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Oracle® Application Server Portal Error Messages Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14039-01
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2 WWC-00000 to WWC-113632

WWC-00000: Normal, successful completion
Cause: The operation was successful if this message is displayed by itself. Unexpected errors may have occurred if other messages accompany this message.
Action: None, if this message is displayed by itself. If other messages accompany this message, review the information in those error messages and take corrective action.
WWC-00001: Message not found: %0.%1
Cause: The message identified by its type/name combination was not found in the system message table.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
WWC-00002: Message ID not found: %0
Cause: The message identified by its ID was not found in the system message table.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
WWC-00006: Internal error
Cause: A process encountered a low-level, unexpected condition. This is the generic internal error number for program exceptions.
Action: Report this error to Oracle Support Services and include the attempted operations that led to the error, any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving this error message, and the complete stack trace produced by this error.
WWC-35002: An attempt was made to access the session context without a valid session.
Cause: User sessions are cleaned up by a background job after a specified time interval. An attempt was made to access a session that did not exist.
Action: Close all browser instances to ensure that the session cookie is removed. Re-open the browser and login to the Single Sign-On Server again.
WWC-35006: Unable to obtain session information from the cookie. Please close your browser and reconnect.
Cause: An error was encountered while decrypting the Portal session cookie.
Action: Close all browser instances to make sure that the session cookie is removed. Re-open the browser and login to the Single Sign-On Server again.
WWC-35009: An unexpected error occured, Error message: %1
Cause: An unexpected exception occurred. The error message may provide further details.
Action: Review the information in the error message and take appropriate corrective action.
WWC-35026: The proxy was not found.
Cause: The parameters specified to locate the proxy were not correct.
Action: Check the parameters and provide the correct value.
WWC-35038: The specified proxy already exists.
Cause: A proxy with the specified name already exists.
Action: Either use the existing proxy or specify a different proxy name.
WWC-35039: The session context could not be restored because the session is marked as inactive.
Cause: The session cookie contained a session reference marked as inactive.
Action: Close all browser instances to make sure that the session cookie is removed. Re-open the browser and login to the Single Sign-On Server again.
WWC-35040: The session context could not be restored because the cookie value does not match the value stored in the session repository.
Cause: The session cookie is not consistent with the user session in the repository.
Action: Close all browser instances to make sure that the session cookie is removed. Re-open the browser and login to the Single Sign-On Server again.
WWC-35041: This API can only be used in non web sessions.
Cause: An attempt was made to call an API from a browser session but the API is designated to be called from a SQL session.
Action: Check whether the API being called is meant for SQL sessions only. Do not call such APIs from a browser session.
WWC-35042: The NLS language code specified is not valid.
Cause: The language abbreviation specified was invalid.
Action: Specify a correct language abbreviation.
WWC-35043: The value for the NLS territory specified is not valid.
Cause: The territory specified was invalid.
Action: Specify a correct territory.
WWC-40018: General invalidation message processing exception: %1
Cause: One of the following occurred:
  • An error occurred when a invalidation message was sent. This can occur when OracleAS Web Cache goes down, or is stopped while OracleAS Portal writes an invalidation message to the OracleAS Web Cache invalidation port.

  • Some other unexpected exception occurred while processing an invalidation message.

Action: Check that OracleAS Web Cache is running and that the invalidation port is accepting connections.
WWC-40019: Could not open web cache connection.
Cause: OracleAS Portal was not able to send the invalidation message to OracleAS Web Cache. This can happen if OracleAS Web Cache is enabled in OracleAS Portal and one or more of the following occurred:
  • OracleAS Web Cache was not running. It might have been stopped on purpose in order to front-end with the Oracle HTTP server, instead of OracleAS Web Cache. Alternatively, OracleAS Web Cache might have crashed, or been restarted at the time when the invalidation messages were sent from OracleAS Portal or providers.

  • OracleAS Web Cache invalidation port problems. This can happen if the OracleAS Web Cache invalidation port value specified in OracleAS Portal is different from the actual OracleAS Web Cache invalidation port. Alternatively, the invalidation port value supplied to OracleAS Portal using the "-cport_i" parameter during installation could also have been wrong, or the OracleAS Web Cache invalidation port was changed in OracleAS Web Cache after the OracleAS Portal install.

  • Another process used the OracleAS Web Cache invalidation port before OracleAS Web Cache started listening on it.

  • Issues with the OracleAS Web Cache invalidation password. Either the OracleAS Web Cache invalidator password value in Portal is different from the actual OracleAS Web Cache invalidator password, or the invalidator password value supplied to OracleAS Portal using the "-wc_inv_pwd" parameter during installation was wrong.

  • Security setting changes in OracleAS Web Cache require the OracleAS Web Cache administrator password, instead of the invalidator password.

  • Issues with the OracleAS Web Cache hostname. Either the OracleAS Web Cache hostname value in the Portal is different from the actual OracleAS Web Cache hostname, or the hostname value supplied to portal using the "-host" and "-chost" parameter during the install was wrong.

  • OracleAS Web Cache moved to a different server after the Portal installation and the host on which OracleAS Web Cache runs is inaccessible from OracleAS Portal.

  • Hostname specified did not include the entire domain name.

  • OracleAS Web Cache was not properly disabled. OracleAS Portal can work without OracleAS Web Cache front-ending the middle-tier. To do this the "enable_wc_caching" flag in OracleAS Portal should be turned "Off". If this is not done any operation which attempts to send an invalidation message fails with exceptions such as "Portal Web Cache settings is On while Web Cache may be down".

Action: Verify the cause of this behavior and take the appropriate corrective action.
WWC-41031: Unable to connect to the LDAP server.
Cause: The connection parameters required for connecting to the Oracle Internet Directory server were not available.
Action: Use the APIs wwsec_oid.get_oid_host and wwsec_oid.get_oid_port to verify that the preference store values for Oracle Internet Directory parameters exist and are valid. If necessary, run the command line script ptlasst in MIDTIER mode to configure the Oracle Internet Directory connection parameters: ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type OID
WWC-41083: You do not have the proper privileges required to execute this operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an action with insufficient privileges.
Action: Contact the portal administrator and request the necessary privileges be granted to perform this task.
WWC-41084: A user name is required to proceed to the next step. Please enter user name.
Cause: No user name was provided.
Action: Enter a valid user name in the Username field.
WWC-41094: Unable to save default group - %1
Cause: An error occurred while setting the default group for a given user.
Action: Verify that the specified default group exists and the user has the necessary privileges to access this group.
WWC-41223: Please Enter Group Name
Cause: The group name field was empty.
Action: Enter a group name.
WWC-41227: Unauthorized to perform the operation
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a task on a Group but the user did not have ownership, or the privilege to perform that task.
Action: Contact the portal administrator. Either request to be added to the group's OWNER list, or that the necessary privileges be granted to perform the task.
WWC-41228: Group Not Found
Cause: An attempt was made to access a Group but the specified Group was not found.
Action: Check the name of the Group.
WWC-41229: Security Violation
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a task but the user had insufficient privileges to perform the action.
Action: Contact the portal administrator. Request the necessary privileges be granted to perform the task.
WWC-41239: You are not an owner of this group
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a task on a Group but the user did not have ownership, or the privilege to perform that task.
Action: Contact the portal administrator. Either request to be added to the group's OWNER list, or that the necessary privileges be granted to perform the task.
WWC-41358: This group is not deletable or there is no such group found.
Cause: One of the following occurred:
  • An attempt was made to delete a special group such as the DBA or PORTAL_ADMIN group.

