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Oracle® Application Server Web Cache Administrator's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
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B OracleAS Web Cache as a Standalone Product

This appendix explains how to install a standalone OracleAS Web Cache. It also describes the differences in how you administer a standalone OracleAS Web Cache from an Oracle Application Server installation.

This appendix contains these topics:

Installing Standalone OracleAS Web Cache

You can install OracleAS Web Cache on a dedicated computer without Oracle Application Server by performing a standalone installation. Standalone OracleAS Web Cache is distributed on the OracleAS Companion CD, which is included in the Oracle Application Server CD Pack.

  1. Insert the OracleAS Companion CD, and perform the following to launch Oracle Universal Installer to install OracleAS Web Cache.

    • On UNIX:

      prompt > cd
      prompt > mount_point/1012disk1/runInstaller
    • On Windows:

      If your computer supports the auto-run feature, then the installer launches automatically.

      If your computer does not support auto-run, then double-click the setup.exe file to launch the installer.

    Oracle Universal Installer launches.

  2. When the Oracle Universal Installer appears, review the Welcome screen, and click Next.

  3. If this is the first time you are installing any Oracle products on your computer, the Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials screen appears.

    Enter the following information:

    • Enter the full path of the inventory directory: Enter a full path to the inventory directory. Enter a directory that is different from the Oracle home directory for the product files.

      Example: /opt/oracle/oraInventory

    • Specify Operating System group name: Select the operating system group that will have write permission for the inventory directory.

      Example: oinstall

    Click Next. A window appears and asks you to run Run the script in a different shell as the root user. The script is located in the oraInventory directory. Click Continue. The Specify File Locations screen appears.

  4. Enter the following destination information:

    • Name: Enter a name to identity this Oracle home. The name can consist of alphanumeric and the underscore (_) characters only, and cannot be longer than 128 characters.

      Example: OH_STANDWC

    • Path: Enter the full path to the destination directory. This path is the Oracle home. If the directory does not exist, the installer creates it. If you want to create the directory beforehand, create it as the oracle user; do not create it as the root user.

      Example: /opt/oracle/STANDWC

      Click Next. The Select a Product to Install screen displays.

  5. Select Web Server Services, and click Next. The Select Installation Type screen displays.

  6. Select the OracleAS Web Cache option, and click Next. The Specify OracleAS Web Cache Administrator Password appears.

  7. In the OracleAS Web Cache administrator Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the password for the administrative accounts, and click Next. The Summary screen displays.

    This password applies to the Oracle Application Server administrative usernames, ias_admin and the OracleAS Web Cache administrative user names, administrator and invalidator. In a cache cluster, you must configure the same password for all cluster members.

    See Also:

  8. Verify your selection, and click Install.

    The Install Progress screen displays the progress of the installation.

    After installation, the Configuration Assistants screen displays.

  9. Monitor the progress of the OracleAS Web Cache Configuration Assistant. This assistant configures OracleAS Web Cache. You will be prompted to run Run the script in a different shell as the root user. Click OK.

    The End of Installation screen displays once installation is complete.

  10. Record the URL for accessing OracleAS Web Cache Manager.

  11. Click Exit to quit the installer.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Installation Guide for more information about the Oracle Universal Installer

Post-Installation Tasks

During the installation process, the OracleAS Web Cache Configuration Assistant establishes a default configuration.

In order to configure OracleAS Web Cache, the Assistant assumes a dummy origin server resides on the local computer. The Oracle Universal Installer configures ports as follows:

  • On UNIX systems, the Assistant assigns port 7777 to the OracleAS Web Cache listen port and port 80 to the origin server.

  • On Windows systems, for a first-time install, the Assistant assigns port 80 to both the OracleAS Web Cache listening port and the origin server. Upon subsequent installs, the Assistant assigns port 7777 to the OracleAS Web Cache listening port and port 80 to the origin server.

If these ports are in use, then the Oracle Universal Installer attempts to assign another port number from a range of 7777 to 7877.

After you install OracleAS Web Cache, reconfigure the settings for the origin server to reflect the actual origin server in your environment.

Differences When OracleAS Web Cache Is Installed Standalone

If you are running OracleAS Web Cache in a standalone environment, note the following differences in how you administer OracleAS Web Cache:

OracleAS Web Cache Processes

In a standalone environment, OracleAS Web Cache has three processes:

webcachectl Utility Overview

In most cases, you can use the OracleAS Web Cache Manager to start, stop, and restart the processes. However, in previous releases, OracleAS Web Cache also provided the webcachectl utility to start, stop, and restart the admin server process, the cache server process, and the auto-restart process. Beginning with OracleAS Web Cache 10g (9.0.4), when OracleAS Web Cache is installed as part of an Oracle Application Server installation, you must use OPMN rather than the webcachectl utility.

If you are running OracleAS Web Cache in a standalone environment (that is, you installed OracleAS Web Cache from a kit that included only this product; you did not install OracleAS Web Cache as part of an Oracle Application Server installation), you use the webcachectl utility to administer the OracleAS Web Cache processes: the admin server, cache server, and auto-restart processes.


