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Oracle® Application Server ProcessConnect User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12121-01
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Transformation Rules

This appendix describes the datatype transformation map rules, event header rules, and domain value map rules included with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

This appendix contains this topic:

Transformation Rules

This section describes the transformation rules included with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

See Also:


Enables you to add two decimal values.

This example invokes add with decimal values. The result of adding 50.0 to the price is bound to the total:

add( first = 50.0 , second = requisition/items/Item/USPrice -> result = 
purchaseorder/total )


Enables you to add two float values.

This example invokes add with float values. The result of adding packaging weight and item weight is bound to the total weight.

add( first = freight/weight/packaging, second = freight/weight/item -> result = 
freight/weight/total )

add:first=integer,second=integer->result= integer

Enables you to add two integer values.

This example invokes add with integer values. This rule increments the map variable counter by one.

add( first = counter , second = 1 -> result = counter )


Enables you to concatenate the second source string to the end of the first source string.

This example invokes concat to concatenate Addressline1 and Addressline2 to ADDRLINE.

concat( firstString = PhysicalAddress/addressLine1/FreeFormText, secondString =
PhysicalAddress/addressLine2/FreeFormText -> resultString = ADDRESS/ADDRLINE )


Enables you to copy a binary value into the target.

This example invokes the copy map to copy a binary value into a target's LOGICALID field.

copy( source = CONTROLAREA/SENDER/LOGICALID ) ---> ( target = 


Enables you to copy a Boolean value into the target.

This example invokes the copy map to copy the Boolean value true into the target's STATUSVL field.

copy( source = true -> target = DATAAREA/CONFIRM_BOD/CONFIRM/STATUSVL )


Enables you to copy a character value into the target.

This example invokes the copy map to copy the character value 'Z' into the target's TIMEZONECHAR field.

copy( source = 'Z' -> ( target = CONTROLAREA/DATETIME/TIMEZONECHAR )


Enables you to copy a dateTime value into the target.

This example invokes the copy map to copy the DateTime value into the target's DATETIME field.



Enables you to copy a decimal value into the target.

This example invokes the copy map to copy the decimal value 250.0 into the target's USPrice field.

add( source = 250.0  ->  target = requisition/items/Item/USPrice )


Enables you to copy a double value into the target.

This example invokes the copy map to copy the value 47.2367895 into the target's value field.

copy( source = 47.2367895 -> target = currency/USD/value )


Enables you to copy a float value into the target.

This example invokes the copy map to copy the value 63.4 into the target's price field

copy( source = 63.4 -> target = locale/currency/USD/price )


Enables you to copy an integer value into the target.

This example invokes the copy map to copy the value 52 into the target's avgPrice field.

copy( source = 52 -> target = todays/trade/ORCL/avgPrice )


Enables you to copy a string value into the target.

This example invokes the copy map to copy a string value Oracle into the target's company_name field.

copyString( from=`Oracle' -> to= expense-BE/Payload/company_name 


Enables you to copy an XMlOpaque value into the target XMlOpaque. The XMlOpaque type models the XMLSchema datatype xsd:any. It can hold strings, numbers, character objects (CLOB), binary objects (BLOB), and so on.

This example invokes the copy map to copy a buyer's address to a purchaser's address. The XMLSchema datatype for Address is xsd:any.

copy( source = Buyer/Address -> target = Purchaser/Address )


Returns the integer value of the source decimal value.

This example invokes decimalToInteger to convert decimal 23.45 to populate integer 23 in the target field.

decimalToInteger( source = 23.45 -> target = Purchaser/invoice/NoOfItems )


Returns the result of dividing the first decimal value by the second decimal value.

This example invokes the divide map to divide 23.45 by 4.5 and bind the target map variable with the resulting decimal.

divide( first = 23.45 , second = 4.5 ) -> ( result = MapVariable )


Returns the value of dividing the first float value by the second float value.

This example invokes the divide map to divide 23.45678 by 4.5 and bind the target map variable with the resulting float.

divide( first = 23.45678 , second = 4.5 -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the value of dividing the first integer value by the second integer value.

This example invokes the divide map to divide 25 by 5 and bind the target map variable with the resulting integer.

divide( first = 25 , second = 5 -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the decimal value of the source double value.

This example invokes doubleToDecimal to convert a double 23.45678 into a decimal value.

doubleToDecimal( source = 23.45678976 -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the float value of the source double value.

