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Oracle Application Server TopLink Application Developer's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10313-01
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 


addConversionValue() method, 3-13
addDirectMapping() method, 3-9
addField() method, A-20
addFieldTransformation() method, 3-69
addForeignKeyConstraint() method, A-20
addIdentityField() method, A-20
addPrimaryKeyField() method, A-20
addPrimaryKeyFieldName, 3-94
addTableName method, 3-102
addToAttributeOnlyConversionValue() method, 3-13
after load methods
using, 3-82
aggregate collection mappings
and EJBs, 3-24
aggregate collections
and inheritance, 3-23
working with, 3-22
aggregate object mapping
example, 3-19
in Java, 3-19
aggregate object mappings, 3-19
and ejbs, 3-20
working with, 3-19
AggregateObjectMapping class, 3-19
AllFieldsLockingPolicy, 5-29
amendment methods, 3-81, 6-50
OracleAS TopLink descriptors, customizing, 3-82
static, 3-82
application development
deployment, 1-15
mapping, 1-13
overview, 1-12
packaging, 1-15
performance tuning, 1-15
querying, 1-14
session management, 1-13
transactions, 1-14
application development tools, A-1
array mappings
about, 3-73
implementing in Java, 3-74
asynchronous update mode
overview, 8-5
described, 3-60
in Java objects, 3-60


batch reading, 10-9
in query objects, 6-70
batch writing, 5-17, 10-17
BEA WebLogic
configuring OracleAS TopLink for, B-7
modifying persistence descriptor, 9-11
setting class path, B-6, B-8
setting shared library, B-6, B-8
using a security manager, B-6
bean instance
defined, 3-60
entity bean model, 3-55
mapping under EJB1.1, 3-15
mapping under EJB2.0, 3-15
session beans, 2-14
stateful beans, 2-14
stateless, 2-14
bidirectional relationship
in one-to-one mappings, 3-17
bidirectional relationships, 3-17
maintaining, one-to-many relationships, 3-62
maintaining, overview, 3-61
binding, 5-17
binding and parameterized SQL
binding string data, 5-17
binding using parameters, 5-17
binding using streams, 5-17
explained, 5-17
BLOB fields in databases, 3-71
boolean logic in expressions, 6-14
branch class, 3-52
other than Sun JDBC-ODBC, 5-10
Builder Exception, C-38, Web Client, A-3


architecture, 8-2
configuring, 8-5
disabling during read query, 6-65
internal query object cache, 6-7, 6-76
isolation, 8-5
locking in clustering, 5-20
object cascading refresh, 6-66
object refresh, 6-66
queries, 6-61
refresh, 6-66
refresh, described, 6-7
session cache, 8-2
stale data, overview, 8-3
storing query object results, 6-7, 6-76
storing query results, 6-67
in clustering, B-10
Unit of Work, 8-3
usage in queries, 6-61
usage of in-memory queries, 6-62
using identity maps, 4-48
cache identity map, 10-9
cache locking
overview, 8-3
cache locking, in clustering, 5-20
cache synchronization
asynchronous update, 8-5
clusters, 8-4
configuring, 8-7
configuring in the sessions.xml file, 4-19
discovery, 8-4
in clustering, B-10
message transport, 8-4
name service, 8-4
overview, 8-3
synchronous update, 8-4
cache, session
clearing, A-7
overview, 1-8
three-tier, 4-64
using the readObject ( ) method, 6-38
Call Finders
creating, 6-88
executing, 6-88
using, 6-88
cascading write queries
compared to non-cascading, 6-68
ChangedFieldsLockingPolicy, 5-29
class extraction method
described, 3-53
class hierarchy
branch class, 3-52
leaf class, 3-52
root class, 3-51
class indicator
class indicator field, 3-52
described, 3-52
class indicators
and mappings, 3-52
class loader
loading session, 4-30
resolving exceptions, 5-15
class loader in conversion manager, 5-15
class path
setting for BEA WebLogic, B-6, B-8
setting for IBM WebSphere, B-4
setting for Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE, B-3
class types
defined, 3-51
class, persistent, 3-60
AggregateObjectMapping, 3-19
optimizing, 6-84
Database Exception, 6-101
Database Session
creating, 4-48
creating tables on database, A-21
described, 4-48
public methods, 4-52
session query operations, 6-37
creating the sequence table, A-21
described, 5-8
described, 6-42
described, 6-42
DeleteObjectQuery, 6-68
described, 6-42
DirectCollectionMapping, 3-25
described, 6-42
DirectToFieldMapping, 3-9
ExpressionBuilder, 6-17
InsertObjectQuery, 6-68
and Unit of Work, 7-9
described, 6-42
NestedTableMapping, 3-78
ObjectRelationalDescriptor, 3-93
ObjectTypeMapping, 3-13
OneToManyMapping, 3-21
OneToOneMapping, 3-17
OptimisticLockException, 5-29
Performance Profiler, 10-4
described, 6-42
described, 6-42
described, 6-42
SerializedObjectMapping, 3-71
logging SQL and messages, 4-65
Table Definition, A-20
TransformationMapping, 3-68
TypeConversionMapping, 3-12
Unit of Work
using to modify databases, 6-37
UpdateObjectQuery, 6-68
described, 6-42
example, 6-68, 6-69
described, 6-42
VariableOneToOneMapping, 3-72
described, 6-42
Clear button, A-7
clearProfiler() method, 10-4
Client Session
architecture, 4-6
client sessions, 4-38
overview, 8-4
cache locking, 5-20
cache synchronization, B-10
explicit query refreshes, 8-13
configuring, 8-8
collection class, 6-6, 6-46, 6-60
specifying in query objects, 6-46
as query results, 6-60
described, B-8
in BEA WebLogic Server cluster, B-8
pinning, B-9
static partitioning, B-9
and Java Transaction API, 7-9, 7-10
overview, 7-9
common deployment errors, C-118
composite primary key, 3-18
concurrency, 4-42
Concurrency Exception, C-47
configuring, 4-53
development environment, A-15
Oracle JDeveloper, A-15
conform results option
described, 6-9
Connect button, A-7
connection policies, 4-45
connection pooling
described, 4-43
Server Session, 4-44
container configuration file
described, 9-11
container-managed persistence
concepts, 3-59
configuring for BEA WebLogic, B-7
configuring OracleAS TopLink, B-7
software requirements, B-2
container-managed persistent entity beans, 3-59
Conversion Exception, C-49
conversion manager, 5-14
assigning a custom conversion manager to a session, 5-15
assigning a custom conversion manager to all subsequent sessions, 5-15
class loader, 5-15
described, 5-14
using, 5-14
using custom types, 5-14
copy policy
implementing, 3-87
implementing in Java, 3-101
message optimization, 10-8
OracleAS TopLink transport layer support, 4-60
Create tab (OracleAS TopLink Web Client), A-11
createObject() method, A-21
Creating a redirect finder, 6-54
creating in Java
mappings, 3-89
OracleAS TopLink descriptors, 3-89
cursor output
in stored procedures, 6-30
cursored streams
example, 6-84
optimizing, 6-84
ReadAllQuery methods, 6-46
usage example, 4-62
using, 6-81
cursors, scrollable
traversing, 6-82
custom query objects
creating, 6-70
custom SQL, 4-35
data level queries, 6-28
SQL queries, 6-27
using, 6-27
custom SQL queries
in OracleAS TopLink query framework, 4-35
custom types
assigning to a OracleAS TopLink session, 5-15
custom types, using with conversion manager, 5-14
DatabaseLogin, 4-46
descriptors and mappings, 3-81
OracleAS TopLink descriptors using amendment methods, 3-82
Server Session, 4-46
descriptors using amendment methods, 3-82


