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Oracle® Application Server 10g MapViewer User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10559-01
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Introduction to MapViewer

Oracle Application Server MapViewer (or simply, MapViewer) is a programmable tool for rendering maps using spatial data managed by Oracle Spatial or Oracle Locator (also referred to as Locator). MapViewer provides tools that hide the complexity of spatial data queries and cartographic rendering, while providing customizable options for more advanced users. These tools can be deployed in a platform-independent manner and are designed to integrate with map-rendering applications.

1.1 Overview of MapViewer

MapViewer includes the following main components:

The rendering engine connects to the Oracle database through Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). It also loads the map metadata (such as map definitions, styling rules, and symbology) from the database, and applies it to the retrieved spatial data.

The XML API provides high-level application developers with a convenient interface for submitting a map request to MapViewer and handling the map response.

In addition to these components, the Map Definition Tool, an unsupported tool available through the Oracle Technology Network, simplifies the process of creating and managing map, theme, and symbology metadata in a spatial database. For information about the Map Definition Tool, see Chapter 7.

The primary benefit of MapViewer is its integration with Oracle Spatial and Oracle Locator. The current release of MapViewer supports only two-dimensional vector geometries. MapViewer is not a full-featured Web map server or spatial application server.

1.1.1 Basic Flow of Action

With MapViewer, the basic flow of action involves two steps, regardless of whether or not the client requests a map or some MapViewer administrative action.

For a map request:

  1. The client requests a map, passing in the map name, data source, center location, map size, and, optionally, other data to be plotted on top of a map.

  2. The server returns the map image (or a URL for the image) and the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of the map, and the status of the request.

For a MapViewer administrative request:

  1. The client requests a MapViewer administrative action, passing in the specific type of request and appropriate input values.

  2. The server returns the status of the request and the requested information.

Figure 1-1 shows the basic flow of action with MapViewer.

Figure 1-1 Basic Flow of Action

Text description of basic_fl.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration basic_fl.gif

1.1.2 Architecture

Figure 1-2 illustrates the architecture of MapViewer.

Figure 1-2 Architecture

Text description of architec.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration architec.gif

As shown in Figure 1-2:

1.2 Getting Started with MapViewer

To get started using MapViewer, follow these steps:

  1. Either before or after you install and deploy MapViewer, read Chapter 2 to be sure you understand important terms and concepts.

  2. Ensure that you have the prerequisite software (see Section 1.3).

  3. Install (if necessary) and deploy MapViewer (see Section 1.4).

  4. Use MapViewer for some basic tasks, as described in Section 1.6.

  5. Optionally, use the Map Definition Tool (described in Chapter 7) to familiarize yourself with styles, themes, and maps, and the options for each.

1.3 Prerequisite Software

To use MapViewer, you must have the following Java packages and Oracle products, with the release number listed or a later release:

MapViewer also supports the headless AWT mechanism in JDK 1.4, which enables MapViewer to run on Linux or UNIX systems without setting any X11 DISPLAY variable. To enable AWT headless mode on Linux or UNIX systems, specify the following in the command line to start MapViewer:


1.4 Installing and Deploying MapViewer

This section describes how to install (if necessary) and deploy MapViewer to run in the middle tier. MapViewer runs as an OC4J Web application and receives map requests from a client.

You can deploy MapViewer either in a full Oracle Application Server environment or after a standalone installation of OC4J. Choose the procedure that applies to your needs:

1.4.1 Deploying MapViewer in an Oracle Application Server Environment

If you have already successfully installed Oracle Application Server, you can deploy the MapViewer application using the Oracle Enterprise Manager interface.

Start Oracle Enterprise Manager, navigate to the OC4J instance where you want to deploy MapViewer, and select Deploy Application to start a wizard that takes you through the deployment steps. Figure 1-3 shows part of the introductory page for this wizard.

Figure 1-3 Deploying MapViewer: Wizard Introduction Page

Text description of oem_inst.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration oem_inst.gif Select Application Page

For J2EE Application, specify the complete path for the mapviewer.ear file.

