Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (

Interface AlgID

public interface AlgID

This interface contains algorithm identifiers for various message digest, symmetric cryptography, and public key encryption and signature algorithms.

These algorithm identifiers are used throughout Phaos Security Engine (and other compatible Phaos toolkits) for portable and configurable identification of commonly used cryptographic primitives.

See Also:

Field Summary
static AlgorithmIdentifier aes128_CBC
          128-bit AES in CBC mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier aes128_ECB
          128-bit AES in ECB mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier aes192_CBC
          192-bit AES in CBC mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier aes192_ECB
          192-bit AES in ECB mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier aes256_CBC
          256-bit AES in CBC mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier aes256_ECB
          256-bit AES in ECB mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier BLOWFISH
          An alias to blowfishECB.
static AlgorithmIdentifier blowfishCBC
          The Blowfish symmetric key encryption algorithm in CBC mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier blowfishECB
          The Blowfish symmetric key encryption algorithm in ECB mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier DES_EDE3_CBC
          RSA-registered identifier for the DES-EDE symmetric key encryption algorithm in CBC mode, as cited in RFC 2311.
static AlgorithmIdentifier DES_EDE3_ECB
          OIW identifier for DES-EDE symmetric key encryption algorithm in ECB mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier desCBC
          The DES symmetric key encryption algorithm in CBC mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier desECB
          The DES symmetric key encryption algorithm in ECB mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier dh
          The Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm, defined in X9.42.
static AlgorithmIdentifier DHBasedMac
          Entrust-registered identifier for the Diffie-Hellman-based MAC algorithm, efined in RFC 2511.
static AlgorithmIdentifier dhKeyAgreement
          The Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm, defined in PKCS #3.
static AlgorithmIdentifier dsa
          Preferred (X9.57) identifier for DSA public and private keys.
static AlgorithmIdentifier dsaOld
          An older (OIW) identifier for DSA public and private keys.
static AlgorithmIdentifier dsaWithSHA
          An obsolete OIW identifier for the DSA signature algorithm.
static AlgorithmIdentifier dsaWithSHA1
          Preferred (X.509) identifier for the DSA signature algorithm.
static AlgorithmIdentifier dsaWithSHA1Old
          Another obsolete OIW identifier for DSA signature algorithm.
static AlgorithmIdentifier hmacMD5
          IANA identifier for HMAC algorithm with MD5, as defined in RFC 2104.
static AlgorithmIdentifier hmacSHA
          IANA identifier the HMAC-SHA algorithm, defined in RFC 2104.
static AlgorithmIdentifier md2
          The MD2 message digest algorithm, as defined in RFC 1319.
static AlgorithmIdentifier md2WithRSAEncryption
          The RSA signature algorithm with MD2 hash, as defined in PKCS #1 and RFC 2311.
static AlgorithmIdentifier md5
          The MD5 message digest algorithm, as defined in RFC 2311.
static AlgorithmIdentifier md5WithRSAEncryption
          The RSA signature algorithm with MD5 hash, as defined in PKCS #1 and RFC 2311.
static AlgorithmIdentifier mgf1WithSHA1
          Identifies the MGF1 algorithm defined in PKCS#1 using SHA-1
static AlgorithmIdentifier PasswordBasedMac
          Entrust-registered identifier for the Password-Based MAC algorithm, defined in RFC 2511.
static AlgorithmIdentifier RC2_CBC
          The RC2 symmetric key encryption algorithm in CBC mode.
static AlgorithmIdentifier RC4
          The Arcfour stream cipher of Kaukonen and Thayer, equivalent to the RC4 stream cipher.
static AlgorithmIdentifier rsaEncryption
          The RSA public key encryption algorithm, defined in PKCS#1 and RFC 2311.
static AlgorithmIdentifier rsaWithOAEPEncoding
          The RSA public key encryption standard with default OAEP encoding parameters including SHA-1 and MGF1 with SHA-1
static AlgorithmIdentifier rsaWithV15Encoding
          The RSA public key encryption standard with the encoding defined in PKCS #1 version 1.5.
static AlgorithmIdentifier sha
          An older OIW identifier for the SHA1 algorithm.
static AlgorithmIdentifier sha_1
          OIW identifier for the SHA1 algorithm, as prescribed by IEEE p1363.
static AlgorithmIdentifier sha_1WithRSAEncryption
          The RSA signature algorithm with SHA-1 hash, as defined in PKCS #1 and RFC 2311.
static AlgorithmIdentifier sha_256
          NIST identifier for the SHA256 algorithm
static AlgorithmIdentifier sha_384
          NIST identifier for the SHA384 algorithm
static AlgorithmIdentifier sha_512
          NIST identifier for the SHA512 algorithm
static AlgorithmIdentifier sha1
          An alias for the "sha_1" OIW identifier for SHA1.