data access
overview, 1-8
data level queries
in expressions, 6-23
using custom SQL, 6-28
data optimization, 5-16
reading from using session, 6-38
writing to using session, 6-39
database access
using stored procedures, A-24
database and Java type conversion tables, A-22
Database Exception, C-50
database exceptions, 6-101
database login, 5-8
Database Session
architecture, 4-6
database session
defining in the sessions.xml file, 4-13
database sessions, defined, 4-48
database, logging out, 4-49
DatabaseException class, 6-101
DatabaseLogin class, using to store login information, 5-8
DatabaseLogin described, 4-47
DatabaseRow, 3-69
DatabaseSession class
creating tables on a database, A-21
described, 4-48
instantiating, 4-48
logging SQL and messages, 4-65
public methods, 4-52
session queries, 6-37
data-level query
example, 6-24, 6-28
DataModifyQuery, 6-42
DataReadQuery, 6-42
login in the sessions.xml, 4-15
DataSources, using JDBC2.0, 5-13
DB Access (Web Client), A-12
delete operation, 6-41
defined, 6-42
example, 6-68
dependent objects
merging with SessionAccessor, 3-63
merging without SessionAccessor, 3-65
dependent objects, managing under EJB 1.1, 3-62
Deploy Tool
using with WebSphere Studio Application Developer, A-18
deploy tool for WebSphere, A-17
as part of the application development process, 1-15
modifying BEA WebLogic persistence descriptor, 9-11
XML files, non-application server, 9-3
deployment descriptors
customizing using amendment methods, 3-82
described, 3-56
for entity beans, 9-4
deployment errors, solutions, C-118
Deployment Exception, C-103
deployment JARs, troubleshooting, C-118
deployment overview, entity beans, 9-2
deployment, hot, 9-23
DeploymentXMLGenerator, 9-4
descriptor copy policy
implementing, 3-87
descriptor events
receiving, 3-83
registering with a descriptor, 3-84
supported events, 3-86
using, 3-83
Descriptor Exception, C-54
descriptor exceptions, error codes, C-4
described, 3-3
OracleAS TopLink, 1-11
searching with OracleAS TopLink Web Client, A-8
descriptors (OracleAS TopLink)
creating in Java, 3-89
customizing with amendment methods, 3-82
development components, 1-4
development environment, configuring, A-15
development exceptions, C-1
builder exception, C-38
development services
described, A-23
development tools
using, 10-3
schema manager
described, A-19
direct collection mappings
example, 3-25
in Java code, 3-25
working with, 3-25
direct connect drivers, 5-13
direct mapping
described, 3-5
direct mappings
described, 3-8
direct-to-field, 3-9
objects type, 3-13
type conversion, 3-12
using, 3-8
DirectCollectionMapping class, 3-25
DirectReadQuery, 6-42
direct-to-field mappings, 3-9
in Java code, 3-9
DirectToFieldMapping class, 3-9
Disconnect button, A-7
configuring, 8-8
overview, 8-4
Discovery Exception, C-113
distributed cache synchronization
overview, 8-3
does exist write object, 10-17
domain.jar.path, Web Client, A-4
drivers, direct connect, 5-13
dynamic finders
creating, 6-93
using, 6-92


