Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02 | ||||||||||
Contains JClient classes that handle interaction with BC4J objects for various JClient bindings.
Interface Summary | |
JUCtrlInputValueHandler | |
JUErrorHandler | Implements reporting of all JClient and BC4J exceptions raised in the context of a JUFormBinding. |
JUStatusBarInterface | Implements status messages based on the current focus, current iterator, and current display mode of a JUPanel. |
JUTransactionStateListener | Implemented by controls/classes that need to react to a change in a BC4J transaction's state. |
Class Summary | |
JUAccessorIteratorDef | |
JUApplication | The application class that manages connection to a BC4J Application Module. |
JUBindingDefFactoryImpl | |
JUControlBinding | The base class for all binding objects in the JClient framework that bind a Swing control/model to a BC4J attribute(s). |
JUControlDef | |
JUCtrlActionBinding | Implements actions on BC4J RowIterator to which this control is bound. |
JUCtrlActionDef | |
JUCtrlAttrsBinding | A JUControlBinding class responsible for binding controls/models that are bound to a single Row object in the BC4J layer. |
JUCtrlAttrsDef | |
JUCtrlBoolBinding | Implements data binding support for controls that allow only one of two values, like a checkbox. |
JUCtrlBoolDef | |
JUCtrlHierBinding | |
JUCtrlHierDef | |
JUCtrlHierNodeBinding | |
JUCtrlHierTypeBinding | |
JUCtrlListBinding | A JUCtrlAttrsBinding class responsible displaying a list of values from a static list or a list calculated at runtime using another BC4J ViewObject/RowIterator. |
JUCtrlListDef | |
JUCtrlRangeBinding | A JUControlBinding class responsible for binding controls/models that are bound to a range of Row objects in the BC4J layer. |
JUCtrlRangeDef | |
JUCtrlScrollBinding | Implements binding of controls like Scrollbar, Slider, etc to a ViewObject. |
JUCtrlScrollDef | |
JUCtrlValueBinding | A JUControlBinding class responsible for maintaining which attribute(s) of a row this binding can display/update. |
JUCtrlValueBindingRef | The base class for all binding objects in the JClient framework that bind a Swing control/model to a BC4J attribute(s). |
JUCtrlValueDef | |
JUErrorHandlerThrow | Implements a default error handling class for the JClient framework. |
JUFormBinding | Corresponds to a Swing JFrame instance and manages bindings used in a frame. |
JUFormDef | |
JUIteratorBinding | JUIteratorBinding is the binding class that interacts with BC4J RowIterator objects to iterate over rows and provide the current row(s) to display to various control bindings. |
JUIteratorDef | |
JUIterRangeDef | |
JUIterRowDef | |
JUMethodIteratorDef | |
JUUtil | Contains some static utility methods used by the framework. |
Contains JClient classes that handle interaction with BC4J objects for various JClient bindings.
This package contains classes that access data from BC4J objects and pass it on to the JClient binding classes to update Swing models and controls. The binding classes in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui package inherit various types of control-binding classes in this package.
Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-02 | ||||||||||
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