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Oracle Application Server Wireless Developer's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10948-01
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y 


accidents, 14-24
Advanced Customization, 16-1
location-based, 14-126
debugging, 5-39
deleting, 5-39
editing, 5-38
Quick Publishing, 5-40
Building and Testing, 2-3
Delivering, 2-4
Deploying, 2-4
moving, 5-40
automatic positioning, 14-113
enabling and disabling, 14-122
using GPS with, 14-114
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), 1-1


basic formatting, 8-87
tables, 8-87
Billing, 16-1
concepts, 16-2
integration scenario, 16-13
Billing Collector, 16-6
extending, 16-9
Billing Driver, 16-12
Billing Integration Framework
using, 16-3
BillingLoader, utility, 16-6
deleting, 7-12
editing, 7-11
managing, 7-10
Bookmarks,creating, 7-10
Building and Testing Your Applications, 2-3
business directory services
API, 14-23
overview, 14-21
XML configuration files, 14-22


location, 14-116, 14-122
log, 14-122
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 8-6
City interface, 14-28
CityInfo interface, 14-28
mobile, 14-120
operations supported on, 14-122
types of, 14-121
visibility, 14-121
configuration file
site_cgf_bootstrap.xml, 14-11
construction activity, 14-24
Contact Rules
managing, 7-35
contact rules
selecting from a voice application, 7-44
selecting from an Async service, 7-42
selecting from devices, 7-40
selecting from Web applications, 7-40
coordinate system for region data, 14-139
Creating a Folder using Service Manager, 5-6
Creating a Multi-Channel Application using Service Manager, 5-8
Creating an Application, 5-7
Creating an Application using Service Manager, 5-7
Grid Layout model, E-2
layout properties, E-1
CSS Media Queries, 8-47
custom regions (user-defined), 14-133
Customization Portal, 7-1
rebranding, 7-44
customization profiles, multiple, 15-4


Data Feeders
creating, 5-55
editing, 5-65
Managing, 5-54
data feeders, 11-21
creating, 5-55
editing, 5-65
entering basic information for, 5-56
entering output parameters, 5-64
samples, 11-23
setting the init parameters, 5-58
Debugging an Application, 5-39
DeckExample.xml, 8-84
Deleting an Application, 5-39
Developing Services, 5-1
device management, 15-24
deviceclass attribute, 8-85
browsing, 7-19
managing, 7-18
device-specific markup language, 8-83
Digital Rights Management (DRM), 12-25
built-in policies, 12-25
privacy, 14-122
formatting, 8-86
displaying and formatting contents of XML, 8-81
DOCTYPE declaration, 8-83
driving directions, 14-18
maneuvers, 14-18, 14-19


Editing an Application, 5-38
example files
location services, 14-3
external providers for location services, 14-7


moving, 5-40
creating with Service Designer, 5-6
formatting display, 8-86
formatting, basic, 8-87
FormattingExample.xml, 8-86


Geocoder interface, 14-16
API, 14-15
overview, 14-14
getPositioner method, 14-118
global positioning system (GPS)
providing location using, 14-114
providing location using, 14-114


HDML devices, 8-85
Hello World Application, 4-2
building, using Mobile Studio, 6-3
creating, using XHTML MP, 8-79
deploying, 8-15
displaying and formatting content, 8-82
generating a J2ME stub class for, 12-9
register and test with TestStubMidlet, 12-13
registering with the J2ME Proxy Server, 12-7
removing a registered service, 12-11
sample MIDlets, 12-10
writing, using XHTML and XForms, 8-19
HelloWorld.xml, 8-82
HTTP Adapter
setting input parameters, 5-33


idseq sequence, 14-139
image adaptation, 9-7
incident (traffic), 14-24


J2ME (Java 2, Micro Edition)
and the Wireless Development Kit (WDK), 12-5
development and provisioning, 12-1
features, 12-2
overview, 12-1
J2ME Application
creating, 5-21
J2ME application
downloading, 12-41
publishing, 12-40
uploading, 12-37
J2ME Applications
creating, 4-3
J2ME Provisioning Server, 12-33
J2ME Web Services
managing, 5-71
registering, 5-71
Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME), 1-3
Java Beans, 6-21
JavaServer Pages (JSP) tags for location-based applications, 14-31
JDeveloper Wireless Extension (JWE), 2-3, 4-1
Developing Multi-Channel Applications, 4-2
JSP Page
loginPortlet.jsp, 6-13
JSP page
home.jsp, 6-18
login.jsp, 6-9
pageFooter.jsp, 6-14
pageHeader.jsp, 6-13
pageMenu.jsp, 6-15
pagePortlets.jsp, 6-15
profile.jsp, 6-16
registraton.jsp, 6-10
testAppInfoBox.jsp, 6-21
JSP tags, G-1
JWE Options, 4-2


