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Oracle Application Server TopLink Application Developer's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10313-01
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Error Codes and Messages

This chapter describes the Oracle Application Server TopLink exception classes and general troubleshooting issues for entity bean configuration and deployment. It includes sections on:

OracleAS TopLink Exceptions

All OracleAS TopLink exceptions are descendants of RuntimeException. The TopLinkException class is the superclass of all runtime and development type exceptions.

Runtime Exceptions

Runtime exceptions indicate error conditions at runtime, though not necessarily fatal errors. Instead, they indicate that runtime conditions are invalid, such as the loss of database connection. All these exceptions should be handled in a try-catch block.

The following exceptions can be thrown at runtime:

Development Exceptions

Development exceptions indicate that a certain fragment of code is invalid. All development exceptions do not depend on runtime conditions and must, therefore, be solved before deploying the application. For example, the DescriptorException is thrown the first time you initialize an application that contains an erroneous descriptor or mapping property. Development exceptions are useful as a debugging tool to find inconsistencies in the descriptor. Because development exceptions are not normal behavior, they must not be handled in a try-catch block.

The following exceptions are not dependent on runtime conditions. If one of these exceptions is thrown, then the application code being tested is invalid and must be changed. Avoid handling these types of exceptions:

Format of Exceptions

All exceptions return the name of the exception and a message that describes what caused the exception. The message that appears reflects the type of exception.

OracleAS TopLink exceptions include the following information:

Exception Error Code Numbers

OracleAS TopLink does not necessarily use the full range of exception error code numbers available. Table C-1 indicates the potential range:

Table C-1 Range of OracleAS TopLink Exception Error Codes  
Exceptions Error Code Range

Descriptor Exception

1 - 1000

Builder Exception

1001 - 2000

Concurrency Exception

2001 - 3000

Conversion Exception

3001 - 4000

Database Exception

4001 - 5000

Optimistic Lock Exception

5001 - 6000

Query Exception

6001 - 7000

Validation Exception

7001 - 8000

EJB QL Exception

8001 - 8999

Session Loader Exception

9000 - 10000

EJB Exception Factory

10001 - 11000

Cache Synch Communication Exception

11001 - 12000

Communication Exception

12001 - 13000

XML Data Store Exception

13001 - 14000

Deployment Exception

14001 - 15000

Synchronization Exception

15001 - 16000

JDO Exception

16001 - 17000

SDK Data Store Exception

17001 - 18000

JMS Processing Exception

18001 - 19000

SDK Descriptor Exception

19001 - 20000

SDK Query Exception

20001 - 21000

Discovery Exception

22000 - 22100

Remote Command Manager Exception

22101 - 22200

XML Conversion Exception

25001 - 26000

EJB JAR XML Exception

72001 - 73000

Exception Error Codes and Descriptions

This section lists the OracleAS TopLink exception error codes, information about the likely Cause of the problem and a possible corrective Action.

Each error code corresponds to an exception class and includes the following information:

Descriptor Exception

A Descriptor exception is a development exception raised when insufficient information has been provided to the descriptor. The message that is returned includes the name of the descriptor or mapping that caused the exception. If a mapping within the descriptor caused the error, then the name and parameters of the mapping are part of the returned message.

Internal exception, mapping and descriptor appear only if OracleAS TopLink has enough information about the source of the problem to provide this information.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name
MAPPING: Database mapping
DESCRIPTOR: Descriptor

Example C-1 Descriptor Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 75]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: The reference class is not specified.

Error Codes 1 - 176

Error code: 1


Cause: attributeName is not declared as type ValueHolderInterface, but the mapping uses indirection. The mapping is set to use indirection, but the related attribute is not defined as type ValueHolderInterface. It is thrown on foreign reference mappings.

Action: If you want to use indirection on the mapping, change the attribute to type ValueHolderInterface. Otherwise, change the mapping associated with the attribute so that it does not use indirection.

Error code: 2


Cause: attributeName is declared as type ValueHolderInterface, but OracleAS TopLink is unable to use indirection. The attribute is defined to be of type ValueHolderInterface, but the mapping is not set to use indirection. It is thrown on foreign reference mappings.

Action: If you do not want to use indirection on the mapping, change the attribute to not be of type ValueHolderInterface. Otherwise, change the mapping associated with the attribute to use indirection.

Error code: 6


Cause: The attribute name is missing or not specified in the mapping definition.

Action: Specify the attribute name in the mapping by calling method setAttributeName(String attribute name).

Error code: 7


Cause: When using Java 2, the specified attributeName is not defined as type vector, or a type that implements Map or Collection. This occurs in one-to-many mapping, many-to-many mapping, and collection mapping when mapping is set not to use indirection, and the attribute type is not declared.

Action: Declare the attribute to be of type java.util.Vector.

Error code: 8


Cause: The class indicator field is defined, but the descriptor is set to use inheritance. When using inheritance, a class indicator field or class extraction method must be set. The class indicator field is used to create the right type of domain object.

Action: Set either a class indicator field or class extraction method.

Error code: 9


Cause: The direct field name from the target table is not set in the direct collection mapping.

Action: Specify the direct field name by calling method setDirectFieldName(String fieldName).

Error code: 10


Cause: The field name is not set in the mapping. It is thrown from direct to field mapping, array mapping, and structure mapping.

Action: Specify the field name by calling method setFieldName(String fieldName).

Error code: 11


Cause: One-to-one mapping foreign key is defined incorrectly. Multiple foreign key fields were set for one-to-one mapping by calling method setForeignKeyFieldName(String fieldName).

Action: Use method addForeignKeyFieldName(String sourceForeignKeyName, String targetPrimaryKeyFieldName) to add multiple foreign key fields.

Error code: 12


Cause: The descriptor must use an identity map to use the Check cache does exist option. The descriptor has been set to not use identity map, but the existence checking is set to be performed on identity map.

Action: Either use identity map, or set the existence checking to some other option.

Error code: 13


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to access the attributeName instance variable in object objectName. The instance variable in the domain object is not accessible. This exception is thrown when OracleAS TopLink tries to access the instance variable using Java reflection. The error is a purely Java exception, and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 14


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to clone the object domainObject because the clone method methodName is not accessible. The method name specified using useCloneCopyPolicy(String cloneMethodName) or the clone() method to create the clone on the domain object, is not accessible by OracleAS TopLink using Java reflection. The error is a purely Java exception, and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 15


Cause: The domain class does not define a public default constructor, which OracleAS TopLink needs to create new instances of the domain class.

Action: Define a public default constructor or use a different instantiation policy.

Error code: 16


Cause: The descriptor callback method eventMethodName with DescriptorEvent as argument is not accessible. This exception is thrown when OracleAS TopLink tries to access the event method using Java reflection. The error is a purely Java exception, and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 17


Cause: Trying to invoke inaccessible methodName on the object objectName. The underlying get accessor method to access an attribute in the domain object is not accessible. This exception is thrown when OracleAS TopLink tries to access an attribute through method using Java reflection. The error is a purely Java exception, and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 18


Cause: The method used by the transformation mapping using a valueholder is illegal. This exception is thrown when OracleAS TopLink tries to access the method using Java reflection. The problem occurs when the method base valueholder is instantiated.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 19


Cause: On transformation mapping, the underlying attribute method that is used to retrieve values from the database row while reading the transformation mapped attribute is not accessible.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 20


Cause: On transformation mapping, the method methodName that is used to retrieve value from the object while writing the transformation mapped attribute is not accessible. The error is a purely Java exception, and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 21


Cause: OracleAS TopLink was unable to extract data row, because the OracleAS TopLink can not access the row specified in the databaseRow argument of the method. The method to extract class from row on the domain object is not accessible. The error is a purely Java exception, and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 22


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to create a new instance, because the method methodName that creates instances on the domain class is not accessible. The error is a purely Java exception, and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 23


Cause: The descriptor callback method eventMethodName with Session as an argument is inaccessible. This exception is thrown when OracleAS TopLink tries to access the event method using Java reflection. The error is a purely Java exception, and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 24


Cause: The attributeName instance variable in the object objectName is not accessible through Java reflection. The error is thrown by Java, and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 25


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to invoke a method setMethodName on the object with parameter parameter. The attribute's set accessor method is not accessible through Java reflection. The error is thrown by Java and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 26


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to get a value for an instance variable attributeName of type typeName from the object. The specified object is not an instance of the class or interface declaring the underlying field. An object is accessed to get the value of an instance variable that does not exist.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 27


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to invoke method methodName on the object objectName. The get accessor method declaration on the domain object differs from the one that is defined. The number of actual and formal parameters differ, or an unwrapping conversion has failed.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 28


Cause: The method that used by the method-based proxy uses in a Transformation mapping is getting illegal arguments when the valueholder is getting instantiated. This exception is thrown when OracleAS TopLink tries to access the method using Java reflection.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 29


Cause: The number of actual and formal parameters differ, or an unwrapping conversion has failed. On transformation mapping, the method used to retrieve value from the database row while reading the transformation mapped attribute is getting an illegal argument.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 30


Cause: The number of actual and formal parameters differ for method methodName, or an unwrapping conversion has failed. On transformation mapping, the method used to retrieve value from the object while writing the transformation mapped attribute is getting an illegal argument. The error is a purely Java exception, and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 31


Cause: The number of actual and formal parameters for the descriptor callback method eventMethodName differs, or an unwrapping conversion has failed. The callback event method is invoked with an illegal argument. This exception is thrown when OracleAS TopLink tries to invoke the event method using Java reflection. The error is a purely Java exception, and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 32


Cause: An illegal value is being assigned to the attribute instance variable. OracleAS TopLink is unable to set a value for an instance variable attributeName of type typeName in the object. The specified object is not an instance of the class or interface that is declaring the underlying field, or an unwrapping conversion has failed.

OracleAS TopLink assigns value by using Java reflection. Java throws the error and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 33


Cause: An illegal argument is being passed to the attribute's set accessor method. OracleAS TopLink is unable to invoke method setMethodName on the object. The number of actual and formal parameters differs, or an unwrapping conversion has failed. Java throws the error and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 34


Cause: The class does not define a public default constructor, or the constructor raised an exception. This error occurs when you invoke the default constructor for the domain object to create a new instance of the object while building new domain objects if:

  • The Class represents an abstract class, an interface, an array class, a primitive type, or void.

  • The instantiation fails for some other reason.

Java throws the error and OracleAS TopLink wraps only the reflection exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 35


Cause: Applications should never encounter this exception. This exception usually occurs at the time of developing OracleAS TopLink, although in cases where the developer writes new mapping, it is possible to get this exception. In direct collection mapping and many-to-many mapping, the target table and relational table are populated at the end of the commit process, and if a data modification event is sent to any other mapping, then this exception is thrown.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 36


Cause: An application should never encounter this exception. This exception usually occurs at the time of developing OracleAS TopLink, although in cases where developers write new mappings, it is possible to get this exception. In direct collection mapping and many-to-many mapping, the target table and relational table are populated at the end of the commit process, and if a data modification event is sent to these two mappings with wrong event code, then this exception is thrown.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 37


Cause: An application should never encounter this exception. This exception usually occurs at the time of developing OracleAS TopLink. The exception means that the descriptor event manager does not support the event code passed in the event.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 38


Cause: The identity map constructor failed because an invalid identity map was specified. The identity map class given in the descriptor cannot be instantiated. The exception is a Java exception thrown by a Java reflection when OracleAS TopLink instantiates the identity map class. OracleAS TopLink wraps only the Java exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 39


Cause: The descriptor does not define a Java class. The Java class is not specified in the descriptor.

Action: Specify the Java Class.

Error code: 40


Cause: A descriptor for the referenced interface is not added to the session.

Action: Add that descriptor to the session.

Error code: 41


Cause: A non-read-only mapping is not defined for the sequence number field. A mapping is required so that OracleAS TopLink can put and extract values for the primary key.

Action: Define a mapping.

Error code: 43


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is missing the class for indicator field value classFieldValue of type type. There was no class entry found in the inheritance policy for the indicator field value that was read from the database. It is likely that the method addClassIndicator(Class class, Object typeValue) was not called for the field value. The class and typeValue is stored in the hashtable, and later the class is extracted from the hashtable by passing typeValue as a key. Because Integer(1) is not equivalent to Float(1), this exception occurs when the type of typeValue is incorrectly specified.

Action: Verify the descriptor.

Error code: 44


Cause: The class indicator field is missing from the database row that was read from the database. This is performed in the inheritance model where after reading rows from the database, child domain objects are to be constructed depending upon the type indicator values.

Action: Verify the printed row for correct spelling.

Error code: 45


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is missing mapping for field; a mapping for the field is not specified.

Action: Define a mapping for the field.

Error code: 46


Cause: A mapping for the primary key is not specified. There should be one non-read-only mapping defined for the primary key field.

Action: Define a mapping for the primary key.

Error code: 47


Cause: The multiple table primary key mapping must be specified when a custom multiple table join is used. If multiple tables are specified in the descriptor and the join expression is customized, then the primary keys for all the tables must be specified. If the primary keys are not specified, then the exception occurs.

Action: Call method addMultipleTablePrimaryKeyFieldName(String fieldNameInPrimaryTable, String fieldNameInSecondaryTable) on the descriptor to set the primary keys.

Error code: 48


Cause: Multiple writable mappings for the field fieldName are defined in the descriptor. Exactly one must be defined writable; the others must be specified as read-only. When multiple write mappings are defined for the field, OracleAS TopLink is unable to choose the appropriate mapping for writing the value of the field in the database row. Therefore, the exception is thrown during the validation process of descriptors.

The most common cause of this problem occurs when the field has direct-to-field mapping, as well as one-to-one mapping. In this case, the one-to-one mapping must either be read-only or a target foreign key reference.

Action: Make one of those mappings read only.

Error code: 49


Cause: The attribute transformation method name in the transformation mapping is not specified. This method is invoked internally by OracleAS TopLink to retrieve value to store in the domain object.

Action: Define a method and set the method name on the mapping by calling method setAttributeTransformation(String methodName).

Error code: 50


Cause: No field name is specified in direct-to-field mapping.

Action: Set the field by calling setFieldName(String FieldName).

Error code: 51


Cause: Neither the selection criteria nor the foreign keys were specified on one-to-one mapping. If the selection criterion is not specified then OracleAS TopLink tries to build one from the foreign keys specified in the mapping.

Action: Specify the fields.

Error code: 52


Cause: No query key named: queryKey is found in: descriptor. No reference key from the target table is specified on direct collection mapping.

Action: Specify the fields by calling method setReferenceKeyFieldName(String fieldName).

Error code: 53


Cause: The relation table name is not set in this many-to-many mapping.

Action: Set the relation table name by calling method setRelationTableName(String tableName).

Error code: 54


Cause: There are no source relation keys specified in this many-to-many mapping.

Action: Add source relation keys to the mapping.

Error code: 55


Cause: OracleAS TopLink cannot find the descriptor callback method selector on the domain class. It must take a Session or a DescriptorEvent as its argument. OracleAS TopLink tries to invoke the method using Java reflection. It is a Java exception and OracleAS TopLink is wrapping only the main exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 56


Cause: OracleAS TopLink cannot find the method attributeMethodName with parameters databaseRow or databaseRow, session. OracleAS TopLink wraps the Java reflection exception that is caused when the method is being created from the method name. This method is set by calling setAttributeMethodName(String aMethodName).

