Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Support for JavaServer Pages API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Class CachePolicy

  extended byoracle.jsp.jwcache.CachePolicy

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CachePolicy
extends java.lang.Object

CachePolicy is a class that represents a cache policy in Oracle Java Web Cache. Apart from holding cache policy attributes, such as, "selected parameters", expiration policy and cache repository name, a CachePolicy object also have methods for cache operation, e.g. putCache and getCache to store and get cache through the cache policy. A cache policy object is constructed upon usage of OracleJSP cache tag. All cache operations are performed through this CachePolicy.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the application invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
static java.lang.String AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL_STR
AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the application invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_COOKIE_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the cookie invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_COOKIE_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the cookie invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PAGE_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the page invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
static java.lang.String AUTO_INVALIDATE_PAGE_LEVEL_STR
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PAGE_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the page invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PARAM_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the parameter invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PARAM_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the parameter invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
AUTO_INVALIDATE_UNDEFINED is the integer constant that represents the undefined invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e.
static java.lang.String CACHE_POLICIES
internal name of the table of cache policy objects used in servlet context
static java.lang.String CACHE_REPOS
internal name of the table of cache repository objects used in servlet context
static java.lang.String CACHENAME_AUTO
the internal string constant used in generating the internal name of caches which is NOT under TYPE_USERSPECIFIED.
static java.lang.String CACHENAME_USER
the internal string constant used in generating the internal name of caches which is under TYPE_USERSPECIFIED.
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_REPO_NAME
the name of the default cache repository
the integer constant to specify the cache is always reusable if it exists / it has not expired yet.
static java.lang.String REUSABLE_IGNORED
the String constant used to specify "ignored" values in reusableTimeStamp and reusableDeltaTime
static int SCOPE_APP
the integer constant to specify the scope of cache as application / servlet context
static java.lang.String SCOPE_APP_STR
the string constant to specify the scope of cache as applcation / servlet context
static int SCOPE_SESSION
the integer constant to specify the scope of cache as HTTP session
static java.lang.String SCOPE_SESSION_STR
the string constant to specify the scope of cache as HTTP session
static java.lang.String SECTION_ID
internal name of auto counter section id of JSP cache fragments used in pageContext
static java.lang.String SESSION_CACHE_REPO
internal name of the HTTP-session-scoped cache repository used in HTTP session
static java.lang.String[] TYPE_STRS
the array of string constants that represents different types of cache policy
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus all parameters naming
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus excluded parameters naming
static int TYPE_URI_ONLY
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI only naming
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus query string naming
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus selected parameters naming
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as user specified naming

Constructor Summary
CachePolicy(CachePolicy cPolicy)
copy constructor of cache policy
CachePolicy(javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
Default cache policy constructor
protected CachePolicy(javax.servlet.ServletConfig config, boolean attrChanged, boolean ignoreCache, int scope, int autoType, java.lang.String[] selectedParameters, java.lang.String[] selectedCookies, long reusableTimeStamp, long reusableDeltaTime, ExpirationPolicy expirationPolicyObj, java.lang.String repoName, boolean reportException)
a protected cache policy constructor that accepts each member as an individual argument.
CachePolicy(javax.servlet.ServletConfig config, CachePolicy cPolicy)
copy constructor of cache policy with an overriding servlet config object.