This example invokes doubleToFloat to convert a double 23.45678 into a float value.

doubleToFloat( source = 23.45678976 -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the integer value of the source double value.

This example invokes doubleToInteger to convert a double 23.45678 into an integer value. The result of this map is 23.

doubleToInteger( source = 23.45678976 -> result = MapVariable )


Returns true if the sourceString is suffixed with the suffixString. Otherwise, false is returned.

This example invokes endsWith to verify if the string 'Hello World' ends with `World'. The result of this map is true.

endsWith( sourceString = `HelloWorld' , sourceSuffix = `World' -> 
resultFoundSuffix = MapVariable )


Returns true if the source string ends with the suffixString.

This example invokes endsWith to verify if the string `Hello World' ends with `World' starting from character number 5. In this case, it returns true.

endsWith( sourceString = `HelloWorld' , sourceSuffix = `World', 
sourceBeginOffset = 5 -> resultFoundSuffix = MapVariable )


Returns the integer value of the source float value.

This example invokes floatToInteger to convert a float 23.45 and bind the resulting integer 23 to the target MapVariable.

floatToInteger( sourceString = 23.45  -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the string representation of the input dateTime in the required format.

Date and Time Patterns

Date and time formats are specified by date and time pattern strings. Within date and time pattern strings, unquoted letters from A to Z and from a to z are interpreted as pattern letters representing the components of a date or time string. Text can be quoted using single quotes (') so that it is taken literally (' ' represents a single quote). All other characters are not interpreted; they are simply copied into the output string during formatting or matched against the input string during parsing.

The pattern letters shown in Table B-1 are defined (all other characters from A to Z and from a to z are reserved).

Table B-1  Date and Time Patterns
Letter Date or Time Component Presentation Examples


Era designator






1996; 96


Month in year


July; Jul; 07


Week in year




Week in month




Day in year




Day in month




Day of week in month




Day in week


Tuesday; Tue


Am/pm marker




Hour in day (0-23)




Hour in day (1-24)




Hour in am/pm (0-11)




Hour in am/pm (1-12)




Minute in hour




Second in minute








Time zone

General time zone

Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00


Time zone

RFC 822 time zone



Hour in time zone (0-23)

ISO 8601



Minute in time zone

ISO 8601


Pattern letters are usually repeated, as their number determines the exact presentation:

TwoDigitHours must be between 00 and 23. Other definitions are as for general time zones.


This example invokes the format map to format a dateTime "1997-05-01T13:20:59.333+5:30" in ISO 8601 format to a format "yyyy-MM" and bind the result string to a MapVariable. The result of this map is a string "1997-05".

format ( date = 1997-05-01T13:20:59.333+5:30, formatPattern = "yyyy-MM"  ) -> ( 
resultString = MapVariable )


Returns a string representation of the input decimal value in the format specified.


DecimalFormat patterns have the following syntax:

              PositivePattern ; NegativePattern
              Prefixopt Number Suffixopt
              Prefixopt Number Suffixopt
              any Unicode characters except \uFFFE, \uFFFF, and special characters
              any Unicode characters except \uFFFE, \uFFFF, and special characters
              Integer Exponentopt
              Integer . Fraction Exponentopt
              # Integer
              # , Integer
              0 MinimumInteger
              0 , MinimumInteger
              MinimumFractionopt OptionalFractionopt
              0 MinimumFractionopt
              # OptionalFractionopt
              E MinimumExponent
              0 MinimumExponentopt

A pattern contains a positive and negative subpattern, for example, "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)". Each subpattern has a prefix, numeric part, and suffix. The negative subpattern is optional. If absent, then the positive subpattern prefixed with the localized minus sign (code>'-' in most locales) is used as the negative subpattern. That is, "0.00" alone is equivalent to "0.00;-0.00". If there is an explicit negative subpattern, it serves only to specify the negative prefix and suffix. The number of digits, minimal digits, and other characteristics are all the same as the positive pattern. That means that "#,##0.0#;(#)" produces precisely the same behavior as "#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)".

The prefixes, suffixes, and various symbols used for infinity, digits, thousands separators, decimal separators, and so on can be set to arbitrary values, and they appear properly during formatting. However, ensure that the symbols and strings do not conflict, or parsing is unreliable. For example, either the positive and negative prefixes or the suffixes must be distinct for DecimalFormat.parse() to distinguish positive from negative values. (If they are identical, then DecimalFormat behaves as if no negative subpattern was specified.) Another example is that the decimal separator and thousands separator must be distinct characters, or parsing is impossible.