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 57


Cause: The constructor is inaccessible to OracleAS TopLink. OracleAS TopLink wraps the Java reflection exception that is caused when it is creating a new instance of the domain.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 58


Cause: The method methodName is not found with parameters () or Session. OracleAS TopLink wraps the Java reflection exception that is caused when it is creating a Method type from the method names in transformation mapping.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 59


Cause: The instance variable attributeName is not defined in the domain class, or it is not accessible. OracleAS TopLink wraps the Java reflection exception that is caused when it is creating a Field type from the attribute name.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 60


Cause: The accessor method setMethodName or getMethodName is not defined for the attribute in the domain class javaClassName, or it is not accessible. OracleAS TopLink wraps the Java reflection exception that is caused when it is creating a Method type from the method name.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 61


Cause: The static class extraction method methodName with databaseRow as argument does not exist, or is not accessible. A Java reflection exception wrapped in an OracleAS TopLink exception is thrown when class extraction method is being created from the method name in the inheritance policy.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 62


Cause: The clone method methodName with no arguments does not exist, or is not accessible. A Java reflection exception wrapped in an OracleAS TopLink exception is thrown when a method to create clones is being created from the method name in the copy policy.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 63


Cause: The instance creation method methodName with no arguments does not exist, or is not accessible. A Java reflection exception wrapped in an OracleAS TopLink exception is thrown when a method to create the new instance is being created from the method name in the instantiation policy.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 64


Cause: The foreign keys in the target table are not specified in one-to-many mappings. These fields are not required if a selection criterion is given in the mapping, but otherwise they must be specified.

Action: Set target foreign keys or selection criteria.

Error code: 65


Cause: There are no target relation keys specified in many-to-many mappings.

Action: Call method addTargetRelationKeyFieldName(String targetRelationKeyFieldName, String targetPrimaryKeyFieldName) to set the fields.

Error code: 66


Cause: The object cannot be deserialized from the byte array that is read from the database. The exception is thrown when the serialized object mapping is converting the byte array into an object.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 67


Cause: The object cannot be serialized into a byte array. The exception is thrown when a serialized object mapping is converting the object into a byte array.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 68


Cause: The value of aggregate in the source object object is null. Null values are not allowed for aggregate mappings unless allow null is specified in the aggregate mapping.

Action: Call method allowNull() on the mapping.

Error code: 69


Cause: An object is accessed to get the value of an instance variable through Java reflection. This exception is thrown only on some Java virtual machines (JVM).

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 70


Cause: The get accessor method is invoked to get the value of an attribute through Java reflection. This exception is thrown only on some Java virtual machines (JVM).

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 71


Cause: Null Pointer Exception has been thrown while setting the value of the attributeName instance variable in the object to value. An object is accessed to set the value of an instance variable through Java reflection. This exception is thrown only on some Java virtual machines (JVM).

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 72


Cause: A Null Pointer Exception has been thrown while setting the value through setMethodName method in the object with an argument argument. The set accessor method is invoked to set the value of an attribute through Java reflection. This exception is thrown only on some Java virtual machines (JVM).

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 73


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to find descriptor for the parent class. The descriptor of a subclass has no parent descriptor.

Action: The method setParentClass(Class parentClass) on the subclass descriptor must be called.

Error code: 74


Cause: The primary key fields are not set for this descriptor.

Action: Add primary key field names using method setPrimaryKeyFieldName(String fieldName) or setPrimaryKeyFieldName(String fieldName).

Error code: 75


Cause: The reference class is not specified in the foreign reference mapping.

Action: Set the reference class by calling method setReferenceClass(Class aClass).

Error code: 77


Cause: The referenced descriptor for className should be set to an aggregate descriptor. An aggregate mapping should always reference a descriptor that is aggregate.

Action: Call method descriptorIsAggregate() on the referenced descriptor.

Error code: 78


Cause: The table for the reference field must be the reference table. If the reference field name that is specified in the direct collection mapping is qualified with the table name, then the table name should match the reference table name.

Action: Qualify the field with the proper name, or change the reference table name.

Error code: 79


Cause: The reference table name in the direct collection mapping is not specified.

Action: Use method setReferenceTableName(String tableName) on the mapping to set the table name.

Error code: 80


Cause: The table for the relation key field must be the relation table. If the source and target relation fields name that is specified in the many-to-many mapping are qualified with the table name, then the table name should match the relation table name.

Action: Qualify the field with the proper name, or change the relation table name.

Error code: 81


Cause: The method attributeMethodName that is specified in the transformation mapping should have a return type set in the attribute because this method is used to extract value from the database row.

Action: Verify the method and make appropriate changes.

Error code: 82


Cause: The descriptor callback method selector with DescriptorEvent as an argument is not accessible. Java throws a security exception when a Method type is created from the method name using Java reflection. The method is a descriptor event callback on the domain object that takes DescriptorEvent as its parameter.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 83


Cause: The descriptor callback method selector with session as an argument is not accessible. Java throws a security exception when a Method type is created from the method name using Java reflection. The method is a descriptor event callback on the domain object, which takes class and session as its parameters.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 84


Cause: Access to the method attributeMethodName with parameters databaseRow or databaseRow, Session has been denied. Java throws a security exception when a Method type is created from the attribute method name using Java reflection. The attribute method that is specified in the transformation mapping is used to extract value from the database row and set by calling setAttributeTransformation(String methodName).

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 85


Cause: Method: methodName ACCESS DENIED with <> or session parameters. Java throws a security exception when a Method type is created from the method name using Java reflection. These are the methods that extract the field value from the domain object in the transformation mapping.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 86


Cause: Access to the instance variable attributeName in the class javaClassName is denied. Java throws a security exception when creating a Field type from the given attribute name using Java reflection.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 87


Cause: The methods setMethodName and getMethodName in the object javaClassName are inaccessible. Java throws a security exception when creating a Method type from the given attribute accessor method name using Java reflection.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 88


Cause: The static class extraction method methodName with DatabaseRow as an argument is not accessible. Java throws a security exception when creating a Method type from the given class extraction method name using Java reflection. The method is used to extract the class from the database row in inheritance policy.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 89


Cause: The clone method methodName with no arguments is inaccessible. Java throws a security exception when creating Method type from the given method name using Java reflection. This method on copy policy is used to create clones of the domain object.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 90


Cause: The instance creation method methodName with no arguments is inaccessible. Java throws a security exception when creating Method type from the given method name using Java reflection. This method on instantiation policy is used to create new instances of the domain object.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 91


Cause: Either the sequence field name or the sequence number name is missing. To use sequence generated IDs both the sequence number name and field name properties must be set.

Action: To use sequence-generated IDs, set both the sequence number name and field name properties.

Error code: 92


Cause: The size of the primary keys on the target table does not match the size of the foreign keys on the source in one-to-one mapping.

Action: Verify the mapping and the reference descriptor's primary keys.

Error code: 93


Cause: The table tableName is not present in the descriptor.

Action: Verify the qualified field names that are specified in the mappings and descriptor so that any fields that are qualified with the table name reference the correct table.

Error code: 94


Cause: No table is specified in the descriptor. The descriptor must have a table name defined.

Action: Call method addTableName(String tableName) or setTableName(String tableName) to set the tables on the descriptor.

Error code: 96


Cause: The size of the foreign keys on the target table does not match the size of the source keys on the source table in the one-to-many mapping.

Action: Verify the mapping.

Error code: 97


Cause: OracleAS TopLink has encountered a problem in cloning the object domainObject clone method. The methodName triggered an exception. Java throws this exception when the cloned object is invoked while the object is being cloned. The clone method is specified on the copy policy that is usually invoked to create clones in Unit of Work.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 98


Cause: A descriptor callback method eventMethodName that includes a DescriptorEvent as argument. The exception occurs when the descriptor event method is invoked using Java reflection.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 99


Cause: The method methodName on the object objectName is throwing an exception. Java is throwing an exception while getting an attribute value from the object through a method accessor.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 100


Cause: A method has thrown an exception. Java throws this exception while instantiating a method based proxy and instantiating transformation mapping.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 101


Cause: The underlying method throws an exception. Java is throwing an exception while invoking an attribute transformation method on transformation mapping. The method is invoked to extract value from the database row to set into the domain object.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 102


Cause: The method methodName is throwing an exception. Java is throwing exception while invoking field transformation method on transformation mapping. The method is invoked to extract value from the domain object to set into the database row.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 103


Cause: OracleAS TopLink encountered a problem extracting the class type from row row while invoking a class extraction method.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 104


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to create a new instance. The creation method methodName caused an exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 105


Cause: The underlying descriptor callback method eventMethodName with session as argument throws an exception. Java is throwing an exception while invoking a descriptor event method that takes a session as its parameter.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 106


Cause: The method setMethodName on the object throws an exception. Java is throwing an exception while invoking a set accessor method on the domain object to set an attribute value into the domain object.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 108


Cause: The indicator value is not found in the class indicator mapping in the parent descriptor for the class.

Action: Verify the addClassIndicator(Class childClass, Object typeValue) on the inheritance policy.

Error code: 109


Cause: The child descriptor has a write lock field defined. This is unnecessary, because it inherits any required locking from the parent descriptor.

Action: Check your child descriptor, and remove the field.

Error code: 110


Cause: The descriptor for the reference class className is missing from the mapping.

Action: Verify the session to see if the descriptor for the reference class was added.

Error code: 111


Cause: Multiple table primary key field names are not fully qualified. These field names are given on the descriptor if it has more than one table.

Action: Specify the field names with the table name.

Error code: 112


Cause: You have tried to enter more than one table through this method.

Action: Use addTableName(String tableName) to add multiple tables to the descriptor.

Error code: 113


Cause: The constructor is inaccessible. Java is throwing this exception while invoking a default constructor to create new instances of the domain object.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 114


Cause: The new instance methodName creation method is inaccessible. Java is throwing an exception while calling a method to a build new instance of the domain object. This method is given by the user to override the default behavior of creating new instances through a class constructor.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 115


Cause: The field conversion value for the attribute value attributeValue was not given in the object type mapping.

Action: Verify the attribute value, and provide a corresponding field value in the mapping.

Error code: 116


Cause: The attribute conversion value for the fieldValue was not given in the object type mapping.

Action: Verify the field value, and provide a corresponding attribute value in the mapping.

Error code: 118


Cause: The domain object className cannot have a read only mapping for the write lock fields when the version value is stored in the object.

Action: Verify the mappings on the write lock fields.

Error code: 119


Cause: The domain object className does not have a read only mapping for the write lock fields when the version value is stored in the cache.

Action: Verify the mappings on write lock fields.

Error code: 120


Cause: The queryKey queryKeyName is defined in the parent descriptor but not in the child descriptor. The descriptor has not defined the abstract query key.

Action: Define any implementors of the interface descriptor by the abstract query key in the interface descriptor.

Error code: 122


Cause: The interface descriptor parent does not have at least one abstract query key defined. The string given to the method setExistenceChecking(String token) is not understood.

Action: Verify that the string passed is one of the following:

  • Check cache

  • Check database

  • Assume existence

  • Assume non-existence

Error code: 125


Cause: The mapping for the attribute mapping.getAttributeName() uses indirection and must be initialized to a new valueholder.

Action: Ensure that the mapping uses indirection and that the attribute is initialized to a new valueholder.

Error code: 126


Cause: No subclass matches this class theClass when inheritance is in aggregate relationship mapping.

Action: Verify the subclass and the relationship mapping.

Error code: 127


Cause: The get method return type for the attribute mapping.getAttributeName() is not declared as type ValueHolderInterface, but the mapping is using indirection.

Action: Verify that the get method returns a valueholder, or change the mapping to not use indirection.

Error code: 128


Cause: The get method return type for the attribute mapping.getAttributeName() is declared as type ValueHolderInterface, but the mapping is not using indirection.

Action: Ensure that the mapping is using indirection, or change the return type from valueholder.

Error code: 129


Cause: The set method parameter type for the attribute mapping.getAttributeName() is not declared as type ValueHolderInterface, but the mapping is using indirection.

Action: Ensure that the set method parameter is declared as a valueholder, or change the mapping to not use indirection.

Error code: 130


Cause: The set method parameter type for the attribute mapping.getAttributeName() is declared as type ValueHolderInterface, but the mapping is not using indirection.

Action: Ensure that the mapping is changed to use indirection, or that the method parameter is not declared as a valueholder.

Error code: 131


Cause: The get method return type for the attribute mapping.getAttributeName() is not declared as type vector (or a type that implements Map or Collection if using Java 2).

Action: Declare the get method return type for the attribute as type vector (or a type that implements Map or Collection if using Java 2).

Error code: 133


Cause: The set method parameter type for the attribute mapping.getAttributeName() is not declared as type vector (or a type that implements Map or Collection, if using Java 2).

Action: Declare the set method parameter type for the attribute as type vector (or a type that implements Map or Collection, if using Java 2).

Error code: 135


Cause: The table in the multiple table foreign key relationship refers to an unknown table.

Action: Verify the table name.

Error code: 138


Cause: The attribute mapping.getAttributeName() is not declared as a super-type of validTypeName, but the mapping is using transparent indirection.

Action: Verify the attribute's type and the mapping setup.

Error code: 139


Cause: The get method return type for the attribute mapping.getAttributeName() is not declared as a super-type of validTypeName, but the mapping is using transparent indirection.

Action: Verify the attribute's type and the mapping setup.

Error code: 140


Cause: The set method parameter type for the attribute mapping.getAttributeName() is not declared as a super-type of validTypeName, but the mapping is using transparent indirection.

Action: Verify the attribute's type and the mapping setup.

Error code: 141


Cause: The field fieldname is not present in the table tableName in the database.

Action: Verify the field name for the attribute.

Error code: 142


Cause: The descriptor.getTableName() is not present in the database.

Action: Verify the table name for the descriptor.

Error code: 143


Cause: The multiple table insert order vector specified aDescriptor.getMultipleTableInsertOrder() has more or fewer tables than are specified in the descriptor aDescriptor.getTables(). All the tables must be included in the insert order vector.

Action: Ensure that all table names for the descriptor are present and that there are no extra tables.

Error code: 144


Cause: Transparent indirection is being used with a mapping other than CollectionMappings.

Action: Verify the mapping. It must be a collection mapping.

Error code: 145


Cause: The indirect container class does not implement the constructor.

Action: Implement the constructor for the container.

Error code: 146


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to instantiate the indirect container class using the constructor.

Action: Validate the constructor for the indirect container class.

Error code: 147


Cause: You have used a Container Policy with an incompatible version of the JDK. This container policy must only be used in JDK 1.3.1 or higher.

Action: Validate the container policy being used.

Error code: 148


Cause: The container policy is incompatible with transparent indirection.

Action: Change the container policy to be compatible with transparent indirection, or do not use transparent indirection.

Error code: 149


Cause: No indirection should not receive this message.

Action: Change to use no indirection.

Error code: 150


Cause: The mapping for the attribute mapping.getAttributeName() uses transparent indirection and must be initialized to an appropriate container.

Action: Initialize the mapping to an appropriate container.

Error code: 151


Cause: An invalid mapping operation has been used.

Action: See the documentation for valid mapping operations.

Error code: 152


Cause: An invalid indirection policy operation has been used.

Action: See the documentation for valid indirection policy operations.

Error code: 153


Cause: The reference descriptor for className is not set to an aggregate collection descriptor.

Action: Set the reference descriptor to an aggregate collection descriptor.

Error code: 154


Cause: An invalid indirection container class has been used.

Action: Verify the container class.

Error code: 155


Cause: The mapping does not include a foreign key field linked to the primary key field.

Action: Link the foreign key to the appropriate primary key.

Error code: 156


Cause: The structure name is not set.

Action: Set the structure name appropriately.