Method Summary
static int autoInvalidateStrToLevelInt(java.lang.String s)
the convenient method to convert the AUTO INVALIDATE LEVEL String to the corresponding the AUTO INVALIDATE LEVEL integer constant, which is used in invalidateCacheLike method.
boolean getAttrChanged()
a public method used to check whether an attribute of cache policy is changed since construction / creation
CacheBlock getAutoCacheForOtherPath(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String otherPath, javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] newCookies, StringSectionId sectionId)
get a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path.
CacheBlock getAutoCacheForOtherPath(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String otherPath, StringSectionId sectionId)
get a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path.
int getAutoType()
to get the type of this cache policy.
CacheBlock getCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, SectionId sectionId)
to get the cache block (as CacheBlock) object) through this cache policy.
CacheBlock getCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String specifiedName)
to get the cache block (as CacheBlock) object) through this cache policy.
CacheBlock getCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String specifiedName, SectionId sectionId)
to get the cache block (as CacheBlock) object) through this cache policy.
java.lang.String getCacheRepositoryName()
to get the cache repository name used in this cache policy
java.util.Date getCurrentTime()
to get the current time from the cache repository specified in this cache policy.
java.lang.String getDebugCacheName(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String specifiedName, SectionId sectionId)
to generate the internal (for advanced debug purpose) cache name (most users do not need to call this function.)
ExpirationPolicy getExpirationPolicy()
to get the expiration policy object
boolean getIgnoreCache()
to check whether cache is always ignored
boolean getReportException()
to get the value of reportException flag.
long getReusableDeltaTime()
to get the reusable delta time
java.util.Date getReusableTimeStamp()
to get the reusable time stamp
int getScope()
to get the scope of the cache policy: session or application.
java.lang.String[] getSelectedCookies()
to get the String array of selected cookies of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_QUERYSTR, TYPE_URI_ALLPARAM, TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
java.lang.String[] getSelectedParam()
to get the array of selected HTTP parameters of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM.
void invalidateCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, SectionId sectionId)
to invalidate the cache block object in the cache repository through this cache policy; the cache block object is identified by the passed-in parameters
void invalidateCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String specifiedName)
to invalidate the cache block object in the cache repository through this cache policy; the cache block object is identified by the passed-in parameters
void invalidateCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String specifiedName, SectionId sectionId)
to invalidate the cache block object in the cache repository through this cache policy; the cache block object is identified by the passed-in parameters
void invalidateCacheLike(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, int autoInvalidateLevel)
to invalidate a collection of cache blocks through this cache policy that matches with given paramaters
void invalidateCacheLike(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String specifiedName)
to invalidate a collection of cache blocks through this cache policy that matches with given paramaters
void invalidateCacheLike(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String specifiedName, int autoInvalidateLevel)
to invalidate a collection of cache blocks through this cache policy that matches with given paramaters
void invalidateCacheOtherPathLike(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String otherPath)
invalidate the caches of another page, not the one associated with the current request.
void invalidateCacheOtherPathLike(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String otherPath, javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] newCookies, int autoInvalidateLevel)
invalidate the caches of another page, not the one associated with the current request.
boolean isRecent(CacheBlock block)
to test with a cache block is recent enough to reuse according to the reusableTimeStamp and reusableDeltaTime attribute, where reusableTimeStamp takes precedence over reusableDeltaTime.
void markupBegin(javax.servlet.ServletContext sc, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, out, java.lang.String specifiedName, SectionId sectionId)
an API to markup the beginning of a cache block; mainly for future integration with downstream level-3 caching; not being used by external users as of this version
void markupEnd(javax.servlet.ServletContext sc, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, out, java.lang.String specifiedName, SectionId sectionId)
an API to markup the end of a cache block; mainly for future integration with downstream level-3 caching; not being used by external users as of this version
static java.lang.String[] parseSpaceDelimitedString(java.lang.String s)
a convenient method to parse a space delimited String into a String array
void putAutoCacheForOtherPath(java.lang.Object obj, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String otherPath, javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] newCookies, StringSectionId sectionId)
put a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path.
void putAutoCacheForOtherPath(java.lang.Object obj, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String otherPath, StringSectionId sectionId)
put a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path.
void putCache(java.lang.Object obj, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, SectionId sectionId)
to put an object into the cache repository through this cache policy.
void putCache(java.lang.Object obj, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String specifiedName)
to put an object into the cache repository through this cache policy.
void putCache(java.lang.Object obj, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, java.lang.String specifiedName, SectionId sectionId)
to put an object into the cache repository through this cache policy.
protected void resetAttrChanged()
a protected method used internally to mark an attribute of cache policy is NOT changed since construction / creation
protected void setAttrChanged()
a protected method used internally to mark an attribute of cache policy is changed since construction / creation
void setAutoType(int autoType)
to set the type of this cache policy with an integer parameter
void setAutoType(java.lang.String s)
to set type of this cache policy with a String parameter
void setCacheRepositoryName(java.lang.String repoName)
to set the cache repository name used in this cache policy (the definition of cache repository, including the name, is specified in /WEB-INF/wcache.xml)
void setExpirationPolicy(ExpirationPolicy expirationPolicyObj)
to set the expiration policy of this cache policy
void setIgnoreCache(boolean ignoreCache)
to set whether cache is always ignored
void setIgnoreCache(java.lang.String v)
to set whether cache is always ignored
void setReportException(boolean reportException)
to set whether a CacheRuntimeException is generated during cache operations.
void setReportException(java.lang.String reportExceptionStr)
to set whether a CacheRuntimeException is generated during cache operations.
void setReusableDeltaTime(long reusableDeltaTime)
to set the reusable delta time
void setReusableDeltaTime(java.lang.String s)
to set the reusable delta time
void setReusableTimeStamp(java.util.Date reusableTimeStamp)
to set the reusable time stamp
void setReusableTimeStamp(long reusableTimeStamp)
to set the reusable time stamp
void setReusableTimeStamp(java.lang.String s)
to set the reusable time stamp
void setScope(int scope)
to set the scope of this cache policy: session or application with an integer parameter.
void setScope(java.lang.String s)
to set the scope of this cache policy: session or application with a String parameter
void setSelectedCookies(java.lang.String selectedCookiesStr)
to set the selected cookies of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_QUERYSTR, TYPE_URI_ALLPARAM, TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
void setSelectedCookies(java.lang.String[] selectedCookies)
to set the String array of selected cookies of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_QUERYSTR, TYPE_URI_ALLPARAM, TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
void setSelectedParam(java.lang.String selectedParamStr)
to set the selected HTTP parameters of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
void setSelectedParam(java.lang.String[] selectedParameters)
to set the selected HTTP parameters of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
static java.util.Enumeration sortEnum(java.util.Enumeration enum)
a convenient method to sort an Enumeration of Strings
java.lang.String toString()
to generate the string of description of this cache policy in XML format

