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Oracle Application Server TopLink Mapping Workbench User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10316-01
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Understanding Relationship Mappings

Relational mappings define how persistent objects reference other persistent objects. Oracle Application Server TopLink furnishes the following relationship mappings:

Oracle Application Server TopLink also provides object-relational relationship mappings (see Chapter 5, "Understanding Direct Mappings", and Chapter 7, "Understanding Object-Relational Mappings").

All OracleAS TopLink relationship mappings are unidirectional, from the class being described (the source class) to the class with which it is associated (the target class). The target class does not have a reference to the source class in a unidirectional relationship.

To implement a bidirectional relationship (classes that reference each other), use two unidirectional mappings with the sources and targets reversed.

Working with Relationship Mappings

Persistent objects use relationship mappings to store references to instances of other persistent classes. The appropriate mapping class is chosen primarily by the cardinality of the relationship.

Specifying Private or Independent Relationships

In OracleAS TopLink, object relationships can be either private or independent.

Aggregate object mappings are private by default, because the target object shares the same row as the source object. One-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many mappings can be independent or private, depending upon the application. Normally, many-to-many mappings are independent by definition; however, because a many-to-many mapping can be used to implement a logical one-to-many without requiring a back reference in the target to the source, OracleAS TopLink allows many-to-many mappings to be private as well as independent.


OracleAS TopLink automatically supports private relationships. Whenever an object is written to the database, any private objects it owns are also written to the database. When an object is removed from the database, any private objects it because are also removed. Be aware of this when creating new systems, since it may affect both the behavior and the performance of your application.

Working with Foreign Keys

OracleAS TopLink uses references to maintain foreign key information. OracleAS TopLink defines the reference as a property of the table containing the foreign key. This may or may not correspond to an actual constraint that exists on the database.

If you import tables from the database, OracleAS TopLink creates references that correspond to existing database constraints (if the driver supports this). You can also define any number of references in the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench without creating similar constraints on the database.

OracleAS TopLink uses these references when defining relationship mappings and descriptors' multiple table associations.

Understanding Foreign Keys

A foreign key is a combination of columns that reference a unique key, usually the primary key, in another table. Foreign keys can be any number of fields (similar to a primary key), all of which are treated as a unit. A foreign key and the parent key it references must have the same number and type of fields.

Relationship mappings use foreign keys to find information in the database so that the target object(s) can be instantiated. For example, if every Employee has an attribute address that contains an instance of Address (which has its own descriptor and table) then, the one-to-one mapping for the address attribute would specify foreign key information to find an address for a particular Employee.

OracleAS TopLink classifies foreign keys into two categories in mappings -- foreign keys and target foreign keys:

Specifying Foreign Keys

If you import tables from the database, OracleAS TopLink creates references that correspond to existing database constraints (if supported by the driver). You can also define references in OracleAS TopLink without creating similar constraints on the database.

To display existing references for a table, use the References tab (see Figure 3-8). References that contain the On Database option will create a constraint that corresponds to the references.


Your database driver must support this.

To create a foreign key:
  1. Choose a database table in the Navigator pane that will contain the foreign key.

  2. Click the References tab in the Editor pane (see Figure 3-8).

  3. Select a reference table. See "Creating Table References" for more information.

  4. Add a key pair for the reference. See "Creating Field References" for more information.

    Use the Source Field and Target Field drop-down lists to choose the appropriate fields on the source and target tables.

    Repeat step 4 for each foreign key field.

Working with a Container Policy

A container policy specifies the concrete class OracleAS TopLink should use when reading target objects from the database. You can specify a container policy for collection mappings (DirectCollectionMapping, OneToManyMapping, and ManyToManyMapping) and for read-all queries (ReadAllQuery).

Starting with JDK 1.2, the collection mappings can use any concrete class that implements either the java.util.Collection interface or the java.util.Map interface.

When using OracleAS TopLink with JDK 1.2 (or later), you can map object attributes declared as Collection or Map, or any subinterface of these two interfaces, or as a class that implements one of these two interfaces. You must specify in the mapping the concrete container class to be used. When OracleAS TopLink reads objects from the database that contain an attribute mapped with a collection mapping, the attribute is set with an instance of the concrete class specified. By default, a collection mapping's container class is java.util.Vector.

Read-all queries also require a container policy to specify how the result objects are to be returned. The default container is java.util.Vector.