Error code: 157


Cause: Normal descriptors do not support non-relational extensions.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 158


Cause: The descriptor's parent class has been set to itself.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 159


Cause: An attempt to use proxy indirection has been made, but JDK 1.3.1 or higher is not being used.

Action: Use JDK 1.3.1 or higher.

Error code: 160


Cause: The attribute was not specified in the list of interfaces given to use proxy indirection.

Action: Verify the attribute.

Error code: 161


Cause: The return type for the indirection policy is invalid for the indirection policy.

Action: Ensure that the parameter type of the attribute's get method is correct for the indirection policy.

Error code: 162


Cause: The parameter for the set method is incorrect for the indirection type.

Action: Ensure that the parameter type of the attribute's set method is correct for the indirection policy.

Error code: 163


Cause: The container policy is invalid for the collection type.

Action: Ensure that the container policy is correct for the collection type.

Error code: 164


Cause: The amendment method that is provided is invalid, not public, or cannot be found.

Action: Ensure that the amendment method is public, static, returns void, and has a single argument: Descriptor.

Error code: 165


Cause: The specified amendment method threw an exception.

Action: Examine the returned exception for further information.

Error code: 166


Cause: There is no mapping for the attribute.

Action: Validate the mapping and attribute.

Error code: 168


Cause: The constructor is missing.

Action: Create the required constructor.

Error code: 169


Cause: The constructor is missing.

Action: Create the required constructor.

Error code: 170


Cause: Permissions do not allow access to the constructor.

Action: Adjust the Java security permissions to permit access to the constructor.

Error code: 171


Cause: An instantiation failed inside the associated constructor.

Action: Determine which objects are being instantiated, and verify that all are instantiated properly.

Error code: 172


Cause: A message send invoked from inside the constructor is invalid because the method does not exist.

Action: Correct the message send, ensuring that the message exists.

Error code: 173


Cause: A message was sent from inside a constructor to a null object.

Action: Avoid sending a message to an object that is null.

Error code: 174


Cause: A message was sent to an object from inside a factory instantiation, and Java has determined this message to be illegal.

Action: Determine why the message sent is illegal, and replace the message with the proper legal one.

Error code: 175


Cause: There is an error inside the factory associated with the invocation of a target.

Action: Determine the faulty target, and replace it with the correct target or proper message send.

Error code: 176


Cause: A message was sent to null inside a factory instantiation.

Action: Avoid sending a message to null.

Builder Exceptions

A Builder exception is a development exception that is raised when the Builder file format for the descriptor is not in a proper state. If OracleAS TopLink is able to determine the source and line number of the descriptor file that caused the exception, the displayed message includes this information. Otherwise, the information does not appear in the error message.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name
SOURCE: The source to the descriptor file that caused the error.
LINE NUMBER: The line number that caused the exception to be raised. This is the 
line number in the descriptor file.

Example C-2 Builder Exception

EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: No such section token: ABC

Error Codes 1001 - 1042

Error code: 1001

No such method

Cause: Tokens in the builder-generated files are the subsets of all the tokens a Project Reader can understand. Each token has a related public method on OracleAS TopLink. The exception means that the method name is incorrect.

Action: If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1002

Could not find post load method methodName on class aClass

Cause: The post load method that was defined in the descriptor properties is not defined on the related domain class.

Action: Define the method on the specified class.

Error code: 1003

Cannot write parameter object of class type

Cause: While creating a project class, the parameter tokens are read from the file and are converted to actual types before sending them to the methods. An unknown type causes this exception.

Action: If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1004

Could not access method method

Cause: Java is throwing an illegal access reflection exception while invoking the method on the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation. If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1005

Invoking applyResultMethod raised exception exception

Cause: Java is throwing an invocation reflection exception while invoking the method on the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation. If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1006

Invalid arguments invoking: applyResultMethod with receiver

Cause: Java is throwing an invalid argument reflection exception while invoking the method on the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation. If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1007

Could not access applyResultMethod with receiver

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection exception while invoking the method on the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation. If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1008

Parameter mismatch method; received size parameters

Cause: The number of parameters for the token read from the project or descriptor file do not match the number of parameters that a related method can take.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation. If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1009

Accessing methodName on className with parameters

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection exception while invoking the method on the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation. If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1010

Could not find section definition section when building section definitions for target

Cause: An invalid section name was found in the project or descriptor file.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation. If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1011

Could not convert object into an accessible Java class

Cause: The parameter read from the file cannot be converted to an appropriate type.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation. If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1012

File not found

Cause: The project or descriptor file was not found.

Action: Ensure that the path was given correctly in a project reader and also that the path is correct in the project file.

Error code: 1013

Invalid class/method name format

Cause: The application attempted to use the URL string to read the INI file.

Action: Use another method to read the INI files.

Error code: 1015

Open failed for URL url

Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to open the URL.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 1016

Could not resolve INIFile location: sourceString using search paths searchPaths

Cause: The file was not found on the given search paths.

Action: Check your search paths.

Error code: 1017

Invoking method on receiver

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection exception while invoking the method on the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation. If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1018

Invoking method on receiver

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection exception while invoking the method on the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually an internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1019

Invalid character value; expecting $* format

Cause: An invalid character format was written to the file.

Action: If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1020

Unexpected character: {

Cause: An unexpected character was found while reading vector values from the file.

Action: If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually an internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1021

Unexpected character: }

Cause: An unexpected character was found while reading vector values from the file.

Action: If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1022

Expecting object, found token nextToken

Cause: An unexpected token was found while reading from the file.

Action: If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1023

Unexpected word

Cause: An unexpected token was found while reading from the file.

Action: If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1024

setExistenceChecking token; not understood

Cause: The existence checking string that was specified on the descriptor is not understood.

Action: If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1025

Class className not found

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection exception while invoking the method on the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation. If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1026

Not enough INI elements. Found count

Cause: The line in an INI file has fewer tokens than expected.

Action: If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1027

Too many INI elements. Found count

Cause: The line in an INI file has more tokens then needed.

Action: If the project files are not manually edited and corrupted, then this exception is usually internal to OracleAS TopLink and must be reported to Technical Support. But if the file was manually edited or corrupted, then generate the files again.

Error code: 1028

Error writing writeString

Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to write the string into the file. A common cause of this error is an incorrectly specified directory.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 1029

Illegal access exception

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection exception while invoking the method on the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 1030

Invocation target exception

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection exception while invoking the method on the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 1031

Attempting to instantiate className with default constructor

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection exception while instantiating the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 1032

Attempting to instantiate className with default constructor

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection exception while instantiating the object. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 1033

IO Exception in next token

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 1034

IOException on close

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 1035

Invalid INI(URL) Method: method. Should return a string

Cause: Do not use the URL to read INI files. This feature is untested and undocumented.

Action: Use another method to read the INI files.

Error code: 1036

Could not cast using castString

Cause: An error occurred during an attempt to cast using the castString.

Action: Validate the castString.

Error code: 1037

A writer or a target file name must be specified

Cause: A writer or a target file name is not specified.

Action: Specify a writer or a target file name.

Error code: 1039

IOException on open

Cause: Java is throwing a reflection exception. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 1040

Post Load Method Not Static

Cause: The method specified is not static.

Action: Modify the method to be static.

Error code: 1041

Project Not Found

Cause: No projects were found in the specified directory.

Action: Verify the directory.

Error code: 1042

Multiple Projects With Name

Cause: More than one project with the same name was found.

Action: Verify the project name.

Concurrency Exception

A Concurrency exception is a development exception that is raised when a Java concurrency violation occurs. Only when the running thread is interrupted, causing the Java virtual machine (JVM) to throw InterruptedException, is an internal exception information displayed with the error message.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-3 Concurrency Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 2004]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.ConcurrencyException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Signal attempted before wait on concurrency manager. 
This normally means that an attempt was made to commit or rollback a transaction 
before being started, or rolledback twice.

Error Codes 2001 - 2006

Error code: 2001


Cause: In a multi-threaded environment, one of the waiting threads was interrupted.

Action: Such exceptions are dependent on the application.

Error code: 2002


Cause: A request for a connection from the connection pool has been forced to wait, and that wait has been interrupted.

Action: Such exceptions are dependent on the application.

Error code: 2003


Cause: A request for a connection from the connection pool has been forced to wait, and that wait has been interrupted.

Action: Such exceptions are dependent on the application.

Error code: 2004


Cause: A signal was attempted before a wait on concurrency manager. This normally means that an attempt was made to commit or rollback a transaction before it was started, or to rollback a transaction twice.

Action: Verify transactions in the application.

Error code: 2005


Cause: An InterruptedException was thrown while DatabaseSession sequencing waited for a separate connection to become available.

Action: Examine concurrency issues involving object creation with your DatabaseSession.

Error code: 2006


Cause: Several threads attempted to concurrently obtain sequence objects from the same DatabaseSession or ClientSession.

Action: Avoid concurrent writing through the same DatabaseSession or ClientSession.

Conversion Exception

A Conversion exception is a development exception that is raised when a conversion error occurs by an incompatible type conversion. The message that is returned indicates which type cast caused the exception.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-4 Conversion Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 3006]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.ConversionException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: object must be of even length to be converted to a 

Error Codes 3001 - 3007

Error code: 3001


Cause: The object object of class objectClass cannot be converted to javaClass. The object cannot be converted to a given type.

Action: Ensure that the object being converted is of the right type.

Error code: 3003


Cause: The date in dateString is in an incorrect format. The expected format is YYYY-MM-DD.

Action: Verify the date format.

Error code: 3004


Cause: The time in timeString is in an incorrect format. The expected format is HH:MM:SS.

Action: Verify the time format.

Error code: 3005


Cause: The timestamp timestampString is in an incorrect format. The expected format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.NNNNNNNNN.

Action: Verify the timestamp format.

Error code: 3006


Cause: The String object must be of even length to be converted to a ByteArray. This object cannot be converted to a ByteArray

Action: Verify the object being converted.

Error code: 3007


Cause: The object object of class objectClass cannot be converted to javaClass. The class javaClass is not on the class path.

Action: Ensure that the class javaClass is on the class path.

Database Exception

A Database exception is a runtime exception that is raised when data read from the database, or the data that is to be written to the database, is incorrect. The exception may also act as a wrapper for SQLException. If this is the case, the message contains a reference to the error code and error message. This exception can occur on any database type operation.

This exception includes internal exception and error code information when the exception is wrapping a SQLException.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name
ERROR CODE: Error code

Example C-5 Database Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 4002]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseExceptions
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: java.sql.SQLException: [INTERSOLV][ODBC dBase driver] 
Incompatible datatypes in expression: >
INTERNAL EXCEPTION: java.sql.SQLException: [INTERSOLV][ODBC dBase driver] 
Incompatible datatypes in expression: >

Error Codes 4002 - 4018

Error code: 4002


Cause: A SQL exception was encountered, thrown by the underlying JDBC bridge. OracleAS TopLink wraps only that exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception that was thrown.

Error code: 4003


Cause: The driver class name was not found.

Action: Verify the class name given in JDBCLogin.

Error code: 4005


Cause: The session is not connected to the database while attempting to read or write on the database.

Action: An application may have to login again because the connection to the database might have been lost.

Error code: 4006


Cause: An error occurred reading BLOB data from the database. There are two possibilities for this exception: either the BLOB data was not read properly from the result set or OracleAS TopLink cannot process the BLOB data using ByteArrayOutputStream.

Action: Verify whether the underlying driver supports BLOBs properly. If it does, then report this problem to Technical Support.

Error code: 4007


Cause: Cannot convert object type on internal = type. The object from the result set cannot be converted to the that was type returned from the metadata information.

Action: Verify whether the underlying driver supports the conversion type properly. If it does, then report this problem to Technical Support.

Error code: 4008


Cause: An attempt has been made to logout while the transaction is still in progress. You cannot logout while a transaction is in progress.

Action: Wait until the transaction is finished.

Error code: 4009


Cause: The sequence information given to OracleAS TopLink is not sufficiently complete to get the set of sequence numbers from the database. This usually happens on native sequencing on an Oracle database.

Action: Verify the data given, especially the sequence name given in OracleAS TopLink.

Error code: 4011


Cause: An error occurred preallocating sequence numbers on the database; the sequence table information is not complete.

Action: Ensure the sequence table was properly created on the database.

Error code: 4014


Cause: OracleAS TopLink cannot register the synchronization listener: underlying_exception_string. When the OracleAS TopLink session is configured with an ExternalTransactionController, any Unit of Work requested by a client must operate within the context of a JTS external global transaction. When a Unit of Work is created and the external global transaction is not in existence, or if the system cannot acquire a reference to it, this error is reported.

Action: Verify that a JTS transaction is in progress before acquiring the Unit of Work.

Error code: 4015


Cause: A synchronized UnitOfWork does not support the commitAndResume operation. When the OracleAS TopLink session is configured with an ExternalTransactionController, any Unit of Work requested by a client must operate within the context of a JTS external global transaction (see Error code: 4014). The JTS specification does not support the concept of check pointing a transaction--that is, committing the work performed and then continuing to work within the same transaction context. JTS does not support nested transactions, either. As a result, if a client code invokes commitAndResume() on a synchronized Unit of Work, this error is reported.

Action: None required.

Error code: 4016


Cause: A configuration error occurred when OracleAS TopLink attempted to instantiate Driver: javaClass. toplink cannot instantiate the driver.

Action: Check the driver.

Error code: 4017


Cause: A configuration error occurred when OracleAS TopLink attempted to instantiate Driver: javaClass. toplink cannot instantiate the driver.

Action: Check the driver.

Error code: 4018


Cause: The transaction manager has not been set for the JTSSynchronizationListener.

Action: Set a transaction manager for the JTSSynchronizationListener.

Optimistic Lock Exception

An Optimistic Lock exception is a runtime exception that is raised when the row on the database that matches the desired object is missing or when the value on the database does not match the registered number. It is used in conjunction with the optimistic locking feature. This applies only on an update or delete operation.

For more information about optimistic locking, see the Oracle Application Server TopLink Mapping Workbench User's Guide. These exceptions should be handled in a try-catch block.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception Name

Example C-6 Optimistic Lock Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 5003]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.OptimisticLockException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: The object, object.toString() cannot be deleted because 
it has changed or been deleted since it was last read.

Error Codes 5001 - 5008

Error code: 5001


Cause: An attempt was made to delete the object object, but it has no version number in the identity map. This object either was never read or has already been deleted.

Action: Use SQL logging to determine the reason for the exception. The last delete shows the object being deleted when the exception was thrown.

Error code: 5003


Cause: The object state has changed in the database. The object object cannot be deleted because it has changed or been deleted since it was last read. This usually means that the row in the table was changed by some other application.

Action: Refresh the object, which updates it with the new data from the database.

Error code: 5004


Cause: An attempt has been made to update the object object but it has no version number in the identity map. It may not have been read before being updated or has been deleted.

Action: Use SQL logging to determine the reason for the exception. The last update shows the object being updated when the exception was thrown.

Error code: 5006


Cause: The object state has changed in the database. The object object cannot be updated because it has changed or been deleted since it was last read. This usually means that the row in the table was changed by some other application.

Action: Refresh the object, which updates it with the new data from the database.

Error code: 5007


Cause: The object aClass must have a nonread-only mapping corresponding to the version lock field. The mapping, which is needed when the lock value is stored in the domain object rather than in a cache, was not defined for the locking field.

Action: Define a mapping for the field.

Error code: 5008


Cause: A write lock value that is stored in a domain object is not an instance of java.sql.Timestamp.

