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Oracle® Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12118-01
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Integration with the Microsoft Windows Environment, 5 of 13

Configuring the Active Directory Connector

This section explains how to configure integration with Microsoft Active Directory in various scenarios.

This section contains these topics:

Summary of Active Directory Connector Configuration Scenarios

The scenarios described in this section share these assumptions:

Synchronization Scenarios with Single-Domain Microsoft Active Directory Environments

Table 43-7  Scenarios with Single-Domain Microsoft Active Directory Environments
Scenario# Synchronization Configuration


Users and groups from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory


Users and groups from Oracle Internet Directory to Microsoft Active Directory


Two-way synchronization of users and groups between Oracle Internet Directory and Microsoft Active Directory

Synchronization Scenarios with Multiple-Domain Microsoft Active Directory Environments

Table 43-8  Scenarios with Multiple-Domain Microsoft Active Directory Environments
Scenario# Synchronization Configuration


Users and groups from Global Catalog Server to Oracle Internet Directory


Users and groups from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory without a Global Catalog Server


Users and Groups from Oracle Internet Directory to Microsoft Active Directory

About Scenario Examples

Each scenario in this section uses an example. These examples rest on the following assumptions:

About the Information You Must Add to the Active Directory Connector

Most of the configuration information required for enabling synchronization is preconfigured in Oracle Internet Directory during installation. Beyond that preconfigured information, you need to add a minimal amount of information to the Active Directory connector.

The information you must add to the Active Directory connector pertains to the Microsoft Active Directory environment. This information includes:

To add this information, you can use either command-line tools or Oracle Directory Manager.

Moreover, if the default realm is changed, then you must re-create the ACLs to enable only the owners of various synchronization profiles to create, modify, and delete entries under the user and group containers. Although default ACLs are created during installation, most often they must be modified to meet the security needs of the deployment. The section "Scenario 1: One-Way Synchronization from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory" advises you as to when you need to change an ACL.

See Also:

"Task 3: Reset the Default Security Configuration" for more information about customizing the default access control configuration.

About the Tool

The scenarios described in the next sections use the tool to configure Microsoft Active Directory-related information into the default profiles. This tool creates three default profiles from master default profiles and then modifies them with the information it receives from the user. If you have already customized one of the default profiles, then the tool overwrites it. In this case, rename your default profile as described in the next section, "Tasks Common to Various Scenarios".

Tasks Common to Various Scenarios

This section discusses tasks that, in most scenarios, you must perform only once for a given installation. For example, suppose that you are following both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 described later in this chapter. If, you perform these tasks to set up Scenario 1, then you do not need to perform them again to set up Scenario 2.

Task 1: Verify the Microsoft Active Directory Information to be Configured into the Active Directory Synchronization Profiles

To do this, enter the following command against the Microsoft Active Directory server:

ldapsearch -p port -h host -D user account -w password -b "" -s base 
"objectclass=*" defaultnamingcontext

For example:

ldapsearch -p 389 -h -D 
-w welcome1 -b "" -s base "objectclass=*" defaultnamingcontext

This should return the domain name of the Microsoft Active Directory server. In our

example, the exact output should be: defaultNamingContext=DC=us,DC=MyCompany,dc=com

Task 2: Configure the Information Related to the Microsoft Active Directory Environment

This includes adding to the synchronization profile used for synchronization the information explained in "Information Required During Setup".

If you are using the default synchronization profiles, then run the script $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/odi/admin/ to set up the information. The script prompts you for the following:

Once you have entered the parameter values, invokes the Directory Integration and Provisioning Assistant. The Assistant sets up the Microsoft Active Directory connection information and mapping rules information in the default Active Directory synchronization profiles.


This step is required only once for all the synchronization scenarios where default profiles are used.

Task 3: Start the Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning Server as You Would for Synchronization


  • This step is required only once to start the directory integration and provisioning server for the synchronization. However, the synchronization does not start until a synchronization profile is enabled.

  • A directory integration and provisioning server is always running by default after installation as instance=1. That directory integration and provisioning server is unrelated to the one required for synchronization. The directory integration and provisioning server used for synchronization must run as an instance greater than 1.

To start the directory integration and provisioning server as you would for synchronization, enter the following command:

oidctl connect=iasdb server=odisrv instance=2 configset=1 flags="port=3060" 

Synchronization Between a Single-Domain Microsoft Active Directory and Oracle Internet Directory

This section describes various scenarios for setting up one-way synchronization of users and groups between a single-domain Microsoft Active Directory and Oracle Internet Directory.

