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Table of Contents Image Oracle® Application Server 10g MapViewer User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10559-01
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New and Changed Features

Java Client API
JSP Tag Library
PNG Format Support
Map Legend Support
Query Capabilities with Nonspatial Attributes
Basic Support for Georeferenced Images
JDK 1.4 and AWT Headless Mode Support
Performance Improvements

1 Introduction to MapViewer

1.1 Overview of MapViewer
1.1.1 Basic Flow of Action
1.1.2 Architecture
1.2 Getting Started with MapViewer
1.3 Prerequisite Software
1.4 Installing and Deploying MapViewer
1.4.1 Deploying MapViewer in an Oracle Application Server Environment Select Application Page URL Mappings for Web Modules Page Summary Page Pages for Completing the Deployment
1.4.2 Installing MapViewer with a Standalone Installation of OC4J Editing the OC4J Configuration Files to Autostart MapViewer Restarting OC4J Running SQL Scripts, If Necessary Verifying That the Deployment Was Successful
1.5 Configuring MapViewer
1.5.1 Specifying Logging Information
1.5.2 Specifying Map File Storage and Life Cycle Information
1.5.3 Restricting Administrative (Non-Map) Requests
1.5.4 Specifying a Web Proxy for Background Image URLs
1.5.5 Specifying Global Map Configuration Options
1.5.6 Customizing the Spatial Data Cache
1.5.7 Defining Permanent Map Data Sources
1.6 Getting Started Using MapViewer
1.6.1 Dynamically Defining MapViewer Data Sources
1.6.2 Example JSP File That Uses MapViewer
1.6.3 Additional JSP Example Files

2 MapViewer Concepts

2.1 Overview
2.2 Styles
2.3 Themes
2.3.1 Styling Rules in Predefined Themes
2.3.2 JDBC Themes Storing Complex JDBC Themes in the Database
2.3.3 Thematic Mapping
2.3.4 Image Themes Storing Image Theme Definitions in the Database
2.4 Maps
2.4.1 Map Size and Scale
2.4.2 Map Legend
2.4.3 Processing of Map Requests
2.5 MapViewer Metadata Views
2.5.1 xxx_SDO_MAPS Views
2.5.2 xxx_SDO_THEMES Views
2.5.3 xxx_SDO_STYLES Views

3 MapViewer Map Requests

3.1 Map Request Examples
3.1.1 Simple Map Request
3.1.2 Map Request with Dynamically Defined Theme
3.1.3 Map Request with Base Map, Center, and Additional Predefined Theme
3.1.4 Map Request with Center, Base Map, Dynamically Defined Theme, and Other Features
3.1.5 Map Request with Image Theme
3.1.6 Map Request for Image of Map Legend Only
3.1.7 Map Request Using a Pie Chart Theme
3.1.8 Java Program Using MapViewer
3.1.9 PL/SQL Program Using MapViewer
3.2 Map Request DTD
3.2.1 map_request Element
3.2.2 map_request Attributes
3.2.3 box Element
3.2.4 center Element
3.2.5 themes Element
3.2.6 theme Element
3.2.7 jdbc_query Element
3.2.8 jdbc_image_query Element
3.2.9 geoFeature Element
3.2.10 legend Element
3.3 Information Request DTD
3.4 Map Response DTD
3.5 MapViewer Exception DTD
3.6 Geometry DTD (OGC)

4 MapViewer JavaBean-Based API

4.1 Usage Model for MapViewer JavaBean-Based API
4.2 Preparing to Use the MapViewer JavaBean-Based API
4.3 Using the MapViewer Bean
4.3.1 Creating the MapViewer Bean
4.3.2 Setting Up Parameters of the Current Map Request
4.3.3 Adding Themes or Features to the Current Map Request
4.3.4 Manipulating Themes in the Current Map Request
4.3.5 Sending a Request to the MapViewer Service
4.3.6 Extracting Information from the Current Map Response
4.3.7 Using Data Source and Mapping Metadata Methods
4.3.8 Querying Nonspatial Attributes in the Current Map Window
4.3.9 Using Optimal Methods for Thick Clients

5 MapViewer JSP Tag Library

5.1 Using MapViewer JSP Tags
5.2 MapViewer JSP Tag Reference Information
5.2.1 addJDBCTheme
5.2.2 addPredefinedTheme
5.2.3 getMapURL
5.2.4 getParam
5.2.5 identify
5.2.6 importBaseMap
5.2.7 init
5.2.8 makeLegend
5.2.9 run
5.2.10 setParam
5.3 JSP Example (Several Tags) for MapViewer

6 MapViewer Administrative Requests

6.1 Managing Data Sources
6.1.1 Adding a Data Source
6.1.2 Removing a Data Source
6.1.3 Redefining a Data Source
6.1.4 Listing All Data Sources
6.1.5 Checking the Existence of a Data Source
6.2 Listing All Maps
6.3 Listing Themes
6.4 Managing Styles
6.4.1 Listing Styles
6.4.2 Adding a Style (Not an Image Marker Style)
6.4.3 Adding an Image Marker Style
6.4.4 Checking If a Style Exists
6.5 Managing Cache
6.5.1 Clearing Metadata Cache for a Data Source
6.5.2 Clearing Spatial Data Cache for a Theme

7 Map Definition Tool

7.1 Overview of the Map Definition Tool
7.2 Connection Page
7.3 Styles: Color Page
7.4 Styles: Marker Page
7.5 Styles: Line Page
7.6 Styles: Area Page
7.7 Styles: Text Page
7.8 Styles: Advanced Page
7.9 Themes Page
7.10 Maps Page

A XML Format for Styles, Themes, and Base Maps

A.1 Color Styles
A.2 Marker Styles
A.2.1 Vector Marker Styles
A.2.2 Image Marker Styles
A.3 Line Styles
A.4 Area Styles
A.5 Text Styles
A.6 Advanced Styles
A.6.1 Bucket Style
A.6.1.1 Collection-Based Buckets with Discrete Values
A.6.1.2 Individual Range-Based Buckets
A.6.1.3 Equal-Ranged Buckets
A.6.2 Color Scheme Style
A.6.3 Variable Marker Style
A.7 Themes: Styling Rules
A.8 Base Maps

B Creating and Registering a Custom Image Renderer

C Using the Flash Mapping Client

C.1 How the Flash Mapping Client Works
C.2 Embedding the Flash Mapping Client in a Web Page
C.3 Creating a Theme with Clickable Styled Features
C.4 SVG and Flash Markers
C.5 Simplifying Map Geometries

D Connection Pools and Java Object Cache in MapViewer


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