Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

Class ConnectionInfo

  extended byoracle.jbo.html.jsp.ConnectionInfo

public class ConnectionInfo
extends java.lang.Object

Represents the connection information used by the ApplicationPool class in order to instantiate an ApplicationModule. View implementation of ConnectionInfo

Field Summary
static java.lang.String O8I_CONNECT_STRING
static java.lang.String SET_APP_MODULE
static java.lang.String SET_APP_PATH
static java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_MODE
static java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_CORBA
static java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_EJB
static java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_LOCAL
static java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_BINDING
static java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_COLOCATE
static java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_NAMING
static java.lang.String SET_CONNECTION_NAME
static java.lang.String SET_DAD_NAME
static java.lang.String SET_HOST_NAME
static java.lang.String SET_JNDI_PATH
static java.lang.String SET_PASSWORD
static java.lang.String SET_POOL_CLASS
static java.lang.String SET_USERNAME

Constructor Summary
ConnectionInfo(java.util.Hashtable props)
This constructor provides a convenient way to initialize the ConnectionInfo's variables by providing a Hashtable with the values for the various properties.

Method Summary
java.lang.String getAppModuleClass()
Returns the Class name of the Application Module represented by the ConnectionInfo class.
java.lang.String getConnectionName()
Returns the connection name
java.util.Hashtable getConnectionSettings()
Retrieves the Hashtable that contains all the connection parameters being used to instanciate an application module.
java.lang.String getConnectionType()
Returns the current value of connection type.
java.lang.String getConnectionUrl()
Returns the connection URL
java.lang.String getJndiPath()
Returns the Jndi path
java.lang.String getPassword()
Returns the current password.
java.lang.String getPoolClass()
Returns the Class name used for the ApplicationPool
java.lang.String getUserName()
void initializeConnectionSettings()
This function should be called after setting values for the ConnectionName,ConnectionType and Password properties.
void initializeFromConnectionName(java.lang.String sConnectionName)
static void populateHashTableWithRemoteConnectionInfo(java.util.Hashtable env, java.lang.String sRemoteConnectionName, java.lang.String sPassword, java.lang.String sJndiPath)
This is an internal function that populates a Hashtable with the HTTP connection information.
void setAppModuleClass(java.lang.String sClass)
Provides the Class name of the Application Module to be connected to.
void setConnectionName(java.lang.String sName)
Assigns the connection name.
void setConnectionSettings(java.util.Hashtable settings)
Sets the connection settings to be used for instanciating and Application Module.
void setConnectionType(java.lang.String sType)
Sets up the connection type.
void setConnectionUrl(java.lang.String sUrl)
Sets the connection URL to be used by the Application Module.
void setJndiPath(java.lang.String sPath)
Provides the Jndi Path required when connecting to an ApplicationModule deployed to Oracle 8i as an EJB or Corba object.
void setPassword(java.lang.String sPassword)
Provides the password.
void setPoolClass(java.lang.String sClass)
Provides the Class name for the Class that implements the ApplicationPool interface.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String O8I_CONNECT_STRING
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_MODE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_CONNECTION_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_PASSWORD
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_USERNAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_JNDI_PATH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_APP_MODULE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_POOL_CLASS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_APP_PATH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_HOST_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_DAD_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_LOCAL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_CORBA
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_8I_EJB
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_NAMING
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_BINDING
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SET_CONNECT_TYPE_VB_COLOCATE
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public ConnectionInfo()


public ConnectionInfo(java.util.Hashtable props)
  This constructor provides a convenient way to initialize the ConnectionInfo's variables by
  providing a Hashtable with the values for the various properties. The expected name/value pairs

    ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECT_MODE  - This can be Local, 8i or EJB
    ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECTION_NAME - The named connection to be used for getting the
                                         connection information.
    ConnectionInfo.SET_PASSWORD         - The password to be used in the connection URL
    ConnectionInfo.SET_USERNAME         - The user name to be used in the connection URL
    ConnectionInfo.SET_JNDI_PATH        - The JndiPath to be used (If applicable to the connection type)
    ConnectionInfo.SET_APP_MODULE       - The Class name for the application module to be instantiated
    ConnectionInfo.SET_POOL_CLASS       - The Class name of the class to use instead of the default
                                         ApplicationPool implementation class.
    ConnectionInfo.SET_APP_PATH         - application path ( maps to JboContext.APPLICATION_PATH)

   Here is a sample initialization of some of the parameters:

    Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(10);

    ht.put(ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECT_MODE , ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECT_TYPE_LOCAL);
    ht.put(ConnectionInfo.SET_CONNECTION_NAME, "Connection1");
    ht.put(ConnectionInfo.SET_APP_MODULE , "package1.Package1Module");


Method Detail


public java.lang.String getUserName()


public void initializeConnectionSettings()
This function should be called after setting values for the ConnectionName,ConnectionType and Password properties. It parses the connection information and generates the connection URL. If you are setting the connection URL directly, don't call this function or it will erase your current setting.


public void setPoolClass(java.lang.String sClass)
Provides the Class name for the Class that implements the ApplicationPool interface. If you application requires a specialization of the ApplicationPool interface, derive your class from the ApplicationPoolImpl class or implement the ApplicationPool interface in your new class. You can then assing you class name to the connectinfo prior to creating the named pool.


public java.lang.String getPoolClass()
Returns the Class name used for the ApplicationPool


public void setConnectionType(java.lang.String sType)
Sets up the connection type. It should be one of the folowing settings:


public java.lang.String getConnectionType()
Returns the current value of connection type.


public void setConnectionName(java.lang.String sName)
Assigns the connection name. The name must refer to a connection defined in the file. You must make sure you deploy the file as part of your application's classes.


public java.lang.String getConnectionName()
Returns the connection name


public java.util.Hashtable getConnectionSettings()
Retrieves the Hashtable that contains all the connection parameters being used to instanciate an application module.


public void setConnectionSettings(java.util.Hashtable settings)
Sets the connection settings to be used for instanciating and Application Module. Please look at the implementation of the initializeConnectionSettings() method for a sample usage.


public java.lang.String getAppModuleClass()
Returns the Class name of the Application Module represented by the ConnectionInfo class.


public void setAppModuleClass(java.lang.String sClass)
Provides the Class name of the Application Module to be connected to.


public java.lang.String getConnectionUrl()
Returns the connection URL


public void setConnectionUrl(java.lang.String sUrl)
Sets the connection URL to be used by the Application Module. This URL is passed the the ApplicationModule.connect() call.


public void setPassword(java.lang.String sPassword)
Provides the password. If you provided a connection URL, it must contain the password as part of it. This function should only be used if you are using the ConnectionName approach for initializing the connection string.


public java.lang.String getPassword()
Returns the current password.


public void setJndiPath(java.lang.String sPath)
Provides the Jndi Path required when connecting to an ApplicationModule deployed to Oracle 8i as an EJB or Corba object.


public java.lang.String getJndiPath()
Returns the Jndi path


public void initializeFromConnectionName(java.lang.String sConnectionName)


public static void populateHashTableWithRemoteConnectionInfo(java.util.Hashtable env,
                                                             java.lang.String sRemoteConnectionName,
                                                             java.lang.String sPassword,
                                                             java.lang.String sJndiPath)
This is an internal function that populates a Hashtable with the HTTP connection information.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02

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