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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Upgrade Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.1) for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit), Linux x86 and Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC)

Part Number B14490-03
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A Troubleshooting the Upgrade

This appendix describes common problems that you might encounter when upgrading to Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.1) and explains how to solve them. It contains the following topics:

A.1 Troubleshooting the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Upgrade

This section contains the following topics:

A.1.1 Upgrading the Database Version of the OracleAS Metadata Repository Database

The Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository requires an Oracle database. Before you upgrade to Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.1), your Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database must be the database versions described in Section 7.1.


When a newer version of Oracle Database is announced, should I upgrade the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database to the new database version?


In general, use caution when upgrading your OracleAS Metadata Repository database to a new database version. Check Oracle Metalink ( for posted articles or announcements that confirm that the database version and upgrade has been tested and is supported for an existing OracleAS Metadata Repository database.

A.1.2 Problems Using Middle Tier with Upgraded Infrastructure

Make sure you have followed the documented guidelines for upgrading your installations in the proper order.


After upgrading an Oracle9iAS Infrastructure, all the middle tiers generate errors when attempting to connect to the upgraded Infrastructure.


This problem occurs when you upgrade the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository before you upgrade the middle tiers that depend on the repository. To fix the problem, you must do one of the following:

  • Upgrade the middle tiers so they are the same version as the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

  • Revert the OracleAS Metadata Repository to its original version by restoring a backup of the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository; then, upgrade the middle tiers before upgrading the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository.

    See Also:

    Section 1.3 for information on the supported order of upgrade.

A.1.3 Insufficient Privileges Error When Upgrading Oracle9iAS Infrastructure on UNIX Systems

You upgrade Oracle9iAS Infrastructure using the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.1) installation procedure, which is performed using the Oracle Universal Installer.


When you attempt to upgrade Oracle9iAS Infrastructure on a UNIX system, the upgrade fails. An "insufficient privileges" error appears in the following log file:


Specifically, the error appears as follows:

oracle.sysman.assistants.util.sqlEngine.SQLFatalErrorException: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges


Before you start Oracle Universal Installer to begin the installation procedure, be sure to log in as a user that is a member of the DBA group for the database.

A.1.4 Problems Encountered While Upgrading Oracle Internet Directory

The Oracle Internet Directory upgrade assistant is one of the assistants that run near the end of the 10g Release 1 (10.1.1) installation procedure when you are upgrading an Oracle9iAS Infrastructure installation.

You can get information about the cause of Oracle Internet Directory upgrade assistant errors by looking at the following log file:


Problem 1

The upgrade assistant log file (oidca.log) reports the following:

OID processes are currently running


This is a result of some Oracle Internet Directory or Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning processes not being shut down properly in the source Oracle Home.

Shut down the processes in the source Oracle Home before retrying the Oracle Internet Directory configuration assistant from the Oracle Universal Installer configuration assistants page.

See Also:

Section 8.1.2 for instructions on stopping an Oracle9iAS Infrastructure or the Oracle Internet Directory documentation to stop the Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning processes in the source Oracle Home.

Problem 2

The Oracle Internet Directory configuration assistant fails during the Configuration Assistants phase of the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure upgrade with Oracle Universal Installer.


Check the contents of the following configuration file in the destination Oracle home and verify that the file contains the correct SERVICE_NAME entry for your Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository. If the value assigned to this entry is incorrect, enter the correct name, save the file, and retry the assistant.


A.1.5 Problem Stopping Processes in Source Oracle Home During Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Upgrade


When you run the Oracle Universal Installer to upgrade Oracle9iAS Infrastructure, a popup dialog notifies you that the installer will shut down some processes in the source Oracle home.

After the installer performs the shutdown, it checks that Oracle Internet Directory is stopped. If Oracle Internet Directory is not stopped for some reason, the installer displays another dialog notifying you of the problem.


Examine the following log file to determine the cause of the problem:


Resolve the problem and then manually stop Oracle Internet Directory in the source Oracle home. Once Oracle Internet Directory is stopped, continue with the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure upgrade by clicking Continue in Oracle Universal Installer.

See Section 8.1.2 for instructions on stopping Oracle Internet Directory.