For Application, specify: mapviewer URL Mappings for Web Modules Page

For URL Binding, specify: /mapviewer

Click Finish to go directly to the Summary page. Summary Page

Review the information on the Summary page. If you need to make any changes, go back to the appropriate screen. If the information is correct, click Deploy.

Oracle Enterprise Manager deploys mapviewer.ear, modifies some XML files, creates a URL binding in the Oracle HTTP listener, and displays a screen with information about deployed applications. Figure 1-4 shows part of this page.

Figure 1-4 Deployed Applications

Text description of oem_depl.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration oem_depl.gif Pages for Completing the Deployment

After you click Deploy on the Summary page, you must perform some steps to associate the sdovis.jar file with MapViewer. This section presents these steps.


The sdovis.jar file is the core rendering library for MapViewer. It is not packaged as part of the mapviewer.ear file, because some other Oracle Application Server components require its functions. Therefore, the sdovis.jar file must be accessible even if MapViewer is never deployed (that is, even if the mapviewer.ear file is never unpacked).

  1. In the Deployed Applications section of the page shown in Figure 1-4, click the button (under the Select column) next to mapviewer (under the Name column).

  2. Click Edit.

  3. On the next page, in the Administration section, under Properties, click General.

  4. On the next page, in the Library Paths section, click Add Another Row.

  5. In the box for the added row, type the path for the sdovis.jar file, which is in the $ORACLE_HOME/lbs/lib directory.

    For example: D:\oracle\ora_Bl\lbs\lib\sdovis.jar

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Restart the OC4J instance by clicking Restart on the OC4J instance page.

  8. If the release number of the target Oracle database is 9.0.1 or lower, run SQL scripts to create the MapViewer metadata views and predefined styles (see Section

  9. Verify that the deployment was successful (see Section

1.4.2 Installing MapViewer with a Standalone Installation of OC4J

To install and deploy MapViewer with a standalone installation of OC4J, you must have installed OC4J on your system.

Follow these steps to install and deploy MapViewer with a standalone installation of OC4J:

  1. If you have not already installed Oracle Application Server Wireless, download the mapviewer.ear file to the $ORACLE_HOME/lbs directory. If this directory does not exist, create it.

    You can put the mapviewer.ear file in another directory; however, the instructions in this guide assume that the mapviewer.ear file is in the $ORACLE_HOME/lbs directory.

  2. Edit the OC4J configuration files (see Section

  3. Restart OC4J (see Section

  4. If the release number of the target Oracle database is 9.0.1 or lower, run SQL scripts to create the MapViewer metadata views and predefined styles (see Section

  5. Verify that the deployment was successful (see Section Editing the OC4J Configuration Files to Autostart MapViewer

To start MapViewer automatically each time OC4J is restarted, edit the OC4J configuration files, as follows.

  1. Edit $OC4J_HOME/config/default-web-site.xml (or http-web-site.xml if you downloaded an OC4J kit from the Oracle Technology Network), where $OC4J_HOME should be $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home. Add a <web-app> element inside the <web-site> element. For example:

    <web-app application="mapviewer" name="web" root="/mapviewer"
      load-on-startup="true" /> 

    The following example shows a sample default-web-site.xml file after the modification.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-site PUBLIC "Oracle Application Server XML Web site" 
    <!-- Change the host name below to your own host name. Localhost will -->
    <!-- not work with clustering. -->
    <!-- Also add cluster-island attribute as below.
    <web-site host="localhost" port="8888" display-name="Default Oracle 
    Application Server Java WebSite" cluster-island="1" >
    <web-site port="8888" display-name="Default Oracle Application Server 
    Containers for J2EE Web Site">
      <!-- Uncomment the following line when using clustering -->
      <!-- <frontend host="your_host_name" port="80" /> -->
      <!-- The default web-app for this site, bound to the root -->
      <default-web-app application="default" name="defaultWebApp" />
      <!-- Access Log, where requests are logged to -->
      <access-log path="../log/default-web-access.log" />
      <web-app application="mapviewer" name="web" root="/mapviewer"
       load-on-startup="true" />
  2. Modify $OC4J_HOME/config/server.xml. Add an <application> element inside the <application-server> element. For example:

    <application name="mapviewer" path="$MAPVIEWER_EAR_PATH" auto-start="true"/>

    $MAPVIEWER_EAR_PATH should be the full path of the mapviewer.ear file.