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int SCOPE_SESSION
the integer constant to specify the scope of cache as HTTP session
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCOPE_APP
the integer constant to specify the scope of cache as application / servlet context
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SCOPE_SESSION_STR
the string constant to specify the scope of cache as HTTP session
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SCOPE_APP_STR
the string constant to specify the scope of cache as applcation / servlet context
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TYPE_USERSPECIFIED
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as user specified naming
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TYPE_URI_ONLY
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI only naming
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TYPE_URI_QUERYSTR
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus query string naming
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TYPE_URI_ALLPARAM
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus all parameters naming
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus selected parameters naming
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
the integer constant to specify the cache policy type as URI plus excluded parameters naming
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String[] TYPE_STRS
the array of string constants that represents different types of cache policy


public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_REPO_NAME
the name of the default cache repository
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CACHE_REPOS
internal name of the table of cache repository objects used in servlet context
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CACHE_POLICIES
internal name of the table of cache policy objects used in servlet context
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SECTION_ID
internal name of auto counter section id of JSP cache fragments used in pageContext
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SESSION_CACHE_REPO
internal name of the HTTP-session-scoped cache repository used in HTTP session
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int REUSABLE_ALWAYS
the integer constant to specify the cache is always reusable if it exists / it has not expired yet. This integer constant can be used with reusableTimeStamp or reusableDeltaTime.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String REUSABLE_IGNORED
the String constant used to specify "ignored" values in reusableTimeStamp and reusableDeltaTime
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CACHENAME_USER
the internal string constant used in generating the internal name of caches which is under TYPE_USERSPECIFIED.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CACHENAME_AUTO
the internal string constant used in generating the internal name of caches which is NOT under TYPE_USERSPECIFIED.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AUTO_INVALIDATE_UNDEFINED
AUTO_INVALIDATE_UNDEFINED is the integer constant that represents the undefined invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED).

With automatic cache naming (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED), any cache block within a page will be stored under a hierachy. The hierarachy has levels in the following sequence:

For example, here is a request to a page:
Cookie: cookiename1=cookievalue1; cookiename2=cookievalue2
The request is to a "/dir1/dir2/abc.jsp" page under application "myapp" at host1 machine and port1 port number. The request is made with two parameters: "p1=v1&p2=v2" and two cookies (mentioned above).