A.1.6 Configuration Assistant Failure During Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Upgrade


Oracle Universal Installer invokes configuration assistants at the end of the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure upgrade. Some of the configuration assistants require an Oracle Database 10g database listener to connect to the database. If an Oracle Database 10g database listener is not available, those configuration assistants fail.


The installer normally starts an Oracle Database 10g database listener in the destination Oracle home. However, if an Oracle9i ( database listener is already running, then the installer fails to start the Oracle Database 10g ( database listener.

The most common cause of this problem is that you missed the instruction in a pop-up dialog during the installation. This message indicates during the interview phase of the installation that there is a running database listener running and that you should stop the listener manually before proceeding.

To correct the problem, stop the existing Oracle9i ( listener, and then start the database listener in the destination Oracle home, as follows:

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the destination Oracle home of upgrade.

  2. Change directory to bin directory of the destination Oracle home.

  3. Run the lsnrctl start command to start the listener.

After the Oracle Database 10g database listener is running, continue with the OracleAS Identity Management upgrade by clicking Retry on the Configuration Assistants page in Oracle Universal Installer.

A.1.7 Verifying the Progress of the Database Upgrade Assistant During OracleAS Identity Management Upgrade


Oracle Universal Installer starts Database Upgrade Assistant at the end of Oracle9iAS Infrastructure upgrade. Database Upgrade Assistant may take a long time depending on the size and contents of the database. The installer shows progress of the Database Upgrade Assistant by displaying percentage numbers, but no details about the progress are shown on the Configuration Assistants screen in Oracle Universal Installer.


If you would like to obtain more detailed information about the progress of the Database Upgrade Assistant, examine the log files generated by the Database Upgrade Assistant. The log files reside in:


In this example, replace SID with the system identifier of the database in the source Oracle home.

To obtain the timestamps of the different stages of the database upgrade, search for the string "COMP_TIME" in the log files. For example,

grep ^COMP_TIME *.log

The output of the command identifies each stage of the database upgrade, as well as a timestamp for each stage. For example:

Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP DBUPG__BGN 2004-12-16 10:11:00 2453356 36660
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLIP__END 2004-12-16 10:12:58 2453356 36778
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP CATALG_BGN 2004-12-16 10:27:44 2453356 37664
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP CATPROC    2004-12-16 11:18:45
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP RDBMS      2004-12-16 11:21:50
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP JAVAVM     2004-12-16 12:27:24
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP XML        2004-12-16 12:41:17
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP CATJAVA    2004-12-16 12:45:03
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP CONTEXT    2004-12-16 12:49:17
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP XDB        2004-12-16 12:56:32
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP OWM        2004-12-16 13:01:14
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP AMD        2004-12-16 13:11:04
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP ORDIM      2004-12-16 13:43:34
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP SDO        2004-12-16 13:52:30
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP WK         2004-12-16 13:56:24
Oracle_Server.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP DBUPG_END  2004-12-16 14:10:39
PostUpgrade.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_BGN  2004-12-16 14:12:32
PostUpgrade.log:COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_END  2004-12-16 15:29:47

A.1.8 Database Upgrade Assistant Failure During Oracle9iAS Infrastructure Upgrade

Oracle Universal Installer invokes Database Upgrade Assistant at the end of the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure upgrade. If the Database Upgrade Assistant fails, you can examine the log files generated by the Database Upgrade Assistant. The log files reside in:


In this example, replace SID with the system identifier of the database in the source Oracle home.

Examine the log files and determine the cause of the failure. In most cases, it is not possible to retry the Database Upgrade Assistant. Instead, you will need to restore the source Oracle home and the database files to their state before the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure upgrade. After the restoration, make sure that the problems which caused the Database Upgrade Assistant to fail are resolved. Then start the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure upgrade again.

A.2 Troubleshooting the Information Storage Database Upgrade

This section contains the following topics:

A.2.1 Spatial Component Error in Database Upgrade Assistant

In the Configuration Assistants screen of the Database Upgrade Assistant, the Spatial Component has a red X next to it.


This is a known issue.


You can ignore this error.

A.2.2 CommunicationException Thrown during Information Storage Database Upgrade

While the Oracle Collaboration Suite Schema Creation Assistant is running, between the messages "Modifying Schema for UM" and "Loading the mailstore object," the following error message appears:

javax.naming.CommunicationException: Request: 150 cancelled


This error occurs if the Oracle Internet Directory server shuts down while the Oracle Voicemail & FaxLDAP schema is being loaded from the Oracle Collaboration Suite information storage database.


Perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the file from the upgraded Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Database $ORACLE_HOME\um\install directory to the upgraded Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Infrastructure $ORACLE_HOME\bin directory using the ftp utility.

  2. Use the ldapmodify tool to upload the schema file using the "ignore errors" option. Enter the following command:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -h host -p port -D userdn -w password -f -c


    • ORACLE_HOME is the Infrastructure destination Oracle home.

    • host is the name of the host where Oracle Internet Directory is running.

    • port is the port where Oracle Internet Directory is running.

    • userdn is the DN of the Oracle Internet Directory administrator user.

    • password is the password of the Oracle Internet Directory administrator user.

  3. Start the Oracle Internet Directory Manager (oidadmin). Locate the Entry Management tree item and edit the attribute orclproductversion at cn=UM,cn=oracleschemaversion. Change the attribute's value to Retry the upgrade configuration assistant.

A.2.3 Collaboration Suite Schema Creation Configuration Assistant Fails

During the Oracle Collaboration Suite information storage database upgrade, the status of the Collaboration Suite Schema Creation is Failed on the Configuration Assistant screen.


This is a known issue.


Perform the steps in Section and click Retry in the Configuration Assistant screen.

A.2.4 ES_MAIL Schema Name Conflict

The Oracle Universal Installer displays the following error message during the process of enabling a customer Oracle Database 10g as an Oracle Collaboration Suite Database:

The Database has the following schema name conflicts. Ensure that this isfixed or select another database to be enabled as Oracle Colloboration SuiteDatabase before continuing. -ESMAIL 


The enabling process is attempting to create a schema named es_mail, but an empty schema with the same name exists in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.


Verify that the existing es_mail schema is empty and then drop it from the database.

A.2.5 Configuring Oracle Collaboration Suite Search with an Enabled Database

After upgrading Oracle Collaboration Suite with an enabled customer database enabled as an Oracle Collaboration Suite Database, Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Search does not return any results. To correct this problem perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database as wk_test.

  2. Run the following commands:

    exec wk_adm.use_instance('wk_inst');
    exec wk_util.register_dft_federated_sources;
  3. Restart the OC4J_OCSClient process using OPMN by entering the following command on the Applications tier:

    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J_OCSClient

A.3 Troubleshooting the Oracle Collaboration Suite Middle Tier Upgrade

This sections describes common problems and solutions. It contains the following topics:

A.3.1 No Instances Displayed in "Migrating Ultra Search Configuration Data" Screen

While running the Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistants, the Instances table in the Migrating Ultra Search Configuration Data screen does not display any of the existing instances.


The WKSYS password in the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository was changed during the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure upgrade and no longer matches the password stored in Oracle Internet Directory.


Reset the WKSYS password in the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database to match the password in Oracle Internet Directory by performing the following steps:

  1. Exit the Oracle Universal Installer.

  2. Look up the WKSYS password in Oracle Internet Directory. From the system running Oracle Internet Directory enter the following command from the Oracle home bin directory:

    ldapsearch -h oidhost -p oidport -D "cn=orcladmin" -w oiduser_password
    -b "cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases,cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext"
     -s sub "orclResourceName=wksys" orclpasswordattribute


    • oidhost is the name of the system running Oracle Internet Directory

    • oidport is the port where Oracle Internet Directory is running

    • oiduser_password is the password for the Oracle Internet Directory administrative user

    The utility returns the password as the value of orclpasswordattribute. For example:

    OrclResourceName=WKSYS,,cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases,cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContextorclpasswordattribute=T8l7Q155
  3. On the system running the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository, start SQL*Plus and log into the database as SYSDBA:

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus sysdba/sysdba_password
  4. Change the WKSYS password to the password obtained from Oracle Internet Directory by entering the following command at the SQL*Plus prompt:

    ALTER USER WKSYS IDENTIFIED BY orclpasswordattribute;

    where orclpasswordattribute is the password returned by the ldapsearch utility. For example:

  5. Restart the Oracle Universal Installer. The existing Oracle Ultra Search instances should now display in the Instances table.

