Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Support for JavaServer Pages API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)




AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the application invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL_STR - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the application invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_COOKIE_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
AUTO_INVALIDATE_COOKIE_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the cookie invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_COOKIE_LEVEL_STR - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
AUTO_INVALIDATE_COOKIE_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the cookie invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PAGE_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PAGE_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the page invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PAGE_LEVEL_STR - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PAGE_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the page invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PARAM_LEVEL - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PARAM_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the parameter invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PARAM_LEVEL_STR - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PARAM_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the parameter invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
AUTO_INVALIDATE_UNDEFINED is the integer constant that represents the undefined invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
addAttachmentDisplayName(String) - Method in class
addClientAttachment(String) - Method in class
addServerAttachment(String) - Method in class
autoInvalidateStrToLevelInt(String) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the convenient method to convert the AUTO INVALIDATE LEVEL String to the corresponding the AUTO INVALIDATE LEVEL integer constant, which is used in invalidateCacheLike method.


BeanUtil - class oracle.jsp.dbutil.BeanUtil.


CACHENAME_AUTO - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the internal string constant used in generating the internal name of caches which is NOT under TYPE_USERSPECIFIED.
CACHENAME_USER - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the internal string constant used in generating the internal name of caches which is under TYPE_USERSPECIFIED.
CACHE_POLICIES - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
internal name of the table of cache policy objects used in servlet context
CACHE_REPOS - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
internal name of the table of cache repository objects used in servlet context
CALL_STMT - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
CONCUR_READ_ONLY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
CONCUR_UPDATABLE - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
CacheBlock - class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheBlock.
CacheBlock class that represents the basic meta-data and actual cache data of cache block.
CacheBlock(long, long, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheBlock
Constructor for Cache Block objects
CacheClientUtil - class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheClientUtil.
A utility library class that contains static methods to ease up user's burden.
CacheClientUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheClientUtil
CacheConfig - interface oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheConfig.
An interface to represent configuration paramaters for caching Configuration parameters is basically a name-to-value and string-to-string pairs.
CachePolicy - class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy.
CachePolicy is a class that represents a cache policy in Oracle Java Web Cache.
CachePolicy(ServletConfig) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
Default cache policy constructor
CachePolicy(CachePolicy) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
copy constructor of cache policy
CachePolicy(ServletConfig, CachePolicy) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
copy constructor of cache policy with an overriding servlet config object.
CachePolicy(ServletConfig, boolean, boolean, int, int, String[], String[], long, long, ExpirationPolicy, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
a protected cache policy constructor that accepts each member as an individual argument.
CachePolicyLoadingException - exception oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicyLoadingException.
The exception thrown if errors encountered during the loading the cache policy descriptor file.
CachePolicyLoadingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicyLoadingException
Constructor of this exception: supplying an additional error message and the root cause of the error
CachePolicyLoadingException(Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicyLoadingException
Constructor of this exception: supplying the root cause of the error
CachePolicyLoadingException(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicyLoadingException
Constructor of this exception: supplying an additional error message
CacheRuntimeException - exception oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheRuntimeException.
a runtime exception to capture any java web cache related exception during runtime, if developers choose to set reportException in their cache policies to true (by default, this attribute is true).
CacheRuntimeException() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheRuntimeException
The empty constructor of this exception
CacheRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheRuntimeException
The constructor of this exception that accepts a message String
CacheRuntimeException(Exception) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheRuntimeException
The constructor of this exception that accepts the root cause exception object
CloneableCacheObj - interface oracle.jsp.jwcache.CloneableCacheObj.
CloneableCacheObj is an interface to tell a cache repository that whether a particular object is cloneable.
ConnBean - class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean.
A Bean to open a database connection.
ConnBean() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
ConnCacheBean - class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnCacheBean.
Bean for Connection Cache based in Oracle JDBC 2.0 Connection Caching User - user name for connection Password password for connection URL URL for database connection MaxLimit Set the maximum no of connections for the Cache MinLimit Set the minimum no of connections for the Cache CacheScheme Set the Cache Scheme Possible values for Scheme are : DYNAMIC_SCHEME FIXED_WAIT_SCHEME FIXED_RETURN_NULL_SCHEME
ConnCacheBean() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnCacheBean
CursorBean - class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean.
A general purpose cursor bean.
CursorBean() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
cachePolicyObj - Variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
CachePolicy (protected) object handle that this expiration policy is a part of.
cloneCacheObj() - Method in interface oracle.jsp.jwcache.CloneableCacheObj
close() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Close the database connection and any opened cursors.
close() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Close the cursor.
close() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
Close the database connection and any opened cursors.
close() - Method in class
connect() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Establish a database connection with the user name, password and URL set before.
connect() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
Establish a database connection with the given user name, password and URL.
create(ConnBean, int, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Create a cursor with the given type and sql string on a given connection.
create(ConnBean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Create a cursor for Queries
create() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Create a cursor for Queries
create(int, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Create a cursor with the given type and sql string on a connection set before.


