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Oracle® Application Server Portal Error Messages Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
Part No. B14039-01
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3 WWS-18000 to WWS-34279

WWS-18000: Document written successfully but the annotation failed
Cause: The write operation of the file completed, but the comments for it failed.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in your Personal Page for possible reasons why this has occurred.
WWS-18001: %1
Cause: A redirect required to get to the requested collection has failed.
Action: Check that the re-directed URL is valid and WebDAV is setup correctly for this portal.
WWS-18002: The document %1 cannot be located
Cause: The requested document does not exist in the location specified.
Action: In OracleAS Portal, check whether the document is accessible. If it is accessible, there is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
WWS-18003: No such lock token %1 associated with document id %2
Cause: No lock was associated with this resource.
Action: To create a lock, check it out using the lock command.
WWS-18004: User not authorized to perform the requested operation
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation but the user does not have the necessary privileges to perform the task.
Action: If applicable, contact the portal administrator and request that privileges be granted to perform such operations.
WWS-18005: Driver versions do not match
Cause: The version of the OraDAV module on the middle-tier and its database counterpart do not match.
Action: Check your installation.
WWS-18006: Unknown driver parameter: %1
Cause: The version of the OraDAV module on the middle-tier and its database counterpart do not match.
Action: Check your installation.
WWS-18007: Invalid argument: %1
Cause: The argument value specified is not valid.
Action: Check that the values supplied for all arguments are valid.
WWS-18008: The requested operation is prohibited on the specified document.
Cause: An attempt to perform an operation on a document failed.
Action: Check the permissions of the user, security on the document and the status of the document.
WWS-18009: Supplied container version %1 does not match %2 for %3
Cause: The version of the OraDAV module on the middle-tier does not match the drivers in the database.
Action: Check the installation and that all necessary patches have been applied.
WWS-18010: Document %1 is locked
Cause: The document requested was checked out.
Action: Check in or undo the check out for the document to release the lock.
WWS-18011: The document exists but is not the expected type
Cause: The document found was a file when a directory was expected. Or, the document found was a directory when a file was expected.
Action: Check that the operation attempted is valid for this type of resource.
WWS-18012: ROWID %1 from %2 has already been exposed
Cause: The document specified is already exposed to the client.
Action: None.
WWS-18014: The collection %1 already contains non-external data
Cause: The directory specified exists and is not empty.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in your Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18017: Data inconsistencies have been found in WebDAV data
Cause: One of the internal WebDAV tables contains invalid data.
Action: Use the DAV Loader utility (wwdav_loader) to repopulate the WebDAV tables with the latest data available from OracleAS Portal.
WWS-18018: The log file was already open
Cause: An attempt to open a log file failed as it was already open.
Action: If necessary, close the log file.
WWS-18019: Some objects being dropped did not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to drop repository objects but some of the objects do not exist.
Action: Check your installation.
WWS-18020: %1 already exists
Cause: The specified resource already exists.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in your Personal Page for possible reasons why the error occurred.
WWS-18024: %1 does not exist
Cause: The specified resource was not found.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in your Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18025: %1 in storage area %2 is currently in use for storage and therefore cannot be deleted
Cause: An attempt to delete a resource failed as the requested resource was open and in use elsewhere.
Action: Ensure that the resource is not in use before attempting to delete it.
WWS-18026: %1
Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in your Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18027: Cannot return a multistatus response.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to return a multistatus response for the requested operation.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in your Personal Page and the Oracle HTTP Server error log file for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18028: Cannot upload document as quota exceeded
Cause: An attempt to upload a document failed. The size quota permitted was exceeded.
Action: Check the page group quota and if necessary, free up some space.
WWS-18029: The requested operation is forbidden
Cause: An attempt to perform an operation failed.
Action: Check the permissions of the user and also whether this operation is permitted.
WWS-18067: User %1 does not have a personal page in which the WebDAV error message log file can be created.
Cause: No Personal Page was found for the logged in user.
Action: Create a Personal Page (for this user) into which the WebDAV error log file can be placed.
