Oracle Containers for J2EE Job Scheduler Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use JobHandle

Uses of JobHandle in oracle.ias.scheduler

Methods in oracle.ias.scheduler that return JobHandle
 JobHandle Job.getHandle()
          Gets the handle for this job.
 JobHandle Scheduler.add(java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String className, Schedule schedule, java.util.Properties properties)
          Submits a job to the scheduler.
 JobHandle Scheduler.add(java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String className, Trigger trigger, java.util.Properties properties)
          Used to submit a job to the scheduler.
 JobHandle Scheduler.add(java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String className, Schedule schedule, Trigger trigger, java.util.Properties properties, java.util.logging.Level logLevel, long retryPeriod, long executionThreshold)
          Used to submit a job to the scheduler.

Methods in oracle.ias.scheduler with parameters of type JobHandle
 Job Scheduler.getJob(JobHandle job)
          Retrieve the metadata for the job specified.
 void Scheduler.remove(JobHandle job)
          Once a job has been submitted to the scheduler it may be optionally removed.
 void Scheduler.cancel(JobHandle job)
          A submitted job may be optionally cancelled.
 void Scheduler.pause(JobHandle job)
          Used to pause any subsequent executions of the specified job.
 void Scheduler.resume(JobHandle job, boolean replay)
          Used to resume the execution of a job that was previously paused.
 int Scheduler.getState(JobHandle job)
          Returns the state of the job specified.
 void Scheduler.setLogLevel(JobHandle job, java.util.logging.Level level)
          Set the log level for the job specified to the level indicated as defined in java.util.logging.Level.
 java.util.logging.Level Scheduler.getLogLevel(JobHandle job)
          Returns the log level for the job specified.
 void Scheduler.addListener(JobHandle job, java.lang.Class listener)
          Add event listener for job specified
 void Scheduler.removeListener(JobHandle job, java.lang.Class listener)
          Remote event listener for job specified

Constructors in oracle.ias.scheduler with parameters of type JobHandle
Job(java.lang.String classname, java.lang.String desc, Schedule schedule, Trigger trigger, java.util.Properties props, java.util.logging.Level loglevel, long retryPeriod, long executionThreshold, JobHandle handle)
          Constructs a Job using the parameters specified.

Uses of JobHandle in oracle.ias.scheduler.event

Methods in oracle.ias.scheduler.event that return JobHandle
 JobHandle SchedulerEvent.getHandle()
          Retrieve the job handle associated with the event.

Constructors in oracle.ias.scheduler.event with parameters of type JobHandle
JobBlackoutEvent(JobHandle job, boolean isReplay, boolean isRetry)
          Initializes a newly created JobBlackoutEvent with the job handle specified.
JobCompletedEvent(JobHandle job)
          Initializes a newly created JobCompletedEvent with the job handle specified.
JobCreatedEvent(JobHandle handle, Schedule schedule)
          Initializes a newly created JobCreatedEvent with the job handle specified.
JobExecutionCancelledEvent(JobHandle job, long begin, long end, boolean isReplay, boolean isRetry)
          Initializes a newly created JobCancelledEvent with the job handle specified.
JobExecutionErrorEvent(JobHandle job, long begin, long end, boolean isReplay, boolean isRetry, java.lang.Exception cause)
          Initializes the event with the parameters specified.
JobExecutionEvent(JobHandle job, long beginTime, long endTime, boolean isReplay, boolean isRetry)
          Initializes a newly created JobExecutionEvent with the job handle, execution begin time, and execution end time specified.
JobExecutionFailedEvent(JobHandle job, long begin, long end, boolean isReplay, boolean isRetry, java.lang.Exception cause)
          Initializes a newly created JobFailedEvent with the job handle, execution begin time, execution end time, and cause specified.
JobExecutionPausedEvent(JobHandle job)
          Initializes a newly created JobExecutionPausedEvent with the job handle specified.
JobExecutionSucceededEvent(JobHandle job, long begin, long end, boolean isReplay, boolean isRetry)
          Initializes a newly created JobSucceedededEvent with the job handle, execution begin time, and execution end time specified.
JobExecutionThresholdExceededEvent(JobHandle job, long difference)
          The source of the event is the job.
JobPausedEvent(JobHandle job)
          Initializes a newly created JobPausedEvent with the job handle specified.
JobRemovedEvent(JobHandle job)
          Initializes a newly created JobRemovedEvent with the job handle specified.
JobResumedEvent(JobHandle job)
          Initializes a newly created JobResumedEvent with the job handle specified.
RestartEvent(JobHandle job, boolean isReplay, boolean isRetry)
          Initializes a newly created RestartEvent with the job handle, replay and retry flags

Oracle Containers for J2EE Job Scheduler Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)


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