The grouping separator is commonly used for thousands, but in some countries it separates ten-thousands. The grouping size is a constant number of digits between the grouping characters, such as 3 for 100,000,000 or 4 for 1,0000,0000. If you supply a pattern with multiple grouping characters, the interval between the last one and the end of the integer is the one used. Therefore, "#,##,###,####" == "######,####" == "##,####,####".

Special Pattern Characters

Many characters in a pattern are taken literally. They are matched during parsing and output unchanged during formatting. Special characters, however, stand for other characters, strings, or classes of characters. They must be quoted, unless noted otherwise, if they are to appear in the prefix or suffix as literals.

The characters listed in Table B-2 are used in nonlocalized patterns. Localized patterns use the corresponding characters taken from this formatter's DecimalFormatSymbols object instead, and these characters lose their special status. Two exceptions are the currency sign and quote, which are not localized.

Table B-2  Special Pattern Characters
Symbol Location Localized? Meaning








Digit, zero shows as absent




Decimal separator or monetary decimal separator




Minus sign




Grouping separator




Separates mantissa and exponent in scientific notation. It does not need to be quoted in the prefix or suffix.


Subpattern boundary


Separates positive and negative subpatterns.


Prefix or suffix


Multiply by 100 and show as percentage.


Prefix or suffix


Multiply by 1000 and show as for each mille. (Mille is the equivalent of ten to the power of minus three.)

¤ (\u00A4)

Prefix or suffix


Currency sign, replaced by currency symbol. If doubled, it is replaced by the international currency symbol. If present in a pattern, the monetary decimal separator is used instead of the decimal separator.


Prefix or suffix


Used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix, for example, "'#'#" formats 123 to "#123". To create a single quote itself, use two in a row: "# o''clock".

Scientific Notation

Numbers in scientific notation are expressed as the product of a mantissa and a power of ten. For example, 1234 can be expressed as 1.234 x 10^3. The mantissa is often in the range of 1.0 <= x < 10.0, but it does not need to be. DecimalFormat can be instructed to format and parse scientific notation only through a pattern. There is currently no factory method that creates a scientific notation format. In a pattern, the exponent character immediately followed by one or more digit characters indicates scientific notation. For example, "0.###E0" formats the number 1234 as "1.234E3".


Rounding uses half-even rounding for formatting. Use rounding mode to round toward the nearest neighbor unless both neighbors are equidistant. In that case, round toward the even neighbor. For example, if a pattern is "0000" and the number to format is 234.55, the resulting formatted value is "0235". If the number to format is 234.50, the resulting value is "0234". If the number to format is 233.50, the resulting value is "0234".


This example invokes format to convert a decimal "23.45" to a format "##.##" and bind the resulting string to a MapVariable. The result of this map is a string "23.45".

format ( value = 23.453, formatPattern = "##.##"  -> resultString = MapVariable 


Returns a string representation of the input double value in the format specified. Patterns accepted are the same as for the format map taking source value decimal.

This example invokes format to convert a double "23456.789" to a format "##.##E0" and bind the resulting string to a MapVariable. The result of this map is a string "23.46E3".

format ( value = 23456.789, formatPattern = "00.00E0"  -> resultString = 
MapVariable )


Returns a string representation of the input float value in the format specified.

Patterns accepted are the same as for the format map taking source value decimal.

This example invokes format to convert a float 234.5 to a format "##.##" and bind the resulting string to a MapVariable. The result of this map is a string "234.50".

format ( value = 23.45, formatPattern = "00.00"  ) -> ( resultString = 
MapVariable )


Returns an integer in the format specified.

Patterns accepted are the same as the patterns accepted for the format map taking a decimal source value.

This example invokes format to convert an integer "234" to a format "0000" and bind the resulting string to a MapVariable. The result of this map is a string "0234".

format ( value = 234, formatPattern = "0000"  -> resultString = MapVariable )


Enables you to generate a unique global unique identifier (GUID) string.

This example invokes the generateGUIDString map to get a unique reference ID that is bound to header/MessageID.

generateGUIDString (  -> GUIDString = header/MessageID )


Enables you to get the party name contact information for the source partner name based on contactInfoType input.

This example invokes getPartyContactInformation to get `Email' of the party. The `Email' is bound to a MapVariable.

getPartyContactInformation ( partyName = "Oracle IDC", contactInfoType = "Email"  
-> contactInfo = MapVariable )


Enables you to get the party identification number for the source party name.