WWS-18068: The personal page for %1 does not include an item region in which the WebDAV error message log file can be created.
Cause: No item region was available on the Personal Page for the logged in user.
Action: Create an item region on the Personal Page for this user, in which the WebDAV error log file can be placed.
WWS-18070: There is no item in which to store error messages.
Cause: A WebDAV error log file item does not exist.
Action: Create the WebDAV error log file item in the user's Personal Page.
WWS-18072: An exception has occurred that was not anticipated : %1
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Check the WebDAV error log file in the user's Personal Page. for possible reasons why this error occurred. Also check the Apache error log file.
WWS-18073: An exception occurred whilst creating or referencing the required preference.
Cause: The preference required for the WebDAV error log file was not created.
Action: Check the Apache error log file for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18075: The default region of page %1 is incompatible with the object type being placed in it.
Cause: It was not possible to place a file type in the default page region.
Action: Check the value of the region type. Ensure it allows file types to be uploaded.
WWS-18076: The error log item for user %1 cannot be used (it may not exist, cannot be found, or cannot be created).
Cause: An attempt to write to the WebDAV error log file failed. Either the WebDAV error log file does not exist, cannot be found, or cannot be created.
Action: Check whether the WebDAV error log exists.
WWS-18077: No item types available.
Cause: No item types were specified for the page group.
Action: Select some allowable item types for the page group.
WWS-18085: Expecting data to be returned from query using condition %1, but no data found.
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in the user's Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18086: An internal module call has been made using an invalid or inconsistent set of parameters. module: %1, parameters: %2.
Cause: It was not possible to create the WebDAV error log file as the user name was not supplied.
Action: Check the Apache error log file for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18087: An error occurred during the %1 for %2.
Cause: The attempted operation failed to complete.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in the user's Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18088: An error occurred during the %1 from %2 to %3.
Cause: The attempted operation failed to complete.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in the user's Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18089: An error occurred during the %1 operation.
Cause: The attempted operation failed to complete.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in the user's Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18090: Cannot create a lock with scope %1 on the given resource of type %2. Shared (S) locks are not permissible and collections (C) cannot be locked.
Cause: The attempted operation failed to complete.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in the user's Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18091: Updating the last-modified date for %1 failed, since it is expected to be collection.
Cause: It was not possible to update the last modified date as it is not a directory.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in the user's Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18092: Deleting the root path is not allowed.
Cause: An attempt was made to delete the top level directory but this is not allowed.
Action: None.
WWS-18093: Writing to the root directory is not allowed.
Cause: An attempt was made to update the top level directory but this is not allowed.
Action: None.
WWS-18094: Moving %1 to %2 with destination name %3 failed. Moving resources across page groups is not allowed.
Cause: The attempted operation is not permitted.
Action: None.
WWS-18095: Copying %1 to %2 with destination name %3 failed. Copying resources across page groups is not allowed.
Cause: The attempted operation is not permitted.
Action: None.
WWS-18096: The name %1 in path %2 contains slashes, which is not allowed.
Cause: The attempted operation is not permitted.
Action: None.
WWS-18097: The creation of %1 failed, since its parent, %2, is either not a collection or is the root directory.
Cause: The attempted operation failed to complete.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in the user's Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
WWS-18098: The resource is already exclusively locked.
Cause: The document specified is checked out.
Action: Check in, or undo the check out for the document to release the lock.
WWS-18099: The resource cannot be locked because it is a collection. Collections cannot be locked.
Cause: An attempt was made to check out a directory but this is not supported.
Action: None.
WWS-18100: Insufficient write permissions on the folder.
Cause: An attempt was made to modify a directory but the user did not have sufficient privileges.
Action: If applicable, contact the portal administrator and request that privileges be granted to perform this operation.
WWS-18101: WebDAV Path not found :
Cause: The resource cannot be found in the underlying tables.
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in the user's Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.Also check the Apache error log file.
WWS-18102: Cannot validate at the given depth %1.
Cause: It is not possible to check for locks at the given level in the directory hierarchy
Action: Check the WebDAV error file in the user's Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.Also check the Apache error log file.
