You can view application datatypes and their definitions.

See Also:

Business Datatypes

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect provides support for business datatypes. The different datatypes of parties must all be represented as a single, common set of business datatypes to communicate with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect and participate in integrations.

Business datatypes can by best practice be a superset of application datatypes. Only business datatypes can be manually created or imported as an XSD file into Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

If you already have an XSD file that represents most of the required business datatypes, import the file. Afterwards, you can edit the business datatypes to reflect a superset of the application datatypes that you want represented.

If I know exactly what you want and do not have an available XSD file with which to start, create the business datatype completely manually.

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect provides support for the following datatypes:

You can import business datatypes in XSD format into Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect as business datatypes. You cannot import D3L or token substituted text formats.

When you create event transformation maps, you create statements that transform inbound application datatypes into inbound business datatypes, and vice versa in the outbound direction.

See Also:

Datatype Namespaces

Namespaces provide a way of grouping datatypes. This enables you to organize datatypes more efficiently and easily find a datatype when you need it later. You can create namespaces for storing the datatypes that you create or import.

See Also:

"Managing Datatype Namespaces"

Examples of Datatype Formats in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect

Before describing datatype and namespace management tasks to perform with the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool, a brief example is provided of how the datatypes in an expense application are changed from their unique native format into a format understood by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. This enables the expense application to participate in an integration.

This section contains these topics:

Procedures for creating these different datatype formats in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect are provided in subsequent sections of this chapter.

Wire Message Native Datatype Format in XSD File

The expense application in this example submits an expense report in an extensible markup language (XML) file. This XML file follows the guidelines for presenting data that are defined in an XML Schema definition (XSD) file. XSD is a native format supported by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. Example 10-1 shows an example of the XSD file used by the expense report. The XSD file specifies guidelines for defining the employee, their manager, and specific details about the expense incurred, such as the date, cost, amount, and justification.

Example 10-1 XSD File for Expense Report

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsd:schema targetNamespace=""

  <!-- manager type definition -->
  <xsd:complexType name="manager_type">
      <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string" />
    <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:integer" />

  <!-- employee type definition -->
  <xsd:complexType name="employee_type">
      <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string" />
      <xsd:element name="manager" type="manager_type" />
    <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:integer" />

  <!-- line item type definition -->
  <xsd:complexType name="lineitem_type">
      <xsd:element name="date" type="xsd:date" />
      <xsd:element name="amount" type="xsd:double" />
      <xsd:element name="currency" type="xsd:string" />
      <xsd:element name="type" type="xsd:string" />
      <xsd:element name="justification" type="xsd:string" />
      <xsd:element name="expensegroup" type="xsd:string" />
      <xsd:element name="recieptmissing" type="xsd:boolean" />

  <!-- expense type definition -->
  <xsd:complexType name="expense_type">
      <xsd:element name="employee" type="employee_type" />
      <xsd:element name="costcenter" type="xsd:string" />
      <xsd:element name="purpose" type="xsd:string" />
      <xsd:element name="lineitem" type="lineitem_type" />
      <xsd:element name="status" type="xsd:string" />
    <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:integer" />

  <!-- root definition -->
  <xsd:element name="expense" type="expense_type" />

Native and Application Datatype Formats

The datatypes in the expense application's inbound expense report initially appear in their own unique native format that Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect cannot interpret. When you create an adapter interaction for this inbound expense report, you specify an XSD translator. During this session, you can also automatically create the native event and its event body element, and the application event and its event body element of application datatypes. Figure 10-1 shows the event body element for the native event. An event body element is created and named PAYLOAD by the adapter. PAYLOAD represents the payload (data contents of a native format message) portion of the native event. However, no specific details about the datatypes of the expense report (such as whether they are scalar or complex types, or whether they are string or integer datatypes) are known.

Figure 10-1 Native Datatypes

Text description of event_types3.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types3.gif

The XSD translator you specify automatically translates the contents of the inbound expense report into an application event and event body element. Application datatypes enable Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect to access the contents for further processing. Application datatypes are a structured type system with primitive types such as string or integer and complex type constructors such as records.

Figure 10-2 shows the event body element and its application datatypes. Note that the details defined in the XSD file shown in "Wire Message Native Datatype Format in XSD File" (for example, date, amount, currency, type, and justification), appear as application datatypes with recognized types (for example, scalar) and datatypes (for example, string and Boolean).

Figure 10-2 Application Datatypes

Text description of event_types4.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types4.gif

See Also:

Business Datatype Creation Methods

The different datatypes of the expense report must be represented as a single, common set of business datatypes to communicate with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect and participate in integrations. You create business datatypes from the Business Datatypes page by either:

Figure 10-3 shows the Business Datatypes page from which you can perform either of these tasks.

Figure 10-3 Business Datatype Creation Methods

Text description of list_datatype_complex.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration list_datatype_complex.gif

See Also:

"Managing Business Datatypes"

Business Datatype Format

After you create business datatypes from the Business Datatypes page by either creating new datatypes or importing datatypes defined in XSD format, you create an event body element in a business event and specify these business datatypes.

Figure 10-4 shows an event body element (for this example, named Payload) that includes the business datatypes you either created or imported.

Figure 10-4 Business Datatypes in an Event Body Element

Text description of event_types6.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types6.gif

You can now define transformation rules that transform the inbound application datatypes of the expense report shown in Figure 10-2 into the inbound business event datatypes shown in Figure 10-4.

See Also:

Viewing Core Datatypes

Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect provides datatype support with a series of prepackaged primitive datatypes. These datatypes are known as core datatypes. All datatypes in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect are based on these core datatypes. Oracle recommends that you become familiar with these datatypes before creating event transformation map rules:

Follow these instructions to view details about the core datatypes:

To view core datatypes:

  1. Select the Modeling tab.

  2. Select the Datatypes tab.

  3. Select Core Datatypes.

    The Core Datatypes page displays the available scalar and complex core datatypes.