  • The specified Group Profile does not exist in Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Check the details of the Group to be deleted.
WWC-41359: The schema owner is not deletable.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete the schema owner but the schema owner may not be deleted.
Action: Check the details of the user to be deleted.
WWC-41401: Group exists already
Cause: An attempt was made to add a group but a group with the specified name already exists.
Action: Either use the existing group, or specify a different group name.
WWC-41402: There is no such group found
Cause: An attempt was made to access a group that does not exist.
Action: Check the name of the group required. If available, use the popup list to specify the group name.
WWC-41404: The specified manager does not exist.
Cause: The manager specified for a given user does not exist.
Action: Check that the manager name specified for the given user is correct. If available, use the popup list to specify the manager's name.
WWC-41405: Already a member of the group.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a user (or group) to a given group but the specified user (or group) is already a member of that group.
Action: Check the name of the user (or group) being added.
WWC-41406: The specified user does not exist.
Cause: An attempt was made to access a user that does not exist.
Action: Check the specified name of the user. If available, use the popup list to specify the user's name.
WWC-41408: No accessible object exception occurred.
Cause: There are no objects on which the specified privilege(s) have been granted to the given user.
Action: Verify that the criteria specified is correct.
WWC-41409: Invalid value specified.
Cause: An attempt was made to call the API with invalid parameter values.
Action: Check the values for the parameters.
WWC-41410: The specified site does not exist.
Cause: An attempt was made to access a site but the specified site ID does not exist.
Action: Check the ID of the site specified.
WWC-41413: The person id doesn't exist.
Cause: An attempt was made to access a user but the specified user ID does not exist.
Action: Check the ID of the user specified.
WWC-41415: You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation but the user did not have sufficient privileges. This error message is displayed in OracleAS Portal when viewing pages, or editing page, layout or style.
Action: Login to OracleAS Portal as a user with permissions to perform the operation. Alternatively, contact the portal administrator to request that the necessary privileges be granted.
WWC-41419: Authentication failed. Please try again.
Cause: An attempt was made to login with incorrect password or username details.
Action: Login again using a valid username and password combination. If your password is case-sensitive. enter the correct case for your password.
WWC-41426: There is no such user or group found. Please enter the name of a valid user or group and try again.
Cause: While creating or editing a page, an invalid user or group name was specified when attempting to set access privileges for the page.
Action: Check that the name for the user or group is valid. If available, use the popup list to specify the user or group name.
WWC-41428: Adding the group as a member would result in a circular reference.
Cause: An attempt was made to add a group as a member to itself.
Action: Verify that the group being added as a member, is different from the group to which it is being added.
WWC-41430: You have entered an invalid group name. Group names should not exceed 50 characters.
Cause: An attempt was made to enter a group name but the specified name was invalid.
Action: Verify that the specified group name is less than 50 characters in length, or less than 255 bytes in length (for multibyte character set databases).
WWC-41432: The description you have entered exceeds 500 characters. Group descriptions must be 500 characters or less.
Cause: The Group Description specified was too long
Action: Enter a Group Description that is less than 500 characters in length.
WWC-41433: Please specify an appropriate database user name. It should be an existing proxy client to %1.
Cause: When editing a user, an attempt was made to assign a database schema to the user's account but the specified database schema has not been granted connect privileges to the Portal schema.
Action: Use the Schema portlet to create a new schema that can be assigned to users. Check the box that indicates "Use this Schema for Portal Users". To edit an existing schema for this purpose, select Edit Schema in the Schema portlet.
WWC-41438: You cannot login because the login URL being retrieved for this application is not a fully qualified URL. Please notify the administrator.
Cause: OracleAS Portal was unable to construct the URL required to re-direct to the Single Sign-On Server. Partner application information may not configured correctly.
Action: Contact the portal administrator and request that OracleAS Portal is re-registered with the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server.
WWC-41439: You cannot login because there is either invalid or no configuration information stored in the enabler configuration table (WWSEC_ENABLER_CONFIG_INFO$).
Cause: One or both of the following occurred:
  • An alias defined in the Apache configuration caused Apache to translate to just host. If this is the case, the Login link only shows host:port (dropping the domain).

  • The default domain was not set in the Apache configuration. When this occurs, only the hostname is shown in the Login link and the domain is not included.

  • The Portal was configured with an incorrect host or port.

Action: Do one or both of the following:
  • Remove all such aliases from your Apache configuration.

  • Include the domain in the ServerName parameter.

  • Fix the Host in the IASInstance element and ListenPort in the WebCacheComponent element in iasconfig.xml and run ptlconfig -dad portal -site. The ptlconfig script and the iasconfig.xml file is normally located in the directory portal/conf under the OracleAS Portal and OracleAS Wireless middle-tier home.

WWC-41440: You cannot login because there was an error trying to parse the login URL for this application.
Cause: A login request was made using a very long URL.
Action: Check the URL and reduce its length if it appears to be too long. There is no theoretical limit for the length of the URLs.
WWC-41441: You cannot login because an error occurred while retrieving the login URL.
Cause: The login URL was not constructed successfully. The reason is unknown. This problem can occur if OracleAS Portal was unable to communicate with another component.
Action: Ensure all components in the system are configured properly, up and running, and functioning correctly.
WWC-41443: %1, you have logged in to the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server, but you are not authorized to login to the OracleAS Portal. Please see your portal administrator to enable logins for your account.
Cause: The option 'Allow User to Log On' was not checked for this user. The user may login to OracleAS Single Sign-On, but not OracleAS Portal.
Action: Contact your portal administrator. Request that the 'Allow User to Log On' option is set for this user.
WWC-41446: The system failed to initialize the necessary HTTP request to the SSO Server to validate this user.
Cause: The OracleAS Single Sign-On Server may not be operational.
Action: Check whether the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server is up and running.
WWC-41447: The system failed to retrieve the necessary HTTP request to the SSO Server to validate this user.
Cause: The OracleAS Single Sign-On Server may not be operational.
Action: Check whether the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server is up and running.
WWC-41450: An invalid or null argument was passed into this routine.
Cause: An invalid or null argument was passed into this routine.
Action: Check that valid parameter values are passed into this routine.
WWC-41451: There is no external application username mapping for the given user and the given application.
Cause: There was no external application username mapping for the given user and the given application.
Action: Login to the external application and save the login credentials in the password store by selecting the "Remember My Login Information" check box on the application login screen.
WWC-41452: The address from which this authentication request was made, does not match your IP address. Notify your administrator if you believe this message to be in error.
Cause: The system has IP address checking enabled and the IP address from the client does not match the IP address associated with the original authentication. Using a proxy server can cause this problem.
Action: Disable IP address checking if a proxy server is being used.
WWC-41453: The cookie version specified in the authentication message is not supported by this configuration. Please notify your administrator.
Cause: The OracleAS Single Sign-On Server does not support the version of the URLC token specified in the partner application configuration.
Action: Contact the portal administrator. Request that OracleAS Portal be re-registered with the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server.
WWC-41454: The decryption of the authentication information was unsuccessful. This may be caused by data inconsistency, an incorrect encryption key in this application's configuration, or an illegal access attempt. Please notify your administrator.
Cause: The URLC token received from the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server was not decrypted.
Action: Contact the portal administrator to ensure that the OracleAS Portal configuration is correct. Request that OracleAS Portal be re-registered with the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server if required.
WWC-41470: Error while connecting to the Oracle Internet Directory.
Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory Server may not be operational.
Action: Ask the portal administrator whether the Oracle Internet Directory server is operational.
WWC-41471: Multiple groups with the given name were found in the directory. The group can't be resolved uniquely.
Cause: Multiple groups with the given name were found in the directory.
Action: Use the popup list next to the name field to find the group name.
WWC-41472: An API used has been deprecated.
Cause: This API has been deprecated.
Action: Check the latest API documentation for alternatives to this API.
WWC-41496: An error was encountered while refreshing the cache for Oracle Internet Directory Parameters.
Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory Server may not be operational.
Action: Check whether the Oracle Internet Directory port is operational and that the Portal configuration is referring to the correct hostname and port. Use the command-line script 'ldapbind' to check if the LDAP port is up and running.
WWC-41610: The list of External Applications is too large.
Cause: The list of External Applications returned from the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server was too large.
Action: Try reducing the character length of External Application names by renaming them.
WWC-41611: The Enabler Configuration is missing.
Cause: The Partner Application domain was not correctly set in the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server configuration.
Action: Run the command line script 'ptlasst' in MIDTIER mode to configure the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server: ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type SSO
WWC-41657: Your account is locked. Please ask your administrator to reset the password.
Cause: The number of attempts to login with an incorrect password, exceeds the maximum number allowed.
Action: Contact your administrator to reset your password.
WWC-41742: There is a conflict with your assigned user name. There is a user entry with this name, but with a different globally unique identifier, which must be resolved before you can log on with this name. Please inform your administrator.
Cause: One or both of the following occurred:
  • OracleAS Single Sign-On was using a stale user entry from its cache when transmitting user data to the Portal repository.