languages (support for multiple), 14-20
location cache, 14-116, 14-122
Location class, 14-15
location event server, 14-126
location mark, 14-16, 14-112
Location Marks, 15-23
managing, 7-27
location privacy, 14-113
location services, 14-7
providers, 14-7
location-based alerts, 14-126
identifying service as, 14-134
LocationMark class, 14-16
LOCATIONMARK table, 14-17
cache, 14-122
longitude/latitude region data, 14-139


service, 15-25
user and group, 15-25
user device, 15-24
Managing Applications using Service Manager, 5-4
maneuver, 14-18, 14-19
Maneuver class, 14-20, 14-21
manual positioning, 14-112
enabling, 14-112
Master Alert
creating, 5-49
master alert service, 11-8
Master Alerts
editing, 5-54
managing, 5-48
master alerts
creating, 5-49
creating a message template for, 5-43, 5-50
editing, 5-47, 5-54
entering basic information, 5-49
setting trigger conditions, 5-43, 5-50
Master Notification
creating, 5-41
master notification service
creating, 11-11
mapping to a master service, 11-13
master services
assigning Async Agents to, 5-35
debugging, 5-39
deleting, 5-39
editing, 5-38
entering basic information, 5-27
entering caching information, 5-29
entering init parameters, 5-30
entering input parameters, 5-31
entering output parameters, 5-34
moving, 5-40
searching, 5-5
selecting a result transformer, 5-36
Advanced Configuration, 3-8
Common Mistakes Encountered, 3-27
Device Description, 3-9
Device Detection, 3-10
Key Features, 3-4
Location Services, 3-10
Log File, 3-7
Multimedia Adaptation, 3-10
National Language Support (NLS, 3-7
Sending Parameters to a Back-end Application, 3-6
URL Rewriting and Caching, 3-7
MCSLite deployment
local, 3-3
remote, 3-3
messenger, 8-85
microbrowser, 8-85
micromessenger, 8-85
Microsoft Exchange notification integration, 11-32
Mobile Browser & Voice Applications
Overview, 8-1
Mobile Center on OTN, 2-2
mobile community, 14-120
operations supported on, 14-122
types of, 14-121
visibility, 14-121
mobile positioning
API, 14-123
framework, 14-113
privacy directives relating to, 14-122
using GPS with, 14-114
Mobile Studio, 6-1
branding, 6-6
building applications with, 6-3
Creating Sample Services, 6-6
customizing, 6-5
deploying applications, 6-5
Getting Started, 6-2
JSP pages used in, 6-8
key features, 6-2
Login and Registration, 6-3
on Oracle Technology Network, 6-2
Overview, 6-1
supporting multiple locales, 6-7
testing applications, 6-4
MPManager class, 14-118
Multi-Channel Application
creating, 5-27
Multi-Channel Server, 9-1
features, 9-4
Multimedia Adaptation Services, 9-6
MXML Media Attribute, 8-49
MXML Media Attribute syntax, B-1


New Features
J2ME Support, 1-3
Location Services, 1-6
Multi-Channel Server, 1-3
Notifications and Multi-media Messaging, 1-4
Web Clipping, 1-5
Wireless Development Kit (WDK), 1-5
notification engine, 11-1
architecture, 11-3
backward compatibility, 11-7
integrated solutions, 11-28
triggering, 11-2
Notification Subscriptions
adding new, 7-16
deleting, 7-18
editing, 7-18
managing, 7-14
editing, 5-47
managing, 5-40
administering, 11-19
creating, 11-7
migrating, 11-19
subscribing to, 11-15


Oracle JDeveloper, 1-2, 3-2
Oracle Workflow, 11-30
Oracle XML Grammar Subset, F-1
OracleAS Mobile Studio, 2-4
OracleAS Wireless
Billing Integration Framework, 16-1
CSS Media Query, B-1
CSS support, D-1
Deployed in a Network, 1-7
Developing Services, 5-1
Development Path, 2-1
Introducing Developer Tools, 2-2
notification system, 11-1
supported media features, B-2
supported media types, B-2
OracleAS Wireless Client, 8-72
installing, 8-74
using, 8-73
OracleAS Wireless Developer Kit, 3-1
Installation and Configuration, 3-2
J2ME, 3-1
Location Services, 3-1
Messaging, 3-1
Multi-Channel Server, 3-2
Multi-Channel Server Lite (MCSLite), 3-3
Overview, 3-1
Structure, 3-2
Wireless Client, 3-1
OracleAS Wireless J2ME Provisioning Server, 12-33
OracleAS Wireless Mobile Studio, 6-1
OracleAS Wireless XML, 8-80
overview map, 14-19


PAsection parameter, 5-31
pcbrowser, 8-85
pdabrowser, 8-85
Point class, 14-15
automatic, 14-113
manual, 14-112
privacy directives relating to, 14-122
providers, 14-117
quality of service, 14-116
using GPS with, 14-114
positioning rights, 14-120
Preset Definitions
creating, 5-68
editing, 5-70
managing, 5-67
preset definitions
creating, 5-68
editing, 5-68, 5-70
Presets, 15-8
concepts and architecture, 15-9
samples, 15-10
API, 14-123
directives, 14-122
location, 14-113
configuring, 14-11
location services, 14-7
positioning, 14-117
selection of, 14-8
selector hook, 14-118
Push Service, 10-1