    Text description of list_datatypes_core.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration list_datatypes_core.gif

  4. Click a specific core datatype in the Name column.

    The details page for the selected core datatype appears.

  5. View specific details, including description and content of the datatype.

    See Also:

    The following sections for tasks accessible from the Shortcuts section of the Core Datatypes page:

Managing Business Datatypes

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the business datatype management tasks shown in Figure 10-5. These tasks are described in detail in this section. The different datatypes of parties (applications and trading partners) must all be represented as a single, common set of business datatypes to communicate with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect and participate in integrations. You assign business datatypes to an event body element of a business event. Business datatypes are the datatypes to which inbound application datatypes are transformed. Likewise, outbound business datatypes are transformed into outbound application datatypes. You can create business datatypes or import datatypes defined in XSD format into Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect as business datatypes.

Figure 10-5 Business Datatype Management Tasks

Text description of event_types8.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types8.gif

Business datatypes consist of complex and scalar datatypes. This section describes the following business datatype management tasks:

Managing Complex Datatypes

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the complex datatype management tasks shown in Figure 10-6 and Figure 10-7. These tasks are described in detail in this section.

A complex datatype is a datatype that includes other types of datatypes known as complex datatype members. Complex datatypes support the following complex datatype members:

Scalar Member

A scalar member can refer to many types, including an integer, a float, a string, an object, and a binary type. An address in a message is an example of a complex datatype (named Address in the following example) that includes scalar members (Name, Street_Number, City, State, and Zip_Code) that define address details:

Name:           Joe Smith
Street_Number:  100 1st Street
City:           Redwood Shores
State:          California
Zip_Code:       94065

You cannot assign cardinality to a scalar member. You can also only assign scalar datatypes to scalar members.

Compound Member

Compound members are very flexible. You can assign complex and scalar datatypes to a compound member. You can assign cardinality to a compound member. For example, you can have a compound section in an expense report called line_item. Within this compound section, you can define specific details about the expense report with scalar types specifying the date, the amount, the currency used, and the justification for the expenses incurred.

Wildcard Member

Wildcard members provide for generic functionality. You can use wildcard members during the development phase as "placeholder" datatypes when you are unsure of the exact datatypes you want to use. Wildcard datatypes can then be replaced at a later time. You can also assign cardinality to a wildcard member. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect uses XMLOpaque as a datatype of wildcard members.

Figure 10-6 Complex Datatype Management Tasks (Part 1 of 2)

Text description of event_typesa.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_typesa.gif

Selecting a complex datatype in the Name column causes a details page such as that shown in Figure 10-7 to appear.

Figure 10-7 Complex Datatype Management Tasks (Part 2 of 2)

Text description of event_types14.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types14.gif

Table 10-1 identifies the complex datatype management tasks shown in Figure 10-6 and Figure 10-7 and provides references to procedures for performing these tasks.

Table 10-1  Complex Datatype Management Tasks
Business Datatypes Page Elements Management Task First See Section... Then See Section...

Create button in Figure 10-6

Create a complex datatype

"Accessing Complex Datatype Management Tasks"

"Creating a Complex Datatype"

Delete column in Figure 10-6

Delete a complex datatype


"Deleting a Complex Datatype"

Update column in Figure 10-6

Update a complex datatype


"Updating a Complex Datatype"

Name column in Figure 10-6

(To access the details page of Figure 10-7)

View a complex datatype


"Viewing a Complex Datatype"

See Also:

The following sections for tasks accessible from the Shortcuts section of the Business Datatypes page:

Accessing Complex Datatype Management Tasks

Follow these instructions to access the complex datatype management tasks shown in Figure 10-6 and Figure 10-7:

To access complex datatype management tasks:

  1. Select the Modeling tab.

  2. Select the Datatypes tab.

    The Business Datatypes page appears. (See Figure 10-6.)

  3. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Create a complex datatype

    Click Create.

    "Creating a Complex Datatype"

    Delete a complex datatype

    Select a specific complex datatype in the Delete column.

    "Deleting a Complex Datatype"

    Update a complex datatype

    Select a specific complex datatype in the Update column.

    "Updating a Complex Datatype"

    View details about a complex datatype

    Select a specific complex datatype in the Name column.

    "Viewing a Complex Datatype"

Creating a Complex Datatype

Follow these instructions to create a complex datatype:

To create a complex datatype:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Complex Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for creating a complex datatype.

    The Create Datatype page appears.

  2. Enter the following details to create a complex datatype. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Field Description


    Select Complex.

    Name *

    Enter a unique and recognizable name for the complex datatype.


    Select a namespace.


    Enter a description for the complex datatype.

    Model Group

    Select one of the following groups to define the behavior of member datatypes in a runtime instance:

    • All Group

      Requires that all complex datatype members appear zero or one times, in any order.

    • Choice Group

      Allows only one complex datatype members to appear.

    • Sequence Group

      Requires that complex datatype members be used in the order in which they are specified. For this release, the order in which they are created is the order in which they are used.

    See Also: "Managing Complex Datatype Members"

  3. Click Apply.

The complex datatype is created and the Complex Datatype Details page for the new complex datatype appears.

Deleting a Complex Datatype

Follow these instructions to delete a complex datatype:


  • All datatype members of the selected complex datatype are also deleted.

  • Deleting a business datatype such as a complex datatype can cause an error to occur if they are used by other modeling metadata such as transformation rules. The transformation rules must be deleted before deleting the datatype.

To delete a complex datatype:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Complex Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for deleting a complex datatype.

  2. Click Yes when prompted to delete a complex datatype.

    The complex datatype is deleted and the Business Datatypes page appears.

Updating a Complex Datatype

Follow these instructions to update a complex datatype:

To update a complex datatype:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Complex Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for updating a complex datatype.

    The Update Complex Datatype page appears.