Cache blocks associated with this request will be stored under a hierarachy in the following sequence:

When an invalidateCacheLike operation is performed with an automatic naming cache policy, an invalidation level can be passed as a parameter. When an invalidateCacheLike is performed with the request of the above example with the invalidation level of:
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL
AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the application invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED).
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AUTO_INVALIDATE_PAGE_LEVEL
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PAGE_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the page invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED).
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AUTO_INVALIDATE_PARAM_LEVEL
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PARAM_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the parameter invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED).
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AUTO_INVALIDATE_COOKIE_LEVEL
AUTO_INVALIDATE_COOKIE_LEVEL is the integer constant that represents the cookie invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED).
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL_STR
AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the application invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED).
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String AUTO_INVALIDATE_PAGE_LEVEL_STR
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PAGE_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the page invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED).
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String AUTO_INVALIDATE_PARAM_LEVEL_STR
AUTO_INVALIDATE_PARAM_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the parameter invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED).
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String AUTO_INVALIDATE_COOKIE_LEVEL_STR
AUTO_INVALIDATE_COOKIE_LEVEL_STR is the string constant that represents the cookie invalidate level for automatic naming cache (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED).
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public CachePolicy(javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
Default cache policy constructor

By default, the scope is application; type is "all parameters"; always resuse cache; using default expiration policy and default cache repository; report runtime exception.

config - the servlet config object used in this cache policy


public CachePolicy(CachePolicy cPolicy)
copy constructor of cache policy


public CachePolicy(javax.servlet.ServletConfig config,
                   CachePolicy cPolicy)
copy constructor of cache policy with an overriding servlet config object.

This constructor will copy all fields of the given cache policy, except the servlet config object. This constructor will use the given servlet config object instead.


protected CachePolicy(javax.servlet.ServletConfig config,
                      boolean attrChanged,
                      boolean ignoreCache,
                      int scope,
                      int autoType,
                      java.lang.String[] selectedParameters,
                      java.lang.String[] selectedCookies,
                      long reusableTimeStamp,
                      long reusableDeltaTime,
                      ExpirationPolicy expirationPolicyObj,
                      java.lang.String repoName,
                      boolean reportException)
a protected cache policy constructor that accepts each member as an individual argument. This constructor is not being used by external users directly.

Method Detail


protected void setAttrChanged()
a protected method used internally to mark an attribute of cache policy is changed since construction / creation


protected void resetAttrChanged()
a protected method used internally to mark an attribute of cache policy is NOT changed since construction / creation


public boolean getAttrChanged()
a public method used to check whether an attribute of cache policy is changed since construction / creation
the boolean value of whether an attribute is changed since creation


public boolean getIgnoreCache()
to check whether cache is always ignored
the boolean value of whether cache is always ignored


public void setIgnoreCache(boolean ignoreCache)
to set whether cache is always ignored
ignoreCache - the boolean parameter of this setter method


public void setIgnoreCache(java.lang.String v)
to set whether cache is always ignored


public int getScope()
to get the scope of the cache policy: session or application.

Please refer to the SCOPE_* constants defined in this class.

the integer value that represents the scope of this cache policy


public void setScope(int scope)
to set the scope of this cache policy: session or application with an integer parameter.

Please refer to the SCOPE_* constants defined in this class.

scope - the integer parameter that set the scope of this cache policy


public void setScope(java.lang.String s)
to set the scope of this cache policy: session or application with a String parameter

Please refer to the SCOPE_* constants defined in this class.


public int getAutoType()
to get the type of this cache policy.

Please refer to the TYPE_* constants defined in this class.

the integer value that represents the type of this cache policy.


public void setAutoType(int autoType)
to set the type of this cache policy with an integer parameter

Please refer to the TYPE_* constants defined in this class.

autoType - the integer parameter that specifies the type of this cache policy


public void setAutoType(java.lang.String s)
to set type of this cache policy with a String parameter

Please refer to the TYPE_* constants defined in this class.

s - the String parameter that specifies the type of this cache policy


public static java.lang.String[] parseSpaceDelimitedString(java.lang.String s)
a convenient method to parse a space delimited String into a String array


public java.lang.String[] getSelectedParam()
to get the array of selected HTTP parameters of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM.
a String array of selected HTTP parameters


public void setSelectedParam(java.lang.String[] selectedParameters)
to set the selected HTTP parameters of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
selectedParameters - the String array that specifies HTTP parameters to set in this cache policy


public void setSelectedParam(java.lang.String selectedParamStr)
to set the selected HTTP parameters of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
selectedParamStr - the space delimited String that specifies a list of HTTP parameters to set in this cache policy


public java.lang.String[] getSelectedCookies()
to get the String array of selected cookies of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_QUERYSTR, TYPE_URI_ALLPARAM, TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
the String array of selected cookies of this cache policy