EJB 1.1
mappings between beans, 3-15
EJB 2.0
mapping restrictions not enforced by OracleAS TopLink, 3-15
mappings between beans, 3-15
EJB container, described, 3-56
EJB deployment, hot, 9-23
EJB Entity bean deployment
configuring descriptors, 9-10
overview, 9-2
EJB entity beans
relationships under EJB 2.0, 3-15
EJB finders
defining, 6-86
described, 6-11
ejb-jar.xml options, 6-86
using, 6-85
EJB JAR XML Exception, C-116
EJB Primary Key
defined, 3-61
in queries, 6-31
in sessions, 6-33
limitations, 6-33
ReadAllQuery, 6-32
using finders, 6-89
using with OracleAS TopLink, 6-32
EJB redirect finders
using, 6-53
EJB server, described, 3-56
EJB Session Beans, 4-60
EJB specification
inheritance, 3-55
sequencing, 3-44
defined, 3-60
EJB finder options, 6-86
ejb-jar.xml file
configuring, 9-11
overview, 9-10
synchronization under EJB 2.0, 9-11
defined, 3-61
defined, 3-60
defined, 3-60
understanding, 6-95
using in a finder, 6-95
encryption, password, 4-14
Enterprise JavaBeans
2.0 support, 3-59
container, 3-56
deployment descriptors, 3-56
described, 3-56
Entity beans, 3-57
message-driven beans, 3-57
server, 3-56
Session Beans, 3-57
Entity bean deployment
configuring descriptors, 9-10
overview, 9-2
entity bean inheritance restrictions, 3-55
entity bean model, 3-55
entity beans
bean instance, 3-60
container managed, 3-59
defined, 3-60
deployment overview, 9-2
described, 3-57
EJB Home, 3-60
EJB Object, 3-60
EJB Primary Key, 3-61
EJBLocalHome, 3-61
EJBLocalObject, 3-60
importing 2.0 relationship metadata into the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench, 3-16
in the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench, 3-47
inheritance, 3-55
mappings, 3-15, 3-16
persistent state, 3-60
primary keys, 3-37
relationships between, 3-14
relationships between beans and Java objects, 3-16
relationships under EJB 1.1, 3-14
sequencing with, 3-44
with OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench, 3-47
entity beans and relationships, 3-14
entity deployment
troubleshooting, C-117
error codes, C-4
10001-10047, C-91
1001-1042, C-39
1-176, C-4, C-5
12000-12004, C-97
13000-13020, C-98
14001-14027, C-103
15001-15024, C-106
16001-16006, C-108
17001-17006, C-109
18001-18002, C-111
19001-19003, C-112
20001-20004, C-113
2001-2004, C-48
22001-22004, C-114
22101-22105, C-115
25001, C-116
3001-3007, C-49
4002-4018, C-51
5001-5008, C-54
6001-6098, C-56
7001-7104, C-72
72000-72023, C-117
8001-8010, C-87
9000-9009, C-89
error codes and descriptions, C-4
implementing in Java, 4-70
Event Manager, 3-83, 4-69
about, 3-83
events, session, 4-67
cursored streams, 6-83
expression framework, 6-51
multiple tables, 3-106
named finders, 6-50, 6-52
optimistic locking, 3-108
performance optimization, 10-12, 10-15
read query, 10-5
READALL finders, 6-88, 6-89, 6-94
report query, 6-74
scrollable cursors, 6-82
serialized object mapping, 3-71
session broker, 4-54
session event manager, 4-69
SQL queries, 6-27
stored procedure call, 6-29
stored procedures, generating, A-24, A-25
transformation mapping, 3-69
type conversion mapping, 3-13
Unit of Work, 7-7, 7-20
variable one-to-one mapping, 3-72, 3-73
write, write all, 6-40
exception handlers, 4-67
exception handling
in queries, 6-101
about, C-2
builder exceptions, C-39
chained, 4-65
communication exceptions, C-97
concurrency exceptions, C-48
conversion exceptions, C-49
database, 6-101
database exceptions, C-51
deployment exceptions, C-103
descriptor exceptions, C-4, C-5
development, C-2
discovery exceptions, C-114
EJB exceptions factory, C-91
EJB JAR XML exceptions, C-117
EJB QL exceptions, C-87, C-123, C-124
JDO exceptions, C-108
JMS processing exceptions, C-111
optimistic lock exceptions, C-54
OracleAS TopLink Exception class, C-2
query exceptions, C-56
remote command manager exceptions, C-115
runtime, C-2
SDK data store exceptions, C-109
SDK descriptor exceptions, C-112
SDK query exceptions, C-113
session loader exceptions, C-89
synchronization exceptions, C-106
validation exceptions, C-72
XML conversion exception, C-116
XML data store exceptions, C-98
expression components, 6-13
using, 6-89
expression framework, 6-51
ExpressionBuilder, 6-17
components, 6-13
data level queries, 6-23
outer joins, 6-72
parallel expressions, 6-19
platform functions, 6-22
query keys, 6-24
subqueries and subselects, 6-18
user-defined functions, 6-22
using, 6-12
using Boolean logic, 6-14
with query by example, 6-36