Scenario 1: One-Way Synchronization from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory

This scenario rests on these assumptions:

In general, to set up this scenario, do the following:

  1. Perform Tasks 1 through 3 described in "Tasks Common to Various Scenarios".

  2. If you are synchronizing groups, then perform Tasks 4 through 6 as described in this section.

Task 4: (Required only if you are synchronizing groups) Configure ACLs for Group Synchronization


This step is required only if groups are being synchronized.

This task sets up the proper access controls to enable groups to be created under the users container. To set up the proper access controls, do this:

  1. Create an LDIF file named grantrole.ldif. The sample file is given at the end of this chapter. If the default realm is not dc=us,dc=mycompany,dc=com, then edit the file grantrole.ldif and replace every dc=us,dc=mycompany,dc=com string with the actual default realm--for example, dc=us,dc=YourCompany,dc=com.). Save the file.

  2. Enter the command:

    ldapmodify -h host  -p port -D DN of orcladmin -p password -f grantrole.ldif

    For example,

    ldapmodify -c -h iasdemo -p 3060 -D cn=orcladmin -w welcome1 -f 

    This configures the required ACL policy in Oracle Internet Directory to enable creation and modification of groups in Oracle Internet Directory.

Task 5: Start the Synchronization from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory

This requires enabling the respective profile by setting the profileStatus attribute to ENABLE. To do this, enter the command:

Dipassistant mp -profile ActiveChgImp odip.profile.status = ENABLE
Task 6: Verify that Synchronization Has Started

Enter the following command:

ldapsearch -h oid_host -p oid_port -D cn=dipadmin -w orcladmin_password -b 
"orclodipagentname=activechgimp,cn=subscriber profile,cn=changelog 
subscriber,cn=oracle internet directory' -s base "objectclass=*" 
orclodipsynchronizationstatus orclodiplastsuccessfulexecutiontime

Table 43-9 shows the values of the status attributes when synchronization is successfully started.

Table 43-9  Attribute Values Indicating Successful Synchronization
Attribute Value Indicating Successful Synchronization

Synchronization Status

Synchronization successful

Last Successful Execution Time

Date and time (Note: This must be close to the current date and time

An example of a result indicating successful synchronization is:

Synchronization successful November 04, 2003 15:56:03


  • The date and time must be close to current date and time.

  • When running the ldapsearch command, you need the dipadmin password, which, as established at installation, is the same as orcladmin password.

Scenario 2: One-Way Synchronization from Oracle Internet Directory to Microsoft Active Directory

This scenario rests on the same assumptions as those in "Scenario 1: One-Way Synchronization from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory", but the synchronization is from Oracle Internet Directory to Microsoft Active Directory. This scenario does not require you to set up any additional information, nor does it require you to set up access controls.

In general, to set up this scenario, do the following:

  1. Perform Tasks 1 through 3 described in "Tasks Common to Various Scenarios".

  2. Perform Tasks 4 and 5 as described in this section.

Task 4: Start the Synchronization from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory

This requires enabling the respective profile by setting the profileStatus attribute to ENABLE. To do this, enter the command:

Dipassistant mp -profile ActiveChgImp odip.profile.status = ENABLE
Task 5: Verify that Synchronization Has Started

Enter the following command:

ldapsearch -h oid_host -p oid_port -D cn=dipadmin -w orcladmin_password -b 
"orclodipagentname=activechgimp,cn=subscriber profile,cn=changelog 
subscriber,cn=oracle internet directory' -s base "objectclass=*" 
orclodipsynchronizationstatus orclodiplastsuccessfulexecutiontime

Table 43-9 shows the values of the status attributes when synchronization is successfully started.

Table 43-10  Attribute Values Indicating Successful Synchronization
Attribute Value Indicating Successful Synchronization

Synchronization Status

Synchronization successful

Last Successful Execution Time

Date and time (Note: This must be close to the current date and time

An example of a result indicating successful synchronization is:

Synchronization successful November 04, 2003 15:56:03


  • The date and time must be close to current date and time.

  • When running the ldapsearch command, you need the dipadmin password, which, as established at installation, is the same as orcladmin password.