  2. Make appropriate changes. (See Step 2 of "Creating a Complex Datatype" for a list of fields you can update.)

  3. Click Apply.

    The complex datatype is updated and the Complex Datatype Details page for the updated complex datatype appears.

Viewing a Complex Datatype

Follow these instructions to view details about a specific complex datatype:

To view a complex datatype:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Complex Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for viewing a complex datatype.

    The Complex Datatype Details page for the selected complex datatype appears.

    Text description of event_types9.gif follows

    Text description of the illustration event_types9.gif

  2. View specific details, including the complex datatype members. There are also preset attributes (Anonymous, Abstract, Reference Only, and Member Group Type) displaying in the General section that were automatically included from the original XSD file. You cannot update these attributes through the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool. To update these attributes, you must modify the XSD file..

    This page, as with the Business Datatypes page shown in Figure 10-6, enables you to delete or update the selected complex datatype.

    You assign business datatypes such as complex datatypes to an event body element of a business event.

  3. Click Return to List to return to the Business Datatypes page.

    See Also:

Managing Complex Datatype Members

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the complex datatype member management tasks shown in Figure 10-8. These tasks are described in detail in this section.

Figure 10-8 Complex Datatype Member Management Tasks

Text description of event_types10.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types10.gif

Table 10-2 identifies the complex datatype management tasks shown in Figure 10-8 and provides references to procedures for performing these tasks.

Table 10-2  Complex Datatype Member Management Tasks
Page Elements Management Task First See Section... Then See Section...

Create button

Create a complex datatype member

"Accessing Complex Datatype Member Management Tasks"

"Creating a Complex Datatype Member"

Delete column

Delete a complex datatype member


"Deleting a Complex Datatype Member"

Update column

Update a complex datatype member


"Updating a Complex Datatype Member"

Datatype Members column

View a complex datatype member


"Viewing a Complex Datatype Member"

Accessing Complex Datatype Member Management Tasks

Follow these instructions to access the complex datatype member management tasks shown in Figure 10-8:

To access complex datatype member management tasks:

  1. Select the Modeling tab.

  2. Select the Datatypes tab.

    The Business Datatypes page appears. (See Figure 10-6.)

  3. Select a specific complex datatype in the Name column.

    The Complex Datatype Details page for the selected complex datatype appears. (See Figure 10-8.)

  4. Go to the Datatype Members section.

  5. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Create a complex datatype member

    Click Create.

    "Creating a Complex Datatype Member"

    Delete a complex datatype member

    Select a specific complex datatype member in the Delete column.

    "Deleting a Complex Datatype Member"

    Update a complex datatype member

    Select a specific complex datatype member in the Update column.

    "Updating a Complex Datatype Member"

    View details about a complex datatype member

    Click Expand All and select a specific complex datatype member in the Name column.

    "Viewing a Complex Datatype Member"

Creating a Complex Datatype Member

Follow these instructions to create a complex datatype member:

To create a complex datatype member:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Complex Datatype Member Management Tasks" to access the page for creating a complex datatype member.

    The Create Datatype Member page appears.

  2. See the following section based on the type of complex datatype member you want to create:

    If You Select... See Section...


    "Creating a Compound Member"


    "Creating a Scalar Member"


    "Creating a Wildcard Member"

Creating a Compound Member

Follow these instructions to create a compound member:

To create a compound member:

  1. Enter the following details to create a compound member. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Field Description


    • Type

    Select Compound.

    • Name

    Enter a unique and recognizable name.

    • Mandatory

    Select Unspecified, No, or Yes.


    • Classification *

    Select Business Datatype or Core Datatype.

    • Namespace

    Select a namespace.

    • Name *

    Select a datatype from the namespace by clicking the flashlight next to the Name field.


    • Minimum

    Enter a value for the minimum number of possible occurrences in a runtime instance.

    • Maximum

    Enter a value for the maximum number of possible occurrences in a runtime instance.

  2. Click Apply.

    The compound member is created and the Compound Member Details page for the created compound member appears.

    See Also:

    "Managing Complex Datatypes" for a description of compound datatypes

Creating a Scalar Member

Follow these instructions to create a scalar member:

To create a scalar member:

  1. Enter the following details to create a scalar member. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Field Description


    • Type

    Select Scalar.

    • Name

    Enter a unique and recognizable name.

    • Mandatory

    Select Unspecified, No, or Yes.

    • Default Value

    Enter a value.

    • Fixed Value

    Enter a value. This setting overrides all other settings.


    • Classification *

    Select Business Datatype or Core Datatype.

    • Namespace

    Select a namespace.

    • Name *

    Select a datatype from the namespace by clicking the flashlight next to the Name field.


    You can only assign scalar datatypes to a scalar member.

    See Also:

    "Managing Complex Datatypes" for a description of scalar datatypes

  2. Click Apply.

    The scalar member is created and the Scalar Member Details page for the created scalar member appears.

Creating a Wildcard Member

Follow these instructions to create a wildcard member:

To create a wildcard member:

  1. Enter the following details to create a wildcard member. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Field Description


    • Type

    Select Wildcard.

    • Name

    Enter a unique and recognizable name.

    • Mandatory

    Select Unspecified, No, or Yes.


    • Classification *

    Select Business Datatype or Core Datatype.

    • Namespace

    Select a namespace.

    • Name *

    Select a datatype from the namespace by clicking the flashlight next to the Name field.


    • Minimum

    Enter a value for the minimum number of possible occurrences in a runtime instance.

    • Maximum

    Enter a value for the maximum number of possible occurrences in a runtime instance.

  2. Click Apply.

    The wildcard member is created and the Wildcard Member Details page for the new wildcard datatype appears.

    See Also:

    "Managing Complex Datatypes" for a description of wildcard datatypes

Deleting a Complex Datatype Member

Follow these instructions to delete a complex datatype member:

To delete a complex datatype member:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Complex Datatype Member Management Tasks" to access the page for deleting a complex datatype member.

  2. Make a selection and see the referenced section for instructions:

    If You Selected... See Section...