DBBean - class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean.
A very simple bean that provides access to the database and execute queries (only, not DML or DDL).
DBBean() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
Default Constructor
DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
DEFAULT_REPO_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the name of the default cache repository
DYNAMIC_SCHEME - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnCacheBean
detectClientAttachment() - Method in class
detectServerAttachment() - Method in class


ExpirationPolicy - class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy.
ExpirationPolicy represents the expiration and storage information used in storing cache data in cache repository.
ExpirationPolicy() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
Constructor for default expiration policy
ExpirationPolicy(ExpirationPolicy) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
Copy constructor for expiration policy
ExpirationPolicy(int, long, long, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
Full constructor for expiration policy
equals(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to boolean.
equals(double) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to double.
equals(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to int.
equals(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to the java.lang.String.
equals(JmlString) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to the JmlString.
execute(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Execute the Statement with the given sql.
execute() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Execute the Statement and return the status.
executeQuery(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Execute the Statement with the given Sql.
executeQuery() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Execute the Statement and return the ResultSet.
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Execute the Statement with the given Sql.
executeUpdate() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Execute the Statement and return the no of rows affected.


FALSE - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
The JmlBoolean object corresponding to the primitive value false.
FIXED_RETURN_NULL_SCHEME - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnCacheBean
FIXED_WAIT_SCHEME - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnCacheBean
FileAccessException - exception oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.FileAccessException.
FileAccessException(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.FileAccessException
FileAccessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.FileAccessException


