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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.1) for Microsoft Windows

Part Number B14484-01
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9 Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a Single Computer

Beta Draft

Although Oracle recommends that you install Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Infrastructure and Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications on different computers for better performance, you can perform a Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and Applications installation on a single computer also.

You can perform the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and Applications installation on a single computer in the following ways:

9.1 Using Basic Installation for Single-Computer Installation

Perform the steps listed in Table 9-1 to install Oracle Collaboration Suite on one computer using the Basic installation method.


Oracle Universal Installer uses the %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file to determine the host name. The host name that you specified in the hosts file may or may not be fully qualified. However, host names that are not fully qualified may not be usable outside the domain.

For example, if the fully-qualified domain name for a server is, and the hosts file only registers the name myserver, then clients in the domain have no trouble communicating with this host. However connections made by users in the domain may fail.

Also, ensure that the host name that you specify corresponds exactly to the host name you have, whether fully qualified or not.

Table 9-1 Screens for Single-Computer Basic installation

Step Screen Action
1. None Start the installer.

Refer to Section 3.4 for more information about starting the installer.

2. Select Installation Method Select Basic Installation.

Note: Refer to Section 1.6 for detailed information on Basic and Advanced installations.

Click Next.

3. Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials This screen appears only if this is the first installation of any Oracle product on this computer.

Enter a full path to the inventory directory. Enter a directory that is different from the Oracle home directory for the product files.

Example: C:\oracle\oraInventory

Specify operating system group name: Select the operating system group that will have write permission for the inventory directory.

Example: oinstall

Click Next.

4. Summary Verify your selections and click Install.
5. Install Progress This screen displays the progress of the installation.
6. Configuration Assistants This screen shows the progress of the configuration assistants. Configuration assistants configure components.
7. End of Installation Click Exit to quit the installer.


The information displayed at the end of the installation is also available in the %ORACLE_HOME%\install\setupinfo.txt file. This file contains summarized information about Oracle Collaboration Suite and links to the URLs.

9.2 Using Advanced Installation for Single-Computer Installation

This section contains the following topics:

9.2.1 Starting Single-Computer Installation

To perform Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and Applications installation on a single computer, you must first start the Oracle Universal Installer. Refer to Section 3.4 for more details.


Oracle Universal Installer uses the %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file to determine the host name. The host name that you specified in the hosts file may or may not be fully qualified. However, host names that are not fully qualified may not be usable outside the domain.

For example, if the fully-qualified domain name for a server is, and the hosts file only registers the name myserver, then clients in the domain have no trouble communicating with this host. However connections made by users in the domain may fail.

Also, ensure that the host name that you specify corresponds exactly to the host name you have, whether fully qualified or not.

9.2.2 Performing Single-Computer Installation

Perform the steps listed in Table 9-2 to install Oracle Collaboration Suite on a single computer.


You will not be prompted for an e-mail domain during this installation. This is because the e-mail domain is defaulted to the system on which you are performing the single-computer installation.

Table 9-2 Screens for Single-Computer Advanced installation

Step Screen Action
1. None Start the installer.

Refer to Section 3.4 for more information about starting the installer.

2. Select Installation Method Select Advanced Installation.

Note: Refer to Section 1.6 for detailed information on Basic and Advanced installations.

Click Next.

3. Specify File Locations

(Advanced installation only)

Enter the full path of the source directory in the Path field for Source.

Enter a name to identify the Oracle home in the Name field for Destination. The name cannot contain spaces and has a maximum length of 16 characters.Example: infra_home_10_1_1

Enter the full path to the destination directory in the Path field for Destination. This is the Oracle home. If the directory does not exist, the installer creates it. To create the directory beforehand, create it as the oracle user.

Do not create the directory as the root user.Example: C:\oracle\infra_10_1_1

Click Next.

4. Select Product to Install

(Advanced installation only)

Select Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and Applications.

If you need to install support for additional languages, then click Product Languages. Refer to Section 1.7 for more details.

Click Next.

5. Product-specific Prerequisite Checks

(Advanced installation only)

The installer verifies requirements such as memory, disk space, and operating system version. If any check fails, make the required changes and click Retry. Refer to Chapter 2, "Preparing to Install Oracle Collaboration Suite" for the list of hardware and software requirements.

Note: If the kernel parameter check fails and you click Retry after making the required changes, the installer does not rerun the check. After changing the kernel parameters, select User Verified and proceed. To validate the changes, you may want to restart the installer.

Click Next.

6. Language Selection

(Advanced installation only)

This screen enables you to select the language in which Oracle Collaboration Suite components will run.

Select the required language or languages from the Available Languages list and add them to the Selected Languages list.

Click Next.

7. Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and Applications Methodology

(Advanced installation only)

Read the instructions on the screen carefully.

Click Next.

8. Select Components to Configure

(Advanced installation only)

Select the Applications components that you want to install.

Click Next.

9. Specify Namespace in Internet Directory

(Advanced installation only)

Select the suggested namespace, or enter a custom namespace for the location of the default Identity Management realm.Ensure that the value shown in Suggested Namespace meets your deployment needs. If it does not, then enter the desired value in Custom Namespace.

Refer to Section 4.3.9 for more details.

Click Next.

10. Specify Database Configuration Options

(Advanced installation only)

Enter a name for the Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Database in the Global Database Name field. Append the domain name of your computer to the database name.Example:

Enter the system identifier for Oracle Collaboration Suite Database in the SID field. Typically this is the same as the global database name, but without the domain name. The SID must be unique across all databases. The SID cannot be longer than eight characters.Example: orcl

Click Next.

11. Specify Database Schema Passwords

(Advanced installation only)

Set passwords for privileged database accounts, which are used for database management and postinstallation tasks.

Refer to Section 4.3.8 for more details.

12. Specify Application Passwords

(Advanced installation only)

Depending on the type of installation you selected, enter a password for administrative accounts of:
  • Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Infrastructure (ias_admin)

  • Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications (ias_admin)

  • Guest Account (orclguest)

13. Specify Oracle Mail Domain Information

(Advanced installation only)

If you are installing the first instance of Oracle Mail, you must enter the domain name for the e-mail server, else select the domain name from the list.

Click Next.

14. Specify Port Configuration Options

(Advanced installation only)

To use default ports for the components, select Automatic.

If you do not want to use the default ports, then select Manually Specify Ports and select the component for which you want to specify the port.

Refer to Section 2.4.4 for more details about how to manually specify ports.

Click Next.

Note: The Automatic option only uses ports in the range 7777-7877 for Oracle HTTP Server and 4443-4543 for Oracle HTTP Server with SSL. If you need to set the port numbers as 80 for Oracle HTTP Server and 443 for Oracle HTTP Server with SSL, then you must select the Manually Specify Ports option.

15. Summary Verify your selections and click Install.
16. Install Progress This screen displays the progress of the installation.
17. Configuration Assistants This screen shows the progress of the configuration assistants. Configuration assistants configure components.
18. End of Installation Click Exit to quit the installer.


The information displayed at the end of the installation is also available in the %ORACLE_HOME%\install\setupinfo.txt file. This file contains summarized information about Oracle Collaboration Suite and links to the URLs.