Container policies cannot be used to specify a custom container class when using indirect containers.

Overriding the Default Container Policy

For collection mappings, you can specify the container class in the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench (see "Working with Direct Collection Mappings").

To set the container policy without using the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench, the following API is available for both CollectionMapping and ReadAllQuery:

Working with Indirection

Using indirection objects can improve the performance of OracleAS TopLink object relationships. An indirection object takes the place of an application object so that the application object is not read from the database until it is needed (see Figure 6-1).

Figure 6-1 OracleAS TopLink indirection

Text description of indirctn.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration indirctn.gif

Without indirection, when OracleAS TopLink retrieves a persistent object, it also retrieves all the objects referenced by that object. This can result in lower performance for some applications. Using indirection allows OracleAS TopLink to create "stand-ins" for related objects, resulting in significant performance improvements, especially when the application is interested only in the contents of the retrieved object rather than the objects to which it is related.

Understanding Indirection

Indirection is available for transformation mappings and for direct collection, one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationship mappings.

You can enable or disable indirection for each mapping individually. By default, indirection is enabled for relationship mappings and disabled for transformation mappings. Indirection should be enabled only for transformation mappings if the execution of the transformation method is a resource-intensive task, such as accessing the database.

In addition to this standard version of indirection, collection mappings (direct collection, one-to-many, and many-to-many) can use indirect containers.

Using Value Holder Indirection

Persistent classes that use indirection must replace relationship attributes with value holder attributes. A value holder is an instance of a class that implements the ValueHolderInterface interface, such as ValueHolder. This object stores the information necessary to retrieve the object it is replacing from the database. If the application does not access the value holder, the replaced object is never read from the database.

When using method access, the get and set methods specified for the mapping must access an instance of ValueHolderInterface, rather than the object referenced by the value holder.

To obtain the object that the value holder replaces, use the getValue() and setValue() methods of the ValueHolderInterface class. A convenient way of using these methods is to hide the getValue and setValue methods of the ValueHolderInterface inside get and set methods, as in the following example.

Example 6-1 Value Holder Indirection

The following figure illustrates the Employee object being read from the database. The Address object is not read and will not be created unless it is accessed.

Figure 6-2 Address Object Not Read

Text description of vhstep1.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration vhstep1.gif

The first time the address is accessed, as in the following figure, the ValueHolder reads and returns the Address object.

Figure 6-3 Initial Request

Text description of vhstep2.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration vhstep2.gif

Subsequent requests for the address do not access the database, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 6-4 Subsequent Requests

Text description of vhstep3.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration vhstep3.gif

Specifying Indirection

Use this procedure to specify that a mapping uses indirection.

To specify indirection:
  1. In the Navigator pane, select the mapping to be mapped, and click the appropriate button on the mapping toolbar.

    The mapping tab appears in the Editor pane.

    Figure 6-5 Sample Mapping Properties

    Text description of indroptn.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration indroptn.gif

  2. On the General tab, click Use Indirection to specify that the mapping uses indirection.

Changing Java Classes to Use Indirection

Attributes using indirection must conform to the ValueHolderInterface. You can change your attribute types in the Class Editor without re-importing your Java classes. Ensure that you change the attribute types in your Java code as well. Attributes typed incorrectly will be marked as deficient.

In addition to changing the attribute's type, you may also need to change its accessor methods. If you use method access, OracleAS TopLink requires accessors to the indirection object itself, so your get method returns an instance that conforms to ValueHolderInterface, and your set method accepts one argument that conforms to the same. If the instance variable returns a Vector instead of an object, then the value holder should be defined in the constructor as follows:

In any case, the application uses the getAddress() and setAddress() methods to access the Address object. With indirection, OracleAS TopLink uses the getAddressHolder() and setAddressHolder() methods when saving and retrieving instances to and from the database.

Refer to the book Oracle Application Server TopLink Application Developer's Guide for details.

Example 6-2 Indirection

The following code illustrates the Employee class using indirection with method access for a one-to-one mapping to Address.

The class definition is modified so that the address attribute of Employee is a ValueHolderInterface instead of an Address, and appropriate get and set methods are supplied.

