Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (

Class EntropySource


Direct Known Subclasses:
SpinnerEntropySource, SREntropySource

public abstract class EntropySource
extends java.lang.Object

An abstract class representing sources of seed material for PRNGs. It is important to note that the entropy gathered by such a source should be used as seeding material to a secure PRNG only, and never as cryptographic material -- such as keys or initialization vectors -- in raw form.

Currently, only one subclass is provided, SpinnerEntropySource. Developers may wish to create their own subclasses based on other sources, such as AWT events or dedicated hardware devices.

See Also:
SpinnerEntropySource, RandomBitsSource

Constructor Summary
protected EntropySource()

Method Summary
abstract void clear()
Destroys (writes zero to) sensitive internal data structures used by the entropy source.
abstract byte generateByte()
Generate a byte of seeding material.
byte[] generateBytes(byte[] bytes)
Supplies the requisite number of bytes, by successive calls to generateByte().
static EntropySource getDefault()
Returns the system-wide default entropy source.
static void setDefault(EntropySource es)
Sets the system-wide default entropy source.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected EntropySource()

Method Detail


public abstract byte generateByte()
Generate a byte of seeding material. Depending on the algorithm used, may be resource intensive, slow, and/or subject to failures in external devices (which should result in an IllegalStateException being thrown.)


public byte[] generateBytes(byte[] bytes)
Supplies the requisite number of bytes, by successive calls to generateByte().


public abstract void clear()
Destroys (writes zero to) sensitive internal data structures used by the entropy source.


public static EntropySource getDefault()
Returns the system-wide default entropy source.


public static void setDefault(EntropySource es)
Sets the system-wide default entropy source.

Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (


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