    The following example shows a sample server.xml file after the modification.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE application-server PUBLIC "Orion Application Server Config" 
    <application-server application-directory="../applications"
      <rmi-config path="./rmi.xml" />
      <!-- JMS-server config link, uncomment to activate the JMS service -->
      <jms-config path="./jms.xml" />
        <file path="../log/server.log" />
      <global-application name="default" path="application.xml" />
      <global-web-app-config path="global-web-application.xml" />
      <!-- <web-site path="./secure-web-site.xml" /> -->
      <web-site path="./default-web-site.xml" />
      <application name="mapviewer" path="D:\Oracle\Ora817\lbs\mapviewer.ear" 
       auto-start="true" /> 
    </application-server> Restarting OC4J

If OC4J is already running, you should not need to restart it. Instead, after you save changes made to the OC4J configuration files, OC4J should automatically restart and "hot deploy" MapViewer. In this case, you should see messages such as the following:

Auto-unpacking D:\Oracle\Ora817\lbs\mapviewer.ear... done.
Auto-unpacking D:\Oracle\Ora817\lbs\mapviewer\web.war... done.
Installed mapviewer...
[oracle.spatial.mapserver.core.MapperPool, WARN] destroying all mapper 
[oracle.spatial.mapserver.oms, INFO] *** Oracle Spatial MapViewer is 
successfully started. ***
[oracle.spatial.mapserver.core.MapRecycleThread, Tue Oct 23 15:46:07 EDT 
2001,#Thread-3, INFO] cleansing old maps

If OC4J is not running, start OC4J after saving the changes that you made to the OC4J configuration files. OC4J should start to deploy MapViewer.

While it is deploying MapViewer, OC4J extracts the whole MapViewer directory structure from mapviewer.ear into the $ORACLE_HOME/lbs/mapviewer directory. Running SQL Scripts, If Necessary

If all target databases are running Oracle Database release 9.2 or a later release, skip this step and go to the next section. A target database is a database with Oracle Spatial or Oracle Locator (release 8.1.6 or later) installed and from which you want MapViewer to be able to render maps.

For each target database that is running Oracle Database release 9.0.1 or a previous release, run SQL scripts to create the MapViewer metadata views and predefined styles. While you are connected to the database as the MDSYS user, you must run the first of the following SQL scripts, and it is recommended that you run the second script:


The second script (defaultstyles.sql) inserts some styles and themes and a base map into the MapViewer metadata views. You can use these styles and themes in applications, and you can also use them as models when you create your own MapViewer metadata objects. Verifying That the Deployment Was Successful

To test if the MapViewer servlet has started correctly, point your browser to that OC4J instance. For example, if MapViewer is installed on a system named and the HTTP port is 8888, enter the following URL to invoke the MapViewer servlet without sending it a request:

You should use an XML-enabled Web browser, such as Internet Explorer 5.0 or a later version, to see the XML response.

If the servlet has been started and initialized correctly, it generates a response, which will probably be a message such as the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<oms_error>Message:[oms] empty or null xml map request string. Wed Oct 24 
12:22:03 EDT 2001 Machine Node Name: mapserver Severity: 0 Description: at 
oracle.spatial.mapserver.oms.getXMLDocument( at 
oracle.spatial.mapserver.oms.doPost( at 
oracle.spatial.mapserver.oms.doGet( at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at 
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at 
com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatche at 
com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequest at 
va:576) at at</oms_error>

The preceding display indicates that the servlet has been started and initialized correctly. The apparent errors in the display are normal at this point, because no request was specified in the URL.