This example invokes getPartyIdentification to get the "DUNS" number of the party. The DUNS number retrieved is bound to a MapVariable.

getPartyIdentification ( partyName = "Oracle IDC", partyIdentificationType = 
"DUNS"  -> partyIdentification = MapVariable )


Returns the system date of the server.

This example invokes getSystemDate to get the server's current date. The value retrieved is bound to a MapVariable.

getSystemDate ( -> systemDate = MapVariable )


Returns a partner name given an identification number, given the identification type. If the trading partner name is not found, no exception is raised and no target parameter is set (that is, the result is an implicit null value).

This example invokes getTradingPartnerNameFromIdentifier to get a trading partner's name, given the trading partner's identifier and identifier type. The value retrieved is bound to a MapVariable.

getTradingPartnerNameFromIdentifier ( identifierNumber = PAYLOAD/PARTNRIDX  , 
identifierType = "EDI Location Code" -> tradingPartnerName = MapVariable )


Returns the index of a search string within the source string starting from a given start index. If the search string is not found, a value of -1 is returned. The index starts from 0.

This example invokes indexOfString to get the index of first occurrence of the search string within the source string beginning from the given offset. The result of this map, 7, is bound to IndexMapVariable, a map variable.

indexOfString ( sourceString = "123-456-567" , searchString = "-" , beginOffset 
= 4 -> resultIndex = IndexMapVariable )


Returns the index of the starting character of the search string within the source string. If the search string is not found, a value of -1 is returned. The index starts from 0.

This example invokes stringCompareToIgnoreCase map to compare two strings while ignoring the case. The result of this map is 6.

indexOfString( sourceString = "Hello World" , searchString = "World" -> 
resultEquals = MapVariable )


The resultIndex has the index of the last (right most) occurrence of the starting character of the searchString within the sourceString. If the searchString is not found within the sourceString, the resultIndex is -1.

This example invokes lastIndexOfString to get the index of the last occurrence of the search string within the source string. The result of this map is 12, the start index of the search string.

lastIndexOfString ( sourceString = "Hello World World" , serachString = "World" 
-> resultString = LastIndexMapVariable )


Returns the index of the last occurrence of the starting character of the searchString within the sourceString searching backward starting at the specified index. If the searchString is not found within the sourceString, the resultIndex is -1.

This example invokes lastIndexOfString to get the index of the last occurrence of the search string within the source string from the given offset. The result of this map is 6, the start index of the search string.

lastIndexOfString( sourceString = "Hello World World" , serachString = "World" , 
beginOffset = 11 -> resultString = LastIndexMapVariable )


Returns a string with leading white space omitted.

This example invokes leftTrim to get the result string devoid of leading white spaces. The result of this map is "Hello World ".

leftTrim( sourceString = "    Hello World " -> resultString = MapVariable )


Returns a string with all letters in lower case.

This example invokes lowerCase to get the result string in lower case. The result of this map is "hello world".

lowerCase( sourceString = "HEllo WOrld" -> resultString = MapVariable )


Returns the value of multiplying the first decimal with the second decimal.

This example invokes multiply to multiply decimal 12.3 with 45.67, and the result 561.741 is stored in a map variable.

multiply( first = 12.3 , second = 45.67 -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the value of multiplying the second float value with the first float value.

This example invokes the multiply map to multiply float 12.345 with 67.890 and store the result of 838.10205 in a map variable.

multiply( first = 12.345 , second = 67.890 -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the result of multiplying the first integer with the second integer.

This example invokes the multiply map to multiply integer 12 with 3456 and store the result of 41472 in a map variable.

multiply( first = 12 , second = 3456 -> result = MapVariable )


Returns a string with trailing white space omitted.

This example invokes rightTrim to get the result string devoid of trailing white spaces. The result of this map is " Hello World".

rightTrim( sourceString = "    Hello World   " -> resultString = MapVariable )

startsWith:sourceString=string,sourcePrefix=string->resultFoundPrefix boolean

Returns true if the sourceString starts with prefixString. Otherwise, false is returned.

This example invokes startsWith to verify if the source string starts with the source prefix. The result of this map is true.

startsWith( sourceString = "Hi Hello World" , sourcePrefix = "Hi" -> 
resultFoundPrefix = MapVariable )

startsWith:sourceString=string,sourcePrefix=string,sourceBeginOffset=integer->resultFoundPrefix boolean

Returns true if the prefixString character sequence is the same as that of the sourceString starting from the index specified. Otherwise, false is returned.

