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Oracle® Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
Part No. B14432-01
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List of Tables

1-1 Supported J2EE Specifications
2-1 Environment Variable Settings
3-1 Options for oc4j executables
4-1 OC4J Startup Options
4-2 -D General System Properties for OC4J
4-3 OC4J Debug Properties
4-4 stdout/stderr Archive Management Properties
6-1 URI Parameters for Targeting a Group
6-2 URI Parameters for Targeting a Specific Instance
6-3 URI Parameters for Targeting Standalone OC4J
6-4 Java Log Levels
6-5 -deploy Command Subswitches for EAR Deployment
6-6 -deploy Command Subswitches for WAR Deployment
6-7 -deploy Command Subswitches for RAR Deployment
6-8 -bindAllWebApps Command Subswitches
6-9 -bindWebApp Command Subswitches
6-10 -redeploy Command Subswitches
6-11 -updateEJBModule Syntax
6-12 -publishSharedLibrary Command Subswitches
6-13 -modifySharedLibrary Command Subswitches
7-1 Setting the Host and Login Information
7-2 Options for OC4J Server Shutdown/Restart
7-3 Option for Checking for Updated Files
7-4 Options for Application Deployment
7-5 Options for Application Restart
7-6 Options for Updating an EJB Module
7-7 Options for Web Site Administration
7-8 Options for Data Source Management
7-9 Options for Application and Data Source Management
7-10 Options for Data Source File Conversion
7-11 Options for Application Deployment
8-1 Oc4jRoutingMode Values
8-2 Configuration Files to Replicate Across a Cluster
9-1 <replication-policy> trigger Attribute Values
9-2 <replication-policy> scope Attribute Values
9-3 Stateful Session EJB Replication Policy Configuration
10-1 List of Log Files Generated for OC4J
10-2 OC4J Logger Log Levels
11-1 Attributes of <global-thread-pool>
11-2 Attributes of <work-manager-thread-pool>
12-1 Top-Level OC4J System MBeans
12-2 Required Restart Property Values
12-3 Persist Policy Property Values
13-1 Attributes of the <port> Element
13-2 opmnctl config port Options
B-1 Server-Level and Global Configuration Files
B-2 Application-Level Configuration Files
B-3 <application-server> Attributes
B-4 <application> Attributes
B-5 <code-source> Attributes
B-6 <global-application> Attributes
B-7 <global-thread-pool> Attributes
B-8 <global-web-app-config> Attributes
B-9 <import-shared-library> Attributes
B-10 <init-param> Attributes
B-11 <j2ee-logging-config> Attributes
B-12 <java-compiler> Attributes
B-13 <javacache-config> Attributes
B-14 <jms-config> Attributes
B-15 <rmi-config> Attributes
B-16 <shared-library> Attributes
B-17 <shutdown-class> Attributes
B-18 <startup-class> Attributes
B-19 <transaction-manager-config> Attributes
B-20 <web-site> Attributes
B-21 Web Site Configuration File Attributes
B-22 <frontend> Attributes
B-23 <web-app> Attributes
B-24 <user-web-apps> Attributes
B-25 <ssl-config> Attributes
C-1 OC4J_HTTP_SESSION Table Description
C-2 OC4J_HTTP_SESSION_VALUETable Description
C-3 OC4J_EJB_SESSION Table Description