If the servlet has not been started and initialized correctly, there will be no response, or the message 500 internal server error will be displayed.

1.5 Configuring MapViewer


Most readers should skip this section, because after the installation MapViewer is configured to run using the default settings. This section is intended for advanced users who need to customize the MapViewer configuration.

If the default configuration settings for running MapViewer are not adequate, you can configure MapViewer by editing the MapViewer configuration file, mapViewerConfig.xml, which is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/lbs/mapviewer/conf directory. After you modify this file, you must restart OC4J to have the changes take effect.

The MapViewer configuration file defines the following information in XML format:

All path names in the mapViewerConfig.xml file are relative to the directory in which the file is stored, unless otherwise specified.

Example 1-1 shows a sample mapViewerConfig.xml file.

Example 1-1 Sample MapViewer Configuration File

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- This is the configuration file for Oracle Application Server MapViewer. -->
<!-- Note: All paths are resolved relative to this directory (where this
           configuration file is located), unless specified as an absolute 
           path name.


  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- ************************ Logging Settings ************************ -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->

  <!-- Uncomment the following to modify logging. Possible values are:
       log_level = "fatal"|"error"|"warn"|"info"|"debug"|"finest"  
                 default: info) ;
       log_thread_name = "true" | "false" ;
       log_time = "true" | "false" ;
       one or more log_output elements.
    <logging log_level="info" log_thread_name="false"
       <log_output name="System.err" />
       <log_output name="../log/mapviewer.log" />

  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- ********************** Map Image Settings ************************ -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->

  <!-- Uncomment the following only if you want generated images to 
       be stored in a different directory, or if you want to customize
       the life cycle of generated image files.

       By default, all maps are generated under 

       Images location related attributes:
       file_prefix: image file prefix, default value is "omsmap"
       url:  the url at which images can be accessed. It must match the 'path'
             attribute below. Its default value is "%HOST_URL%/mapviewer/images"
       path: the corresponding path in the server where the images are
             saved; default value is "%ORACLE_HOME%/lbs/mapviewer/web/images"

       Image life cycle related attributes:
       life: the life period of generated images, specified in minutes. 
             If not specified or if the value is 0, images saved on disk will 
             never be deleted. 
       recycle_interval:  this attribute specifies how often the recycling 
             of generated map images will be performed. The unit is minute.
             The default interval (when not specified or if the value is 0) 
             is 8*60, or 8 hours.
   <save_images_at  file_prefix="omsmap"

  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- ********************* IP Monitoring Settings ********************* -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->

  <!-- Uncomment the following to enable IP filtering for administrative 
    - Use <ips> and <ip_range> to specify which IPs (and ranges) are allowed.
      Wildcard form such as 20.* is also accepted. Use a comma-delimited 
      list in <ips>.

    - Use <ips_exclude> and <ip_range_exclude> for IPs and IP ranges
      prohibited from accessing eLocation.

    - If an IP falls into both "allowed" and "prohibited" categories, it is

    - If you put  "*" in an <ips> element, then all IPs are allowed, except
      those specified in <ips_exclude> and <ip_range_exclude>.
      On the other hand, if you put "*" in an <ips_exclude> element, no one
      will be able to access MapViewer (regardless of whether an IP is in
      <ips> or <ip_range>).

    - You can have multiple <ips>, <ip_range>, <ips_exclude>, and
      <ip_range_exclude> elements under <ip_monitor>.

    - If no <ip_monitor> element is present in the XML configuration
      file, then no IP filtering will be performed (all allowed).