  • The user profile for the specified username already existed in the Portal schema but it contains an incorrect Globally Unique Identifier.

Action: Contact the portal administrator to restart OracleAS Single Sign-On after disabling its cache. If the problem persists then request the portal administrator to delete the existing local user profile using the wwsec_api.delete_portal_user API. Then login using that user's credentials.
WWC-41743: An exception was raised when accessing the Oracle Internet Directory: %1.
Cause: An attempt was made to access the Oracle Internet Directory.
Action: Refer to the additional information displayed with this error message (if any) and take the appropriate action. Contact the portal administrator if additional information is not available.
WWC-41744: You do not have sufficient access to perform this operation in the Oracle Internet Directory (error status: %1).
Cause: An action was attempted in the Oracle Internet Directory without sufficient access privileges.
Action: Contact the portal administrator and request the necessary privileges be granted to perform this task.
WWC-41745: An entry was not found in the Oracle Internet Directory (error status: %1).
Cause: An attempt was made to access an Oracle Internet Directory entry that does not exist.
Action: Check the value of the Oracle Internet Directory entry being accessed.
WWC-41746: A value was not found in the Oracle Internet Directory (error status: %1).
Cause: An attempt was made to search for an attribute value that does not exist in the specified directory entry.
Action: Check that the name of the attribute being searched is correct.
WWC-41747: Multiple matches were found for the specified criteria in the Oracle Internet Directory (error status: %1).
Cause: Multiple matches were found for the specified criteria in the Oracle Internet Directory.
Action: Verify that the specified search criteria is correct.
WWC-41748: The specified entry or value already exists in the Oracle Internet Directory (error status: %1).
Cause: An attempt was made to do one of the following:
  • Add a user or group entry in Oracle Internet Directory which already exists.

  • Add a owner/member to a group which has already been added.

Action: Check the name of the user or group that is being added. Check it either as an owner, or as a member of a group.
WWC-41755: No portlet was specified.
Cause: An attempt was made to call a portlet with an invalid reference.
Action: Remove the portlet and then add it again.
WWC-41875: Your SSO Server administrator has not registered any external applications.
Cause: No external applications existed.
Action: Add an external application. Portal administrators with single sign-on administrator privileges can add external applications.
WWC-41876: No external applications have been selected for display. To select applications to display, click "Customize".
Cause: One of the following occurred:
  • The portlet was customized to hide all external applications.

  • No external application existed.

Action: Do one of the following:
  • Display one or more applications in the portlet.

  • Add an external application. Portal administrators with single sign-on administrator privileges can add external applications.

WWC-41934: An error occurred when attempting to set the default group.
Cause: One of the following occurred:
  • You tried to assign a group as your default group but you are not a member of that group.

  • You do not have sufficient privileges.

  • An error occurred while accessing the Oracle Internet Directory.