getARRAY(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getApplication() - Method in class oracle.jsp.event.JspScopeEvent
Returns the JSP application (ServletContext) that this object is running in.
getArray(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getAsciiStream(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getAttachmentDisplayName() - Method in class
getAttrChanged() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
a public method used to check whether an attribute of cache policy is changed since construction / creation
getAutoCacheForOtherPath(HttpServletRequest, String, StringSectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
get a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path.
getAutoCacheForOtherPath(HttpServletRequest, String, Cookie[], StringSectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
get a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path.
getAutoType() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the type of this cache policy.
getBFILE(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getBLOB(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getBcc() - Method in class
getBigDecimal(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getBinaryStream(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getBlob(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getBoolean(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getByte(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getBytes(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getCHAR(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getCLOB(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getCache(HttpServletRequest, String, SectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the cache block (as CacheBlock) object) through this cache policy.
getCache(HttpServletRequest, SectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the cache block (as CacheBlock) object) through this cache policy.
getCache(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the cache block (as CacheBlock) object) through this cache policy.
getCacheRepositoryName() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the cache repository name used in this cache policy
getCc() - Method in class
getClientAttachment() - Method in class
getClob(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getCommitOnClose() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
getConnection() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Get the underlying connection object.
getContainer() - Method in class oracle.jsp.event.JspScopeEvent
Returns the JSP object that manages this scope.
getContent() - Method in class
getContentEncoding() - Method in class
getContentType() - Method in class
getCreationTime() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheBlock
To get the creation time of a cache block
getCurrentTime() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the current time from the cache repository specified in this cache policy.
getCursor(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getCursorBean(int, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Creates a cursor and returns a CursorBean.
getCustomDatum(int, CustomDatumFactory) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getDATE(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getData() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheBlock
To get the actual cache data of a cache block
getDataColumn() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
getDataColumn() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
getDataSource() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Get the datasource location from which connections will be obtained.
getDate(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getDayInaMonth() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
to get the day of a month when the monthly expiration happens (in integer)
getDayInaWeek() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
to get the day of a week when the weekly expiration happens (in integer)
getDebugCacheName(HttpServletRequest, String, SectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to generate the internal (for advanced debug purpose) cache name (most users do not need to call this function.)
getDestination() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
getDestinationType() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
getDouble(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getExecuteBatch() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Get the execute batch size for this connection bean.
getExecuteBatch() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Get the execute batch size for this cursor bean.
getExpirationPolicy() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the expiration policy object
getExpirationTime() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheBlock
To get the expiration time of a cache block
getExpirationTime(long) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
to calculate the expiration time based on the expiration policy and given current time
getExpirationType() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
get the type of the expiration (in integer)
getFileNameColumn() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
getFileNameColumn() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
getFileNames() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
return the list of file that were uploaded
getFileNames() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
return Enumeration of file names that were uploaded not available from corresponding tag
getFileType() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
getFileType() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
getFirstServerAttachment() - Method in class
getFloat(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getHost() - Method in class
getID() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
return Item ID
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to check whether cache is always ignored
getInitParameter(String) - Method in interface oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheConfig
getInitParameterNames() - Method in interface oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheConfig
getInt(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getJDBCConnection() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Get the underlying connection object.
getLong(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getMailSession() - Method in class
getMaxRows() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getMessage() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.FileAccessException
getMsg() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicyLoadingException
get the additional error message
getMsg() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheRuntimeException
To get the message, given during construction
getNUMBER(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getName() - Method in class oracle.jsp.event.JspScopeEvent
Returns the attribute name that the object being notified is registered with.
getNextServerAttachment() - Method in class
getObject(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getOracleObject(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getOverwrite() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
getParameter(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
return the list of file names as a comma separated string
getPassword() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Get the password for this connection bean.
getPassword() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
Get the password for this data access bean.
getPreFetch() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Get the Row prefetch size for this connection bean.
getPreFetch() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Get the Row prefetch size for this cursor bean.
getPrediction() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
return Item's prediction.
getPrefixColumn() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
getPrefixColumn() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
The queryTimeout limit is the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement to execute.
getRAW(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getREF(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getROWID(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getRecipient() - Method in class
getRecurse() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
getRef(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getReportException() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the value of reportException flag.
getResultAsHTMLTable(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Execute the Sql and return the result as a HTM Table.
getResultAsHTMLTable() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Execute the Sql and return the result as a HTM Table.
getResultAsHTMLTable(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
Execute the Sql and return the result as a HTM Table.
getResultAsXMLDocument(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Execute the Sql and return the result as a XML String
getResultAsXMLString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Execute the Sql and return the result as a XML String Sql string is the one that was used at creation time.
getResultAsXMLString(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Execute the Sql and return the result as a XML String
getResultAsXMLString(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
Execute the Sql and return the result as a XML String
getResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Return the concurrency level set for this cursor.
getResultSetType() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Return the result type set for this cursor.
getReusableDeltaTime() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the reusable delta time
getReusableTimeStamp() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the reusable time stamp
getRootCause() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicyLoadingException
get the root cause of the error
getRootCause() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheRuntimeException
To get the root cause exception object, given during construction
getSTRUCT(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getScope() - Method in class oracle.jsp.event.JspScopeEvent
Returns the JSP scope that is ending.
getScope() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the scope of the cache policy: session or application.
getSelectedCookies() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the String array of selected cookies of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_QUERYSTR, TYPE_URI_ALLPARAM, TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
getSelectedParam() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to get the array of selected HTTP parameters of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM.
getSender() - Method in class
getServerAttachment() - Method in class
getServletConfig() - Method in interface oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheConfig
getSession() - Method in class
getShort(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getSkipRows() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getSource() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
getSourceType() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
getStmtCacheSize() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Get the statement cache size set for this connection bean.
getString(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getSubject() - Method in class
getTTL() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
get the TTL (time-to-live) value (in long)
getTable() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
getTable() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
getTime(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getTimeInaDay() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
get the time in a day (in seconds, in long) when the expiration happens (if the type is daily, weekly or monthly)
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getType() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
return Item type
getURL() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Get the URL for this connection bean.
getURL() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
Get the URL of the datasource to which connections are made.
getUnicodeStream(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getUpdateCount() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
getUser() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Get the user name for this connection bean.
getUser() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
Get the user name for this data access bean.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Returns the beans's value property as a boolean.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Returns the beans's value property as a double.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Returns the beans's value property as a int.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString
Returns the beans's value property as a java.lang.String.
getWriteThrough() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
to get the flag of the persistence write through flag