    "Deleting a Compound Member"


    "Deleting a Scalar Member"


    "Deleting a Wildcard Member"

Deleting a Compound Member

Follow these instructions to delete a compound member:

To delete a compound member:

The Delete Compound Member page for the selected compound member appears.

  1. Click Yes when prompted to delete a compound member.

    The compound member is deleted and the Complex Datatype Details page appears.

Deleting a Scalar Member

Follow these instructions to delete a scalar member:

To delete a scalar member:

The Delete Scalar Member page for the selected scalar member appears.

  1. Click Yes when prompted to delete a scalar member.

    The scalar member is deleted and the Complex Datatype Details page appears.

Deleting a Wildcard Member

Follow these instructions to delete a wildcard member:

To delete a wildcard member:

The Delete Wildcard Member page for the selected wildcard member appears.

  1. Click Yes when prompted to delete a wildcard member.

    The wildcard member is deleted and the Complex Datatype Details page appears.

Updating a Complex Datatype Member

Follow these instructions to update a complex datatype member:

To update a complex datatype member:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Complex Datatype Member Management Tasks" to access the page for updating a complex datatype member.

  2. Make a selection and see the referenced section for instructions:

    If You Selected a... See Section...

    Compound member

    "Updating a Compound Member"

    Scalar member

    "Updating a Scalar Member"

    Wildcard member

    "Updating a Wildcard Member"

Updating a Compound Member

Follow these instructions to update a compound member:

To update a compound member:

The Update Compound Member page appears.

  1. Make appropriate changes. (See Step 1 of "Creating a Compound Member" for a list of fields you can update.)

  2. Click Apply.

    The compound member is updated and the Complex Datatype Details page appears.

Updating a Scalar Member

Follow these instructions to update a scalar member:

To update a scalar member:

The Update Scalar Member page appears.

  1. Make appropriate changes. (See Step 1 of "Creating a Scalar Member" for a list of fields you can update.)

  2. Click Apply.

    The scalar member is updated and the Complex Datatype Details page appears.

Updating a Wildcard Member

Follow these instructions to update a wildcard member:

To update a wildcard member:

The Update Wildcard Member page appears.

  1. Make appropriate changes. (See Step 1 of "Creating a Wildcard Member" for a list of fields you can update.)

  2. Click Apply.

    The wildcard member is updated and the Complex Datatype Details page appears.

Viewing a Complex Datatype Member

Follow these instructions to view details about a specific complex datatype member:

To view a complex datatype member:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Complex Datatype Member Management Tasks" to access the page for viewing a complex datatype member.

  2. Make a selection and see the referenced section for instructions:

    If You Selected a... See Section...

    Compound member

    "Viewing a Compound Member"

    Scalar member

    "Viewing a Scalar Member"

    Wildcard member

    "Viewing a Wildcard Member"

    These pages, as with the Complex Datatype Details page shown in Figure 10-8, also enable you to delete or update the selected complex datatype member. There are also preset attributes (Anonymous, Element/Attribute, Qualified, and Member Group Head) displaying in the General section that were automatically included from the original XSD file. You cannot update these attributes through the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool. To update these attributes, you must modify the XSD file.

    See Also:

    "Datatypes" to update specific datatype attributes in the XSD file

Viewing a Compound Member

Follow these instructions to view details about a specific compound member:

To view a compound member:

The Compound Member Details page for the selected compound member appears.

Text description of details_compmem.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration details_compmem.gif

  1. View specific details.

  2. Click Return to List to return to the Complex Datatype Details page.

Viewing a Scalar Member

Follow these instructions to view details about a specific scalar member:

To view a scalar member:

The Scalar Member Details page for the selected scalar datatype appears.

Text description of details_scamem.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration details_scamem.gif

  1. View specific details.

  2. Click Return to List to return to the Complex Datatype Details page.

Viewing a Wildcard Member

Follow these instructions to view details about a specific wildcard member:

To view a wildcard member:

The Wildcard Member Details page for the selected wildcard datatype appears.

Text description of details_wcmem.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration details_wcmem.gif

  1. View specific details.

  2. Click Return to List to return to the Complex Datatype Details page.

Managing Scalar Datatypes

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the scalar datatype management tasks shown in Figure 10-9 through Figure 10-11. These tasks are described in detail in this section. A scalar datatype can refer to many types, including an integer, a float, a string, an object, and a binary type. You can also define facets in scalar datatypes. Facets enable you to define the constraints (or limitations) of scalar datatypes. Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect automatically supports some facets. You can also add or override facet values automatically set by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

Figure 10-9 Scalar Datatype Management Tasks (Part 1 of 3)

Text description of event_types2.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types2.gif

Selecting a scalar datatype in the Name column causes a details page such as that shown in Figure 10-10 to appear.

Figure 10-10 Scalar Datatype Management Tasks (Part 2 of 3)

Text description of event_types15.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types15.gif

Selecting a facet in the Type column causes details pages such as those shown in Figure 10-11 to appear.

Figure 10-11 Scalar Datatype Management Tasks (Part 3 of 3)

Text description of event_types16.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types16.gif

Table 10-3 identifies the scalar datatype management tasks shown in Figure 10-9 through Figure 10-11 and provides references to procedures for performing these tasks.

Table 10-3  Scalar Datatype Management Tasks
Page Elements Management Task First See Section... Then See Section...