WWS-18103: It is not possible to perform the %1 operation on version zero of a document (dav-id = %2). This version is a placeholder for the first complete version of the document which will only be available once the author has submitted it for review and it has been approved.
Cause: The attempted operation failed. It is not possible to perform any operations on this resource until it has been submitted to the approval system.
Action: To allow modifications, submit it to the approval system and approve it, if the user is not an approver or owner of the document.
WWS-18104: There is not yet a complete initial version of this document; it is still being edited or reviewed. It will become available for general use once it has been approval.
Cause: The attempted operation failed. It is not possible to perform any operations on this resource until it has been submitted to the approval system.
Action: Wait until the document has been submitted to the approval system.
WWS-18105: OracleAS Portal has checked for the existence of WebDAV locks on the resource with dav-id = %1, to a depth of %2, and has found that locks exist. This may have caused OracleAS Portal to abort the current action.
Cause: The attempted action required (implicitly or explicitly) that a WebDAV resource be moved or removed, for example, a file or image item. The operation failed because the resource was locked, either by a WebDAV client, or it has been checked out. When a resource is locked it indicates that someone is actively using the resource and therefore it is not appropriate to move or remove the resource.
Action: Determine why the item is locked (or checked out) and, if safe to do so, unlock (or check- in) the item and attempt the operation again.
WWS-18121: Sorry, you have requested an invalid menu action.
Cause: The menu action specified in the request is not supported by this portal.
Action: Verify the Portal WebDAV URL and make sure it is pointing to the correct address.
WWS-18122: Sorry, access control list is not allowed for this document.
Cause: Item Level Security is not enabled on this document.
Action: Contact your portal administrator. Request that Item Level Security is enabled on the document for which access control is required.
WWS-18123: Unknown error occurred whilst processing the menu request.
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
WWS-18131: The operation %1 has been attempted on a resource, a version of which is pending approval. The operation is not allowed at this time.
Cause: An attempt was made to update a resource that is pending approval. The version in the approval process remains locked until it is either rejected or approved.
Action: Wait for the resource to be approved or rejected and attempt the operation again.
WWS-19679: Item has been approved!
Cause: The item cannot be approved or rejected because it has already been approved.
Action: Refresh your browser window to update your notifications. The item you were trying to approve or reject will no longer be listed.
WWS-19680: Item has been rejected!
Cause: The item cannot be approved or rejected because it has already been rejected.
Action: Refresh your browser window to update your notifications. The item you were trying to approve or reject will no longer be listed.
WWS-19699: You do not have permission to view this item.
Cause: Viewing the item required an appropriate privilege.
Action: Ask the page group administrator or page manager to grant you the appropriate privilege.
WWS-19722: There are pending approvals in this routing process, the step cannot be moved.
Cause: The change was rejected because the approval process definition had items pending approval.
Action: Wait until all the pending items are approved, then try again.
WWS-19746: You have entered invalid values for the number of notification items, the subscription time, or the subscription cache time.
Cause: A non-numeric value was entered.
Action: Enter a valid number value.
WWS-22200: The value entered is invalid. Choose a valid value from the LOV.
Cause: The value entered is not one of the values from the LOV.
Action: Enter a valid value from the LOV.
WWS-22201: The delete or purge did not succeed. The item or one of its associated sub-items is checked out by another user.
Cause: An item cannot be deleted or purged when the item or one of its associated sub-items is checked out by another user.
Action: Wait to perform the action until the other user checks in the item or its associated sub-item.
WWS-22507: Item does not exist.
Cause: An action was attempted on an item that no longer exists.
Action: Refresh the page so that it displays the current content.
WWS-22518: An error has occurred while executing the PL/SQL associated with the page.
Cause: The PL/SQL code associated with the current page executed with errors.
Action: Check the validity of the PL/SQL code that executes when the current page is viewed.
WWS-22519: The attribute does not exist.
Cause: No value was found for the custom attribute associated with the current page.
Action: Edit the properties for the current page, and provide values for the custom attributes associated with it.