public void setSelectedCookies(java.lang.String[] selectedCookies)
to set the String array of selected cookies of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_QUERYSTR, TYPE_URI_ALLPARAM, TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
selectedCookies - the String array of selected cookies to set


public void setSelectedCookies(java.lang.String selectedCookiesStr)
to set the selected cookies of this cache policy used in TYPE_URI_QUERYSTR, TYPE_URI_ALLPARAM, TYPE_URI_SELECTEDPARAM and TYPE_URI_EXCLUDEDPARAM
selectedCookiesStr - the space delimited String that specifies the selected cookies to set


public java.util.Date getReusableTimeStamp()
to get the reusable time stamp

Reusable time stamp is different from TTL in expiration policy. It does not affect the putCache or getCache operations. It does not affect the life span of cache. It affects the result of isRecent function, which is used in JSP Java Web Cache tags (e.g. <ojsp:cache >).

If the creation time of cache is more recent than the reusable time stamp, then that piece of cache will be recent enough (i.e. isRecent call) to be reused in JSP tags. Otherwise, when this cache policy is used as JSP tags, the logic of generating a fresh content will be re-executed. But, the newly generated content will NOT replace the existing copy of cache.

to get the reusable time stamp in java.util.Date


public void setReusableTimeStamp(java.util.Date reusableTimeStamp)
to set the reusable time stamp

For the semantics of reusable time stamp, please refer to getReusableTimeStamp

reusableTimeStamp - the java.util.Date parameter to set the reusable time stamp of this cache policy.


public void setReusableTimeStamp(long reusableTimeStamp)
to set the reusable time stamp

For the semantics of reusable time stamp, please refer to getReusableTimeStamp

reusableTimeStamp - the long parameter to set the reusable time stamp of this cache policy. The long value will be converted to java.util.Date internally.


public void setReusableTimeStamp(java.lang.String s)
                          throws java.text.ParseException
to set the reusable time stamp

For the semantics of reusable time stamp, please refer to getReusableTimeStamp

s - the String parameter to set the reusable time stamp of this cache policy. The long value will be converted to java.util.Date internally with one of the following date format strings:
  • yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss z
  • yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss
  • yyyy.MM.dd
It also accepts "ignored" special string constant.


public long getReusableDeltaTime()
to get the reusable delta time

Reusable delta time is similar reusable time stamp. It is different from TTL in expiration policy. It does not affect the putCache or getCache operations. It does not affect the life span of cache. It affects the result of isRecent function, which is used in JSP Java Web Cache tags (e.g. <ojsp:cache >).

If the difference between the creation time of cache and the current time is smaller than the reusable delta time, then that piece of cache will be recent enough (i.e. isRecent call) to be reused in JSP tags. Otherwise, when this cache policy is used as JSP tags, the logic of generating a fresh content will be re-executed. But, the newly generated content will NOT replace the existing copy of cache.

to get the reusable delta time measured in seconds.


public void setReusableDeltaTime(long reusableDeltaTime)
to set the reusable delta time

For the semantics of reusable delta time, please refer to getReusableDeltaTime.

reusableDeltaTime - the long parameter to set the reusable delta time


public void setReusableDeltaTime(java.lang.String s)
                          throws java.lang.NumberFormatException
to set the reusable delta time

For the semantics of reusable delta time, please refer to getReusableDeltaTime.

s - the String parameter to set the reusable delta time; it will accepts the special string constant - "ignored".


public ExpirationPolicy getExpirationPolicy()
to get the expiration policy object
the expiration policy of this cache policy


public void setExpirationPolicy(ExpirationPolicy expirationPolicyObj)
to set the expiration policy of this cache policy
expirationPolicyObj - the expiration policy object to set


public void setCacheRepositoryName(java.lang.String repoName)
to set the cache repository name used in this cache policy (the definition of cache repository, including the name, is specified in /WEB-INF/wcache.xml)
repoName - the string parameter to specifiy the cache repository name used in this cache policy


public java.lang.String getCacheRepositoryName()
to get the cache repository name used in this cache policy
the cache repository name used in this cache policy


public void setReportException(boolean reportException)
to set whether a CacheRuntimeException is generated during cache operations.

e.g., getCache, putCache and invalidateCache. If this attribute is true, an exception will be triggered. Otherwise, the operation will fail silently and the error message will be logged to the servlet context log

reportException - the boolean parameter to set


public void setReportException(java.lang.String reportExceptionStr)
to set whether a CacheRuntimeException is generated during cache operations.

e.g., getCache, putCache and invalidateCache. If this attribute is true, an exception will be triggered. Otherwise, the operation will fail silently and the error message will be logged to the servlet context log

reportExceptionStr - the String parameter to set


public boolean getReportException()
to get the value of reportException flag.