Create button of Business Datatypes page in Figure 10-9

Create a scalar datatype

"Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks"

"Creating a Scalar Datatype"

Delete column of Business Datatypes page in Figure 10-9

Delete a scalar datatype


"Deleting a Scalar Datatype"

Update column of Business Datatypes page in Figure 10-9

Update a scalar datatype


"Updating a Scalar Datatype"

Name column of Business Datatypes page in Figure 10-9

View a scalar datatype


"Viewing a Scalar Datatype"

Create button of Scalar Datatype Details page in Figure 10-10

Create a scalar datatype facet


"Creating a Scalar Datatype Facet"

Delete column of Scalar Datatype Details page in Figure 10-10

Delete a scalar datatype facet


"Deleting a Scalar Datatype Facet"

Update column of Scalar Datatype Details page in Figure 10-10

Update a scalar datatype facet


"Updating a Scalar Datatype Facet"

Type column of Scalar Datatype Details page in Figure 10-10

View a scalar datatype facet


"Viewing a Scalar Datatype Facet"

Create button of Facet Details page in Figure 10-11

Create a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet

"Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks"

"Creating a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet"

Delete column of Facet Details page in Figure 10-11

Delete a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet


"Deleting a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet"

Update column of Facet Details page in Figure 10-11

Update a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet


"Updating a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet"

See Also:

The following sections for tasks accessible from the Shortcuts section of the Business Datatypes page:

Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks

Follow these instructions to access the scalar datatype management tasks shown in Figure 10-9 through Figure 10-11:

To access scalar datatype management tasks:

  1. Select the Modeling tab.

  2. Select the Datatypes tab.

    The Business Datatypes page appears. (See Figure 10-9.)

  3. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Create a scalar datatype

    Click Create.

    "Creating a Scalar Datatype"

    Delete a scalar datatype

    Select a specific scalar datatype in the Delete column.

    "Deleting a Scalar Datatype"

    Update a scalar datatype

    Select a specific scalar datatype in the Update column.

    "Updating a Scalar Datatype"

    View details about a scalar datatype

    Select a specific scalar datatype in the Name column.

    "Viewing a Scalar Datatype"

    Create a scalar datatype facet

    Select a specific scalar datatype in the Name column for which to create a facet.

    "Creating a Scalar Datatype Facet"

    Delete a scalar datatype facet

    Select a specific scalar datatype in the Name column for which to delete a facet.

    "Deleting a Scalar Datatype Facet"

    Update a scalar datatype facet

    Select a specific scalar datatype in the Name column for which to update a facet.

    "Updating a Scalar Datatype Facet"

    View a scalar datatype facet

    Select a specific scalar datatype in the Name column for which to view a facet.

    "Viewing a Scalar Datatype Facet"

    Create a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet

    Select a specific scalar datatype in the Name column for which to create a valid value for an enumeration or pattern facet.

    "Creating a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet"

    Delete a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet

    Select a specific scalar datatype in the Name column for which to delete a valid value for an enumeration or pattern facet.

    "Deleting a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet"

    Update a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet

    Select a specific scalar datatype in the Name column for which to update a valid value for an enumeration or pattern facet.

    "Updating a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet"

Creating a Scalar Datatype

Follow these instructions to create a scalar datatype:

To create a scalar datatype:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for creating a scalar datatype.

    The Create Datatype page appears.

  2. Enter the following details to create a scalar datatype. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Scalar Datatypes Description


    • Type

    Select Scalar.

    • Name *

    Enter a unique and recognizable name for the scalar datatype.

    • Namespace

    Select a namespace.

    • Description

    Enter a description for the scalar datatype.

    Base Datatype

    • Classification *

    Select Business Datatype or Core Datatype.

    • Namespace

    Select a namespace.

    • Name *

    Select a datatype as the base datatype.

  3. Click Apply.

    The scalar datatype is created and the Scalar Datatype Details page for the new scalar datatype appears.

Deleting a Scalar Datatype

Follow these instructions to delete a scalar datatype:


Deleting a business datatype such as a scalar datatype can cause an error to occur if they are used by other modeling metadata such as transformation rules. The transformation rules must be deleted before deleting the datatype.

To delete a scalar datatype:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for deleting a scalar datatype.

  2. Click Yes when prompted to delete a scalar datatype.

    The scalar datatype is deleted and the Business Datatypes page appears.

Updating a Scalar Datatype

Follow these instructions to update the scalar datatype:

To update a scalar datatype:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for updating a scalar datatype.

    The Update Scalar Datatype page appears.

  2. Make appropriate changes. (See Step 2 of "Creating a Scalar Datatype" for a list of fields you can update.)

  3. Click Apply.

    The scalar datatype is updated and the Scalar Datatypes Details page for the updated scalar datatype appears.

Viewing a Scalar Datatype

Follow these instructions to view details about a specific scalar datatype:

To view a scalar datatype:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for viewing a scalar datatype.

    The Scalar Datatype Details page for the selected scalar datatype appears.

    Text description of details_scalar.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration details_scalar.gif

  2. View specific details, including the facets assigned to this scalar datatype. There are also preset attributes (Anonymous, Abstract, Reference Only, and Member Group Type) displaying in the General section that were automatically included from the original XSD file. You cannot update these attributes through the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool. To update these attributes, you must use the XSD file. The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool, however, does enable you to create a base datatype for the scalar datatype.

    This page, as with the Business Datatypes page shown in Figure 10-9, enables you to delete or update the selected scalar datatype.

    You assign business datatypes such as scalar datatypes to an event body element of a business event.

  3. Click Return to List to return to the Business Datatypes page.

    See Also:

    "Datatypes" to update specific datatype attributes in the XSD file

Creating a Scalar Datatype Facet

Facets enable you to define the constraints (or limitations) of datatypes. Follow these instructions to a scalar datatype facet:

To create a scalar datatype facet:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for creating a scalar datatype facet.

  2. The Scalar Datatype Details page for the selected scalar datatype appears. (See Figure 10-10.)

  3. Go to the Facets section.

  4. Click Create.

    The Create Facet page appears.

  5. Select a facet type from the Type list.

    Type Description

    Datatype Length

    Datatype length is the number of units of length, where units of length varies depending on the type from which it is being derived. The value of length must be a nonnegative integer. For string and datatypes derived from a string, length is measured in units of characters as defined in XML 1.0 (Second Edition). For any URI, length is measured in units of characters (as for string). For hexBinary and base64Binary and datatypes derived from them, length is measured in octets (eight bits) of binary data. For datatypes derived by list (that is, array datatypes), length is measured in the number of list items.


