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Release 2 Patch Set 1 ( for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit), Linux x86, and Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit)

Part Number B13767-02
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4 Additional/Optional Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Scenarios

This chapter includes the following topics on upgrading to the latest version of the Oracle database:


4.1 Upgrading the Infrastructure to Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4)

This section contains the necessary procedures to upgrade the Oracle Collaboration Suite infrastructure Oracle9i Application Server to Oracle Application Server 10g.

This section includes the following topics:

4.1.1 Oracle Internet Directory-Specific Preupgrade Tasks

  1. Verify that the orcladmin user exists in the default identity management realm, as follows:

    1. Get the default subscriber DN, as follows (the following command is one continuous line):

      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapsearch -h OID_host -p non-SSL_port -D OID_
      superuser -w OID_superuser_password -b 
      "cn=common,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext" -s base "objectclass=*" 
    2. Get the user nickname and user search base attribute, as follows (the following command is one continuous line):

      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapsearch -h OID_host -p non-SSL_port -D OID_
      superuser -w OID_superuser_password -b 
      "cn=common,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext,default_subscriber_DN" -s 
      base "objectclass=*" orclcommonnicknameattribute  
    3. Search for the orcladmin user, as follows (the following command is one continuous line):

      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapsearch -h OID_host -p non-SSL_port -D OID_
      superuser -w OID_superuser_password -b "user_search_base_DN" -s sub 

    If the last LDAP search does not return anything, create the orcladmin user in Oracle Internet Directory, as follows:

    1. Create an ldif file called orcl.ldif that includes the following content:

      dn: cn=orcladmin, User_Search_Base
      changetype: add
      uid: orcladmin
      mail: orcladmin
      givenName: orcladmin
      cn: orcladmin
      sn: orclAdmin
      description: Seed administrative user for subscriber.
      objectClass: top
      objectClass: person
      objectClass: organizationalPerson
      objectClass: inetorgperson
      objectClass: orcluser
      objectClass: orcluserV2
    2. Execute the following command (the following command is one continuous line):

      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapadd -h OID_host -p non-SSL_port -D OID_
      superuser -w OID_superuser_password -v -f orcl.ldif
  2. Verify that the Oracle Internet Directory superuser password conforms to the same restrictions as defined for the Oracle Application Server 10g ias_admin user.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server 10g Installation Guide for more details

    If the password does not conform to the above restrictions, reset the password so that it conforms to the restrictions, as follows:

    1. Create an ldif file called supwd.ldif that includes the following content:

      changetype: modify
      replace: orclsupassword
      orclsupassword: new_password
    2. Execute the following command (the following command is one continuous line):

      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h OID_host -p non-SSL_port -D OID_
      superuser_DN -w OID_superuser_password -v -f supwd.ldif
  3. Apply Note 263073.1 available on OracleMetaLink at

4.1.2 Back Up Oracle Internet Directory

Back up the Oracle Internet Directory database and software as instructed in Chapter 11, "Backup and Restoration of a Directory" of the Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide.

4.1.3 Upgrading the Metadata Repository

Perform the steps listed in Section 4.2, "Preparing to upgrade Metadata Repository" in Oracle Application Server 10g Upgrading to 10g (9.0.4).

These steps include:

  • Applying the database patch


    Do not change the wksys password during the patch installation.

  • Installing the DBMS_IAS_UPGRADE package

  • Upgrading the metadata repository container


    While performing the metadata repository container upgrade, you may get a "New Schema Creation failed" error because some of the new tablespaces and schemas being created by the script in the metadata repository may already exist. If you get this error, check if the following entries exist in Oracle Internet Directory:

    If these entries exist in Oracle Internet Directory, the metadata repository container upgrade is complete, despite the preceding error.

  • Ensuring that there are no invalid objects in the database

4.1.4 Upgrading Oracle Identity Management

Refer to "Upgrading Identity Management Services" in Oracle Application Server 10g Upgrading to 10g (9.0.4) to upgrade Oracle Identity Management.


If you upgrade to Oracle Identity Management (9.0.4), you lose the ability to select languages on the Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On login page. (3536982)

4.2 Using Oracle Database 10g with Oracle Collaboration Suite

This section discusses upgrading your information storage database to Oracle Database 10g and post-upgrade issues pertaining to Oracle Files, for new and existing installations of Oracle Collaboration Suite.