This example invokes startsWith to verify if the source string starts with the source prefix from the given offset. The result of this map is false.

startsWith( sourceString = "Hi Hello World" , sourcePrefix = "Hi" , 
sourceBeginOffset = 3 -> resultFoundPrefix = MapVariable )


Enables you to compare two strings lexicographically. The comparison is based on the unicode value of each character in the strings. The character sequence represented by the sourceString string is compared lexicographically to the character sequence represented by the sourceCompareTo string. The result is a negative integer if sourceString lexicographically precedes sourceCompareTo. The result is a positive integer if sourceString lexicographically follows the sourceCompareTo string. The result is zero if the strings are equal.

This is the definition of lexicographic ordering. If two strings are different, then they have different characters at some index that is a valid index for both strings, or their lengths are different, or both. If they have different characters at one or more index positions, let k be the smallest such index. The string whose character at position k has the smaller value, as determined by using the < operator, then lexicographically precedes the other string. In this case, compareTo returns the difference of the two character values at position k in the two strings; that is, the following value:

sourceString.charAt(k)- sourceCompareTo.charAt(k)

If there is no index position at which they differ, then the shorter string lexicographically precedes the longer string. In this case, sourceCompareTo returns the difference of the lengths of the strings; that is, the following value:

sourceString.length()- sourceCompareTo.length()

This example invokes stringCompareTo to compare two strings. The result of this map is -15.

stringComapreTo( sourceString = "Hello World" , sourceCompareTo = "World Hello" 
-> resultEquals = MapVariable )


Enables you to compare two strings lexicographically, ignoring case differences. This method returns an integer whose sign is that of calling string sourceCompareTo with normalized versions of the strings where case differences have been eliminated.

This example invokes stringCompareToIgnoreCase to compare two strings while ignoring the case. The result of this map is 0.

stringCompareToIgnoreCase( sourceString = "Hello World" , sourceCompareTo = 
"hello world" -> resultEquals = MapVariable )


Enables you to compute the length of the source string. The value is copied into the target.

This example invokes stringLength to compute the length of the source string. The result of this map is 11.

stringLength( sourceString = "Hello World" -> resultEquals = MapVariable )


Returns the Boolean value of the source string value.

This example invokes stringToBoolean to convert a string "true" to a Boolean. The result of this map is Boolean true.

stringToBoolean( source = "true" -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the character value of the source string value.

This example invokes stringToCharacter to convert a string "C" to a character. The result of this map is a character `C'.

stringToCharacter( source = "C" -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the date and time format for the input source string.

This example invokes stringToDateTime to convert an ISO 8601 string to dateTime. The result of this map is a dateTime.

stringToDateTime( source = "2003-05-16" -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the dateTime representation by parsing the input string in the given pattern. If the pattern is null, it assumes the source string is in ISO 8601 format.

This example invokes stringToDateTime to convert a source in ISO 8601 string format to dateTime. The result of this map is a dateTime.

stringToDateTime( source = "2003-05-16 08:24:56.789 GMT+5:30" , pattern = 
"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS Z" -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the decimal value of the source string.

This example invokes stringToDecimal to convert a string to a decimal.

stringToDecimal( source = "56.789" -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the double value of the source string value.

This example invokes stringToDouble to convert a string to double.

stringToDouble( source = "56.8945" -> resultEquals = MapVariable )


Returns the float value for the source string value.

This example invokes stringToFloat to convert a string to double.

stringToFloat( source = "56.894567" -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the integer value for the source string value.

This example invokes stringToInteger to convert a string to an integer.

stringToInteger( sourceString = "56" -> resultInteger = MapVariable )


Enables you to copy the portion of the source string specified by the indexes beginIndex and endIndex into the resultString. The result string is composed of characters starting from beginIndex to endIndex - 1. Character beginIndex starts from zero.

This example invokes stringToInteger to convert a string to an integer. The result of this map is "Hello Wo".

subString( sourceString = "Hello World", beginIndex = 0 , endIndex = 7 -> 
resultString = MapVariable )


Enables you to copy the portion of the source string with the starting character at the specified beginIndex to the end of the source string into the resultSting. The character beginIndex starts from zero.

This example invokes stringToInteger to convert a string to an integer. The result of this map is "World".

subString( sourceString = "Hello World", beginIndex = 6 -> resultString = 
MapVariable )


Returns a string with all characters after the specified delimiter string.