// Initialize ValueHolders in Employee Constructor
public Employee() {
address = new ValueHolder();
protected ValueHolderInterface address;

// 'Get' and `Set' accessor methods registered with the mapping and used by 
OracleAS TopLink.
public ValueHolderInterface getAddressHolder() {
return address;
public void setAddressHolder(ValueHolderInterface holder) {
address = holder;

// `Get' and `Set' accessor methods used by the application to access the 
public Address getAddress() {
return (Address) address.getValue();
public void setAddress(Address theAddress) {

Working with Transparent Indirection

Transparent indirection allows you to declare any relationship attribute of a persistent class that holds a collection of related objects as a java.util.Collection, java.util.Map, java.util.Vector, or java.util.Hastable. OracleAS TopLink will use an indirection object that implements the appropriate interface and also performs "just in time" reading of the related objects. When using transparent indirection, you do not have to declare the attributes as ValueHolderInterface.

You can specify transparent indirection from the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench. Newly created collection mappings use transparent indirection by default if their attribute is not a ValueHolderInterface.

Specifying Transparent Indirection

Use this procedure to use transparent indirection.

Using Transparent Indirection:
  1. In the Navigator pane, select the attribute. The mapping tab appears in the Editor pane.

    Figure 6-6 Sample Mapping Properties

    Text description of tranindr.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration tranindr.gif

  2. On the General tab, click the Use Indirection option for attributes that use indirection.

  3. Select the Transparent indirection option.

Working with Proxy Indirection

Introduced in JDK 1.3, the Java class Proxy enables you to use dynamic proxy objects as stand-ins for a defined interface. Certain OracleAS TopLink mappings (OneToOneMapping, VariableOneToOneMapping, ReferenceMapping, and TransformationMapping) can be configured to use proxy indirection, which gives you the benefits of OracleAS TopLink indirection without the need to include OracleAS TopLink classes in your domain model. Proxy indirection is to one-to-one relationship mappings as indirect containers are to collection mappings.

Although the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench does not support proxy indirection, you can use the useProxyIndirection method in an amendment method.

To use proxy indirection, your domain model must satisfy the following criteria:

Example 6-3 Proxy indirection Examples

The following code illustrates an Employee->Address one-to-one relationship.

public interface Employee {
    public String getName();
    public Address getAddress();
    public void setName(String value);
    public void setAddress(Address value);
    . . .
public class EmployeeImpl implements Employee {
    public String name;
    public Address address;
    . . .
    public Address getAddress() {
        return this.address;
    public void setAddress(Address value) {
        this.address = value;
public interface Address {
    public String getStreet();
    public void setStreet(String value);
    . . .
public class AddressImpl implements Address {
    public String street;
    . . .

In Example 6-3, both the EmployeeImpl and the AddressImpl classes implement public interfaces (Employee and Address respectively). Therefore, because the AddressImpl is the target of the one-to-one relationship, it is the only class that must implement an interface. However, if the EmployeeImpl is ever to be the target of another one-to-one relationship using transparent indirection, it must also implement an interface, as shown below:

Employee emp = (Employee) session.readObject(Employee.class);
// Would print:
[Employee] John Smith
{ IndirectProxy: not instantiated }
String street = emp.getAddress().getStreet();
// Triggers database read to get Address information
// Would print:
[Employee] John Smith
{ [Address] 123 Main St. }

Using proxy indirection does not change how you instantiate your own domain objects for insert. You still use the following code:

Employee emp = new EmployeeImpl("John Smith");
Address add = new AddressImpl("123 Main St.");

Implementing Proxy Indirection in Java

To enable proxy indirection in Java code, use the following API for ObjectReferenceMapping:

Example 6-4 Proxy indirection Example

The following code example illustrates using proxy indirection.

// Define the 1:1 mapping, and specify that Proxy Indirection should be used
OneToOneMapping addressMapping = new OneToOneMapping();
. . .

Optimizing for Queries

You can configure query optimization on any relationship mappings. The optimization requires fewer database calls to read a set of objects from the database. You can configure query optimization on a descriptor's mappings to affect all queries for that class, resulting in a significant system performance gain without changing any application code. Queries can also be optimized on a per-query basis. For more information, see the Oracle Application Server TopLink Application Developer's Guide.

OracleAS TopLink provides two query optimization features on mappings: joining and batch reading.

Example 6-5 Query Optimization Using Joining

The following code example illustrates using joining for query optimization.

// Queries for Employee are configured to always join Address 
OneToOneMapping addressMapping = new OneToOneMapping();

Example 6-6 Query Optimization Using Batching

The following code example illustrates using batch for query optimization.