A.3.2 Oracle Ultra Search Upgrade Configuration Assistant Failure

In the Configuration Assistants screen, the status of the Oracle Ultra Search Configuration Assistant is "Failed" and the log file contains the following errors:

CST ERROR:1 Framework ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon deniedjava.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied


The WKSYS password in the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database was changed during the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure upgrade and no longer matches the password stored in Oracle Internet Directory. This problem is caused by a known issue.


Perform the following steps:

  1. Leave the Oracle Universal Installer running.

  2. Look up the WKSYS password in Oracle Internet Directory and reset it in the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository database as explained in Section A.3.1.

  3. Select the Oracle Ultra Search configuration assistant in the table in the Configuration Assistants screen.

  4. Click Retry.

A.3.3 Error Logging into the OracleAS Portal Page After the Upgrade

After the middle tier upgrade, you are not able to log into OracleAS Portal.


The following error message appears when you log into the OracleAS Portal Page:

The address from which this authentication request was made, does not match your IP address. Notify your administrator if you believe this message to be in error. (WWC-41452)


Reconfigure OracleAS Portal by entering the following command from the Applications tier Oracle home configured with OracleAS Portal :

$ORACLE_HOME/portal/conf/ptlconfig -dad DAD -sso

A.3.4 Web Conference Meeting IDs Show PENDING Status After Oracle Real-Time Collaboration Upgrade

Oracle Calendar is integrated with Oracle Real-Time Collaboration. After the upgrade of Oracle Real-Time Collaboration, the status of meeting IDs is set to PENDING in Oracle Calendar clients.


As explained in Section 6.6.7, if Oracle Calendar is integrated with Oracle Real-Time Collaboration, then following the upgrade of Oracle Real-Time Collaboration, you need to reconfigure Oracle Calendar to get the new value of the key used to authenticate with Oracle Real-Time Collaboration. Until you perform the steps in this section, Oracle Calendar cannot communicate with Oracle Real-Time Collaboration. The status of meeting IDs is set to PENDING in Oracle Calendar clients.


Setting Oracle Calendar's initialiation parameter siteauthkey with the new value allows Web conferences created in Oracle Calendar to propagate to Oracle Real-Time Collaboration.

  • Perform the steps in Section 6.6.7.

  • If you do not perform these steps, then 72 hours after a meeting ID is set to PENDING, the status will remain PENDING. The only way to update the meeting ID is to change the meeting time or title.

A.3.5 Unable to Log in to the Applications Tier through OracleAS Single Sign-On

After upgrading to Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications, users cannot log in using OracleAS Single Sign-On.


When trying to log in to the upgraded Applications tier, users get an error message "Oracle SSO Failure - Unable to process request."


Change the port where the users are accessing OracleAS Single Sign-On from the HTTP listening port to the Web cache port using the OracleAS Single Sign-On administration page. For example, if the HTTP listening port is 7778 and the Web cache port is 7777, change the port for accessing OracleAS Single Sign-On to 7777.

A.3.6 Cannot Access Oracle Calendar Server through Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g or Oracle Calendar Application System

When you click on a link to Oracle Calendar server from the Oracle Enterprise Manager or from Oracle Calendar application system, you cannot access it through the URL specified.


The upgrade process registers the Oracle Calendar service using the https port. Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Calendar application system are trying to access Oracle Calendar server using this port. However, the URL will not work because the https port has not been registered as an OracleAS Single Sign-On Partner Application.

This problem will occur if you are upgrading from Release 1 ( and did not configure the middle tier https port as a Partner Application or if you are upgrading from Release 2 ( and you removed the https port as a Partner Application but left the https port in the webcache.xml file.


Check the OracleAS Single Sign-On administration page to make sure that the URL specified by Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g or another application is registered as a OracleAS Single Sign-On Partner Application.

A.3.7 "No Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases Registered With Oracle Internet Directory" Error

During the middle tier upgrade, after the Specify Username and Password for Oracle Internet Directory screen, the following error appears and the upgrade fails:

There are no Oracle Collaboraion Suite databases registered with thespecified OID. You must specify a different OID install and register an existing database Oracle Collaboration Suite database before you cancontinue Database information is unavailable for the following componentsOracle collaboration suite search- oracle calendar server"


This error occurs when the middle tier being upgraded does not use an Oracle Collaboration Suite information storage database. This configuration was possible if you installed a middle tier and configured only Oracle Calendar. This component used its own database in previous releases.