    - The way MapViewer determines if an IP is allowed is:

          if(IP filtering is not enabled) then allow;
          if(IP is in exclude-list) then not allow;
          else if(IP is in allow-list) then allow;
          else not allow;  

          <ips>,, 138.3.*, 20.* </ips>
          <ip_range> - </ip_range>
          <ips_exclude> 138.3.29.* </ips_exclude>
          <ip_range_exclude> -</ip_range_exclude>

  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- ********************** Web Proxy Setting  ************************ -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- Uncomment and modify the following to specify the Web proxy setting.
       This is only needed for passing background image URLs to
       MapViewer in map requests or for setting a logo image URL, if
       such URLs cannot be accessed without the proxy.

    <web_proxy host=""  port="80" />

  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- *********************** Global Map Configuration ***************** -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- Uncomment and modify the following to specify systemwide parameters
       for generated maps. You can specify your copyright note, map title, and
       an image to be used as a custom logo shown on maps. The logo image must 
       be accessible to this MapViewer and in either GIF or JPEG format.
         -  To disable a global note or title, specify an emptry string ("") for
            the text attribute of <note> and <title> elements.
         - position specifies a relative position on the map where the
                  logo, note, or title  will be displayed. Possible values are
                  SOUTH_WEST, NORTH_WEST, and CENTER.
         - image_path specifies a file path or a URL (starts with "http://")
                    for the image.

       <rendering> element attributes:
       - Local geodetic data adjustment: If allow_local_adjustment="true",
         MapViewer automatically performs local data
         "flattening" with geodetic data if the data window is less than
         3 decimal degrees. Specifically, MapViewer performs a simple
         mathematical transformation of the coordinates using a tangential
         plane at the current map request center.
         If allow_local_adjustment="false" (default), no adjustment is
       - Automatically applies a globular map projection (geodetic data only): 
         If use_globular_projection="true", MapViewer will dynamically
         apply a globular projection to geometries being displayed. 
         If use_globular_projection="false" (the default), MapViewer does no map 
         projection to geodetic geometries. This option has no effect on 
         non-geodetic data.

        <note text="Copyright 2003, Oracle Corporation" 
              font="sans serif" 
        <title  text="MapViewer Demo" 
                position="NORTH" />
        <logo image_path="C:\\images\\a.gif"  
              position="SOUTH_WEST" />

        <rendering allow_local_adjustment="false" 
                   use_globular_projection="false" />

  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- ****************** Spatial Data Cache Setting  ******************* -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- Uncomment and modify the following to customize the spatial data cache
       used by MapViewer. The default is 64 MB for in-memory cache and 512 MB
       for disk spooling of spatial data. The disk cache path is determined by
       MapViewer by default.

       To disable the cache, set max_cache_size to 0.

       max_cache_size:  Maximum size of in-memory spatial cache of MapViewer.
                        Size must be specified in megabytes (MB).
       max_disk_cache_size: Maximum size of disk-based cache for MapViewer.
                        Size must be specified in megabytes (MB).
       disk_cache_path: Temporary disk path where the spooled objects will be
                        located. Default is the "../cache" directory.

    <spatial_data_cache   max_cache_size="64"

  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- ******************** Custom Image Renderers ********************** -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- Uncomment and add as many custom image renderers as needed here, 
       each in its own  <custom_image_renderer> element. The "image_format"
       attribute specifies the format of images that are to be custom 
       rendered using the class with full name specified in "impl_class". 
       You are responsible for placing the implementation classes in the
       MapViewer's classpath.
  <custom_image_renderer image_format="ECW" 
                         impl_class="com.my_corp.image.ECWRenderer" />

  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- ******************** Predefined Data Sources  ******************** -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- Uncomment and modify the following to predefine one or more data 
       Note: You must precede the jdbc_password value with a '!' 
             (exclamation point), so that when MapViewer starts the next
             time, it will encrypt and replace the clear text password. 

  <map_data_source name="mvdemo"


1.5.1 Specifying Logging Information

Logging information is specified in the <logging> element.

MapViewer provides a flexible logging mechanism to record runtime information and events. You can configure the volume, format, and destination of the log output.