// Queries on Employee are configured to always batch read Address
OneToManyMapping phoneNumbersMapping = new OneToManyMapping();
PhoneNumber.class") phoneNumbersMapping.setAttributeName("phones"); phoneNumbersMapping.useBatchReading(); phoneNumbersMapping.privateOwnedRelationship();

Working with Aggregate Object Mappings

Two objects are related by aggregation if there is a strict one-to-one relationship between the objects, and all the attributes of the second object can be retrieved from the same table(s) as the owning object. This means that if the source (parent) object exists, then the target (child or owned) object must also exist, as illustrated in Figure 6-7.

Aggregate objects are privately owned and should not be shared or referenced by other objects.


When using an aggregate descriptor in an inheritance, all the descriptors in the inheritance tree must be aggregates. Aggregate and Class descriptors cannot exist in the same inheritance tree.

Figure 6-7 Aggregate Object Mapping

Text description of agmapfig.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration agmapfig.gif

To implement an aggregate object mapping:

Target objects can also have multiple sources, hence the need to choose a candidate table during its mapping. This allows different source types to store the same target information within their tables. Each source class must have table fields that correspond to the field names registered with the target class. If one of the source tables has different field names than the names registered with the target class, the source class must translate the field names.

In Figure 6-8:

Aggregate target classes not shared among multiple source classes can have any type of mapping, including other aggregate object mappings.

Aggregate target classes shared with multiple source classes cannot have one-to-many or many-to-many mappings.

Other classes cannot reference the aggregate target with one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many mappings. If the aggregate target has a one-to-many relationship with another class, the other class must provide a one-to-one relationship back to the aggregate's parent class, instead of the aggregate child. This is because the source class contains the table and primary key information of the aggregate.

Aggregate descriptors can make use of inheritance. The subclasses must also be declared as aggregate and be contained in the source's table. See "Working with Inheritance" for more information.

Creating a Target Descriptor

Use this procedure to create a target descriptor to employ with an aggregate mapping. You must configure the target before specifying field translations in the parent descriptor.

To create the target descriptor:
  1. In the Navigator pane, right-click the target descriptor and choose Aggregate from the pop-up menu. The descriptor's icon in the Navigator pane changes to an Aggregate Descriptor Text description of agdesicn.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration agdesicn.gif


    You can also choose Selected > Aggregate from the menu or by clicking the Aggregate Descriptor button Text description of agdesbtn.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration agdesbtn.gif


  2. Map the attributes, specifying all but field information.

    • For a one-to-one mapping, pick a reference between a table in the target descriptor and a table in a descriptor that will have a mapping to this aggregate target. If this aggregate target will be mapped to multiple source descriptors, pick a reference whose foreign key field(s) will be in the tables of one of the source descriptors.

    • For a one-to-many mapping or a many-to-many mapping, pick a reference whose foreign key field(s) will be in the referenced descriptor's tables and whose primary key field will be in the source descriptor's tables.

  3. Continue with "Creating an Aggregate Object Mapping" to create the aggregate mapping.

Creating an Aggregate Object Mapping

Use this procedure to create an aggregate object mapping. You must also create a target descriptor to use with the aggregate mapping.

To create an aggregate object mapping:
  1. In the Navigator pane, select the mapping to be mapped and click the Aggregate Mapping button Text description of agmapbtn.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration agmapbtn.gif

    on the mapping toolbar.

    The Aggregate mapping tab appears in the Editor pane.

    Figure 6-9 Aggregate Mapping General Tab

    Text description of agmapgen.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration agmapgen.gif

  2. Use the Reference Descriptor drop-down list on the General tab to choose a reference descriptor.


    You can select only aggregate descriptors. See "Creating a Target Descriptor" for details.

  3. You can also specify:

  4. Click the Fields tab to specify field information for the target descriptor's mapping.

    Figure 6-10 Aggregate Mapping Fields Tab

    Text description of agmapfld.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration agmapfld.gif

  5. Use this table to enter data in each field:

    Field Description

    Field Description

    Available fields from the reference descriptor. These fields are for display only and cannot be changed on this tab.


    Use the drop-down list to choose a field to use for the mapping for each field description.

Working with One-to-One Mappings

One-to-one mappings represent simple pointer references between two Java objects. In Java, a single pointer stored in an attribute represents the mapping between the source and target objects. Relational database tables implement these mappings using foreign keys.

Figure 6-11 illustrates a one-to-one relationship from the address attribute of an Employee object to an Address object. To store this relationship in the database, create a one-to-one mapping between the address attribute and the Address class. This mapping stores the id of the Address instance in the EMPLOYEE table when the Employee instance is written. It also links the Employee instance to the Address instance when the Employee is read from the database. Because an Address does not have any references to the Employee, it does not have to provide a mapping to Employee.

For one-to-one mappings, the source table normally contains a foreign key reference to a record in the target table. In Figure 6-11, the ADDR_ID field of the EMPLOYEE table is a foreign key.

Figure 6-11 One-to-One Mappings

Text description of 11mapfig.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration 11mapfig.gif

You can also implement a one-to-one mapping where the target table contains a foreign key reference to the source table. In the example, the database design would change such that the ADDRESS row would contain the EMP_ID to identify the Employee to which it belonged. In this case, the target must also have a relationship mapping to the source.

The update, insert and delete operations, which are normally done for the target before the source, for privately owned one-to-one relationships, are performed in the opposite order when the target owns the foreign key. Target foreign keys normally occur in bidirectional one-to-one mappings, because one side has a foreign key and the other shares the same foreign key in the other's table.

Target foreign keys can also occur when large cascaded composite primary keys exist (that is, one object's primary key is composed of the primary key of many other objects). In this case it is possible to have a one-to-one mapping that contains both foreign keys and target foreign keys.

In a foreign key, OracleAS TopLink automatically updates the foreign key value in the object's row. In a target foreign key, it does not. In OracleAS TopLink, the Target Foreign Key checkbox includes a checkmark when a target foreign key relationship is defined.

When mapping a relationship, you must understand these differences between a foreign key and a target foreign key, to ensure that the relationship is defined correctly.

In a bidirectional relationship where the two classes in the relationship reference each other, only one of the mappings should have a foreign key. The other mapping should have a target foreign key. If one of the mappings in a bidirectional relationship is a one-to-many mapping, see "Working with Variable One-to-One Mappings" for details.

Creating One-to-One Mappings

Use this procedure to create a one-to-one mapping.

To create a one-to-one mapping:
  1. In the Navigator pane, select the mapping to be mapped and click the One-to-One Mapping button Text description of 11mapbtn.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration 11mapbtn.gif

    on the mapping toolbar.

    The One-to-one mapping tab appears in the Editor pane.

    Figure 6-12 One-to-One Mapping General Properties

    Text description of 11maptab.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration 11maptab.gif

  2. Enter the required information on the General tab (see "Working with Common Mapping Properties").

  3. You can also specify:

  4. Click the Table Reference tab to choose the reference.

    Figure 6-13 One-to-One Mapping Table Reference Properties

    Text description of 11mapref.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration 11mapref.gif

  5. Use this table to enter data in each field:

    Field Description

    Table Reference

    Use the drop-down list to choose a table reference for the mapping. Click New to create a new table

    Key Pairs

      Source Field

    Use the drop-down list to choose a field from the source table.

      Target Field

    Use the drop-down list to choose a field from the target table.

      Target Foreign Key

    Specify if the relationship is a target foreign key.

Specifying Advanced Features Available by Amending the Descriptor

One-to-one target objects mapped as Privately Owned are, by default, verified before deletion or update outside of a unit of work.

Verification is a check for the previous value of the target and is accomplished through joining the source and target tables. Inside a unit of work, verification is accomplished by obtaining the previous value from the back-up clone, so this setting is not used because a database read is not required. You may wish to disable verification outside of a unit of work for performance reasons and can do so by sending the setShouldVerifyDelete() message to the mapping in an amendment method written for the descriptor, as follows:

public static void addToDescriptor(Descriptor descriptor){
//Find the one-to-one mapping for the address attribute
OneToOneMapping addressMapping=(OneToOneMapping) 

Working with Variable One-to-One Mappings

Variable class relationships are similar to polymorphic relationships except that in this case the target classes are not related through inheritance (and thus not good candidates for an abstract table), but through an interface.

To define variable class relationships in OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench, use the variable one-to-one mapping selection, but choose the interface as the reference class. This makes the mapping a variable one-to-one. When defining mappings in Java code, use the VariableOneToOneMapping class.

OracleAS TopLink supports variable relationships only in one-to-one mappings. It handles this relationship in two ways:

Specifying Class Indicator

A source table has an indicator column that specifies the target table through the class indicator field, as show in Figure 6-14. The EMPLOYEE table has a TYPE column that indicates the target for the row (either PHONE or EMAIL).

Figure 6-14 Class indicator Field

Text description of clinfig.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration clinfig.gif

The principles of defining such a variable class relationship are similar to defining a normal one-to-one relationship, except:

Specifying Unique Primary Key

As Figure 6-15 illustrates, the value of the foreign key in the source table mapped to the primary key of the target table is unique. No primary key values among the target tables are the same, so primary key values are not unique just in the table, but also among the tables.

Figure 6-15 Unique primary key

Text description of uniquepk.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration uniquepk.gif

Because there is no indicator stored in the source table, OracleAS TopLink cannot determine to which target table the foreign key value is mapped. Therefore, OracleAS TopLink reads through all the target tables until it finds an entry in one of the target tables. This is an inefficient way of setting up a relation model, because reading is expensive. The class indicator is much more efficient and it reduces the number of reads performed on the tables to get the data. In the class indicator method, OracleAS TopLink knows exactly which target table to look into for the data.

The principles of defining such a variable class relationship are similar to defining class indicator variable one-to-one relationships, except:

The type indicator field and its values are not needed, because OracleAS TopLink goes through all the target tables until data is finally found.

Creating Variable One-to-One Mappings

Use this procedure to create a variable one-to-one mapping. You must configure the target descriptor before defining the mapping.

To create a variable one-to-one mapping:
  1. In the Navigator pane, select the interface descriptor that will be referenced.

  2. On the Implementors tab, choose all descriptors that implement this interface and share a common query key. You may need to create query keys for some or all of these descriptors.

    Figure 6-16 Implementors Tab

    Text description of 11tarint.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration 11tarint.gif

  3. In the Navigator pane, select the attribute to be mapped as a variable one-to-one mapping and click the Variable One-to-One Mapping button Text description of v11mapbt.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration v11mapbt.gif

    on the mapping toolbar.

  4. Select the General tab.

    Figure 6-17 Variable One-to-One Mapping General Properties

    Text description of 11refint.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration 11refint.gif

  5. Use the Reference Descriptor drop-down list to choose a reference descriptor. The OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench displays only interface descriptors.

  6. Enter any other required information on the General tab (see "Working with Common Mapping Properties").

  7. Select the Query Key Associations tab.

    Figure 6-18 Variable One-to-One Mapping Query Key Associations Properties

    Text description of qkassoc.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration qkassoc.gif

  8. Specify fields in the source descriptor's tables to use for common query keys.

  9. Select the Class Indicator Info tab.

    Figure 6-19 Variable One-to-One Mapping Class Indicator Info Tab

    Text description of clinfld.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration clinfld.gif

  10. Use this table to enter data in each field.

    Field Description

    Class Indicator Field

    Use the drop-down list to choose a field to use as a class indicator. To use unique primary keys (no class indicator values), choose <none selected>.

    Indicator Type

    Use the drop-down list to choose the Java type for the Class Indicator Field.

    Class information:


    Specify to use this class for the mapping.


    Name of the class. This field is for display only.

      Indicator Value

    Value used by this class.


    If the class does not appear in the Class Information table, you must add the class in the interface descriptor. See "Implementing an Interface" for more information.

Working with Direct Collection Mappings

Direct collection mappings store collections of Java objects that are not OracleAS TopLink-enabled. The object type stored in the direct collection is typically a Java type, such as String.

It is also possible to use direct collection mappings to map a collection of non-String objects. For example, it is possible to have an attribute that contains a collection of Integer or Date instances. The instances stored in the collection can be any type supported by the database and has a corresponding wrapper class in Java.

Support for primitive data types such as int is not provided because Java vectors hold only objects.

Figure 6-20 illustrates how a direct collection is stored in a separate table with two fields. The first field is the reference key field, which contains a reference to the primary key of the instance owning the collection. The second field contains an object in the collection and is called the direct field. There is one record in the table for each object in the collection.

Figure 6-20 Direct Collection Mappings

Text description of dcmapfig.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration dcmapfig.gif


The responsibilities attribute is of type Vector. When using JDK 1.2, it is possible to use a Collection interface (or any class that implements the Collection interface) for declaring the collection attribute. See "Working with a Container Policy" for details.

Maps are not supported for direct collection because there is no key value.

Creating Direct Collection Mappings

Use this procedure to create a direct collection mapping.

To create a direct collection mapping:
  1. Select the attribute to be mapped from the Navigator pane.

  2. Click the Direct Collection Mapping button Text description of dcmapbtn.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration dcmapbtn.gif

    on the mapping toolbar.

    Figure 6-21 Direct Collection Mapping General Properties

    Text description of dcmapgen.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration dcmapgen.gif

  3. Use the Target Table and Direct Field drop-down lists to specify the appropriate information.

  4. Enter any other required information on the General tab (see "Working with Common Mapping Properties").

  5. Click the Collection Options tab to specify collection information for this mapping. See "Specifying Collection Properties" for more information.

  6. Click the Table Reference tab to specify foreign key information for this mapping. See "Creating Table References" for more information.

    Figure 6-22 Direct Collection Mapping Table Reference Properties

    Text description of dctable.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration dctable.gif

  7. Choose the appropriate reference that relates the target table to the tables associated with the source descriptor.

Working with Aggregate Collection Mappings

Aggregate collection mappings are used to represent the aggregate relationship between a single-source object and a collection of target objects. Unlike the OracleAS TopLink one-to-many mappings, in which there should be a one-to-one back reference mapping from the target objects to the source object, there is no back reference required for the aggregate collection mappings, because the foreign key relationship is resolved by the aggregation.


The OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench does not directly support aggregate collections. You must use an amendment method (see "Amending Descriptors After Loading") or manually edit the project source to add the mapping.

To implement an aggregate collection mapping:

Aggregate collection descriptors can use inheritance. You must also declare subclasses as aggregate collection. The subclasses can have their own mapped tables, or share the table with their parent class. See "Working with Inheritance" for more information on inheritance.

In a Java Vector, the owner references its parts. In a relational database, the parts reference their owners. Relational databases use this implementation to make querying more efficient.


For information on using collection classes other than Vector with aggregate collection mappings, see the book Oracle Application Server TopLink Application Developer's Guide.

Working with One-to-Many Mappings

One-to-many mappings are used to represent the relationship between a single source object and a collection of target objects. They are a good example of something that is simple to implement in Java using a Vector (or other collection types) of target objects, but difficult to implement using relational databases.

In a Java Vector, the owner references its parts. In a relational database, the parts reference their owner. Relational databases use this implementation to make querying more efficient.


See "Working with a Container Policy" for information on using collection classes other than Vector with one-to-many mappings.

The purpose of creating this one-to-one mapping in the target is so that the foreign key information can be written when the target object is saved. Alternatives to the one-to-one mapping back reference include:

Example 6-7 One-to-Many Mapping

One-to-many mappings must put the foreign key in the target table, rather than the source table. The target class should also implement a one-to-one mapping back to the source object, as illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 6-23 One-to-Many Relationships

Text description of 1mmapfig.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration 1mmapfig.gif

Creating One-to-Many Mappings

Use this procedure to create a one-to-many mapping in the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench.

To create a one-to-many mapping:
  1. Select the attribute to be mapped from the Navigator pane.

  2. Click the One-to-Many Mapping button Text description of 1mmapbtn.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration 1mmapbtn.gif

    on the mapping toolbar.

    Figure 6-24 One-to-many mapping General Properties

    Text description of 11maptab.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration 11maptab.gif

  3. Use the Reference Descriptor drop-down list to choose the reference for this descriptor.

  4. You can also specify:

  5. Click the Table References tab to specify foreign key information for this mapping. See "Creating Table References" for more information.

Working with Many-to-Many Mappings

Many-to-many mappings represent the relationships between a collection of source objects and a collection of target objects. They require the creation of an intermediate table for managing the associations between the source and target records. Figure 6-25 illustrates a many-to-many mapping in Java and in relational database tables.

Many-to-many mappings are implemented using a relation table. This table contains columns for the primary keys of the source and target tables. Composite primary keys require a column for each field of the composite key. The intermediate table must be created in the database before using the many-to-many mapping.

The target class does not have to implement any behavior for the many-to-many mappings. If the target class also creates a many-to-many mapping back to its source, then it can use the same relation table, but one of the mappings must be set to read-only. If both mappings write to the table, they can cause collisions.


See "Working with a Container Policy" for information on using collection classes other than Vector with one-to-many mappings.

Indirection is enabled by default in a many-to-many mapping, which requires that the attribute have the ValueHolderInterface type or transparent collections.

The following figures illustrate a many-to-many relationship in both Java and a relational database.

Figure 6-25 Many-to-many Relationships

Text description of mmmapfig.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration mmmapfig.gif

Creating many-to-many Mappings

Use this procedure to create a many-to-many mapping.

To create a many-to-many mapping:
  1. In the Navigator pane, select the attribute to be mapped.

  2. Click the Many-to-Many Mapping button Text description of mmmapbtn.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration mmmapbtn.gif

    on the mapping toolbar.

    Figure 6-26 Many-to-Many Mapping General Properties

    Text description of mmmaptab.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration mmmaptab.gif

  3. Use the Reference Descriptor drop-down list to choose the reference descriptor for this mapping.

  4. Use the Relation Table drop-down list to choose the relation table.

  5. Use the Maintain Bidirectional Relationship option to select a Relationship Partner for this mapping. See "Maintaining Bidirectional Relationships" for more information.

  6. Modify any other properties, as needed. See "Working with Common Mapping Properties" for more information.

  7. Click the Collection Options tab to specify how the source descriptor relates to the relation table. See "Specifying Collection Properties" for more information.

  8. Click the Source Reference tab to specify how the source descriptor relates to the relation table.

    Figure 6-27 Many-to-Many Mapping Source Reference Properties

    Text description of mmsource.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration mmsource.gif

  9. Use the Table Reference drop-down list to choose a reference whose foreign key is in the relation table and that points to a table associated to the source descriptor. See "Creating Table References" for more information.

  10. Click the Target Reference tab to specify how the reference descriptor relates to the relation table.

  11. Choose a reference whose foreign key is in the relation table and that points to a table associated to the reference descriptor. See "Creating Table References" for more information.

Specifying Advanced Features by Amending the Descriptor

OracleAS TopLink can populate a collection in ascending or descending order, upon your specification. To do this, specify and write an amendment method, sending the addAscendingOrdering() or addDescendingOrdering() to the many-to-many mapping. Both messages expect a string as a parameter, which indicates what attribute from the target object is used for the ordering. This string can be an attribute name or query key from the target's descriptor. Query keys are automatically created for and with the same name as all attributes mapped as direct-to-field, type conversion, object type, and serialized object mappings.

Example 6-8 Descriptor Amendment Example

The following code example illustrates returning an Employee's projects in ascending order, according to their descriptions:

public static void addToDescriptor(Descriptor descriptor)
//Find the Many-to-Many mapping for the projects attribute
ManyToManyMapping projectsMapping=(ManyToManyMapping) 

Working with Custom Relationship Mappings

Just as a descriptor's query manager generates the default SQL code used for database interaction, relationship mappings also generate query information.

As with the queries used by a descriptor's query manager, you can customize relationship mappings using SQL strings or query objects. Refer to "Specifying Queries and Named Finders" for more information on customizing queries and the syntax that OracleAS TopLink supports.

To customize the way a relationship mapping generates SQL, use any of the following methods:

A query object that specifies the search criteria must be passed to each of these methods. Because search criteria for these operations usually depend on variables at runtime, the query object must usually be created from a parameterized expression, SQL string, or stored procedure call.

See the book Oracle Application Server TopLink Application Developer's Guide for more information on defining parameterized queries and stored procedure calls.

Creating Custom Mapping Queries in Java Code

The following example illustrates selection customization with a parameterized expression using setSelectionCriteria(), and deletion customization using setDeleteAllSQLString(). Because the descriptor is passed as the parameter to this amendment method, which has been specified to be called after the descriptor is loaded in the project, you must locate each mapping for which you wish to define a custom query.

Example 6-9 Custom Mapping Example

The following code illustrates adding a custom query to two different mappings in the Employee descriptor.

// Amendment method in Employee class
public static void addToDescriptor(Descriptor descriptor)

//Find the one-to-one mapping for the address attribute
OneToOneMapping addressMapping=(OneToOneMapping) 

//Create a parameterized Expression and register it as the default selection 
criterion for the mapping.
ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();

// Get the direct collection mapping for responsibilitiesList. 
DirectCollectionMapping directCollection=(DirectCollectionMapping) 
directCollection.setDeleteAllSQLString("DELETE FROM RESPONS WHERE EMP_ID = #EMP_

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