Load the Oracle Collaboration Suite schema information into the Infrastructure database by perform the following steps:

  1. Exit the Oracle Universal Installer.

  2. In the upgraded Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Infrastructure, copy the install/OCSdbSchemaReg.ini.sample file to OCSdbSchemaReg.ini. Open OCSdbSchemaReg.ini and fill in values for all the variables listed in the file.

  3. Run the following script from ORACLE_HOME/install where ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle home of the upgraded Infrastructure:

    ORACLE_HOME/install/ -f ORACLE_HOME/install/OCSdbSchemaReg.ini

    This configures the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Infrastructure database to work with components from Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications and performs the necessary registration with with Oracle Internet Directory.

  4. Run the Oracle Universal Installer again.

A.3.8 Upgraded Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Search Does Not Return Search Results

After the upgrade, queries performed using Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Search does not return any results.


This problem occurs when there are strings consisting of multi-byte characters in the file DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_OCSClient/connectors/UltraSearch/UltraSearch/META-INF/oc4j-ra.xml.

For example, you create an instance with a name that uses multi-byte characters and you configure this instance as the source of Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Search. When you copy and paste this string into oc4j-ra.xml, the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Search application does not recognize the instance name and does not perform the search.


Convert the oc4j-ra.xml file to UTF-8 encoding by performing the following steps:

  1. Edit the DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_OCSClient/connectors/UltraSearch/UltraSearch/META-INF/oc4j-ra.xml file by assigning the username, password and instancename properties. For example:

    <config-property name="userName" value="ultra_tw"/>
    <config-property name="password" value="welcome"/>
    <config-property name="instanceName" value="multibytename"/> 

    where multibytename is a multi-byte character string, for example a traditional Chinese string copied and pasted from a Big-5 encoded document.

  2. Download the oc4j-ra.xml file to your local system.

  3. Convert oc4j-ra.xml to UTF-8 using a character encoding conversion tool.

  4. Upload the new oc4j-ra.xml in UTF-8 to DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_OCSClient/connectors/UltraSearch/UltraSearch/META-INF/

  5. Removed the cached version of oc4j-ra.xml from DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_OCSClient/application-deployments/defaults/UltraSearch/oc4j-ra.xml

  6. Restart the OC4J_OCSClient instance.

A.3.9 Applying the Oracle Ultra Search Patch

If you are upgrading an Applications tier configured with Oracle Ultra Search, then download patch 4493920 from Oracle MetaLink and apply it to the upgraded Oracle Collaboration Suite Database 10g (10.1.1), according to the instructions contained in the patch ZIP file.

The patch fixes the following issues:

  • The configtool.log file contains the following Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Assistant error message:

    oracle.ocs.upgrade.exception.UpgradeException: Can not migrate data frommetadata repository database to Collaboration Suite database.
  • The wk0create_user.sql script does not grant all necessary privileges.

  • The Oracle Ultra Search Configuration Assistant fails when Oracle Internet Directory is in SSL-Only mode.

  • After the Applications tier upgrade, the Web search does not return results.

If you encounter any of these issues during or after the Applications tier upgrade, then apply the patch to the upgraded Oracle Collaboration Suite Database 10g (10.1.1).

A.3.10 Modifying Upgraded Calendar Accounts Using Delegated Administration Services

After an upgrade, if you try to modify certain user accounts using Delegated Administration services, an error similar to the following can occur:


Post Plugin Errors.
Calendar - oracle.idm.provisioning.plugin.PluginException: Calendar storage cannot be modified. Use the calendar administration tool to move the calendar account from one storage location to another

This generally happens with user accounts that did not exist in Oracle Calendar before the upgrade.

There are two workarounds for this problem; both involve changing the status of the account from UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS to PROVISIONING_NOT_REQUIRED.

