Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (



Basic cryptographic primitives.


Interface Summary
AlgID This interface contains algorithm identifiers for various message digest, symmetric cryptography, and public key encryption and signature algorithms.
Key An interface for a key, which may be used for encryption or decryption, for generating or verifying signatures, or for generating or verifying MACs.
PrivateKey An interface for a private key.
PublicKey An interface for a public key.


Class Summary
AES An implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), aka Rijndael, as defined in the Draft FIPS of February 28, 2001.
AlgorithmIdentifier This class encapsulates an AlgorithmIdentifier object, as defined in X.509 and as used in several other standards, such as PKCS.
Arcfour The Arcfour stream cipher, as described in the IETF Internet Draft A Stream Cipher Encryption Algorithm "Arcfour" (Kaukonen, Thayer 1999), which is equivalent to the RC4 stream cipher.
BlockCipher Defines the functionality and properties common to block ciphers such that subclasses should only have to override the initialize(), encryptBlock() and decryptBlock() methods.
Blowfish A block cipher which implements Bruce Schneier's Blowfish algorithm.
CBCAlgorithmIdentifier An algorithm identifier for Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode symmetric block ciphers, which use an initialization vector as a parameter.
Cipher A generic class for representing Ciphers, which may be BlockCiphers or direct descendants of the Cipher class.
Coder An abstract class that represents an encoding and decoding function, suitable for operations such as encryption and decryption, or compression and decompression.
CoderInputStream An input stream that encodes or decodes data passing through it.
CoderOutputStream An output stream that encodes or decodes data passing through it.
DES The DES (Digital Encryption Standard) cipher.
DES_EDE The DES cipher in Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt mode, also known as "Triple DES" or "3DES".
DHKey *** For internal use only *** An abstract class for Diffie-Hellman keys.
DHKeyAgreement *** For internal use only *** Implements the Diffie-Hellman algorithm for static shared secret generation, as specified in ANSI X9.42.
DHKeyPairGenerator *** For internal use only *** Generates private/public keypairs, using the given domain parameters and RandomBitsSource, as specified in X9.42.
DHParameterGenerator *** For internal use only *** Performs normative generation of (static) Diffie-Hellman domain parameters, as specified in X9.42.
DHParams *** For internal use only *** Domain parameters for the Diffie-Hellman key agreement scheme, as described in ANSI X9.42.
DHPrivateKey *** For internal use only *** A Diffie-Hellman private key.
DHPublicKey *** For internal use only *** Diffie-Hellman public key as described in ANSI X9.42.
DiffieHellman This class encapsulates the Diffie-Hellman public key agreement algorithm.
DigestInfo The DigestInfo structure of PKCS #1 and CMS.
DigestInputStream An input stream that keeps a message digest of the bytes going through it.
DigestOutputStream An output stream that keeps a message digest of the bytes going through it.
DigestRandomBitsSource A PRNG based on the design pattern in Schneier's Applied Cryptography, using a secure hash algorithm, such as SHA1 or MD5 as a mixing and output primitive.
DSA The DSA signature algorithm, a.k.a.
DSAKeyPairGenerator This class encapsulates a key pair generator for the DSA algorithm.
DSAParams Parameters used for the Digital Signature Standard, as described in FIPS 186.
DSAPrivateKey A DSA private key.
DSAPublicKey A DSA public key.
EntropySource An abstract class representing sources of seed material for PRNGs.
HMAC This class implements HMAC [RFC2104] as a subclass of MessageDigest.
KeyAgreement *** For internal use only *** An abstract class for public key agreement scheme.
KeyPair This class encapsulates a key pair, consisting of a public key and a private key.
KeyPairGenerator An abstract class for randomly generating public/private key pairs.
MD2 The MD2 message digest algorithm, as defined in RFC 1319.
MD4 The MD4 Message Digest algorithm, as specified in RFC 1320.
MD5 The MD5 Message Digest algorithm, as specified in RFC 1321.
MD5RandomBitsSource A PRNG based on the design pattern in Schneier's Applied Cryptography, using the MD5 hash algorithm as a mixing and output primitive.
MessageDigest A generic class for computing message digests.
NullCipher A stream cipher that does not do any encoding.
OAEPAlgorithmIdentifier This class provides an API for encapsulating the parameters of an RSAES-OAEP AlgorithmIdentifier and making them easily accessible.
Padding Padding contains the ID constants that indicate padding schemes.
Padding.ID Represents a padding mode value that can be used by block ciphers.
PasswordBasedMAC The password-base MAC algorithm, as defined in CRMF (RFC 2511).
PasswordProtectedObject This class implements PKCS5 password-based encryption of objects.
PBMacAlgID Algorithm identifier with parameters for PasswordBasedMAC.
PKCS5 This class implements PKCS #5 and PKCS #12 password-based encryption.
PrivateKeyPKCS8 A class for PKCS #5 and PKCS #12 password-encrypted RSA/DSA private keys in PKCS #8 format.
RandomBitsSource An abstract class representing secure PRNG (pseudo-random number generator) implementations.
RC2 An implementation of the RC2 cipher, as specified in RFC 2268.
RC2AlgorithmIdentifier An algorithm identifier for the RC2 symmetric cipher in CBC mode, which use an initialization vector and effective key length as parameters.
RSA The raw RSA algorithm cryptographic operation.
RSAKey An abstract class for RSA keys.
RSAKeyPairGenerator RSA key pair generator.
RSAMDSignature Signatures using RSA encryption in conjunction with the MD2, MD5, or SHA message digest algorithm.
RSApkcs1 An implementation of PKCS#1 v2.0 that supports the following encryption schemes: RSAES-OAEP, and RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5.
RSAPrivateKey An RSA private key.
RSAPrivateKeyPKCS8 Deprecated. This class is maintained only to ease the transistion for existing Phaos SSLava 1.1.x applications.
RSAPublicKey An RSA public key.
SHA The SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) message digest algorithms, as defined in FIPS-180-2 Secure Hash Standard.
SHA1RandomBitsSource A PRNG based on the design pattern in Schneier's Applied Cryptography, using SHA-1 as a mixing and output primitive.
Signature An abstract class for generating and verifying signatures.
SpinnerEntropySource A source of seeding entropy based on the presumption of intrinsic randomness in JVM thread scheduling, comparable to the "generateSeed" method in
SREntropySource An implementation of the EntropySource abstract class that wraps the generateSeed(int) or getSeed(int) method of the class.
SymmetricKey An encryption/decryption key used by a symmetric cipher.
SymmetricKeyGenerator A class for randomly generating symmetric keys.


Exception Summary
AlgorithmIdentifierException Signals that inappropriate or unsupported parameters were provided to an algorithm.
AuthenticationException Signals an authentication error.
CipherException This exception signals that an error occurred in an operation by a Cipher object.
CoderException This exception signals that an error occurred in an operation of a Coder object.
InvalidKeyException Signals that an invalid key was specified, for example in initializing a cipher or signature class.
InvalidMACException Exception indicating the receipt of an invalid MAC value.
KeyAgreementException *** For internal use only *** This exception signals that an error occurred in a key agreement operation.
SignatureException This exception signals that an error occurred in a signature operation.


Package Description

Basic cryptographic primitives.

Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (


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