HttpDownloadBean - class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean.
This bean lists the files available for download based on the input criteria.
HttpDownloadBean() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
HttpUploadBean - class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean.
This bean receives a form based mutlipart encoded stream containing files and writes them out to the specified destination, which may be a directory in a filesystem or a column in a database.
HttpUploadBean() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean


INT_DIM_NAVIGATION - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
Constant representing NAVIGATION Interest Dimension
INT_DIM_PURCHASING - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
Constant representing PURCHASING Interest Dimension
INT_DIM_RATING - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
Constant representing RATING Interest Dimension
Item - class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item.
Item() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
Empty constructor
Item(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
Construct Item from string attributes
Item(String, long) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
Construct Item from string and long
inc() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.NumberSectionId
increment the value of current level of section id by 1.
invalidateCache(HttpServletRequest, String, SectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to invalidate the cache block object in the cache repository through this cache policy; the cache block object is identified by the passed-in parameters
invalidateCache(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to invalidate the cache block object in the cache repository through this cache policy; the cache block object is identified by the passed-in parameters
invalidateCache(HttpServletRequest, SectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to invalidate the cache block object in the cache repository through this cache policy; the cache block object is identified by the passed-in parameters
invalidateCacheLike(HttpServletRequest, String, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to invalidate a collection of cache blocks through this cache policy that matches with given paramaters
invalidateCacheLike(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to invalidate a collection of cache blocks through this cache policy that matches with given paramaters
invalidateCacheLike(HttpServletRequest, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to invalidate a collection of cache blocks through this cache policy that matches with given paramaters
invalidateCacheOtherPathLike(HttpServletRequest, String, Cookie[], int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
invalidate the caches of another page, not the one associated with the current request.
invalidateCacheOtherPathLike(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
invalidate the caches of another page, not the one associated with the current request.
isCategory() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
return true iff item is a Category
isConnectionClosed() - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
isEmpty() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString
Tests whether the beans's value property is "".
isRecent(CacheBlock) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to test with a cache block is recent enough to reuse according to the reusableTimeStamp and reusableDeltaTime attribute, where reusableTimeStamp takes precedence over reusableDeltaTime.


JmlBoolean - class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean.
JmlBoolean wraps the primitive type boolean in a Java bean.
JmlBoolean() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Constructs a default JmlBoolean object.
JmlBoolean(boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Constructs a JmlBoolean object whose value is boolean.
JmlBoolean(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Constructs a JmlBoolean object whose value is represented by java.lang.String.
JmlBoolean(Boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Constructs a JmlBoolean object whose value is java.lang.Boolean .
JmlBoolean(JmlBoolean) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Constructs a JmlBoolean object whose value is taken from another JmlBoolean .
JmlFPNumber - class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber.
JmlFPNumber wraps the primitive type double in a Java bean.
JmlFPNumber() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Constructs a default JmlFPNumber object.
JmlFPNumber(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.String.
JmlFPNumber(Integer) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.Integer.
JmlFPNumber(int) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is int.
JmlFPNumber(Float) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.Float.
JmlFPNumber(float) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is float.
JmlFPNumber(Double) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is java.lang.Double.
JmlFPNumber(double) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is double.
JmlFPNumber(JmlFPNumber) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Constructs a JmlFPNumber object whose value is JmlFPNumber.
JmlNumber - class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber.
JmlNumber wraps the primitive type int in a Java bean.
JmlNumber() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Constructs a default JmlNumber object.
JmlNumber(int) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Constructs a JmlNumber object whose value is int.
JmlNumber(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Constructs a JmlNumber object whose value is java.lang.String.
JmlNumber(Integer) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Constructs a JmlNumber object whose value is java.lang.Integer.
JmlNumber(JmlNumber) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Constructs a JmlNumber object whose value is JmlNumber.
JmlString - class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString.
JmlString wraps the primitive type int in a Java bean.
JmlString() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString
Constructs a default JmlString object.
JmlString(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString
Constructs a JmlString object whose value is java.lang.String.
JmlString(JmlString) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString
Constructs a JmlString object whose value is JmlString.
JspScopeEvent - class oracle.jsp.event.JspScopeEvent.
The JSP "out of scope" event.
JspScopeEvent(ServletContext, Object, String, int) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.event.JspScopeEvent
JspScopeListener - interface oracle.jsp.event.JspScopeListener.