You can specify the following information as attributes or subelements of the <logging> element:

1.5.2 Specifying Map File Storage and Life Cycle Information

Map image file information is specified in the <save_images_at> element. By default, images are stored in the $ORACLE_HOME/lbs/mapviewer/web/images directory. You do not need to modify the <save_images_at> element unless you want to specify a different directory for storing images.

A mapping client can request that MapViewer send back the URL for an image file instead of the actual map image data, by setting the format attribute of the <map_request> element (described in Section 3.2.2) to GIF_URL or PNG_URL. In this case, MapViewer saves the requested map image as a file on the host system where MapViewer is running and sends a response containing the URL of the image file back to the map client.

You can specify the following map image file information as attributes of the <save_images_at> element:

1.5.3 Restricting Administrative (Non-Map) Requests

In addition to map requests, MapViewer accepts administrative (non-map) requests, such as requests to list all data sources and to add and delete data sources. (Chapter 6 describes the administrative requests.) By default, all MapViewer users are permitted to make administrative requests.

However, if you want to restrict the ability to submit administrative requests, you can edit the MapViewer configuration file to allow administrative requests only from users with specified IP addresses.

To restrict administrative requests to users at specified IP addresses, add the <ip_monitor> element to the MapViewer configuration file (or uncomment and modify an existing element, if one is commented out). Example 1-2 shows a sample <ip_monitor> element excerpt from a configuration file.

Example 1-2 Restricting Administrative Requests

      <ips>,, 138.3.*, 20.* </ips>
      <ip_range> - </ip_range>
      <ips_exclude> 138.3.29.* </ips_exclude>
      <ip_range_exclude> -</ip_range_exclude>

In Example 1-2:

Syntax notes for the <ip_monitor> element:

1.5.4 Specifying a Web Proxy for Background Image URLs

If a map request contains the bgimage (background image) attribute specifying a URL for an image, the image might be behind a firewall that MapViewer cannot directly access. To allow MapViewer to access background images in these cases, use the <web_proxy> element to identify the host name and port number for proxy access. For example:

<web_proxy host="" port="80" />

1.5.5 Specifying Global Map Configuration Options

You can specify the following global "look and feel" options for the display of each map generated by MapViewer:

To specify any of these options, use the <global_map_config> element. For example:

    <note text="Copyright (c) 2003, XYZ Corporation"
              font="sans serif"
    <title  text="Map Courtesy of XYZ Corp."
              position="NORTH" />
    <logo image_path="C:\\images\\a.gif"
              position="SOUTH_WEST" />

    <rendering allow_local_adjustment="false"
               use_globular_projection="false" />

Set the map title through the <title> element of the <global_map_config> element. You can also set the map title in an individual map request by specifying the title attribute with the <map_request> element; and in this case, the title in the map request is used instead of the global title in the MapViewer configuration file. Note the following information about the attributes of the <title> element:

Set the map note through the <note> element of the <global_map_config> element. Note the following information about the attributes of the <note> element:

Set the map logo through the <logo> element of the <global_map_config> element. The map logo image must be in either JPEG or GIF format. The image can be stored in a local file system where the MapViewer instance will have access to it, or it can be obtained from the Web by specifying its URL. To specify a map logo, uncomment the <map_logo> element in the MapViewer configuration file and edit its attributes as needed.

Note the following information about the attributes of the <logo> element:

If the logo image is obtained through a URL that is outside your firewall, you may need to set the Web proxy in order for MapViewer to retrieve the logo image. For information about specifying a Web proxy, see Section 1.5.4.

If you also specify a map legend, be sure that its position is not the same as any position for a map title, note, or logo. (Map legends are explained in Section 2.4.2 and Section 3.2.10. The default position for a map legend is SOUTH_WEST.)

To have MapViewer automatically project geodetic data to a local non-geodetic coordinate system before displaying it if the map data window is less than 3 decimal degrees, specify allow_local_adjustment="true" in the <rendering> element.