This section includes the following topics:

4.2.1 Upgrading the Information Storage Database to Oracle Database 10g

If you are not using Oracle Email, upgrade the information storage database, as follows:

  1. Install the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 Patch Set 1 (, as described in Chapter 2, "Installing the Patch Set".

  2. Upgrade the information storage database to Oracle Database 10g.

4.2.2 Oracle Database 10g Post-Upgrade Tasks for Oracle Files

After you upgrade your database to Oracle Database 10g and completed the steps listed in Section 3.4, "Oracle Files Postinstallation Tasks", you must perform the following tasks.


Steps 1 and 2 in the following procedure require a tnsnames entry in tnsnames.ora.

  1. From the Oracle Files middle tier computer, connect to Oracle Database 10g as the user who owns the Oracle Files schema (for example, IFSSYS) and execute the following commands:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/admin/sql
    sqlplus files_schema/schema_password@tnsnames_entry
    @Upgrade9iTo10g_part1.sql files_schema
  2. Connect to Oracle Database 10g as the SYS user and execute the following commands:

    sqlplus 'sys/sys_password@tnsnames_entry as sysdba'
    @Upgrade9iTo10g_part2.sql files_schema
  3. Set the following environment variables on the database computer, ensuring they will be set whenever the database is restarted:

    • For Solaris platforms, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the following:


      For Linux and hp-ux PA-RISC platforms, include

    • Set the PATH to include the following:

    • Set the SHLIB_PATH to the following for the hp-ux PA-RISC platform:

  4. On the database computer, restart the database and the database listener.

  5. Perform the Oracle Files postinstallation tasks.

    See Also:

    Section 3.4, "Oracle Files Postinstallation Tasks" for more information.

4.2.3 Using Oracle Database 10g with New Oracle Collaboration Suite Installations

Follow these steps if you have a new Oracle Collaboration Suite installation and you want to use Oracle Database 10g for your information storage database:

  1. Install Oracle Database 10g from the Oracle Database 10g CD pack.

  2. Set the following environment variables on the computer on which the Oracle Database 10g server is installed:

    • Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the following:

    • Set the PATH to include the following:

    • Set the SHLIB_PATH to the following for the hp-ux PA-RISC platform

  3. Ensure that the following database parameters are set on the computer on which the Oracle Database 10g server is installed:

    Table 4-1 Required Database Parameters

    Parameter Name Minimum Value
    aq_tm_processes 1
    java_pool_size 30 MB
    job_queue_processes 4
    open_cursors 300
    processes 100
    session_max_open_files 50
    shared_pool_size 50 MB (52428800 bytes)

    The values listed in Table 4-1 are minimum values for these parameters. You may want to increase these values as appropriate for your deployment.

  4. On the computer on which the Oracle Database 10g server is installed, restart the database and the database listener.

  5. Install the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release middle tier.

  6. Do not select the Oracle Files components for configuration during installation of the middle tier.

    If the Oracle Files configuration assistant appears, click Cancel.

  7. Apply Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 Patch Set 1 (

  8. Configure Oracle Files by executing ifsca from the following location:


    For configuration instructions, see the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide Release 2 (

4.3 Using OracleAS 10g Identity Management and Oracle Database 10g with Collaboration Suite

This section contains procedures for setting up Oracle Collaboration Suite with OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Identity Management and Oracle Database 10g (

This section includes the following topics:

4.3.1 Installing OracleAS 10g Infrastructure

Install OracleAS 10g Infrastructure (including Identity Management and OracleAS metadata repository). For detailed instructions on installing OracleAS 10g Infrastructure, see section 6.17, "Installing OracleAS Infrastructure 10g," in the Oracle Application Server 10g Installation Guide.

4.3.2 Configuring Oracle Identity Management 10g

This section describes how to configure Oracle Identity Management 10g components to work with middle tiers.

  1. Ensure that the following requirements are met.

    • The ORACLE_HOME environment variable points to the OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) infrastructure home directory used by OracleAS Single Sign-On

    • The Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Oracle Internet Directory server is running

    • The Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) infrastructure database and listener are running

  2. Run the scripton the machine where the OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Single Sign-On is installed. Use the following command: -10g -h ldaphost -p ldapPort -D ldapDN -w ldapPwd -oh oracleHome

    Provide the following values:

    Table 4-2 Required script values

    Value Description Example
    ldaphost Name of the computer running the OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Oracle Internet Directory
    ldapPort Port number on which the OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Oracle Internet Directory is listening. Port number: 389
    ldapDN DN of the Oracle Internet Directory user cn=orcladmin
    ldapPwd Password for the Oracle Internet Directory user
    oracleHome Oracle home directory for the 10g (9.0.4) infrastructure database used by OracleAS Single Sign-On

Optional Parameter

Specify the -ssl parameter if ldapPort is an SSL port.