listFiles(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
List the files available for download
lookupPolicy(ServletConfig, HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheClientUtil
A method to lookup and construct a cache policy object from a cache policy file


m_batchSize - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_batchSize - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
m_commitOnClose - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_conn - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_conn - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
m_context - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_datasource - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_location - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_maxRows - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
m_password - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_preFetch - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_preFetch - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
m_queryTimeout - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
m_registered - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_resetAutoCommit - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_rsetCon - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
m_rsetType - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
m_scSize - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_skipRows - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
m_sql - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
m_stmt - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
m_stmtType - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
m_url - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
m_user - Variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
markupBegin(ServletContext, HttpServletRequest, Writer, String, SectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
an API to markup the beginning of a cache block; mainly for future integration with downstream level-3 caching; not being used by external users as of this version
markupEnd(ServletContext, HttpServletRequest, Writer, String, SectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
an API to markup the end of a cache block; mainly for future integration with downstream level-3 caching; not being used by external users as of this version


NumberSectionId - class oracle.jsp.jwcache.NumberSectionId.
NumberSectionId is an id of a cache block or a cache section within a certain web page.
NumberSectionId() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.NumberSectionId
Simple null constructor of NumberSectionId objects.
NumberSectionId(NumberSectionId) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.NumberSectionId
Copy constructor of NumberSectionId objects.


oracle.jsp.dbutil - package oracle.jsp.dbutil
oracle.jsp.event - package oracle.jsp.event
oracle.jsp.jml - package oracle.jsp.jml
oracle.jsp.jwcache - package oracle.jsp.jwcache
oracle.jsp.util - package oracle.jsp.util - package
oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess - package oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess
oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization - package oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization
outOfScope(JspScopeEvent) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
outOfScope(JspScopeEvent) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnCacheBean
outOfScope(JspScopeEvent) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
outOfScope(JspScopeEvent) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
outOfScope(JspScopeEvent) - Method in interface oracle.jsp.event.JspScopeListener
Invoked when a JSP scope that this object is attached to is ending.


PLAIN_STMT - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
PREP_STMT - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
PublicUtil - class oracle.jsp.util.PublicUtil.
This class is a collection of static utility API methods, which are intended for public external usage
PublicUtil() - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.util.PublicUtil
parseSpaceDelimitedString(String) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
a convenient method to parse a space delimited String into a String array
popLevel() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.NumberSectionId
decrement the levels of the section id by one to represent leaving the current nested level to a less nested level.
pushLevel() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.NumberSectionId
increment the levels of the section id by one to represent one more nested leve of cache block / section.
putAutoCacheForOtherPath(Object, HttpServletRequest, String, StringSectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
put a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path.
putAutoCacheForOtherPath(Object, HttpServletRequest, String, Cookie[], StringSectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
put a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path.
putCache(Object, HttpServletRequest, String, SectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to put an object into the cache repository through this cache policy.
putCache(Object, HttpServletRequest, SectionId) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to put an object into the cache repository through this cache policy.
putCache(Object, HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to put an object into the cache repository through this cache policy.