Scenario 3: Two-Way Synchronization Between Oracle Internet Directory and Microsoft Active Directory

To set up two-way synchronization, execute both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 as previously described.

Synchronization Between a Multiple-Domain Microsoft Active Directory and Oracle Internet Directory

This section describes setup tasks for a two-domain Microsoft Active Directory environment. In a Microsoft Active Directory environment with more than two domains, the tasks for setting up synchronization for additional domains are similar to those outlined in this section.

Scenario 4: One-Way Synchronization from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory when Global Catalog Is Configured in the Microsoft Active Directory Environment


The Global Catalog can be used only for synchronizing changes from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory. Further, it can be used only when the USNChanged method is used to track changes in Microsoft Active Directory.

To illustrate this scenario, we use a sample deployment with two Microsoft Active Directory domain servers:

If there are more than two domains, then the setup procedures are the same as those in Scenario 1, with the exception of Task 4 in which the LDIF file is customized to the actual multiple-domain environment.

In general, to set up this scenario, do the following:

  1. Perform Tasks 1through 3 as described in "Tasks Common to Various Scenarios".

  2. Perform Tasks 4 through 6 as described in this section.

As you perform Tasks 1 through 3, keep these considerations in mind:

Task 4: Create the Appropriate DIT Structure and Configure Required ACLs for User and Group Synchronization

Oracle Internet Directory does not have the complete DIT structure ready for use in a multiple-domain Microsoft Active Directory scenario. It requires performing the following:

Task 5: Start the Synchronization from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory

This requires enabling the respective profile by setting the profileStatus attribute to ENABLE. To do this, enter the following command:

Dipassistant mp -profile ActiveChgImp odip.profile.status = ENABLE
Task 6: Verify that Synchronization Has Started

Enter the following command:

ldapsearch -h oid_host -p oid_port -D cn=dipadmin -w orcladmin_password -b 
"orclodipagentname=activechgimp,cn=subscriber profile,cn=changelog 
subscriber,cn=oracle internet directory' -s base "objectclass=*" 
orclodipsynchronizationstatus orclodiplastsuccessfulexecutiontime

Table 43-11 shows the values of the status attributes when synchronization is successfully started.

Table 43-11   Attribute Values Indicating Successful Synchronization
Attribute Value Indicating Successful Synchronization

Synchronization Status

Synchronization successful

Last Successful Execution Time

Date and time (Note: This must be close to the current date and time

An example of a result indicating successful synchronization is:

Synchronization successful November 04, 2003 15:56:03


  • The date and time must be close to current date and time.

  • When running the ldapsearch command, you need the dipadmin password, which, as established at installation, is the same as orcladmin password.

Scenario 5: One-Way Synchronization from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory when Global Catalog is not Configured in the Microsoft Active Directory Environment

In general, to set up this scenario, do the following:

  1. On the first Microsoft Active Directory domain, perform Tasks 1 through 3 as described in "Tasks Common to Various Scenarios". You can call this domain, for example,

  2. Perform Tasks 4 through 9 as described in this section.

As you perform Tasks 1 through 3, keep the following in mind:

Task 4: Create the Appropriate DIT Structure and Configure Required ACLs for User and Group Synchronization

Oracle Internet Directory does not have the complete DIT structure ready for use in a multiple-domain Microsoft Active Directory scenario. It requires performing the following:

Task 5: Rename a Profile

Renaming a profile requires:

For example, using the sample file in the section "renameprofile.ldif", create a profile with the name renameprofile.ldif. The sample profile assumes that you are renaming a default import profile from ActiveChgImp to ActiveChgImp1. Do the following:

  1. Modify the LDIF file to replace the names ActiveChgImp and ActiveChgImp1 with your profile names.

  2. Enter the following command:

    ldapmodify -h host  -p port -D DN of orcladmin -p password -f 

    For example:

    ldapmodify -h iasdemo  -p 3060 -D cn=orcladmin -p welcome1 -f 
Task 6: Create Another Profile for the Second Microsoft Active Directory Domain Server (

To do this, enter the following command:

Dipassistant cp $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/odi/conf/

This creates another profile named ActiveChgImp.

Task 7: On the New Profile, Perform Tasks 1 and 2

On the second directory domain, namely,, perform Tasks 1 and 2 as described in "Tasks Common to Various Scenarios". Keep the following in mind:

Task 8: Start the Synchronization from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory

This requires enabling the respective profile by setting the profileStatus attribute to ENABLE.