Action: Make sure that you are already a member of the group when you assign it as your default group. Report the error to the portal administrator and request that appropriate privileges be granted if needed.
WWC-41935: An error occurred when attempting to set the default page.
Cause: An attempt was made to set the default page but the specified page does not exist.
Action: Specify a valid default page name.
WWC-41966: The preference store is missing the name of the schema required to perform this operation. You will be unable to continue.
Cause: The name of the OracleAS Single Sign-On schema is not available in the preference store.
Action: Re-register OracleAS Portal as a partner application.
WWC-41974: You cannot access this screen because the enabler configuration is missing.
Cause: An attempt was made to construct the URL required to access the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server but the enabler configuration was not found. This can occur if the host and/or port information stored in the enabler configuration is removed after the user logged in.
Action: Contact the portal administrator. Request that OracleAS Portal be re-registered with the OracleAS Single Sign-On Server.
WWC-42001: A null name was supplied, please supply a valid attribute name.
Cause: A null value was provided for a required attribute.
Action: Specify an appropriate value for the attribute.
WWC-43002: Security Violation
Cause: An action was attempted but the user had insufficient privileges to perform the task.
Action: Contact the portal administrator and request the necessary privileges be granted to perform this task.
WWC-43007: There were no entities in cache to invalidate.
Cause: A message was sent to OracleAS Web Cache to invalidate an object, but the object was not found.
Action: No action required.
WWC-43100: A Provider with this name has already been registered.
Cause: An attempt was made to register a provider but the name specified has already been used.
Action: Specify a different provider name.
WWC-43102: The name field is empty.
Cause: A name for the provider was not specified.
Action: Specify a provider name.
WWC-43103: The name field exceeds the maximum length.
Cause: The provider name specified was too long.
Action: Enter a provider name that is less that 200 characters long.
WWC-43105: The owning schema field is empty.
Cause: An owning schema was not specified. This field is mandatory for database providers.
Action: Enter an owning schema.
WWC-43107: The package name field is empty.
Cause: The package name was not specified. This field is mandatory for database providers.
Action: Enter an package name.
WWC-43109: The package name exceeds the maximum length.
Cause: The package name specified was too long.
Action: Enter an package name that is less than 2000 characters in length.
WWC-43112: The timeout must be left blank or be a positive value.
Cause: The timeout specified was a negative value.
Action: Either leave the timeout blank or enter a positive value.
WWC-43113: The value for login frequency is not valid.
Cause: An invalid value for the login frequency was specified.
Action: Set the login frequency to one of: Once, Always, Never, or Public.
WWC-43116: The specified node was not found.
Cause: It was not possible to find the local portal node record.
Action: Contact the portal administrator and report this error. This error indicates data inconsistency in the portal instance.
WWC-43132: The implementation package is not in a valid state.
Cause: A PL/SQL package implementing a provider had an 'INVALID' state. For example, the PL/SQL package may contain a syntax error, or reference a missing or invalid object.
Action: Re-compile the PL/SQL package. If the compilation fails, resolve the errors reported.
WWC-43133: The implementation package was not found.
Cause: A PL/SQL package or package body implementing a provider was not found.
Action: Ensure the schema and package name specified for the provider is correct and that the PL/SQL package has been created in the specified schema.
WWC-43134: An error occurred when attempting to call the providers register function.
Cause: An attempt was made to register a provider.
Action: Ensure the provider is operational and that the registration details are correct.
WWC-43135: The Web URL for Web implementations is not valid.
Cause: The URL specified for the Web provider is not valid, or null.
Action: Enter the correct Web provider URL.
WWC-43137: An HTTP proxy was indicated but the proxy is invalid.
Cause: It was specified that this provider required a proxy but the proxy definition provided was invalid.
Action: Verify the proxy settings in the Global Settings page.
WWC-43139: The Web application type is invalid.
Cause: The Web provider had an invalid value for the HTTP application type.
Action: Ensure that the HTTP application type is one of EXTERNAL_SECURED, PORTAL or null. Constants are defined for these values in the public API package named WWPRO_API_PROVIDER_REGISTRY.
WWC-43140: The Web external application id is invalid.
Cause: The external application ID specified was not valid.
Action: Use the list of values provided to select a valid value, or leave this field blank.
WWC-43141: The following error occurred when converting "%1" into an integer: %2
Cause: An attempt was made to convert a string into a number.
Action: Review the reported error and take the appropriate action.
WWC-43144: The following error occurred when converting "%1" into a date: %2
Cause: An attempt was made to convert a string into a date.
Action: Review the reported error and take the appropriate action.
WWC-43145: The value "%1" is not a valid content type.
Cause: The portlet content type specified was invalid.
Action: Ensure that the portlet's content type is one of text/html or text/xml.
WWC-43146: The specified shared key is not valid.
Cause: The shared key specified was not valid.
Action: Enter a key that is 10-30 characters in length.
WWC-43147: The following error occurred during the call to Web provider: %1
Cause: A call to the Web provider failed with the specified error.
Action: Review the reported error and take the appropriate action.
WWC-43167: The specified name is invalid. Names are alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces or special characters.
Cause: You have entered an invalid name.
Action: Enter a name that contains only letters, numbers, and underscores.
WWC-43176: The provider URL specified may be wrong or the provider is not running.
Cause: The URL specified was either incorrect or the provider was not running. The portal could not contact the provider using the specified URL.
Action: Verify that the URL specified during provider registration is correct and that the provider is up and running. One way to verify this for a Web provider is to enter its URL in a browser. If the provider information is correct and the provider is up, the provider's test page is displayed. If the URL is correct, and the provider is up, then there may be some problem with the configuration of the portal repository. Contact your portal administrator to enable debug logging in the portal repository and view the log information.
WWC-43183: The portlet ID and portlet name must be unique within a provider
Cause: An attempt was made to register a provider that contains portlets and where the portlet names or portlet IDs are not unique within that provider.
Action: Contact the developer responsible for the provider and request that this issue be resolved.
WWC-43184: Invalid portlet ID
Cause: A portlet ID was invalid or null.
Action: Contact the developer responsible for the provider and request that this issue be resolved.
WWC-43185: The portlet ID value of %1 is invalid. The portlet ID must be in the range -2147483648 to 2147483648.
Cause: A portlet ID was not in a valid range.
Action: Contact the developer responsible for the provider and request that this issue be resolved.
WWC-43186: The portlet name for portlet with ID=%1 is null. The portlet name cannot be null.
Cause: A portlet name was null.
Action: Contact the developer responsible for the provider and request that this issue be resolved.
WWC-43187: The portlet name '%1' contains space characters. The portlet name should not contain any space characters.
Cause: A portlet name contained space characters.
Action: Contact the developer responsible for the provider and request that this issue be resolved.
WWC-43188: You have registered this web provider with the "Same Cookie Domain" checkbox checked.
Cause: Cookies created by this provider are forwarded to the user's browser and managed by the browser instead of OracleAS Portal. Once managed by the browser, the cookies are sent to any other Web server that:
  • is accessed within the same browser session,

  • falls within the relaxed scope specified when the cookie was created.

Action: This can result in cookie collisions and errors/loss of sessions in unrelated Web applications. To minimize the possibility of cookie collisions, ensure that:
  • Any custom cookies created by the Web provider have names that are unique to that Web provider.

  • All portal instances accessed using the Federated Portal Adapter are configured with different DAD names.

  • PDK-Java release 1 (JServ) Web providers requiring this setting are installed in uniquely named JServ servlet zones.

  • PDK-Java release 2 (OC4J) Web providers do not use this setting if they use servlet sessions. This is because the cookie used to identify the session is always called "JSESSIONID". This name is specified in the Servlet 2.3 specification. Relaxing the scope of a JSESSIONID cookie almost certainly causes session related problems to occur in other, unrelated, Web applications.