WWS-25827: This portlet cannot search any of the submitted page groups.
Cause: A search (submission) portlet submitted a search to a search (results) portlet. The results portlet is customized to show results from a specific set of page groups and these do not include any of the page groups chosen in the submission portlet.
Action: Change the list of page groups chosen for the submission portlet or those chosen for the results portlet so that both portlets refer to a common set of page groups.
WWS-25828: This portlet cannot search all the submitted page groups.
Cause: A search (submission) portlet submitted a search to a search (results) portlet. The page groups selected for the results portlet were not all the same as those selected for the submission portlet. Only those page groups common to the submission portlet and the results portlet were searched.
Action: Change the list of page groups chosen for the submission portlet or those chosen for the results portlet so that both portlets refer to a common set of page groups.
WWS-25829: This portlet cannot search any of the default page groups from the submitted portlet.
Cause: A search (submission) portlet submitted a search to a search (results) portlet. The submission portlet searched a list of page groups that were chosen as the defaults for that portlet. The results portlet is customized to show results from a different set of page groups, none of which were common to the submission portlet.
Action: Change the default list of page groups for the submission portlet, or change the customizations in the Edit Defaults of the results portlet, so that both portlets refer to a common set of page groups.
WWS-25830: This portlet cannot search all of the default page groups from the submitted portlet.
Cause: A search (submission) portlet submitted a search to a search (results) portlet. The page groups identified for the submission portlet are different to those identified for the results portlet. Only the page groups common to the submission portlet's default page groups and the result portlet's customizations are searched.
Action: Change the default list of page groups for the submission portlet, or change the customizations in the Edit Defaults of the results portlet, so that both portlets refer to a common set of page groups.
WWS-25838: The expiry time must be an integer value between 1 and 1440 minutes.
Cause: An expiry time was specified that is not an integer between 1 and 1440 minutes.
Action: Enter an expiry time that is an integer between 1 and 1440 minutes.
WWS-25883: Some or all of the Oracle Text indexes are missing or invalid. Oracle Text searching is disabled.
Cause: Oracle Text search capabilities cannot be used because not all the Oracle Text indexes were present and valid.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle Text indexes are present and valid. If necessary, create or re-create these indexes. For more information, refer to the OracleAS Portal Configuration Guide.
WWS-25902: An error occurred while creating Oracle Text object %1.
Cause: Oracle Text encountered an error whilst creating the preference or section group.
Action: Review the diagnostics logs for other messages. Correct these errors, and try again.
WWS-25903: An error occurred whilst dropping Oracle Text object %1.
Cause: Oracle Text encountered an error whilst removing the preference or section group.
Action: Review the diagnostics logs for other messages. Correct these errors, and try again.
WWS-25907: %1 cannot be used in search criteria.
Cause: The specified search attribute does not exist in the Oracle Text indexes.
Action: The Oracle Text indexes need to be updated to include the new attribute. Oracle Text indexes are updated automatically. Either wait until the indexes are updated, or use a different search attribute.
WWS-25908: The basic search results page is missing
Cause: The page selected to display results from Basic Search portlets and Basic Search Box items is missing.
Action: Specify a valid page for basic search results, in the Search Settings screen.
WWS-25909: The search results page is missing
Cause: The page selected to display results from Advanced, Custom and Saved Search portlets is missing.
Action: Specify a valid page, in the Search Settings screen.
WWS-25910: The destination page for Advanced Search links is missing
Cause: The destination page selected for Advanced Search links is missing. Links to advanced search pages cannot be displayed.
Action: Specify a valid page for Advanced Search links, in the Search Settings screen.
WWS-25911: Page selected to display search results is missing.
Cause: The page selected to display results from this search portlet is missing.
Action: Edit the defaults of this portlet and specify a valid search results page, in the Results Display tab.
WWS-25912: Display name for the saved search is missing
Cause: A display name for the saved search has not been provided.
Action: Enter a display name for the saved search.
WWS-26000: Oracle Text Base URL cannot be null
Cause: No value is specified for the Oracle Text Base URL.