field locking policies, 3-107, 3-108, 5-21
field types
Oracle, 5-4, A-22
using, 6-93
using, 6-93
Finder Libraries, using, 6-86
advanced options, 6-96
caching options, 6-97
choosing, 6-94
disabling cache, 6-98
managing large result sets, 6-99
refreshing results, 6-98
foreign keys, 6-20
addForeignKeyConstraint(), A-20
direct collection mappings, 3-25
one-to-one mappings, 3-17
working with, 3-46
full identity map, 10-9


generating deployment JARs, troubleshooting, C-118
getInheritancePolicy(), 3-95
getWrapperPolicy(), 3-89


hierarchical queries
described, 6-78
home interface, inheritance, 3-55
Home tab (Web Client), A-2, A-6
hot deployment, described, 9-23


IBM Informix
using native sequencing, 5-12
IBM WebSphere
configuring module visibility, B-4
setting class path, B-4
IBM WebSphere Server, troubleshooting, C-122
IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer
Deploy Tool, A-18
identity map cache
disabling during a write query, 6-69
refresh in read query, 6-66
identity maps, 4-28, 4-48
cache identity map, 10-9
cascading refresh during read query, 6-66
example, 6-66
full identity map, 10-9
refreshing during read query, 6-66
soft cache identity map, 10-9
soft cache weak identity map, 10-9
weak identity map, 10-9
ValueHolder indirection, 3-28
indirection, 4-62, 10-8
choosing the correct type, 3-32
described, 3-6, 3-33
EJBs, entity beans, 3-33
implementing in Java, 3-100
in transformation mapping, 3-70
example, 3-70
one-to-many mappings, 3-17
proxy indirection, 3-29
resolving issues with serialization, 3-35
transparent indirection, 3-32
working with, 3-27
using native sequencing, 5-12
creating hierarchy in Java, 3-95
described, 3-5, 3-47
EJBs, entity beans, 3-55
entity bean restrictions, 3-55
home interface, 3-55
implementing in Java, 3-95
leaf classes, 6-81
querying on hierarchy, 6-81
transformed to relational model, 10-24
working with, 3-47
inheritance hierarchies
querying on, 6-81
InheritancePolicy method, 3-100
in-memory queries
described, 6-7
in-memory query, 6-62
check cache using exact primary key, 6-62
check cache using primary key, 6-62
check database if not in cache, 6-62
conform results in Unit of Work, 6-62
using, 6-62
insert operation, 6-39, 6-40
InsertObjectQuery, 6-42
instantiation policy
implementing in Java, 3-88
methods, 3-88
overriding in Java, 3-88
integrity checker, 4-66
implementing in Java, 3-101
querying on, 6-81
internal query object cache, 6-7, 6-76
cache, 8-5
Iterator interface, 6-82


J2EE containers
non-CMP configuration, B-2
common deployment errors, C-118
Java and database type conversion tables, A-22
Java database
managing type conversions with Schema Manager, A-22
Java iterators
described, 6-82
Java objects
described, 3-60
merging changes under EJB1.1, 3-63
serializing between client and server under EJB 1.1, 3-63
Java streams
described, 6-83
optimizing, 6-84
support for, 6-83
Java Transaction API
and Unit of Work, 7-3
and Unit of Work commit, 7-9, 7-10
and Unit of Work Rollback, 7-10
Java Transaction Service (JTS), 5-8, C-123, C-124
JavaSourceGenerator, 9-10
JConnect (Sybase), 4-49
login in the sessions.xml file, 4-14
JDBC 2.0 DataSources, 5-13
JDBC-ODBC bridge, 5-10
JMS Processing Exception, C-111
join reading
in query objects, 6-72
joining, 10-9
joins, outer, 6-72
OracleAS TopLink support, 7-46
JTA (Java Transaction API)
OracleAS TopLink integration, 5-8


foreign, 3-17, A-20
primary, A-20
primary, composite, 3-18


large result sets, managing in finders, 6-99
leaf class, 3-52
leaf classes, 6-81
pessimistic, 5-24
locking policies
implementing in Java, 3-107
logging into the database, 5-8
logging out, 4-49
login class
creating for projects created in OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench, 5-9
creating for projects not created in OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench, 5-8
login parameters
setting in code, 5-10
chained exceptions, 4-65


