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Oracle® Application Server ProcessConnect User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12121-01
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A Road Map to Using this Guide

This chapter provides a road map to using this guide for each type of Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user.

This chapter contains these topics:

A Road Map to Using this Guide

Several types of users can use the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect features described in this User Guide. This chapter provides a road map to using the information described in this User Guide. Some information is applicable to all users, while other information is applicable to the responsibilities of a specific user. Oracle recommends that each user review the road map described in this chapter before getting started.

Table 1-1 identifies the users, provides a brief description of their responsibilities, and provides references on where to begin.

Table 1-1  Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect User Types
User Responsibility First See Section... Then See Section...

Modeler (three types):


"Chapters For All Users to Read"


  • Connection manager

Designs the interactions part of the modeling metadata in an integration


"Chapters for Connection Managers to Read"

  • Event manager

Designs the datatype, event type, translation, and transformation parts of the modeling metadata in an integration


"Chapters for Event Managers to Read"

  • Business process manager

Designs the business process and role parts of the modeling metadata in an integration


"Chapters for Business Process Managers to Read"

Administrator (two types):


"Chapters For All Users to Read"


  • Business

Designs the profile data portion of an integration, including:

  • The applications, adapters, delivery channel, and agreements for integrations within an enterprise

  • The trading partner and agreements for integrations between enterprises, including security, delivery channel, and endpoint data


"Chapters for Business Administrators to Read"

  • Systems

Monitors and administers an integration of modeling metadata and profile data, including:

  • Deploying an integration (known as a configuration)

  • Performing system administration of deployed configurations from Oracle Enterprise Manager and the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool


"Chapters for Systems Administrators to Read"


Creates and analyzes integration reports


"Chapters For Analysts to Read"

See Also:

Chapter 3, "Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Concepts" for descriptions of terms used in this chapter

Chapters For All Users to Read

Table 1-2 lists chapters applicable to all Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect users. Oracle recommends that all users begin their introduction to Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect by reading these chapters in this order.

Table 1-2  Chapters for All Users to Read
Chapter Description

Chapter 2, "Introduction to Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect"

Defines e-business and integration, describes integration challenges, and provides a high-level description of how Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect answers integration challenges

Chapter 3, "Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Concepts"

Provides a detailed description of Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect concepts that all users are strongly recommended to read entirely, but specific users are recommended to pay particular attention to the following sections:

Chapter 4, "Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Architecture"

Provides a high-level overview of Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect architecture

Chapter 5, "Getting Started with the User Interface Tool"

Provides an overview on how to navigate and use the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool. All users must read this chapter entirely, but specific users are recommended to pay particular attention to the following sections:

Chapter 6, "Methodologies for Using Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect"

Describes two methodologies for using the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool, including providing an overview of tasks to perform. This chapter is particularly important to modelers and administrators, as they must perform specific portions of these tasks.

Chapter 7, "Tutorial of an Integration within an Enterprise"

Provides a step-by-step tutorial for using the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool. This chapter is particularly important to modelers and administrators, as they must perform specific portions of these tasks.

Chapter 15, "Managing Applications and Application Agreements"

Describes the application, adapter, delivery channel, and agreement tasks required to design an integration within an enterprise (known as application-to-application (A2A) or enterprise application integration (EAI))

Chapter 21, "Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Error Handling"

Describes how to design error handling methods into integrations and how to detect and handle system and domain errors in Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect runtime components

Chapter 22, "Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Troubleshooting"

Describes the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect troubleshooting methodology, describes dependencies to understand before deleting modeling metadata, and provides references to troubleshooting details described throughout this User Guide and the Application Adapter Guides.

Chapters For Modelers to Read

The following sections describe the recommended chapters for the three modeler user types to read.

Chapters for Connection Managers to Read

After reading the chapters described in Table 1-2, it is recommended that connection managers read the chapters described in Table 1-3.

Table 1-3  Chapters for Connection Managers to Read
Chapter Description

Chapter 8, "Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Technology Adapters"

Provides an overview of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect technology adapters, including capabilities, naming conventions, restrictions, and troubleshooting details. Adapter user cases are also provided.

Chapter 11, "Managing Adapter Interactions and Event Types"

Describes the adapter interaction, translation, and event type management tasks required to design all integrations

Appendix A, "Native Formats and Translators"

Describes the native formats and translators supported by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. This appendix is a supplement to Chapter 11, "Managing Adapter Interactions and Event Types".