    Indicates the encoding type of a binary string. This is used in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect core datatypes to differentiate between the binary types hexBinary and base64Binary.


    Sets constraints on the value space to a specified set of values.

    Fraction Digits

    The maximum number of digits in the fractional part of values of datatypes derived from a decimal. The value must be a nonnegative integer.

    Max Exclusive

    The exclusive upper bound of the value space for a datatype with the ordered property. The value must be in the value space of the base type.

    Max Inclusive

    The inclusive upper bound of the value space for a datatype with the ordered property. The value must be in the value space of the base type.

    Max Length

    The maximum number of units of length, where units of length varies depending on the type from which it is being derived. The value must be a nonnegative integer.

    Min Exclusive

    The exclusive lower bound of the value space for a datatype with the ordered property. The value must be in the value space of the base type.

    Min Inclusive

    The inclusive lower bound of the value space for a datatype with the ordered property. The value must be in the value space of the base type.

    Min Length

    The minimum number of units of length, where units of length varies depending on the type from which it is being derived. The value must be a nonnegative integer.


    A constraint on the value space of a datatype that is achieved by constraining the lexical space to literals that match a specific pattern. The value of pattern must be a regular expression. For example, a value for pattern facet can be '[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4})?'.

    Total Digits

    The total number of digits for a numeric datatype. This is the maximum number of digits in values of datatypes derived from a decimal. The value must be a positive integer.

    White Space

    Sets constraints on the value space of types derived from a string such that the various behaviors specified in Attribute Value Normalization in XML 1.0 (Second Edition) are realized. The value must be one of the following:

    • Collapse

      After the processing implied by replace, contiguous sequences of #x20s are collapsed to a single #x20, and leading and trailing #x20s are removed.

    • Preserve

      No normalization is done, and the value is not changed. This is the behavior required by XML 1.0 (Second Edition) for element content.

    • Replace

      All occurrences of #x9 (tab), #xA (line feed), and #xD (carriage return) are replaced with #x20 (space)

    The page refreshes to display an additional Value field for facet types that allow only a single value (as opposed to a range of values). All facet types with the exception of enumeration and pattern allow only a single value.

  6. Specify a value in the Value field.

  7. Select Unspecified, Yes, or No from the Fixed list. Selecting Yes causes this value to override all other values.

  8. Click Apply.

    The scalar datatype facet is created and the Facet Details page for the new scalar datatype facet appears.

    See Also:

    "XSD" for additional details about facet support and limitations

Deleting a Scalar Datatype Facet

Follow these instructions to delete a scalar datatype facet:

To delete a scalar datatype facet:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for deleting a scalar datatype facet.

  2. The Scalar Datatype Details page for the selected scalar datatype appears. (See Figure 10-10.)

  3. Go to the Facets section.

  4. Select the facet to delete in the Delete column.

  5. Click Yes when prompted to delete the scalar datatype facet.

    The scalar datatype facet is deleted and the Scalar Datatype Details page appears.

Updating a Scalar Datatype Facet

Follow these instructions to update a scalar datatype facet:

To update a scalar datatype facet:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for updating a scalar datatype facet.

  2. The Scalar Datatype Details page for the selected scalar datatype appears. (See Figure 10-10.)

  3. Go to the Facets section.

  4. Select the facet to update in the Update column.

    The Update Facet page appears.

  5. Make appropriate changes. (See Step 5 through Step 7 of "Creating a Scalar Datatype Facet" for a list of fields you can update.)

  6. Click Apply.

    The scalar datatype facet is updated and the Scalar Datatypes Details page for the updated scalar datatype appears.

Viewing a Scalar Datatype Facet

Follow these instructions to view a scalar datatype facet:

To view a scalar datatype facet:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for viewing a scalar datatype facet.

  2. The Scalar Datatype Details page for the selected scalar datatype appears. (See Figure 10-10.)

  3. Go to the Facets section.

  4. Select the facet to view in the Type column.

  5. The Details page for the selected scalar datatype facet appears (for example, for Min Exclusive).

    Text description of details_facet.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration details_facet.gif

  6. View specific details.

    This page, as with the Scalar Datatype Details page shown in Figure 10-10, enables you to delete or update the selected scalar datatype facet.

  7. Click Return to Datatype Details to return to the Scalar Datatype Details page.

Creating a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet

Follow these instructions to create a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet:

To create a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for creating a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet.

  2. The Scalar Datatype Details page for the selected scalar datatype appears. (See Figure 10-10.)

  3. Go to the Facets section.

  4. Select Enumeration or Pattern from the Type column.

    The Facet Details page appears. (See either page of Figure 10-11.)

  5. Click Create.

    The Create Valid Value page appears.

  6. Enter a value in the Value field.

  7. Click Apply.

    The Valid Value Details page for the new valid value appears.

Deleting a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet

Follow these instructions to delete a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet:

To delete a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for deleting the valid value of a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet.

  2. The Scalar Datatype Details page for the selected scalar datatype appears. (See Figure 10-10.)

  3. Go to the Facets section.

  4. Select Enumeration or Pattern from the Type column.

    The Facet Details page appears. (See either page of Figure 10-11.)

  5. Go to the Valid Values section.

  6. Select a specific valid value to delete in the Delete column.

  7. Click Yes when prompted to delete the valid value.

    The valid value is deleted and the Facet Details page appears.

Updating a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet

Follow these instructions to update a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet:

To update a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Scalar Datatype Management Tasks" to access the page for updating a valid value for a scalar datatype enumeration or pattern facet.

  2. The Scalar Datatype Details page for the selected scalar datatype appears. (See Figure 10-10.)

  3. Go to the Facets section.

  4. Select Enumeration or Pattern from the Type column.

    The Facet Details page appears. (See either page of Figure 10-11.)