If you invoke the webcachectl utility in an environment where you have installed OracleAS Web Cache as part of an Oracle Application Server installation, OracleAS Web Cache returns an error.


The webcachectl executable is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/webcache/bin directory on UNIX and the ORACLE_HOME\bin directory on Windows.

The syntax for this utility is as follows:

webcachectl command [parameter]

In standalone environments on Windows, you can also start or stop OracleAS Web Cache through the Control Panel:

  1. Select the Services icon in the Control Panel window.

    The Services window appears.

  2. Select the OracleHOME_NAMEWebCacheAdmin service to start the admin server process, and then click Start or Stop.

  3. Select the OracleHOME_NAMEWebCache service to start the cache server process, and then click Start or Stop. This service also starts and stops the auto-restart process.

  4. In the Services window, click Close.

webcachectl Utility Commands

The commands for the webcachectl utility are described in the next sections. The start, stop, and restart commands enable you to administer all three processes. You can save system resources by administering only the processes you require.

  • The *adm commands enable you to administer the admin server process.

    The admin server process is the only process required during configuration with the OracleAS Web Cache Manager. After OracleAS Web Cache Manager configuration is complete, the admin server process is no longer needed unless you want to monitor the cache using the OracleAS Web Cache Manager.

  • The *cache commands enable you to administer the cache server process, and if enabled, the auto-restart process.

    The cache server process is the only process required to run the cache.


Use the reset command to restore the configuration to the last version saved with Apply Changes button in the OracleAS Web Cache Manager. This command also stops any running processes.

The following message displays:

Previous configuration restored. 
You must restart OracleAS Web Cache for it to run with that configuration.
Web Cache admin server is already down.
Web Cache auto-restart monitor is already down.
Web Cache cache server is already down.


Use the restart command to stop and then restart the admin server, cache server, and, if enabled, the auto-restart processes. The following message displays:

Web Cache admin server stopping.
Web Cache auto-restart monitor stopping.
Web Cache cache server stopping.

Oracle Application Server Web Cache 10g (10.1.2)
Copyright (c) 1999, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Admin Server now running as process 17722

Admin Server is attempting to start the Cache Server
Cache Server now running as process 17724


Use the restartadm command to stop and then restart the admin server process. The following message displays:

Web Cache admin server is already down.

Oracle Application Server Web Cache 10g (10.1.2)
Copyright (c) 1999, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Admin Server now running as process 17729

Admin Server running in admin-only mode. Cache Server NOT started


Use the restartcache command to stop and then restart the cache server process and, if enabled, the auto-restart process. The following message displays:

Web Cache admin server stopping.
Web Cache auto-restart monitor is already down.
Web Cache cache server stopping.

Oracle Application Server Web Cache 10g (10.1.2)
Copyright (c) 1999, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Cache Server now running as process 21910


Use the start command to start the admin server, cache server process, and, if enabled, the auto-restart process. The following message displays:

Oracle Application Server Web Cache 10g (10.1.2)
Copyright (c) 1999, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Admin Server now running as process 8911

Admin Server is attempting to start the Cache Server
Cache Server now running as process 8913


Use the startadm command to start the admin server process. The following message displays:

Oracle Application Server Web Cache 10g (10.1.2)
Copyright (c) 1999, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Admin Server now running as process 8971

Admin Server running in admin-only mode. Cache Server NOT started


Use the startcache command to start the cache server process and, if enabled, the auto-restart process. The following message displays:

Oracle Application Server Web Cache 10g (10.1.2)
Copyright (c) 1999, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Cache Server now running as process 17752


Use the status command to find out if the admin server process, cache server process, and, if enabled, the auto-restart process, are running or not running.

The following message displays when all three processes are not running:

Web Cache admin server is not running.
Web Cache auto-restart monitor is not running.
Web Cache cache server is not running.

The following message displays when all three processes are running:

Web Cache admin server is running as process 16274.
Web Cache auto-restart is running as process 16275.
Web Cache cache server is running as process 16273.


Use the stop command to stop the admin server process, cache server process, and, if enabled, the auto-restart process. With the stop command, the cache server process does not accept any new connections, but it completes the requests of all existing connections before it shuts down. The following message displays:

Web Cache admin server stopping.
Web Cache auto-restart monitor is already down.
Web Cache cache server stopping.


Use the stopabort command to stop the admin server process, cache server process, and, if enabled, the auto-restart process. With the stopabort command, the cache server process does not accept any new connections, drops all existing connections, and shuts down.

The following message displays:

Web Cache admin server stopping.
Web Cache auto-restart monitor stopping.
Web Cache cache server stopping.


Use the stopadm command to stop the admin server process. The following message displays:

Web Cache admin server stopping.


Use the stopcache command to stop the cache server process and, if enabled, the auto-restart process. With the stopcache command, the cache server process does not accept any new connections, but it satisfies the requests of all existing connections before it shuts down. The following message displays:

Web Cache auto-restart monitor stopping.
Web Cache cache server stopping.

webcachectl Parameter

The webcachectl utility supports the following parameter intended for Oracle Support Services:

coreok: Enables OracleAS Web Cache to produce a core dump