Example command:

[oracle@collabtng10]$ -10g -h -p 3060 -D "con=orcladmin" -w welcome1 -oh /u01/app/oracle/product/infra


CLASSPATH=/u01/app/oracle/product/infra/jlib/jssl-1_1.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/infra/jlib/javax-ssl-1_1.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/infra/jdbc/lib/classes12.jar:./imcomp.jar:./../../repCA/jlib/ldapjclnt9.jarCheck /u01/app/oracle/product/infra/sso/log/IMComp.log for results-> LOADING:  /u01/app/oracle/product/infra/sso/log/changeiASAdmins.ldif-> LOADING:  /u01/app/oracle/product/infra/sso/log/changeAccess.ldifThe Oracle Identity Management version 10g has beenupdated successfully. Version 9.0.2 middle tier installationscan now be associated with this Infrastructure.

4.3.3 Installing the Metadata Repository

This section contains procedures for installing the metadata repository portion of the Oracle 9i Application Server ( Infrastructure. During this procedure you point the metadata repository to Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Identity Management for the Oracle Application Server 10g Single Sign-On and Oracle Internet Directory components.


If the Oracle Application Server 10g and Oracle 9i Application Server ( metadata repositories are on the same computer, the Oracle Enterprise Managers have to be configured to listen on different ports.In Oracle Collaboration Suite, the installer assigns port 1810 to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Site, regardless of whether or not the port is already in use. You can change the port used by the Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Oracle Enterprise Manager to a different port. You can then run both Oracle Enterprise Managers at the same time. To change the port on the Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Oracle Enterprise Manager, perform these steps:
  1. In the OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) home, edit the ORACLE_HOME/sysman/j2ee/config/emd-web-site.xml file and change the port value from 1810 to an unused port. The following example sets the port to 1814:

    web-site host="[ALL]" port="1814" display-name="Oracle Enterprise Manager iAS Console Website" secure="false"

    If the Oracle Collaboration Suite instance is using 1810, it is also likely that the instance is using port 1811 for RMI operations. With the 9.0.2 Oracle Enterprise Manager running, check which port in the 1810-1829 range is unused, and use this value. You can run the netstat command to determine which ports are in use. The following example checks if port 1814 is in use.

    netstat -n | grep 1814
  2. In the OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) home, enter the same port number in the ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml file. The port number is specified in the StandaloneConsoleURL property of the oracle_ias target:

    <Target TYPE="oracle_ias" NAME="" VERSION="1.0">... lines not shown ...<Property NAME="StandaloneConsoleURL"VALUE=""/>

Once you have updated these two files, you can run both Oracle Enterprise Manager (9.0.2) and Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g (9.0.4) at the same time.

To start the Oracle 9i Application Server ( metadata repository installation, first follow the instructions in Chapter 5, "Getting Started with Installation" in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide Release 2 ( Then, instead of continuing on to Chapter 6, "Installing Oracle9iAS Infrastructure," use the following steps 1 through 13.

  1. The Confirm Pre-Installation Requirements screen appears after you click Next on the Language Selection screen.

  2. Click Next to display the Select Configuration Options screen. Do not accept the default selection but select specify your choice and deselect the Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle iAS Single Sign-On components.

  3. Click Next to configure the OracleAS 10g Single Sign-On with the Oracle9iAS ( metadata repository. Enter the OracleAS 10g Single Sign-On host and port of the OracleAS 10g installation in step 1.

  4. Click Next and specify the OracleAS 10g Oracle Internet Directory administrator username and password.

  5. Click Next to display the create instance name and ias_admin password screen. Choose an Instance Name and choose and confirm the ias_admin Password.

  6. Click Next to display the Guest Account Password screen.


    The Oracle Universal Installer creates the orclguest account during running the Oracle directory configuration assistant. Because the Oracle Internet Directory is in the OracleAS 10g infrastructure environment, the OUI will not create the orclguest account because it does not run the Oracle Internet Directory configuration assistant. If you want the orclguest account to be configured you have to create an orclguest user via the OIDDAS application of the OracleAS 10g Infrastructure. If you do not create this account the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier installer will give a warning for some configuration assistants that this account does not exist. You can ignore those errors if you do not need this account.