REUSABLE_ALWAYS - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the integer constant to specify the cache is always reusable if it exists / it has not expired yet.
REUSABLE_IGNORED - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the String constant used to specify "ignored" values in reusableTimeStamp and reusableDeltaTime
refreshPolicy(ServletConfig, HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheClientUtil
A method to reload, re-parse and re-construct a cache policy object from a cache policy file
registerOutParameter(int, int, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
registerOutParameter(int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
registerOutParameter(int, int, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
registerOutParameter(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
resetAttrChanged() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
a protected method used internally to mark an attribute of cache policy is NOT changed since construction / creation


SCOPE_APP - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the integer constant to specify the scope of cache as application / servlet context
SCOPE_APP_STR - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the string constant to specify the scope of cache as applcation / servlet context
SCOPE_SESSION - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the integer constant to specify the scope of cache as HTTP session
SCOPE_SESSION_STR - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the string constant to specify the scope of cache as HTTP session
SECTION_ID - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
internal name of auto counter section id of JSP cache fragments used in pageContext
SESSION_CACHE_REPO - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
internal name of the HTTP-session-scoped cache repository used in HTTP session
SectionId - interface oracle.jsp.jwcache.SectionId.
SectionId is an id of a cache block or a cache section within a certain web page.
SendMailBean - class
Send an email using host or Javamail session information.
SendMailBean() - Constructor for class
Create a new sendMailBean
StringSectionId - class oracle.jsp.jwcache.StringSectionId.
String version of SectionId (as opposed to NumberSectionId).
StringSectionId(String) - Constructor for class oracle.jsp.jwcache.StringSectionId
The constructor of StringSectionId: the given string cannot be null; cannot be zero length; cannot begin with a number
sendMessage(PageContext) - Method in class
sendMessage() - Method in class
setARRAY(int, ARRAY) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setArray(int, Array) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setAttachmentDisplayName(String) - Method in class
setAttachmentPermission(ServletContext, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
return the list of file names as a comma separated string not avaliable from the corresponding tag name does not include the base dir
setAttrChanged() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
a protected method used internally to mark an attribute of cache policy is changed since construction / creation
setAutoType(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the type of this cache policy with an integer parameter
setAutoType(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set type of this cache policy with a String parameter
setBFILE(int, BFILE) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setBLOB(int, BLOB) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setBaseDir(ServletContext, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setBaseDir(ServletContext, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setBcc(String) - Method in class
setBfile(int, BFILE) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setCHAR(int, CHAR) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setCLOB(int, CLOB) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setCacheRepositoryName(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the cache repository name used in this cache policy (the definition of cache repository, including the name, is specified in /WEB-INF/wcache.xml)
setCategory() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
set Item type to "Category"
setCc(String) - Method in class
setClientAttachment(String) - Method in class
setClob(int, Clob) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setCommitOnClose(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
setConnBean(ConnBean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Set the underlying connection bean.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
setConnection(ConnBean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setConnection(ConnBean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setContent(String) - Method in class
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class
setContentType(String) - Method in class
setCursor(int, ResultSet) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setCustomDatum(int, CustomDatum) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setDATE(int, DATE) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setDataColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setDataColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setDataSource(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Set the datasource location from which connections will be obtained.
setDate(int, Date) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setDayInaMonth(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
to set the day of a month when the monthly expiration happens (in integer)
setDayInaWeek(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
to set the day of a week when the weekly expiration happens (in integer)
setDayInaWeek(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
to set the day of a week when the weekly expiration happens (in String)
setDestination(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setDestinationType(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setDestinationType(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setExecuteBatch(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Set the Execute Batch Size for DMLs.
setExecuteBatch(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Set the Execute Batch Size for DMLs.
setExpirationPolicy(ExpirationPolicy) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the expiration policy of this cache policy
setExpirationType(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
set the type of the expiration (in integer)
setExpirationType(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
set the type of the expiration (in String)
setFileNameColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setFileNameColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setFileType(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setFileType(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setFileType(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setFileType(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setFixedCHAR(int, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setHost(String) - Method in class
setID(long) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
set Item ID
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set whether cache is always ignored
setIgnoreCache(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set whether cache is always ignored
setInt(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setLong(int, long) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setMailSession(Session) - Method in class
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setNUMBER(int, NUMBER) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setNull(int, int, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setNull(int, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setObject(int, Object) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setOracleObject(int, Datum) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setOverwrite(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setOverwrite(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Set the password with which connections have to be obtained.
setPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
Set the password with which connections have to be obtained.
setPreFetch(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Set the Row prefetch size for the rows returned for queries.
setPreFetch(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Set the Row prefetch size for the rows returned for queries.
setPrefixColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setPrefixColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
The queryTimeout limit is the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement to execute.
setRAW(int, RAW) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setREF(int, REF) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setROWID(int, ROWID) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setRecipient(String) - Method in class
setRecurse(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setRecurse(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setRef(int, Ref) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setRefType(int, REF) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setReportException(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set whether a CacheRuntimeException is generated during cache operations.
setReportException(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set whether a CacheRuntimeException is generated during cache operations.
setReqCharacterEncoding(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.util.PublicUtil
The emulation of "request.setCharacterEncoding(String encoding)" when using OracleJSP on Apache/JServ.
setResultSetConcurrency(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Set the ResultSet Concurrency for the cursor.
setResultSetType(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
Set the ResultType for the cursor created.
setReusableDeltaTime(long) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the reusable delta time
setReusableDeltaTime(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the reusable delta time
setReusableTimeStamp(Date) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the reusable time stamp
setReusableTimeStamp(long) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the reusable time stamp
setReusableTimeStamp(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the reusable time stamp
setSTRUCT(int, STRUCT) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setScope(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the scope of this cache policy: session or application with an integer parameter.
setScope(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the scope of this cache policy: session or application with a String parameter
setSelectedCookies(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the String array of selected cookies of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_QUERYSTR, TYPE_URI_ALLPARAM, TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
setSelectedCookies(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the selected cookies of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_QUERYSTR, TYPE_URI_ALLPARAM, TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
setSelectedParam(String[]) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the selected HTTP parameters of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
setSelectedParam(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to set the selected HTTP parameters of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
setSender(String) - Method in class
setServerAttachment(String) - Method in class
setSession(String) - Method in class
setShort(int, short) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setSkipRows(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setSource(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setSourceType(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setSourceType(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setStmtCacheSize(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Enable and set the statement cache size.
setString(int, String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setSubject(String) - Method in class
setTTL(long) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
set the TTL (time-to-live) value (in long)
setTable(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpDownloadBean
setTable(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setTempUpload(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setTempUpload(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
setTime(int, Time) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setTimeInaDay(long) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
set the time in a day (in seconds, in long) when the expiration happens (if the type is daily, weekly or monthly)
setTimeInaDay(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
set the time in a day (in String, in "00:00:00" format) when the expiration happens (if the type is daily, weekly or monthly)
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setType(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.personalization.Item
set Item type
setTypedValue(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.String.
setTypedValue(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.Boolean.
setTypedValue(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Sets the beans's value property to the boolean.
setTypedValue(JmlBoolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Sets the beans's value property to the JmlBoolean.
setTypedValue(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.String.
setTypedValue(Integer) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.Integer.
setTypedValue(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the int.
setTypedValue(Float) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.Float.
setTypedValue(float) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the float.
setTypedValue(Double) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.Double.
setTypedValue(double) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the double.
setTypedValue(JmlFPNumber) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the JmlFPNumber.
setTypedValue(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.String.
setTypedValue(Integer) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.Integer.
setTypedValue(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the int.
setTypedValue(JmlNumber) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the JmlNumber.
setTypedValue(JmlString) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString
Sets the beans's value property to the JmlString.
setTypedValue(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.String.
setURL(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Set the URL from which connections have to be obtained.
setURL(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
Set the URL of the datasource to which connection have to be obtained.
setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
setUser(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
Set the user name with which connections have to be obtained.
setUser(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.DBBean
Set the user name with which connections have to be obtained.
setValue(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Sets the beans's value property to the boolean.
setValue(double) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the double.
setValue(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Sets the beans's value property to the int.
setValue(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString
Sets the beans's value property to the java.lang.String.
setWriteThrough(boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
to set the flag of the persistence write through flag
setWriteThrough(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
to set the flag of the persistence write through flag (by String)
setWriterEncoding(JspWriter, String) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.util.PublicUtil
to set special char set (non-IANA charset, for example, "MS950") in JspWriter.
sortEnum(Enumeration) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
a convenient method to sort an Enumeration of Strings