Action: Specify a value for the Oracle Text Base URL. Typically, this is the URL to the portal instance, up to and including the portal DAD. For example, http://hostname.domain:port/pls/dad/
WWS-26001: Link Text for Internet Search Engine cannot be null if a URL is specified
Cause: A URL was specified for the Internet Search Engine, but link text was not specified.
Action: Specify link text for the Internet Search Engine.
WWS-30071: Item %1 from page group %2 is not a valid image.
Cause: The item specified is not a valid image.
Action: Choose a valid image.
WWS-30074: The value for results per page must be an integer greater than zero.
Cause: A value specified for the results-per-page is not an integer greater than zero.
Action: Specify a value for the results-per-page that is an integer greater than zero.
WWS-30502: The page ID does not exist.
Cause: The page that this item belongs to does not exist.
Action: Refresh the page, and try to edit the item again.
WWS-30518: The item ID does not exist.
Cause: This item does not exist.
Action: Refresh the page, and try to edit the item again.
WWS-30529: You must specify a valid Style name.
Cause: This error occurs when an internal API is called to retrieve a style setting value and the setting name or its type are not provided.
Action: Provide the setting name and type.
WWS-30534: You cannot move a page into itself.
Cause: An attempt was made to make a page the sub-page of itself.
Action: Choose another page as the parent of the page.
WWS-30538: Another user has updated the value of this item.
Cause: This error occurs when one user attempts to update page group properties at the same time as another user.
Action: Close the page group properties screen, and reload it.
WWS-30541: Page group name is not specified.
Cause: A page group name was not provided whilst creating or editing a page group.
Action: Provide a valid name for the page group.
WWS-30542: Display name is not specified.
Cause: A display name is not specified.
Action: Specify a display name.
WWS-30558: Perspective name is not specified.
Cause: No name is specified for the perspective.
Action: Enter a unique name for the perspective. The name must not already be used in this page group nor the Shared Objects page group.
WWS-30563: Category name is not specified.
Cause: The category name cannot be null.
Action: Enter a unique name for the category. The name must not already be used in this page group nor the Shared Objects page group.
WWS-30573: You do not have permission for this operation.
Cause: This operation could not be performed because the user did not have the required privilege.
Action: Ask the page group administrator or page manager to grant you the required privilege.
WWS-30574: The perspective already exists.
Cause: A perspective with this name already exists in this page group or in the Shared Objects page group. The perspective name must be unique within its own page group and the Shared Objects page group.
Action: Enter a unique perspective name. The name must not already be used in this page group nor the Shared Objects page group.
WWS-30582: The category already exists.
Cause: A category with this name already exists in this page group or in the Shared Objects page group. The category name must be unique within its own page group and the Shared Objects page group.
Action: Enter a unique category name. The name must not already by used in this page group nor the Shared Objects page group.
WWS-30584: DBMS_SQL has raised an unhandled exception.
Cause: The value entered for the TEXT attribute exceeds 32 KB.
Action: Enter a text value that does not exceed 32 KB.
WWS-30586: The item name must be unique in this page.
Cause: The name specified for the item is not unique.
Action: Specify a name that is unique across all the items on this page as well as all the tabs and sub-pages of this page.
WWS-30590: Style name is not specified.
Cause: A style name is required to create or edit a style.
Action: Provide a valid style name.
WWS-30593: Invalid number format entered.
Cause: An invalid value was entered for a number attribute. It is possible that the LOV associated with the attribute returns incorrect values.
Action: Request that the owner of the LOV change it to return the correct type of values.
WWS-30595: Style with the specified name already exists.
Cause: The style name entered is not unique.
Action: Enter a unique style name, one that is not used in the current page group nor in the Shared Objects page group.
WWS-30601: An invalid date was entered.
Cause: The date entered is invalid.
Action: Enter a valid date.
WWS-30603: Invalid value entered for color.
Cause: An invalid value was entered in the style's color field.
Action: Enter a valid color value.
WWS-30617: At least one search term is required
Cause: No search criteria was provided for the search.
Action: Enter some search criteria and submit the search.