  7. Click Next. If you are a member of the DBA group, the Summary screen displays. Proceed to Step 9. If you are not a member of the DBA group, the Privileged Operating System Groups screen displays.

  8. Enter Database Administrator (OSDBA) Group and Database Operator (OSOPER) Group names.

  9. Click Next to display the Summary screen.

  10. Review the information and click Install. The location of the log files for the installation displays. After you click Install, files are copied and linked. This process can run for more than an hour.

  11. As prompted, run You must do this as root from another terminal window. When completes, return to the Oracle Universal Installer and click OK to display the configuration assistant screen. Review the status of the Oracle Application Server infrastructure configuration tools.

    The Oracle Universal Installer executes a configuration assistant for each component selected previously in the Select Configuration Options screen.


    If you install the OracleAS 10g Infrastructure and the Oracle 9i Application Server ( metadata repository on the same computer, it is possible that the network listener for the Oracle Application Server 10g metadata repository is already listening on ipc protocol with key=EXTPROC and tcp protocol on port 1521. In this case, the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant will hang and you can find the following errors in the listener.log file in the iAS_9.0.2.3_Metadata_Repository_home/network/log directory:
    TNS-12542: TNS:address already in use
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00512: Address already in use
    Linux Error: 98: Address already in use

    In this case:

    1. Click Stop to stop the network configuration assistant.

    2. Go to an OS shell and stop the listener from the OracleAS 10g environment using $ lsnrctl stop

    3. Go back to the Oracle Universal Installer window and click Retry.

    The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant will now run successfully.

    The Oracle Application Server 10g metadata repository database will register itself in some seconds with the Oracle 9i Application Server ( listener so the subsequent configuration assistants can reach it on port 1521.

    When the Oracle 9i Application Server ( metadata repository installation is finished, you can stop its network listener and copy the SID-specific information from its listener.ora file to the Oracle Application Server 10g listener.ora file, for example:

    (SID_DESC =
       (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/ocsinfra)
       (SID_NAME = iasdb1)

    Then start the listener from the Oracle Application Server 10g Oracle home.

  12. The End Of Installation screen displays the port numbers for installation and confirms success.

  13. Check the installation log files for any installation errors. The installation log files are located in the oraInventory directory. The default installation log file directory is orInventory_directory/logs. Each installation log takes the form InstallActionsYYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SSAM.log.

4.3.4 Installing Oracle Database 10g

This section contains procedures for installing Oracle Database 10g and explains how to set the required database parameters.

  1. Follow the instructions in Oracle Database 10g Installation Guide to install Oracle 10g Database.

  2. Ensure that the following database parameters are set for the Oracle Database 10g.

    The values listed in Table 4-3 are minimum values for these parameters. You may want to increase these values as appropriate for your deployment.

    Table 4-3 Oracle Database 10g Database Parameters

    Parameter Name Minimum Value
    aq_tm_processes 1
    java_pool_size 30 MB
    job_queue_processes 4
    open_cursors 300
    processes 100
    session_max_open_files 50
    shared_pool_size 50 MB (52428800 bytes)

  3. Repeat steps 3 and 4 in Section 4.2.2, "Oracle Database 10g Post-Upgrade Tasks for Oracle Files".

  4. Register the Oracle Database 10g with Oracle Internet Directory, as follows:

    Run the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant:

    1. Start the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant:

    2. In the Welcome window, select Directory Usage Configuration and click Next.

    3. Select the directory server you want to use. The directory server must already be configured for Oracle usage.

    4. Click Next.

    5. Select Oracle Internet Directory as the directory server type you want to use and click Next.

    6. Enter the Oracle Internet Directory host name, port, and SSL port and click Next.

    7. Select cn=OracleContext as the default Oracle Context in the directory server.


      Do not choose cn=OracleContext,subscriber_specific_DN.

    8. Click Next.

    9. Proceed to the end of the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant configuration.

      This creates an ldap.ora file that specifies the Oracle Internet Directory server and port number in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.

    10. Exit the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant.

    Run the Database Configuration Assistant.

    1. Start the database configuration assistant:


    2. Click Next.

    3. Select Configure database options in a database and click Next.

    4. Select the SID of the Oracle Email database to configure and click Next.


      If the SID does not appear, check the oratab file in the /var/opt/oracle directory on Solaris, and the /etc/oratab directory on HP and Linux.

    5. Select Yes and register the database.

      Enter cn=orcladmin in the User DN field.

      Enter the password for the name entered in the User DN field.

    6. Click Finish.

    7. In the Restart Database screen click Yes.

    8. In the Summary screen click Yes.

    9. Click OK.

      The progress of database configuration displays in the Database Configuration Assistant screen.

    10. Exit the database configuration assistant when the configuration completes.

4.3.5 Installing the Oracle Collaboration Suite Middle Tier

This section contains procedures for installing the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier.

  1. Before installing the middle tier, apply the following patches on the Oracle 9i Application Server ( infrastructure metadata repository installation:

    • Patch 3238095

    • Patch 2282201

    • Patch 2563444

    • Patch 2802414

  2. Install the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier, as instructed in Chapter 6 of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide Release 2 (


    Note the following points:
    1. During the middle tier installation, deselect Oracle Files from the Component Configuration screen, or cancel the Oracle Files configuration assistant during the configuration phase.

    2. In the OracleAS 10g Single Sign-On and Oracle Internet Directory registration dialog windows, provide the OracleAS 10g Identity Management information.

    3. After you specify the iAS instance name and administrator password, the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository selection window will appear because you have got two metadata repository registered in the Oracle Internet Directory. Select the Oracle 9i Application Server ( metadata repository here.

    4. Real-Time Collaboration Configuration Assistants will fail during this installation. This will be fixed when you apply the Oracle Collaboration Suite to this middle tier.

  3. Once the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier is installed, configure Oracle Email on the Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( information store, as follows:


    See Also:

    Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide Release 2 (


    When running, select MailStore Configuration. You only need to run against the information store.


    The following Oracle Database 10g-specific errors can be ignored:

    Errors from dropping non-existent database objects:

    • ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    • ORA-04043: object does not exist

    Errors when compiling the following PL/SQL packages and procedures:





    Errors when creating text index:

    • ORA-20000: Oracle Text Error

    • DRG-10761: procedure does not exist

4.3.6 Installing the Oracle Email Information Store Patch Set

This section explains how to install the Oracle Email Information Store Patch Release on the Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( information store. Install the Oracle Email Information Store Patch Release on the Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( information store, as follows:


Because you ran the script in the previous step, the custom Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( will have an Oracle Email schema prior to installing the patch.

  1. Download the Oracle Email Information Store Patch Release to the information store system from OracleMetaLink, bug 3493339.

  2. Untar umbackend.tar, as follows:

    $ cd download_location

    $ tar xvf umbackend.tar

  3. Set the ORACLE_SID environment variable to specify the appropriate value for the Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( information storage database.

  4. Change directory to Disk1 under download_location and apply the patch by executing runInstaller, as follows:

    $ cd download_location/backend/Disk1
    $ ./runInstaller


    When prompted for component to be installed, select Oracle Email on Oracle Database 10g information store

  5. Install the patch in the Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( ORACLE_HOME.

4.3.7 Applying the Oracle Collaboration Suite Patch Set

This section contains procedures for applying the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 Patch Set 1 ( to the Oracle 9i Application Server ( metadata repository and Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tier.

  1. Apply the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 Patch Set 1 ( to the Oracle 9i Application Server ( metadata repository ORACLE_HOME (refer to step 3 for the ORACLE_HOME).

  2. Apply the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 Patch Set 1 ( to the Oracle Collaboration Suite middle tiers as instructed in Chapter 2, "Installing the Patch Set".

  3. Configure the middle tiers to start using the new custom Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ( as the information store as follows:



    When running, select Middle Tier Configuration only.

    For more information, see Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide Release 2 (

  4. Install and configure Oracle Voicemail & Fax, as instructed in Chapter 7 of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide Release 2 (

  5. Proceed to Chapter 3, "Patch Set Postinstallation Instructions" and follow all instructions except those for Oracle Files.

  6. Configure Oracle Files, including the optional Oracle Workflow integration, as instructed in Chapter 12 of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide Release 2 (

  7. Configure Oracle9iAS Wireless as instructed in the Oracle9iAS Wireless Administrator's Guide.

  8. Configure the rest of the middle tier components according to their respective chapters in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide Release 2 (