TRUE - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
The JmlBoolean object corresponding to the primitive value true.
TYPE_DAILY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
integer constant for expiration type: daily - daily expiration at a fixed time
TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
TYPE_MONTHLY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
integer constant for expiration type: monthly - monthly expiration at a fixed time at a fixed day
TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.CursorBean
TYPE_STRS - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the array of string constants that represents different types of cache policy
TYPE_STRS - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
expiration type keyword strings: TTL, daily, weekly, monthly
TYPE_TTL - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
integer constant for expiration type: TTL - Time To Live
TYPE_URI_ALLPARAM - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus all parameters naming
TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus excluded parameters naming
TYPE_URI_ONLY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI only naming
TYPE_URI_QUERYSTR - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus query string naming
TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus selected parameters naming
TYPE_USERSPECIFIED - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as user specified naming
TYPE_WEEKLY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
integer constant for expiration type: weekly - weekly expiration at a fixed time at a fixed day
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Returns the beans's value property as a java.lang.String.
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Returns the beans's value property as a java.lang.String.
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Returns the beans's value property as a java.lang.String.
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlString
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheBlock
To get the description string of this cache block for debugging purpose
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy
to generate the string of description of this cache policy in XML format
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicyLoadingException
get the description string of the exception: including the additional error message and the root cause
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.CacheRuntimeException
To get the description string of this cache runtime exception.
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
to get the XML-based description string of the expiration policy
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.NumberSectionId
get the string of the section id.
toString() - Method in interface oracle.jsp.jwcache.SectionId
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.StringSectionId
toString() - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.FileAccessException
translateToHTMLTable(ResultSet) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.BeanUtil
Takes a ResultSet and return an HTML Table
translateToHTMLTable(ResultSet, int) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.BeanUtil
translateToXML(Connection, String, ResultSet) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.BeanUtil
Takes a Query String and Result Set and
translateToXML(Connection, String, ResultSet, int) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.BeanUtil
translateToXMLDocument(Connection, String, ResultSet, int) - Static method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.BeanUtil
typedEquals(Boolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.Boolean.
typedEquals(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.String.
typedEquals(JmlBoolean) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlBoolean
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to JmlBoolean.
typedEquals(Integer) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.Integer.
typedEquals(int) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to int.
typedEquals(Float) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.Float.
typedEquals(float) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to float.
typedEquals(Double) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.Double.
typedEquals(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.String.
typedEquals(JmlFPNumber) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlFPNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to JmlFPNumber.
typedEquals(Integer) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.Integer.
typedEquals(String) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to java.lang.String.
typedEquals(JmlNumber) - Method in class oracle.jsp.jml.JmlNumber
Tests whether the beans's value property is equal to JmlNumber.


upload(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class oracle.jsp.webutil.fileaccess.HttpUploadBean
Upload the files from the form based request


valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean
valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnBean


WEEKLY_FRIDAY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
integer constant for weekly expiration on Friday
WEEKLY_MONDAY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
integer constant for weekly expiration on Monday
WEEKLY_SATURDAY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
integer constant for weekly expiration on Saturday
WEEKLY_STRS - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
weekly expiration type keyword strings: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
WEEKLY_SUNDAY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
integer constant for weekly expiration on Sunday
WEEKLY_THURSDAY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
integer constant for weekly expiration on Thursday
WEEKLY_TUESDAY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
integer constant for weekly expiration on Tuesday
WEEKLY_WEDNESDAY - Static variable in class oracle.jsp.jwcache.ExpirationPolicy
integer constant for weekly expiration on Wednesday


Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Support for JavaServer Pages API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Copyright © 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.