This example invokes subStringAfter to get a string with all characters after the specified delimiter string. The result of this map is "AS".

subStringAfter( sourceString = "Oracle 9iAS" , delimiter = "9i" -> resultString 
= MapVariable )


Returns a string with all characters before the specified delimiter string.

This example invokes subStringBefore to get a string with all characters before the specified delimiter string. The result of this map is "Oracle ".

subStringBefore( sourceString = "Oracle 9iAS" , delimiter = "9i" -> resultString 
= MapVariable )


Returns the result of subtracting second decimal from the first decimal.

This example invokes subtract to subtract decimals. The result of this map is decimal 2.0.

subtract( first = 12.34, second = 10.34 -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the result of subtracting the second source float value from the first source float value.

This example invokes the subtract map to subtract a float. The result of this map is float 2.0.

subtract( first = 12.3456, second = 10.3456 -> result = MapVariable )


Returns the result of subtracting the second integer from the first integer.

This example invokes the subtract map to subtract integers. The result of this map is 2.

subtract( first = 12, second = 10 -> result = MapVariable )


Returns a string, with leading and trailing white space omitted. White space characters are supported for the following:

This rule uses these sources and targets.

This example invokes trim to remove leading and trailing white spaces. The result of this map is "Oracle IDC".

trim( sourceString = "    Oracle IDC    " -> resultString = MapVariable )


Returns a string with all letters in upper case.

This example invokes uppperCase to convert lower case letters to upper case letters. The result of this map is "ORACLE 9IAS".

stringToInteger( sourceString = "Oracle 9iAS" -> resultString = MapVariable )

Event Header Rules

This section describes the event header rules included with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

See Also:


Sets the ToParty name in the selected event's header.

This example invokes setToParty to set the to party's name in the selected event.

setToParty( toPartyName = "IPQ-NHE" )


Sets the FromParty name in the event header.

The party name to set in the event header.

This example invokes setFromParty to set the to party's name in the selected event.

setFromParty( fromPartyName = "IPQ-HE" )


Gets the ToParty name from the event header.

This example invokes getToParty to get the to party's name from the selected event.

getToParty( -> toParty = FTP-Initiating-ET-OUT/Payload/to )


Gets the FromParty name from the event header.

This example invokes getFromParty to get the from party's name from the selected event.

getFromParty( -> fromParty = FTP-Initiating-ET-OUT/Payload/from )

Domain Value Map Rules

This section describes the domain value map rules included with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect.

See Also:


You must create a domain value map before you can select a domain value map rule as a statement type.


Given the party name and the value invalue to be looked up, this function returns the corresponding value from the party domain. If a corresponding value for the inValue is not found in the party domain, the value corresponding to the input parameter defaultValue is returned.

This example invokes lookupPartyDomainWithDefaultValue with a default value of "none". The target is bound to a map variable.

lookupPartyDomainWithDefaultValue( InValue = reason/FreeFormText, defaultValue = 
"none" -> outValue = MapVariableReasonCode )


Given the party name and the value to be looked up, this function returns the corresponding value from the party domain.

This example invokes lookupPartyDomain to get the discount day of the month for the given term ID.

outValue = Purchasing Order/FinancingTerms/Discounts/discountDay/DayOfMonth )


Given the party name and the value to be looked up, this function returns the corresponding value from the business view (common view) domain. If a corresponding value for the InValue is not found in the business view, the value corresponding to the input parameter defaultvalue is returned.

This example invokes lookupBusinessViewDomainWithDefaultValue with a default value as "host_trading_partner". The target is bound to a path PARTNRIDX.

lookupBusinessViewDomainWithDefaultValue( Party = MapVariableFromParty, inValue 
= "name", defaultValue = "host_trading_partner" -> outValue = PARTNRIDX )


Given the party name and the value to be looked up, this function returns the corresponding value from the business view (common view) domain.

This example invokes lookupBusinessViewDomain to get the purchase order type given the party and the order type code. The output is bound to a path DATAAREA/ACKNOWLEDGE_PO/POORDERHDR/POTYPE.

lookupBusinessViewDomain ( Party = MapVariableFromParty, inValue = 
"PurchaseOrder/GlobalPurchaseOrderTypeCode -> outValue = DATAAREA/ACKNOWLEDGE_

Appendix Summary

This appendix describes and provides examples of the transformation rule, event header rules, and domain value map rules.

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