manager, session events, 4-69
manual transactions, 4-49
many-to-many mappings, 3-27
with EJBs, 3-27
working with, 3-26
aggregate collection mappings and EJBs, 3-24
as part of the application development process, 1-13
attribute, 3-20
bidirectional relationships, 3-17
described, 3-3
direct, described, 3-5
EJB 2.0 restrictions not enforced by OracleAS TopLink, 3-15
object type, 3-14
relationship, 3-20
relationship, described, 3-5
serialized object, 3-71
transformation, 3-69
type conversion, 3-13
aggregate collections, 3-22
aggregate object, 3-19
aggregate object, with EJBs, 3-20
between entity beans, 3-15
between entity beans and Java objects, 3-16
BLOB fields, 3-71
creating, 3-7
creating in Java, 3-89
described, 3-7
direct, 3-8
direct collection, 3-25
direct mappings, 3-8
direct-to-field, 3-9
many-to-many, 3-26, 3-27
many-to-many, with EJBs, 3-27
object type, 3-13
one-to-many, 3-21
one-to-many object, with EJBs, 3-22
one-to-one, 3-17
one-to-one with EJBs, 3-19
OracleAS TopLink metadata, 1-11
relationship, 3-14
serialized object, 3-71
type conversion, 3-12
message transport
overview, 8-4
Message-driven beans, described, 3-57
messages, error, C-4
project.xml file, 1-11
metadata model, described, 3-3
addDirectMapping(), 3-9
addField(), A-20
addForeignKeyConstraint(), A-20
addIdentityField(), A-20
addPrimaryKeyField(), A-20
addTableName, 3-102
addToAttributeOnlyConversionValue(), 3-13
clearProfiler(), 10-4, 10-5
copy policy, 3-101
createObject(), A-21
described, 3-60
in Java objects, 3-60
instantiation, 3-88
replaceObject(), A-21
setDefaultAttributeValue(), 3-13
setName(), A-20
setProfiler(), 10-4, 10-5
wrapper policy, 3-89
Microsoft SQL Server
native sequencing, 5-12
module visibility
in IBM WebSphere, B-4
multiple read connections
overview, 4-44
Multiple Table Mappings
using, 3-46
multiple tables
implementing in Java, 3-102
implementing in Java when primary keys are named differently, 3-103
implementing in Java when primary keys match, 3-102
implementing in Java when related by foreign key, 3-104
implementing in Java, non-standard table relationships, 3-105
multi-processing, 10-20


name service
configuring, 8-9
overview, 8-4
named finders
using, 6-50
named queries
defining, overview, 6-50
using, 6-48
native sequencing, 3-43, 5-12
configuring in the sessions.xml file, 4-18
Microsoft SQL Server, A-21
Oracle, 3-40, 3-41, A-22
Oracle SEQUENCE object, 3-42
Sybase, A-21
nested table mappings
about, 3-78
Java, 3-78
NestedTableMapping class, 3-78
non-cascading write queries
compared to cascading, 6-68
creating using dontCascadeParts ( ) method, 6-68
non-standard table relationships
implementing in Java, 3-105


object array mapping
about, 3-75
object array mappings
implementing in Java, 3-75
object identity, 4-28, 4-48
object indirection, 10-8
object model, 4-33, 6-37, 10-21
object reading, partial, 10-9
object relationships
working with, 3-46
object type mapping
example, 3-14
object type mappings
using, 3-13
object, cache, 5-29
object-relational descriptors
implementing in Java, 3-93
ObjectRelationalDescriptor class, 3-93
as query results, 6-60
cascading refresh in cache, 6-66
creating and editing in Web Client, A-11
query, 6-34
refreshing in cache, 6-66
searching with OracleAS TopLink Web Client, A-8
ObjectTypeMapping class, 3-13
one-to-many mapping
example, 3-21
Java, 3-21
one-to-many mappings, 3-21
OneToManyMapping class, 3-21
one-to-one mapping
example, 3-18
Java, 3-17
one-to-one mappings
with EJBs, 3-19
working with, 3-17
OneToOneMapping class, 3-17
boolean logic, 6-14
optimistic lock
overview, 5-20
Optimistic Lock Exception, C-54
optimistic locking, 5-21, C-54
database exception, 6-101
field locking policy, 5-29
optimistic read lock
overview, 5-20
OptimisticLockException class, 5-29
data, 5-16
performance, 10-1
schema, 10-21
field types, 5-4, A-22
remote session support, 4-60
using native sequencing, 5-12
Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE
setting class path, B-3
Oracle extensions
hierarchical queries, 6-78
Oracle Hints, 6-77
support, 6-76
Oracle Hints
described, 6-77
Oracle JDeveloper, configuring with OracleAS TopLink, A-15
Oracle native sequencing, 3-40, 3-41
SEQUENCE object, 3-42
OracleAS TopLink, 1-4
advantages, 1-3
application development overview, 1-12
problem space, 1-2
OracleAS TopLink container-managed persistence
configuring, B-7
configuring for BEA WebLogic, B-7
software requirements, B-2
OracleAS TopLink deploy tool for IBM WebSphere, A-17
OracleAS TopLink descriptors
creating in Java, 3-89
customizing with amendment methods, 3-82
OracleAS TopLink Exceptions
development exceptions, C-2
runtime exceptions, C-2
OracleAS TopLink Expression Framework
defining named queries, 6-50
described, 6-5
using, 6-51
OracleAS TopLink file
metadata, 1-11
OracleAS TopLink Foundation Library
overview, 1-7
OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench
defined queries, 6-56
overview, 1-5
using with entity beans, 3-47
OracleAS TopLink metadata
descriptors, 1-11
mappings, 1-11
OracleAS TopLink sessions
OracleAS TopLink Web Client, A-6
OracleAS TopLink Sessions Editor
overview, 1-6
OracleAS TopLink Web Client
executing SQL, A-12
searching objects, A-8
OracleAS TopLink with containers
software requirements, B-2
OrbixWeb, 4-60
outer joins, 6-72
in expressions, 6-72
output parameter event
in stored procedures, 6-30