WWS-30627: No language specified for translation
Cause: No language was specified in the internal API that creates translations for the page group. One way to avoid this is to create translations through the user interface.
Action: Specify a language for translation.
WWS-30628: Invalid Page Group name.
Cause: Invalid characters were entered for the page group name.
Action: Enter a valid page group name.
WWS-30632: Display Name and Page Type Name required with no spaces or special characters.
Cause: No name or display name was specified while creating or editing a custom page type.
Action: Specify a valid name and display name for the custom page type.
WWS-30640: The Page Group's default language cannot be deleted.
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a page group's default language. This action is not permitted.
Action: Some translation languages can be removed. For a list of these, go to the Translations tab of page group properties.
WWS-30641: The Page Group ID does not exist.
Cause: An invalid page group ID was entered.
Action: Enter a valid page group ID.
WWS-30644: Page Group name must be unique
Cause: The page group name entered is already in use.
Action: Enter a unique page group name.
WWS-30660: Invalid date: %1
Cause: An invalid date value was entered for the search attribute.
Action: Enter a valid date value.
WWS-30661: Invalid number: %1
Cause: An invalid number value was entered for the search attribute.
Action: Enter a valid number value.
WWS-30662: Procedure Call or Link Text cannot be null. Enter valid values for these fields.
Cause: A value was not entered for the Procedure Call or the Link Text.
Action: Enter values for both fields. If you do not want to add a procedure call to the page type, ensure that both fields are null.
WWS-30663: A URL is not specified for this page
Cause: The URL for a URL page is not specified.
Action: Specify a URL for the URL page.
WWS-30664: Valid PL/SQL code is not specified for this page
Cause: The PL/SQL code for a PL/SQL page is not specified.
Action: Specify PL/SQL code for the PL/SQL page.
WWS-30667: Saved search name already exists. Enter a new name.
Cause: The name given for the saved search already exists.
Action: Specify a unique name for the saved search.
WWS-30670: Category name contains invalid characters.
Cause: The category name contains invalid characters.
Action: Specify a valid name.
WWS-30671: Perspective name contains invalid characters.
Cause: The perspective name contains invalid characters.
Action: Specify a valid name.
WWS-30675: Display Name cannot be null
Cause: Nothing was entered in the Display Name field.
Action: Enter a valid Display Name.
WWS-30680: Page Group not found
Cause: An attempt was made to move an item to a nonexistent page group.
Action: Pass in a valid page group name to the move item API.
WWS-30683: Enter a number greater than Zero
Cause: One or more numeric values greater than zero were required but not entered in page group properties.
Action: Provide all the required number values.
WWS-30687: Display name required for the perspective
Cause: A display name was not provided for a perspective.
Action: Specify a display name for the perspective.
WWS-30693: This User does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to provide access to user that does not exist.
Action: Provide a valid user name.
WWS-30695: Page Name contains spaces or special characters.
Cause: The specified page name contained spaces or special characters.
Action: Remove the spaces and special characters from the page name.
WWS-30698: Invalid username specified. User does not exist!
Cause: An invalid user name or group name was entered.
Action: Enter a valid user name or group name. If you are not sure of the name, click the Browse Users or Browse Groups icon and select from the list provided.
WWS-30699: Path Alias Name is not defined for the Database Access Descriptor
Cause: The CGI environment variables were not initialized.
Action: Check the middle-tier log files.
WWS-30706: You must specify a database schema
Cause: A schema name was not specified.
Action: Specify a valid schema name.
WWS-30707: Invalid schema specified. Database Schema does not exist!
Cause: The database schema specified does not exist.
Action: Specify a valid database schema.
WWS-30710: You must specify an expire date
Cause: The item is set to expire on a future date, but an expiration date was not specified.
Action: Specify the expiration date.
WWS-30711: You must specify the number of days for the expiration period
Cause: The item is set to expire in a certain number of days, but the number of days was not specified.
Action: Specify the number of days from the publish date when the item should expire.
WWS-30712: Publish Date must be in the proper date format (indicate 4 digit year)
Cause: The publish date was entered in an invalid format.