Action: Change the value of the attribute to be an instance of java.sql.Timestamp.

Query Exception

A Query exception is a development exception that is raised when insufficient information has been provided to the query. If possible, the message indicates the query that caused the exception. A query is optional and is displayed if OracleAS TopLink is able to determine the query that caused this exception.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-7 Query Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 6026]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.QueryException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: The query is not defined. When executing a query on the 
session, the parameter that takes query is null.

Error Codes 6001 - 6098

Error code: 6001


Cause: Cursored SQL queries must provide an additional query to retrieve the size of the result set. Failure to include the additional query causes this exception.

Action: Specify a size query.

Error code: 6002


Cause: Aggregated objects cannot be written or deleted independent of their owners. No identity is maintained on such objects.

Action: Do not try to delete aggregate objects directly.

Error code: 6003


Cause: The number of arguments provided to the query for execution does not match the number of arguments provided with the query definition.

Action: Check the query and the query execution.

Error code: 6004


Cause: The object clone of class clone.getClass() with identity hashcode (System.identityHashCode()) System.identityHashCode(clone) is not from this Unit of Work space but from the parent session. The object was never registered in this Unit of Work but read from the parent session and related to an object registered in the Unit of Work.

Action: Verify that you are correctly registering your objects. If you are still having problems, use the UnitOfWork.validateObjectSpace() method to help debug where the error occurred.

Error code: 6005


Cause: The object clone of class clone.getClass() with identity hashcode (System.identityHashCode()) <System.identityHashCode(clone)> is the original to a registered new object. Because the Unit of Work clones new objects that are registered, ensure that an object is registered before it is reference by another object. If you do not want the new object to be cloned, used the UnitOfWork.registerNewObject(Object) API.

Action: Verify that you are correctly registering your objects. If you are still having problems, use the UnitOfWork.validateObjectSpace() method to help debug where the error occurred.

Error code: 6006


Cause: This mapping does not support batch reading. The optimization of batching the read of all the target rows is not supported for the mapping.

Action: The problem is an OracleAS TopLink development problem, and the user should never encounter this error code unless the mapping is a new custom mapping. Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 6007


Cause: The descriptor for reference Class is missing. The descriptor related to the class or the object is not found in the session.

Action: Verify whether the related descriptor was added to the session, and whether the query is performed on the right object or class.

Error code: 6008


Cause: The descriptor domain Class Name for the query named queryName is missing. The descriptor where named query is defined is not added to the session.

Action: Verify whether the related descriptor was added to the session, and whether query is performed on the right class.

Error code: 6013


Cause: The size query given on the queries returning cursor streams is not correct. The execution of the size query did not return any size.

Action: If the cursor stream query was a custom query, than check the size query that was specified, or report this problem to Technical Support.

Error code: 6014


Cause: Objects cannot be written in a Unit of Work using modify queries. They must be registered.

Action: Objects are registered in the Unit of Work, and during commit, the Unit of Work performs the required changes to the database.

Error code: 6015


Cause: The query key key does not exist. Usually this happens because of a misspelled query key.

Action: Check the query key that was specified in the expression and verify that a query key was added to the descriptor.

Error code: 6016


Cause: Objects and the database cannot be changed through the server session: all changes must be performed through a client session's Unit of Work. The objects cannot be changed on the server session by modifying queries. Objects are changed in the client sessions that are acquired from this server session.

Action: Use the client session's Unit of Work to change the object.

Error code: 6020


Cause: No concrete class is indicated for the type in this row. The type indicator read from the database row has no entry in the type indicator hashtable or if class extraction method was used, it did not return any concrete class type. The exception is thrown when subclasses are being read.

Action: Check class extraction method if specified or check the descriptor to verify all the type indicator values were specified.

Error code: 6021


Cause: No cursor support is provided for abstract class multiple table descriptors using expressions.

Action: Consider using custom SQL or multiple queries.

Error code: 6023


Cause: There are no fields to be inserted into the table. The fields to insert into the table, table are empty.

Action: Define at least one mapping for this table.

Error code: 6024


Cause: An object to modify is required for a modify query.

Action: Verify that the query contains an object before executing.

Error code: 6026


Cause: The query is not defined. When executing a query on the session, the parameter that takes query is null.

Action: Verify whether the query is passed properly.

Error code: 6027


Cause: The Unit of Work has been released and is now inactive.

Action: The Unit of Work, once released, cannot be reused unless commitAndResume is called.

Error code: 6028


Cause: An attempt has been made to read from the cursor streams beyond its limits (beyond the end of the stream).

Action: Ensure that the stream is checked for an end of stream condition before attempting to retrieve more objects.

Error code: 6029


Cause: The reference class in the query is not specified. A reference class must be provided.

Action: Check the query.

Error code: 6030


Cause: Refresh is not possible if caching is not set. The read queries that skip the cache to read objects cannot be used to refresh the objects. Refreshing is not possible without identity.

Action: Check the query.

Error code: 6031


Cause: OracleAS TopLink did not find a size query. Size is supported only on expression queries unless a size query is given.

Action: The cursor streams on a custom query should also define a size query.

Error code: 6032


Cause: The SQL statement has not been properly set. The user should never encounter this error code unless queries have been customized.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 6034


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to validate a query item expression.

Action: Validate the expression being used.

Error code: 6041


Cause: The selection object that was passed to a read object or refresh was null.

Action: Check setSelectionObject() on the read query.

Error code: 6042


Cause: Data read and data modify queries are being executed without the session name. Only object-level queries can be directly executed by the session broker, unless the query is named.

Action: Specify the session name.

Error code: 6043


Cause: ReportQuery without primary keys cannot read the objects. The report query result that was returned is without primary key values. An object from the result can be created only if primary keys were also read.

Action: See the documentation about retrievePrimaryKeys() on report query.

Error code: 6044


Cause: The primary key that was read from the row databaseRow during the execution of the query was detected to be null; primary keys must not contain null.

Action: Check the query and the table on the database.

Error code: 6045


Cause: The subclass has no descriptor defined for it.

Action: Ensure the descriptor was added to the session, or check class extraction method.

Error code: 6046


Cause: The class you are attempting to delete is a read-only class.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 6047


Cause: The operator data used in the expression is not valid.

Action: Check ExpressionOperator class to see a list of all the operators that are supported.

Error code: 6048


Cause: This is an illegal use of getField data in the expression. This is an OracleAS TopLink development exception that users should not encounter.

Action: Report this problem to Technical Support.

Error code: 6049


Cause: This is an illegal use of getTable data in the expression. This is an OracleAS TopLink development exception that users should not encounter.

Action: Report this problem to Technical Support.

Error code: 6050


Cause: The number of attributes requested does not match the attributes returned from the database in report query. This can happen as a result of a custom query on the report query.

Action: Check the custom query to ensure it is specified, or report the problem to Technical Support.

Error code: 6051


Cause: Partial Objects are never put in the cache. Partial object queries are not allowed to maintain the cache or to be edited. Set dontMaintainCache().

Action: Call the dontMaintainCache() method before executing the query.

Error code: 6052


Cause: An outer join (getAllowingNull) is valid only for one-to-one mappings and cannot be used for the mapping.

Action: Do not attempt to use getAllowingNull for mappings other than one-to-one.

Error code: 6054


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to add anObject to a containerClass using policy. This is OracleAS TopLink development exception, and the user should never encounter this problem unless a custom container policy has been written.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 6055


Cause: The method invocation of aMethod on the object anObject threw a Java reflection exception while accessing the method.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 6056


Cause: Cannot create a clone of anObject using policy. This is an OracleAS TopLink development exception, and the user should never encounter this problem unless a custom container policy has been written.

Action: Report this problem to Technical Support.

Error code: 6057


Cause: The method methodName is not valid to call on object aReceiver. This is an OracleAS TopLink development exception, and the user should never encounter this problem unless a custom container policy has been written.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 6058


Cause: The method named methodName was not found in class aClass. Thrown when looking for clone method on the container class. The clone is needed to create clones of the container in Unit of Work.

Action: Define clone method on the container class.

Error code: 6059


Cause: The class aClass cannot be used as the container for the results of a query since it cannot be instantiated. The exception is a Java exception thrown when a new interface container policy is being created using Java reflection. OracleAS TopLink wraps only the Java exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 6060


Cause: Cannot use the object anObject of type objectClass as a key into aContainer which is of type containerClass. The key cannot be compared with the keys currently in the map. Throws a Java reflection exception while accessing the method. OracleAS TopLink wraps only the Java exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 6061


Cause: Cannot reflectively access the method aMethod for object: anObject of type anObjectClass. Throws a Java reflection exception while accessing method. OracleAS TopLink wraps only the Java exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 6062


Cause: The method aMethod was called reflectively on objectClass and threw an exception. Throws a Java reflection exception while accessing method. OracleAS TopLink wraps only the Java exception.

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 6063


Cause: This is an invalid operation operation on the cursor. The operation is not supported.

Action: Check the class documentation and look for the corresponding method to use.

Error code: 6064


Cause: Cannot remove anObject of type anObjectClass from aContainerClass using policy. This is an OracleAS TopLink development exception and, the user should never encounter this problem unless a custom container policy has been written.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 6065


Cause: Cannot add element to the collection container policy (cannot add anObject of type anObjectClass to a aContainerClass).

Action: Inspect the internal exception, and see the Java documentation.

Error code: 6066


Cause: Deleted objects cannot have reference after being deleted. The object clone of class clone.getClass() with identity hashcode (System.identityHashCode()) System.identityHashCode(clone) has been deleted, but it still has references.

Action: Ensure that you are correctly registering your objects. If you are still having problems, use the UnitOfWork.validateObjectSpace() method to help identify where the error occurred.

Error code: 6068


Cause: Cannot compare table reference to data in expression.

Action: Check the expression.

Error code: 6069


Cause: Field has invalid table in this context for field data in expression.

Action: Check the expression.

Error code: 6070


Cause: This is an invalid use of a query key representing a one-to-many relationship data in expression.

Action: Use the anyOf operator instead of get.

Error code: 6071


Cause: This is an invalid use of anyOf for a query key not representing a to-many relationship data in expression.

Action: Use the get operator instead of anyOf.

Error code: 6072


Cause: Querying across a variable one-to-one mapping is not supported.

Action: Change the expression such that the query in not performed across a variable one-to-one mapping.

Error code: 6073


Cause: This is an ill-formed expression in query, attempting to print an object reference into a SQL statement for queryKey.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 6074


Cause: This expression cannot determine if the object conforms in memory. Set the query to check the database.

Action: Change the query such that it does not attempt to conform to the results of the query.

Error code: 6075


Cause: Object comparisons can only use the equal or notEqual operators, other comparisons must be performed through query keys or direct attribute level comparisons.

Action: Ensure the query uses only equal and notEqual if object comparisons are being used.

Error code: 6076


Cause: Object comparisons can only be used with one-to-one mappings; other mapping comparisons must be performed through query keys or direct attribute level comparisons.

Action: Use a query key instead of attempting to compare objects across the mapping.

Error code: 6077


Cause: Object comparisons cannot be used in parameter queries.

Action: Change the query so that it does not attempt to use object when using parameterized queries.

Error code: 6078


Cause: The class of the argument for the object comparison is incorrect.

Action: Ensure the class for the query is correct.

Error code: 6079


Cause: Object comparison cannot be used for target foreign key relationships.

Action: Query on source primary key.

Error code: 6080


Cause: This is an invalid database call. The call must be an instance of DatabaseCall: call.

Action: Ensure the call being used is a DatabaseCall.

Error code: 6081


Cause: Invalid database accessor. The accessor must be an instance of DatabaseAccessor: accessor.

Action: Ensure the accessor being used is a DatabaseAccessor.

Error code: 6082


Cause: The method methodName with argument types argTypes cannot be invoked on Expression.

Action: Ensure the method being used is a supported method.

Error code: 6083


Cause: Queries using IN cannot be parameterized.

Action: Disable the query prepare or binding.

Error code: 6084


Cause: The redirection query was not configured properly, the class or method name was not set.

Action: Verify the configuration for the redirection class.

Error code: 6085


Cause: The redirection query's method is not defined or it defines with the wrong arguments. It must be public static and have the following arguments: DatabaseQuery, DatabaseRow, or Session (the interface).

Action: Check the redirection query's method as above.

Error code: 6086


Cause: The static invoke method provided to MethodBaseQueryRedirector threw an Exception when invoked.

Action: Check the static invoke method for problems.

Error code: 6087


Cause: There is a class mismatch between the example object and the reference class specified for this query.

Action: Ensure that the example and reference classes are compatible.

Error code: 6088


Cause: A ReportQuery has been built with no attributes specified.

Action: Specify the attribute for the query.

Error code: 6089


Cause: The expression has not been initialized correctly. Only a single ExpressionBuilder should be used for a query. For a parallel expressions, the query class must be provided to the ExpressionBuilder constructor, and the query's ExpressionBuilder must always be on the left side of the expression.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 6090


Cause: The checkCacheOnly method was invoked on a ReportQuery. You cannot invoke the checkCacheOnly method on a ReportQuery because a ReportQuery returns data rather than objects and the OracleAS TopLink cache is built with objects.

Action: Do not use a ReportQuery in this case.

Error code: 6091


Cause: The type of the constant used for comparison in the expression does not match the type of the attribute.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 6092


Cause: Uninstantiated valueholders have been detected.

Action: Instantiate the valueholders for the collection you want to query on.

Error code: 6093


Cause: The buildSelectionCriteria method was invoked on a mapping that was neither one-to-one nor one-to-many. Only the one-to-one and one-to-many mapping exposes this public API to build selection criteria. Using the buildSelectionCriteria method with other mapping types will not return correct results.

Action: Only use the buildSelectionCriteria method with one-to-one and one-to-many mappings.

Error code: 6094


Cause: An unmapped field was used in a parameterized expression.

Action: Map the field or define an alternate expression that does not rely on the unmapped field.

Error code: 6095


Cause: A delegate class of an IndirectContainer implementation does not implement Cloneable. If you implement IndirectContainer you must also implement Cloneable. For example, see oracle.toplink.indirection.IndirectSet. The clone method must clone the delegate. For example, the IndirectSet implementation uses reflection to invoke the clone method because it is not included in the common interface shared by IndirectSet and its base delegate class, HashSet.

Action: Ensure that your IndirectContainer implementation or its delegate class implements Cloneable.

Error code: 6096


Cause: A delegate class of an IndirectContainer implementation implements Cloneable but the IndirectContainer implementation does not have access to the specified clone method. That is, a java.lang.IllegalAccessException was thrown when the delegate's clone method was invoked.

Action: Ensure that both the delegate clone method and the delegate class are public. Ensure permission is set for Java reflection in your VM security settings. See also java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke().

Error code: 6097


Cause: A delegate class of an IndirectContainer implementation implements Cloneable and the IndirectContainer implementation has access to the specified clone method, but the specified clone method throws a java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException when invoked.

Action: Verify the implementation of the delegate's clone method.

Error code: 6098


Cause: A proxy object method throws an unexpected exception when invoked (that is, some exception other than InvocationTargetException and ValidationException.)

Action: Review the proxy object to see where it is throwing the exception described in the exception Message. Ensure this exception is no longer thrown.

Validation Exception

A Validation exception is a development exception that is raised when an incorrect state is detected or an API is used incorrectly.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-8 Validation Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 7008]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: The Java type javaClass is not a valid database type. The 
Java type of the field to be written to the database has no corresponding type 
on the database.

