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Oracle Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10948-01
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Using CSS Layout Properties

This appendix contains information about using CSS capabilities. Topics include:

E.1 OracleAS Wireless CSS Layout Extensions--New Properties and Values

OracleAS Wireless defines CSS extension properties to layout form controls in visual rendering of an XHTML+XForms document.

To support a grid layout model, OracleAS Wireless extends the valuespace of CSS 'display' with the following additional values; these values are in addition to those values defined by the CSS Specification.

'display' : grid | grid-cell

In addition, OracleAS Wireless defines the following additional CSS properties:

E.2 Grid Layout Model

Grid control is a generated box that contains grids of cells laid out in a number of rows. Elements with the CSS property 'display: grid' generates a grid control. Each cell in a grid control is called a 'grid-cell'. The number of grid-cells in a row is determined by the CSS property '_orcl-grid-cells'. Each child element of a grid control will lay out its contents in a grid-cell when their CSS 'display' property is set to 'grid-cell' (style="display: grid-cell"). The document order determines the exact grid-cell a particular element occupies. Elements may span more than one grid-cell based on the CSS property

Example of a Grid layout:

   <xforms:group style="display: grid; _orcl-grid-cells: 2">
     <p style="display: grid-cell">
         Content of 'grid-cell' 1
     <p style="display: grid-cell">
         Content of 'grid-cell' 2
     <p style="display: grid-cell">
         Content of 'grid-cell' 3

E.2.1 Grid Cell Layout and Cell Spans

An element with 'display: grid-cell' in the grid can span multiple cells and the number of cell spans is controlled by the property '_orcl-grid-cellspan'.

Example of a Grid layout and cell span:

   <xforms:group style="display: grid; _orcl-grid-cells: 2">
     <p style="display: grid-cell">
         Content of 'grid-cell' 1
     <p style="display: grid-cell">
         Content of 'grid-cell' 12
     <p style="display: grid-cell;_orcl-grid-cellspan: all">
         Content of 'grid-cell' 3

Figure E-1 Result of Grid Layout and Cell Span

Text description of xforms11.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration xforms11.gif

E.2.2 Grid Cell and Grid Cell Label

Child elements of a grid control can have a CSS display value of 'grid-cell' or can be another grid layout control. A grid-cell can optionally have elements identified by the CSS property 'display: grid-cell'. Elements with 'display: grid-cell' will occupy a separate grid cell in the grid structure. An example of this is the <xforms:input> UI control which has <xforms:label> that will occupy a separate grid-cell (distinct from the cell occupied from the UI control itself).

Example of 'grid-cell' and 'grid-cell-label':

   <xforms:group style="display: grid; _orcl-grid-cells: 2">
     <xforms:input style="display: grid-cell">
        <xforms:label style="display: grid-cell">
           Field 1
     <xforms:input style="display: grid-cell">
        <xforms:label style="display: grid-cell">
           Field 2

Figure E-2 Result of 'grid-cell' and 'grid-cell-label'

Text description of xforms12.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration xforms12.gif

It is not necessary for a <label> to be placed in a cell different from the UI Control itself. For the label to be placed in the same cell as the UI control the CSS 'display' property can be set to 'inline' ('display: inline').

Example of an Inline Label:

   <xforms:group style="display: grid; _orcl-grid-cells: 2">
     <xforms:input style="display: grid-cell">
        <xforms:label style="display: inline">
           Field 1
     <xforms:input style="display: grid-cell">
        <xforms:label style="display: inline">
           Field 2

Figure E-3 Result of an Inline Label

Text description of xforms13.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration xforms13.gif

E.2.3 In-lining Content within a Grid Cell

All child elements of a grid control do not place their content in a separate grid-cell. Child elements with 'display' property set to inline will lay out its contents in the cell created by a preceding element.

Example of 'display: inline' in Grid Layout:

   <xforms:group style="display: grid; _orcl-grid-cells: 2">
     <xforms:input style="display: grid-cell">
        <xforms:label style="display: grid-cell-label">
           Field 1
     <xforms:input style="display: grid-cell">
        <xforms:label style="display: grid-cell-label">
           Field 2
     <p style="display: inline">
        Some text

Figure E-4 Result of 'display: inline' in Grid Layout

Text description of xforms14.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration xforms14.gif

E.2.4 Label Side of a Grid Cell Label

OracleAS Wireless defines a new CSS property '_orcl-label-side'. _orcl-label-side controls the placement of the label relative to the grid cell contents. The possible values for _orcl-label-side are left | right | top | bottom

Example of Label Side on Grid Cell:

   <xforms:group style="display: grid; _orcl-grid-cells: 2">
     <xforms:input style="display: grid-cell">
            style="display: grid-cell; _orcl-label-side: top">
           Field 1
     <xforms:input style="display: grid-cell; ">
           style="display: grid-cell; _orcl-label-side: left">
           Field 2

Figure E-5 Result of Label Side on Grid Cell

Text description of xforms15.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration xforms15.gif

E.3 Default Styles for XForms Group

OracleAS Wireless defines a default style sheet for the XForms Group element based on the Grid Layout model. The default stylesheet renders XForms Group as Grid Layout (display: grid) with the group's label on top (_orcl-label-side: top). Also the number of cells for a XForms group is 2 by default (_orcl-grid-cells: 2). Also by default, all the Form Controls and its label within the group occupy one grid cell each, with the label of the form control on the left.

Example Using the Default CSS Stylesheet:

     <xforms:label>Grid label</xforms:label>
           Field 1
     <div> some text that spans 
          <p> entire line </p>
           Field 2

Figure E-6 Result of Using the Default CSS Stylesheet

Text description of xforms16.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration xforms16.gif

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