Action: Enter the publish date in the format specified.
WWS-30713: Publish Date cannot be earlier than current date
Cause: An attempt was made to publish this item before the current date, or an attempt was made to create a sub-item with a publish date that precedes the publish date of the parent item.
Action: Change the publish date of the item to a future date, or set the publish date of the sub-item to the same or a later date than the publish date of the parent item.
WWS-30714: Expire Date must be in the proper date format (indicate 4 digit year)
Cause: The expiration date was entered in an invalid format.
Action: Enter the expiration date in the format specified.
WWS-30715: Expire Date must be later than current date
Cause: An expiration date was entered for the item that was not later than the current date.
Action: The item can be expired only in the future. Specify an expiration date that is later than the current date.
WWS-30716: An expire date that is the same as or earlier than the publish date signifies an Expired item, which cannot be edited. In order to edit this item, you must modify the expiration period.
Cause: The item has expired and cannot be edited.
Action: Un-expire the item, then try again.
WWS-30717: Invalid number format specified for expiration period. Specify a non zero positive number.
Cause: An invalid number was entered for the expiration period.
Action: Specify a valid number.
WWS-30719: Publish Date cannot be earlier than Create Date
Cause: An attempt was made to enter a publish date that precedes the item's creation date.
Action: Enter a publish date that is either the same or later than the current date.
WWS-30720: Unable to create items
Cause: Portal was unable to refresh a portlet provider or the Portlet Repository.
Action: Check the refresh log to determine the provider that throws error, then verify that the provider registration for that provider is correct. Make sure the provider is up and running during refresh.
WWS-30721: Invalid name. Valid characters are [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9] and "_".
Cause: An invalid style name was provided during style creation or edit.
Action: Provide a valid style name.
WWS-30722: You must specify a Style Display Name.
Cause: A display name was not provided for the style.
Action: Provide a valid display name.
WWS-30724: Quota for this page group exceeded.
Cause: The document or image could not be uploaded because the page group quota has been exceeded.
Action: Contact the portal administrator.
WWS-30725: Expire Date must be later than Publish Date.
Cause: An attempt was made to enter an item expiration date that precedes the item publish date.
Action: Enter an expiration date that is later than the publish date.
WWS-30730: Unable to get the list of providers.
Cause: The registration information for some provider is inconsistent, or an internal error occurred in the provider subsystem.
Action: Verify that registration information for all providers is valid.
WWS-30731: Invalid date format specified.
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid date format.
Action: Specify a valid date format.
WWS-30738: You have entered an invalid email address.
Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid e-mail address format.
Action: Enter the e-mail address in a valid format, for example,
WWS-30741: This item has been checked out so you cannot edit it.
Cause: Another user has checked the item out. The edit icon was displayed because the page has not been refreshed since the other user checked the item out.
Action: Refresh the page to show the current status of its content. As soon as the other user checks the item in, you will be able to edit it.
WWS-30742: Advanced Search link cannot be null
Cause: The choice to specify an Advanced Search Link was made, but the advanced search link value was not specified. The Advanced Search Link is specified either by selecting a page or specifying a URL.
Action: Specify an Advanced Search Link value.
WWS-30743: Advanced Search page cannot be null
Cause: The choice was made to specify an Advanced Search Page, but the Advanced Search value was not specified. The Advanced Search Page is specified either by selecting a page or specifying a URL.
Action: Specify an Advanced Search Page value.
WWS-30744: Not enough search terms specified, you must enter two search terms for the Near operator
Cause: Fewer than two search terms were specified for the near operator. The near operator requires two search terms.
Action: Specify two search terms when using the near operator. The search will return results that have near with a high score.
WWS-30745: Too many search terms specified, you must enter two search terms for the Near operator
Cause: More than two search terms were specified for the near operator. The near operator requires two search terms.
Action: Specify two search terms when using the near operator. The search will return results that have near with a high score.
WWS-30748: Pending items cannot be unzipped. The item must first be approved.