  5. Go to the Valid Values section.

  6. Select a specific valid value to update in the Update column.

    The Update Valid Value page appears.

  7. Make appropriate changes. (See Step 6 of "Creating a Valid Value for the Scalar Datatype Enumeration or Pattern Facet" for a list of fields you can update.)

  8. Click Apply.

    The valid value is updated and the Valid Value Details page for the updated valid value appears.

Importing XSD Datatypes

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to import datatypes defined in XSD format into Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect as business datatypes. Click the Import button shown at the top of Figure 10-12. This task is described in detail in this section.

Figure 10-12 XSD Datatype Import Management Task

Text description of event_types19.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types19.gif

Follow these instructions to import XSD datatypes:


If you import an XSD file that includes datatypes that already exist in the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect design-time repository, those datatypes are not modified. Only datatypes that do not exist in the design-time repository are created.

To import XSD datatypes:

  1. Ensure that you followed the guidelines in "XSD" to create an XSD file that uses the XSD and XML Schema tags that Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect supports.

  2. Select the Modeling tab.

  3. Select the Datatypes tab.

    The Business Datatypes page appears.

  4. Click Import.

    The Select XSD File page appears and displays the files you placed in the $ORACLE_HOME/ip/import directory or its subdirectories.

  5. Expand individual directories in the list to view all available files. You cannot specify more than one directory for the import of XSD files. However, you can have multiple subdirectories in a single directory that you can browse

    Text description of import_select_dt.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration import_select_dt.gif

  6. Click the datatype file to import in the Directories/Files column.

    The Translator Properties page displays the directory path to the XSD file to import.

  7. Review details about the XSD file to import. You can also be prompted to enter additional details on this page.

  8. Click Apply.

    The Business Datatypes page appears. The imported file now displays in the Name column.

  9. Click the imported business datatype name in the Name column.

  10. Click Expand All in the Datatype Members section to view the imported business datatypes.

    Text description of event_types21.gif follows

    Text description of the illustration event_types21.gif

    The business datatypes appear (for this example, as part of a complex datatype named notification_type).


    Only XSD files can be imported, you cannot import D3L or token substituted text files. D3L and token substituted text support is only provided for translation, and not business datatype importing.

    See Also:

    "XSD" for details about Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect support for XSD and XML Schema tags

Managing Application Datatypes

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to view application datatypes. Application datatypes represent an interpretable syntactic format understood by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. Application datatypes are created by a translator you select during native and application event type creation. Native and application event type creation occurs:

Three types of translators are supported: XML, D3L, and token substituted text. With one exception described under Step 10, you cannot use the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool to create or delete application datatypes, but you can view them.

You cannot update application datatypes after they are created. You must delete and recreate the datatypes if they must be modified. When you delete a native event, the native datatypes and the associated application datatypes are also deleted. If the same application datatypes are used in other native datatypes, they are not deleted. Deleting an application datatype can cause an error to occur if they are used by other modeling metadata such as transformation rules. The transformation rules must be deleted before deleting the datatype.

Follow these instructions to view application datatypes:

To view application datatypes:

  1. Select the Modeling tab.

  2. Select the Datatypes tab.

  3. Select Application Datatypes.

    The Application Datatypes page displays the available application datatypes.

    Text description of list_datatype_application.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration list_datatype_application.gif

  4. Click a specific application datatype in the Name column.

    The details page for the selected application datatype appears.

  5. View specific details.

  6. Click the Event Types tab to view the application event body element of which the application datatypes are a part.

  7. Click Application Event Types.

  8. Click the specific application event type name in the Name column (for this example, the application event named notification).

  9. Click Expand All in the Event Body Elements section.

  10. View specific details, including the type and datatype.

    Text description of tut_notif_event.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration tut_notif_event.gif


    Only the datatype of a wildcard member in a complex datatype can be updated. No other application datatypes can be created, updated, or deleted.

    See Also:

    The following sections for tasks accessible from the Shortcuts section of the Application Datatypes page:

Viewing Native Datatypes

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool does not understand the format of native datatypes. Native datatypes are created by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect after adding an adapter interaction. You cannot use the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool to view native datatype details such as structure and semantics. However, you can view details such as the translator and native event validation metadata to be used. Follow these instructions to view native datatype details:

To view native datatypes:

  1. Select the Modeling tab.

  2. Select the Datatypes tab.

  3. Select Native Datatypes.

    The Native Datatypes page displays the available native datatypes.

    Text description of list_dt_nat.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration list_dt_nat.gif

  4. Click a specific native datatype in the Name column.

    The Native Datatype Details page for the selected native datatype appears.

  5. View specific details, including a description, content details about the native datatype such as the file required by translation and native event validation, and the full definition to the native format file.

    See Also:

Managing Datatype Namespaces

The Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool enables you to perform the datatype namespace management tasks shown in Figure 10-13 and Figure 10-14. These tasks are described in detail in this section. A namespace is a method for grouping datatypes. When you create a datatype, you can assign it to a namespace. This enables you to organize datatypes more efficiently and easily find that datatype later. For example, when you create an event body element in a business event, you first select a namespace for the business datatype. When you then select the business datatype to include in the event body element, only the datatypes in the selected namespace appear. If you do not group a datatype in a namespace, you must browse all datatypes in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

For example, you may have a human resources application that uses XSD as its native datatype format. Your Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect design-time repository may include many additional applications and datatypes. If you do not specify a namespace, finding these datatypes can be difficult. However, if you create a namespace named human_resources and assign the datatypes of the human resources application to it, you can easily find these datatypes when needed.

Figure 10-13 Datatype Namespace Management Tasks (Part 1 of 2)

Text description of event_types27.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types27.gif

Selecting a datatype namespace in the Name column causes a details page such as that shown in Figure 10-14 to appear.

