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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.1) for Microsoft Windows

Part Number B14484-01
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1 What You Should Know Before Installation

Beta Draft

Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g release ( consists of three conceptual layers or tiers. The first layer is Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure (also known as the Infrastructure tier) that consists of Oracle Collaboration Suite Database (an Oracle 10g Database) and the necessary Oracle Identity Management components. The second layer, Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications (also known as the Applications tier) consists of the applications that are the heart of Oracle Collaboration Suite. These applications include:

Oracle Collaboration Suite also consists of a third tier called Client tier that consists of the end-user applications that reside on client devices, such as desktops, laptops, wireless phones, and PDAs.

The aim of this guide is to help you to install Oracle Collaboration Suite. This chapter provides basic information about the installation process.

This chapter contains the following sections:

1.1 Order of Installation

You must install Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Infrastructure first. It is a prerequisite for all Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications, such as Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Content Services, Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Calendar, and other components. Install Applications after you install Infrastructure.

1.2 Contents of Oracle Collaboration Suite DVD Pack

Oracle Collaboration Suite DVD Pack contains the following disks:

1.3 Compatibility with Earlier Versions

Refer to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Guide for information about compatibility with earlier versions.

1.4 Where Do I Install Oracle Collaboration Suite?

You can install Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and components of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications on the same computer or on different computers. For optimum performance, it is recommended that you install Infrastructure on one computer and Applications on different computers.

For example, Figure 1-1 shows a topology with four computers. The Applications tier is distributed on different computers. All applications connect to an instance of Infrastructure, which is installed on a separate computer.

Figure 1-1 Configuration with Multiple Applications Tiers and an Infrastructure

Multiple Application Tiers
Description of the illustration ocsig008.gif

1.5 Oracle Home Directory

The directory in which you install Oracle Collaboration Suite is called the Oracle home. During the installation, you must specify the full path and a name for the Oracle home.For example, you can install Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure in the directory C:\oracle\OraHome_infra_10_1_1 , and you can name it InfraHome.

Oracle Universal Installer does not allow you to install Applications and Infrastructure in the same Oracle home. If you plan to install Applications and Infrastructure on the same computer, then you must install them in different Oracle home directories. Typically, you cannot install Oracle Collaboration Suite in an existing Oracle home.

Refer to Section 2.9 for a list of invalid installation scenarios.


  • Spaces are not allowed in the Oracle home directory path. For example, you cannot install in the following path:

    C:\program files\oracle\infra10_1_1

    This is because of the space character in program files. The installer does not check for this until several screens after you have entered the path.

  • It is not possible to install Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications in to an existing Oracle home, when you are trying to expand the Applications tier.

1.6 What Are the Types of Installations Supported by Oracle Collaboration Suite?

Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 ( supports the following types of installation:

Figure 1-2 illustrates the different types of Oracle Collaboration Suite installations.

Figure 1-2 Types of Oracle Collaboration Suite Installations

Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation Methods
Description of the illustration installflow.gif

1.6.1 Basic Installation

Also known as One-click installation, this installation method enables you to quickly install Oracle Collaboration Suite with minimal inputs.

To complete a Basic installation, you must specify the following information:

  • Installation Directory

    Specify the full path to the directory where you want to install the software (the Oracle home directory).

  • Password

    Specify a common password for the administrative accounts (schema). The password must have a minimum of five alphanumeric characters and at least one of the characters must be a number. Also, the password can not start with dollar sign ($), underscore (_), number sign (#), or a number.

    You must reenter the password that you specified previously to confirm that it is correct.

  • Components that you must select

    Click Select Components to display the Select Components to Configure screen.

    By Default, All Oracle Collaboration Suite components are selected for configuration during an installation. However, you might have one or more components installed on another Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier. Or, you may choose not to use some components at all. Deselect any components that you do not want to configure on this Applications tier.

  • Set Languages

    Click Set Languages to display the Language Selection screen.

    The default language selected in the Selected Languages list is English. However if the language of the operating system of the computer on which you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite is not English, then that language will also be automatically added to Selected Languages list. As a result, two languages, English and the locale language of your operating system, will be installed as a part of the basic Oracle Collaboration Suite installation.

    To install other languages, ensure that the required languages are added to the Selected Languages list.

During the Basic installation uses the following defaulted variables and values:

  • Oracle Home name

    If there are no Oracle homes already present on the computer where you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite, then the default value used is OCS_home.

    If there is an Oracle home already present on the computer where you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite, then a new unique value, such as OCS_home1, OCS_home2, ....OCS_homen, which does not exist, is computed.

  • Database SID

    If there are no database SIDs already present on the computer where you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite, then the default value used is ocsdb.

    If there is a database SID already present on the computer where you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite, then a new unique value, such as ocsdb1, ocsdb2, ....ocsdbn, which does not exist, is computed.


    For Advanced installation, if there are no database SIDs already present on the computer where you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite, then the default value used is orcl.

    If there is a database SID already present on the computer where you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite, then a new unique value, such as orcl1, orcl2, ....orcln, which does not exist, is computed.

  • Configured components

    By default, all the components of the Applications tier are selected. However, you can change this by using the Select Components to Configure screen.

  • Product Languages

    By default, the language is set to English and if the locale language of the operating system of the computer on which you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite is not English, then this locale language is also defaulted.

During the Basic installation uses the following computed variables and values:

  • From location

    The "From" location is computed to the install_path/stage/products.xml. The install_path is the directory where setup.exe is located.

  • Mount point

    The value of mount point is computed to %ORACLE_BASE%\oradata.