as part of the application development process, 1-15
parameter binding, 5-17
parameterized expressions
example, 6-21
parameterized SQL
described, 5-17
enabling on queries, 6-45
in query objects, 6-45
OracleAS TopLink optimization features, 10-17
partial attribute reading
query objects, 6-76
partial object reading, 10-9
performance optimization
described, 10-1
examples, 10-9
using Performance Profiler, 10-3
Performance Profiler, 10-3
class, 10-4
performance tuning
as part of the application development process, 1-15
persistence descriptor, 9-11
persistence descriptor, in BEA WebLogic deployment, 9-11
persistent classes
registering events, 3-84
persistent classes in Java objects, 3-60
persistent entities, described, 3-3
persistent entity beans, 3-59
persistent state, 3-60
pessimistic lock
overview, 5-20
pessimistic locking
described, 5-24
example, 5-26
overview, B-9
with session beans, B-10
with user transactions, B-9
platform functions, in expressions, 6-22
pooling, connection, 4-43
preallocation, in sequencing, 3-39
predefined queries
described, 6-10
EJBs and finders, 6-53
named finders, 6-50
named queries, 6-48
redirect queries, 6-52
using, 6-48
Web Client, A-14
Preferences tab (Web Client), A-15
primary key
addPrimaryKeyField(), A-20
composite, 3-18
implementing in Java, 3-94
primary keys
defined, 3-6
entity beans, 3-37
Profiler, 4-66
profiler development tool, 10-3
Profiler tab (OracleAS TopLink Web Client), A-14
deployment overview, 9-2
described, 3-3
proxy indirection, 3-29
descriptor configuration, 3-30
implementing, 3-30
implementing in Java, 3-29
model configuration, 3-30


advanced options, 6-79
basics, 6-12
cache, 6-61
cascading, 6-68
concepts, 6-3
cursored streams, 6-81
defined in OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench, 6-56
exception handling, 6-101
on inheritance hierarchies, 6-81
on interfaces, 6-81
overview, 1-8
query keys, creating, 6-79
scrollable cursor, 6-81
session queries, 6-37
SQL, 6-27
variable one-to-one mappings, 6-85
queries, named
defining, 6-50
defining under EJB QL, 6-50
defining under OracleAS TopLink framework
defining named queries, 6-50
defining under SQL, 6-50
report, 10-9
query basics
custom SQL, 6-27
EJB QL, 6-31
expressions, 6-12
query by example, 6-34
stored procedures, 6-29
query by example, 6-34
combining with expressions, 6-36
described, 6-5
example policy, 6-35
sample instance, 6-34
Query Exception, C-56
query keys
creating, 6-79
implementing in Java, 6-80
in expressions, 6-24
query mechanisms
EJB finders, 6-11
predefined queries, 6-10
query methods, 6-37
query objects
batch reading, 6-70
caching results, 6-7, 6-76
components, 6-41
creating, 6-42
creating, overview, 6-42
cursoring and ReadAll queries, 6-46
described, 6-42
described, 6-42
described, 6-42
described, 6-42
examples, 6-43, 6-44
executing, 6-41
executing queries in, 6-42
described, 6-42
join reading, 6-72
ordering for ReadAll queries, 6-44
parameterized SQL, 6-45
partial attribute reading, 6-76
performance, 6-70
query optimization, 6-46
query types, 6-42
read query objects, 6-42
described, 6-42
described, 6-42
relationship to database, 4-49
report query, 6-73, 10-11
described, 6-42
specifying collection class, 6-46
described, 6-42
using in place of session methods, 6-67
described, 6-42
described, 6-42
query results
caching, 6-67
collections, 6-60
objects, 6-60
reports, 6-61
streams, 6-60
using, 6-60
query timeout example, 6-48
query, report, 6-61, 6-73, 10-11
as part of the application development process, 1-14


read all operation, 4-34, 6-39
read connections
multiple, 4-44
read operation, 4-34, 6-38
read queries
identity map cache refresh, 6-66
read query
cascading refresh of identity maps, 6-66
refreshing identity maps, 6-66
read query example, 10-5
read query objects, described, 6-42
ReadAll finders, 6-94
creating, 6-94
executing, 6-94
using, 6-94
ReadAll queries
cursoring in query objects, 6-46
ordering in query objects, 6-44
example, 4-35, 6-39
in EJB QL, 6-32
reading, batch, 10-9
example, 4-35, 6-38
redeployment, 9-23
redirect finders
using, 6-53
redirect queries
EJB finders, 6-53
using, 6-52
reference mapping
example, 3-78
in Java, 3-77
ReferenceMapping class, 3-77
refresh cache
described, 6-7
refresh operation, 6-39
relational mappings
about, 3-73
bidirectional, 3-17
relationship mapping
described, 3-5
EJB 2.0, 3-15
with EJBs, 3-14
relationship mappings
aggregate object, 3-19
described, 3-14
direct collection, 3-25
EJB 1.1, 3-15
EJB 2.0, 3-15
many-to-many, 3-26
one-to-many, 3-21
one-to-one, 3-17
with entity beans, 3-14
described, 3-60
relationships and entity beans, 3-14
Remote Command Manager Exception, C-114
remote connection using RMI
example, 4-62
Remote Session
architecture, 4-6
remote session, 4-58
replaceObject() method, A-21
report query
query objects, 6-73, 10-11
use case, 10-9
using, 6-61, 6-73, 10-11
ReportQuery, 6-42
query results, 6-61
message optimization, 10-8
remote session support, 4-60
and Java Transaction API, 7-10
overview, 7-10
root class, 3-51
runtime exceptions, C-1, C-2
run-time issues
maintaining bidirectional relationships, 3-61
runtime problems, troubleshooting, C-126
runtime services
described, A-23


Schema Manager
creating tables, A-20
managing Java database type conversions, A-22
overview, A-19
schema manager, A-22
schema manager development tool, A-19
schema, optimization, 10-21
scrollable cursor
traversing, 6-82
using, 6-81
using for ReadAllQuery, 6-46, 6-82
SDK Data Store Exception, C-109
SDK Descriptor Exception, C-111
SDK Query Exception, C-112
Search tab (Web Client), A-8
objects in sessions, A-8
security, 4-14
with BEA WebLogic, B-6
select methods
using, 6-95
SelectedFieldsLockingPolicy, 5-29
SEQ_COUNT column in sequence table, 3-40
sequence numbers
implementing in Java, 3-107
Microsoft SQL Server, A-21
preallocation, 10-19
specifying, 5-11
Sybase, A-21
write optimization features, 10-17
SEQUENCE objects in Oracle native sequencing, 3-42
sequence table, 5-12
configuring in the sessions.xml file, 4-17, 4-18
defined, 3-6
described, 3-37
implementing class tables, 3-38
native, 3-43
native Oracle, 3-40
preallocation, 3-39
table, 3-39
with BEA WebLogic, 3-44
with entity beans, 3-44
with IBM WebSphere, 3-44
with stored procedures, 3-45
defined, 3-6
limitations, 3-36
resolving indirection issues, 3-35
serialization, described, 3-34
serialized object mappings
about, 3-71
example, 3-71
Java, 3-71
SerializedObjectMapping class, 3-71
server layer, 4-61
Server Session
architecture, 4-5
defining in the sessions.xml file, 4-13
described, 4-38
overview of use, 4-37
Server Session connection options, 4-44
concepts, 4-2
loading with alternative class loader, 4-30
session bean model, 2-14
session beans
described, 2-14
model, 2-14
remote session support for, 4-60
session beans, described, 3-57
Session Broker
overview, 4-7
session broker, 4-53
adding sessions, 4-54
multiple sessions, 4-53
two-phase commits, 4-55
two-stage commits, 4-55
using, 4-53
session cache
overview, 8-2
session configuration file
loading alternative, 4-31
reparsing, 4-32
session described, 4-38
session event manager, 4-69
session listener class
described, 4-47
session management
as part of the application development process, 1-13
development services, A-23
runtime services, A-23
Session management services
described, A-22
Session Manager
destroying sessions, 4-33
retrieving a session, 4-29
session location, 4-29
storing sessions, 4-32
session queries, 6-37
executing, 6-37
in OracleAS TopLink query framework, 6-37
reading from database, 6-38
writing to database, 6-39
session query
using EJB QL, 6-33
session, remote, 4-58
merging dependent objects under EJB 1.1, 3-63
adding to session broker, 4-54
architectures, 4-4
caching, 4-4
Client Session, 4-2
Client Session architecture, 4-6
connecting to with OracleAS TopLink Web Client, A-6
connection pool, 4-4
Database Session, 4-3
Database Session architecture, 4-6
destroying in Session Manager, 4-33
multiple, 4-53
overview, 1-8
profiling, 4-4
Remote Session, 4-3
Remote Session architecture, 4-6
searching, A-8
Server Session, 4-2
Server Session architecture, 4-5
Session Broker, 4-3, 4-7
Session Manager, 4-3
session types, 4-2
sessions.xml, 4-2, 4-8
storing in Session Manager, 4-32
sessions, database, 4-48
sessions, logging out, 4-49
cache-synchronization-manager element, 4-19
configuring sequence table, 4-18
connection-pool element, 4-23
defining a Database Session, 4-13
defining a Server Session, 4-13
enable-logging element, 4-25
event-listener-class element, 4-21
exception-handler-class element, 4-23
external-transaction-controller-class element, 4-22
loading alternative configuration file, 4-31
login element, 4-13
login using JDBC, 4-14
overview, 4-2, 4-8
profiler-class element, 4-22
reparsing, 4-32
reusing with XMLLoader, 4-31
sequencing elements, 4-17
session element, 4-10
session-type element, 4-12
toplink-configuration element, 4-10
using DataSource, 4-15
XML header, 4-10
setAttributeClassification(), 3-12
setAttributeName(), 3-12, 3-13, 3-68, 3-71
setAttributeTransformation(), 3-69
setDefaultAttributeValue(), 3-13
setFieldClassification(), 3-12
setFieldName(), 3-9, 3-12, 3-13, 3-71
setGetMethodName(), 3-69, 3-71
setName() method, A-20
setPrimaryKeyFieldName, 3-94
setProfiler() method, 10-4, 10-5
setSequenceNumberFieldName, 3-107
setSetMethodName(), 3-69, 3-71
setWrapperPolicy(), 3-89
shared library
setting for BEA WebLogic, B-6, B-8
soft cache weak identity map, 10-9
SQL, 5-4
binding and parameterizing, 5-17
custom, 4-35
parameterized, 10-17
queries, 6-27
using in a finder, 6-95
SQL Exception, C-50
SQL queries, 6-27
described, 6-6
in OracleAS TopLink query framework, 4-35
in OracleAS TopLink Web Client, A-12
SQL Server
native sequencing, 5-12
SQL, parameterized, 6-45
stale data
overview, 8-3
stateful and stateless beans compared, 2-14
stateful beans, 2-14
stateful, stateless Session Beans, 3-57
stateless and stateful beans compared, 2-14
stateless beans, 2-14
static amendment methods, 3-82
Stored Procedure Generator
described, A-24
using, A-24
stored procedures, 6-29
attaching to descriptors, A-25
cursor output parameters, 6-30
described, 6-5
generating, A-24
output parameter event, 6-30
output parameters, 6-29
using, 6-29
using for sequencing, 3-45
as query results, 6-60
streams, cursored, 4-62, 6-84
structure mappings
Java, 3-76
StructureMapping class, 3-76
in expressions, 6-18
in expressions, 6-18
JConnect2.x, 4-49
using native sequencing, 5-12
synchronous update mode
overview, 8-4


Table Definition
class, A-20
table sequencing, 3-39
configuring in the sessions.xml file, 4-18
creator/qualifier, 5-19
three-tier applications
migrating to scalable architecture, 4-48
TimestampLockingPolicy, 5-29
BEA WebLogic, 9-6
IBM WebSphere, 9-5
OracleAS TopLink Web Client, A-4
as part of the application development process, 1-14
in OracleAS TopLink, 7-3
overview, 1-9, 7-1
transactions, manual, 4-49
transformation mappings
example, 3-69
indirection, 3-70
TransformationMapping class, 3-68
transparent indirection
working with, 3-32
transport layer, 4-60
troubleshooting, Unit of Work, 7-41
two-phase commits, 4-55
two-phase/two-stage commits, 4-55
two-stage commits, 4-55
type conversion mappings, 3-13
example, 3-13
using, 3-12
type conversions
managing in Java databases, A-22
TypeConversionMapping class, 3-12


undeployment, 9-23
Unit of Work, 10-8, 10-16
acquiring, 7-13
and Java Transaction API, 7-3
basics, 7-5
cache, 8-3
class, 6-37
clones, 7-7
commit, 7-9
commit and Java Transaction API, 7-9, 7-10
conform results of in-memory query, 6-62
conform results, described, 6-9
creating objects, 7-13
deleting objects, 7-20
nested, 7-40
overview, 7-3
parallel, 7-40
pre-commit validation, 7-41
queries, 7-9
reading objects, 7-9
read-only classes, 7-33, 7-34
remote sessions, 4-62
resuming after commit, 7-39
resuming on failure after commit, 7-39
reverting, 7-39, 7-40
rollback, 7-10
rollback and Java Transaction API, 7-10
updating methods in, 3-86
validating objects, 7-41
validation, 7-41
update operation, 6-39, 6-41
UpdateObjectQuery, 6-42
useAllFieldsLocking, 3-108
useAllFieldsLocking, 3-107
useChangedFieldsLocking, 3-108
useChangedFieldsLocking, 3-107
useCloneCopyPolicy(), 3-101
useCloneCopyPolicy(String), 3-101
useConstructorCopyPolicy(), 3-101
useDefaultConstructorInstantiationPolicy(), 3-88
useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(), 3-88
useMethodInstantiationPolicy(), 3-88
useProxyIndirection(), 3-29
user-defined functions, in expressions, 6-22
useSelectedFieldsLocking, 3-108
useSelectedFieldsLocking, 3-107
useTimestampLocking, 3-108
useTimestampLocking, 3-107
useVersionLocking, 3-107, 3-108


validation, 7-41
Validation Exception, C-72
ValueHolder Indirection
working with, 3-28
triggering before serialization, 3-35
ValueReadQuery, 6-42
variable one-to-one mapping
querying, 6-85
VariableOneToOneMapping class, 3-72
Varray (Oracle). see array mappings
version fields, 5-21, 5-30
version locking policies, 3-107, 3-108, 5-21
VersionLockingPolicy, 5-29
VisiBroker, 4-60


weak identity map, 10-9
weak identity map, soft cache, 10-9
Web Client
configuring, A-3
connecting to session, A-6
creating objects, A-11
described, A-2
editing objects, A-11
WebLogic, 4-60
described, 9-11
modifying for OracleAS TopLink, 9-11
unsupported tags, 9-12
WebSphere Studio Application Developer
Deploy Tool, A-18
OracleAS TopLink Web Client, A-3
working with, 3-29
wrapper policy
implementing in Java, 3-89
setting in Java, 3-89
write all operation, 6-40
write query
disabling identity map cache, 6-69
non-cascading, 6-68
overview, 6-68
write query objects, 6-68
WriteObjectQuery, 6-42
writing, batch, 5-17, 10-17


XML Conversion Exception, C-116
XML loader
loading alternative session, 4-31
XML parsers
modifying the sessions.xml file, 4-10
reusing the configuration file, 4-31

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