Figure 10-14 Datatype Namespace Management Tasks (Part 2 of 2)

Text description of event_types25.gif follows

Text description of the illustration event_types25.gif

Table 10-4 identifies the datatype namespace management tasks shown in Figure 10-13 and Figure 10-14 and provides references to procedures for performing these tasks.

Table 10-4  Datatype Namespace Management Tasks
Page Elements Management Task First See Section... Then See Section...

Create button of Datatype Namespaces page in Figure 10-13

Create a datatype namespace

"Accessing Datatype Namespace Management Tasks"

"Creating a Datatype Namespace"

Delete column of Datatype Namespaces page in Figure 10-13

Delete a datatype namespace


"Deleting a Datatype Namespace"

Update column of Datatype Namespaces page in Figure 10-13

Update a datatype namespace


"Updating a Datatype Namespace"

Name column of Datatype Namespaces page in Figure 10-13

(To access the details page of Figure 10-14)

View a datatype namespace

"Accessing Datatype Namespace Management Tasks"

"Viewing a Datatype Namespace"

Create button of Datatype Namespace Details page in Figure 10-14

Create a datatype in a selected namespace


"Creating a Complex Datatype"

"Creating a Scalar Datatype"

Delete column of Datatype Namespace Details page in Figure 10-14

Delete a datatype in a selected namespace


"Deleting a Complex Datatype"

"Deleting a Scalar Datatype"

Update column of Datatype Namespace Details page in Figure 10-14

Update a datatype in a selected namespace


"Updating a Complex Datatype"

"Updating a Scalar Datatype"

Name column of Datatype Namespace Details page in Figure 10-14

View a datatype in a selected namespace


"Viewing a Complex Datatype"

"Viewing a Scalar Datatype"

Accessing Datatype Namespace Management Tasks

Follow these instructions to access the datatype namespace management tasks shown in Figure 10-13 and Figure 10-14:

To access datatype namespace management tasks:

  1. Select the Modeling tab.

  2. Select the Datatypes tab.

  3. Select Datatype Namespaces.

    The Datatype Namespaces page appears. (See Figure 10-13.)

  4. Select a task to perform and see the referenced section for instructions:

    To... Then... See Section...

    Create a datatype namespace

    Click Create.

    "Creating a Datatype Namespace"

    Delete a datatype namespace

    Select a specific datatype namespace in the Delete column.

    "Deleting a Datatype Namespace"

    Update a datatype namespace

    Select a specific datatype namespace in the Update column.

    "Updating a Datatype Namespace"

    View a datatype namespace

    Select a specific datatype namespace in the Name column.

    "Viewing a Datatype Namespace"

    Create a datatype in a selected namespace

    Select a specific datatype namespace in the Name column in which to create a datatype

    "Creating a Complex Datatype"

    "Creating a Scalar Datatype"

    Delete a datatype in a selected namespace

    Select a specific datatype namespace in the Name column in which to delete a datatype

    "Deleting a Complex Datatype"

    "Deleting a Scalar Datatype"

    Update a datatype in a selected namespace

    Select a specific datatype namespace in the Name column in which to update a datatype

    "Updating a Complex Datatype"

    "Updating a Scalar Datatype"

    View a datatype in a selected namespace

    Select a specific datatype namespace in the Name column in which to view a datatype

    "Viewing a Complex Datatype"

    "Viewing a Scalar Datatype"


    If you select to create a datatype in a specific namespace, that namespace automatically displays in the Namespace field of the Create Datatype page described in "Creating a Complex Datatype" and "Creating a Scalar Datatype".

Creating a Datatype Namespace

Follow these instructions to create a datatype namespace:

To create a datatype namespace:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Datatype Namespace Management Tasks" to access the page for creating a datatype namespace.

    The Create Datatype Namespace page appears.

  2. Enter a name for the datatype namespace in the Name field.

  3. Click Apply.

    The datatype namespace is created and the Datatype Namespace Details page for the new datatype namespace appears.

Deleting a Datatype Namespace

Follow these instructions to delete a datatype namespace:

To delete a datatype namespace:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Datatype Namespace Management Tasks" to access the page for deleting a datatype namespace.

  2. Click Yes when prompted to delete a datatype namespace.

    The datatype namespace is deleted and the Datatype Namespaces page appears.

Updating a Datatype Namespace

Follow these instructions to update a datatype namespace:

To update a datatype namespace:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Datatype Namespace Management Tasks" to access the page for updating a datatype namespace.

    The Update Datatype Namespace page appears.

  2. Make appropriate changes. (See Step 2 of "Creating a Datatype Namespace" for a list of fields you can update.)

  3. Click Apply.

    The datatype namespace is updated and the Datatype Namespace Details page for the updated datatype namespace appears.

Viewing a Datatype Namespace

Follow these instructions to view details about a specific datatype namespace and all of the datatypes within the namespace:

To view a datatype namespace:

  1. Ensure that you followed the instructions in "Accessing Datatype Namespace Management Tasks" to access the page for viewing a datatype namespace.

    The Datatype Namespace Details page for the selected datatype namespace appears (for this example, Pip3A6PurchaseOrderStatusNotification).

    Text description of details_names.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration details_names.gif

  2. View specific details, including the datatypes assigned to this datatype namespace.

    This page, as with the Datatype Namespaces page shown in Figure 10-13, enables you to delete or update the selected datatype namespace.

  3. Click Return to List to return to the Datatype Namespaces page.

    See Also:

    The following section for instructions on creating and assigning datatypes to a namespace:

Common User Errors

The following are common datatype user errors.

Chapter Summary

This chapter describes the datatypes available to you. The datatype classifications are native, application, and business. Native datatypes are in the native formats of your applications or trading partners. Application datatypes represent an interpretable syntactic format understood by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. Application datatypes are created when you create a native event for an adapter interaction and select a translator (XSD, D3L, or token substituted text). Business datatypes are used for representing the different datatypes of parties as a single, common set. Managing datatype namespaces (a method for grouping datatypes) is also discussed.

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