To have MapViewer automatically apply a globular map projection (that is, a map projection suitable for viewing the world, and specifically the azimuthal equidistant projection for MapViewer), specify use_globular_projection="true" in the <rendering> element. This option applies to geodetic data only.

1.5.6 Customizing the Spatial Data Cache

You can customize the memory cache and disk cache that MapViewer uses for spatial geometry objects by using the <spatial_data_cache> element. For example:

<spatial_data_cache   max_cache_size="64"

You can specify the following information as attributes of the <spatial_data_cache> element:

The spatial data cache is always enabled by default, even if the element is commented out in the configuration file. To completely disable the caching of spatial data, you need to specify the max_cache_size attribute value as 0 (zero).

1.5.7 Defining Permanent Map Data Sources

Every map request must have a name attribute that specifies a map data source, which is a database user with geospatial data. You can predefine available map data sources by using the <map_data_source> element. For example:

<map_data_source name="mvdemo"

You can specify the following information as attributes of the <map_data_source> element:

1.6 Getting Started Using MapViewer

To get started using MapViewer quickly, you can load a supplied set of demonstration data to which styles have been applied. If you have downloaded the entire MapViewer kit from OTN (, you have a file named, which includes an Oracle 8.1.7 export file mvdemo.dmp. Follow these steps:

  1. Import the mvdemo.dmp file into your Oracle database under the supplied user SCOTT. (Do not import it under any other database user. The demo may fail if you import the file under a different user). Use the following command (and include the directory path in the FILE parameter if mvdemo.dmp is not in the current directory):

    imp SCOTT/TIGER FILE=mvdemo.dmp FULL=Y
  2. Run the SQL script copymeta.sql (included in the file) to set up the mapping metadata for the user SCOTT.

  3. Define a data source for user SCOTT in MapViewer, as explained in Section 1.6.1.

  4. Optionally, use the supplied example JSP file described in Section 1.6.2.

1.6.1 Dynamically Defining MapViewer Data Sources

Before you can use MapViewer to render a map, you must have at least one map data source defined. A data source can be permanently defined in the mapViewerConfig.xml file, or it can be dynamically defined using the MapViewer home page. The rest of this section explains how to define a data source dynamically.

To define a data source dynamically, follow these steps:

  1. After starting MapViewer, go to a MapViewer page for submitting administrative and other requests by visiting a URL that has the following format:


    In the preceding format, hostname:port is the host name string and port number for MapViewer. For example:
  2. Examine the Add a data source form, which contains the following or similar text:

    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
            number_of_mappers="3" />
  3. Edit the name and the JDBC-related information to reflect your environment.

  4. Click Submit.

This page contains forms that you can use for a variety of other tasks, such as:

1.6.2 Example JSP File That Uses MapViewer

The directory $ORACLE_HOME/lbs/mapviewer/web/demo contains a simple JavaServer Pages (JSP) file named mapclient.jsp that demonstrates how to interact with MapViewer. The mapclient.jsp file lets you submit map requests, and it displays the resulting map image. (This file is one of several JSP example files, as explained in Section 1.6.3.)

To run this example file, go to a URL that has the following format:


In the preceding format, hostname:port is the host name string and port number for MapViewer. For example:

To submit a map request using this page, enter the necessary information in the text boxes above the Clear and Submit buttons (Title is optional), and click Submit.

A map is displayed reflecting the information you entered, and the Request/Response/Msg box contains the XML format of the map request and response. You can perform additional operations on the map display by clicking the other buttons on the page, such as Zm In and Zm Out for zoom operations.

Figure 1-5 shows this page displaying the result of a map request.

Figure 1-5 MapViewer Example JSP Display

Text description of mapclien.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration mapclien.gif

1.6.3 Additional JSP Example Files

The MapViewer home page (that is, the URL with the format http://hostname:port/mapviewer) contains a Demos link, which leads to JSP example files that can help you to develop applications that use MapViewer. In addition to a link to the mapclient.jsp file (described in Section 1.6.2), there are links to pages for the following files:

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