For the semantics of this flag, please refer to the javadoc of setReportException

the boolean flag of reportException


public java.lang.String toString()
to generate the string of description of this cache policy in XML format


public java.lang.String getDebugCacheName(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                                          java.lang.String specifiedName,
                                          SectionId sectionId)
to generate the internal (for advanced debug purpose) cache name (most users do not need to call this function.)
req - the given HTTP servlet request
specifiedName - the given user specified name, when type is TYPE_USERSPECIFIED
sectionId - the given automatic cache block ID, when type is NOT TYPE_USERSPECIFIED
the generated string of the internal cache name


public static java.util.Enumeration sortEnum(java.util.Enumeration enum)
a convenient method to sort an Enumeration of Strings


public CacheBlock getCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                           java.lang.String specifiedName,
                           SectionId sectionId)
to get the cache block (as CacheBlock) object) through this cache policy. This is the comprehensive version of getCache API.
req - the current HTTP servlet request
specifiedName - the user specified cache name used, when the type of this cache policy is TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise
sectionId - the automatic-increment cach block id used, when the type of this cache policy is NOT TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise
the cache block object


public CacheBlock getCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                           SectionId sectionId)
to get the cache block (as CacheBlock) object) through this cache policy. This is the getCache API for NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED cache policies.
req - the current HTTP servlet request
sectionId - the automatic-increment cach block id used, when the type of this cache policy is NOT TYPE_USERSPECIFIED
the cache block object


public CacheBlock getCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                           java.lang.String specifiedName)
to get the cache block (as CacheBlock) object) through this cache policy. This is the getCache API for TYPE_USERSPECIFIED cache policies.
req - the current HTTP servlet request
specifiedName - the user specified cache name used, when the type of this cache policy is TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise
the cache block object


public java.util.Date getCurrentTime()
to get the current time from the cache repository specified in this cache policy. If the cache repository is not available, it will just return the current type by new java.util.Date()
the current time


public boolean isRecent(CacheBlock block)
to test with a cache block is recent enough to reuse according to the reusableTimeStamp and reusableDeltaTime attribute, where reusableTimeStamp takes precedence over reusableDeltaTime.

This method is called by the JSP tags to check whether the cache block is recent enough to be reused. If it is not recent enough, the JSP tags will execute the logic to generate a fresh copy of content without replacing the exising copy. The concept is different from TTL in expiration policies. Please refer the semantics of reusableTimeStamp and reusableDeltaTime.

block - the cache block to test
the boolean value that says whether the block is recent enough


public void putCache(java.lang.Object obj,
                     javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                     java.lang.String specifiedName,
                     SectionId sectionId)
to put an object into the cache repository through this cache policy.

This is the comprehensive version of putCache API.

The actual data object (passed into this API) that needs to be stored into the cache. Caller does NOT need to create the CacheBlock wrapper object to wrap the actual data object to use this putCache API. When getCache is called, the actual data object will be returned within a CacheBlock wrapper object, which contains other meta data (e.g. creation time)

obj - the actual data object
req - the current HTTP servlet request
specifiedName - the user specified cache name used, when the type of this cache policy is TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise
sectionId - the automatic-increment cach block id used, when the type of this cache policy is NOT TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise


public void putCache(java.lang.Object obj,
                     javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                     SectionId sectionId)
to put an object into the cache repository through this cache policy.

This is the putCache API for NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED cache policies.

The actual data object (passed into this API) that needs to be stored into the cache. Caller does NOT need to create the CacheBlock wrapper object to wrap the actual data object to use this putCache API. When getCache is called, the actual data object will be returned within a CacheBlock wrapper object, which contains other meta data (e.g. creation time)

obj - the actual data object
req - the current HTTP servlet request
sectionId - the automatic-increment cach block id used, when the type of this cache policy is NOT TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise


public void putCache(java.lang.Object obj,
                     javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                     java.lang.String specifiedName)
to put an object into the cache repository through this cache policy.

This is the putCache API for TYPE_USERSPECIFIED cache policies.