Workaround 1: Using the Oracle Directory Manager

  1. Start Oracle Directory Manager:

  2. Log in to Oracle Directory Manager.

  3. In the System Objects frame:

    1. Expand Entry Management.

    2. Navigate to the appropriate subscriber dn, such as dc=com | dc=acme.

    3. Expand cn=users.

  4. Select the affected user.

  5. In the right pane, find the following attribute:

  6. Set its value to PROVISIONING_NOT_REQUIRED.

Workaround 2: Using the command line

Run the following command:

% printf "dn: `$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapsearch -host host -port port -D managerdn -w password -b basedn (mail=mail_of_the_user) dontremoveme`\nchangetype: modify\nreplace: orclUserApplnProvStatus;CALENDAR_CALENDAR\norclUserApplnProvStatus;CALENDAR_CALENDAR: PROVISIONING_NOT_REQUIRED\n" | $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -host host -port port -D managerdn -w password

For example:

% printf "dn: `$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapsearch -host -p 389 -D cn=orcladmin -w test1 -b dc=acme,dc=com ( dontremoveme`\nchangetype: modify\nreplace: orclUserApplnProvStatus;CALENDAR_CALENDAR\norclUserApplnProvStatus;CALENDAR_CALENDAR: PROVISIONING_NOT_REQUIRED\n" | $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapmodify -host -p 389 -D cn=orcladmin -w test1

A.3.11 Null Pointer Exception after Logging on to Oracle WebMail Page

After upgrading an Applications tier configured with Oracle Mail to 10.1.1, there is a NullPointerException after logging into the Oracle WebMail page at http://apptier_host:apptier_port/um


You need to perform manual steps to configure Oracle WebMail.


On the system running the upgraded Applications tier, perform the following steps where $ORACLE_HOME is the upgraded Applications tier Oracle home:

  1. Append the contents of the $ORACLE_HOME/um/client/config/ to the contents of $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_OCSClient/config/ For example:

    cat $ORACLE_HOME/um/client/config/ >>$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_OCSClient/config/
  2. Set the PERL5LIB environment parameter to:

    $ORACLE_ HOME/perl/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/5.6.1:$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/site_ perl/5.6.1
  3. Execute the script:

    $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $ORACLE_HOME/oes/bin/ -o path_to_old_oracle_home -n path_to_new_oracle_home 
  4. Restart the OC4J_OCSClient container:

    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J_OCSClient

A.3.12 Users Cannot Log in to Oracle Collaboration Suite Portal Page

After the upgrade from Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.1) Release 1 (, when some users log into the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.1) portal page at:


all the portlets display errors.


This error occurs for the orclguest user or for any user whose default portal page was changed. When logging in to the portal, the user is redirected to the old portal page rather than the new Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.1) Collaborative Portlets page.


To set the user's default home page to the new portal, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.1) portal page and log in as orcladmin.

  2. Select the Builder link.

  3. Click the Administer tab.

  4. In the Portal User Profile portlet, enter orclguest, then click Edit.

  5. On the Default Home Page field, click Reset.

  6. Click OK.

When logging into the portal page, the user is directed to the new page.

A.4 Troubleshooting the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository Upgrade

This section contains the following topics:

A.4.1 OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant Reports the Wrong Version of the Oracle9iAS Portal Schema

After applying the patch to upgrade the Oracle9iAS Portal schema to Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4), the OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant reports that the version is still at


This error occurs because one of the Applications tiers is still running.


Check each Applications tier that uses the Oracle9iAS Metadata Repository being upgraded and make sure that there are no processes executing in the Applications Oracle home.

A.4.2 Error Message When Logging into Oracle Ultra Search Administration Page

The message "No Suitable Driver" displays when logging into the Oracle Ultra Search administrative page.


This error is caused by a missing Oracle Internet Directory entry.


Add the entry to Oracle Internet Directory by performing the following steps:

  1. Log into Oracle Internet Directory Manager (oidadmin).

  2. Navigate to Entry Management -> cn=OracleContext -> cn=Portal -> cn=Ultrasearch -> cn=Database Instances -> orclApplicationCommonName=db_name -> cn=Associated Mid-tiers

  3. In the uniquemember attribute field, add the following line:

    orclapplicationcommonname=mid_instance_name,cn=midtier instances,cn=ultrasearch,cn=portal,cn=products,cn=oraclecontext

    where mid_instance_name is the Oracle Application Server instance name of the Oracle Ultra Search Applications tier, for example,

  4. Click Apply.

A.5 For Additional Help

You can find more solutions on Oracle MetaLink, If you do not find a solution for your problem, log a service request.

See Also:

Oracle Collaboration Suite Release Notes for Solaris, available on the Oracle Technology Network: