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1 Understanding OracleAS TopLink

Advantages of OracleAS TopLink
OracleAS TopLink Problem Space
OracleAS TopLink Solution
Other OracleAS TopLink Advantages
OracleAS TopLink Components
OracleAS TopLink Development Components
OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench
Oracle Application Server TopLink Sessions Editor
Oracle Application Server TopLink Foundation Library
Data Access
OracleAS TopLink Metadata
Sessions.xml File
Application Development With OracleAS TopLink
Session Management
Packaging and Deployment
Monitoring and Performance Tuning
OracleAS TopLink Architectures Overview
EJB Session Bean Facade
EJB Entity Beans with CMP
EJB Entity Beans with BMP
General Terms and Concepts

2 OracleAS TopLink Architectures

How to Use This Chapter
Architectural Concepts
Persistent Entity Types
Java Objects
EJB Entity Beans
Multi-Tier Enterprise Applications
Client Tier
Presentation Tier
Application Tier
Persistence Tier
Session Components
Session Manager
Server Session
Client Session
Database Session
Database Login
Unit of Work
Five Key Architectures
Entity Bean Versus Non-Entity Bean Architectures
EJB Session Bean Facade
EJB Entity Beans Using CMP
EJB Entity Beans Using BMP
Architecture Details
Selecting an Architecture
About Non-Relational Datasources
Three-Tier Architecture
Example Implementations
Advantages and Disadvantages
A Variation Using Remote Sessions
Technical Challenges
EJB Session Bean Facade Architecture
Example Implementation
Advantages and Disadvantages
Understanding Session Beans
Technical Challenges
Unit of Work Merge
EJB Entity Beans with CMP Architecture
Example Implementation
Advantages and Disadvantages
Technical Challenges
EJB Entity Beans with BMP Architecture
Example Implementations
Advantages and Disadvantages
Technical Challenges
Two-Tier Architecture
Example Implementations
Advantages and Disadvantages
Technical Challenges

3 Mapping

Introduction to Mapping Concepts
Persistent Entities
Metadata Model
OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench
Deployment XML Generation
Project Class Generation
OracleAS TopLink Mapping Types
Objects and the Database
Primary Keys
Foreign Keys and Object Relationships
General Terms and Concepts
Primitive Versus Complex Data
Java Objects
Basic Mappings
Direct Mappings
Direct-to-Field Mappings
Type Conversion Mappings
Object Type Mappings
Relationship Mappings
Relationships and Entity Beans
One-to-One Mappings
Aggregate Object Mappings
One-to-Many Mappings
Aggregate Collections
Direct Collection Mappings
Many-to-Many Mappings
Valueholder Indirection
Proxy Indirection
Transparent Indirection
Choosing Your Indirection Type
Indirection and EJBs
Serialization and Indirection
Merging Clones on Deserialization
Limitations on Merge
Primary Keys
Primary Keys and EJB Entity Beans
Sequencing and Database Tables
Sequencing and Preallocation Size
Table Sequencing
Oracle Native Sequencing
Native Sequencing with Other Databases
Sequencing with CMP Entity Beans
Sequencing with Stored Procedures
Foreign Keys
Multiple Table Mappings
Mapping and Enterprise JavaBeans
EJBs and the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench
Understanding Object Inheritance
Representing Inheritance in the Database
Class Types
Root Class
Branch Class
Leaf Class
Class Indicators
Class Indicator Field
Class Indicators and Mappings
Class Extraction Methods
Entity Bean Inheritance Restrictions
Mapping EJB Entity Beans
Terminology and Definitions
Overview of Bean-Managed Persistence
BMP Support with EJB 2.0
Overview of Container-Managed Persistence
Understanding CMP
OracleAS TopLink and CMP Entity Beans
Java Objects and Entity Beans
Maintaining Bidirectional Relationships
One-to-Many Relationship
Managing Dependent Objects Under EJB 1.1
Serializing Java Objects Between Client and Server
Managing Dependent Objects Under EJB 2.0
Managing Collections of EJBObjects Under EJB 1.1
Descriptor Validation
Advanced Mappings
Transformation Mappings
Implementing Transformation Mappings in Java
Serialized Object Mappings
Variable One-to-One Mappings
Object Relational Mappings
Array Mappings
Object Array Mappings
Structure Mappings
Reference Mappings
Nested Table Mappings
Direct Map Mappings
Customizing the Project
Customizing OracleAS TopLink Descriptors with Amendment Methods
Using After Load Methods
Descriptor Events
Receiving Descriptor Events
Supported Events
Descriptor Copy Policy
Descriptor Query Manager
Replacing Descriptor Queries
Instantiation Policy
Overriding the Instantiation Policy Using Java Code
Setting the Wrapper Policy Using Java Code
Creating EJB Projects and OracleAS TopLink Descriptors in Java
Writing Mappings in Code
Implementing Object-Relational Descriptors in Java
Implementing Primary Keys in Java
Implementing Inheritance in Java
Queries for Inherited Superclasses and Multiple Tables
Customizing Inheritance
Implementing Indirection in Java
Implementing Interfaces in Java
Setting the Copy Policy in Java
Implementing Multiple Tables in Java
Primary Keys Match
Primary Keys are Named Differently
Tables Related by Foreign Key Relationships
Non Standard Table Relationships
Implementing Sequence Numbers in Java
Implementing Locking in Java
Java Implementation of Optimistic Locking

4 Sessions

Introduction to Session Concepts
sessions.xml File
Session Types
Server Session
Client Session
Remote Session
Database Session
Session Broker
Session Manager
Connection Pool
Session Architectures
Server Session
Client Session
Database Session
Remote Session
Session Broker
Configuring Sessions with the sessions.xml File
Navigating the sessions.xml File
XML Header
toplink-configuration Element
session Element
session-type Element
login Element
event-listener-class Element
profiler-class Element
external-transaction-controller-class Element
exception-handler-class Element
connection-pool Element
enable-logging Element
session-broker Element
JTA Configuration
Registering Descriptors
Caching Objects
Session Manager
Retrieving a Session from a Session Manager
Loading a Session with an Alternative Class Loader
Loading an Alternative Session Configuration File
Storing Sessions in the Session Manager Instance
Destroying Sessions in the Session Manager Instance
Session Querying
Simple Query API
Using Expressions in Session Queries
Custom SQL Queries
Query Objects
Predefined Queries
Session Types
Server Session and Client Session
Three-Tier Architecture Overview
EJBs and Server Session
General Concepts for the OracleAS TopLink Three-Tier Design
Customizing Server Session and Database Login
Working with Login
Registering Event Listeners for EJB 1.1
Database Session
Creating a Database Session
Connecting to the Database
Logging Out of the Database
Using Manual Transaction Control
Creating Database Sessions: Examples
Session Broker
Multiple Sessions
Configuring the Session Broker in Code
Committing a Transaction with a Session Broker
Using the Session Broker in a Three-tier Architecture
Advanced Use
Remote Session
Architectural Overview
Securing Remote Session Access
Cursored Streams
Unit of Work
Creating a Remote Connection Using RMIConnection
Sessions and the Cache
Session Utilities
Logging SQL and Messages
Logging Chained Exceptions
Logging and the Oracle Enterprise Manager
Using the Profiler
Using the Integrity Checker
Using Exception Handlers
Customizing Session Events
Session Event Listeners
Session Event Manager
Implementing Events Using Java
OracleAS TopLink Support for Java Data Objects (JDO)
Understanding the JDO API
JDO Implementation
Running the OracleAS TopLink JDO Example

5 Data Access

Introduction to Data Access Concepts
JDBC Connections
Individual JDBC Connections
JDBC Connection Pools
Data Conversion
Database Platforms
JDBC-SQL and Native SQL
Custom Platforms
JDBC Connection Pools
Default Connection Pools
External Connection Pools
JDBC Datasources
Container-Managed Persistence and Datasources
Database Login Information
Creating a Login Object
Specifying Driver Information
Using the Sun Microsystems JDBC-ODBC Bridge
Using a Different Driver
Setting Login Parameters
User Information
Database Information
Additional JDBC Properties
Database Login Advanced Features
Setting Sequencing at Login
Setting Direct Connect Drivers
Using JDBC 2.0 Datasources
Using Custom Database Connections
OracleAS TopLink Conversion Manager
Creating Custom Types with the Conversion Manager
Conversion Manager Class Loader
Resolving Class Loader Exceptions
Data Optimization
Batch Writing
Binding and Parameterized SQL
Prepared Statement Caching
Prepared Statement Caching for a Query
Prepared Statement Caching for a Session
Table Qualifier
Locking Policy
Using Optimistic Locking
Advantages and Disadvantages of Optimistic Locking
Advanced Optimistic Locking Policies
Optimistic Read Locking
Pessimistic Locking
Pessimistic Locking and the Cache
Pessimistic Locking and Database Transactions
WAIT and NO_WAIT Options
Advantages of Pessimistic Locking
Two Different Locking Policies
Field Locking Policies
Version Locking Policies
Using the OracleAS TopLink SDK
Step One: Define an Accessor
Data Store Connection
Call Execution
Transaction Processing
Step Two: Create the Application Calls
Input Database Row
Read Object Call
Read All Call
Insert Call
Update Call
Delete Call
Does Exist Call
Custom Call
Step Three: Build Descriptors and Mappings
SDK Descriptor
Standard Mappings
SDK Mappings
Step Four: Deploy the Application Using Sessions
SDK Platform and Sequencing
SDK Login
OracleAS TopLink Project
Unsupported Features
OracleAS TopLink XML Support
Getting Started
Implementation Details
XML File Accessor
XML Accessor Implementation
Directory Creation
XML Call
XMLTranslator Implementations
Object-Level Calls
Data Calls
XML Descriptor
XML Platform
XML File Login
XML Schema Manager
XML Accessor
XML Translator
Default XML Translator
XML Zip File Extension
Using the Zip File Extension
Configure Direct File Access With Zip File Extension
Implementation Details

6 Queries

Introduction to Query Concepts
Query Types
Object Queries
Summary Queries
Data Queries
Object Write Queries
Query Components
OracleAS TopLink Expressions
Query by Example
Stored Procedures
Custom SQL
Query Configuration Options
Query Execution Options
Query and the Cache
Unit of Work
Query Development Options
Building Queries with the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench
Building Queries in Java
Using Predefined Queries
Using Named Queries
Using Redirect Queries
Building EJB Finders
Query Keys
Query Building Basics
Accessing Methods in Expressions
Expression Components
Creating Expressions with the Expression Builder
Using Multiple Expressions
Parameterized Expressions and Finders
Platform and User-Defined Functions
Data Queries
Query Keys
Custom SQL
SQL Queries
SQL Data Queries
Stored Procedure Calls
Output Parameters
Cursor Output Parameters
Output Parameter Event
Using EJB QL with OracleAS TopLink
EJB QL Limitations
Query by Example
Defining a Sample Instance
Defining a Query by Example Policy
Combining Query by Example with Expressions
Executing Queries
Session Queries
Reading Objects from the Database
Writing Objects to the Database
Query Objects
Query Object Components
Creating a Query Object
Read Query Object Examples
Specialized Query Object Options
Query Optimization
Predefined Queries
Named Queries
Named Finders
Redirect Queries
EJBs and Redirect Finders
Queries Defined with the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench
Query Managers
Customize the Default Query Methods
Define Additional Join Expressions
Customize the Existence Check
Query Results
Java Streams
Report Query Results
Queries and the Cache
Cache Usage
Cache and the Database
In-Memory Query Cache Usage
Cache and the Primary Key
Disabling the Identity Map Cache Update During a Read Query
Object Refresh
Cascading Object Refresh
Refreshing the Identity Map Cache During a Read Query
Caching Query Results
Query Objects and Write Operations
Write Query Overview
Non-Cascading Write Queries
Disabling the Identity Map Cache During a Write Query
Using Query Objects to Customize the Default Database Operations
Query Object Performance Options
Batch Reading
Guidelines for Implementing Batch Reading
Join Reading
Partial Attribute Reading
Cache Results In Query Objects
Oracle Extension Support
Oracle Hints and the OracleAS TopLink Query Framework
Hierarchical Queries
Advanced Querying
Creating Additional Query Keys
Implementing Query Keys in Java
Querying on Interfaces
Querying on an Inheritance Hierarchy
Cursors and Streams
Cursors and Java Iterators
Java Streams
Optimizing Streams
Querying Across Variable One-to-One Mappings
EJB Finders
Defining Finders in OracleAS TopLink
ejb-jar.xml Finder Options
entity tag
Call Finders
Creating Call Finders
Executing a Call Finder
Expression Finders
EJB QL Finders
ReadAll Query and EJB QL
EJB QL Session Queries
SQL Finders
Dynamic Finders
ReadAll Finders
Creating READALL Finders
Choosing the Best Finder Type for Your Query
Using the OracleAS TopLink Expression Framework
Using Redirect Finders
Using SQL
Advanced Finder Options
Caching Options
Disable Cache for Returned Finder Results
Refreshing Finder Results
Managing Large Result Sets with Cursored Streams
Exception Handling

7 Transactions

Introduction to Transaction Concepts
Database Transactions
OracleAS TopLink Unit of Work Transactions
Transaction Context
Transaction Demarcation
Transaction Isolation
Understanding the Unit of Work
Unit of Work Benefits
Unit of Work Life Cycle
Clones and the Unit of Work
Nested and Parallel Units of Work
Nested Unit of Work
Parallel Unit of Work
Reading and Querying Objects with the Unit of Work
Reading Objects with the Unit of Work
Querying Objects with the Unit of Work
Commit and Rollback
Primary Keys
Example Object Model and Schema
Unit of Work Basics
Acquiring a Unit of Work
Creating an Object
Modifying an Object
Associations: New Target to Existing Source Object
Associating without Reference to the Cache Object
Associating with Reference to the Cache Object
Associations: New Source to Existing Target Object
Associations: Existing Source to Existing Target Object
Deleting Objects
Using privateOwnedRelationship
Explicitly Deleting from the Database
Understanding the Order in which Objects are Deleted
Advanced Unit of Work
Troubleshooting a Unit of Work
Avoiding the Use of Post-commit Clones
Determining Whether or not an Object is the Cache Object
Dumping the Contents of a Unit of Work
Handling Exceptions
Creating and Registering an Object in One Step
Using registerNewObject
Registering a New Object with registerNewObject
Associating New Objects with One Another
Using registerAllObjects
Using Registration and Existence Checking
Check Database
Assume Existence
Assume Non-existence
Working with Aggregates
Unregistering Working Clones
Declaring Read-Only Classes
Setting Read-Only Classes for a Single Unit of Work
Setting Read-Only Classes for All Units of Work
Read-Only Descriptors
Using Conforming Queries and Descriptors
Using Conforming Queries
Conforming Query Alternatives
Using Conforming Descriptors
Merging Changes in Working Copy Clones
Resuming a Unit of Work After Commit
Reverting a Unit of Work
Using a Nested or Parallel Unit of Work
Parallel Unit of Work
Nested Unit of Work
Using a Unit of Work with Custom SQL
Validating a Unit of Work
Validating the Unit of Work Before Commit
Controlling the Order of Deletes
Using the Unit of Work setShouldPerformDeletesFirst Method
Using the Descriptor addConstraintDependencies Method
Using deleteAllObjects without addConstraintDependencies
Using deleteAllObjects with addConstraintDependencies
Improving Unit of Work Performance
J2EE Integration
External Connection Pooling
When to Use External Connection Pools
Configuring an External Connection Pool in sessions.xml
Configuring an External Connection Pool in Java
External Transaction Controllers
Configuring an External Transaction Controller in sessions.xml
Configuring an External Transaction Controller in Java
Acquiring a Unit of Work in a JTA Environment
Using a Unit of Work When an External Transaction Exists
Using a Unit of Work When No External Transaction Exists

8 Cache

Introduction to Cache Concepts
Cache Architecture
Session Cache
Unit of Work Cache
Stale Data
Cache Locking
Distributed Cache Synchronization
Message Transport
Name Service
Propagation Modes
Cache Locking and Isolation
Configuring the Cache
Distributed Cache Synchronization
Configuring Cache Synchronization in the sessions.xml File
Clustering Service
Name Service
Using the Java Message Service
Synchronous and Asynchronous Propagation
Error Handling
Explicit Query Refreshes
Refresh Policy
EJB Finders and Refresh Policy
Remote Command Manager
RCM Implementation Requirements
RCM Structure
Transmitting Commands From OracleAS TopLink with RCM
Using Commands on a Non-OracleAS TopLink Application
RCM Channels
Configuring the RCM
Configuring the RCM for OracleAS TopLink Applications
Configuring RCM for Non-OracleAS TopLink Applications
Error Handling
Guidelines for Using RCM
Custom Remote Commands

9 Packaging for Deployment

Introduction to Packaging and Deployment Concepts
OracleAS TopLink Approach to Deployment
OracleAS TopLink in an Enterprise Application
Road to Deployment
XML Versus Java Source Deployment
Creating OracleAS TopLink Deployment Files
XML Deployment Files
Project.xml File
Sessions.xml File
Configuring the toplink-ejb-jar.xml File with the IBM WebSphere Server 4.0
Configuring the toplink-ejb-jar.xml File with the BEA WebLogic Server
Using Java Source Deployment Files
XML Files for Java Deployment
Configuring Additional Files for CMP Deployment
Configuring the ejb-jar.xml File
Configuring the [J2EE-Container]-ejb-jar.xml
Packaging an OracleAS TopLink Application
Java Applications
Packaging the Java Application
Deploying the Application to a Client
Java Server Pages and Servlets Applications
Packaging Applications with JSPs and Servlets
Deploying the Application to a Client
Session Bean Applications
Packaging Applications with Session Beans
Deploying the Application to a Client
Container-Managed Persistence Applications
General Deployment
Deploying the Application to BEA WebLogic Server
Deploying the Application to IBM WebSphere 4.x Server
Bean-Managed Persistence Applications
Deploying the Application
Hot Deployment of EJBs

10 Tuning for Performance

Introduction to Tuning Concepts
OracleAS TopLink as Part of a Larger Application
An Effective Tuning Approach
Profiling Performance
Using the Profiler in the Web Client
Using the Profiler in Java
Browsing the Profiler Results
General Tuning Tips
Basic Performance Optimization
OracleAS TopLink Reading Optimization Features
Reading Case 1: Displaying Names in a List
Partial Object Reading
Reading Case 2: Batch Reading Objects
Reading Case 3: Using Complex Custom SQL Queries
Reading Case 4: Using View Objects
OracleAS TopLink Writing Optimization Features
Writing Case 1: Batch Writes
Cursors and Batch Writes
Sequence Number Preallocation
Batch Writing
Parameterized SQL
Schema Optimization
Schema Case 1: Aggregation of Two Tables into One
Schema Case 2: Splitting One Table into Many
Schema Case 3: Collapsed Hierarchy
Schema Case 4: Choosing One Out of Many

A Application Development Tools

OracleAS TopLink -- Web Client
Configuring the Web Client
Building the Web Client EAR File
Configuring the Application Server
Connecting to OracleAS TopLink Sessions
Searching for Objects
Creating and Editing Objects
Performing SQL Queries
Using the Performance Profiler
Setting Web Client Preferences
Configuring OracleAS TopLink for Oracle JDeveloper
Deploy Tool for WebSphere Server
Using the Deploy Tool with WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD)
Schema Manager
Using the Schema Manager to Create Tables
Creating a Table Definition
Adding Fields to a Table Definition
Defining Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server Native Sequencing
Creating Tables on the Database
Creating the Sequence Table
Managing Java and Database Type Conversions
Session Management Services
Runtime Services
Development Services
Using Session Management Services
Stored Procedure Generator
Generating Stored Procedures
Sequencing and Stored Procedures
Attaching the Stored Procedures to the Descriptors

B Configuring OracleAS TopLink for J2EE Containers

Software Requirements
Non-CMP Configuration
Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Support
IBM WebSphere Application Server 4.0
Configuring IBM WebSphere Module Visibility Setting
IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.0
BEA WebLogic Application Server (6.1, 7.0 or 8.1)
Using a Security Manager with BEA WebLogic Server
OracleAS TopLink CMP Configuration
IBM WebSphere Application Server 4.0
BEA WebLogic Application Server (6.1, 7.0 and 8.1)
OracleAS TopLink in a BEA WebLogic Cluster
Static Partitioning
Cache Synchronization and the Cluster
Configuring Cache Synchronization

C Error Codes and Messages

OracleAS TopLink Exceptions
Runtime Exceptions
Development Exceptions
Format of Exceptions
Exception Error Code Numbers
Exception Error Codes and Descriptions
Descriptor Exception
Error Codes 1 - 176
Builder Exceptions
Error Codes 1001 - 1042
Concurrency Exception
Error Codes 2001 - 2006
Conversion Exception
Error Codes 3001 - 3007
Database Exception
Error Codes 4002 - 4018
Optimistic Lock Exception
Error Codes 5001 - 5008
Query Exception
Error Codes 6001 - 6098
Validation Exception
Error Codes 7001 - 7104
EJB QL Exception
Error Codes 8001 - 8010
Session Loader Exception
Error Codes 9000 - 9009
EJB Exception Factory
Error Codes 10001 - 10048
Communication Exception
Error Codes 12000 - 12004
XML Data Store Exception
Error Codes 13000 - 13020
Deployment Exception
Error Codes 14001 - 14027
Synchronization Exception
Error Codes 15001 - 15025
JDO Exception
Error Codes 16001 - 16006
SDK Data Store Exception
Error Codes 17001 - 17006
JMS Processing Exception
Error Codes 18001 - 18002
SDK Descriptor Exception
Error Codes 19001 - 19003
SDK Query Exception
Error Codes 20001 - 20004
Discovery Exception
Error Codes 22001 - 22004
Remote Command Manager Exception
Error Codes 22101 - 22105
XML Conversion Exception
Error Code 25001
EJB JAR XML Exception
Error Codes 72000 - 72023
Entity Deployment
Generating Deployment JARs
Common BEA WebLogic Deployment Exceptions
Common IBM WebSphere Server Exceptions
Problems at Runtime
Common OracleAS TopLink for IBM WebSphere Deploy Tool Exceptions
Common BEA WebLogic 6.1 Exceptions
Common BEA WebLogic 7.0 Exceptions
Common BEA WebLogic 8.1 Exceptions


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