Cause: An attempt was made to unzip an item that is pending approval. Items pending approval cannot be unzipped.
Action: Unzip after the item is approved.
WWS-30749: Search Results Page Names cannot be null
Cause: One or both search results pages were not specified.
Action: Choose search results pages for basic and advanced searches.
WWS-31365: Valid date format: %1
Cause: Dates must be entered in the correct format.
Action: Enter the date using the format specified.
WWS-32006: You must enter at least one search term
Cause: A search was submitted containing no valid search criteria. Either no criteria were specified, or the criteria specified were not relevant to the type of results being sought. For example, only a category criteria is specified, and the search is for categories. Categories do not belong to categories, so the criteria is not valid and is ignored.
Action: Ensure that the search contains valid search criteria.
WWS-32018: The format of this URL has changed. Change the source of this URL to the New URL displayed below. The Old URL is not supported in future releases. If your browser does not automatically redirect you in 30 seconds, click the New URL below to go to the new page.
Cause: Portal URLs have changed, the old URL format is no longer valid.
Action: Wait to be redirected to the new URL, or click on the link displayed.
WWS-32021: An error was encountered while deleting the page group. The page group has been deleted but you should check the logs for further information.
Cause: A page group that had some data inconsistency was deleted.
Action: No further action required. The page group has been deleted. You can look at the logs for additional details on the data inconsistency.
WWS-32022: The category has been created but it was not possible to place the search portlets onto the category page. The category page will not show the items or pages in the category.
Cause: This is usually caused when the category page template has been modified and the region in which the portlets are to be placed has been removed.
Action: If the category template is deleted, it will be re-created with the correct regions the next time a category is created. However, existing categories will not be based on the new template. See the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide, for information on how to remove and re-create all of the category pages based on a re-created template.
WWS-32023: The perspective has been created but it was not possible to place the search portlets onto the perspective page. The perspective page will not show the items or pages in the perspective.
Cause: This is usually caused when the perspective page template has been modified and the region in which the portlets are to be placed has been removed.
Action: If the perspective template is deleted, it will be re-created with the correct regions the next time a perspective is created. However, existing perspectives will not be based on the new template. See the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide, for information on how to remove and re-create all of the perspective pages based on a re-created template.
WWS-32024: The file could be not filtered.
Cause: There may be a problem with an unsupported file format. To search file content and Themes and Gist, and view as HTML, the file must be filtered and converted to plain text. This is not always possible because some file formats are not supported. This error might also be caused by a problem with the setup and configuration of Oracle Text.
Action: Ensure that the document is in a format supported by Oracle Text. See the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide, for information on how to work with Oracle Text.
WWS-32025: The search criteria specified results in too many potential search terms.
Cause: The combination of operator and search term were used to create a list of potential search terms that is too large. This can occur when using the "partially match (%term%)" operator with a non-specific search term.
Action: Enter a more specific search term, or use a different operator.
WWS-32026: The Oracle Text Installation is not complete: Knowledge base file or files are missing.
Cause: The Knowledge Base supplied with Oracle Text was not installed.
Action: Complete the installation of Oracle Text.
WWS-32103: Not enough permissions to execute this action
Cause: An operation was attempted by a user without the required privilege.
Action: Ask the page group administrator or page manager to grant you the appropriate privilege.
WWS-32110: Page name is missing
Cause: A page name was required but not entered.
Action: Enter a valid name.
WWS-32111: Missing Display Name
Cause: A display name was required but not entered.
Action: Enter a valid display name.
WWS-32118: Invalid REQUIRED value for an attribute
Cause: You did not enter values for all of the required attributes.
Action: Enter a value for each required attribute.
WWS-32139: The page group ID does not exist.
Cause: An invalid page group ID was passed to a function getting the default language of a page group.
Action: Pass a valid page group ID.
WWS-32143: Invalid display mode
Cause: This portlet does not support the specified display mode.
Action: Choose either the Show or Edit display mode.
WWS-34279: Specify a title to create a perspective;
Cause: A display name was not entered for the perspective.
Action: Specify a display name for the perspective.