To start the synchronization enter the command:

Dipassistant mp -profile ActiveChgImp odip.profile.status = ENABLE
Dipassistant mp -profile ActiveChgImp1 odip.profile.status = ENABLE

This starts the synchronization from both Microsoft Active Directory domains to Oracle Internet Directory.

Task 9: Verify that Synchronization Has Started

Enter the following command:

ldapsearch -h oid_host -p oid_port -D cn=dipadmin -w orcladmin_password -b 
"orclodipagentname=activechgimp,cn=subscriber profile,cn=changelog 
subscriber,cn=oracle internet directory' -s base "objectclass=*" 
orclodipsynchronizationstatus orclodiplastsuccessfulexecutiontime

Table 43-12 shows the values of the status attributes when synchronization is successfully started.

Table 43-12   Attribute Values Indicating Successful Synchronization
Attribute Value Indicating Successful Synchronization

Synchronization Status

Synchronization successful

Last Successful Execution Time

Date and time (Note: This must be close to the current date and time

An example of a result indicating successful synchronization is:

Synchronization successful November 04, 2003 15:56:03


  • The date and time must be close to current date and time.

  • When running the ldapsearch command, you need the dipadmin password, which, as established at installation, is the same as orcladmin password.

Scenario 6: One-Way Synchronization from Oracle Internet Directory to Microsoft Active Directory

In general, to set up this scenario, do the following:

  1. On the first Microsoft Active Directory domain, perform Tasks 1 through 3 as described in "Tasks Common to Various Scenarios". You can call this domain, for example,

  2. Perform Tasks 4 through 9 as described in this section.

As you perform Tasks 1 through 3, keep the following in mind:

Task 4: Create the Appropriate DIT Structure and Configure Required ACLs for User and Group Synchronization

Oracle Internet Directory does not have the complete DIT structure ready for use in a multiple-domain Microsoft Active Directory scenario. It requires performing the following:

Task 5: Rename a Profile

Renaming a profile requires:

For example, using the sample file in the section "renameprofile.ldif", create a profile with the name renameprofile.ldif. The sample profile assumes that you are renaming a default export profile from ActiveExport to ActiveExport1. Do the following:

  1. Modify the LDIF file to replace the names ActiveChgImp to ActiveExport and ActiveChgImp1 to ActiveExport1.

  2. Enter the following command:

    ldapmodify -h host  -p port -D DN of orcladmin -p password -f 

    For example:

    ldapmodify -h iasdemo  -p 3060 -D cn=orcladmin -p welcome1 -f 
Task 6: Create Another Profile for the Second Microsoft Active Directory Domain Server (

To do this, enter the following command:

Dipassistant cp $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/odi/conf/

This creates another profile named ActiveExport.

Task 7: On the New Profile, Perform Tasks 1 and 2

On the second directory domain, namely,, perform Tasks 1 and 2 as described in "Tasks Common to Various Scenarios". Keep the following in mind:

Task 8: Start the Synchronization from Microsoft Active Directory to Oracle Internet Directory

This requires enabling the respective profile by setting the profileStatus attribute to ENABLE.

To start the synchronization enter the command:

Dipassistant mp -profile ActiveExport odip.profile.status = ENABLE
Dipassistant mp -profile ActiveExport1 odip.profile.status = ENABLE

This starts the synchronization from both Microsoft Active Directory domains to Oracle Internet Directory.

Task 9: Verify that Synchronization Has Started

Enter the following command:

ldapsearch -h oid_host -p oid_port -D cn=dipadmin -w orcladmin_password -b 
"orclodipagentname=ActiveExport,cn=subscriber profile,cn=changelog 
subscriber,cn=oracle internet directory' -s base "objectclass=*" 
orclodipsynchronizationstatus orclodiplastsuccessfulexecutiontime

Table 43-12 shows the values of the status attributes when synchronization is successfully started.

Table 43-13   Attribute Values Indicating Successful Synchronization
Attribute Value Indicating Successful Synchronization

Synchronization Status

Synchronization successful

Last Successful Execution Time

Date and time (Note: This must be close to the current date and time

An example of a result indicating successful synchronization is:

Synchronization successful November 04, 2003 15:56:03


  • The date and time must be close to current date and time.

  • When running the ldapsearch command, you need the dipadmin password, which, as established at installation, is the same as orcladmin password.

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