The actual data object (passed into this API) that needs to be stored into the cache. Caller does NOT need to create the CacheBlock wrapper object to wrap the actual data object to use this putCache API. When getCache is called, the actual data object will be returned within a CacheBlock wrapper object, which contains other meta data (e.g. creation time)

obj - the actual data object
req - the current HTTP servlet request
specifiedName - the user specified cache name used, when the type of this cache policy is TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise


public void invalidateCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                            java.lang.String specifiedName,
                            SectionId sectionId)
to invalidate the cache block object in the cache repository through this cache policy; the cache block object is identified by the passed-in parameters

This is the comprehensive version of invalidateCache API.

req - the current HTTP servlet request
specifiedName - the user specified cache name used, when the type of this cache policy is TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise
sectionId - the automatic-increment cach block id used, when the type of this cache policy is NOT TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise


public void invalidateCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                            java.lang.String specifiedName)
to invalidate the cache block object in the cache repository through this cache policy; the cache block object is identified by the passed-in parameters

This is the invalidateCache API for TYPE_USERSPECIFIED.

req - the current HTTP servlet request
specifiedName - the user specified cache name used, when the type of this cache policy is TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise


public void invalidateCache(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                            SectionId sectionId)
to invalidate the cache block object in the cache repository through this cache policy; the cache block object is identified by the passed-in parameters

This is the invalidateCache API for NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED.

req - the current HTTP servlet request
sectionId - the automatic-increment cach block id used, when the type of this cache policy is NOT TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise


public static int autoInvalidateStrToLevelInt(java.lang.String s)
the convenient method to convert the AUTO INVALIDATE LEVEL String to the corresponding the AUTO INVALIDATE LEVEL integer constant, which is used in invalidateCacheLike method. e.g. from AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL_STR to AUTO_INVALIDATE_APP_LEVEL.
s - the AUTO INVALIDATE LEVEL string parameter
the AUTO INVALIDATE LEVEL integer constant


public void invalidateCacheLike(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                                java.lang.String specifiedName,
                                int autoInvalidateLevel)
to invalidate a collection of cache blocks through this cache policy that matches with given paramaters

This is the comprehensive version of the invalidateCacheLikeAPI.

req - the current HTTP servlet request object
specifiedName - the user specified name used in TYPE_USERSPECIFIED cache policy; this parameter is ignored when the cache policy is NOT TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; this parameter may contain some embedded wildcard "*"; however, most of the cache repositories do not support embedded wildcard invalidation.
autoInvalidateLevel - the integer parameter that represents invalidation level; this parameter is used only with cache policies of auto types (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED); this parameter is ignored, otherwise


public void invalidateCacheLike(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                                java.lang.String specifiedName)
to invalidate a collection of cache blocks through this cache policy that matches with given paramaters

This is the invalidateCacheLikeAPI for TYPE_USERSPECIFIED cache policy.

req - the current HTTP servlet request object
specifiedName - the user specified name used in TYPE_USERSPECIFIED cache policy; this parameter is ignored when the cache policy is NOT TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; this parameter may contain some embedded wildcard "*"; however, most of the cache repositories do not support embedded wildcard invalidation.


public void invalidateCacheLike(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                                int autoInvalidateLevel)
to invalidate a collection of cache blocks through this cache policy that matches with given paramaters

This is the invalidateCacheLikeAPI for NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED cache policy.

req - the current HTTP servlet request object
autoInvalidateLevel - the integer parameter that represents invalidation level; this parameter is used only with cache policies of auto types (i.e. NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED); this parameter is ignored, otherwise


public void invalidateCacheOtherPathLike(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                                         java.lang.String otherPath,
                                         javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] newCookies,
                                         int autoInvalidateLevel)
invalidate the caches of another page, not the one associated with the current request.
req - the current HTTP servlet request; the invalidate operation will make use of the context path and the existing cookies, if new cookes are supplied
otherPath - the path of other URI of which developers want to invalidate caches; the path includes the page name and an optional parameter list; e.g., "/dir1/dir2/a.jsp" or "/dir3/b.jsp?p1=v1&p2=v2"; The new overriding page path and parameter will be used to invalidate caches
newCookies - the array of new cookies; if developers pass in an array of new cookies to this call, then the new set of cookies will be used to invalidate caches (when the cache policy selects some cookies and the invalidation level is down to the cookie level); if developers do not pass an array of new cookies, the cookies of the current request will be used to do invalidation
autoInvalidateLevel - the level of invalidation; if the caching policy is NON-TYPE_USERSPECIFIED / automatic naming, an invalidation level can be specified to set the level of the invalidation; they are application, page, parameter and cookie; please refer to AUTO_INVALIDATE_* integer constants defined in this class.


public void invalidateCacheOtherPathLike(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                                         java.lang.String otherPath)
invalidate the caches of another page, not the one associated with the current request. This API is a shorthand version designed for NON-TYPEUSERSPECIFIED / automatic naming caching policy.

