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Oracle Ultra Search User's Guide
Release 9.0.3

Part Number B10043-01
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What's New in Ultra Search?

1 Introduction to Ultra Search

Ultra Search Overview
Ultra Search Components
Ultra Search Crawler
Ultra Search Server Component
Ultra Search Administration Tool
Ultra Search APIs and Sample Applications
Ultra Search System Configuration

2 Installing and Configuring Ultra Search

Ultra Search Requirements
Ultra Search System Requirements
Installing the Ultra Search Server Component
Installing and Configuring the Server Component
Installing the Server Component on an Existing Database or Metadata Repository
Database Requirements
Installing the Server Component on an Existing Oracle9i Database
Installing the Server Component on an Existing iAS Metadata Repository
Installing the Ultra Search Middle Tier on Web Server Hosts
Web Application Concepts
Browser Requirements
Installing the Middle Tier Component
Configuring the Middle Tier Component
Installing the Server Component on Remote Crawler Hosts
Installing the Server Component on Remote Crawler Hosts
Configuring the Server Component on Remote Crawler Hosts
What To Do if You Make a Mistake

3 Post-Installation and Upgrade Information

Configuring the Oracle Server for Ultra Search
Step 1: Tune the Oracle Database
Step 2: Create and Assign the Temporary Tablespace to the CTXSYS User
Step 3: Create a Large Tablespace for Each Ultra Search Instance User
Step 4: Create and Configure New Database Users for Each Ultra Search Instance
Step 5: Gather Statistics for the Tables
Step 6: Alter the Index Preferences
Managing Stoplists
Default Ultra Search Stoplist
Modifying Instance Stoplists
Upgrading to the Most Recent Ultra Search Release
Upgrade from Ultra Search 1.0.3 (Oracle9i Database 9.0.1) to 9.0.3
Upgrade from Ultra Search 9.0.2 to 9.0.3
Upgrade from Ultra Search 9.2 to 9.0.3

4 Understanding the Ultra Search Crawler and Data Sources

Ultra Search Crawler Overview
Crawler Settings
Crawler Data Sources
Using Crawler Agents
Synchronizing Data Sources
Display URL and Access URL
Document Attributes
Crawling Process for the Schedule
Queuing and Caching Documents
Indexing Documents
Data Synchronization
Ultra Search Remote Crawler

5 Understanding the Ultra Search Administration Tool

Ultra Search Administration Tool
Setting Crawler Parameters
Setting Query Options
Online Help in Different Languages
Logging On to Ultra Search
Logging On and Managing Instances as SSO Users
Logging On to Ultra Search through Oracle Portal
Granting privileges to SSO users
Instances Page
Creating an Instance
Selecting an Instance
Deleting an Instance
Editing an Instance
Crawler Page
Remote Crawler Profiles
Crawler Statistics
Web Access Page
URL Authentication
Attributes Page
Search Attributes
Sources Page
Web Sources
Table Sources
Email Sources
File Sources
User-Defined Sources
Oracle9iAS Portal Sources
Schedules Page
Data Synchronization
Index Optimization
Queries Page
Data Groups
URL Submission
Relevancy Boosting
Query Statistics
Users Page
Globalization Page
Search Attribute Name
LOV Display Name
Data Group Name

6 Ultra Search Developer's Guide and API Reference

Overview of Ultra Search APIs
Ultra Search Query API
Ultra Search Crawler Agent API
Crawler Agent Overview
Crawler Agent Functionality
Sample Agent Files
Setting up the Sample Crawler Agent
Ultra Search Java Email API
JavaMail Implementation
Java Email API
Sample Mailing List Browser Application Files
Setting up the Sample Mailing List Browser Application
Ultra Search URL Rewriter API
URL Link Filtering
URL Link Rewriting
Creating and Using a URL Rewriter
Ultra Search Sample Query Applications
Java Server Page (JSP) Sample Query Applications
Java Server Page Concepts
Ultra Search Query Tag Library
Query Tag Descriptions
Customizing the Query Syntax Expansion
Default Query Syntax Expansion Implementation
Customizing the Rules

A Tuning the Web Crawling Process

Web Crawling Strategy
Monitoring the Crawling Process
URL Looping

B Tuning Query Performance

C Using the Remote Crawler

Scalability and Load Balancing
How is "Launching" Achieved?
Installation and Configuration Sequence

D Table Data Source Synchronization

Synchronizing Crawling of Oracle Databases
Create Log Table
Create Log Triggers
Synchronizing Crawling of Non-Oracle Databases

E Loading Metadata into Ultra Search

Launching the Loading Tool
Loading Documents and Relevance Scores
The Input XML File
Loading Search Attribute LOVs and LOV Display Names
The LOV XML File
XML Schema for Document Relevance Boosting
XML Schema for LOVs and LOV Display Names

F Altering the Crawler Java Classpath

Reasons for Altering the Crawler Java Classpath
Difference Between the Crawler Classpath and the Remote Crawler Classpath
Altering the Crawler Java Classpath on the Ultra Search Server Host
Altering the Crawler Java Classpath on a Remote Crawler Host

G Customizing the Query Syntax Expansion 9.0.1

Default Query Syntax Expansion Implementation
End User Query Syntax
Expansion Rules
Customizing the Rules