Field Detail


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier desECB
The DES symmetric key encryption algorithm in ECB mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier desCBC
The DES symmetric key encryption algorithm in CBC mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier DES_EDE3_ECB
OIW identifier for DES-EDE symmetric key encryption algorithm in ECB mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier DES_EDE3_CBC
RSA-registered identifier for the DES-EDE symmetric key encryption algorithm in CBC mode, as cited in RFC 2311.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier rsaEncryption
The RSA public key encryption algorithm, defined in PKCS#1 and RFC 2311.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier rsaWithV15Encoding
The RSA public key encryption standard with the encoding defined in PKCS #1 version 1.5.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier RC2_CBC
The RC2 symmetric key encryption algorithm in CBC mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier RC4
The Arcfour stream cipher of Kaukonen and Thayer, equivalent to the RC4 stream cipher.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier BLOWFISH
An alias to blowfishECB.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier blowfishECB
The Blowfish symmetric key encryption algorithm in ECB mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier blowfishCBC
The Blowfish symmetric key encryption algorithm in CBC mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier aes128_ECB
128-bit AES in ECB mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier aes128_CBC
128-bit AES in CBC mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier aes192_ECB
192-bit AES in ECB mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier aes192_CBC
192-bit AES in CBC mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier aes256_ECB
256-bit AES in ECB mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier aes256_CBC
256-bit AES in CBC mode.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier dhKeyAgreement
The Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm, defined in PKCS #3.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier dh
The Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm, defined in X9.42.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier dsa
Preferred (X9.57) identifier for DSA public and private keys.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier dsaOld
An older (OIW) identifier for DSA public and private keys.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier md2WithRSAEncryption
The RSA signature algorithm with MD2 hash, as defined in PKCS #1 and RFC 2311.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier md5WithRSAEncryption
The RSA signature algorithm with MD5 hash, as defined in PKCS #1 and RFC 2311.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier sha_1WithRSAEncryption
The RSA signature algorithm with SHA-1 hash, as defined in PKCS #1 and RFC 2311.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier dsaWithSHA1
Preferred (X.509) identifier for the DSA signature algorithm.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier dsaWithSHA
An obsolete OIW identifier for the DSA signature algorithm.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier dsaWithSHA1Old
Another obsolete OIW identifier for DSA signature algorithm.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier md5
The MD5 message digest algorithm, as defined in RFC 2311.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier md2
The MD2 message digest algorithm, as defined in RFC 1319.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier sha_1
OIW identifier for the SHA1 algorithm, as prescribed by IEEE p1363.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier sha
An older OIW identifier for the SHA1 algorithm.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier sha1
An alias for the "sha_1" OIW identifier for SHA1.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier sha_256
NIST identifier for the SHA256 algorithm


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier sha_384
NIST identifier for the SHA384 algorithm


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier sha_512
NIST identifier for the SHA512 algorithm


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier hmacMD5
IANA identifier for HMAC algorithm with MD5, as defined in RFC 2104.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier hmacSHA
IANA identifier the HMAC-SHA algorithm, defined in RFC 2104.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier PasswordBasedMac
Entrust-registered identifier for the Password-Based MAC algorithm, defined in RFC 2511.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier DHBasedMac
Entrust-registered identifier for the Diffie-Hellman-based MAC algorithm, efined in RFC 2511.


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier mgf1WithSHA1
Identifies the MGF1 algorithm defined in PKCS#1 using SHA-1


public static final AlgorithmIdentifier rsaWithOAEPEncoding
The RSA public key encryption standard with default OAEP encoding parameters including SHA-1 and MGF1 with SHA-1

Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (


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