Chapters for Event Managers to Read

After reading the chapters described in Table 1-2, it is recommended that event managers read the chapters described in Table 1-4.

Table 1-4  Chapters for Event Managers to Read
Chapter Description

Chapter 10, "Managing Datatypes"

Describes the datatype management tasks required to design all integrations.

Chapter 11, "Managing Adapter Interactions and Event Types"

Describes the adapter interaction, translation, and event type management tasks required to design all integrations

Chapter 13, "Managing Transformations"

Describes the transformation management tasks required to design all integrations. Transformation use cases are also provided.

Chapter 14, "Advanced Transformations Design"

Describes how to design advanced transformations

Appendix A, "Native Formats and Translators"

Describes the native formats and translators supported by Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. This appendix is a supplement to Chapter 11, "Managing Adapter Interactions and Event Types".

Appendix B, "Transformation Rules"

Describes the datatype transformation map rules, event header rules, and domain value map rules included with Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect. This appendix is a supplement to Chapter 13, "Managing Transformations".

Chapters for Business Process Managers to Read

After reading the chapters described in Table 1-2, it is recommended that business process managers read the chapters described in Table 1-5.

Table 1-5  Chapters for Business Process Managers to Read
Chapter Description

Chapter 9, "Creating Metadata with the Modeling Wizards"

Describes how to create integration modeling metadata with the assistance of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect modeling wizards. These wizards offer an alternative to manually performing many of the tasks described in Chapter 12, "Managing Business Processes and Roles". See "Business Process and Role Creation Methods" for a comparison of both methods.

Chapter 12, "Managing Business Processes and Roles"

Describes the role and business process management tasks required to design all integrations

Chapters For Administrators to Read

The following sections describe the recommended chapters for the two administrator user types to read.

Chapters for Business Administrators to Read

After reading the chapters described in Table 1-2, it is recommended that business administrators read the chapters described in Table 1-6.

Table 1-6  Chapters for Business Administrators to Read
Chapter Description

Chapter 8, "Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Technology Adapters"

Provides an overview of the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect technology adapters, including capabilities, naming conventions, restrictions, and troubleshooting details

Chapter 16, "Creating and Deploying a Configuration"

Describes how to create and deploy a configuration of modeling metadata and profile data.

Chapter 20, "Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect Security"

Provides an overview of architecture and configuration of Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect security.

Chapter 24, "RosettaNet B2B Protocol Standard"

Describes the RosettaNet business-to-business (B2B) protocol standard and trading partner agreements, and how Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect provides support for both.

Chapter 25, "Managing Host and Remote Trading Partner Capabilities"

Describes the host and remote trading partner identification, organization, cooperations (collaborations), delivery, security, and endpoint tasks required to design an integration between enterprises (also known as B2B integrations).

Chapter 26, "Managing Trading Partners and Trading Partners Agreements"

Describes the trading partner and trading partner agreement tasks required to design an integration between enterprises.

Chapters for Systems Administrators to Read

After reading the chapters described in Table 1-2, it is recommended that systems administrators read the chapters described in Table 1-7.

Table 1-7  Chapters for Systems Administrators to Read
Chapter Description

Chapter 17, "Administering Integrations with the User Interface Tool"

Describes how to perform administration tasks from the Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect user interface tool.

Chapter 18, "System Management with Oracle Enterprise Manager"

Provides an overview of Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect monitoring and administration tasks that you can perform from Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Chapter 19, "Performance Tuning"

Describes how to manage the performance of Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect components.

Chapters For Analysts to Read

After reading the chapters described in Table 1-2, it is recommended that systems administrators read the chapter described in Table 1-8.

Table 1-8  Chapter for Analysts to Read
Chapter Description

Chapter 23, "Creating Reports"

Describes how to generate different types of reports that provide details on deployed configurations. Use case examples are also provided.

Additional Chapters

Table 1-9 lists additional chapters available to interested users.

Table 1-9  Chapters for All Users to Read
Chapter Description

Appendix C, "Error Codes"

Lists Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect error messages.

Appendix D, "Jacada Integrator Adapter for Legacy Systems"

Describes the Jacada Integrator, which enables Oracle Application Server ProcessConnect customers to integrate legacy applications when prebuilt APIs or legacy application source code is not available.

Chapter Summary

This chapter is a road map describing which chapters of this User Guide to read, depending on your user role in the integration process. Chapters aimed at modelers (connection managers, event managers, and business process managers), administrators (business administrators and systems administrators), and analysts are identified, as well as those chapters relevant to all users.

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