    For example, if the Oracle home for the Infrastructure installation is C:\oracle\infra, then the mount point location will be computed to C:\oracle\oradata.

  • E-mail domain

    The value is computed to the domain name of the computer, such as The domain name of the computer is determined and is assigned as the e-mail domain.

    If the domain name has the occurrences of "-", then it is automatically changed to "_".

  • Global database name

    The value is computed to Database_SID.Email_Domain. For example,


    For Advanced installation, the value is computed to Database_SID.Email_Domain. For example,

    If the domain name has the occurrences of "-", then it is automatically changed to "_".

  • Identity Admin context

    The value is computed to period-separated values from the e-mail domain. For example, dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com.

  • Operators group

    The value is computed to the first group available to the user.

  • dba group

    The value is computed to the same as the operators group.

1.6.2 Advanced Installation

This installation method enables you to complete any of the following tasks:

  • Perform a custom software installation or choose a different database configuration.

  • Select an installation type.

  • Install Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure components of your choice.

  • Enables you to install Oracle Collaboration Suite in an existing database.

  • Select different product languages.

  • Specify different passwords for all schemas.

Advanced installation can be of the following types: Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure Installation

This Infrastructure installation type offers the following choices for Infrastructure installation:

  • Identity Management-only installation

  • Oracle Collaboration Suite Database-only installation

  • Identity Management and Oracle Collaboration Suite Database installation

  • Enable existing Oracle 10g Database to Oracle Collaboration Suite installation

Refer to Chapter 4 for more information on Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure installation. Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications Installation

This installation type enables you to install a new Applications tier against an existing Identity Management and Oracle Collaboration Suite Database.

Refer to Chapter 8 for more information on Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications installation. Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and Applications Installation

This installation type enables you to install an instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications on a single computer.

Refer to Chapter 9 for more information on Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications installation on one computer.

1.7 Installing Support for Additional Languages

By default, the installer installs Oracle Collaboration Suite with text in English and in the operating system language. To install support for additional languages, select the required language or languages from the Available Languages list and add them to the Selected Languages list on the Language Selection screen.

Selection of additional languages is also possible when you choose the Basic installation mode. Click Set Languages to display the Language Selection screen. Refer to Section 1.6.1 for detailed information on Basic installation mode.


You cannot install support for additional languages after installation. You must install support for additional languages during the installation.

If you run Oracle Collaboration Suite in an environment that uses a language that you did not install, then the user interface may display text in that language or in English. It may also display square boxes, which are caused by missing fonts, instead of text.

1.8 Oracle Collaboration Suite Instances and Instance Names

When you install Infrastructure or Applications, an instance of Oracle Collaboration Suite is created. During the installation, the installer prompts you to provide a name for the Oracle Collaboration Suite instance. For example, you can name the instance infrainstance. This name can be different from the Oracle home name. You cannot change the instance name after installation.Oracle Collaboration Suite appends the host name and domain name to the given instance name to form a complete instance name. For example, if you are installing an instance on a computer named c1, and you name the instance infra1, then the full name of the instance is, assuming the domain name is

Valid characters in instance names can only consist of:

There is no restriction for the length of instance names.

1.8.1 How Oracle Collaboration Suite Uses Instance Names

Instance names are important because Oracle Collaboration Suite uses them to uniquely identify instances. So, if you install multiple Oracle Collaboration Suite instances on the same computer (for example, an Infrastructure instance and an Applications instance), you must give them different names.

When you administer Oracle Collaboration Suite using Oracle Enterprise Manager, the instance name appears on the screens. Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration for Oracle Collaboration Suite is a browser-based administration tool for Oracle Collaboration Suite. You can click the instance name to see details about the instance, such as the components that are installed in that instance, whether the components are running or stopped, and the log files for the components.

Some dcmctl commands require an instance name as a parameter. dcmctl is a command-line tool for administering Oracle Collaboration Suite instances.

See Also:

Distributed Configuration Management Administrator's Guide for more details about dcmctl

1.9 The ias_admin User and Restrictions on Its Password

The installer prompts you to specify the password for the ias_admin user. The ias_admin user is the administrative user for Oracle Collaboration Suite instances. To manage Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure instances using Application Server Control, you log in as ias_admin.


To manage the Applications tier instances, you must use Application Server Control for Collaboration Suite.

You can install multiple Oracle Collaboration Suite instances on a given computer with a unique name for each instance, but the name of the administrative user is ias_admin for all instances. The password for the ias_admin user can be different for each instance.

The password for the ias_admin user must conform to the password policy of Oracle Internet Directory:

Remember the password, because you must enter it in the following cases:

If you forget the password, you can reset it.

See Also:

Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for more details on resetting the ias_admin password

1.10 Where Does the Installer Write Files?

The installer writes files to the directories listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Directories in Which the Installer Writes Files

Directory Description
Oracle home This directory contains Oracle Collaboration Suite files. You specify this directory during installation.

(system_drive:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory)

When you install the first Oracle product on a computer, you specify this directory. The installer uses this directory to keep track of Oracle products that are installed on the computer. In subsequent installations, the installer uses the same inventory directory.
TEMP The installer writes files needed during installation to a temporary directory.

The temporary directory is specified by the TEMP variable.

Refer to Table 2-7 for more information about setting a different temp directory.

1.11 Connecting to Oracle Internet Directory Through SSL

By default, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is disabled when you install Oracle Collaboration Suite. However, when you install Infrastructure or Applications, you can specify that Applications must connect to Oracle Internet Directory only through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections. On screens where you specify the host name and port for Oracle Internet Directory, you can select the Use Only SSL Connections with This Oracle Internet Directory check box.