Error Codes 7001 - 7104

Error code: 7001


Cause: You attempted to allocate client sessions before logging into the server.

Action: Ensure you have called login() on your server session or database session. This error also appears in multithreaded environments as a result of concurrency issues. Check that all your threads are synchronized.

Error code: 7002


Cause: The pool name used while acquiring client session from the server session does not exist.

Action: Verify the pool name given while acquiring client session and all the existing pools on the server session.

Error code: 7003


Cause: The maximum number of connections in a connection pool should be more than the minimum number of connections.

Action: Check addConnectionPool(String poolName, JDBCLogin login, int minNumberOfConnections, int maxNumberOfConnections) on the server session.

Error code: 7004


Cause: Pools must all be added before login on the server session has been done. Once logged in, you cannot add pools.

Action: Check addConnectionPool(String poolName, JDBCLogin login, int minNumberOfConnections, int maxNumberOfConnections) on server session. This method should be called before logging in on the server session.

Error code: 7008


Cause: The Java type javaClass is not a valid database type. The Java type of the field to be written to the database has no corresponding type on the database.

Action: Check table or stored procedure definition.

Error code: 7009


Cause: The descriptor className is not found in the session.

Action: Ensure that the related descriptor to the class was properly registered with the session.

Error code: 7010


Cause: This is an OracleAS TopLink development exception and users should never encounter this problem. It happens when a copy of a vector is created with a start and end index.

Action: Report this problem to Technical Support.

Error code: 7011


Cause: This is an OracleAS TopLink development exception and users should never encounter this problem. It happens when a copy of a vector is created with a start and end index.

Action: Report this problem to Technical Support.

Error code: 7012


Cause: This is an OracleAS TopLink development exception and users should never encounter this problem. It happens when test cases are executed.

Action: Report this problem to Technical Support. This error commonly occurs if you attempt to commit() an invalid (or previously committed) UnitOfWork.

If ValidationException.cannotCommitUOWAgain() appears in the stack trace, verify that call commit() on valid UnitOfWork instances.

Error code: 7013


Cause: The file cannot be found on the system class path.

Action: Ensure that there is a file located on the system class path.

Error code: 7017


Cause: An identity map is added to the child descriptor. A child descriptor shares its parent's identity map.

Action: Check child descriptor and remove identity map from it.

Error code: 7018


Cause: The user should never encounter this problem. It happens when test cases are executed.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 7023


Cause: The login instance provided to the login() method is incorrect. A JDBCLogin must be provided.

Action: Use a JDBCLogin.

Error code: 7024


Cause: This is an OracleAS TopLink development exception and users should never encounter it.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 7025


Cause: The key on the database row is not either of type String or of type DatabaseField.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 7027


Cause: The sequence sequenceName is setup incorrectly, increment does not match pre-allocation size.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 7030


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to set read pool size after the server session has already been logged in.

Action: The size should be set before login.

Error code: 7031


Cause: OracleAS TopLink cannot add descriptors to a session broker.

Action: Descriptors are added to the sessions contained in the session broker.

Error code: 7032


Cause: The descriptor related to the domain class domainClass was not found in any of the sessions registered in the session broker.

Action: Check the sessions.

Error code: 7033


Cause: The session with the given name sessionName is not registered in the session broker.

Action: Check the session broker.

Error code: 7038


Cause: Error while logging message to session's log.

Action: Check the internal exception.

Error code: 7039


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to remove from the set of read-only classes in a nested Unit of Work. A nested Unit of Work's set of read-only classes must be equal to or a superset of its parent's set of read-only classes.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 7040


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to change the set of read-only classes in a Unit of Work after that Unit of Work has been used. Changes to the read-only set must be made when acquiring the Unit of Work or immediately after.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 7042


Cause: The platform class className was not found and a reflection exception was thrown.

Action: Check the internal exception.

Error code: 7043


Cause: A project does not have any tables to create on the database.

Action: Validate the project and tables you are attempting to create.

Error code: 7044


Cause: The container class specified className cannot be used as the container because it does not implement the Collection or Map interfaces.

Action: Implement either the Collection or Map interfaces in the container class.

Error code: 7047


Cause: Invalid Map class was specified for the container policy. The container specified (of class aPolicyContainerClass) does not require keys. You tried to use methodName.

Action: Use map class that implements the Map interface.

Error code: 7048


Cause: The key method on the map container policy is not defined. The instance method <methodName> does not exist in the reference class <className> and therefore cannot be used to create a key in a Map. A map container policy represents how to handle an indexed collection of objects. Usually the key is the primary key of the objects stored, so the policy needs to know the name of the primary key get method, to extract it from each object using reflection. For instance a user might call policy.setKeyMethodName("getId");

Action: Check the second parameter of your DatabaseQuery.useMapClass() call.

Error code: 7051


Cause: Missing attribute attributeName for descriptor descriptor called from source. This is an OracleAS TopLink development exception and a user should never encounter it.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 7052


Cause: The method useMapClass was called on a DirectCollectionMapping. It is illegal to call useMapClass() on a DirectCollectionMapping. OracleAS TopLink cannot instantiate Java attributes mapped using a DirectCollectionMapping with a Map. The useMapClass() API is supported for OneToManyMappings and ManyToManyMappings. The Java 2 Collection interface is supported using the useCollectionClass() method.

Action: Use the useCollectionClass() API. Do not call useMapClass() on DirectCollectionMappings.

Error code: 7053


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to release a session that is not a client session. Only client sessions can be released.

Action: Modify the code to ensure the client session is not released.

Error code: 7054


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to acquire a session that is not a client session. Client sessions can only be acquired from server sessions.

Action: Modify the code to ensure acquire is attempted only from server sessions.

Error code: 7055


Cause: Optimistic Locking is not supported with stored procedure generation.

Action: Do not use OptimisticLocking with stored procedure generation.

Error code: 7056


Cause: The wrong object was registered into the Unit of Work. It should be the object from the parent cache.

Action: Ensure that the object is from the parent cache.

Error code: 7058


Cause: The connector selected is invalid and must be of type DefaultConnector.

Action: Ensure that the connector is of type DefaultConnector.

Error code: 7059


Cause: Invalid datasource name: name.

Action: Verify that the datasource name.

Error code: 7060


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to acquire datasource: name or an error has occurred in setting up the datasource.

Action: Verify the datasource name. Check the nested SQL exception to determine the cause of the error. Typical problems include:

  • The connection pool was not configured in your config.xml.

  • The driver is not on the class path.

  • The user or password is incorrect.

  • The database server URL or driver name is not properly specified.

Error code: 7061


Cause: An exception occurred within the Java Transaction Service (JTS).

Action: Examine the JTS exception and see the JTS documentation.

Error code: 7062


Cause: FieldLevelLocking is not supported outside a Unit of Work. In order to use field level locking, a Unit of Work must be used for ALL writes.

Action: Use a Unit of Work for writing.

Error code: 7063


Cause: An exception occurred within the EJB container.

Action: Examine the EJB exception and see the JTS documentation.

Error code: 7064


Cause: An exception occurred in the reflective EJB bean primary key extraction.

Action: Ensure that your primary key object is defined correctly.

Error code: 7065


Cause: The remote class for the bean cannot be loaded or found, for the bean.

Action: Ensure that the correct class loader is set correctly.

Error code: 7066


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to create or remove beans unless a JTS transaction is present, bean=bean.

Action: Ensure that the JTS transaction is present.

Error code: 7068


Cause: The platform class platformName was not found for the projectName using default class loader.

Action: Validate the project and platform.

Error code: 7069


Cause: An exception occurred while looking up or invoking the project amendment method, amendmentMethod on the class amendmentClass.

Action: Validate the amendment method and class.

Error code: 7070


Cause: A resource bundle must be located on the class path in an OracleAS TopLink directory.

Action: Validate the class path and the location of the OracleAS TopLink resource bundle.

Error code: 7071


Cause: You cannot use input output parameters without using binding.

Action: Use binding on the StoredProcedureCall.

Error code: 7072


Cause: SessionManager failed to load the class identified by the value associated with properties platform-class or external-transaction-controller-class during initialization when it loads the OracleAS TopLink session common properties from the OracleAS TopLink global properties file (sessions.xml for non-EJB applications or toplink-ejb-jar.xml for EJB applications).

Action: Ensure that your OracleAS TopLink global properties file is correctly configured. Pay particular attention to the platform-class and external-transaction-controller-class properties.

Error code: 7073


Cause: The Oracle object type with type name typeName is not defined.

Action: Ensure that the Oracle object type is defined.

Error code: 7074


Cause: The Oracle object type typeName is not defined.

Action: Ensure that the Oracle object type is defined.

Error code: 7075


Cause: The Oracle VARRAY type typeName maximum size is not defined.

Action: Verify the maximum size for the Oracle VARRAY.

Error code: 7076


Cause: When generating the project class the descriptors must not be initialized.

Action: Ensure that the descriptors are not initialized before generating the project class.

Error code: 7077


Cause: The Home interface homeClassName.toString() specified during creation of BMPWrapperPolicy does not contain a correct findByPrimaryKey method. A findByPrimaryKey method must exist that takes the PrimaryKey class for this bean.

Action: Ensure that a FindByPrimaryKey method exists and is correct.

Error code: 7078


Cause: The sessionName specified on the deployment descriptor does not match any session specified in the file.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 7079


Cause: The descriptor was not found in the session.

Action: Check the project being used for this session.

Error code: 7080


Cause: A FinderException was thrown when attempting to load an object from the class with the primary key.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 7081


Cause: The aggregate object cannot be directly registered in the Unit of Work. It must be associated with the source (owner) object.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 7082


Cause: The file specified multiple project files for the server. Only one project file can be specified.

Action: Specify either projectClass, projectFile, or xmlProjectFile.

Error code: 7083


Cause: The file does not include any information on the OracleAS TopLink project to use for the server. One project file must be specified.

Action: Specify either projectClass, projectFile, or xmlProjectFile.

Error code: 7084


Cause: The specified file is not a valid type for reading. ProjectReader must be given the deployed XML project file.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code: 7085


Cause: Unable to create an instance of the external transaction controller specified in the properties file.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code 7086:


Cause: The session manager cannot load the class corresponding to the session's type class name.

Action: Ensure that the class name of the session's type is fully qualified in the sessions.xml file or file.

Error code 7087:


Cause: The session manager cannot load the class corresponding to the session's type class name.

Action: Ensure that the class name of the session's type is fully qualified in the sessions.xml file or file.

Error code 7088:


Cause: The session manager cannot load the class corresponding to the external transaction controller's class name.

Action: Ensure that the class name of the external transaction controller is valid and fully qualified in the sessions.xml file or file.

Error code 7089:


Cause: The session manager cannot load the class corresponding to the amendment class name or it cannot load the method on the amendment class corresponding to the amendment method name.

Action: Ensure that the class name of the amendment class is fully qualified and the amendment method exists in the amendment class in the sessions.xml file or file.

Error code 7091


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to create the listener class that implements SessionEventListener for the internal use of SessionXMLProject.

Action: Contact Technical Support.

Error code 7092


Cause: OracleAS TopLink has detected a conflict between a custom query with the same name and arguments to a session.

Action: Ensure that no query is added to the session more than once or change the query name so that the query can be distinguished from others.

Error code 7093


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is unable to create an instance of the query argument type.

Action: Ensure that the argument type is a fully qualified class name and the argument class is included in the class path environment.

Error code 7094


Cause: The sessions.xml or files cannot be loaded.

Action: Ensure that the path to either of the files exist on the class path environment.

Error code 7095


Cause: The sessions.xml or files cannot be loaded.

Action: Ensure that the path to either of the files exist on the class path environment.

Error code 7096


Cause: OracleAS TopLink cannot invoke commit() on an inactive Unit of Work that was committed or released.

Action: Ensure you invoke commit() on a new Unit of Work or invoke commitAndResume() so that the Unit of Work can be reused. For more information about the commitAndResume() method, see the Oracle Application Server TopLink API Reference.

Error code 7097:


Cause: OracleAS TopLink cannot invoke a nonsupport operation on an object.

Action: Do not use the operation indicated in the stack trace.

Error Code: 7099


Cause: The filename specified for the XML-based project is incorrect.

Action: Verify the name and location of the file.

Error Code: 7101


Cause: The toplink-ejb-jar.xml file was not found.

Action: Ensure that the file is on your class path.

Error Code: 7102


Cause: Encountered a null value for a cache key while attempting to remove an object from the identity map. The most likely cause of this situation is that the object has already been garbage-collected and therefore does not exist within the identity map.

Action: Ignore. The Session.removeFromIdentityMap method is intended to allow garbage collection, which has already been done.

Error Code: 7103


Cause: A null reference was encountered while attempting to invoke a method on an object that uses proxy indirection.

Action: Please check that this object is not null before invoking its methods.

Error Code: 7104


Cause: A separate connection(s) for sequencing was requested but sequencing login uses external transaction controller.

Action: Either provide a sequencing login that does not use an external transaction controller or do not use separate connection(s) for sequencing.

EJB QL Exception

An EJB QL exception is a runtime exception raised when the EJB QL string does not parse properly, or the contents are not resolvable within the context of the OracleAS TopLink session. The associated message typically includes a reference to the EJB QL string that caused the problem.

Error Codes 8001 - 8010

Error Code: 8001


Cause: The OracleAS TopLink EJB QL parser does not recognize a clause in the EJB QL string.

Action: Validate the EJB QL string.

Error Code: 8002


Cause: OracleAS TopLink has encountered a problem while parsing the EJB QL string.

Action: Check the internal exception for details on the root cause of this exception.

Error Code: 8003


Cause: The class specified in the EJB QL string was not found.

Action: Ensure that the class is on the appropriate class path.

Error Code: 8004


Cause: OracleAS TopLink was unable to resolve the alias used in the EJB QL string.

Action: Validate the identifiers used in the EJB QL string.

Error Code: 8005


Cause: OracleAS TopLink was unable to resolve the class for an alias. This means that the class specified cannot be found.

Action: Ensure that the class is specified properly and is on the class path.

Error Code: 8006


Cause: The class specified in the query has no OracleAS TopLink descriptor.

Action: Ensure that the class has been mapped and is specified correctly in the EJB QL string.

Error Code: 8009


Cause: An unsupported expression was used in the EJB QL.

Action: Change the query to use only supported expressions.

Error Code: 8010


Cause: OracleAS TopLink has encountered a problem while parsing the EJB QL string.

Action: Check the internal exception for details on the root cause of this exception.

Session Loader Exception

A Session Loader Exception is a runtime exception thrown if the Session Manager encounters a problem loading session information from a sessions.xml (for non-EJB applications) or toplink-ejb-jar.xml (for EJB applications) properties file.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-9 Session Loader Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 9004]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.SessionLoaderException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: The <project-xml> file MyProject was not found on the 
classpath, nor on the filesystem.

Error Codes 9000 - 9009

Error Code: 9000


Cause: The session loader caught one or more XML parsing exceptions while loading session information. The specific XML exceptions follow.

Action: Verify your session configuration XML file.

Error Code: 9001


Cause: An unknown tag was encountered in the specified XML node.

Action: Examine the specified XML node in your session configuration XML file. Ensure that you use only the tags defined for that node in the appropriate OracleAS TopLink DTD. See <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/config/dtds.

Error Code: 9002


Cause: The specified class loader could not load a class with the name given by the project-name property.

Action: Verify the value of the project-name property and if correct, ensure that a class with that name is in your classpath.

Error Code: 9003


Cause: The session loader caught an exception while either parsing the value of the specified tag or calling the set-method associated with the specified tag.

Action: Verify the value shown for the specified tag.

Error Code: 9004


Cause: The session loader could not find the file identified by the project-xml tag on either the classpath or the filesystem.

Action: Verify the value of the project-xml tag and if correct, ensure that a project XML file with that name exists in your classpath or filesystem.

Error Code: 9005


Cause: The session loader caught an exception while trying to load the file identified by the project-xml tag either because the file could not be found or because the file could not be parsed.

Action: Verify the configuration of the project XML file and ensure that a project XML file with that name specified by the project-xml tag exists in your classpath or filesystem.

Error Code: 9006


Cause: The session loader caught a SAX exception while trying to parse the XML at the given line and column of the specified XML file.

Action: Verify that the XML is correctly formatted at the given line and column. Alternatively, ensure the Oracle parser is in your class path and that is appears before any other XML parser.

Error Code: 9007


Cause: The session loader caught an exception unrelated to XML parsing (for example, a premature end-of-file exception) while trying to parse the specified XML file.

Action: Verify the integrity of the XML file.

Error Code: 9008


Cause: The value of an XML tag does not correspond to any known OracleAS TopLink required values.

Action: Please verify the list of values for this tag.

Error Code: 9009


Cause: Incorrect name value pair when processing transport properties for the RCM tag.

Action: Please verify that the all properties have both the name and the value filled in, in the session configuration XML.

EJB Exception Factory

An EJB Exception Factory Exception is a runtime exception thrown if a BeanManager specific to a given application server encounters a problem during any stage of an EJB's life cycle.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-10 EJB Exception Factory Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 10008]: javax.ejb.CreateException

Error Codes 10001 - 10048

Error Code: 10001


Cause: The PersistenceManager for the given application server failed to create an EJB (for example, a problem was encountered during the create, such as a NullPointerException).

Action: Check the exception contained in the CreateException for additional information.

Error Code: 10002


Cause: The PersistenceManager for the given application server failed to remove an EJB (for example, a problem was encountered during the remove, such as a NullPointerException).

Action: Check the exception contained in the RemoveException for additional information.

Error Code: 10003


Cause: An internal, unexpected Exception was thrown.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10004


Cause: Unexpected exception encountered while executing finder.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10005


Cause: Unexpected exception encountered while executing finder.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10007


Cause: The PersistenceManager for a given application server failed to create an EJB, because an EJB with the given primary key already exists.

Action: Verify the application logic to ensure the primary key is unique.

Error Code: 10008


Cause: A scalar finder (one that returns a single object) was invoked on a home interface, and returned null.

Action: Verify the application logic to ensure the desired EJB exists.

Error Code: 10009


Cause: A find using the primary key indicated, returned null.

Action: Verify the application logic to ensure the desired EJB exists.

Error Code: 10010


Cause: An attempt was made to create an entity marked as read-only using session().getProject().setDefaultReadOnlyClasses(aVector). You cannot create a read-only entity.

Action: Read-only entities should be read from the database (not created by the home interface). Adjust the application to read the required entities beforehand.

Error Code: 10011


Cause: An attempt was made to delete an entity marked as read-only using session().getProject().setDefaultReadOnlyClasses(aVector). You cannot delete a read-only entity.

Action: Determine whether the object should be read-only or not. If it should, do not try to remove it.

Error Code: 10014


Cause: The PersistenceManager for a given application server failed to end a local transaction (made up of a non-synchronized, non-JTA UnitOfWork) after a remove, create, business method, or home method invocation.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10021


Cause: The PersistenceManager for a given application server, whose shouldAssignSequenceNumbers method returns true, failed to assign a sequence number to an entity.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10022


Cause: A java.rmi.RemoteException was thrown when an entity was activated, loaded, passivated, or stored.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10023


Cause: An exception was thrown while handling a post-insert DescriptorEvent preventing the specified entity from being assigned a primary key.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10024


Cause: A conforming find, using the same query as a find by primary key, failed with a javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10025


Cause: Internal error.

Action: Please contact support if required.

Error Code: 10026


Cause: Internal error.

Action: Please contact support.

Error Code: 10027


Cause: Internal error.

Action: Please contact support.

Error Code: 10028


Cause: The SessionAccessor.registerOrMergeAttribute method, called from within an EJB setter method, failed to obtain a DatabaseMapping for the given attribute from the PersistenceManager.

Action: Verify that the given attribute belongs to the EJB class and if it does, verify that a mapping exists for it.

Error Code: 10029


Cause: Failed to wrap an EJB for return to the application because the attempt to extract the primary key from the bean failed.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10030


Cause: Failed to initialize primary key fields due to java.lang.NoSuchFieldException.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10031


Cause: One of the following failed with an exception other than javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException: a conforming find using the same query as a find by primary key; an Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE startCall method invocation for a BUISNESS_METHOD operation; or a WebLogic preInvoke method invocation.

Action: See the Exception message provided

Error Code: 10032


Cause: Associated finder has no implementation.

Action: Provide an implementation for the finder.

Error Code: 10033


Cause: A find by primary key was called with a null primary key value.

Action: Ensure the primary key is not null when the finder is invoked

Error Code: 10034


Cause: A find by primary key was called with a null primary key value.

Action: Ensure the primary key is not null when the finder is invoked.

Error Code: 10036


Cause: The PersistenceManager for a given application server failed to code-generate a bean subclass.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10037


Cause: An EJB select failed with an exception other than javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10038


Cause: The invocation of a Home interface method (excluding finders or create methods) failed.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 10040


Cause: A create or remove EJB failed because the PersistenceManager does not have a transaction.

Action: Ensure your application has a transaction available. This may be a configuration problem related to your ejb-jar.xml or an application logic problem in your client code.

Error Code: 10043


Cause: The results of a finder query could not be wrapped because they were already wrapped.

Action: If a redirect query is used, be sure to call the setShouldUseWrapperPolicy(false) method first.

Error Code: 10045


Cause: Error resolving the local interface.

Action: Please double check your local interface configuration.

Error Code: 10046


Cause: Error resolving the remote interface.

Action: Please double check your remote interface configuration.

Error Code: 10047


Cause: The PersistenceManager for a given application server failed to create a bean because the primary key was not defined.

Action: Make sure the primary key is defined properly, either in the application logic or through the sequence number configuration.

Communication Exception

A Communication Exception is a runtime exception that wraps all RMI, CORBA, or input and output (I/O) exceptions that occur.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-11 Communication Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 12000]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.CommunicationException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Error Sending connection service to myService.

Error Codes 12000 - 12004

Error Code: 12000


Cause: Failed to add a connection to CacheSynchronizationManager or RemoteCommandManager.

Action: See generated exception for root cause.

Error Code: 12001


Cause: CacheSynronizationManager failed to connect to the specified service.

Action: See generated exception for root cause.

Error Code: 12003


Cause: CacheSynronizationManager failed to propagate changes to the specified service.

Action: See generated exception for root cause.

Error Code: 12004


Cause: Error invoking a remote call.

Action: See generated exception for root cause.

XML Data Store Exception

An XML Data Store Exception is a runtime exception thrown when using OracleAS TopLink to persist objects in the form of XML files (rather than using a relational database.)

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-12 XML Data Store Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 13000]: oracle.toplink.xml.XMLDataStoreException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: File not found: C:\data\myTable\row.xml.

Error Codes 13000 - 13020

Error Code: 13000


Cause: Failed to create a WriteStream for an XML file (an individual file or a file extracted from a ZIP archive) because the file could not be found in the file system. This can happen if the XML DataAccessor is trying to update an XML file and the file does not exist. This indicates an inconsistent state between the application and what is on disk.

Action: Verify that the specified file exists.

Error Code: 13001


Cause: After writing a row to the XML data store, failed to close the WriteStream used due to a This can happen if the disk is full.

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause. Verify that there is sufficient disk space available for this operation.

Error Code: 13002


Cause: Creating or deleting a file source failed because the File being created or deleted was not a directory or a file exists with the same name as the directory indicated.

Action: Verify that OracleAS TopLink has permissions to create the necessary directories. Verify that there is sufficient disk space available for this operation.

Error Code: 13003


Cause: Checking or creating a file or document source failed because the File.mkdirs method failed to create the directory named by the specified abstract pathname, including any necessary but nonexistent parent.

Action: Verify that OracleAS TopLink has permissions to create the necessary directories. Verify that there is sufficient disk space available for this operation.

Error Code: 13004


Cause: Directory does not exist and OracleAS TopLink has not been set to create directories as needed (createsDirectoriesAsNeeded policy is false.)

Action: Either create the appropriate directory or configure OracleAS TopLink to create directories as needed (set createsDirectoriesAsNeeded true.)

Error Code: 13005


Cause: OracleAS TopLink is attempting to create a file and the file already exists. OracleAS TopLink expects to be able to create a new version of the file and will not overwrite an existing file. This can happen if the XML DataAccessor is trying to insert an XML file and the file already exists. This indicates an inconsistent state between the application and what is on disk.

Action: Change where OracleAS TopLink is writing or remove the existing file.

Error Code: 13006


Cause: Failed to create a WriteStream due to a

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause.

Error Code: 13007


Cause: Failed to construct an XML element to represent an object because the object was an invalid type. For a direct collection, one or more of the elements had a type that was not null or String. For a nested row, one or more of the elements had a type that was not DatabaseRow.

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause. Verify the configuration of the object being persisted to ensure that it can be persisted in an XML data store.

Error Code: 13008


Cause: Failed to load the specified class due to a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException. This indicates a problem either with the OracleAS TopLink JAR (it is missing the class oracle.toplink.xml.xerces.DefaultXMLTranslator) or an improperly configured custom class loader (see the DatabaseLogin.setXMLParserJARFileNames method).

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause. Confirm that the OracleAS TopLink JAR contains oracle.toplink.xml.xerces.DefaultXMLTranslator. If you are using a custom class loader, confirm that this class is included in the list of JAR files passed into DatabaseLogin.setXMLParserJARFileNames method.

Error Code: 13009


Cause: Failed to parse the specified XML file due to an org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause including the line and column number at which the SAXParseException was thrown.

Error Code: 13010


Cause: An operation failed due to something other than an org.xml.sax.SAXParseException.

Action: An exception was thrown either when trying to build a parser or to build a document that caused that action to fail. See the generated exception for the root cause.

Error Code: 13011


Cause: A ReadStream or WriteStream could not be created due to a

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause.

Error Code: 13012


Cause: After reading a row from the XML data store, failed to close the ReadStream used due to a

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause.

Error Code: 13013


Cause: Composite elements are being stored in a DirectCollectionMapping. DirectCollectionMappings in the SDK will only work with simple elements. Simple elements contain only one child of type text in XML.

Action: Ensure elements that are mapped as direct collections only contain simple elements.

Cause: Child elements of a complex element are not the same type: the type of each child element must be the same as that of the first child element.

Action: Verify that the XML document is not corrupt. If it is valid, ensure that it meets SDK requirements as illustrated in Example C-13 and Example C-14.

Cause: Child elements of a complex element do not have the same name.

Action: Verify that the XML document is not corrupt. If it is valid, ensure that it meets SDK requirements as in Example C-13 and Example C-14.

Example C-13 XML Supported by the SDK

    <bar> [string or nested elements] </bar>
    <bar> [must match the first child: either string or nested elements] </bar>
    <bar> [must match the first child: either string or nested elements] </bar>

Example C-14 XML Not Supported by the SDK

    <bar> ... </bar>
    <fred> [this element will cause the exception] </fred>
    <bar> ... </bar>
Error Code: 13017


Cause: Failed to instantiate the specified class due to a java.lang.InstantiationException. This indicates a problem either with the OracleAS TopLink JAR (it is missing the class oracle.toplink.xml.xerces.DefaultXMLTranslator) or an improperly configured custom class loader (see the DatabaseLogin.setXMLParserJARFileNames method).

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause. Ensure that the specified class is not an interface or an abstract class. Confirm that the OracleAS TopLink JAR contains oracle.toplink.xml.xerces.DefaultXMLTranslator. If you are using a custom class loader, confirm that this class is included in the list of JAR files passed into DatabaseLogin.setXMLParserJARFileNames method.

Error Code: 13018


Cause: Failed to instantiate the specified class due to a java.lang.IllegalAccessException. This indicates a problem either with the OracleAS TopLink JAR (it is missing the class oracle.toplink.xml.xerces.DefaultXMLTranslator) or an improperly configured custom class loader (see the DatabaseLogin.setXMLParserJARFileNames method).

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause. Ensure that the specified class is public. Ensure permission is set for Java reflection in your VM security settings. Ensure that the specified class is not an interface or an abstract class. Confirm that the OracleAS TopLink JAR contains oracle.toplink.xml.xerces.DefaultXMLTranslator. If you are using a custom class loader, confirm that this class is included in the list of JAR files passed into DatabaseLogin.setXMLParserJARFileNames method.

Error Code: 13020


Cause: Failed to build XML for a given object because the object's data type name is null or zero length.

Action: Ensure that the element datatype name is provided

Deployment Exception

A Deployment Exception is a runtime exception thrown if problems are detected during deployment of an EJB. During deployment, project, sessions, and ejb-jar XML files (or their Java Class equivalents) are read and the necessary objects instantiated and initialized.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-15 Deployment Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 14001]: oracle.toplink.ejb.DeploymentException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: No OracleAS TopLink project was specified for this bean.

Error Codes 14001 - 14027

Error Code: 14001


Cause: Neither project name nor class could be read from the deployment descriptor.

Action: Verify your project configuration in your deployment descriptor. Double check that either project-xml or project-class is specified.

Error Code: 14003


Cause: No project exists with the identifier requested.

Action: Verify that the project name matches exactly the project name specified in your project XML file.

Error Code: 14004


Cause: Could not create an instance of the DeploymentCustomization class.

Action: Verify the implementation of the class implementing the DeploymentCustomization interface. Start with the constructor, then proceed to the remainder of the implementation.

Error Code: 14005


Cause: An exception was thrown when either the DeploymentCustomization.afterLoginCustomization method or DeploymentCustomization.beforeLoginCustomization method was called.

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause. Verify the implementation of your DeploymentCustomization.

Error Code: 14011


Cause: The data source could not be located in JNDI, or was not properly specified.

Action: Verify the datasource attribute of the login element in your sessions XML file. Ensure that the datasource is present and properly configured.

Error Code: 14016


Cause: The project XML file name or class was specified, but a general error occurred creating the project.

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause. Verify your project XML file.

Error Code: 14020


Cause: Error parsing the toplink-ejb-jar.xml.

Action: See the generated exception for the root cause. Verify your toplink-ejb-jar.xml file.

Error Code: 14023


Cause: An internal, unexpected Exception was thrown.

Action: See the Exception message provided.

Error Code: 14024


Cause: An internal, unexpected Exception was thrown reading the project.

Action: See the exception message provided.

Error Code: 14026


Cause: Your project contains either a one-to-many or many-to-many relationship (between EJB2.0 entity beans) which is not using transparent indirection.

Action: Verify your project is using transparent indirection for all one-to-many and many-to-many relationships involving EJB2.0 entity beans.

Error Code: 14027


Cause: Your project contains a one-to-one relationship (between EJB2.0 entity beans) which is not using basic indirection.

Action: Verify your project is using basic indirection for all one-to-one relationships involving EJB2.0 entity beans.

Synchronization Exception

A Synchronization exception is a runtime exception that is raised when a cache synchronization update by OracleAS TopLink to a distributed session was unsuccessful. When this occurs, the message contains a reference to the error code and error message.

Error Codes 15001 - 15025

Error Code: 15001


Cause: An error occurred when sending changes to remote system.

Action: See exception generated for cause.

Error Code: 15008


Cause: The local shared cache has become corrupt.

Action: Restart the session on this server or initializes.

Error Code: 15010


Cause: An IO exception occurred when attempting to discover local system IP address.

Action: See generated exception for root cause.

Error Code: 15011


Cause: An IO error occurred when attempting to register remote service.

Action: See generated exception for root cause and resolve.

Error Code: 15012


Cause: Unable to find remote server's remote service.

Action: See generated exception for root cause. Verify that remote server is running.

Error Code: 15013


Cause: Unable to find the specified JMS service.

Action: Ensure that the IP address and port of the JMS service has been specified correctly in the session configuration and that the service is running.

Error Code: 15016


Cause: An error occurred when attempting to initialize the Synchronization Service and specified in the Session configuration.

Action: See generated exception for root cause. Verify that the service has been properly specified in the session configuration.

Error Code: 15017


Cause: An error occurred when attempting to contact other OracleAS TopLink Sessions.

Action: See generated exception for root cause.

Error Code: 15018


Cause: An error occurred when attempting to join multicast group for OracleAS TopLink clustering handshaking phase.

Action: See generated exception for root cause.

Error Code: 15023


Cause: An IO error occurred when attempting to receive a session existence announcement from a remote OracleAS TopLink Session.

Action: See generated exception for root cause.

Error Code: 15025


Cause: API on the Development Services called to reset OracleAS TopLink Cache Synchronization, including participation in the cluster, failed.

Action: See generated Exception for root cause.

JDO Exception

A JDO Exception is a runtime exception thrown when Java Data Objects are used.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-16 JDO Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 16004]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.JDOException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Cannot execute transactional read query without an active 

Error Codes 16001 - 16006

Error Code: 16001


Cause: Failed to delete an object because it was not registered with the currently active UnitOfWork.

Action: Register the specified object with the UnitOfWork before deleting.

Error Code: 16002


Cause: Failed to get an object by id because the ObjectId used was not a JDOObjectId.

Action: Ensure that you pass a JDOObjectId (not an ObjectId) when using the JDOPersistenceManager.

Error Code: 16003


Cause: Failed to get an object by id: no object with the specified JDOObjectId was found.

Action: Ensure that your application handles this exception appropriately.

Error Code: 16004


Cause: A query failed because although the JDOPersistenceManager is in a transactional read, the current transaction is inactive.

Action: Ensure there is an active transaction before doing a transactional read.

Error Code: 16005


Cause: Failed to begin a JDOTransaction because the transaction is already active.

Action: Commit or rollback the transaction before trying to begin.

Error Code: 16006


Cause: Failed to commit or rollback a JDOTransaction because the transaction is not active.

Action: Ensure that the transaction state is not altered by another application and is active before commit or rollback.

SDK Data Store Exception

An SDK Data Store Exception is a runtime exception thrown when SDK Classes are used to customize OracleAS TopLink.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-17 SDK Data Store Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 17001]: oracle.toplink.sdk.SDKDataStoreException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: The OracleAS TopLink SDK does not currently support 

Error Codes 17001 - 17006

Error Code: 17001


Cause: A method call failed because it is not currently supported by the SDK.

Action: Avoid using the unsupported method.

Error Code: 17002


Cause: An instance of oracle.toplink.sdk.SDKAccessor was passed the wrong type of Login (the SDK expects an instance of DatabaseLogin).

Action: Verify that your SDK-based application is being passed the expected type of Login.

Error Code: 17003


Cause: When the QueryManager owned by an SDKDescriptor is initialized, an instance of InvalidSDKCall is set for each type of Call that is not configured. If you invoke an unconfigured Call, this INVALID_CALL error is logged rather than simply throwing a NullPointerException because the INVALID_CALL error contains more information.

Action: Avoid using the unconfigured Call or provide a Call implementation in your SDK-based application.

Error Code: 17004


Cause: Failed to instantiate the specified class due to a java.lang.InstantiationException.

Action: Ensure that the specified class is not an interface or an abstract class.

Error Code: 17005


Cause: Failed to instantiate the specified class due to a java.lang.IllegalAccessException.

Action: Ensure that specified class is public. Ensure permission is set for Java reflection in your VM security settings.

Error Code: 17006


Cause: Unsupported SDKPlatform methods buildSelectSequenceCall or buildUpdateSequenceCall were called.

Action: Avoid using these methods or subclass SDKPlatform and override them with your own implementation.

JMS Processing Exception

A JMS Processing Exception is a runtime exception thrown when processing Java Messaging Service messages.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-18 JMS Processing Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 18001]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.JMSProcessingException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Error while processing incomming JMS message.

Error Codes 18001 - 18002

Error Code: 18001


Cause: Failed to process incoming JMS message.

Action: See generated exception for root cause.

Error Code: 18002


Cause: JMSClusteringService failed to start because the Topic created in the JMS service for the interconnection of sessions is null.

Action: Ensure that the Topic created in the JMS service for the interconnection of sessions is set in the JMSClusteringService.

SDK Descriptor Exception

An SDK Descriptor Exception is a runtime exception thrown when using SDK Classes to customize OracleAS TopLink Descriptors.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-19 SDK Descriptor Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 19001]: oracle.toplink.sdk.SDKDescriptorException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: The OracleAS TopLink SDK does not currently support query 
result ordering.

Error Codes 19001 - 19003

Error Code: 19001


Cause: A method call failed because it is not currently supported by the SDK.

Action: Avoid using the unsupported method.

Error Code: 19002


Cause: An SDKObjectCollectionMapping was used without a custom selection query.

Action: Set custom selection query on the SDKObjectCollectionMapping.

Error Code: 19003


Cause: Mapping field name array and data store field name array are of different lengths.

Action: The sizes of the field translation arrays must be equal.

SDK Query Exception

An SDK Query Exception is a runtime exception thrown when using SDK Classes to customize OracleAS TopLink Queries.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-20 SDK Query Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 20002]: oracle.toplink.sdk.SDKQueryException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Invalid SDK mechanism state - only one call is allowed.

Error Codes 20001 - 20004

Error Code: 20001


Cause: The passed call is not an instance of SDKCall.

Action: Use an instance of SDKCall.

Error Code: 20003


Cause: Accessor set into SDKQuery is not an instance of SDKAccessor.

Action: Set SDKAccessor.

Error Code: 20004


Cause: The SDKLogin.setAccessorClass method was passed a class that does not implement the interface referred to by ClassConstants.Accessor_Class.

Action: Ensure that you pass a Class that implements the Accessor interface.

Discovery Exception

A Discovery Exception is a runtime exception thrown when DiscoveryManager is operating.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-21 Discovery Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 22001]: oracle.toplink.exception.DiscoveryException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Could not join multicast group.

Error Codes 22001 - 22004

Error Code: 22001


Cause: DiscoveryManager failed to join a multicast group due to a either a MulticastSocket could not be created or the invocation of the MulticastSocket.joingGroup method failed.

Action: See the generated exception for root cause.

Error Code: 22002


Cause: DiscoveryManager failed to inform other services that its service has started up.

Action: Consider increasing the announcement delay: the amount of time in milliseconds that the service should wait between the time that this remote service is available and a session announcement is sent out to other discovery managers. This may be needed to give some systems more time to post their connections into the naming service. See the DiscoveryManager.setAnnouncementDelay method.

Error Code: 22004


Cause: DiscoveryManager caught a while blocking for announcements from other DiscoveryManagers.

Action: See the generated exception for root cause.

Remote Command Manager Exception

A Remote Command Manager Exception is a runtime exception thrown when the Remote Command Module is used.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-22 Remote Command Manager Exception

EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Could not look up hostname.

Error Codes 22101 - 22105

Error Code: 22101


Cause: Failed to get a JNDI context with the specified properties due to a javax.naming.NamingException.

Action: See generated exception for root cause. Verify that the properties for looking up the context is correct.

Error Code: 22102


Cause: Failed to post a connection in the local naming service.

Action: See generated exception for root cause.

Error Code: 22103


Cause: Failed to look up a remote connection with the specified name and URL.

Action: See generated exception for root cause. Verify that remote connection and URL are correct.

Error Code: 22104


Cause: The method failed to look up the specified hostname.

Action: See generated exception for root cause. Verify that the host is on-line and reachable.

Error Code: 22105


Cause: Failed to propagate a command to the specified connection.

Action: See generated exception for root cause. Verify that the remote host of the specified connection is on-line and reachable if the generated exception included a CommunicationException.

XML Conversion Exception

An XML Conversion Exception is a runtime exception thrown when conversion between OracleAS TopLink instances and XML failed. This exception is used in cache synchronization that uses XML change set.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-23 XML Conversion Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 25001]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.XMLConversionException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Cannot create URL for file  [\\FILE_SERVER\command.xml].

Error Code 25001

Error Code: 25001


Cause: Failed to create a URL for the specified file.

Action: Ensure the specified file exists and is accessible.

EJB JAR XML Exception

An EJB JAR XML Exception is a runtime exception thrown at deployment time when the ejb-jar XML file is read and required concrete EJB Classes code generated.

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - error code]: Exception name

Example C-24 EJB JAR XML Exception

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK - 72000]: oracle.toplink.exceptions.EJBJarXMLException
EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Error reading ejb-jar.xml file.

Error Codes 72000 - 72023

Error Code: 72000


Cause: Failed to read an ejb-jar XML file due to a or javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException.

Action: See generated exception for root cause.

Error Code: 72001


Cause: Failed to parse the specified file because it did not use the expected doctype: -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN

Action: Verify that your ejb-jar XML file uses the correct doc type.

Error Code: 72023


Cause: Code generation of a one-to-one bean setter method body failed because: the Descriptor was null, the Descriptor has no InheritancePolicy, the Descriptor InheritancePolicy has a null parent class, or no Container Managed Relation field defined.

Action: Verify the configuration of this Deployment Descriptor in your ejb-jar XML file.

Entity Deployment

This section discusses some of the general troubleshooting issues surrounding entity bean configuration and deployment. It lists many of the common exceptions and error messages that you may run across when attempting to deploy and persist entity beans using OracleAS TopLink.

If you encounter any problems installing OracleAS TopLink, using the OracleAS TopLink Mapping Workbench, or require more information on any runtime exceptions that are generated by OracleAS TopLink, consult the appropriate documentation.

Generating Deployment JARs

If you experience trouble generating the JARs for deployment,

Running the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) compiler utility involves several processes, such as compiling, code-generation, EJB compliance verification, compiling RMI stubs by running rmic, and so on. If an error occurs during the running of the EJB compiler utility, try to determine which stage may be causing the failure.

For more information about the EJB compiler, see the server documentation.

Common BEA WebLogic Deployment Exceptions

The following are some of the most common errors that are encountered when you deploy to a BEA WebLogic applications server.

For more information about specific versions, see

Assertion Error

weblogic.utils.AssertionError: ***** ASSERTION FAILED *****[ Could not load class 'oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.wls.WlsCMPDeployer': java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.wls.WlsCMPDeployer

ERROR: ejbc found errors

Cause: This error occurs if the toplink.jar file is not properly set on your class path.

Action: Ensure the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/jlib/toplink.jar file is specified on your system class path.

Error Deploying Application

Cause: A DeploymentException has occurred.

Action: Refer to the specific error code. The error code appears in the square brackets in the exception message, such as [TopLink-8001]). These errors may be refer to errors in the specification of the project location reading in the properties file or validation errors due to improper mappings.

Exception 8001

<Error> <J2EE> <Error deploying application Account:

Unable to deploy EJB: AccountBean from Account.jar:


EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-8001] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - X.X.X): oracle.toplink.ejb.DeploymentException

EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: No OracleAS TopLink project was specified for this bean.

oracle.toplink.ejb.DeploymentException.noPro jectSpecified( at oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.ProjectDeployment.readProject(

Cause: This error occurs if the OracleAS TopLink project file is not specified in the toplink-ejb-jar.xml.

Action: Ensure there is an entry in the toplink-ejb-jar.xml file for either the project-xml or project-class.

Exception 8016

<Error> <J2EE> <Error deploying application Account:

Unable to deploy EJB: AccountBean from Account.jar:


EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-8016] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - X.X.X): oracle.toplink.ejb.DeploymentException

EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: An error occurred while setting up the project: [ Account.xml]


oracle.toplink.ejb.DeploymentException.errorCreatingProject(Unknown Source)

Cause: This error can occur if the location of the OracleAS TopLink project file for the bean is not properly specified.

Action: Check the file name as it is specified in the toplink-ejb-jar.xml file, and the location of the project file on the file system.

Cannot Startup Connection Pool

<Error> <JDBC> <Cannot startup connection pool "ejbPool" weblogic.common.ResourceException: Cannot load driver class: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver>


Cause: An error has occurred in setting up the connection pool.

Action: Check the nested SQL exception to determine the cause of the error. Typical problems include:

  • The driver is not on the class path.

  • The user or password is incorrect.

  • The database server URL or driver name is not properly specified.

Please consult the BEA WebLogic documentation and your JDBC Driver documentation for help on the specific error raised by BEA WebLogic.

Error Message

weblogic.utils.AssertionError: ***** ASSERTION FAILED *****[ Could not create an instance of class 'null': java.lang.NullPointerException

at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)

at java.lang.Class.forName(

at weblogic.ejb20.persistence.PersistenceType. loadClass(

Cause: This problem occurs if using the GA version of BEA WebLogic Server 6.0.

Action: Upgrade to at least WebLogic 6.0 (Service Pack 1).

EJBC Found Errors

ERROR: ejbc found errors

Error from ejbc: Error while loading persistence resource TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml Make sure that the persistence type is in your class path.

Cause: This error occurs if the toplink.jar file is not properly set on your class path.

Action: Ensure the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/jlib/toplink.jar file is specified on your system class path.

EJB Deployment Exception

weblogic.ejb20.EJBDeploymentException: Error Deploying CMP EJB:; nested exception is: weblogic.ejb20.cmp.rdbms.RDBMSException: An error occurred setting up the project:

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-13000] (vX.X [TopLink for WebLogic X.X] JDK1.2): oracle.toplink.xml.XMLDataStoreException


Cause: This error occurs if the location of the OracleAS TopLink project file for the bean is not properly specified.

Action: Check the file name as it is specified in the toplink-ejb-jar.xml file, and the location of the OracleAS TopLink project file on the file system.

Deploying EJB Component

Error deploying EJB Component: ... weblogic.ejb20.EJBDeploymentException: Exception in EJB Deployment; nested exception is:

Error while deploying bean..., File ... Not Found at weblogic.ejb20.persistence.PersistenceType.setup Deployer(

Cause: A typical cause of this error is that the toplink-ejb-jar.xml file is referring to a local DTD file using a file name or location that is incorrect.

Action: Ensure that all XML files refer to valid DTD files and locations.

Cannot Startup Connection Pool ejbPool

Cannot startup connection pool "ejbPool" weblogic.common.ResourceException:

Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was:


Action: An error has occurred in setting up the connection pool. Check the nested SQL exception to determine the cause of the error. Typical problems include:

  • The driver is not on the class path.

  • The user name or password is incorrect.

  • The database server URL or driver name is not properly specified.

Please consult the BEA WebLogic documentation and your JDBC driver documentation for help on the specific error raised by BEA WebLogic.

Other Errors

Occasionally, changes made to the server's configuration file (config.xml) do not appear to be applied when the server is restarted. If this occurs, try removing the temp directories created by BEA WebLogic. You can find them under the wlserver6.1 directory, at the same level as the config directory.

Common IBM WebSphere Server Exceptions

When the IBM WebSphere Server is started, it attempts to deploy the JAR files that are specified for deployment within the application server.

Errors that occur when the server is started are usually configuration problems that involve class path issues, environment variable configuration, and database login configuration. Review the IBM WebSphere Server documentation on starting the server.

This section contains some of the exceptions and errors that can be encountered when running the IBM WebSphere Server, along with their possible causes and recommended solutions.

Class Not Found Exceptions

Cause: The class not found is not included on the WebSphere application extensions class path or in the EJB or WAR module.

Action: Ensure that all required classes are included in the correct location. For more information about class path locations, see the IBM WebSphere InfoCenter.

Cause: The required OracleAS TopLink JARs have not been copied into the application extensions class path.

Action: Ensure that toplink.jar and antlr.jar are copied into the <WebSphere install>\lib\app directory.


Cause: An OracleAS TopLink Exception has occurred.

Action: Refer to the specific error code. The error code appears in the square brackets in the exception message, such as [TopLink-1016]). Errors observed here may be errors in reading in the properties file, or validation errors due to improper mappings.

Exception [6066]

oracle.toplink.exceptions.QueryException: The object <Object> of class <class> with identity hashcode <hashcode> is not from this Unit of Work object space but the parent session's. The object was never registered in this Unit of Work, but read from the parent session and related to an object registered in the Unit of Work. Ensure that you are correctly registering your objects. If you are still having problems, you can use the UnitOfWork.validateObjectSpace() method to help debug where the error occurred. Please see the manual and FAQ for more information.

Cause: A bean was created outside of a transaction and then a second bean was created either in or out of a transaction.

Action: Ensure that all creates are performed within the context of a transaction.

Cause: The bean was not cleared out during ejbPassivate.

Action: Ensure that the ejbPassivate clears out the bean.

Cause: A bean-to-object relationship is not privately owned.

Action: Ensure that all bean-to-object relationships are privately owned.

Exception [7064]

oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException: Exception occured in reflective EJB bean primary key extraction, please ensure your primary key object is defined correctly: key = 301, bean = <beanName>

Cause: An incorrect primary key object is being used with a bean.

Action: Ensure that you are using the correct primary key object for a bean.

Exception [7066]

oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException: Cannot create or remove beans unless a JTS transaction is present, bean=<bean>

Cause: An attempt was made to create or remove a been outside of a transaction.

Action: Ensure that all removing and creating of beans is performed within a transaction.

Exception [7068]

oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException: The project class <projectclass> was not found for the <toplink_session_name> using default class loader.

Cause: The project class that is specified in the file for the session specified on the toplink_session_name environment variable cannot be found.

Action: Ensure that the project class given in the exception is on the WebSphere dependent class path.

Exception [7069]

oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException: An exception occured looking up or invoking the project amendment method, <amendmentMethod> on the class <amendmentClass>;

Cause: An amendment method was called, but cannot be found.

Action: Ensure that the required amendment method exists on the class that is specified.

Exception [7070]

oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException: A resource bundle must be located on the class path in an OracleAS TopLink directory.

Cause: The file cannot be found.

Action: Ensure that the location of the file is on the class path.

Exception [7079]

EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: The descriptor for [<bean class>] was not found in the session [<session name>]. Check the project being used for this session.

Cause: The descriptor that is listed was not found in the session that is specified on the deployment descriptor.

Action: Ensure that the project that is specified in the toplink-ejb-jar.xml file is the desired project. Also check that the project includes a descriptor for the missing bean class.

Exception [7101]

No "meta-inf/toplink-ejb-jar.xml" could be found in your class path. The CMP session could not be read in from file.

Cause: The toplink-ejb-jar.xml file was not found.

Action: Ensure that the toplink-ejb-jar.xml file is located in the deployed ejb-jar file under the meta-inf directory.

Exception [9002]

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-9002] (TopLink - X.X.X): oracle.toplink.exceptions.SessionLoaderExceptionEXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Unable to load Project class [<project class>].

Cause: The project class that is specified for the session in the toplink-ejb-jar.xml file cannot be found.

Action: Ensure that the project class has been included in the deployed JAR with the entity beans.

Problems at Runtime

This section lists some of the common exceptions and errors that can occur at runtime when using the OracleAS TopLink CMP for IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Exception [6026]

oracle.toplink.exceptions: Query is not defined

Cause: A required named query does not exist.

Action: Implement the named query. The stacktrace of the exception contains the finder that failed.

Common OracleAS TopLink for IBM WebSphere Deploy Tool Exceptions

This following section lists common exceptions and errors that may occur when running the OracleAS TopLink for IBM WebSphere Deploy Tool.

Class Not Found Exceptions

Cause: The class that is specified was not found; it is not included on the deploy tool class path or the system class path.

Action: Ensure that all required classes are included on the correct class path. For more information about class path setup, see the IBM WebSphere Getting Started.


The Deploy Tool calls external IBM classes to generate deployed code. Any exceptions that are thrown from these classes is described on System.out. Check the Tracing button to view the most detailed information possible.

Common BEA WebLogic 6.1 Exceptions

Following are a few of the most common errors you may encounter when deploying JAR files with OracleAS TopLink and BEA WebLogic 6.1.

Development Exceptions
Missing Persistence Type

ERROR: Error from ejbc: Persistence type 'TopLink_CMP_2_0' with version 'X.X which is referenced in bean 'Account' is not installed. The installed persistence types are: (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 6.0), (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 5.1.0).

ERROR: ejbc found errors

Cause: There is no entry in the persistence.install file for OracleAS TopLink CMP. This may occur if the OracleAS TopLink installation was interrupted or a BEA WebLogic Service Pack was applied.

Action: In the <WebLogic InstallDir>/wlserver6.1/lib/persistence directory, edit the persistence.install file to add a new line TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml, or replace your existing persistence.install file with the version of the file in the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/config directory.

Error Loading Persistence Resource

Error while loading persistence resource TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml Make sure that the persistence type is in your class path.

Cause: The toplink.jar file is not properly set in your class path.

Action: Ensure that the class path includes the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/jlib/toplink.jar file.

Wrong BEA WebLogic Version

C:\<ORACLE_HOME>\toplink\examples\weblogic\wls61\ examples\ejb\cmp20\singlebean\ cannot resolve symbol

symbol  : class EJBLocalObject

location: interface examples.ejb.cmp20.singlebean.Account

public interface Account extends EJBLocalObject {

Cause: You are trying to compile your code using BEA WebLogic 6.0.

Action: Compile using BEA WebLogic 6.1.

Deployment and Runtime Exceptions
Missing Persistence Type

Persistence type 'TopLink_CMP_2_0' with version 'X.X which is referenced in bean 'Account' is not installed. The installed persistence types are: (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 6.0), (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 5.1.0).

Cause: There is no entry in the persistence.install file for OracleAS TopLink CMP. This may occur if the OracleAS TopLink installation was interrupted, or a BEA WebLogic Service Pack was applied.

Action: In the <WebLogic InstallDir>/wlserver6.1/lib/persistence directory, edit the persistence.install file to add a new line: TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml. You can also replace your existing persistence.install file with the version of the file in the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/config directory.

Error Loading Persistence Resource

<DATE and TIME> <Error> <J2EE> <Error deploying application ejb20_cmp_order:

Unable to deploy EJB: C:\<ORACLE_HOME>\toplink\examples\weblogic\wls61\server\config\TopLink_Domain\applications\wlnotdelete\wlap64280\ejb20_cmp_order.jar from ejb20_cmp_order.jar:

Error while loading persistence resource TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml Make sure that the persistence type is in your class path.



Cause: The toplink.jar file is not properly set in your class path.

Action: Ensure that the class path includes the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/jlib/toplink.jar file.

Wrong Persistence Version

DATE and TIME> <Error> <J2EE> <Error deploying application ejb20_cmp_account:

Unable to deploy EJB: Account from ejb20_cmp_account.jar:






Cause: You may be using a persistence-version meant for BEA WebLogic 7.0.

Action: Use a persistence-version of 4.0.

Cannot Startup Datasource

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-7060] (TopLink (WLS CMP)-X.X):oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException

EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Cannot acquire datasource [jdbc/ejbNonJTSDataSource].

INTERNAL EXCEPTION: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve jdbc.ejbNonJTSDataSource Resolved: '' Unresolved:'jdbc' ; remaining name 'ejbNonJTSDataSource'

Cause: An error has occurred in setting up the datasource.

Action: Check the nested SQL exception to determine the cause of the error. For more information, see "Error code: 7060". For more information on a specific error raised by WebLogic, see the BEA WebLogic documentation and your JDBC Driver documentation.

Wrong WebLogic Version

<DATE and TIME> <Error> <Management> <Error parsing XML descriptor for application TopLink_Domain:Name=ejb20_cmp_account, Type=Application

weblogic.xml.process.ProcessorFactoryException: Could not locate processor for public id = "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN"



Cause: You are trying to compile your code using BEA WebLogic 6.0.

Action: Compile using BEA WebLogic 6.1.

Common BEA WebLogic 7.0 Exceptions

Following are a few of the most common errors you may encounter when deploying  JAR files with OracleAS TopLink and BEA WebLogic 7.0.

Development-time Exceptions:
Missing Persistence Type

ERROR: ejbc found errors

Cause: There is no entry in the persistence.install file for OracleAS TopLink CMP. This may occur if the OracleAS TopLink installation was interrupted, or a BEA WebLogic Service Pack was applied.

Action: In the <WebLogic InstallDir>/weblogic700/lib/persistence directory, edit the persistence.install file to add a new line: TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml. You can also replace your existing persistence.install file with the version of the file in the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/config directory.

Error Loading Persistence Resource

ERROR: Error from ejbc: Error while loading persistence resource TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml

Make sure that the persistence type is in your class path.

ERROR: ejbc found errors






Cause: The toplink.jar file is not properly set in your class path.

Action: Ensure that the class path includes the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/jlib/toplink.jar file.

Wrong WebLogic Version

ERROR: Error processing 'META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml': The public id, "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 7.0.0 EJB//EN", specified in the XML document is invalid. Use one of the following valid public ids:

"-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 5.1.0 EJB//EN"

"-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 6.0.0 EJB//EN"

ERROR: ejbc found errors

Cause: You are trying to compile your JAR using BEA WebLogic 6.1.

Action: Compile using BEA WebLogic 7.0.

Deployment/runtime Exceptions:
Missing Persistence Type

Error from ejbc: Persistence type 'TopLink_CMP_2_0' with version 'X.0 which is referenced in bean 'Account' is not installed. The installed persistence types are: (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 6.0), (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 5.1.0), (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 7.0).

Persistence type 'TopLink_CMP_2_0' with version 'X.0 which is referenced in bean 'Account' is not installed. The installed persistence types are: (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 6.0), (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 5.1.0), (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 7.0)

Cause: There is no entry in the persistence.install file for OracleAS TopLink CMP. This may occur if the OracleAS TopLink installation was interrupted or a BEA WebLogic Service Pack was applied.

Action: In the <WebLogic InstallDir>/weblogic7.0/lib/persistence directory, edit the persistence.install file to add a new line: TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml. You can also replace your existing persistence.install file with the version of the file in the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/config directory.

Error Loading Persistence Resource








Cause: The toplink.jar file is not properly set in your class path.

Action: Ensure that the class path includes the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/jlib/toplink.jar file.

Cannot Startup Datasource

EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-7060] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - X.X.X): oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException

EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Cannot acquire datasource [jdbc/ejbNonJTSDataSource].

INTERNAL EXCEPTION: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve jdbc.ejbNonJTSDataSource Resolved: '' Unresolved:'jdbc' ; remaining name 'ejbNonJTSDataSource'

Cause: An error has occurred in setting up the datasource.

Action: Check the nested SQL exception to determine the cause of the error. For more information, see "Error code: 7060". For more information on a specific error raised by WebLogic, see the BEA WebLogic documentation and your JDBC Driver documentation.

Common BEA WebLogic 8.1 Exceptions

Following are a few of the most common errors you may encounter when deploying  JAR files with OracleAS TopLink and BEA WebLogic 8.1.

Development-time Exceptions:
Missing Persistence Type

Persistence type 'TopLink_CMP_2_0' with version 'X.0 which is referenced in bean 'Account' is not installed. The installed persistence types are: (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 7.0), (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 6.0), (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 5.1.0).

ERROR: ejbc couldn't invoke compiler

Cause: There is no entry in the persistence.install file for OracleAS TopLink CMP. This may occur if the OracleAS TopLink installation was interrupted, or a BEA WebLogic Service Pack was applied.

Action: In the <WebLogic InstallDir>/weblogic81/lib/persistence directory, edit the persistence.install file to add a new line: TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml. You can also replace your existing persistence.install file with the version of the file in the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/config directory.

Error Loading Persistence Resource

Error occurred while loading persistence resource TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml. Make sure that the persistence type is in your class path.

ERROR: ejbc couldn't invoke compiler

Cause: The toplink.jar file is not properly set in your class path.

Action: Ensure that the class path includes the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/jlib/toplink.jar file.

Wrong WebLogic Version

ERROR: ejbc found errors while processing the descriptor for std_cmp20-singlebean.jar:

ERROR: ejbc found errors while processing 'META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml': The public id, "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 8.1.0 EJB//EN", specified in the XML document is invalid. Use one of the following valid public ids:

"-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 5.1.0 EJB//EN"

"-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 6.0.0 EJB//EN"

"-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 7.0.0 EJB//EN"

ERROR: ejbc found errors

Cause: You are trying to compile your using BEA WebLogic 7.0.

Action: Compile using BEA WebLogic 8.1.

Deployment/runtime Exceptions:
Missing Persistence Type

Error Deployer BEA-149201 Failed to complete the deployment task with ID 0 for the application _appsdir_cmp20-singlebean_ear. prepare failed for cmp20-singlebean.jar

Module: cmp20-singlebean.jar Error: Exception preparing module: EJBModule(cmp20-singlebean.jar,status=NEW)

Persistence type 'TopLink_CMP_2_0' with version 'X.0 which is referenced in bean 'Account' is not installed. The installed persistence types are: (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 7.0), (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 6.0), (WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS, 5.1.0)

Cause: There is no entry in the persistence.install file for OracleAS TopLink CMP. This may occur if the OracleAS TopLink installation was interrupted or a BEA WebLogic Service Pack was applied.

Action: In the <WebLogic InstallDir>/weblogic81/lib/persistence directory, edit the persistence.install file to add a new line: TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml. You can also replace your existing persistence.install file with the version of the file in the <ORACLE_HOME>/toplink/config directory.

Error Loading Persistence Resource

Error Deployer BEA-149201 Failed to complete the deployment task with ID 2 for the application _appsdir_cmp20-relationships_ear. prepare failed for cmp20-relationships.jar

Module: cmp20-relationships.jar Error: Exception preparing module: EJBModule(cmp20-relationships.jar,status=NEW)

Unable to deploy EJB: .\TopLink_Demos\stage\_appsdir_cmp20-relationships_ear\cmp20-relationships.jar from cmp20-relationships.jar:

[EJB:011004]Error occurred while loading persistence resource TopLink_CMP_Descriptor.xml. Make sure that the persistence type is in your classpath.

at weblogic.ejb20.persistence.InstalledPersistence.initialize(

at weblogic.ejb20.persistence.InstalledPersistence.getInstalledType(

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