This shorthand version will always reuse the cookies of the current HTTP request. And, the invalidation is set to the parameter level, if the otherPath contains an HTTP parameter list and a '?' character (e.g. "/dir3/b.jsp?p1=v1&p2=v2"). Otherwise, the invalidation is set to the page level.

req - the current HTTP servlet request; the invalidate operation will make use of the context path and the existing cookies, if new cookes are supplied
otherPath - the path of other URI of which developers want to invalidate caches; the path includes the page name and an optional parameter list; e.g., "/dir1/dir2/a.jsp" or "/dir3/b.jsp?p1=v1&p2=v2"; The new overriding page path and parameter will be used to invalidate caches


public void putAutoCacheForOtherPath(java.lang.Object obj,
                                     javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                                     java.lang.String otherPath,
                                     StringSectionId sectionId)
put a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path. The cache policy must NOT be TYPE_USERSPECIFIED, i.e. auto-type.
obj - the object being stored
req - the current HttpServletRequest
otherPath - the path of the other page where the cache entry will be attached to
sectionId - the string-based section id of which the cache entry is stored under


public void putAutoCacheForOtherPath(java.lang.Object obj,
                                     javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                                     java.lang.String otherPath,
                                     javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] newCookies,
                                     StringSectionId sectionId)
put a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path. The cache policy must NOT be TYPE_USERSPECIFIED, i.e. auto-type.
obj - the object being stored
req - the current HttpServletRequest
otherPath - the path of the other page where the cache entry will be attached to
newCookies - the array of new cookies; if developers pass in an array of new cookies to this call, then the new set of cookies will be used to store the cache; otherwise, the cookies of the current request will be used
sectionId - the string-based section id of which the cache entry is stored under


public CacheBlock getAutoCacheForOtherPath(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                                           java.lang.String otherPath,
                                           StringSectionId sectionId)
get a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path. The cache policy must NOT be TYPE_USERSPECIFIED, i.e. auto-type.
req - the current HttpServletRequest
otherPath - the path of the other page where the cache entry will be attached to
sectionId - the string-based section id of which the cache entry is stored under


public CacheBlock getAutoCacheForOtherPath(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                                           java.lang.String otherPath,
                                           javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] newCookies,
                                           StringSectionId sectionId)
get a cache entry for a specified string-based section id for the specified page path. The cache policy must NOT be TYPE_USERSPECIFIED, i.e. auto-type.
req - the current HttpServletRequest
otherPath - the path of the other page where the cache entry will be attached to
newCookies - the array of new cookies; if developers pass in an array of new cookies to this call, then the new set of cookies will be used to store the cache; otherwise, the cookies of the current request will be used
sectionId - the string-based section id of which the cache entry is stored under


public void markupBegin(javax.servlet.ServletContext sc,
                        javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                        java.lang.String specifiedName,
                        SectionId sectionId)
an API to markup the beginning of a cache block; mainly for future integration with downstream level-3 caching; not being used by external users as of this version
sc - the current servletcontext
req - the current HTTP servlet request
out - the current output writer
specifiedName - the user specified cache name used, when the type of this cache policy is TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise
sectionId - the automatic-increment cach block id used, when the type of this cache policy is NOT TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise


public void markupEnd(javax.servlet.ServletContext sc,
                      javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
                      java.lang.String specifiedName,
                      SectionId sectionId)
an API to markup the end of a cache block; mainly for future integration with downstream level-3 caching; not being used by external users as of this version
sc - the current servletcontext
req - the current HTTP servlet request
out - the current output writer
specifiedName - the user specified cache name used, when the type of this cache policy is TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise
sectionId - the automatic-increment cach block id used, when the type of this cache policy is NOT TYPE_USERSPECIFIED; it can be null, otherwise

Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Support for JavaServer Pages API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Copyright © 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.