Cause: A show request was made to a portlet with an invalid show mode.
Action: Ensure that the show mode for the request is one of: MODE_SHOW, MODE_SHOW_ABOUT, MODE_SHOW_EDIT, MODE_SHOW_HELP, MODE_SHOW_EDIT_DEFAULTS, MODE_SHOW_DETAILS, MODE_PREVIEW, or MODE_LINK. Note that these constants are defined in the public API package named WWPRO_API_PROVIDER.
WWC-43302: get_portlet returned an implementation type other than Database or Web for Portlet %1.%2.
Cause: The portlet returned an invalid implementation type.
Action: Ensure that the portlet implementation type is one of: PLSQL_IMPL or HTTP_IMPL. These constants are defined in the public API package named WWPRO_API_PROVIDER_REGISTRY.
WWC-43303: Web portlets can only be displayed in the parallel mode.
Cause: A Web provider portlet was called by the PL/SQL API that was created to show PL/SQL portlets.
Action: Contact the portal administrator. This message indicates data inconsistency.
WWC-43307: The current user has insufficient privileges to update the portlets ACL.
Cause: Either an attempt was made to update the portlet's access control list (ACL), or the portlet is offline.
Action: Contact the portal administrator. Ask to be granted the required privileges, or ensure that the portlet is online.
WWC-43308: The specified portlet was not found in the Portlet Metadata Repository.
Cause: The specified portlet was not found in the Portlet Metadata Repository. This error suggests data inconsistency.
Action: Refresh the provider that contains this portlet and attempt the operation again.
WWC-43309: The current user has insufficient privileges to access the specified portlet.
Cause: An attempt was made to access the portlet but the current user had insufficient privileges.
Action: Contact the portal administrator. Ask to be granted access to the portlet.
WWC-43310: The specified portlet's provider is offline.
Cause: An attempt was made to access a portlet but its provider was offline.
Action: Ensure that the provider is online and attempt the operation again.
WWC-43722: The Provider Group "%1" is not registered.
Cause: The specified provider group was not found in the portal repository.
Action: Check that the name of the provider group requested is correct.
WWC-43725: The Provider Group "%1" is already registered with the Portal.
Cause: The provider group specified is already registered with the OracleAS Portal.
Action: This error suggests data inconsistency. Contact the portal administrator.
WWC-43733: Error accessing remote provider group server: %1
Cause: An error occurred while accessing the remote provider group server.
Action: Check the error text, and any subsequent error messages, for specific details.
WWC-43735: The Provider Group "%2" defined by the server at URL "%1" is already registered with the Portal.
Cause: An attempt was made to register a provider group but a provider group with the same details has already been registered with Oracle Portal.
Action: Use the provider group previously registered with these details.
WWC-44009: The Name you specified is already in use. Recommended Name:%1
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a page name that already exists.
Action: Specify a different name or the page.
WWC-44081: Specify a display name for this style.
Cause: A display name was not specified when creating a style or when copying a style.
Action: Ensure that a display name is specified for the style.
WWC-44085: This region was already split.
Cause: An attempt was made to split a region that has already been split.
Action: Specify a different region, that is, one which is not already split.
WWC-44087: A region with this display name already exists.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a region but a region with the specified name already exists.
Action: Specify a unique name for the region.
WWC-44089: This region was not found.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete, split, edit, or copy a region but the specified region could not be found.
Action: Specify a valid region.
WWC-44090: Cannot delete the main region.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete the main region of a page but the main region cannot be deleted unless the page is deleted.
Action: Specify a different region for deletion.
WWC-44091: Specify a numeric value for the region width.
Cause: An attempt was made to edit the width of a region but a non-numeric value was provided.
Action: Ensure that the width value is an integer value (preferably between 1 and 100). If the width is a relative width, specify the % symbol (e.g. 65%). If the width is an absolute width, then specify only the numeric value (e.g. 35).
WWC-44102: Please specify a valid Name and Display Name.
Cause: Name and display name values were not provided for a page.
Action: Ensure that name and display name values are provided for the page. These values may not be null.
WWC-44131: You do not have permission to perform this operation.
Cause: An attempt was made to modify a style but the user did not have sufficient privileges.
Action: Login to OracleAS Portal as a user with permissions to perform the operation. Alternatively, contact the portal administrator to request that the necessary privileges be granted.
WWC-44132: Error while setting the default page.
Cause: An attempt was made to set the default page for a user or page group but the operation failed.
Action: Attempt this task again. If the problem persists, contact the portal administrator.
WWC-44151: This style was not found.
Cause: An attempt was made to access a style but the specified style name and page group ID does not exist.
Action: Provide a valid style name and page group ID.
WWC-44156: Specify a display name for this layout.
Cause: A display name was not specified when creating or copying a layout.
Action: Enter a display name for the layout.
WWC-44214: The URL specified is invalid.
Cause: The value specified for a URL attribute did not begin with a valid protocol such as http://, https://, or ftp://.
Action: Correct the URL, entering a valid protocol.
WWC-44233: The name that you entered is not valid. Valid names only contain alphabetic or numeric characters, plus underscore. No spaces or special characters are allowed. Please enter a valid name.
Cause: The name that was entered contained invalid characters.
Action: Specify a different name using only the characters A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, and underscore (_).
WWC-44234: Page not found.
Cause: An attempt was made to view or edit an OracleAS Portal page but the specified page did not exist.
Action: Check that the specified page name or page ID is correct.
WWC-44279: The default page for the system cannot be deleted.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a system default page. Such pages cannot be deleted.
Action: Do not attempt to delete this page.
WWC-44284: Error while adding banner for the template.
Cause: An attempt was made to set a page group's default navigation page but the specified navigation page did not exist.
Action: Select a different navigation page to be the page group's default navigation page.
WWC-44334: Portlet Information could not be obtained.
Cause: An attempt to access a portlet failed because the provider and/or portlet was not found.
Action: Ensure the provider is online, the portlet is available and that the user has permission to access the provider/portlet.
WWC-44552: Please specify a numeric value for the space between portlets.
Cause: When editing a region, an attempt was made to specify a non-numeric value for the "Space between Portlets" property.
Action: Ensure that this value is an integer value (preferably between 1 and 100). If no space between portlets is required, set this value to '0' or 'null'.
WWC-44570: Please specify a numeric value for the space around portlets.
Cause: When editing a region, an attempt was made to specify a non-numeric value for the "Space around Portlets" property.
Action: Ensure that this value is an integer value (preferably between 1 and 100). If no space around portlets is required, set this value to '0' or 'null'.
WWC-44582: Error while creating tab
Cause: An attempt to create a tab failed. Either the specified tab name was invalid, or the user did not have permission to add a tab.
Action: If the logged on user has permission to perform the operation, check that the specified tab name is valid.
WWC-44583: Error while editing tab
Cause: An attempt to edit a tab failed. Either the specified tab name was invalid, or the user did not have permission to edit a tab.
Action: If the logged on user has permission to perform the operation, check that the specified tab name is valid.
WWC-44650: Specify a numeric value for item icon height.
Cause: You entered an invalid value for the Item Icon Height.
Action: Please enter a positive number representing the height (in pixels) of the item images.
WWC-44651: Specify a numeric value for item icon width.
Cause: You entered an invalid value for the Item Icon Width.
Action: Please enter a positive number representing the width (in pixels) of the item images.
WWC-44652: Specify a numeric value for number of columns.
Cause: You entered an invalid value for the number of columns.
Action: Please enter a positive number representing the number of columns in the region.
WWC-44662: To perform this action, please select a portlet, item or tab using the checkboxes below
Cause: You clicked an action button, but did not select any portlets, items, or tabs.
Action: Please select one or more portlets, items, or tabs using the checkboxes below.
WWC-44704: Error while creating the page parameter
Cause: An attempt to create a page parameter failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the page is still available.
WWC-44705: Error while reordering page parameter "%1"
Cause: An attempt to re-order page parameters failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that both the page and page parameter are still available.
WWC-44706: Error while deleting page parameter "%1"
Cause: An attempt to delete a page parameter failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that both the page and page parameter are still available.
WWC-44707: Error while editing page parameter "%1"
Cause: An attempt to edit the value of a page parameter failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the page parameter is still available.
WWC-44708: Invalid page parameter name "%1"
Cause: The specified page parameter name was invalid.
Action: Enter a valid page parameter name. Refer to the Page Properties Parameter tab for a list of valid page parameter names.
WWC-44709: Error while editing value of portlet parameter "%1"
Cause: An attempt to edit the value of a portlet parameter failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the portlet parameter is still available.
WWC-44714: Error while customizing page parameter "%1"
Cause: An attempt to customize a page parameter failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the page parameter is still available.
WWC-44715: Error while resetting page parameters to default values.
Cause: An attempt to reset page parameter to default values failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the customization screen is still available.
WWC-44721: Error while fetching portlet parameters
Cause: An attempt to fetch portlet parameters failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the portlet is still available.
WWC-44751: Error while editing value of parameter "%1"
Cause: An attempt to edit the value of an event parameter failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the event parameter is still available.
WWC-44752: Error while linking event "%1" to page "%2"
Cause: An attempt to link an event to a page failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that both the event and the page are still available.
WWC-44753: Error while removing link from event "%1"
Cause: An attempt to remove a link from an event failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
WWC-44754: Error while updating link between event "%1" and page "%2"
Cause: An attempt to update the target page for an event failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that both the event and the page are still available.
WWC-44755: Invalid event output name "%1"
Cause: The specified event output name was invalid.
Action: Enter a valid event output name.
WWC-44756: The name that you entered has already been used. Pick a name that is unique.
Cause: The name specified has already been used.
Action: Specify a different, unique name.
WWC-44757: Error while creating the parameter: %1
Cause: An attempt to create a parameter failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
WWC-44758: Error while editing the parameter: %1
Cause: An attempt to edit a parameter failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
WWC-44759: Parameter cannot be customized
Cause: An attempt to customize a parameter failed. The parameter cannot be customized.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter is not customizable.
WWC-44761: Error while deleting parameter: %1
Cause: An attempt to delete a parameter failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object and the parameter are still available.
WWC-44762: Parameter "%1" not found
Cause: The specified parameter was not found.
Action: Refresh the screen, verify that the parent object is still available and that the user has access permissions.
WWC-44765: Search for parameter "%1" caused an error: %2
Cause: An attempt to search for a parameter failed.
Action: Refresh the screen, verify that the object is still available and that and that the user has access permissions.
WWC-44766: Error while creating the parameter mapping: %1
Cause: An attempt to create a parameter map failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
WWC-44767: Error while updating the parameter mapping: %1
Cause: An attempt to edit a parameter map failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
WWC-44768: Unsupported from type "%1"
Cause: The source object type specified is not supported.
Action: Select a different source object.
WWC-44769: Parameter "%1" already has the smallest display order and can't be moved up.
Cause: An attempt was made to move a parameter up in the display order even though it is first in the list.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter is first in the list.
WWC-44770: Moving parameter "%1" up in the display order failed: %2
Cause: An attempt to move a parameter up in the display order failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter is still available.
WWC-44775: Flow element not found
Cause: The specified flow element was not found.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the dependent object is still available.
WWC-44779: Error while creating flow link "%1"
Cause: An attempt to create a flow link failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent page is still available.
WWC-44780: Error while deleting flow link "%1"
Cause: An attempt to delete a flow link failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent page is still available.
WWC-44781: Flow link not found
Cause: The specified flow link was not found.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent page is still available.
WWC-44783: Invalid parent type for event "%1"
Cause: The parent object did not have a valid type.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
WWC-44784: Parent of event "%1" is not a portlet
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a parent object that was not a portlet.
Action: Specify a portlet.
WWC-44786: Event "%1" already exists
Cause: The specified event name already exists.
Action: Enter a different, unique event name.
WWC-44787: Error while creating event "%1": %2
Cause: An attempt to create an event failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
WWC-44788: Error while deleting event: %1
Cause: An attempt to delete an event failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
WWC-44789: Error while deleting events: %1
Cause: An attempt to delete events failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the events are still available.
WWC-44790: Event not found
Cause: The specified event was not found.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
WWC-44791: Event "%1" not found
Cause: The specified event was not found.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
WWC-44792: Events not found
Cause: The specified events were not found.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent objects are still available.
WWC-44793: Error while creating event map: %1
Cause: An attempt to create an event map failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
WWC-44794: Error while deleting event map: %1
Cause: An attempt to delete an event map failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the event map is still available.
WWC-44795: Event map not found
Cause: The specified event map was not found.
Action: Verify that the parent object is still available.
WWC-44801: Error while searching for parameter mapping: %1
Cause: The specified parameter map was not found.
Action: Refresh the screen, verify that the parent object is still available and that the user has access permissions.
WWC-44803: Duplicate event maps not allowed
Cause: An attempt to duplicate an event map failed.
Action: Edit or delete the existing event map, or create a new event map.
WWC-44812: Error while fetching portlet events
Cause: An attempt to fetch portlet events failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the portlet is still available.
WWC-44815: Error while retrieving link from event "%1"
Cause: An attempt to retrieve a link from an event failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
WWC-44816: Error while retrieving the target page for event "%1"
Cause: An attempt to retrieve the target page for an event failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
WWC-44829: Error while writing parameter map metadata: %1
Cause: An attempt to write parameter map metadata failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter map is still available.
WWC-44833: Error adding display name or description for event "%1"
Cause: An attempt to add a display name or description for an event failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
WWC-44834: Error while editing the event: %1
Cause: An attempt to edit an event failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
WWC-44835: Error while creating page event from portlet event "%1": %2
Cause: An attempt to create a page event from a portlet event failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the portlet event is still available.
WWC-44836: Error while invalidating page cache after updating event: %1
Cause: An attempt to invalidate the page cache after updating an event failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the event or dependent object is still available.
WWC-44840: Invalid context for parameter "%1"
Cause: The parent object (portlet, page, or event) for the parameter was not valid.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object still exists.
WWC-44841: Error during a parameter change event: %1
Cause: An attempt to update a parameter failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter and/or dependent object are still available.
WWC-44843: Page not found: %1,%2
Cause: The specified page was not found.
Action: Verify that the page exists and that the details of the specified page are correct.
WWC-44875: Page Template not found
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a template for the page but the specified template was not found.
Action: Specify a valid template.
WWC-44891: The system variable "%1" is not valid. Please choose a different value.
Cause: An invalid system variable was provided.
Action: Enter a valid system variable, one of USER_NAME, USER_ID, COMPANY_NAME, SUBSCRIBER_ID, or NLS_LANG, NLS_TERRITORY.
WWC-44899: Error during a parameter map change event: %1
Cause: An attempt to update a parameter map failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter map and/or the dependent objects are still available.
WWC-44901: Error while deleting flow link children: %1
Cause: An attempt to delete children of a flow link failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the dependent objects are still available.
WWC-44902: Error while deleting parameter maps: %1
Cause: An attempt to delete parameter maps failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the dependent objects are still available.
WWC-44929: You can only download jsp file for a JSP page.
Cause: An attempt was made to download a JSP file from a non-JSP page.
Action: Choose a JSP page to download.
WWC-44930: You do not have privileges to download the jsp file for this JSP page.
Cause: An attempt was made to download a JSP file of a JSP page but the user did not have the correct permissions.
Action: Login to OracleAS Portal as a user with permissions to perform the operation.
WWC-44932: The page's template cannot be changed to "%1" because the page contains portlets or items and the selected template has no portlet regions or item regions.
Cause: The selected template does not have an item region or a portlet region for the items or portlets on the page.
Action: Choose another template. Ensure that the template contains the region type(s) required.
WWC-44948: Please specify a valid Display Name for the Navigation Page.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a navigation page but the display name was not specified.
Action: Specify a valid display name.
WWC-44997: An error occurred while refreshing the portlet repository. Because this page is published as a portlet, you may want to refresh the repository manually.
Cause: An attempt to refresh the portlet repository failed.
Action: This page is published as a portlet. Refresh the repository manually.
WWC-45290: The portlet was not found (%1 , %2)
Cause: An attempt was made to access a portlet with a given portlet ID and provider ID, using the API call 'wwsbr_folder_portlet.describe_parameters'. The specified portlet was not found.
Action: Ensure that both the specified provider ID and portlet ID are correct.
WWC-46000: Document not found.
Cause: An attempt was made to access a document that does not exist, or is no longer accessible.
Action: Verify that the specified URL is still valid, if applicable. Visit the parent page to check that the item still exists.
WWC-46011: Your file cannot be uploaded because it is larger than the maximum allowed file size.
Cause: An attempt was made to upload a file that exceeds the maximum size allowed per file.
Action: Reduce the size of the file, or contact the portal administrator and request that the maximum permitted file size is increased.
WWC-46013: Your file cannot be uploaded because doing so would exceed the total amount of space allocated for uploaded files.
Cause: An attempt was made to upload a file that would exceed the allocated space quota.
Action: Create some free space by deleting other documents, or contact the portal administrator and request that the quota allocation be increased.
WWC-49100: Unable to locate type %1.
Cause: An attempt was made to load a non-existing dynamic type.
Action: Verify the name of the dynamic type you are trying to load.
WWC-49101: Invalid conversion requested for type %1.
Cause: A mismatch occurred between the dynamic type loaded and the requested conversion type. For example, invoking the type_to_number() method after loading a date type.
Action: Ensure that the type you have loaded matches the requested conversion type. For example, if you have loaded a number type, you should invoke the type_to_number() method for conversion.
WWC-49102: No conversion performed for type %1, value %2.
Cause: The value provided could not be converted to the requested type using the available format masks. The format mask used may not be valid.
Action: Provide a valid format mask.
WWC-53100: General error
Cause: An attempt to access the Oracle Internet Directory failed.
Action: Wait for a while and attempt the operation again. Contact the portal administrator if the problem persists.
WWC-53101: Invalid input parameter
Cause: Invalid values were specified for input parameters.
Action: Check the specified input parameter values.
WWC-53102: The specified user is not a member of any group
Cause: The user specified was not a member of any group.
Action: Check the specified user name.
WWC-53103: The specified subscriber does not exist in the directory
Cause: An attempt was made to access a subscriber that does not exist in the directory.
Action: Check the name of the subscriber required.
WWC-53104: The specified user does not exist in the directory
Cause: The user specified does not exist in the directory.
Action: Check the specified name of the user.
WWC-53105: The root oracle context doesn't exist in the directory
Cause: The root Oracle Context was not found in the directory.
Action: Check the Oracle Internet Directory Server configuration and ensure the root Oracle Context information is loaded properly.
WWC-53106: Multiple subscriber entries were found for the specified subscriber nickname
Cause: Multiple subscriber entries with the same subscriber nickname were found in the Oracle Internet Directory.
Action: Ensure that the nickname attribute of subscribers in the Oracle Internet Directory are unique.
WWC-53107: Root oracle context doesn't contain all the required information
Cause: The root Oracle Context level was not found.
Action: Check the Oracle Internet Directory Server configuration and make sure that the root Oracle Context information is loaded properly.
WWC-53108: Oracle context doesn't exist for the subscriber
Cause: Oracle Context was not found for the subscriber.
Action: Check the Oracle Internet Directory Server configuration and make sure the subscriber Oracle Context information is loaded properly.
WWC-53109: Oracle context for the subscriber is invalid
Cause: Oracle Context for the subscriber was invalid.
Action: Check the Oracle Internet Directory Server configuration and make sure the subscriber Oracle Context information is loaded properly.
WWC-53110: Multiple user entries exist for the specified user nickname
Cause: Multiple users with the given name were found in the directory.
Action: Use the popup list next to the name field to specify the user name.
WWC-53111: The specified group doesn't exist in the directory
Cause: An attempt was made to access a group that does not exist in the directory.
Action: Check the name of the group required.
WWC-53112: Multiple group entries exist for the specified group nickname in the directory
Cause: Multiple groups with the given name were found in the directory.
Action: Check that group name is valid. Use the popup list next to the name field to specify the group name.
WWC-53113: Your account is locked. Please have the administrator reset your password, or wait for the lockout duration to transpire
Cause: The number of failed login attempts exceeds the maximum number allowed, as specified by the password policy. The user account has been locked.
Action: Contact the portal administrator and request that the password be reset. Alternatively, wait for the lockout period to expire.
WWC-53114: Your password is about to expire and should be changed
Cause: Notification that password details must be updated.
Action: Change password details, as requested.
WWC-53115: Your username or password is incorrect
Cause: An attempt was made to authenticate but the login credentials were incorrect.
Action: Enter the correct login credentials.
WWC-53116: Your password has expired
Cause: Notification that a password has expired.
Action: Contact the portal administrator and request that the password be reset.
WWC-53117: The entity handle properties are being reset by the caller
Cause: An unexpected condition was encountered.
Action: Report this error to Oracle Support Services. Include the attempted operations that led to the error, any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving this error message, and the complete stack trace produced by this error.
WWC-53118: Unable to locate the subscriber for the specified user
Cause: An unexpected condition was encountered.
Action: Report this error to Oracle Support Services. Include the attempted operations that led to the error, any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving this error message, and the complete stack trace produced by this error.
WWC-53119: Your password will expire soon. Please change your password now
Cause: Notification that a password is about to expire.
Action: Change the password before it expires.
WWC-53120: Your password is smaller than the minimum required size of a password
Cause: A specified password was less than the minimum required size for a password.
Action: Specify a password that is equal to, or greater than, the minimum required password size. If necessary, contact the portal administrator to establish the minimum required size of passwords.
WWC-53121: Your password does not contain the minimum number of numeric characters required
Cause: A specified password did not contain the minimum number of numeric characters required.
Action: Specify a password that contains at least the minimum number of numeric characters. If necessary, contact the portal administrator to establish the minimum number of numeric characters required for passwords.
WWC-53122: Your password cannot be null
Cause: A null value was specified for a password.
Action: Specify a valid password value.
WWC-53123: Your new password cannot be the same as your old password
Cause: An attempt was made to change a user password but the new password specified was the same as the previous password.
Action: Specify a new password value that is different from the previous password.
WWC-53124: Your password contains an illegal value
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a password containing one or more illegal characters.
Action: Specify a password value that does not contain any illegal characters.
WWC-53125: Your password has expired. You should change your password soon
Cause: Notification that the user password has just expired. The user has been given the chance to login and change the password.
Action: Change the password as soon as possible.
WWC-53126: Your password has expired. Please contact the Administrator to change your password
Cause: Notification that the user password has expired.
Action: Contact the portal administrator to change the password.
WWC-53127: A user property was not found
Cause: An unexpected condition was encountered.
Action: Report this error to Oracle Support Services. Include the attempted operations that led to the error, any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving this error message, and the complete stack trace produced by this error.
WWC-53128: Your account has been disabled
Cause: Notification that an account has been disabled.
Action: Contact the portal administrator and request that the account be enabled.
WWC-53129: A property was not found while searching for the property in the directory
Cause: An unexpected condition was encountered.
Action: Report this error to Oracle Support Services. Include the attempted operations that led to the error, any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving this error message, and the complete stack trace produced by this error.
WWC-53149: The Portal was unable to establish contact with the Oracle Internet Directory because the following connection parameters are missing:%1
Cause: The connection parameters specified were not available.
Action: Run the command line script 'ptlasst' in MIDTIER mode to configure the Oracle Internet Directory connection parameters: ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type OID
WWC-53314: Number of users returned exceed the search return limit. Please narrow the search criteria and try again.
Cause: A large number of users match the search criteria specified.
Action: Change your search criteria so that a smaller number of users is returned or request the Portal Administrator to increase the LOV size limit.
WWC-53366: Number of groups returned exceed the search return limit. Please narrow the search criteria and try again.
Cause: A large number of groups match the search criteria specified.
Action: Change your search criteria so that a smaller number of groups is returned or request the Portal Administrator to increase the LOV size limit.
WWC-57102: To perform this action, please select a portlet or tab using the checkboxes below
Cause: You clicked an action button, but did not select any portlets or tabs.
Action: Please select one or more portlets or tabs using the checkboxes below.
WWC-57106: To perform this action, please select a portlet, item or level using the checkboxes below
Cause: You clicked an action button, but did not select any portlets, items, or levels.
Action: Please select one or more portlets, items, or levels using the checkboxes below.
WWC-57186: Page %1 is a system level cache page; no customization is allowed.
Cause: You attempted to customize a page that is cached at the system level. This is not permitted because all users see the same content on such pages. Only pages that are cached at the user level (or not cached at all) can be customized.
Action: To modify this page, you must make changes affecting all users; this requires sufficient privileges to "Edit" the page.
WWC-57216: Specify a numeric value for number of rows.
Cause: You entered an invalid value for the number of rows.
Action: Please enter a positive number representing the number of rows in the region.
WWC-57239: The name that you entered is not valid. Page names may not contain the following characters: \ /:*?"<>|'&#%. Please enter a valid name.
Cause: An invalid name was specified for the page. Page names may not contain the following characters: \ /:*?"<>|'&#%.
Action: Enter a valid page name.
WWC-57267: An error occurred while configuring the page group.
Cause: An attempt to configure a page group failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the page group is still available.
WWC-57268: Error while writing parameter metadata: %1
Cause: An attempt to write parameter metadata failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter is still available.
WWC-57269: The parent object '%1' does not have a valid ID.
Cause: The parent object ID was not valid.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
WWC-57270: Error during a flow link change event: %1
Cause: An attempt to update a flow link failed.
Action: Refresh the screen and verify that the dependent pages are still available.
WWC-57272: The reference path %1 for the portlet instance %2 is not valid.
Cause: The format of the portlet instance reference path was incorrect. The correct format is "<id>_<portletname>_<providerid>".
Action: Enter correct values and use the correct reference path format.
WWC-113600: You do not have the privileges to edit this item.
Cause: You attempted to edit an item for which you do not have privileges.
Action: Contact the page owner or portal administrator to get access to this item.
WWC-113601: You do not have the privileges to edit this page.
Cause: You attempted to edit a page for which you do not have privileges.
Action: Contact the page owner or portal administrator to get access to this page.
WWC-113602: You do not have the privileges to copy this item.
Cause: You attempted to copy an item for which you do not have privileges.
Action: Contact the page owner or portal administrator to get access to this item.
WWC-113603: You do not have the privileges to copy this page.
Cause: You attempted to copy a page for which you do not have privileges.
Action: Contact the page owner or portal administrator to get access to this page.
WWC-113604: You do not have the privileges to delete this item.
Cause: You attempted to delete an item for which you do not have privileges.
Action: Contact the page owner or portal administrator to get access to this item.
WWC-113605: You do not have the privileges to delete this page.
Cause: You attempted to delete a page for which you do not have privileges.
Action: Contact the page owner or portal administrator to get access to this page.
WWC-113606: You do not have the privileges to move this item.
Cause: You attempted to move an item for which you do not have privileges.
Action: Contact the page owner or portal administrator to get access to this item.
WWC-113607: You do not have the privileges to move this page.
Cause: You attempted to move a page for which you do not have privileges.
Action: Contact the page owner or portal administrator to get access to this page.
WWC-113608: You do not have the privileges to create a new item.
Cause: You attempted to create an item on a page for which you do not have create privileges.
Action: Please contact the page owner or portal administrator to get access to this page.
WWC-113609: You do not have the privileges to create a new page.
Cause: You do not have the privileges to create a page.
Action: Please contact the portal administrator to get this privilege.
WWC-113610: You do not have the privileges to create a new user.
Cause: You do not have privileges to create new users.
Action: Please contact the portal administrator to get this privilege.
WWC-113611: The item you tried to edit could not be found.
Cause: The item you tried to edit could not be found.
Action: Make sure the item exists.
WWC-113612: The page you tried to edit could not be found.
Cause: The page you tried to edit could not be found.
Action: Make sure the page exists.
WWC-113613: The item you tried to copy could not be found.
Cause: The item you tried to copy could not be found.
Action: Make sure the item exists.
WWC-113614: The page you tried to copy could not be found.
Cause: The page you tried to copy could not be found.
Action: Make sure the page exists.
WWC-113615: The item you tried to delete could not be found.
Cause: The item you tried to delete could not be found.
Action: Make sure the item exists.
WWC-113616: The page you tried to delete could not be found.
Cause: The page you tried to delete could not be found.
Action: Make sure the page exists.
WWC-113617: The item you tried to move could not be found.
Cause: The item you tried to move could not be found.
Action: Make sure the item exists.
WWC-113618: The page you tried to move could not be found.
Cause: The page you tried to move could not be found.
Action: Make sure the page exists.
WWC-113619: The page you tried to move to could not be found.
Cause: The page you tried to move to could not be found.
Action: Make sure the page exists.
WWC-113620: The page for which you tried to set privileges could not be found.
Cause: The page for which you tried to set privileges could not be found.
Action: Make sure the page exists.
WWC-113621: The user for whom you tried to set privileges could not be found.
Cause: The user for whom you tried to set privileges could not be found.
Action: Make sure the user exists.
WWC-113622: An error occurred while saving your changes.
Cause: An error occurred while saving your changes.
Action: Your changes were not saved. Contact your administrator.
WWC-113623: An error occurred while copying the item.
Cause: An error occurred while copying the item.
Action: The item was not copied. Contact your administrator.
WWC-113624: An error occurred while copying the page.
Cause: An error occurred while copying the page.
Action: The page was not copied. Contact your administrator.
WWC-113625: An error occurred while deleting the item.
Cause: An error occurred while deleting the item.
Action: The item was not deleted. Contact your administrator.
WWC-113626: An error occurred while deleting the page.
Cause: An error occurred while deleting the page.
Action: The page was not deleted. Contact your administrator.
WWC-113627: An error occurred while moving the item.
Cause: An error occurred while moving the item.
Action: The item was not moved. Contact your administrator.
WWC-113628: An error occurred while moving the page.
Cause: An error occurred while moving the page.
Action: The page was not moved. Contact your administrator.
WWC-113629: An error occurred while creating the item.
Cause: An error occurred while creating the item.
Action: The item was not created. Contact your administrator.
WWC-113630: An error occurred while creating the page.
Cause: An error occurred while creating the page.
Action: The page was not created. Contact your administrator.
WWC-113631: An error occurred while creating the user.
Cause: An error occurred while creating the user.
Action: The user was not created. Contact your administrator.
WWC-113632: Could not find template %1 to create a new page.
Cause: Could not find the specified template to create a new page.
Action: The page was not created. Make sure the template exists.