QoS (quality of service), 14-116
quality of service, 14-116


REFCNT column in region tables, 14-139
reference count (REFCNT), 14-139
region, 14-132
adding new region, 14-139
API for modeling, 14-140
associating with a service, 14-134
custom, 14-133
reference count (REFCNT), 14-139
system-defined, 14-133
using sequence to generate ID, 14-139
repeating structures, 8-54
positioning, 14-120
Ringtone Adaptation, 9-11
RouteInfo interface, 14-28
Router interface, 14-20
languages (support for), 14-20
maneuver, 14-18, 14-19
overview, 14-18
overview map, 14-19
results, 14-19
settings, 14-18
RoutingSettings class, 14-20


Sample Media Queries, B-7
Searching for a Master Application using Service Manager, 5-5
selection of service providers, 14-8
selector hook, 14-118
Service Detail Record, 16-6
service management, 15-25
Service Manager
Creating a Folder, 5-6
Creating an Application, 5-7
Logging in, 5-3
Managing Applications, 5-4
Overview, 5-1
Searching for a Master Application, 5-5
service proxy
integrating external content provider, 14-141
Short Names
creating, 7-13
deleting, 7-14
editing, 7-14
managing, 7-12
SimpleAudio, 8-85
SimpleBreak, 8-86
SimpleCol, 8-87
SimpleContainer, 8-84
SimpleEm, 8-86
SimpleHref, 8-85
SimpleResult, 8-84
SimpleRow, 8-87
SimpleStrong, 8-86
SimpleTable, 8-87
SimpleTableBody, 8-87
SimpleTableHeader, 8-87
SimpleText, 8-85
SimpleTextItem, 8-85
site_cgf_bootstrap.xml, 14-11
spatial mark, 14-16
SpatialManager class, 14-7
SRID (coordinate system) for region data, 14-139
Stub Classes
generating, 5-73
XSL, 8-81
styling and embedding content, 8-47
system-defined regions, 14-133


TableExample.xml, 8-87
incident, 14-24
overview, 14-24
request XML DTD, 14-26
TrafficCityManager interface, 14-29
TrafficIncident interface, 14-28
TrafficReport interface, 14-28
TrafficReporter interface, 14-28
TrafficRoute interface, 14-28
triggering conditions, 11-10


user and group management, 15-25
User Customization, 15-1


mobile community, 14-121
voice, 8-85


Log File, 3-21
Log Sample, 3-22
Web Clipping, 13-1
customizing the service, 13-32
Web Clipping Application
creating, 5-37
Web Clipping Service
creating, 13-7
Web Integration
migrating from, 13-28
Web Scraping, 13-1
Web services
for location-based applications, 14-109
WGS-84 coordinate system for region data, 14-139
Wireless components
Development Tools, 1-2
Device Portal, 1-2
Foundation Services, 1-2
Mobile Applications, 1-2
Multi-Channel Server, 1-2
Wireless Customization
accessing as a new user, 7-3
accessing as a registered user, 7-4
customizing applications, 7-5
logging into, 7-2
managing folders, 7-7
managing user profiles, 7-4
overview, 7-1
Wireless Developer's Kit (WDK), 2-3
Wireless Development Kit (WDK), 1-2
Wireless-Enabled J2EE Application
creating, 4-3
WML Translator, 13-39
deploying and configuring, 13-43
using, 13-45
WSDL files for location services, 14-109


XForms, 8-8
Actions, C-16
DataTypes, C-5
document structure, C-1
Model Item Properties And Schema Constraints, C-7
Processing Model, C-3
specification support, C-1
UI Controls, C-11
XPath Expression, C-8
XHMTL Mobile Profile (XHTML MP), 8-76
Basic Tables module, A-9
embedding audio, A-7
embedding images, A-6
embedding voice and DTMF grammar, A-8
HyperText module, A-2
Link module, A-10
List module, A-4
Meta Information module, A-10
modules supported, A-1
Object module, A-5
Presentation module, A-5
Speech Recognition Grammar module, A-11
structure model, A-2
Style Attribute module, A-10
Style Sheet module, A-10
text module, A-2
using, A-9
Wireless MXML Media Attribute module, A-11
XHTML+XForms, 8-4
advanced sample, 8-50
advanced voice sample, 8-63
and visual applications, 8-26
and voice applications, 8-34
XHTML, technology background, 8-5
schema, 8-81
XML configuration file
site_cgf_bootstrap.xml, 14-11
XML Events Support, 8-26
XML files
business directory category hierarchy, 14-22
examples, 14-3
traffic request DTD, 14-26
XML Namespaces, overview, 8-8
XPath, 8-16
XPath, overview, 8-9
XSL stylesheet, 8-81


Yellow Pages services, 14-21
YPBusiness class, 14-24
YPCategory class, 14-24
YPFinder interface, 14-23

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